HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-11-29, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 1951 KIRKTON Mrs. Mary Gallop spent part of the past week with daughter, Mrs. Don McRea, Coniston, near Sudbury. Mr,. Fred Lankin of St. Marys spent Saturday with his sister, Mrs. I. N. Marshall. Mrs. M. Gregory attended the reception of the Brownlee-Arm­ strong wedding at Londoix this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Guest and family of Thorndale visited with Mi', and Mrs. Lorne Marshall this week. Miss Jean Cook of Motherwell and Miss Jean Stephenson of Science Hill, students at Strat­ ford Normal, are practice teach­ ing at Kirkton Public School this week. Mr. Ronald Timnxs, teacher at Kirkton, spent the week-end with his parents at Woodstock. A number of Holstein men from this district, attended the Jarrott brothers’ sale of some 65 head of cattle at Kippen on Monday. One two-month-old calf brought $200. Miss L. mer and from the Hospital, end guests with Mr. T. A. Wisenxan. Bailey, Miss M. Bal- Miss E. Jacques, all staff of the General Toronto, were week- and Mrs. FOR SALE MAGAZINES—New and renewal subscriptions for any magazine are received at The Times- Advocate. tf twllt Eir if a favourite with hot oni- witli spareribs are your family try them sauce. Top If with this applesauce with ons and serve it the spareribs. * * "Look at the bert gave me. It fits beautifully.” "Yes, it’s very nice, dear. It was a bit tight on me.” a cup of some as a fried sauce ** lovely ring Hu- CHALK RIVER PRODUCES CANCER WEAPON — First of many cancer-fighting weapons to be made as a result of Canadian experiments at the Chalk River atomic energy re- ’search station, this machine was turned ovex' to Victoria Hos­ pital, London, Ont. The machine uses cobalt 60 as hn atom "bomb” to bombard cancer cells in the mechanical arrange­ ment shown here. Canadian and LT.S. scientists were on hand to examine the machine. —Central Press Canadian ■■ Opportunity Sale SCOTCH SHORTHORNS R.R. LIONS ARENA CLINTON Tuesday, Dec. 4 wish to thank the friends so kindly remembered me letters, cards, flowers, fruit those who visited me while 10 BULLS at 1:30 pan. sharp 27 FEMALES Sponsored by the following breeders: KIPPENROBERT M. PECK & SONS McKINLEY’S FARM AND HATCHERY ..ZURICH CLIFFORD H. KEYS & SONS VARNA JOHN OSTROM VARNA BIRTHS TRAYER—In Clinton Commun­ ity Hospital on Friday, Nov­ embei' 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Trayer, of R.R. 2, Hensail, a daughter; a sistei' for Sandra and George. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Allen Watson, 6, Goderich, Ont., wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean Isohel, to Harold Frederick Schroeder, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Schroe­ der, R.R. 2, Dashwood, Ont. The marriage will take place early in December. 29c CARDS OF THANKS I who with and in the hospital and since return­ ing home. 29* •—Victoria Coward I wish to thank the many friends who so kindly remem­ bered cards, those who visited me, patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, and since returning home. 29c —Louieda Finkbeiner Mrs. Charles Glanville wishes to thank all her friends and neighbours fox' ceived while she in St. Joseph’s since hex’ return nxe with gifts, letters, flowers and fruit, and while a kindnesses re- was a patient Hospital home. and 29* ROY F. PEPPER & SON SEAFORTH A For Catalogues, Write Any of the Above ror Him Wrist WatchesV V Coloured Stone Rings Signet Rings Initial V Lodge Electric ShaversV Silver FlatwareCuff LinksV V Tie Sets Waldemar ChainsV The V Ronson Lighters BillfoldsV Silver Cigarette CasesV ALWAYS RIGHT!JEWELLERY IS China Cups and Saucers Rings Rings Rings Glassware China Figurines Lodge Rings Rhinestone Jewellery Silver Holloware Signet Kings Stone Diamond Rings V V Compacts IN MEMORIAM DEVINE—In loving memory of a kind husband and father, Wiliam Devine, who passed away, November 28, 19 50. precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is still, place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. But God is good, He gives strength To bear our heavy cross; He is the only one who knows How bittei' is our loss. —Sadly missed by wife, son and daughter-in-law. jKYDD—In loving memory of- my dear father, Jonathan who passed away three ago, Novembei’ 26, 1948. He bid no one a last farewell, He said good-bye to none; heavenly gates were opened wide loving voice said, "Come.’’ often sit and think of you The things you used to say and do; We wonder why you had to die Without a chance to say-good­ bye. Somewhere back of the sunset, Where loveliness never dies, They live in the land of Glory, ’Mid the blue and gold skies. —Ever remembered i daughter, Florence. NEIL—-In loving memory dear father, Frederick Albert Neil, who passed Decembex' 9, 1950. Remembrance is’ a golden chain. Death tries to break, but all in vain; To have, to love, and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of one’s heart. years may wipe out many things, this they wipe out never— memory of those happy us 29c Kydd, years of the by his 29* ■ of a John away Choose From EXETERPHONE 525-W Want-Ads Win By Acclamation, Too FOR SALE WANTED „ 4I GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS provide lasting interest. Solve your Xmas Shopping problem with an all-year-round gift of a populai' magazine. Catalogue on Request All Magazines Available H. T. Buston, Ph. 308-r-5 Exeter FOR SALE—Space heater, med­ ium size, in good condition, White pram, large, in good condition. 59 2-W. 29c FOR SALE—50 good laying pul­ lets. Phone Harold Taylor, 39-r-S Kirkton. 29* WANTED — Good quality baled hay and mixed grain. Cann’s Mill Ltd., Exeter. 29c WANTED — Boarder, gentleman preferred. Laundry, if desired. Apply Times-Advocate. 29,? FOR SALE—’35 Ford Coupe, ex­ cellent condition, heater, good body and tires. Mercury motor installed last August. $295 or nearest offer. Phone 460-r-4 Exeter. 29c FOR SALE—32’ of track and rollers complete. foi’ two ,cjpors in real good condition. Phone 4-r-4 Kirkton. 29* youi’AVON GIFTS will solve Christmas problem. Gift sets from beautiful evening bags complete with compact at $16.50 to attractively pack­ aged toilet sets at $1.69. En­ joy the convenient Avon way to shop. Phone your represen­ tative, Mrs. Harris, at 65 5 and ask hex1 to call on you. Itfc FOR SALE—Kitchen buffet, cream with red trim, modern lines, like new, very reason­ able. Can be seen at 43 Carl­ ing, Wartime Housing. 29* FOR SALE—Four-burner electric stove, low oven; also child’s play pen with mattress. Phone 384-J. 29* FOR SALE—Northern Spy ap­ ples, graded, $2.00 pei' bushel. Phone Frank Ryckman, 680-r- 3 Hensail. 29c WANTED TO RENT—Three- or four - bedroom house. Prefer­ ably furnished. Prepared to sign a two-year lease. Contact F/O Revill, Officers’ Mess, R.C.A.F, Centralia. 15:22:29c WANTED — Coal oil hanging lamps. —Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Main Street. Itfc fixed Mrs. 1: ♦ j t ■» * by township by- Mill’s Shop, Lot Gordon Wilson, WANTED TO RENT Dutch family, two need living quarters Vicinity. Write Box eter, ox* phone 678. — Small children, in Exetei' 336, Ex- 29* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Kitchen range, coal or wood, also with oil burner (blower) attachment. Large Norge space heater. ■—Phone 319-W or call at Irving Snider Apts. 29c FOR SALE—Collapsible maroon baby stroller, with storm shield and chrome mud guards in A-l condition. Apply Times- Advocate. 29* FOR SALE — Children’s white skates, size 3, in good condi­ tion. Phone Patricia Cann, 565. 29c CANARIES — Beautiful singers for sale. Call and see them. Mrs. Silas Stanlake, Carling St., first house north of roller rink. 29* FOR SALE—Girl’s 3-piece tur­ quoise white $8.00. brown size 6, , good condition. Apply Box R, Exeter Times-Advocate. 29c blue chinchilla outfit, fur trim, size 3, price Also boy’s 3 - p i e c e all-wool winter outfit, $8.00. Both in very FOR SALE — Ladies’ white skates, size 5, good condition. Call 297-J Exeter. 29* FOR SALE—Heavy duty ball bearing i-h.p. motor. Sixty­ cycle. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 39-r-10 Kirkton. 29* FOR SALE — Kroehler chester­ field suite; bedroom suite; both in A-l condition. Forced to sell. Cheap. Apply K. C. Caldwell, side apartment, 165 William Street. 29* the Auxiliary To Give Christmas Party The Ladies Auxiliary to Exetei’ branch of the Canadian Legion voted to entertain child­ ren of members at a Christmas party in early December. Also during the meeting which was held on Monday, the ladies made a resolution to send cigarettes to patients of Westminister Hos­ pital at Christmas. President Heywood presided ovex' the business portion of the meeting during which Comrade MacLean was appointed conven- oi’ of the visiting committee. Comrades Taylor and Hookey will visit the sick on the west side of town and comrades Holtz­ man and Cutting will look 'af­ ter the east side. Another project taken by the ladies is the knitting of . gloves for the firemen. They decided to hold the next meeting, December 17. After the president closed, the meeting, the social committee gave lunch ', the social a short program and was served. a CROMARTY and Mrs. John Wallace her sister Mrs. Frank : in St. Thomas on Wed- FOR SALE—Eleven pigs, seven weeks old. —Phone 48-r-10, Kirkton. 29* FOR SALE—’49 Mercury Coach, reasonable, in good condition, low” mileage, new tires. Phone 33-r-S, Alignment Shop, Grand Bend. 29:6* FOR SALE—/Ten pigs, six weeks old. William Boa, R.R. 1 Hen­ sail. 29* FOR SALE — li-storey frame house with insul->bric siding, built four years ago, 2 bed­ rooms on first floor, modern kitchen and 4-piece bath, up­ stairs unfinished, air-condition­ ing oil ‘ room in basexnent. Apply in evepings Victoria St., phone 253-R Ex­ eter. 29tfc furnace,recreation to Roy Campbell, ship School A i' e a comprising Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and Union 8, 12, 14 and 16, two to be elected. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying fox' any particular of­ fice, than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1951 when polls shall be opened from 9 o'clock a.m. until 6 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as law viz: Poll 1: 28, Con. D.R.O.; Ralph Gates. Poll Clerk. Poll 2: Frank Triebner’s Kit­ chen, Lot 21, Con. 2; Preston Dearing, D.R.O.; Frank Trieb- ner, Poll Clerk. Poll 3: Wenzel’s Barber Shop, Crediton; William Oestreicher, D.R.O.; Chas. Green, Poll Clerk. Poll 4; Town Hall, Lot 10, Con. 7; Alvin Baker, D.R.O.; J, H. Gaiser, Poll Clerk. Poll 5: O’Rourke’s Kitchen, Lot 10, Con. 12; Pat Sullivan, D.R.O.; James Mawhinney, Poll Clei'lc Poll 6: Club Rooms, Lot 24, Con. N.B.; Otto Willert, D.R.O.; Chester Gaiser, Poll Clerk. Poll 7: Sweitzer’s Kitchen, Lot Con, 17; John Houlahan, Elmei’ Pickering, Poll * v $ 1 t i If you want MORE CHICKS, day - old - mixed - pullets - some started — ask us fox' prices. Bray Hatchery caxx give prompt shipment. Agent, Eric Carscadden, Exeter 24 6-J. 29c FOR SALE — Small Coleman space heater, like new; cook stove with Queen Oil burner; modern round living room table; two daybeds; Victor radio with record player, good condition. All reasonably priced. —Norm Hockey, phone 5 6S-W Exeter. 29:6* FOR SALE—Fifty acres near Grand Bend beach (R.R. No. 3, Dashwood) six acres bush orchard, bank barn, .good wat­ er, also spring; 9-room brick house, a real buy at $4,300 cash, immediate possession. House is now vacant. Apply Jack Faubert, 164 Murray St., Chatham, or telephone 189-W Chatham, collect, 29c NEW BRICK HOUSE—Two-bed­ room bungalow on Huron St. west. Forced air heating, com­ pletely modern throughout. See it now, $7,500. Mortgage can be arranged. Phone 571-J Exeter, 29:6:13:20c MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS, Woodcutters, Loggers —Why search further for a fast-cutting, safe, power-chain saw? Buy PRECISION! Sold and serviced by D. L. Kernick, R.R. No. 3, Exeter. Complete informacion on request. N22:20wks* MODERN HAWAIIAN taught at the Scout Exeter on Tuesdays, New class forming, loaned free of charge. Pulsifer, instructor. GUITAR Hall in 7 to 10. Guitars Henry ~6ctfn NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can be made. Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood, 25tfc HONSBERGER SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING SHOW CARDS Reasonable Rates Phone 6 61 — 122 Hill St. EXETER 8:15:22:29:7c E. LIVESTOCK WANTED HORSES WANTED — Will buy any kind of a horse. Will sell or exchange. —Frank Taylor, Exeter, ring 13S, 20tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow. phone 83 Exeter. l*tfc PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted’’ size only 6 0^. All druggists. STRAYED 10, D.R.O.; Clerk. Poll 8: 40, Con. S.B.; Mansell Hodgins. Pollock’s Store, Lot ' r D.R.O.; Wm. Hicks, Poll -Clerk. Poll 9: Warner’s House, Lot 1, Con. Bauble; Colin Love, D.R.O.; Irvin B e s t a r d , Poll Clerk. And all electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. FREEMAN W. MORLOCK, Returning Officer. Crediton, Novembei' 17, 1951. r I »- 1 > But The When we were all together. —Always remembered by wife, Lila and family, WILLERT — In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Reinhard Willert, who passed away three years ago, Novem­ ber 26, 1948. His memory is a keepsake days his 29c With which we will never part; Though God has him in His keeping, We still have him in our hearts. -—Ever remembered by his wife and family.29 c Mr. visited Cadick nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris, Bob and Celia and Mr. Arnold Storey attended the fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Storey at Walton on Friday evening. Mrs. Clarence Scholer, Kincar­ dine, is visiting with hex’ sis­ ter, Mrs. J. E. Storey. Miss Sarah McKellar is visit­ ing in Detroit with hex' niece and nephew Rev. and Mrs. Wil­ liams and with Roderick Parks. Dianne and Lin,da Houghton fluent the week-end in Mitchel’ with Irene and Audrey Kemp. Young People Meet The Y.P.U. met in the S.S. room on Sunday evening with Mrs. R. D. Sadler presi “ ig. Miss Margaret Walker read the scrip­ ture lesson and Miss CarOlyne Walker told the story. A splen­ did topic wag given by Mrs. Duncanson which was based on the remarks of Mr. Vinceht in his address at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl sang a pleasing duet. Mr. Duncanson led In prayer. A social evening will be held on Tuesday even­ ing , December 4. A pot luck supper and bazaar will be held in the church basement on Friday evening, November 30, The closer a man, the mote distant his pals. STRAYED—From Lot 5, Con. 6, Hay Township, yearling heifer with eax’ tag in left ear, hav­ ing my owxi name on it. Any­ one knowing whereabouts, please notify H. May, 178-r-5 Exeter. 29* LOST . LOST—In Exeter, at or neai’ James St. Church, a rhine­ stone necklace. Finder please leave at Times-Advocate. 29* LOST OR STRAYED—Since last Saturday, one black and tan Beagle hound. —Phone 476-J. 29c ..... ■ U— HELP WANTED HOUSEWIVES—Earn extra cash. Sell Plastic. For details, write Mrs. George Phillips, Muir- kirk. 22:29c HELP WANTED — Girl with some store experience pre­ ferred^ Phone 52. 29c FOR RENT FOR RENT — Six-room brick house with hydro. Immediate possession. Garfield Hill, Cre­ diton. 29* FURNISHED APARTMENT, im­ mediate possession, Mrs. Ralph Bailey, phone 276. 29c Xi FOR SALE—A house in Park­ hill, insul brick siding, imme­ diate possession, modern con­ veniences, attached garage, lots, bedroom, 3-piece large kitchen, den and room downstairs; two bedrooms with clothes upstairs; : ter’s coal way, Price $5,900. Apply I-I. cock, Parkhill. 3 bath, utility large closets fully insulated, win- l in; cement drive­ fruit trees; low taxes. Bas- ’29tfc BRICK HOUSE in Centralia with water pressure system, quick possession. W. C. Pearce, Re­ altor, Exeter. 22tfc HENSALL 1|- storey residence. This is a comfortable home. It has well arranged rooms and is in very good repair. Two- piece bath. May be purchased at a very reasonable price. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, •Ont. 22 TWO-STOREY brick house, well located on good lot. This house has nice bright rooms and is in good general repair. It has hot aii' furnace and modern conveniences. Price $6,000.00. Terms if desired. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, Ont. 22 3 - BEDROOM COTTAGE. Large livingroom. Modern, roomy kitchen. Good floors through­ out. New oil burning furnace. Garage. C. V. Pickard, Real­ tor, Exeter, Ont. 2 2 1 0 0 ACRES in Tuckersmith, good buildings with many con­ veniences. Abundant water supply throughout by pressure system. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Ex­ eter. FEW ACRES with abundance of small fruits, some stabling and henhouse, 5-room brick house, hydro. Early possession. —W, C. Pearce, Exeter. FOR SALE—New house, full basement with furnace and water heater, living room, kit­ chen, two bedrooms and bath on first floor. Upper floor un­ finished, with stairs in. R. E. Balkwill. 9tfc $4,000.00—FRAME — Centrally located. Can be used as two- or three-bedroom home. Hot air furnace. Town water. Terms, —C. V. Pickard, Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE—-New modern home on corner lot, containing large bright living room, kitchen, dinette, bath, two bedrooms down, three room apartment up. Full basement, air con­ ditioned oil furnace, Small cash payment, Balance in low monthly payments. Ownei' leaving town. —Rasmussen, 528-J. 15tfc NOTICES Township of Stephen NOMINATION & ELECTION Public notice is hereby given .that a meeting of the electors of the Township of Stephen will be held in the TOWN HALL, CREDITON on MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1951 at 1 o’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of makihg aiid re­ ceiving nominations for Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, Councilmen, and also for Trustees of the Town- RE; COLLECTION OF TAXES I will be in the Town Hall on the evening of Decembex’ 13, from 7:00 to 10:30 p.m., and on December 14, from 9:00 to 12:00, 1:30 to 5:00 p.m., for the purpose of collecting taxes, ERIC H. CARSCADDEN, Tax Collectox’ 29:6:13c ALL OWNERS OF MOTOR VEHICLES TAKE NOTICE Motor vehicles must not be left parked on the Main Street, or othex’ streets, of the Town of Exetex- between the hours of 2 a.in. and 8 a.m. from November 21 to April 1. This by-law will be enforced in order that snow plows may keep our streets properly cleared. Owners leaving cars on the streets do so at their own risk. C. V. PICKARD Clerk of Exeter 22:29c CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ List, 19 51, Municipality of Township of Usborne, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters’ Lists Act and that I have poste-d up at my office in the Township of Usborne on the 22nd day of November, 1951, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elections, and that such list spection. And I hereby call upoxx all voters to ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day of the appeal being the 6 th day of December, 1951. Dated this 22nd day of Nov­ ember, 1951. H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk, R.R. 1, Hensail. 22:29c remains there for in- take immediate pro- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of GEORGE LEE of the Village of Ailsa Craig in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of George Lee, late of the Village of Ailsa Craig, in the County of Middle­ sex, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of August, 1951, are required to file their claims with the under­ signed executors on or before the 8th day of December, 1951, aftei’ which date the executors will distribute the estate having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated this 26th day of Nov­ ember, 1951. MABEL BEATRICE LEE, MARY EDITH LEE, GEORGE ANCELL. LEE, Executors, Ailsa Craig, Ont. 29:6c In the estate Of ' JOHN CALDWELL, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Drover, Deceased, 'Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full parti­ culars of such claims to the undersigned on ox* before the 20 th day of December, 1951, after which date the es­ tate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that liave then been received. W. G. COCHRANE, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for tlie Executors. 29:6:13c A.D. 1 I t 1 r Y i ♦ k -M r > k * I 1 I ? ■i . < r > T i > 4 J > ¥ J *■