HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-11-22, Page 14Page 14 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1951 Declines Banff Call At a meeting of Presbytery on Tuesday, Rev. D. R. Sinclair, of Caven Presbyterian Church, de­ clined a call to a pastorate at Banff. He will continue his serv­ ices at the local church. ! Pri ncess Greets r •y JAMES STREET JUNIOR AUXILIARY Baking Sale & Tea LIBRARY BASEMENT Saturday, November 24 at 3:00 p.m. Home-Baking White Elephant Booth Gift Table Presentation and Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. BILL PARSONS (nee Helen Latta) LEGION HALL, EXETER Friday, November 30 Music by the Syncopators Dancing 9-1 Admission 500 Dance FARQUHAR HALL Friday, Nov. 23 at 9:30 pm, ADMISSION 500 —-Continued from Page 1 her of the Foresters. All four children and nine grandchildren were present at the reception on Tuesday. The children are David, Irene (Mrs. I-Iarry Hawkins) and Malcolm, all of Blanchard and Robert Omand of Woodstock. Guests were admitted by granddaughters, Elaine and Clar­ inda, and received by Mrs. Har­ ry Hawkins and Mrs. Stanley Hawkins. The tea table was beautifully decorated with 50 yellow chry­ santhemums, a gift from the community, and a three-tiered wedding cake-- in gold motif. Pouring tea during, the after­ noon were sisters of the groom, Clara,. Mrs. Graf Uren and Edna, Mrs. James MacFarlane of Thorndale. In the evening Ann Whitby of Toronto, long friend of the family, Cameron Fotherington of Marys, Mrs. R. O. Spence W. O. Spence poured tea. Assisting in the dining room were granddaughter, Annie Jean Spence, niece, Mrs. Earl Bonham and neighbours, Joyce Knox, Mrs. Lloyd Thompson and Mrs. Gerald Hern. In spite of the couples wishes to the contrary, many lovely gifts and cards were received. From their grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. Spence received 50 yel­ low rose buds and friends in the community sent numerous floral tokens for the occasion. Mrs. Spence does all her own housework and still goes to the barn every day. “In fifty years,” she said, “I have gained one pound and rail still wear my wedding dress.” She told of her days on the farm with delight and still looks forward to any chores she can do around the place. Saturday evening of last week, at their former school, Mr. and Mrs. Spence were honored when friends and neighbours surprised them with' an anniversary party. They were presented with many beautiful gifts. Town Topics s ft Miss life- Mrs. St. and Dr. Dunlop, who is ill in Vic­ toria Hospital, London, is mak­ ing a satisfactory recovery and is able to be up each day. Mr. Reuben McInnis, of Town, lias been quite ill but lias showi some improvement the past few days. Mr. W. E. “Shooter Bill’’ San­ ders, has been laid up with pneu­ monia, but is on the mend. Jimmy Neil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neil, had his tonsils removed at Mrs. Hunter’s nurs­ ing home on Monday Bill Delve, * “ Mrs. 7 Alta., RCAF visited cently. Mr. Charles Schroeder lias turned home after spending past week in Detroit, Michigan, where he celebrated his 86 th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Davidson of Leamington have returned home after spending a wek with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hatter. Mr. and Mrs. Vere Spittai and Guy of Hamilton spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Stanlake. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love and and Mrs. spent where and son of Mr. and R, A. Delve Lethbridge, now a member of the stationed at Trenton, | relatives in Exeter re- re- tlie Mervin Love of the week-end in they saw the Ice the Santa Claus London All-Girl Choir (Earl Terry Singers) JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Wednesday, December 5 8:30 P.M. Admission 500 Mr. Parkhill Toronto Capades parade. The again second butter ter Fair in Toronto. Mrs. Florence Irvin and Marion Bissett went to Toronto Friday to attend the funeral of Mr. Irvin’s brother. Mrs. W. Sillery and Mrs. H. Simpson were in Toronto last week. They visited the Royal Winter Fair on Wednesday and Thursday and saw the Ice Cap­ ades Show on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vickery and Douglas of Harriston have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge and other re­ latives. Mrs. George Hunter, Janies Street, had the misfortune to fall and break her leg on Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Green­ hough and Mr. and Mrs. Steven Minter visited in Port Huron on Sunday. Rev. H. J. Snell, Rev. Down, Carfrey Cann and William Pybus attended the evangelistic service conducted by Mr. Templeton in London on Tuesday evening. Mr. William Bird was in Kin­ cardine over the week-end. local creamery staff were successful in and third prizes for exhibit at the Royal receiving their Win- Miss Auspices W.A.Children with Adults 250 at Door Register Now FOR THE SOUTH HURON Night School Petition For Grant Huron County Council last week endorsed a motion by Reeve H. L. Snider, of Exeter, and Deputy-Reeve Roy Swartz of Stephen, petitioning the Fed­ eral government for a grent in lieu of taxes on airports and air­ port houses in townships involv­ ed. Mr. Swartz stated ehat assess­ ment on 1,014 acres had been lost due to airports. Assessor A. Alexander stated the county lost $140,000 approxi­ mately in assessment. This is shared by the whole county. He stated Ottawa is being given a grent for loss of land used by the federal government. at the Exeter District High School .Every Thursday Night from 8 to 10 P.M, Commencing November 29 And Ending March 27, 1952 Courses Still Open AGRICULTURE PUBLIC SPEAKING FARM MECHANICS REFORESTATION OIL PAINTING LANDSCAPING WOODWORKING BOOKKEEPING HOME NURSING AND FIRST AID COOKING SOCIAL RECREATION SOUTH HURON NIGHT SCHOOL REGISTRATION FORM (Exeter, Ontario) I am interested in registering in night classes with: * ...as first choice.. as second choice. Name Address ... NOTE: The courses carried on will depend upon the nunaber who register. In cases of over registration any* course, applicants will be accepted in order Registration—so—-fill out this form now and send to Ft. L. Sturgis, Exeter, Ontario. in of it FEE; $3 per person, or, where there are two more from one family, $2 each. Please Be Prepared to Pay Your Fee on Registration Day, November 29 or Lyric THEATRE Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions J FRIDAY & SATURDAY November 23 and 24 I’d Climb The Highest Mountain ★ Susan Hayward ★ William Lundigan A heart - warming wholesome human interest drama, revolving around the experiences of a young Protestant minister and his bride in a small backwoods community in North Georgia. Excellent for the entire family. MONDAY & TUESDAY November 26 and 27 Watch The Birdie ★ Red Skelton ★ Arlene Dahl A good slapstick comedy, with Red Skelton in a role that is suitable for his clowning. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY November 28 and 20 Breakthrough ★ David Brian ★ Jolhi Agar This is a liar^-hitting, thrill- packed war melodrama dealing with World War II experiences of an American Infantry com­ pany, first show every SATURDAY NIGHT 6 I».M, Water Supply Continued, from Page 1 there was difficulty justifying in the minds of the public the fact that one department of govern­ ment was lessening contributing to the of the water supply while at a point a few miles to the south, another department was spending public funds to conserve water at Fanshawe Dam. Mr. McLean and Mr. Corry have acknowledged that the ini­ tial cost of lake water would be somewhat higher than the pro­ gram presently district. But that the final payer might be Lake water could be obtained at a known cost, whereas no one could pre­ dict what the ultimate cost would be of providing adequate supplies from wells—if adequate supplies could be obtained at all. The members pointed out that some benefit would accrue to civilian population in the area of Grand Bend should water be developed. This community, consisting in winter of about 1,000 residents, increased in the summer to 15,- 000 and at little additional capi­ tal cost a plant of a capacity to service the community, as well as the needs of the station, could be provided. In the event of the station requirement ceas­ ing at some future date, the in­ stallation would not become sur­ plus hut would continue to serve a large community. Should it be considered that water must he made available to the station immediately, the M.P.s thought that the existing program might be continued on the basis of a temporary project and work started immediately on the long-term proposal for Lake Huron water. Certainly, they held, additional test drilling and other exploratory work should be stopped at once. I under way in the they emphasized cost to the tax- considerably less, in any quantity Home And School To D iscuss Project A representative of the Com­ munity Programmes Branch ot the Ontario Department of Agri­ culture will speak to the Home and day, with ■day story hour for Exeter. This project activities sponsored Exeter recreational The department School Association on Fr November them their morning 30. and discus.* project of Sat handcraft the children and of is one of through council. representa tive will outline similar activi­ ties which have been held in other centres throughout the province. They have proved very popular among the children. The Association’s meeting will be held in the auditorium of the public school and is open to everyone. Mrs. R. H. Russell has re- turned home after visiting in Galt with Dr. and Mrs. A.J. MacKinnon. COMING EVENTS DANCE — Modern and Old-Time Dancing every Saturday night in the Lucan Arena. Sponsored by the Lucan Junior Farmers. c BAZAAR — by the Centralia Aii* Force Women’s Auxiliary on Saturday, December 1, from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Exeter Library basement. Everyone welcome, c CAVEN Christmas Fair ■'.......... .. . . . . . ................. ...... b. USBORNE TOWNSHIP FED. OF AGRICULTURE November 27 6:30 p.m, Guest Speaker: Rev, W. A. Young, Chaplain, Q.A.C. Tickets Available from Directors »— $1.25the the This Saturday Exeter Legion Memorial Hall MUSIC BY MERV HALL SEXTET DANCE H Admission 750 Dancing 9-12 Saturday, December 8 BIRTHS HARVEY—To Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Harvey, of Exeter, a son, Donald William David, on Fri­ day, November 16, 19 51, at the Hooper Nursing I-Iome; a brother for Sandra, GLAVIN—To Mr. and Mrs. John Glavin ,(nee Leona McCann, R.N.) of Clandeboye; twins, a* son and a daughter, on Satur­ day, November 17, 1951. The son was born at the Hooper Nursing Home, Exeter, and the daughter was born at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. HERN—To Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hern of Woodham, a daugh­ ter, Janet Marie, on Tuesday, November 20, 19 51, at the Hooper Nursing Home. BECKER- Lome Becker, R.R. 1, wood, a daughter, Diane Thursday, November 8. ENGAGEMENTS Edgar G. to announce the their daughter, Mr. John Mervin Stewart, son of Mr. J. Aimer Stewart and the late Mrs. Stew­ art of Kirkton; the wedding to take place in Woodham United Church early in December. 22* CARDS OF THANKS Mrs.c B. wishes latives cards recent 3:30 p.m. your Christmas shopping at Caven. Christmas Fair G. SIMMONS & SONS STORE - Gifts for Everyone - Aprons, knitted articles, novel­ ties, rummage sale, white ele­ phant table, home cooking. Do W. Immunization -To Mr. and Mrs. Dash- Rutli, 1951. Mr. and Mrs. Woodham, wish engagement of Leola Feme, to Stewart, Rodd, Stanley of Lucan to thank her many re- and friends for letters, and sympathy after her car accident. 2 2c family of the late John those and St. 22* The Caldwell wish to thank who visited him, sent cards flowers, while a patient in Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mrs. John Caldwell and family of the late John Caldwell wish to thank their many friends, neighbours and relatives for the kind expressions of sym­ pathy extended to them during their recent sad bereavement, for the beautiful floral tributes and sympathy cards. Special thanks to Rev. A. E. Holley, Mr. Frank Wildfong, Mr. Gerald Skinner, the Dinney. Funeral Home, those who who the r loaned cars and the ladies assisted at the house. 2 2* IN MEMORIAM And So He And Away EVELAND — In loving memory of dear father William John who passed away two years ago, November 20, 19 49. God knew our Father was suf­ fering the hills were hard to climb; closed hi^e weary eyelids whispered “Peace be Thine”. in the beautiful hills of God, Away in the valley so fair, Sometime, someday, we know not when, We will meet our dear Father there. a —Ever remembered by his wife and family. 22* WALPER—In loving memory of a dear mother, Caroline per, who passed away years ago, November 21, O what would we your hand, Your dear kind see Your loving smile, voice That meant so much No one knows the silent heart­ ache Ohly those who have such can tell For the grief that is borne in silence For the one we love sb Well. —Ever remembered by her fam­ ily, John, Linda and Theodore. 22* give face your to Wai- four 1947. clasp just to welcome to us. Exeter Legion Memorial Hall Friday, November 23 15 REGULAR GAMES FOR TURKEYS 4 SPECIAL GAMES FOR $25.00 EACH The first of a series of im­ munization clinics will be held in the Library Building, Exeter, (ground floor), Friday, Novem- bdr 23, from 2:30-4:00 p.m. Children 4 months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics to receive initial immunization or reinforcing in­ oculations for Di p h t h e r i a , Whooping Cough, Tetanus, and Smallpox. R. M. ALDIS, M.D., D.P.H., Medical Officer of Health. 15:22c ■ z DOOR PRIZE Doors Open 7:30 Games Start 9 p.m Admission 500 Extra Cards 100 Each ■ ■ Kiddies, Mothers, Fathers ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY Novemtfer 23 and 24 LORNA DOONE (Technicolor) ★ Barbara Hale ★ Richard Greene The age of splendor thrills the screen. COMIC STRIPS & SHORT SUBJECTS TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY November 27 and 28 THE GREAT MAN HUNT ★ Douglas Fairbanks Jr. ★ Glynis Johns ★ Jack Hawkins Adventure sweeping across the continent. NEWSREEL & COMIC STRIPS COME TO THE GIGANTIC Santa Claus Parade being held in GODERICH Thursday, November 29 Featuring 14 Beautiful Floats Direct* from Santa’s Workshop The parade begins at 10 a.m. and will continue until near noon. Santa Claus will remain on the Square until 4 p.m. Fun for young and old. The parade is sponsored by Goderich Junior Chamber of Commerce. Attention All Co-Op Members You and Your Family Are Cordially Invited to Attend a EUCHRE / ft Friday, November 30 - 8:30 SPONSORED BY THE EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP Please Bring Card Table, Sandwiches and Cookies COME AND ENJOY A GOOD, SOCIAL EVENING % ►