HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-11-15, Page 11THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, 1951 Challengers Meet Fourteen members of the Chal­ lengers of th© Pentlcostal Church met at the home of Mrs. Gar­ field Thompson for their Novem­ ber meeting. Mrs. P. R. Durand was in charge. Mrs. Melford Prouty sang a solo and Mrs, H. T, Kendrick gave a very interesting message. Mrs. Jolly closed the meeting with a prayer. HURON LIBERALS present MAYOR B. Exeter speaking on behalf of John Armstrong OVER CKNX Mon., Nov. 19 at 11:55 noon fl' Report From West —-Continued from Page 10 tables for canning helps to en­ rich what until recently was considered purely a ranching country. Perhaps the sugar beet industry is most important as it supplies the large sugar factory at Faber. During the summer, stampedes were held in Calgary, Medicine I Hat and other large towns. In ■ the latter city a pole sitter was engaged to live in a tiny 9’x5’ house on this pole, 4 0 feet from the ground, for a week during the stampede. Whatever may be thought of the wisdom of this unusual proceeding, no doubt many people came to <gaze up on the little lady in her eyrie. Speaking of prairie crops we realize that Alberta is not alone in her worries. Manitoba and ! Saskatchewan are suffering from rain coming at both harvest and threshing time. So there is keen i disappointment, among the west-* , ern farmers for their loss is great, But the continued high prices of stock will prove a great help to those who carry on mixed farming, and once more prove the necessity of not put­ ting all your eggs in one basket. —-G.W.R. Canada has some 600,000 miles of highway. Sell with Confidence WHEN SELLING POULTRY CALL RIVERSIDE POULTRY ■ Howard Ferguson, Manager 39-r-12 Ki nt ore - Phone Collect - Hensall 680-r-2 I You Need Shop only once-a-week with this Ne» Deluxe Friciidairc THE REFRIGERATOR THAT WAS MADE FOR ONCE-A-WEEK SHOPPING! Frigidaire Do Luxo Modol Shown SUPP^ Ibs. up to Plenty of space and the right kind of cold for keeping foods safe from one weekly shopping trip to the next. Generous Trade-in Allowance — Easy Payment Terms ishable foods. ojeek3 food3 • • ’* Keeps a whole week s sup- ply of meats, fish, dairy products and other per­ R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter fl'-■ George Wright's MONSTER PANT SALE Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only All wool gabardines, worsteds, bedford cords, pic and pic — best pant values in Canada 300 Pairs Values to $19.95, $17.95 $15.95 Three Days Only Alterations on the Spot — No Extra Charge George Where Low Overhead and Low Prices Go Hand in Hand Dashwood Church Holds Dedication Professor Wayne K. Elymer Ph. I)., head of the Department of Practical Theology, Evangeli­ cal Theological Seminary, Naper­ ville, Ill . ... 1 - ■ Calvary Church, served the the present Xt the Communion Mrs. 1' was guest minister Dashwood 56th Anniversary church building, morning service table gift of d Siebert of Detroit dedicated in memory Siebert’s parents the and Mrs. Henry Ehlers. Music local choir under the leadership of Mrs. J. M. and Mrs. Ken Morley Pollock guest soloist. Congregations from and Zurich united v tions i’o The Rev minister. Exeter Radio & Electric as ob- Of Wiring Appliances Radio Repairs Fixtures was provided by Tieman director McCrae organist, of Greenway was Crediton pastors ongrega- serviee. with their ith the local < r the evening . J. Henry Getz is the ROYAL PAIR WIND UP TOUR True to their promise of giving as many Canadians as possible an opportunity to see them, royal couple stopped off at six Quebec towns in Greenoch Quebec province, en route to the Martimes. At Drummond ville, Mayor Antoine Biron, with a gesture reminiseenL ol President Truman at Washington, ushers Princess EJizabetl down the steps of the welcome dais to the cheering crowd: below. -—Central Press Canadiat 4.•fl Hi Lights Gleaned From Exeter District High School Senior Girls Win Volleyball Tournament Buys Wrong Shells I Hunter Looks At Deer! Hunters from Hensall and ! district who left Monday for | i swamp report a good j day in their first day of hunt- I i ing. Two hunters each shot one i deer. One excitable h u n t e r from I Hensall borrowed a gun and pur- t chased his shells. When he ar­ rived in the bush lie discovered to his dismay that, the shells j were not the right gauge for his gun, so he had to play caddy all day with deer very close to him at times. One hunter from Cromarty, whose wife had gone to the trouble of dressing and roasting a twenty-pound turkey, went away without it. Some of the local hunters have to sleep in their cars bush because rooms were ken. in all a Mr.Phone 187-W AT THE NEW Now on Display 1/2-TON AND %-TON PICKUPS ONE-TON CHASSIS AND CAB Bargain Used Cars Note These Prices ’50 ’49 ’49 the ta-'38 CHEV COACH, radio, air conditioning ....$1,895. OLDS SEDAN, radio, air conditioning ....$1,885, DODGE COACH, fluid drive .....................$1,925. PLYMOUTH .............................. $1,295.r CHEV COACH, heater $295. By BILL BATTEN On Thursday afternoon volleyball tournament was held in Exeter, with Marys and Exeter In the first game trounced Clinton High scorer of the game Lorna Taylor who served points across the net. This victory gave Exeter right to meet the St. Marys team whom they defeated 3 0-20. In this’ game the teams were more evenlj' matched and Exeter had to trailing Hopper net for In the last game of the after­ noon St. Marys defeated Clinton 3 4-20. These victories gave Exe­ ter and compete ment in The both Exeter lows: Lorna Taylor per 13, Mary McKnight 10, Marg Bary 1'0, Dorothy Pooley 9, Jeanette Schenk 9, Julia Dunlop 4, Jean Taylor Melba King 2. A brief but mony was held the local Cadet Corps and the Student body marched to the a Clinton, St. participating. Exeter girls girls 4 5-18. was 17 cenotaph to honor the dead from the two Great Wars. C.O. Bob Wade placed a wreath at the foot of the cenotaph after which Ron Heimrich played “Last Post”. A very successful “Sadie Haw­ kins” dance ■was held last Fri­ day with Li’I Abner particularly enjoying himself as Daisy Mae I dug deep into her jeans pocket. tlie Peter Cowen and Beth Taylor | were chosen Li’I Abner and come from behind after 13-12 at half time. Pat dropped the ball over the a total of 10 points. St. Marys the right to in the WOSSA tourna- London on individual games Saturday. scoring for was as fol- 17, Pat Hop- 3, Labelle Hill 2, thoughtful cere- last Friday when ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fink- beiner and children from Shipka sent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and Floyd spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell King of Credi­ ton. Miss Hazel Sparling had her tonsils removed Friday at Mrs. Hunter’s Nursing Home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coultis of Windsor spent a few days last week with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson ^Coultis. ■Mr. Harvey Sparling spent the week-end at Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch spent Sunday afternoon with the lat­ ter’s brother, Mr. Harvey Murch of London. Mrs. Alvin Pym and Aldeen, Mrs. Harold Bell and Carol Anne spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. William Smith of Centralia. Sewing Class Meet Nine members of the Elimville Girls’. Sewing Class met at the home of Mrs. Harold Taylor on Friday of last week. Mrs. Tay­ lor and Mrs. D. Skinner have been chosen as leaders for this year. The course the girls are to follow is “Accessories for the club girl’s bedroom.” This year’s president is McBride, vice president, Routley; secretary, ~Perla press reporter, Elizabeth er. The girls' project for the meet­ ing after Christmas examinations is to have three of the member’s pamphlet filled out. Mavis Anna Hern; Hunt- by his ’39 DODGE COACH, heater, etc. I Daisy . Mae of the night. Decora- •tions were very appropriate con-' sisting of turnips, cabbages, pri­ vies, Mama Yokum’s Sunday wash and bale of hay. THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Clove Brophey Hanover spent the week-end with_Mr, and Mrs. _Fred Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore, David and Dennis visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ja­ ques of Zion. Misses Elsie Bray Margaret Cann and Helen Morgan of Lon­ don spent the week-end at their homes here. Miss Peggy Mclntrye and Mas­ ter George Mclntrye of London are visiting parents, Mr. lantyne. Mr. Grant Guelph spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Morgan. Quite a large number of young people attended a reception for Robt. Simpson at on Friday even- of _______ ______ndon with their grrfnd- and Mrs. Thos. Bal- Morgan of the OAC i GRAND BEND The Rev. J. E. G. Houghton attended the annual meeting of the Huron College Alumni Asso­ ciation in London last week. Rev. Houghton is treasurer of the as­ sociation. Miss Joan Gill, nurse-in-train- ing at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon­ don, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mousseau. of Niagara Falls, spent the week-end with the former’s mo­ ther, Mrs. John Mousseau, •Mrs. John Mousseau has re­ td her home after a J *1 •Mrs. turnedmonth's visit in Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar Hall ing. ■Mr. Charles mitted to St, for an appendictis operation on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Holmes and family of New Dundee have moved onto the farm of Mr. Fred Dawson. Mr. Holmes is employed with Mr. Dawson. Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller and Lumley School on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert. Mission Circle met at the home of Agnes Bray on Satur­ day afternoon. , Miss Helen Passmore started to work at the Bell Telephone, London, on Monday of this week. Mrs. Charles Johns home from Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday week. Miss spent Norma •Mr. tended Mi- Bend on Friday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wanner of Sarnia spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Pym. Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin and in­ fant daughter from Victoria Hospital on Sun­ day afternoon Kirktoil is staying with Mrs. Hunkin for a few days. Mr. William Middleton of Exe­ ter installed an oil-burner in the furnace at the church one day last week. Sunday School will be held at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday. Rev. W. M. Thomas of Walton will bo the guest speaker on Sunday morn­ ing at 1.1:15 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. William Rhode and Douglas visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Riney Keller of Exeter. Rev. William Mair will preach at Union. The South Thames Road Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson with a fair attendance. Glanville was ad- Joseph’s Hospital returned of last Audrey Coates of Exeter the week-end with Miss Beaver, .and Mrs, Ernie Pym at- the funeral of the late Russell Wanner of Grand returned home Mrs. Gilfillan of A small boy was asked father, a well known industrialist what he would like to have Christmas. “A baby brother,” plied the boy. “But it’s only two weeks Christmas,” objected the father, ‘‘and that doesn’t give me enough time.” ‘‘I know,” said the boy. “But can’t you put more men on the job.” ’37 PLYMOUTH $495. $135. Z for re-’36 PLYMOUTH, exceptionally good $249. to ■ Newton Motor Sales ExeterPhone 216 Christmas Shopping at The Times-Advocate Coutts Christmas Cards “WHEN YOU CARE ENOUGH TO GIVE THE VERY BEST” Paintings by Bailey. Johnston, Cavell, Rockwell, Brisby, i signs and other famous Canadian artists. De- of character and distinction. PERSONALIZE YOUR CARDS your name printed on your Christmas cardsHave __ .... - , for a slightly extra charge. PLEASE ORDER EARLY! AiHiuiUHHiniiHiiiitiniiitintiHtiHiiiiifiiiiHiiiiHiiiiHiHnHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiitu»iitniHiiiiininihiii>!iiiiiitiiiriiimtnitttiiHfiifiihfitj»Hiiiumiiiht(iiiitnj FIRST in beauty! FIRST in speed! FIRST in ease of operation! $99.50 A Year-Long Gift We're Agents For Every Magazine in the World Give Your Friends a Real Treat For a gift that goes on giving, send a magazine to your friends this Xmas. Evcrybody enjoys the home town paper! And. you know that when you give THE TIMES-ADVOCATE you’re sending something they’ll enjoy throughout the year. Let them read about their friends and neighbours and loved ones every week, i Royal Portable Typewriters “THE WORLD’S NO. 1 PORTABLE”