HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-11-15, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, »I----- ------------ ----—----- Service with Courtesy ■ Exeter Cab Supertest Station PHONE 465 HAY OR NIGHT ■a Letter From Coventry To St. Marys Mayor Back from a recent visit to her old home in England, Mrs. John Mullarkey of James Street North brought back a letter from the Mayor of Coventry, England to the Mayor Marys. Coventry seal, shield latin cpis” Hurondaie W.I. of St. The letter bearing the a fox atop a with sword and septre and inscription “Camera Prln- (Lord’s Castle). (St Marys Journal Argus) This superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup SALAM ‘Snow Joke! Possibly this winter, like most of us, you’ll have more dealings with SNOW banks than the other var­ iety. If so, you’ll need warm clothing and lots of it. You will get the HIGHEST QUALITY goods at the LOWEST possible prices when you shop at ANDER­ SON’S. To Aid Greeks The Hurondaie Women’s In­ stitute announced a profit of $211 from the raffle of a lace table­ cloth at their recent meeting held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne. They will send $50 to the Unitarian Service com­ mittee fox* aid to Greece. The ladies have invited mem­ bers of the Elimville W.I. join them in taking course in “Slip Covering Exeter Library November 19 to 23. The course ection of Miss Beverly Bryon, Home Economist for the Wo­ men’s Division of the Depart­ ment of Agriculture. During the meeting, the ladies decided to send wool lap which they have made foi* Wax' Memorial Hospital. Elford will delivex* them. The program included the showing of a film on the man- facture of pipe organs. Mrs, Wil­ liam Kernick gave the motto and Mrs. Archie Etherington read current events, A report on the area convention in London was given by Mrs. William El­ ford. Barbara Kernick and Bar­ bara Hicks sang a duet and Mil­ dred Ballantyne played a piano solo. The next meeting will at the home of Mrs. Cann in the afternoon when roll call will be answered by the donation of a Christmas gift for the Children’s Shelter at rich. to a short ” at the is undex* the dir rugs the Mrs. be held Carman Gode- K Mark and Judy Snow Suit and Station Wagons Snowsuits sizes 2 to 6X. Station Wagons 3-1G years. Girls’ three-piece, snowsuits 8-12 years. Ski Pants Ladies’ and misses’, sizes to 20. Boys and girls, 2 6x. 8 to z Phone ANDERSON’S 37 Exeter Double-Ring Rites For Sanders-Craford Dr, Britain Marchand Sand­ ers, son of Mrs. Sanders of Lon­ don and the late Charles H. Sanders, of Exeter, took Max­ ine Wenona Craford as his bride in a double ring ceremony at Pardovelle Union Church on Saturday. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Craford, Blenheim. She was* given in marriage by her father and wore a tradi­ tional gown of white satin and chantilly lace, and carried an orchid cascade of ivy and steph- anotis. Her attendants were ’Mrs. Wil­ liam Clinton, Mrs. Herbert Brown and Miss Audrey Craford. The groomsman was Dr. Bordon San­ ders of Toronto and.ushers were Herbert Brown and Dr. Robert Tinning. A reception followed at Glen Gordon Manor after which the couple left for a trip to Eastern Canada and the United States. The bride is a graduate of Chat­ ham General Hospital School of Nursing and the groom was graduated frpm the University of Western Ontario Faculty of Medicine. Those who attended from Exe­ ter were Mr. and Mrs. Art Fink­ beiner, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech, Mrs. McAvoy and Miss Sanders. Business Directory DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Bus. 36-W - Phone - Res. 36-J ELMER D. BELL, K.C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER, ONTARIO DR. J. W. CORBETT W. G. COCHRANE, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building Phone 273 Exeter JOHN W. ORCHARD OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday For Appointments Phone 355-J EXETER, ONTARIO At Hensall, Friday, 2 to 5 p.m. EDWARD H. UNGER BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY Old Post Office Building LUCAN, ONTARIO Tuesday afternoons 3:30 to 5:30 and Saturday afternoons 3:00 to 5:30 Funds wanted for first mortgage investments. z' banquet Welcomes Sorority Pledges A turkey banquet at Monetta was the welcome by Beta Sigma Phi to their three new pledges on Friday night of last week. The new members are Maida Richards, Patricia Cook Hensall and June Dashwood. Gwen Whilsmith toast on behalf of and Mrs. Cook gave the pledges. Following and impressive pledge ritual, the new members joined in an informal social evening when plans for the com­ ing fashion show were discus­ sed. Chib given Hayter of liro posed a the Sorority response fox* E. F. CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich 02-r-7 WM. H. SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special Training Assures You Your Property’s True Value Sale Day Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed CREDITON P.O. or PHONE 43-2 ALVIN WALPER LICENCED AUCTIONEER for HURON AND LAMBTON For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service all times “Service that Satisfies’’ PHONE 57-r-2 DASHWOOD at of on FRANK TAYLOR LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Exeter P.O. or Ring 138 -■■■■•...-■ ■■■■■■■---- --------------------------- ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Milton McCurdy R.R. 1 Kirkton Vice-President Wm. A. Hamilton Directors Harry Coates E. Clayton Colquhoun Science Hill R.R, R.R. Agents Ballantyne Woodham Harris Houghton Solicitor W. G. Cdohrane Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter Martin Feeney Angus Sinclair Thos. G. Alvin L. E. Ross Cromarty Centralia R.R. 1 2 Dublin 1 Mitchell R.R. 1 . Mitchell Cromarty Exetbr Cub News Just For Howls Have you met *Gus yet? He’s the brown mouse in the Scout Hall and his report for this week is the best yet. He left his notes as usual on the old cabinet in the dust. “First off” the corner ..... ____ where the second star cubs were practising theix* “dits” and “dahs” until my ears fairly rang and- I felt like a telegraph wire, so I wandered over to the knot ring where Baloo was making rope ends fly. (Right now I have a bit of flag rope tied to my tail where I couldn’t get my last reef knot untied—i’ll pass that knot test yet!) “—Had to laugh at the seven cubs trying to mouse howling, to sound like a caused general when I lived in tory and they stopped work for an houx* looking for what they cat he said, “X sat in under the bench sound like a Oh well, I tried boy once and it panic (that’s the canning fac- thought sounded like a caught in the machinery). "What I like best about the new cubs is theix* attendance. Speaking of attendance, Akela, I have been there for every meet­ ing and I would like to he in­ vested in three months with the new boys. Can’t make it next week with, the seven because I don’t know my promise yet. (“That’s all I can think of and anyway, I’ve found a dandy gul- tar string to practise my knots on, so I will be off. Foi’ better howls, your literary razzle daz -—Gus”). Well cubs, that about covers it for this week—thanks to Gus remember neckerchiefs and as much uniform as possible next week for investitures. Good Hunting— The Old Ones a Brownie Chuckles Und er The Toadstool First of all we wish to give Grand Howl to the Times-Advo- cate for allowing us this space to keep our parents up to date with our activtiies. The leaders of the Brownies are Brown Owl, Lillian Hunter- Duvar; Tawny Owl. Gladys Hunt and a new leader this year, Guider Trudie Pickard. If at any time there are questions the parents would like cleared up any of the above would be glad to answex1 them if at all possible. At oui’ meeting this week we found the Wee Folk working in­ tently on their Promise and Braiding while the Golden Bar and Golden Hand Brownies work- on their Saftey rules and Signal­ ling alternately. Will all the Golden Bar Brownies please re­ member to bring a red and blue crayon next week. Bye for now girls and remem­ ber to practice that Motto all week and “Lend A Hand.” — The Owls and for the James Street Afternoon Auxiliary “The City Missions of the United Church of Canada” was the subject of study for the Nov- ember meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary of James Street church on Thursday afternoon last. Miss N. Keddy’s group had charge of the study and she was ably assisted by Mrs. H. Powe and Mrs. H. J. Snell. Mrs. E. Buswell, Mrs. S. McFalls and Mrs. H. Perkins took part in the worship service which was also led by Miss Keddy. A solo by Mrs. A. 0. Elliott, accom­ panied on the piano by Mrs. G. K. Crocker, was much appreciat­ ed. Mrs. H. J. Snell conducted the election of officers which result­ ed as follows: Honorary presi­ dent, Mrs. H. J. Snell; president, Mrs. Lloyd Taylor; first vice- president, Mrs. H. Powe; second vice-president, Mrs, lor ’ ‘ J. Snell; recording Mrs. V. Armstrong cording secretary, kins Well. William Sweitzer; temperance Secretary, Mrs. W. Cook; Christ­ ian stewardship secretary, Mrs. S. McFalls; literature secretary, Mrs. Maud Heywood; community friendship secretary, Mrs. A. Amy; assistant community friend­ ship secretary, Mrs. O, Cann; supply secretary, Mrs. William Missionary Monthly sec­ Mrs, m ■ | Frank Tay- third vice-president, Mrs. H. Snell; recording secretary, ; assistant re­ Mrs. H. treasurer, ,Mrs. E. assistant treasurer, Sweitzer Per- Bus- Mrs, Pybus: rotary, corresponding Stone; press M. Southcott; secretary, Mrs. Frank King; mite box secretary, Mrs, S. Jory; William secretary, secretary, Associate Welsh; Mrs. E. Mrs. J. Melpers Officers Appointed For Stephen Vote Deputy Returning Officers Poll Clerks were appointed the township of Stephen at council meeting last week. They are as follows: Mrs. Mills Shop, Gordon Wilson, Ralph Gates; Frank Triebner’s house, Preston Dearing, Frank Triebner; Wenzil’s Barber Shop, Chas. Anderson, Chas. Green; Town Hall, Crediton, Alvin Baker, John Gaiser ; Dennis O’Rourke’s House, Pat Sullivan, James Mawhinney; Club Rooms, Dashwood, Otto Willert, Chester Gaiser; Sweitzer’s kitchen, con. 17, John Houlahan, Elmer Pic­ kering; Pollock’s Store, Mansell Hodgins, William Hicks; Joe Ravelle’s House, Colin Love, Ir­ vin Bestard. Nomination day is December 3, and in the tion the date 10. Edward Chambers was again appointed representative on the high school board for a period of two years. event of an elec­ will be December Goderich Members Visit Caven W.M.S. Three members of the Gode­ rich branch of the WMS were present for the October meeting of the Caven Auxiliary which was a Hallowe’en supper held at the home of Mrs. Sillery. .. Mrs. H. Strang resided for the business and opened the meeting with a sing-song. Mrs. Millei' ^vas in charge of the devotional period. During the meeting, the ladies made arrangements fox' the Fall Thank Offering which will be held in November. Mrs. F. Whil- srnith reviewed the Glad Tidings and Mrs. Sillery read a letter from John Elder, a missionary in British Guiana. Mrs. Millar moved a vote of thanks to all taking part in the meeting and Mrs. G. Bissett gave a prayer to close the meeting. Friend: “Did you get that Goldworth estate settled?” Lawyer: “Yes, but I had d terrific fight. The heirs almost got part of it.” Baby Band leaders, Mrs. M. Cud- more ; pianist, sistant group Mrs. C. Zurbrigg, and Mrs. J. Delbridge; , Mrs. William Pybus; as- pianist, Mrs. Milo Snell; leaders, Miss N. Keddy, , W. Down add Mrs. C. E. CREDITON Service in the Evangelical UB Church was ■withdrawn on Sun­ day evening in favour of anni­ versary services in Dashwood Evangelical Church. Decembex* 21 is the date set for the annual Christmas Con­ cert to be presented by the Unit­ ed Church Sunday School. Mr. Gerald Zwicker attend­ ed a meeting of the Western Seedmen’s Association., held last week, in Kansas City, Missouri. ■Mr. Russell Clark of' Detroit sent Monday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fink beinex' of London spent the week end with the formers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Finkbeiner. Mrs. Herb Fahrner is spending this week in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. William Oest- reichex- visited ovex’ the week­ end with relatives in Windsor. Mrs. Lobby former’s sister in Sudbury. Mrs. tei' Ilene of Munroe Mich., were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Young. Mrs. Mary Eilber is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Morlock in London. Mr. C. Pratt of Owen Sound spent Saturday at his home here accompanied by Mrs. Pratt and Margaret they spent Sunday in TorontoToronto. Mrs. Pratt and Toronto. Mrs. Pratt and Margaret are remaining for a time. Mrs, C. “ Elizabeth time with the former’s sister in Ingersoll, family spent Sunday in Ingersoll. Miss Rosalie Mack of the Bank of Montreal is this week enjoying hex' holidays and ac­ companied by her mother, Mrs. AV, Mack spent several days in Port Huron. Mr. Calvin Fahrner of Sarnia spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Fahrner. Several of our residents have not been enjoying good health of late. Our wishes for speedy restorations go out to Mrs. Wes­ ley Wein, Mr. Albert Wolfe and Mr. Emerson Wenzel. I ■ Used Parts, Used Tires, Etc. SPECIAL USED HEATERS Glenn’s Auto Wreckers Phone 418-MI Exeter INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Lome I-Iodge and son are visiting with the J. Kicnards and daugh- W. Parkinson and are spending some Mr. Parkinson and Teacher: “Johnny, give me a sentence meaning “The sap is rising.’ ” Johnny: “The boob is getting out of bed.’’ \ IN AND SEE THEM]'»■,< tip m i | fj I and VIMS AHEAD! j CRISPERS HOI.pl ( HUGE ] (UPTO25QTS J 50 IB. FREEZER -----7 Select from 10 Doer HtwA Colors ENTIRE INTERIOR ACIP RESISTING F. W. Huxtable PHONE 153-W EXETER Vote For Tom Pryde on November 22 on the records of the Frost Government, and of the Huron Candidate, lom Pryde, in support of that Government For a SANE STRONG SAFE GOVERNMENT