HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-11-15, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, 1951 No Election Prom ises Here - These Want-Ads Get Results 1 J FOR SALE—1934 Chevrolet^ Coach in good condition, very ’ good tmotor, tires and heater.; Also 25 bags cement and, one ji General Motors hot water car hegter, nearly new. Joe Amos, t Ailsa Craig, 619-r-14. 15e| FOR SALE FOR SALE J FOR SALE FOR RENT LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED TO RENT AUCTION SALES FOR SALE—One pair of girl’s white skates, size 12. In good condition. Phone 396-W. 15* n FOR SALE—’47 Chev Sedan in excellent condition. ‘42 Chev- Fleetline Coach. '39 Chev Se-> dan, one owner, original mile­ age 25,000. Apply Broderick; Bros., phone 277. 15* FOR SALE—One AMCA range} and one space heater. Phone 372-R. ____________ lc } FOR SALE—Used Case one-row > corn picker with husking bed.! See this one, it’s a bargain, j Exeter Farm Equipment, tele- [ SALE- phone 508 Exeter. 15c I FOR SALE—Crosley refrigerat­ or, large size; Clare Jewel 4- burner table top electric stove, oven and warmer. P.M.Q. 165. RCAF Centralia. FOR SALE —- One gentleman’s brown gabardine suit, size 38; one navy tweed suit, size 38; one man’s overcoat, size 3S. i at Jensen’s Store FOR SALE—Findlay space heat- FOR RENT- er, like new, used only two; ‘ seasons. Phone Hensall, 6SS-r-‘ 3.______________15* | FOR SALE—15 choice Here-! ford heifers, approx. TOO lbs. | HOUSE Also some good stock calves, j from Phone John Ingram, 683-r-43 ‘ rent Hensall. 15* farm77-...... .........................—-——— | of November. Phone 206-R Ex- ~ ;—One purebred York-’ eter. 15:22* shire boar, ready for service. G. W. Miners, R.R. 5, Exeter. Phone 32-r-9 Kirkton. 15* '■—Three-room ground floor unfurnished apartment. Private entrance. No children. Available November 15. Phone 233, S:15c HORSES WANTED — Will buy any kind of a horse. Will sell or exchange. -—Frank Taylor, Exeter, ring 138. 20tfc WANTED TO RENT — apartment, furnished, ably in Exeter. Apply Times-Advocate. 3-room Prefer- Box H, 15* FOR RENT—3 miles Centralia airport. Cheap in return for part-time labour. Possession end I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. l*tfc WANTED TO RENT—Three- or four - bedroom house. Prefer­ ably sign a two-year lease. Contact F.O furnished. Prepared to WORK WANTED Revill, Officers’ Mess, R.C.A.F. Centralia. 15:22:29c Lot FOR SALE-—Fully modern two- j bedroom bungalow. Large cor- j ner lot. 12 Anne St., Exeter._________________________15* j FOR SALE—Three 6.50x16 tires,; one 15-plate battery, one Har-1 WANTED rison heater. Apply Tuckey s Beverages. 15* 'ACADEMY AWARD "H‘ CK SMITH JEWELLER ROMA FOR SALE—Mallard ducks. Chinese geese, would trade for African, or any variety of wild fowl. —Ross W. Hern. ’ Granton, R.R. 1. 15* FOR SALE—-Small shed, lean-, to, shingle roof, size 12x6H. Phone 233. 15c FOR SALE — Floor sanding} equipment, in good condition.;] —Wallace Bowden, Woodham,, phone Kirkton 14-r-17. 15* ■ Classified Rates Effective for Week of November 22 More Than 25 Words — l1 j>c per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS — 30c More Than 25 Words lc per Word 20 Cents Off If Ad Paid with Order or by Saturday Following the Last Insertion Christmas is coming sooner than you ACADEMY AWARD "H” 21 Jewels $62.50 ACADEMY AWARD “S 21 Jewels $59.50 MISS AMERICA & 17 Jewels Exeter. * TO RENT—2 furnished rooms, Simcoe Street, third house east of Main Street, on south side. Apply Times-Advocate. Itfc GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS } provide lasting interest. Solve s your Xmas Shopping problem’ with an all-year-round gift of a popular magazine. k j Catalogue on Request All Magazines Available WANTED I will do your PLAIN MENDING —no fancywork. Apply Box C, TimesrAdvocate. 8:15:22* APARTMENT or house, one or two bedrooms, for young cou­ ple. Apply Box C, Exeter Times-Advocate, 15* w Coal oil hanging lamps. — Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Main Street. Itfc ORK WANTED — Young wo­ man with store, banking and bookkeeping experience. Tele­ phone 56S-W Exeter, or Grand Bend. 15* STRAYED 55 WANTED TO BUY—A few tons of mixed grain. Phone Gran­ ton. 5-r-7. 15* . H. T. Buston, Ph. 3vS-r-5 Exeter ------------------------------------------I FOR SALE—F’ " in excellent condition, used' only two years. Phone 370-W. ' 15* HAVE ACCOMMODATION for 12 cattle. Plenty of hay and straw. —John Imanse, phone Hensall 6Sl-r-22. 15:22c ■Findlay cook stove WANTED Several truck loads of cob corn. J. R. Henry, Blyth. phone 150. 15:22* HELP WANTEDFOR SALE—Northern Spy ap- * pies, graded, $2.00 per bushel.11 . Phone Hensall._______15c WANTED — Experienced wait- FOR SALE—Part Jersey heifer ' re?5- YaseS*due to freshen 14 Nov. Major? eua Menara. loc Baker, R.R. 2. Dashwood, or' phone 164-r-6 ' Dashwood. 15c : FOR SALE—1936 Chrysler Se-. dan in good mechanical con-! dicion, heater, overdrive and sealed beam lights. Only $250. — P.M.Q. No. 317, R.C.A.F. Centralia. * (WANTED—Janitor for Crediton Evangelical Church. Duties to commence December 1, 1951. For further particulars as to duties and salary, contact Mr. Joseph Finkoeiner or Albert Gaiser, Crediton. 15:22c CARETAKER. SPORTS SUPERVISOR Capable man for caretaker and sports supervisor at Exeter Arena i and Community Park to be em­ ployed on an annual basis. Make application to Donald Traquair, ‘ secretary - treasurer, Community -Park Board, stating age, quali­ fications and salary expected. Applications must be received on or before November 21. 1951. 15c PERSONALFOR SALE—Tile, by the truck-; load, for winter delivery. Ap­ ply James W. Gardiner, 21-r-SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 10 Kirkton. ................ ~ ^HANCOCK RON A $45.00 HANCOCK 15 Jewess $33.75 DulCIE Jewtti $62.50 DUOWINO ’’K” 17 Jewe!* $65.00 WORK baby work. 9 O WANTED — Lady with is looking for liouse- Hensall, phone 681-r- 15:22c STRAYED—Onto Lot 6, Conces­ sion 7. Hay Township, a roan heifer. For whereabouts tele­ phone 17-15 Kirkton. Owner may have cgame by proving property and paying expense. 8:15:22c WORK WANTED — A reliable middle-aged woman to care care for your home and child­ ren for week-ends. Apply P.M.Q. 179B, RCAF Station. 15:22* * !■ WORK WANTED — Dutch boy, 17 years old, wants work on} farm in Exeter vicinity. Apply' Van Steeg, phone 677 on Sat-] urday. 15* I WORK WANTED — Dutch cook and baker needs work urgent­ ly. Apply John Ver Hoeven, % Bruce Tuckey, 174-r-4. 15* MISCELLANEOUS MODERN HAWAIIAN taught at the* Scout Exeter on Tuesdays, New class forming, loaned free of charge. Henry Pulsifer, instructor. ~6ctfn GUITAR Hall in 7 to 10. Guitars NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can be made. Bill WTatson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood. 25tfc I HONSBERGER SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING SHOW CARDS Reasonable Rates Phone 661 — 122 Hill St. EXETER 8:15:22:29:7c E. REAL ESTATE i to 15 lbs. New pep. too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh: new vigor. New “get acquainted’’ size only 60c. All druggists. SMALL MODERN cottage with conveniences in Clinton. Bar­ gain for quick sale. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. 1 LOST j LOST OR STOLENs^—Would the person seen taking the gabar­ dine coat out of the Arena two 0 0 ACRES in Tuckersmith, good buildings with many con­ veniences. Abundant -water supply throughout by pressure system. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Ex­ eter. vreeks ago. Please leave at the ? FEW ACRES with abundance of Legion rooms. The owner’s in- 1 itials are inside. 15c ! = * FOR. your ' Gift sets ’ evening bags ; complete with compact at! $16.50 to attractively pack- * FOR aged toilet sets at $1.69. En-' joy the convenient Avon way; to shop. Phone your represen- ’ tative, Mrs. Harris, at 655 and j ask her to call on you. Itfc j «FOR SALE—2 pair skis; 2 sets: downhill harness; 1 pair ski * boots, size 8, steel edged and j capped: 1 pair skis, base- s waxed and steel edged: 2 sets5 poles. As good as new. Apply ! W. L. Ruttie. 620 William St.! 8:15* I FOR SALE small fruits, some stabling and henhouse. 5-room brick house, hydro. Early possession. —W. C. Pearce, Exeter, AVON GIFTS Will solve Christmas problem, from beautiful SALE—New house, com­ pletely modern. Two bed­ rooms, oil furnace. Apply Ar­ thur Whilsmith. Itfc ! SALE—New house, full basement with furnace and water heater, living room, kit­ chen, two bedrooms and bath on first floor. Upper floor un­ finished, with stairs in. R. E. Balkwill. 9tfc STRAYED—From Lot 5, Con­ cession 7, Hay Township, light roan yearling steer, —Phone 458-r-21 Exeter, Wesley Dear­ ing. 8:15:22* STRAYED—Onto the south half of Lot 9, Concession 5, of Hay Township, a Hereford steer, approx. 600 lbs. Apply Bill Coleman, 92-r-6 Zurich. 8:15:22c LOST OR STRAYED- old steer, black with white spots on head and Name on tag on left Phone 175-r-23, Ernest lard. -Two-year- some body, ear. Wil- 15c STRAYED—Onto Lot.^12, Con­ cession 7, Hay, two-year-old black white-faced steer. Oscar Tuckey, phone 174-r-2. 15c STRAYED—From Lot 12, Con­ cession 7, Hay, one two-year- old Holstein heifer. —Oscar Tuckey, phone 174-r-2 Exeter. 15c STRAYED—From Lot 12, Con­ cession 16, Stephen, one year­ ling with my mark in right ear. Please phone 164-r-14, Albert Gaiser, 15c LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN —One roan yearling heifer from Lot 9, Concession 17, Stephen Township. Finder please notify Milton Sweitzer, R.R. 2, Dashwood. 15:22* TENDERS WANTED RE PRESSURE SYSTEM Tenders will be received by the undersigned for a shallow well pressure system to be in­ stalled in the Centralia Public : School. Tenders to be received |no later than 8:00 p.m. Monday, s November 19, 1951. Lowest i any tender not necessarily cepted.an or ac- STEPHEN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA Arthur J. Amy, Secretary, Exeter. Ontario. 15c NOTICES NOTICE—Will the party who took magneto from tractor on farm of Roy and Lome Fink- beiner, Crediton, please return it immediately or action will be taken, because the party is known. 15* FOR. SALE—Laundry stove, 2- lid, burns coal or wood; also pair of window curtains. Apply Wes Hacknev, Exeter North. 8:15* FOR SALE—-'Hand-picked table carrots. SI a bushel. —Phone 481-W Exeter. 15c FOR SALE — Seven-room house with two self-contained apart­ ments. Oil heated, garage; on lot 75’xl50’. Early possession of the four-room apartment. This house is at 435 Carling Street. Phone Tom Miller, 592- W’. 25ctfn THREE-BEDROOM brick house, well located in Exeter. This house is in good repair and has nice lot. Priced reason­ ably. Quick possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. ......T............... J FOR SALE — Kitchen cabinet J white and chrome. Like new. „ y H. A. Foster. P.M.Q. 4 356, Centralia, phone 67-! 8:15* FOUR-BEDROOM brick house— Fine home with nicely treed lot. New oilburning furnace. Ideal location. Immediate pos­ session. Terms if desired. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter.FOR SALE—Tamworth boars,.. serviceable age. Apply Ross REDUCED PRICE- Clark, Crediton. phone 59-r- ’ 11. 15* | FOR SALE—Feed turnips. Ap ply Bruce Tuckey. 174-r-4. 15c FOR SALE — ‘37 Chevrolet Coach, heater, winterized. Ap-. ply Stuart Dick, Exeter. 15* “FOR SALE—Coal space heater, good condition. Reasonable. Apply 41 Anne St., or phone 97-R. 15* - “FOR SALE—Pigs for sale, o # chunks. Also ten 7-week-old j} ? pigs. Phone 40-r-7, Dashwood, J H Ont. 15:22c! s FOR SALE*—‘Westinghouse elec-1 trie four-burner range In good I condition, $35. Phone 15. 15c | “—„—a Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Triick, Hay, Grain nnd Miscellaneous Articles ON THE PREMISES 7, Con. 23, Mollard Line STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 1 mile east of Grand Bend on No. 81 Highway & 1 mile south The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 commencing at 1 p.m, sharp CATTLE: Holstein cow, car­ rying third calf, due middle of April; Holstein cow, currying third calf, due in March; pure­ bred Jersey cow, milking, carry­ ing fourth calf, due latter part of May; Durham cow, carrying second calf, due in March; stein cow, < due middle of February; 2 fers 2 years old; 3 heifers year old; 1 yearling steer. These are all good quality cattle; co’ivs are extra good milkers with clear T.B. tests. due sow, , u. u c 4.U. .VIa., i;n ; I-Iol- carrying second calf, hei- one SWINE: Yorkshire sow, November 7; Yorkshire about 200 lbs., not bred. POULTRY: 100 choice lets, White Leghorn crossed White Rock, started to lay. TRUCK AND TRACTOR: 3-ton base; thony truck dition. tor fully equipped, also Da West loader and 2-furrow plow in new condition. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES: 10” Bissel grain grinder, used 2 years; Viking cream separator, used two years; 2 wheeled rub­ ber tired tractor wagon; rip saw and frame; 7” ___ equipped with new electric mot­ or; pump jack, equipped with new electric motor; water posts; house, Queen ken shelters; water fountain and feeders; large chop box; 25 cord of dry wood; forks, shovels, pails; and many articles toe numerous to mention, HAY AND GRAIN: 900 bus. mixed grain, barley and oats; 75 bushels wheat; 200 bushels of cob corn; 350 bales of choice red clover hay; 3 tons loose red clover hay; 2 loads bean straw; quantity of turnips and mangels. TERMS: Cash. No reserve; everything will be sold. CECIL LOVIE, PROr. GLEN WEBB, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. PU1- with '50 Ford truck, 134” wfaeel- D.P. axle, Brantford An- 5-yard box and hoist. This is in all-round new Tractor, 194 6 Ford trac- con- 24” saw, 100’ of l’i” pipe; number steel fence quantity of bricks; colony 10’xl2’, newly b u i 11 ; oil brooder stove; 2 chic­ Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction on . MARLBOROUGH STREET, (Wartime Housing) EXETER on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER J 7 at 1:00 o’clock the following: A two-piece chesterfield suite; combination table and bookcase; 7-piece blonde mahogany 1 room piece suite, model hies; drop-leaf coffee table; wal­ nut end table; Stromberg Carl­ son electric table radio; smoking 4-plate electric kitchen table chairs; kitchen clock; Premier New Williams circular plate . triliglit lamps; 3 20 i blonde mahogany 'bed­ suite with twin beds; 6- walnut veneer bedroom complete; Rogers table radio; 2 oak centre ta- NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Town of Exeter will be held in the TOWN HALL, EXETER on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1951 between the hours of 12:3 0 o’clock and 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve, six Councillors, three members of Public School Board and one Public Utilities Commissioner. and further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular of­ fice, than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1951 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o'clock <i p.m. at the following places with [the undermentioned officers in j charge and fixed by Town by- i law VIZ. ‘ Polling Sub-Division No. 1-A— ? at showrooms of Newton Motors, (Main St.: Earl Parsons, D.R.O.; | Vera Rowe, Poll Clerk. I Polling Sub-Division No. IB-— at showroom of Newton Motors, Main Street: Charles Monteith, D.R.O.: Edna Taylor, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Division No. at Town Hall. Main Street; Carscadden, D.R.O.; Louise wood, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Division No. at Town Hall, Main Street; Campbell, Hot jj Ryckman, Polling at Glen Main St.: Grace McKnight, Poll Clerk.Polling Sub-Division No. 3B— at Glen McKnight’s Residence, Main St.; Arthur Amy, D.R.O.; Lois Learn, Poll Clgrk. and all Electors are hereby requested to govern themselves accordingly. CLARENCE V. PICKARD, Returning Officer. Exeter, Ont, Nov. 13. 1951. 15:22c ■ Fenery like new; matching electric cleaner; machine; 2 lamp without shade; electric lamps: Wilton rug, feet; small Wilton rug; 2 cushions; mantel clock; rocker; occasional chair; CENTRALIA Property—Brick, Suitable for one family or two apartments.J Immediate possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. NEW FRAME DWELLING—This home is completely modern. It has a. large bright living room and is nice throughout. Oil burning furnace ancHhot water heater. Let us show you this one. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, f Main Street, Exeter.' _____j -I—FRAME — Centrally-j located. Can be used as two-» or three-bedroom home. air furnace. Town water.!, | Terms. —C. V, Pickard, Main [ Street, Exeter. : J FOR SALE—Enterprise kitchen j ’ range, coal, wood or oil burn-1---ige. cuai, wuuu or ouris- j er. Good a= new. Used two | winters. Original value $270. | Will sell for $150. Also large’ Norge space heater, original’ value $180. Will sell for $125. | John Jay, Irving Snider Apt, < FOR SALE—New modern home oil corner lot, containing large bright living room, kitehen, ! dinette, bath, two bedrooms down. three room apartment „ up. Full basement, air con- !i ditioned oil furnace. Small) ■cash payment. Balance in low' monthly payments. Owner, leaving town. —Rasmussen, ? 528-J. IStfeJ 2A— Eric Hey- 2B— John D.R.O.: Margaret Poll Clerk. Sub-Division No. 3A— McKnight’s Residence, Sarah Laing, D.R.O.; stand; stove, with 4 buffet; vacuum sewing glass mirror; electric table 6x12 green oak congoleum rug, 9x10 feet; cedar chest; lawn folding chair and rocker to match; combination desk; Coffield washing machine, new condition; clothes rack; drapes; curtain frames: ice-box; foot stool; card table and chairs; violin, 100 years old, with lea­ ther ease, like new; Christmas tree frame and decorations; 2 bedroom lights; 2 hotplates; extension j sets; clubs cradle and < sleigh; rocker; child's ironing children's clothes; high chair; china set; Billingsley Rose Spode Special 50-pleco dinner sot; a number of beautiful cups hud sauce r s ; crystal; ornaments; candlestick holders; glnAsware; 2 crystal trays; vases; kitchen utensils ; crocks; 2 roasting pans; extension cord; 12 dozen pint sealers; small plants; Mar­ lin .22 bolt-action rifle, now, equipped with sights; jig-saw 2 galvanized tubs; 6 tool cupboard; lawn garden tools; carpenter ; gas cans; bicycle; doll etc. frame and decorations; coal-oil lamps; ; ironing board; door gate; 2 badminton sot; 5 now leather case; crib; child’s set; wagon; tennis with and chairs toboggan; tricycle; child's ‘ clothes; golf 'baby table hand small •board; outfit; screens; mower; tools; 2 buggy; Everything in new condition, TERMS: DUNCAN ELMORE ALVIN Cash. McDonald, prop, McBRlDE, CLERK WALTER, AUCT 8:1 Sc