HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-11-08, Page 9SORE THROAT? Nod to THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8, 1951 CENTRALIA Large Congregation Page W Don't suffer from common sore throat, when you pan do some­ thing about it. Rub in soothing Minard’s Liniment get a Get INARDS “KING OF PAIN” LINIMENT NORDIC “THE SEWING MACHINE OF THE CENTURY” Solidly built, all moving parts specially hardened to withstand the wear and tear of years, beautifully designed, quiet and smooth-running, readily adjust­ able, the NORDIC Sewing Machine is precision-built —a boon to every housewife. Available from a Portable Size at $99.00 to the Beautiful Desk Model at $249.00 Come in and ask us for a demonstration. We’ll be proud to show* yon its many advantages! Hopper-Hockey Mrs. Knight left on Sun- /rs rx /day for Detroit where she will bees UUStOr Destinv spend the winter with her.-, , anddaughters, Mrs. Schroeder Mrs. Brokepshire, Ms. Jack Andrew spent week-end in Detroit. Mrs. Clare treatment in al Hospital, her a speedy Mr. and Mrs. K, Greb enter' tained the members of the Neo- dult Club at a Hallowe’en party at their home on Tuesday even­ ing of last week. Mrs. Duffield who has been companion to Mrs. John Essery for the past few years left on Thursday to take up residence in Exeter. Mrs. Essery is at the home of her son. ‘Mr. and Mrs. William Esery in Usborne. We regret the ladies departure from the village. Miss Donna Bowden spent the week-end in London with Misses Shirley and Wilma Coates. Mrs. Clara Abbott left on Tuesday of this week for Pasa­ dena, California where she will spend the winter with her sister- jn-law, Mrs. F. J. Fairball. Mrs. R. Schroedei' and Mr. Jack Schroeder of Clandeboye and Miss Norma June Hodgins of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowden. There will Day Service Sunday with the choir. Rev. A. E. the Green is receiving the Strafford Gene- Many fiends wish recovery. he a Remembrance in the church on special music by In spite of the inclement wea­ ther on Sunday evening Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall was filled, with a congregation comprising children and adults to see the picture “Dust or Destiny.” it was presented by laymen from London. The sound, color film gave a d r a$n a t i c presentation of the miracles of nature. It depicted the wonders of the human ear, f thethe wonderful mechanism of heart. “Dust or Destiny” shows remarkable homing instincts the pigeon, the flight of the guided by its own radar. In conclusion the film points out that these scientific marvels show unmistakable evidence Creator, who is also the deemer. the of bat of a Re- CROMARTY and Mrs. Howard Eves, Jaw, Sask., are visiting couple of weeks at th© of her arents, Mr. and Phone 99 ___ Holley, supply min­ ister at the Main Street Church, Exeter, was guest speaker at the WMS Thank Offering service on Sunday and delivered a very fine message. Miss Norma June Hod­ gins was soloist and sang, “Bless This House” and “The Holy City”, The choir sang an anthem. Mr. and Mrs. De Montmorency and sons of Elimville had Sun­ day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. K. Greb and Wayne, The Young People’s Union are having a fireside meeting Sun­ day evening, November 11. Mrs, Bowers is showing the slides they took while in India. Every­ one is welcome. W.A. Elect Officers The W.A. met last Thursday afternoon in the school room of the church, the chair for the devotional. Mrs. L. Heitzel read the scripture, Mrs. J. McAllister led in prayer, Mrs, Gates gave an inspiring talk on the origin of the Bible. Rev. Burton conducted elec­ tion of officers. The following being slated for 195 2: ■ President, Mrs. C. McCurdy, first vice., Mrs. W. Essery, se­ cond vice., Mrs. A. McFalls, sec­ retary, Mrs. K. Greb, assistant, Mrs. J. M. McAllister, treasurer. Mrs. Reg Hodgson, assistant treas., Mrs. L. Hodgson, pianist, Mrs. A. Essery, assistant pianist, Mrs. K. Hodgins. The president, Mrs. J. Essery took the chair for business. It was decided to quilt two quilts November 13, and at the same time bring in old eye glasses to send to Happy Valley. Three Clinton airmen escaped serious injury on Friday when their car crashed off No. 4 Highway near Mooresville, broke off a hydro pole and plunged in­ to a ditch. The pen ter, stable swung avoid collision with a car travel­ ling directly towards him. Car­ penter suffered a bump on the head. One passenger, L.A.C, Splane with a deep cut in his right hand was stitched up at the RCAF hospital at Clinton. The third airman A.C. 2 An­ drew H. Lawrence escaped with a shaking up. Damage to was estimated at $2<0 0. driver, L.A.C, W. J. Car- 29, told Provincial Con- Harold Chislett that he his northbound car to the car * Mrs. Gates was in Building Fund —Continued from Page 8 church building fund, as was ficially announced by president Mrs. E. Witmer at the regular meeting on Thursday. The group has made plans for a concert by the all girls’ choir under the direction of Earl Ter­ ry of London to be held in the church early in December. ‘During the meeting, Miss Lois Baker, Public Health Nurse, gave a very instructive talk on nutri­ tion using films for illustrations. Mrs. G. K. Crocker gave a piano solo was much enjoyed by the ladies. your of- Mr. Moose for a home Mrs, Thos. Laing. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie have returned from their honey­ moon which they spent in Nia­ gara and Buffalo. Miss Esther Hocking, Seaforth, has been visiting with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hock­ ing. Dr. and Mrs. John Gardiner and their son Mr. Miles Gardin­ er, La Grange, Ill., called on Rev. and Mrs. R. Duncanson at the manse on Thursday. They also called on Mr. and David Gardiner. Mrs. A. Robertson and __ Mr. George Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. John funeral of Blanshard! day, ' We are : Mr. Thos. his bed through illness. We hope he will soon be well again. Dr. and Mrs. E. MeGavin, Windsor called on friends in this district last week.-* Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig visited recently with relatives at Fergus. Ladies Meet The November meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs.Lloyd Sorsdahl on Thursday with Mrs. Sorsdahl presiding. -Mrs. R, J. Scott led in the Glad Tidings prayer. Mrs. W. Harper read the last chapter of the Study Book, on Christian Literature. A splen­ did topic’ on “Prayer” was sented by Mrs. T. L. Scott. Haughton presided for Ladies Aid meeting which fol­ lowed the WMS meeting open­ ing with scripture and prayer. Plans, were made for a quilting in the basement of the church and for a pot-luck supper and bazaar. Refreshments were serv­ ed by the hostess. Mrs. John Wallace attended the Mr. Fred Mills of Township on Thurs- i Mrs. sorry to report that Scott is confined to ; pre- A camel can run about 16 miles an hour. a a 11 You expect the men and women in your local bank to be skilled, courteous, interested in their work and in you. They are. Because they find satisfaction in meeting the standard of banking you require, rendering the variety of services you expect in a chartered bank. And there is always the drive of competition. Manager, accountant, teller, junior — they all know that if you are not satisfied at your present bank you will go to another. 0 You can count on alert and friendly service from the men and women who look after your banjdng needs. One of a series ’ ' fc’V yovf bank Tl {fj EDGEWOOD . and Mrs, Gordon Davis and Mrs. B. A. Harris of Lon­ don, spent Sunday last with and Mrs. Percy Armitage family. A committee meeting of Federation of Agriculture th township of Biddulph held at the home of Mr. Mrs. Haysel Perrins on Tuesday. •Mrs. Kenneth Garrett Jr. has returned home from the hospital after suffering a relapse from a tonsilectomy. Mr. and Mrs. John ’Middleton have visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Middleton and Don the past week. Miss Olla Moore is spending a few days with Mrs. Helen 'Ellah of St. Marys. •^liss Anna and Laurel West­ man have been sick with the past week. Mr. George Rathburn with an accident while on way to Revere Hallowe’en _ on Tuesday. Their car went out of control had three hand. Hallowe’en The Revere School held their Hallowe'en Party on Tuesday night with a good attendance and a good program by the children. Mr. Harold chairman and judges were Joseph Zubal and Messrs. Hudson and Mark Lindsay, sic was provided by Miss Grace Lindsay. Prizes went to Joyce Moore, Anna Westman Jr., Sher- ald Dann, Anna Hardie, Edith Crawford and Mrs. Harvey Ken­ nedy. Farm Forum The farm forum met Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .-Haysel Perrins and listened to tliAjjroadcast “Are Co-Ops ef­ ficient?^ Some of the members came dressed in Hallowe’en costumes. Mrs. Mullin and Mrs. Bain were the judges. Prizes were given to‘ Mrs. Harvey Kennedy and Cecil Bowman. Two groups were formed and discussion was held on co-opera­ tives. Officers for the year Were ap­ pointed: November, Harold West­ man; December, Oscar Betters; January, Walter Mullen; Febru­ ary, Harvey Kennedy; March, Ralph Millson. Mrs. Harvey Ken­ nedy was appointed secretary. On Monday, November 10, the Revere forum will celebrate its tenth anniversary at the home of the organizers, Mr, and Mrs. Haysel Perrins. 9 Mr. and the for was and colds met their party on loose gravel. Geo. Stitches put in his Party the Westman was Mrs. Dant Mu- HEAR Howie Meek er AT ZURICH NOVEMBER 16 ■ Sell with Confidence WHEN SELLING POULTRY CALL RIVERSIDE POULTRY CO. Howard Ferguson, Manager 39-r-12 Kintore - Phore Collect - Hensell 680-r*2 W---------------------------------- -------------------------- --------------,,, , INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER J REFRIGERATORS NEW... and YEARY AHEAD ’ First time! A big, bright, cheery splash of color ... of your choice... on your refrig­ erator! Choose from 10 clever Door Handle color inserts—gec more color for your kitchen, more convenience for you! • Fell-Width Freezer Locker­ holds 50 lbs. of foods! • Coldstream Crispers—keep vegetables fresher longer! • Acid-Resisting Interiors • Chromium Finished Shelves and a score of other features’ you’ve always wanted I 7" i i rl See the Complete Line today 7 MODELS 7 SIZES 7 PRICES NOW WAITING FOR YOU AT •«• / rz I? u ' COL0^£ fgOM! ® JUa. / VL MODEL HA-83 F. W. Huxtable PHONE 153-W EXETER day#' .. »afeW a LET’S TALK VALUE Brak® btak- $ G> These are only four of PLYMOUTH'S 19 High-Priced-Car Values/ Your dealer will show you what all of these features mean in extra Comfort, Safety and Performance. 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