HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-11-08, Page 6Page $the: times-advocate, exeter, Ontario, Thursday morning, noyember s, 1951 jKirktpn WJ. PpnMe Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Lang-iv ki . «.» r | ford, Edwin and Shirley of, |p Nutrition runCJ Thedford spent Sunday with Mr. | a.nd Mrs. Herb Langford. | Mrs. Leopard Thacker and j Dinda spent Friday with Mrs. T. i Waugh of London. | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lang-1 ford, Walter and Donnie spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Tre­wartha of Holmesville. | Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones andls*-.- Carl «were Sunday guests at the’ing, home of Mr. and Mrs. x ah-,, Bryan of Prospect Hill. Mrs. George Channell Marilyn of Bloomfield and Miss Edna Facey of Pieton t__'Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. f Gladwyn Hooper.Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Facey. I Beth, Lorna and Morley of Wei-’ ’n Mrs> N Watson, Mrs. burn spent Wednesday evening!R 'Batson and Mrs. R. Ratcliffe with Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn | part. Refreshments were Hooper. i served by the hostess and com- Mrs. Maloney of Blyth spent pnittee. last week with Mrs. Fred Thom- Ross Francis. Preston Morri­ son and friends. (son. Laurence Beckett shot a _‘wo»f in Ashfield Township while «5t hunting ducks this past week. ’ Mr. and Mrs. William Rat- ’ cliffe spent the past week with .Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ratcliffe at 1 Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Johns of Exeter J visited their daughter, Mrs. Wes | Neil. I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen jj.and family and Mr. W. Kerslake j of Londesborqugh were Sunday ~ guests with Mr. Lewis Fletcher. Memorial Wreaths. I BLANSHARD ii BIRTHS The October meeting of the Kirkton W.I. was held at the i! home of Mrs. Clayton Smith. 8 Mrs. H. Shute read the scripture. Mrs. E. Roundell was appointed assistant for club girls with Mrs. Robert Robinson as leader. A donation of §5 was given to the Unitarian Fund. Mrs. Glen Allen gave the motto. Mrs. W. Hard- 1 , convener health, took James’charge of the remaining pro- , gram. Mrs. C. J. Switzer gave a § reading oxi Home Nurse. Mrs. - « William Ratcliffe was guest srienP- speaker and. gave a very eduea- -- I tional address on Health Rules -----’and National Immunization. Mrs. iW. Harding conducted an apple ;-------{quickie contest. A skit was giv- I en with Mrs. N. Watson. COOK-—Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Cook, Anita ed to their at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don, Wednesday. October 31. 1951. a granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. HUNKIN—Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Margaret Frances, at Victoria Hospital, . London, on November 5, 1951. CARDS OF THANKS Hensall* Ontario, (.nee Hildebrand» are pleas- announce the arrival of daughter, Carol Dianne, Mrs. thank all tives for ceived by illness. Re-Elect Pryde AND KEEP ON THE GOVERNMENT SIDE • Mr. Alvin Harding of Petrolia .spent the week-end with his par- ‘ and Mrs. William of Poppies ♦‘Lest We Forget” LAST CALL FOR BULBS Tulips ........ . Daffodils ....... Hyacinths ..... Paper Whites SI.00 doz. . $1.50 doz. 5 for $1.00 ... 3 for .25 Bailey Florists j enrs, Mr. Harding. Sympathy late Walter buried from the Kirkton United Church Saturday. Mr. Hazlewood was a highly respected citizen of the village for many years. Flowers were placed in the church Sunday in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Hazelwood. The first <ineeting of the Kirk­ ton Teddy Bears was held at the home of Mrs. R. Robinson with 11 present. The members are as follows, Helen Budden, Donna Stone, Marilyn Marshall, Jean Shute, Pauline Simpson, Shiela Watson, Blanche Switzer, Glenys Doupe, Georgina Hall. The girls received their books. The of­ ficers are: President, Marilyn Marshall; press reporter, Georg­ ina Hall: secretary, Sheila Wat­ son. The assistant leader, Mrs. E. Roundell, gave a demonstration on testing rayons. November 5 meeting was held} in Aberdeen Hall. Roll call was - answered by telling how to pre-| pare material for cutting, of the girls demonstrated. is extended to the Hazlewood, who was [A Festival Of Bargains Right Here Ervin Devine wishes to her friends and rela- cards and treats re- her during her recent 8c IN MEMORJAM loving FOR SALE FOR SALE—Coleman oil heater, medium size, 200-gallon tank. A Dayman, Grand Bend. 1:8* BARGAINS! Ladies Home Journal, Regular §3.0Q per year. 24 years §5.00 Specials on Holiday and Country Gentleman New or renewal orders on magazines promptly serviced. HARRY T. BUSTON Phone 308-r-5 Exeter 23ctfn all ALDERSON—In fond and memory of our darling baby. Heather Louise, who passed away November 9. 1950. Our lips cannot tell how we miss her. Our hearts cannot tell what to say; God alone knows how we miss her In a home that is lonesome today. —Daddy, Mummy, Carole and Bonnie. 8* I I 5(EDWARDS —In loving memory i of a dear husband and father, j John Edwards, who passed l awav six years ago, November 8. 1945. So many thing have happened Since you were called away— Things that you would of en­ joyed Had you been left to stay. So many things to share you In just the usual way— Things that could be so nicer If you were here today. We cannot bring the old back; Your hands we cannot touch; But God has given us wonderful memories Of wie w’e loved so much. —Too dearly loved to be gotten by wife and family. HELD—In loving memory of my mother, Margaret I. Held, who died two years ago, November 10, 1949. Sadly" missed, not just today, But always in our thoughts. —Ever remembered by Ida Mahlon Watts. with much days and 8c for- 8* position at Broeze and some ! !Mr. PERFECT DeSmit and A special service on Sunday the interests of the Collier. Mrs. G. Atkinson. - of tne late Air. ana airs. ivuusoh. „ _' Mrs. Campbell of Listowel is 3eF"‘visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. liam Hodgson. Mr, and Mrs. num ii t Hir i tiHMi ii MtiiniMti i iirii i uh t ii ship of Mrs. Fred Switzer with ( auu s Mrs. Dr. Campbell at the organ jjave moved to the home lied the church choir assisted by j t Mr< and Mrs> MiUson. : Miss Grace • Blackler, Mr. VrsiVlli^ >•>, aid Paul and the Woodham Male j Fi‘nkbeiner. Quartette. ( The church was decorated with I afternoon in yourAVON GIFTS will solve your Christmas problem. Gift sets from beautiful evening complete with compact at §16.50 to attractively pack­ aged toilet sets at §1.69. En­ joy the convenient Avon way to shop. Phone your represen­ tative, Mrs, Harris, at 655 and ask her to call on you. ltfc bags FOR SALE—Choice apples from sprayed orchard, Northern Spies, Red Spies, Kings, Delic­ ious, Snows, Russets, Court­ lands. Apply Victor Jeffery. Phone 173-r-13 Exeter. 25:l:8:c FOR SALE—2 pair skis; 2 sets downhill harness; 1 pair ski boots, size 8, steel edged and capped; 1 pair skis, base­ waxed and. steel edged; 2 sets poles. As good as new. Apply W. L. Ruttie, 620 William St. S:15* FOR SALE—Three young men's winter overcoats, 15 to 18 year size, 2 tweeds and 1 brown, box styles; also baby’s play pen. Phone 69 2-r-33 Hensall. 8c FOR SALE—35 Rock pullets, laying. Phone 63-r-7 Kirkton. 8* 2-FOR SALE—Laundry stove, lid, burns coal or wood; also pair of window curtains. Apply Wes Hackney, Exeter North. 8:15* FOR SALE—Used Beatty elec­ tric washing machine; also Quebec heater; and some Col­ lie pups. —Lloyd Ballantyne, phone Exeter 173-i’-3 2. 8* $29-« An Elco give? long years of depen­ dable service plus ultra smart styling. j Jeweller = Phope 510-W Exeter f WHALEN J. H. F. Broeze of Smith- ; ville has taken a i Cann’s Mill. Mrs. ; family arrived on Saturday to > up residence FOR SALE — Hand-picked table carrots, §1 a bushel. —Phone 494-M Exeter. 8c Church Decorated r A • S^T^’take ror Anniversary} The annual church annivers-^ougi^ yisi^u uu arj and church opening was Lawrence Dafton, jheld in the Kirkton United:™ . Church Sunday. The church was j ^Ir — -1 TL TTZ> "tt *D n tvI — ■» ortrl i! just recently decorated^ and new and family spent Sunday at rugs were put in. R®'- H. Au-1 Cromarty visiting Mr. and Mrs. derson preached in rhe morning and Rev. Harold Snell of Exeter ’Elmer Dow- at Whalen. ! The community welcomes them. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire and Douglas visited on Sunday with | Mr. 1—J ~------------ : Transvaal. and Mrs. Ray Parkinson | family FOR SALE—8 chunks of pigs; also ’29 Model A Ford and a radio, almost new. •—Clarence Cunningham, 21 miles west of Clandeboye. S* FOR SALE •—- Registered York service age boars. Also 1934 Ford Coach, cheap. •—Phone Gerald Godbolt, 17 8-T-14 Ex­ eter. 8* I FOR SALE — One pair girl’s I skates, size one, very good condition. Call 259. 8* j FOR SALE—Findlay cook stove, used two years. Can be seen ■ at Jack Elliott’s. 8* FOR SALE — Kitchen cabinet, white and chrome. Like new. Apply H. A. Foster, P.M.Q. No. 356, Centralia. 8:15 flowers placed in memory of thef United Church with Holley, Exeter, aslate Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazel- Mr. Joseph Needham and bi&ie<R jjrs> a. Squire favoured with daughter, Pat, R-N.. of Unity, |a j0 accornpanied by Mrs. M. Sask., spent part of the. past spuIlen> week with Mr. and Mrs. William i an<i Mrs> Frank Parkinson Ratcliffe and also called on I.! N. Marshall, as he is a f of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wood (neej Carrie Marshall) in Unity. j Mrs. Effie Kirkby of St. > Marys spent the week-end with ? Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Doupe. Mr. __ ___ Sarnia spent the week-end Mr, and Mrs. Ray Francis. Rev. A. E. , I guest speaker was well attend- FOR SALE—Small shed, shingle roof, size 12x6 J. Phone 233. 8c I Were You ? Did you get your feet in the snow storm, or for wet was theyour car ready weather? Winter is hard car. A thorough now will save you expens­ ive repairs and delays when you car most. on your once-over annoying need your mechanics motor, your Let our skilled check your brakes and your tires now. DON’T DELAY - SEE US TODAY! South End Service 828 _ .Excur. ♦ .. "i and Russell visited at Munroe on i ; Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Gor- do Docking.I Mr. and Mrs. Luther Row- ’ cliffe. Exeter, Mrs. Wynne, of (Woodham, and Miss Evelyn and Mrs. Nathan Doupe. s^Vynne, London, were Sunday and Mrs. Ray Stewart of | gl/ests o£ Mr# an<| Mrs. Bert Duffield.j Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire i arrived home on Friday from | their honeymoon trip. I Mrs. Ralph Parkinson, Lon- Idon had a plastic demonstration at on BRINSLEY Mrs. Jack Hodgson and Earl Lewis visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lackie of Windsor recent- Mrs,Mrs. William French’s Thursday evening. home FOR SALE — Man’s fur - lined coat and fur cap. Suitable for driving in open. Reasonable. Apply R. N. Rowe, Huron St. 8* FOR SALE — 19 51 Chevrolet, practically new. Radio, air conditioning, heater, slip cov­ ers. Priced forequick sale. Call * 323-R. v Sc FOR SALE—5 good pigs, eight weeks old. York and Tam cross. Also six Tam hogs, 100 lbs. or over. One mile east of Granton, first farm south of town line on Revere Line, north of railway tracks. 8c iy.Mr. and Mrs. Bawden of Lon­ don spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Amos. Leslie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Steeper of "West McGil- ilivray underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. MiSs Betty Morley is at pre­ sent spending a few days at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins Phillis and Bobbie visited re­ cently with Mr. and Mrs. Law­ rence Scott of Greenway recent­ ly.Miss Elsia Morley has accept­ ed a position in Robertson's Drug Store Exeter. Congratulations to Mrs. Doyle who married. Mr. and Mrs. of Sparta spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven. Mr. J. L. Amos spent a few days recently with friends in London. Miss Tomlin, teacher of S.S. 6 McGillivray entertained children at the Mr. and j were recently Edwin Gamble No. 6 McGillivray the mothers and small to a Hallowe'en party school. The neighbours and gathered at the home of Mrs, Peter Doyle on friends Mr, and Monday evening to honor them before their departure to their new home in Mount Carmel and pre- seated them with a miri-or and table cloth. LUCAN particular- the first winds but Adults may not he ly enthusiastic about snowfall and freezing the children think it js grand— snow-balling, sleigh-riding and trying to make snowmen. Mr. and Mrs. William Brownlee have their son Billie home with them for a few week’s visit. Last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Calder and Mrs. Irene Cour­ sey atended the W.A. meeting of St, George's Anglican Church Ilderton, which was held fit the home of Mrs. Harry Gibson, Con. 16, London Township. Mrs. Calder was the guest speaker at this meeting, Their bazaar took the form of an Auction Sale. The St. James Anglican Church Clandeboye held their bazaar and dinner in the Lucan Com­ munity Centre on Friday, Nov­ ember 2. Many Lucanites were present to enjoy a delicious din­ ner. The only fly in the oint­ ment was the power interruption which handicapped the cooking of the vegetables and made the dinner late. A good crowd was in attendance. Miss Twyla Dagg, R.N., of Pt. Colborne Hospital, spent last Friday in town visiting her old friends who all enjoy her visit but hope her next one will be longer.The W.I. meeting will be held fh the Arena audilorium oh L FOR SALE—Large Gurney space heater. Good condition. Phone 255-R. 8* FOR SALE—Pair snow tires, nearly new, 17x50, Phone Joe Bailey, 14-r-8 Kirkton. 8* FOR SALE—Piano in good con­ dition, tuned and d emoth ed. Price reasonable. Apply Mrs. D. Parker, phone 13-5 Dublin. 8* FOR SALE—Quebec heater; 30- ft. well pump; 2-wheel trailer. —-R. E. Balkwill, phone 89-J. 8* FOR SALE—Eight York pigs, ready to wean. Phone Glenn Bell, 692-r-3 Hensall. 8c FOR SALE—Coal space heater, good condition. Reasonable. Apply 41 Anne St, Sc Thursday afternoon, November 8. W. K. Riddell ’will be the guest speaker. Among those who graduated at the RCAF Station Centralia last week was Martin Renaud, brother of Roy Renaud of Alice St, Lucan. Mr, and Mrs. Renaud had a reception and dinner for the graduate on Friday night, Mrs. Percy Ryan of Vancou­ ver who Intended making a pro­ longed visit with eastern rela­ tives wag called home suddenly owing to the illness of her hus­band. • j i FOR RENT FOR RENT--Three-room ground floor unfurnished apartment. Private entrance. No children. Available November 15. Phone 233. 8c FOR RENT — Six-room house with bath on No. 4 Highway at Kippen. Immediate posses­ sion. Apply Neil Campbell, phone 674-r-5 Hensall. 1:8* HOUSE FOR RENT—3 miles from Centralia airport. Cheap rent in return for part-time farm labour. Possession end of November. Phone 206-R Ex­ eter. 1:8* TO RENT—2 furnished rooms, Simcoe Street, third house east of Main Street, on south side. Apply Times-Advocate. ltfc MISCELLANEOUS MODERN HAWAIIAN GUITAR taught at the Scout Hall in Exeter on Tuesdays, 7 to 3 0. New class forming. Guitars loaned free of charge. Henry Pulsifer, instructor. ~6ctfD NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can be made. Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood. 25tfc HONSBERGER SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING SHOW CARDS Reasonable Rates Phone 661 — 122 Hill St. E. EXETER 8:15:22:29:7c STRAYED STRAYED—Onto Lot 6, Conces­ sion 7, Hay Township, a roan heifer. For whereabouts tele­ phone 17-15 Kirkton. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expense. 8:15:22c STRAYED—From Lot 5, Con­ cession 7, Hay Township, light roan yearling steer. —Phone 4 5 8-T-21 Exeter, Wesley Dear­ ing. 8:15:2 2* STRAYED—From the north half of Lot 9, Concession 7, Towi> ship of Hay, a blue cow. Finch­ er please contact Gerald God­ bolt, phone 178-r-14 Exeter. 8* STRAYED—Onto the south half of Lot 9, Concession 5, of Hay Township, a Hereford steer, approx. 600 lbs. Apply Bill Coleman, 92-r-6 Zurich. 8:15:22c WANTED WANTED — Coal oil hanging lamps. —Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Main Street. ltfc WANTED TO RENT—House or two-bedroom apartment. Tele­phone 17 Exeter. " 8c WANTED-—-Timothy, alfalfa and clover. We do custom clean­ ing. Cann's Mill Ltd., Whalen Corners. 8 WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED SECRETARY for local firm. Good working con­ ditions and modern office equipment. Apply at Times- Advocate. 8c EXPERIENCED TYPIST desires any kind of home typing. Phone Mrs. H. Foster, 67-r-13 or apply P.M.Q, No. 356, Cen­ tralia. 8:15 I will do your PLAIN MENDING —no fancywork. Apply Box C, Times-Advocate. 8:15:22* TENDERS WANTED RE SNOWPLOUGHING Tgnders will be accepted at the office of the clerk for snow­ ploughing the streets of the Corporation of the Town of Ex­ eter during the coming winter. Contractor is to use plough with wing and must accept ploughing of town streets as first responsibility. Tenders to be made at rate per hour and to be received not later than 5 p.m. November 19, 1951t 8c C. V. PICKARD, CLERK NOTICES HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, com­ mencing Tuesday, November 13, at 2:00 p.m. All accounts, notices of depu­ tations and other business re­ quiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 10, 1951. A. H. ERSKINE, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario.1:8ft COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assess­ ment Roll of the Township of Usborne for the year 1952 will be held in the Township Hall, idlmville, Monday, November 12, 1951, at 3 p.m. 1:8c IL H, G, STRANG, CLERK LOST AND FOUND LOST—One child’s brown parka­ coat. Initials inside collar— B.C.S.S, Phone 192 or call at Sanders Grocery. 8* FOUND—A black and white, half grown pup, part Spaniel. Phone Joe Bailey, 14-r-8 Kirk­ ton. 8* LIVESTOCK WANTED HORSES WANTED — Will buy any kind of a horse. Will sell or exchange. —Frank Taylor, Exeter, ring 138. 20tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow. phone 83 Exeter. l*tfc HELP WANTED WANTED — Cajiable woman to care for two children while mother works. Live in or out. Phone 112. 8 TEACHER WANTED — Stephen Township School Area re­ quires a Protestant teacher for the Intermediate Room of S.S. No. and 4; Jan. 1. Apply stating qualifica­ tions and salary expected to Arthur J. Amy, Secretary, Ex­ eter. 1:8 c 5 (Crediton), Grades 3 duties to commence WAITRESS WANTED — §20.00 and meals. —Retlier’s Coffee Shop, 1:8c SALELADY — Experienced ferred, hut not essential, replies confidential. One terested in children’s wear stationery. Apply by mail, 0, Exeter P.O. pre- All in- and Box S* HELP WANTED—Y o u n g man for steady employment, good wages. Apply Chambers & Darling Meat Market. 8c REAL ESTATE SMALL MODERN conveniences in gain for quick Pearce, Realtor, Salesman, Exeter. cottage with Clinton. Bar­ sale. —W. C. Earl Parsons, i 00 ACRES in Tuckersmith, good buildings with many con­ veniences. Abundant water supply throughout by pressure system. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons? Salesman, Ex­ eter. FEW ACRES with abundance of small fruits, some stabling and henhouse. 5-room brick house, hydro. Early possession. •—W. C, Pearce. Exeter. FOR SALE—New house, com­ pletely modern. Two bed­ rooms, oil furnace. Apply Ar­ thur Whilsmith. ; ltfc FOR SALE—New house, full basement with furnace and water heater, living room, kit­ chen, two bedrooms and bath on first floor. Upper floor un­ finished, with stairs in. R. E. Balkwill. 9tfc FOR SALE — Seven-room house with two self-contained apart­ ments. Oil heated, garage; on lot 75’xl50’. Early possession of the four-room apartment. This house is at 435 Carling Street. Phone Tom Miller, 592- W. 25ctfn THREE-BEDROOM brick house, well located in Exeter. This house is in good repair and has nice lot. Priced reason­ ably. Quick possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. FOUR-BEDROOM brick house— Fine home with nicely treed lot. New oilburning furnace. Ideal location. Immediate pos­ session. Terms if desired. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. REDUCED PRICE—CENTRALIA Property—-Brick. Suitable for one .family or two apartments. Immediate possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. NEW FRAME DWELLING—This home is completely modern. It has a large bright living room and is nice throughout. Oil burning furnace and hot water heater. Let us show you this one. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. §4,000.00—FRAME — Centrally located. Can be used as two- or three-bedroom home. Hot air furnace. Town water. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE—-New. tWo-bedroom cottage on Huron street, west. All modern conveniences. Has to be seen to be appreciated. Mortgage arranged. Apply Ford & Farquhar Melding, Exeter. Phone 339-M. 25:1:8* AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Household! Effects Estate of the late J. A. Stewart ANDREW STREET, EXETER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 at 1:30 p.m. . TWO electric fane; 3 lamps; hand saw: carpet sweep­ er; stands; boxes; wash board; Oil 2 elec, wash machines; 2 wash­ tubs; galvanized pail; brace bits; wrenches; new % h.p motor; large quantity of sealers; crocks; garden hose; flower pots; pic­ tures; paints; bucksaw; clothes basket; axe; shovels; quantity of wood; vacuum cleaner; hall chair; umbrella case; 2 canes; hall tree; dining suite, 6 chairs; china cabinet; side board; writ­ ing desk; purses; desk light; -tea wagon; meat chopper; china dishes; clocks; cut glass dishes; linen towels; table covers; pil­ lows; garden tools; 4 verandah chairs; verandah table; quantity of coal; linen chest; vice; ches­ terfields; Kale living room chair; living room table; 5-piece living room suite; cabinet radio; carpets; pedestal lamp; 2 sets of lawn bowls; tennis racket; trilight lamp; glass china orna­ ments; fire place screen; book­ case; quantity of books; ward­ robe; 2 rubber sheets; 2 pedes­ tals; bedside table; 2 wicker chairs; drapes and curtains; 4 rugs; alarm china table; blankets; vanity chair; electric electric stove, new; Frigidaire, 2 years old; large bread box: 4- burner hydro stove with annex; kitchen cabinet; mats; tinware of all kinds; new broom; kitchen stool; 2 electric heaters; bed pan; 2 step ladders; clothes box; 2 small table; garden tools; 2 lawn mowers; bed, springs and mattresses; walnut dresser; large living room mirror, 3’6” x 5’; bedroom rug; radio; hall settee; 2 living room chairs; writing desk; large china cabinet; centre table; floor lamp; bridge table; ornamental fern bowl; end table; 2 velvet rugs; McClary electric stove; 2 electric toasters; kit­ chen table and 4 chairs; wicker table and 2 chairs; bathroom mirror; round clothes basket; chiffonier; rocker; small table. REAL ESTATE: storey nine-room centrally located in Exeter, On­ tario, on a large attractive cor­ ner lot. Home features hardwood floors throughout downstairs with water heat. Oil years old. This roof and fully floor. Has two two kitchens with central en­ trance and private stair to up­ stairs. Suitable for one family or as revenue producing duplex. Frame two-car garage with con­ crete floor. Occupancy will be arranged. To view phone Exeter 218, Douglas Stewart. TERMS: Cash. For particulars of property, apply Frank Taylor, phone 138. FRED DAWSON, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. bedside table; : drapes and curtains; 2 single beds; jardiniere; 3 window screens; commode; bed pillows, quilts, dresser and curler; Beatty clock; bedroom bedcovers, small stand; Choice two- brick house full basement and hot burner only two house has new insulated second bathrooms and Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction on MARLBOROUGH STREET.. (Wartime Housing) EXETER on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER J 7 at 1:00 o’clock the following: A two-piece chesterfield suite; combination table and book-case; 7-piece blonde mahogany bed­ room piece suite, model __ , bles; drop-leaf coffee table; wal­ nut end table; Stromberg Carl­ son electric table radio; smoking Fenery 4-plate electric, like new; matching electric cleaner; machine; 2 20 s blonde _ . suite with twin beds; 6- walnut veneer bedroom complete; Rogers table radio; 2 oak centre ta- stand; stove, with 4 buffet; Vacuum sewing glass mirror; electric lamp without shade; table electric lamps; Wilton rug; 6x12 feet; small Wilton rug; green cushions; mantel cX. oak rocker; occasional congoleum rug, 9x10 feet; cedar­ chest; lawn folding chair and rocker to match; combination desk; Coffield washing machine,, new condition; clothes rack; drapes; curtain frames; ice-box; foot stool; card table and chairs; violin, 100 years old, ther case, like new; tree frame and decorations; bedroom lights; 2 hotplates; ironing board; extension gate; 2 t„“- kitchen table chairs; kitchen clock; Premier- New Williams circular plate trilight lamps; 3 ; 2- clock; chair; with lea- Christmas 2 coal-oil lamps; “; door badminton chait sets;tennis set;5 new golf clubs with leather case;baby cradle and crib;child’s table and chairs set;wagon;hand' sleigh toboggan;tricycle;small ironing high rocker; child’s Children's clothes, . „ china set; Billingsley Rose Spode Special 50-piece dinner set number of saucers candlestick 2 crystal trays, utensils; crocks: pans; extension eord pint sealers; lin .22 L equipped With sights outfit; screens; mower; hujiuw** tools; 2 gas cans; bicycle; doll buggy; etc. Everything in new condition. TERMS duncan McDonald. ELMORE McBRIDE, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT, a beautiful cups and crystal; ornaments; holders; glassware; vases; kitchen 2 roasting 12 dozen small plants; Mar- bolt-action rifle, new, ZJ.'H jig-saw 2 galvanized tubs; 6 tool cupboard; lawn garden tools; carpenter Gash PROP 8:.(5c