HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-11-01, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1951 No Pranksters Here - Want-Ads 'Shell Out' With Results For Christmas FOR SALE Birthstone FOR SALE—15-head of stocker cattle and 40 tons of cob corn. Harvey Godbolt, phone Exeter 178-r-13. 1* FOR SALE-—30 R.I. pullets, 6 months old, Melville Buswell, phone Kirkton 4S-rl7.1* FOR SALE—Coleman oil heater, medium size, 200-gallon tank. A Dayman, Grand Bend. 1:8* FOR SALE—1949 Austin, above average condition. Radio and other extras. Phone 532-W. 1* three RCAF FOR SALE—Two suits, sport coats, overcoat, officer’s overcoat, two RCAF summer uniforms, all like new (size 38), too small for own­ er; also lady’s fur-trimmed winter coat; sleeping bag; pack sack. Phone 2 21-J Ex­ eter. lc DASHWOOD , Anniversary Services will be 'held in the Evangelical Church 1 Sunday, November 11. Professor ’A. C. Klimer of Naperville, Ill., I will be the guest speaker. Special I music will be given by the choir.. ' Rev. J. H. Getz is attending a Director’s Conference at FQR SALE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -— New Simplicity Rocket washer, 60-cycle. Price for quick sale. Apply C. K. Love, Grand Bend. 25:1* BARGAINS’ Ladies Home Journal, Regular $3.00 per year. 2B years $5.00 Specials on Holiday and Country Gentleman New or renewal orders on magazines promptly serviced. HARRY T. BUSTON Phone 308-r-5 Exeter 23ctfn FOR SALE-—Choice apples from sprayed orchard, Northern Spies, Red Spies, Kings, Delic­ ious, Snows, Russets, Court­ lands. Apply Victor Jeffery. Phone 173-r-13 Exeter. 25:l:8:c I AM PREPARED and equipped to spray your cattle for * lice this fall. Also sheep for ticks. 15<5 per head. L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. x lc all FOR SALE—12-gauge automatic Winchester shotgun in excel­ lent condition. 12-gauge ham- merlesgj double-barrel shotgun. Phone 40-r-2 Dashwood. 25:1* MODERN HAWAIIAN GUITAR taught at the Scout Hall in Exeter on Tuesdays, 7 to 10. New class forming. Guitars loaned free of charge. Henry Pulsifer, instructor. ~6ctfn Handsome, massive rings for men . . . with birthstone or initial. N a turn 1 gold. From . Jeweller Phone 510-W Exeter Camp Akron Ohio this week. Mr. __ . and family and Miss Verna Birk of Guelph were Sunday visitors; with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Windsor Mat­ hews of London and Mrs. Frank Watson of Detroit were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hutcheson of Blair spent the week-end here. Mr. and man were Listowel. Mr. and Marion and Mr. Tieman spent the week-end in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. M. Klumpp and Mr. and Mrs. L. Kleistiver spent Sunday in Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Wallie Wein have moved to the farm they re­cently purchased from the Goetz estate. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelk are visiting in Bradford this week. and Mrs. Leonard Birk * SPRAYED APPLES for sale- Spy, King, I Russet, etc. 613-24, Fred mile south of Snow, Greening, Phone Clinton McClymont, one ' Varna. 4:11:18:25:1* FOR SALE—-One AMCA range and one space heater. Phone 372-R. 1 lc NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can be made. Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood, 25tfc FOR SALE—1948 Ford, 1937 Ford i-ton tryck, 1930 Model A, all cheap and all good. Phone 441-W Exeter.lc FOR SALE—Two Scotch Short­ horn bulls, registered, thirteen months old. Apply 'William Butson, Staffa, or phone Dub­ lin 4S-r-13. 25:1*i j AVON GIFTS will solve i Christmas problem. Gift sets j from beautiful evening I complete with compact at $16.50 to attractively pack­ aged toilet sets at $1.69. En­ joy the convenient Avon way to shop. Phone your represen­ tative, Mrs. Harris, at 655 and ask her to call on you. Itfc FOR SALE—Choice green cel­ ery, crate or bunch. Phone 47-r-4, Dashwood, John E. Pepper. 1 * HONSBERGER SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING SHOW CARDS Reasonable Rates Phone 6 61 — 122 Hill St. EXETER E. 11:18:25:1* LIVESTOCK WANTED your bags WE ARE NOW dismantling old Exeter Public School and have used lumber, heating, plumb­ ing, brick, etc. Free fire wood for the hauling. -—Jensen & Company. lc HORSES WANTED — Will buy any kind of a horse. Will sell or exchange. —Frank Taylor, Exeter, ring 13 8. 20tfc Mrs. Harold Keller- Sunday visitors in Mrs. G. Wildfong and and Mrs, A. V. FOR SALE—2 Hereford steers, approximately 200 lbs. each. Phone 206-R. 1* FOR SALE—Weaner pigs. Allan Westcott, phone 176-r-32 Ex­ eter. lc FOR SALE—Number of good 20” motor tires. Phone 49, Thomas Jolly. 1* FOR SALE—3 point 8 Firestone outboard motor. Good condi­ tion. Phone C. Prouty, 36-r-14 Dashwood. 1* FOR SALE — Piano, apartment size, satin mahogany finish with bench. Phone 43, W. Martin. 1* FOR SALE—8 cu. ft. Universal refrigerator, double doors, new motor and freezing unit. Price $150. Phone 303-J. lc Pryde PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE m HURON RIDING on 5" November 22 on HIS RECORD of conscientious work on behalf of all the people of the riding He Deserves Re-Election and solicits Your Support KIRKTON Several persons from this com­ munity attended a turkey ban­ quet at Clinton, Wed. night, sponsored by the Holstein Breed­ ers Association, where banners and silver trophies were pre­ sented to some local men, for highest prizes at the BJack and White show at Blyth in ber. A number of ladies in lage met at the home of Mrs. M. Gregory, Friday afternoon and assisted at a quilting bee. Mr. and Mrs. Therlo Williams and daughter Gayle, of Wood- stock spent part of the past week with Mr. John Williams. Deanery Meeting A large delegation from the .parishes in the Deanery attend­ ed the fall meeting held Octo­ ber 17, in St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Kirkton. Miss Edgar, from the Ladies Training College was guest speaker. The Ladies of St. Paul’s ed a delicious supper. A.Y.P.A. Meet The A.Y.P.A. meeting held at the home of Mr. Mrs. Cecil Dobson with 21 sent. The president Bill Irvine was in charge of the meeting. The topic was given by Donald Berry on coloured photography. Games were played and refresh­ ments were served. The October 22 meeting was held at the home! of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Blackl- er with 23 present. Mrs. Gal th Blackler gave a very interesting talk on her trip down through the Maritimes, using a map showing the route they followed. The president Bill Irvine closed the meeting. Mrs. Ross Marshall and her little son (David Ross) returned home from the Hooper Nursing home at Exeter on Sunday. The Young People of the Kirk­ ton United Church, and the A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul’s Church held hallowe’en parties, Monday in their churches. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cluff Don Mid Paul of Wiarton and Mrs. John Cluff of Mitchell visited with I. N. Marshall, Saturday. Mrs. Mary Gallop has return­ ed home, having spent the past two months with her sister Mrs. Eva Leonard at Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin, George and Harold were Sunday FOR SALE—Girl’s 3-piece blue Kenwood suit, size 3, $10.00. Lady’s black coat, silver fox collar, size 16, $15.00. Can be seen at Brady’s Cleaners. 1* FOR SALE—’37 Chev heater, winterized. Stuart Dick, Exeter.. Coach, Apply 1* and Your Vote Septern- the vil- serv- was and pre- . UCUXfjU CL 11X1 liaiviu WWV guests with Mrs. Frank Pridham’at Mt. Pleasant. I Mr. and Mrs. J. Moon and son Douglas who have been residents i of the village the past three years left this week for their I new home at Centralia. C- London Conference of Young People’s Unions wishes to express its appreciation to the people of Exeter and district who helped to make the recent convention a success. FOR SALE OR TRADE—1951 Ford man, drive ulate $300 2,650. Victoria hardtop Sports- green and and wheel condition, below list _ ___ Apply P.M.Q. No. 166, RCAF Centralia, A. Forkheim. 1* black. Over­ rims. Immac- low mileage. price. Price FOR SALE — One Frigidaire, practically new, 6 cubic foot capacity. Rhone D. B. Stewart, 21S, evenings till 9 p.m. 1* FOR SALE—Carrots, $1.00 Please bring your own tainers. Apply William ters, Winchelsea, phone 16 Kirkton. bus. con- Wal- 14-r- lc FOR SALE—1945 60-cwt. army truck with army winch. Also a 148 S.P. Frink snow-plow and 10-ft. wing hydraulic con­ trol. Both in first class con­ dition. Best offer. Phone Ken Hogg, Thorndale 41-r-3.lc FOR 'SALE—One apartment-size piano. Like new. Reasonably priced. Will trade for cattle or hogs. Phone Exeter 59._lc FOR SALE—’47 Chev Sedan, ex­ cellent condition; ’42 Fleetline Coach, good condi­ tion; used car radio. Apply Broderick Bros, or phone 277. 1* FOR RENT Chev APARTMENT FOR RENT—Cen­ trally located, newly decorat­ ed. Apply Box H, Times- Advocate. lc APARTMENT FOR RENT—Small apartment, modern, possession immediately. Freshly decorat­ ed. Apply Beaupre’s North Ward Store, phone 301. 1* FOR RENT — Two unfurnished rooms. Apply 41 Anne St. 1* TO RENT—2 furnished rooms, Simcoe Street, third house east of Main Street', on south side. Apply Times-Advocate. Itfc FOR RENT — Six-room house with bath on No. 4 Highway at Kippen. Immediate posses­ sion, Apply Neil Campbell, phone 674-r-5 Hensall. 1:8* FOR RENT—Four rooms and bath apartment. No children or pets. All conveniences. Pri­ vate entrance. Apply at Exeter Times-Advocate. 1* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—New house, com­ pletely modern. Two bed­ rooms, oil furnace. Apply Ar­ thur Whilsmith. Itfc CENTRAL MORTGAGE house for sale. Apply 19 Anne St., nights after 6 p.m. 1* FOR SALE—Fifty acres near Grand Bend beach, six acres bush orchard, bank barn, good water, also spring; 9-room brick house, a real buy at $4,300 cash, immediate pos­ session. Jack Faubert, R.R. 3, Dashwood near Crediton. lc FOR SALE—New house, full basement with furnace and water heater, living room, kit­ chen, two bedrooms and bath on first floor. Upper floor un­ finished, with stairs in. R. E. Balkwill. ' 9tfc 15 0 ACRES level sand loam north of Clinton, frame house, bank barn, hydro passes gate, selling at a bargain or ex­ change on 50 acres. 100 acres special with conveniences in buildings, on county road, Munro area. 75 acres good pasture, Exeter area. •—W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. » FOR SALE—Brick house with 2 complete apartments, new fur­ nace , bathrooms , electricity , acre land, commuting distance to Centralia Airport. Posses­ sion at once. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man, Exeter. FOR SALE — Seven-room house with two self-contained apart­ ments. Oil heated, garage; on lot 75’xl50’. Early possession of the four-room apartment. This house is at 4,35 Carling Street. Phone Tom Miller, 59 2- W. 25ctfn THREE-BEDROOM brick house, • well located in Exeter. This house is in good repair and has nice lot. Priced reason­ ably. Quick possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. FOUR-BEDROOM brick house— Fine home with nicely treed lot. New oilburning furnace. Ideal location. Immediate pos­ session. Terms if desired. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. REDUCED PRICE—CENTRALIA Property—Brick. Suitable for one family or two apartments. Immediate possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. NEW FRAME DWELLING—This home is completely modern. It has a large bright living room and is nice throughout. Oil burning furnace and hot water heater. Let us show you this one. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. $4,000.00—FRAME — Centrally located. Can be used aS two- or three-bedroom home. Hot air furnace. Town water. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE—New. two-bedroom cottage on Huron street, west. All moder.n conveniences. Has to be seen to be appreciated. Mortgage arranged. Apply Ford & Farquhar Molding, Exeter. Phone 339-M. 25:1:8* House For Sale I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow. phone 83 Exeter.' l*tfc STRAYED STRAYED—Ewe lamb with tag in right ear. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses, Nelson Coul- tis, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone Kirkton 3 2-r-3. 18:25:1* NOTICES COURT OF REVISON TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN The Township of Stephen Court of Revision on the 1951 Assessment Roll will be held in the Council Rooms on Friday, November 2, 1951, at 8 p.m. F. W. Morloclc, Clerk, 25: lc COURT OF REVISION A Court of Revision will foe held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Friday, November 2, 1951, at 8:30 p.m., at which appeals against assessment made in 1951 and on which 19 52 taxes will be based, will foe considered. Inter­ ested parties please take notice. Signed at Exeter, Ont., October 17, 1951. C. V. PICKARD, Clerk of the Town of Exeter 18:25c HELP WANTED — Housekeeper wanted, five-day week, sleep in or out. .Call Exeter 120-r-2 after 6:00.’ lc WANTED ROOM AND BOARD—Gentlemen preferred. Laundry if desired. Phone 6 31-J. lc WANTED — Coal oil hanging lamps. — Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Main Street. lc WANTED TO RENT—One house 7 rooms or more and 1 house or apartment not less than 3 rooms; Exeter or vicinity. Please write Box D, Times- Advocate. lc WANTED TO RENT — Six-room house or two self-contained apartments, heated preferred. Good reliable permanent ten­ ants. Apply Times-Advocate. lc WANTED—Two small cattle for winter feeding by the pound. Albert Mitchell, Exeter south. 1* WANTED — A go-cart. Please phone 415-M. lc HELP WANTED TEACHER WANTED — Stephen Township School Area re­ quires a Protestant teacher for the Intermediate Room of S.S. No. 5 (Crediton), Grades 3 and 4; duties to commence Jan. 1. Apply stating qualifica­ tions and salary^ expected to Arthur J. Amy, Secretary, Ex­ eter. 1:8c HOUSEWIVES WELCOME the Farailex man for guaranteed necessities, reasonable prices, premiums, quality and service. We are in need of a few agents — splendid income for the interested worker. Let us tell you howt by writing to FAMILEX," 1600 d Delorimier, Montreal. lc HELP WANTED — Experienced grocery man, fruit man and female cashier. Apply Dutch Boy Food Market, RCAF Sta­ tion Centralia. lc WAITRESS WANTED — $20.00 and meals. —Rether’s Coffee Shop. lc HELP WANTED — Opportunity for butcher. Must be fully ex­ perienced and capable of tak­ ing complete charge of meat department. Good salary for right man. Apply to Dutch Boy Food Market, RCAF Station Centralia. lc ness; three rolls snow fence; 400 bus. wheat; 600 bus. mixed grain; about 25 tons hay; .20' acres cut oat straw to foe fed on premises; hay fork, rope and pulleys; forks, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. —Quebec heater, child’s crib.* TERMS: Cash. ELI THOMPSON, PROP. W. S. O’NEIL, AUCT. J. C. MURDY AND CLIFF ABBOTT, CLERKS Of AUCTION SALE Cattle, Horses And Pigs will be 1, CON. 1, mile west held at STANLEY TWP. of Kippen, on NOVEMBER 7 LOT Vi WEDNESDAY, at 1:00 p.m. HORSES: One Clyde gelding 3 yrs. old; 1 Hackney and Clyde gelding 3 yrs. old, well broken; 1 reg. Clyde mare, supposed to be in foal; 1 reg. Clyde filly, 1 yr. old; 1 set -of breeching har- ness. CATTLE: Nine Durham and Hereford cows, due in Feb. and March; 13 Durham and Hereford cows, bred to freshen in March, April and May; 22 Durham and Hereford spring calves, 400 to 500 lbs.; 2 Durham steers, 1,000 Durhamlbs.; 1 roan registered bull, 2 yrs. old. York sow 125 lbs.; PIGS: One pigs; 4 pigs, just weaned. POULTRY: laying. TERMS: Cash. No reserve. PROP.: THOMAS BUTTS AUCT.: HAROLD JACKSON 75 hybrid with 9 15 pigs pullets, APARTMENT FOR RENT — 3- room heated apartment, separ­ ate 3-piece bath, furnished or unfurnished, private entrance. Phone 178-r-ll, lc ‘ftOUSE from rent in return for part-time farm of November. Phone 206-R Ex­ eter. 1:8* FOR RENT—3 miles Centralia airport. Cheap labour, Possession end deep, room with base- glassed-in porch connect­ garage, fufnacc, Lot has 150’ frontage, 100’ Four large bedrooms, living and dining room, kitchen built-in cupboards, full ment, ing house with 12’x24 hot and cold water, large cistern and well POSSESSION IN TWO WEEKS Apply Rev. Glen Beach Opposite School, Gfaud Bend THE VOTERS’ LIST ACT, 1951 (Section 12) Clerk’s Notice of First Posting of Voters’ Lists, 1951, Town of Exeter, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office, at Exeter, on the 24th day of Octo­ ber, 19 51, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Muni­ cipality, at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro­ ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the ing the 1951. Dated , , . 24 th day of October, 1951. C. V. PICKARD, CLERK 25:1c last day for appeal be- 7th day of November, at Exeter, Ontario, this HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will foe held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, com­ mencing Tuesday, November 13, at 2:00 p.m. All accounts, notices of depu­ tations and other business re­ quiring the attention of Council should foe in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 10, 1951. A. H. ERSKINE, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. 1:8c COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND A Court of Revision will be held in the Community Hall, Grand Bend, on Friday, Novem­ ber 2, 1951, at 8 p.m., at which appeals against assessment made in 1951 and on which 1952 taxes will be based will be considered. Interested parties please take notice. H. WAINWRIGHT, CLERK COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assess­ ment Roll of the Township of Usborne for the year 1952 will be held Elimville, 1951, at H. H. in the Township Hall, Monday, November 12, 8 o’clock p.m, G, STRANG, CLERK 1:8c COURT OF REVISION TCWNSHIP OF STEPHEN A Court of Revision of the Voters’ List of the Township of Stephen for the year 1951 will be held in the council chambers,. Crediton, on Thursday, Novem­ ber 8, 1951, at & p.m. FREEMAN MORL0CK Clerk of the Township lc HELP WANTED—Licenced me­ chanic. Prefer man with ex­ perience on Ford products. Apply Bob Cook Motor Sales, Mercury-Lincoln-Meteor dealer, Hensall, Ont., phone 17 8 I-Ien- sall. lc AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects MAIN STREET, EXETER . (just south of bridge) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 at 1:30 p.m. THREE Heaters, coal or wood; 12 chairs; sideboard; dresser; 2 small cupboards; library table; spinning wheel and reel; window screen; kitchen utensils; axes and saws; electric kitchen stove; quantity of dishes; some tool's; 1 Coleman iron; writing .desk; 2 beds; carpets; lamps; two-plate burner; photo frames; clock; 1 dining room table; 6 chairs; 1 sideboard; 1 kitchen cupboard; 2 radios; 1 feather tick; floor waxer. ‘“‘Many other articles too num­ erous to mention. THOS, ELLIOTT, PROP. FRED DAWSON, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock And Implements on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1:00 p.m. at? LOT 21, CON. 5, BIDDULPII Two Miles North of Lucan (Farm Sold) The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction, the following: CATTLE: Four Holstein one Hereford Holstein cows between March and May; shire, steers years; years year; spring tested PIGS chunks 100 lbs. lbs.; four sows 14 to Feb. IMPLEMENTS: A Cockshutt fertilizer drill nearly new; Cqck- shutt 3, 10” tractor plow, nearly new; Bissell 30-plate tractor disk, new; five-foot Frost and Wood mower, oil bath; hay loader ‘ ' ... hay rake; tion drag ing plow: Cockshutt steel wagoft. ; double-gear pump jdek fresh eight weeks; 2& years; 3 heifers four Holstein heifers open; four heifers two steers 1 year; calves, fat. All cattle twice and Nine 7 and due Ayr- five ; 2£ two one four s TB no reactors. fat hogs; six chunks due from Nov. seven sows with lit- one York hog. six 60 Bissell new moweri ; two-row bean cultivator’; Massey binder; 3-sec- harrows; roller; walk- rubber-tifOd wagon; manure spreader; man gas engine,rack; 2 h,p,, _______ „__, scales, 2,000 lbs.; Viking electric cream root pulper; two sets double har- sepatator, 800-lb. cap. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects Estate of the late J. A. Stewart ANDREW STREET, EXETER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 at 1:30 p.m. TWO electric fans; 3 oil lamps; hand saw; carpet sweep­ er; stands; boxes; wash board; 2 elec, wash machines; 2 wash­ tubs; galvanized pail; brace bits; wrenches; new 8 li.p. motor; large quantity of sealers; crocks; garden hose; tures; paints; basket; axe; of wood; vacuum cleaner; hall chair; umbrella case; 2 canes; hall tree; dining suite, 6 chairs; china cabinet; side board; writ­ ing desk; purses; desk light; tea wagon; meat chopper; china dishes; clocks; cut glass dishes; linen towels; table covers; pil­ lows; garden tools; 4 verandah chairs; verandah table; quantity of coal; linen chest; vice; ches­ terfields chair; livin, living carpets; of lawn bowls; tri light lamp; ments; case: , robe; tals; chairs; rugs; alarm clock; 3 china bedroom table; bedcovers, blankets; vanity chair; electric electric stove, new; Frigidaire. years old; layge bread box; burner hydro stove with annex; kitchen cabinet; mats; tinware of all kinds; new broom; kitchen stool; 2 electric heaters; bed pan; 2 step ladders; clothes box; 2 small table; garden tools; 2 lawn mowers; bed, springs and mattresses; walnut dresser; large living room mirror, 3’.6” x 5’; bedroom rug; radio; hall settee; 2 living room chairs; writing desk; large china cabinet; centre table; floor lamp; bridge table; ornamental fern bowl; end table; 2 velvet rugs; McClary electric stove; 2 electric toasters; kit­ chen table and 4 chairs: wicker table and 2 chairs; bathroom mirror; round clothes basket; chiffonier; rocker; small stand; small table. REAL ESTATE: Choice two- storey nine-room- brick house centrally located in Exeter. On­ tario, on a large attractive cor­ ner lot. Home features hardwood floors throughout downstairs with water heat. Oil burner only two years old. This house has new roof and fully insulated second floor. Has two bathrooms and two kitchens with central en­ trance and private stair to up­ stairs. Suitable for one family or as revenue producing duplex. Frafne two-car garage with con­ crete floor. Occupancy will he arranged. To view phone Exeter 218, Douglas Stewart. TERMS: Cash. For particulars of property, apply Frank. Taylor, phone 138. FRED DAWSON, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. flower pots; pic- bucksaw; ^clothes shovels; quantity Kale living room g room table; 5-piece room suite; cabinet radio; pedestal lamp; 2 sets tennis racket; glass china orna- fire place screen; quantity of books; 2 rubber sheets; 2 bedside drapes 2 single book­ ward- ped es- wicker 4 jardiniere; table; 2 and curtains; beds: window screens; commode; bed pillows, quilts, dresser and curler; Beatty ■, 2 4- full basement and hot Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises 20 MARLBOROUGH STREET in the TOWN OF EXETER The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 at i:oo p.m. Sale consists of complete list of modern furniture and large offering of beautiful dishes, glassware, and antiques, with full list in next week’s issue. DUNCAN MCDONALD, PROP. ALVIN WALPER, AUCt, 1:8c /'