HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-10-18, Page 12Page THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1951 «iu Mrs, Bert Kestle and Donald, o£ Crediton: Mrs. Eli Sweet, of Winnipeg: and Audrey and Ruby Chambers visited with the lat­ ter’s sister in Woodstock on Sun­ day and stayed to see the Prin­ cess and the Duke of Edinburgh. Mi' and Mrs. G. L. Manning of Newmarket visited with Miss Vera Rowe last week Hockey Meeting Exeter Town Hall at 8:00 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME EXHIBITION Ed Lippert's Farm Sun., Oct. 21 at Seven Miles Three Miles 2:30 p.m. West of Exeter South of Dashwood or I «■ Grand Bend To Elect I Usborne Assessment Increases • School, Utility Boards ’ ' Organization of a public school * ’ board and public utilities com-I ! mission are two problems facing. I the council of newly iimorporat- ‘ j ed Grand Bend. i i Three public meetings have' I been held to organize a public , j school board but the slate has •I not been filled. Village council j have asked school inspectors of I Huron and Lambton to call a ; i public meeting for the last week ; in October. i Provincial officials have ■ the town to elect a public ties commission to handle the I administration of hydro. Council i requested the department to sub-| mit all data on the management of a commission. It is expected a vote will be held next July. A workman’s compensation policy and a municipal liability insurance policy were purchased by the council. Tenders will be posted for the position of care­ taker of the community hall. Outstanding fire accounts against the village were dis­ cussed. One hundred dollars was don­ ated to the Blue Water Highway Association, Nomination date for the coun­ cil election was set for Novem­ ber 26. A court of revision the assessment will be held November 2. Accounts were passed to sum of $743.24. The police count of $3,373.91 was passed for payment. $8,000, Drain Work Discussed asked utili­ on on the ac- THEATRE Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 19 and 20 ‘Vengeance Valley’ (Colour) ★ Burt Lancaster ★ Robert Walker Wheat Treated First, Children Victims, Too Two children of Biddulph township who “nipped” into a bag of wheat are now recover­ ing from poisoning. Dianne, 6, and Edward 4, children of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cunningham of Concession four were spotted by their mother as they staggered in the yard. In­ vestigating. she found an open bag of treated wheat in the woodshed and immediately rush­ ed the children to the doctor. After poison, twelve passed. * Assessment in the township of i Usborne is up over $8,009, it ‘ was reported at the council ! meeting held recently. Tho new roll shows a taxable assessment of $2,659,886, an increase of i $8,636. Court of Revision will be held on November 12. Drains were the biggest item ; of discussion at the meeting at which Reeve Wellington Brock and Councillors Harold | Harold Hern and Earl i attended. * J. A. McKay from ■ Archibald’s office interviewed J the council in regard to drainage work under theii* direction. He advised that the work on the Brock and Earl drains was com­ plete but that no certificate would be given until the con­ tractor had made more progress on the McDougall drain. He ad­ vised that further compacting should be done on the fill be­ hind the head wall on the Brock drain. He advised the council that he had been instructed by Col. Archibald to tell them that the tile work designated in the report as Branch Two to Branch B (Brock Creek Drain) found to be unnecessary and therefore not constructed, was shown in the report by error and that the assessments of the ratepayers in the area concerned should not be altered as they did not in­ clude the cost of the work not constructed. He also advised council that they were preparing bridge plans for the Brock drain at Concessions 6 and 7 and Side A. i I Jeffery, Mitchell s.W. Road 1-A, also that they were preparing a report on the Kers- lake drain. 0. P. Dietrieli. contractor on the McDougall drain, reported that he had engaged Graham & Graham of London to complete his contract and that he expect­ ed that work would begin with­ in a few days. It was moved by Hern and Mitchell that in consideration of the very reasonable contract price on the Brock Creek drain that no deduction be made in jJayment to the contractor by reason of the Branch Two to Branch B portion not being con­ structed. It was moved by Jeffery and Hern that C. P. Dietrich be paid the balance of his contract price on the Brock and Earl drains, his the fil- Mr. and Mrs. Austin Raynard of Ethel and Mrs. L. D. Fraim of Brussels visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. McInnis lust Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore and Alice returned home after spending three weeks out in Al­ berta. Alice has resumed her job again with Mr. and Mrs. R. Jermyn. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann, and Mrs. Percy Passmore Alice atended the Woodham niversary on Sunday and spent the rest of the day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott. "Wayne Katz, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ratz, of Stephen, had his tonsils removed at Dr. Fletcher’s office Saturday morn­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. "William Potts of Toronto were guests at the home of Miss Stella Southcott last week-end. I). Mr. and An- COMING EVENTS Organization Meeting FOR SUPPORTERS OF TOM PRYDE Monday, October 22 His biggest outdoor adventure drama! MONDAY & TUESDAY October 22 and 23 ‘Excuse My Dust' (Colour) A Red Skelton ■fr Sally Forrest M-G-M’s technicolour song fun film . . . and 'WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY October 24 and 25 1 Was A Communist For The F.B.I? ★ Frank Lovejoy ★ Dorothy Hart This was it—the end of a nine-year manhunt—or the death of a hero! The most danger­ laden assignment in the entire history of the F.B.I. FIRST SHOW EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 6 P.M. ! Announcements being treated for the the two were kept awake hours until the danger Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnston, Bobby and David, Mrs. Henry Dearing and Miss Merle Dearing of Exeter visited Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dearing and family of Sar­ nia on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnston and family, Leon and Mervin Dearing visited relatives in Port Huron on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, St. Clair Shores and other relatives at Pontiac Michigan. Mrs. Eli Sweet, of Winnipeg, Man., is visiting with her cou­ sins, Aubrey and Ruby Cham­ bers. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Martin and daughter Gwendolyn, of Brussels, spent Saturday in Exe­ ter visiting with relatives. BIRTHS BROCK — Mr. and Mrs. Ken Broe k, (nee Amy Abbott, R.N.,) are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter— Verda Echo, October 9, 19 51, at Victoria Hospital, London. ROBINSON—Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robinson," of Centralia, an­ nounce the birth of daugh­ ter, on October 11, at St. Jo­ seph’s .Hospital, London. ROGERS—Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Rogers of Hensall are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter at Clinton Pub­ lic Hospital Friday, October 12, 19 51; a sister for Carol Ann. SNELL—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snell, Dashwood, announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth (Beth) Ann, on Sunday, Oc­ tober 14, 1951. Every Saturday Night CARDS OF THANKS it That than ness, cards, books, flowers and treats to me when in the hospital and especially those who came to visit me. To all, however, a very grateful thank-you and their kindness to both my wife and I will never be forgotten. * —E. Austin Dilling The brother and family of the te Abram Dearing wish to their friends and neigh- for the sympathy, and kindnesses shown them their recent bereavement. is good to have friends, fact became more evident ever during my recent ill- when those friends sent STANLEY OPERA HOUSE, LUCAN Sponsored by the Lucan Junior Farmers MURRAY FLETCHER and his Orchestra thank hours many during The Gill, Giauu jjciiu, press their sincere thanks for the kindness and sympathy ex­ tended in their recent bereave­ ment, with special Rev. W. Smith and T. Harry Hoffman; also for the tributes and to the bearers. i family of the late John Grand Bend, wish to ex­ thanks to floral 18c '^isiiiiiiaiiiiiniiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHfiitiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiiiiHiiiniiiitiiiiiiiaitiiiuiiiiHHir Monster Bingo and Draw ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Roy James Hod­ gins, Crediton, announce the their daughter, Flight Cadet Peterson, son William Carl Current, Sask, take -place at on Saturday, Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, Ontario. IN MEMORIAMIn aid of the Legion Memorial Hall Building Fund EXETER ARENA Tuesday, October 30 $1,600 in Prizes Fifteen Regular Games for $20.00 Four Special Games: $50, $100, $150 AND $1,000 JACKPOT MUST BE WON Also DRAW FOR A 1951 Victoria Ford Hard Top Convertible Tickets on Draw 250 Each g for $1.00 Doors Open at 7:30 P.M. Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 250 Each Game Time 9:00 P.M, THE ARENA WILL BE HEATED but that the amount of guarantees be retained until certificate of completion was ed by the engineer. R. L. Beattie, contractor on the Miller and Branch <C Glenn- Sommerville drains reported the completion of Branch C and the completion of the tile work on the Miller excepting highway crossing. The Gardiner Municipal Drain Repair By-law was amended to defer the collection of the as­ sessments until 19 5 2 by reason of the work not being done this year by motion of Hern and Jef­ fery. The By-law for the the assessments in 1951 and the balance in 1952 by reason of the work not being constructed this year on motion of Jeffery and Mitchell. The road superintendent’s re­ port was adopted and vouchers to the amount of $2,258.88 were passed and authority given to engage Jack Essery with truck and snow plow to assist in clear­ ing snow from the roads for the coming winter season at the rate of $6 per hour while so em­ ployed, on motion of Mitchell and Hern. The Court of Revision for the Hicks Municipal Drain was set for December 6 and the clerk was directed to send the by-laws to each of the ratepayers by reg­ istered mail on motion of Mit­ chell and Hern. The Form of agreement with the Township of Blanshard for the use and maintenance of the municipal dump was tabled. Council adjourned to meet again in regulai’ monthly session on Monday afternoon, November 12 next. CHILDREN! -u plan to attend the Lions Club’s Hallowe’en Par­ ty Wednesday, October 31. More details next week. Presentation And Dance A. O. ELLIOT Committee Chairman fl Re-Opening of & Jeffery Municipal Drain was amended to provide collection of one half of FOR MR. AND MRS. W. A. ELLIOTT LEGION HALL, EXETER Fri.z Oct. 26 - 9 p.m DUNDAS ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Bring Lunch Classes in Basic English FOR NEW CANADIANS First Class of this Term Will Be Held in fl'■fl High Schoo! Crediton W. A Bazaar And Tea Saturday, Oct. 27 UNITED CHURCH BASEMENT Commencing at 3 P.M. PUBLIC Tuesday, October 23 at 7:30 p.m, .fl iMii ii 11 ii till tin ii 111 iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiniiHinniHJBif niiiiiM iniiiHtiiii h tai 111111111 mi *■ Saturday Night DANCE I B Hockey Meeting This Saturday Night Ontario, wish to engagement of Eileen Lavina, to Ronald William of Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, Swift The marriage will 12 o’clock nooD November 3, in Anglican 18c BOWER—In loving memory of a darling son, Wayne, who passed away three years ago, October 16. Two little hands are resting, A loving heart is still; A little son we loved is waiting For us just over the hill. —Sadly missed by Mother and Dad and family. GILBERT-—In loving memory of our mother, Margaret Ann Gil­ bert, who passed away three years ago, October 19, 1948. You can only have one mother, Patient, kind and true; No other friend in all the world Will be so true to you. For all their loving kindness They ask nothing in return; If all the world deserted us To our mother we could turn. To those who have a mother, Treasure them with -care—- For you never know their value Till you see their vacant chair. —'Ever remembered by Jean, Cassie and Gertie. /MAIER-—In loving memory of a dear friend, L.Cpl. Harold L. Maier, Hastings - Priiice Ed­ ward Regiment, killed in ac­ tion in Italy October 12 There is a link Death cannot sever; Love and remembrance Remain forever. —Ever remembered by Doris. 1944 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Edwards and Leroy spent Sunday in Blue­ vale visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoffman. Mr. R, McInnis suffered a se­ vere heart attack last Wednes­ day afternoon. Mrs. Aggie Tindale and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindale and child­ ren of Seaforth were visitors with Mrs. James Squire last Sun­ day. Sgt. H. M. Stevens, who for the past three years has been a mechanic at the Centralia Air­ port, left Monday for Charlotte­ town, P.E.I. Mrs. Stevens will follow as soon as living quarters can be secured. TIEMAN’S HALL Dashwood Mon., Oct 22 at 8:00 p.m. Anyone Hockey Club Interested in Playing with the Dashwood Is Asked to Attend fl ■ Exeter Legion Memorial Hall MUSIC BY MERV HALL SEXTET Admission 750 Dancing 9-12 ■ $1,000 Bingo WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. S. Blight, Thorn­ dale, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. Parkinson. Mr. Walter Gunning has sold his farm to Mr. Kenneth Dow, of Staffa. Possession will be given immediately. Mr and Mrs Cecil Squire and Douglas visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mardlin. Mr. and Mrs. William . Rodd, Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire, Farquhar, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gunning visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire. Mrs. Archie, near London, is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gunning. Several from the community attended the “Ploughing at Woodstock last week. Mr. and Mrs. George son, Granton, visited on with Mr. and Mrs. Ray son. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie and Mrs. William Hodgson were in Mitchell Friday, visiting with Mrs. Frank Baird. Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Sr. and Elva,’ also -Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Jr. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas Anderson, Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. DeSmit and fam­ ily also Angela O'Brien were in London Sunday, evening seeing the Royal Couple. Mrs. Ronald Squire sent Tues­ day with Mrs. Lloyd Flannigan, London. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil were at Londesboro Sunday and visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. S. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gann, near Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. and David, Mrs. Arthur Hodgins Clandeboye, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Mor­ ley Sr. Mrs. Thompson is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Wilcox at Port Burwell, Mr. Harvey Herbert, Brampton, visited over the week-end with Mr. Wilfred Herbert. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodg­ son and Barbara were Sunday visitors with the latter’s parents at St. Marys. Variety Concert BY THE RCAF, CLINTON High School Thurs., Oct. 18 at 8:15 p.m. Sponsored by Hurondale W.I. Draw to Be Made for LACE TABLECLOTH Admission 500 and 250 Match” Parkin- Friday Parkin- Russell Brock fl ■< Hensall Community Arena Monday, October 22 Doors Open at 8:00 — Bingo 9:00 Specials 15 Regular Games $15.00 — $500.00, $150.00, $75.00, $50.00 Admission $1.00 Booth in Arena Extra Cards, and Specials 250 Sponsored by the Hensall Branch Canadian Legion Post 468 and Ladies Auxiliary ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 19 and 20 “THE TEXAS RANGERS” (Supercine Colour) ★ George Montgomery ★ Gale Storm SHORTS AND COMICS TWO SHOWS - 7:30 & 9:30 TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY October 23 and 24 “THE NEXT VOICE YOU HEAR*’ ★ James ★ Nancy of to like theirs all over The story at 8:30 !p.m« and families the world., NEWSREEL ONE SHOW Whitmore Davis what happened the Joe Smiths & COMIC STRIPS 8:00 P.M. Zurich Lions Minstrel Show E.D.H.S. Auditorium Monday, October 29 8:30 p.m. Under the auspices of Exeter Chapter 222 O.E.S. 'Reserved Seat Tickets 750 Rush Seats 500 Plan, and Tickets at J. P. Bowey’s Office drawIfor™ ~ Steel Bridge Table and Four Chairs And Other Articles During Intermission Tap Dancing Between Acts Members Please Return Draw Stubs by October 24 —.. "" "" -. ....... A