HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-10-18, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1951 Hensall And District News Repeat Vows On Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. David Duchar residents of Zurich for the past eleven years repeated on Satur- * day the wedding vows they made 50R.C. .............| tial High Mass was the morning at Church, Zurich, by Monaghan. John me, years ago in St. Peter’s Church at Drysdale. Nup- celebrated in St. Boniface the Rev. M. G e o f f r o i, groomsman of 50 years ago, and Mrs. Geoffroi attended Pie. Immediate members family, including o n grandchild and 35 grandchildren were present for a dinner at the Community Centre at Zurich, in the afternoon, followed with a reception and dance to 100 friends in the Ducharme wore the cou- of the e great- evening. Mrs. a gold faille gown with corsage of pink roses, Gold and white streamers and a four tier wedding cake adored the anniversary cake. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Ducharme resided at Drys­ dale, later moving near Hensall prior to taking up residence in Zurich. At 7 0 and Go years, re­ spectively, Mrs. Ducharme is an active member of the Catholic Women’s League and for many years Mr. Ducharme held the position as trustee of the Zurich Board of Education and a town councillor. Eleven of the family are living. Messages from Prime Laurant and among ol’ congratulations Minister Louis St. Pope Pius XII were the many they received. Shower Bride-Elect. The home of Mr. Ross Richardson, of Line was the setting evening of last, week ful affair when fifty gathered to honor Miss E. Carlile, bride-elect of October in a mis­ cellaneous shower. The gifts were presented to Elaine in a lovely decorated basket, with Bat and Mike Soldan doing the honors. A mock wedding highlighted the evening with the following roles portrayed by: bride, Miss Helen Love; groom, Mrs. Bob Madge; minister, Miss Margaret Porter; father, Mrs. Porter; flower bearers, Pat Soldan, and Gail Richardson. Luncheon was served, and contests enjoyed. Miss Donna Shields, who is staying with Mr. and Mrs. M. England, spent the holiday week­ end in Belgrave. Mrs. Parr and the Wednesday for a deli- neighbours Telephone Party The Phone office Elaine month, and popular member of the staff. Elaine was presented with a featherweight iron, Mrs, Harry Smith doing the honors. Luncheon was served. Members of the staff attending were Mrs. Smith, Mrs. E. Shaddick, Mrs. I). Sangster, the Misses E, Car­ lile, Eleanor V e n n e r , Wilma Kyle, Katie Scott. staff of the local tele­ held a presentation in the Tuesday evening for Miss Carlile, bride-elect of this Dalton-McClinchey Wed At Kippen st, manse, Kippen for a when Virginia May daughter obey, and obey, and McKillop, Carl Dalton, of Walton. Rev. E. Hinton, officiated, The bride wore a ballerina­ length dress of nylon and Chan­ tilly lace fashioned with a lace bodice and matching bolero. Her fingertip veil fell from a coronet of pearls, and she carried Johan­ na Hill roses. Miss Joyce Pfaff, Cromarty, her only attendant, wore a green dress identical in style t,o that of the bride. Her corsage was of Better Times roses. Donald Mc­ Clure was best man. Following a dinner served in the church schoolroom, a recep­ tion was held at the home of the bride. For a trip to Niagara Falls and eastern points the bride travelled in a grey tailored suit with wine accessories, couple will reside north of forth. Andrews United Church was the setting •charming fall wedding ' McClinchey, Carl MeC’lin- McClin- of Mr the late Mrs. Murray Gordon Dalton, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mr. The Sea- Aux-Members of the Evening iliary of the United Church had a booth at the Rowcliffe one Wednesday, October 10, sold hot dogs, sandwiches coffee. Gross receipts were $120. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cook, attended the golden wedding anniversary on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ducharme, of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. McCloy and baby of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. McCloy’s parents, and Mrs. George Hess. Mr. and Mrs. H. Neeb Tavistock spent a few days week with their son-in-law daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown. Sale and and Mr of this and Sell with Confidence WHEN SELLING POULTRY CALL RIVERSIDE POULTRY CO Howard Ferguson, Manager 39-r-12 Kintore - Phone Collect - Hensall 680-r-2 ■ Baby Band Party Marks Graduation The schoolroom of the United Church lovely with autumn flow­ ers, pink and white streamers, with a circus theme used in de­ corations formed an attractive setting Thursday afternoon of last week for the annual party of the Baby Band. The chair was taken by the president of the WMS, Mrs. W. B. Cross, who opened with the call to worship with prayer by Mrs. E. Geiger. Ruth Ann Traquair, Nancy Scane, and Wayne, offered reci­ tations; Charles and Babby Mic­ kle favoured with a vocal duet; Ann and Marie Sinclair of Kip­ pen, contributed vocal and piano duets and Mrs. George Hess in costume sang. The story, “Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs” with a Forest set­ ting, was presented by Mrs, J. Harrison. In a graduation cere­ mony eleven children graduated from ihe Baby Band into the Mission Band. They were Rich­ ard Munn, Ruth Ann Traquair, Robert McNaughton, John Elder, Linda Noakes, Kathy Scane, Brenda Smillie, D onna Jean Richardson, Edward Fred Funk, Richard Thurtell, Nancy Apple­ by, and Gwen Spencer. Mary Ann Rannie assisted with the graduation. Each child re­ ceived a favour. Accompanists were Miss Greta Lammie, Mrs. i Laird Mickle. Mrs. It. J. Drys­ dale, and Mrs. D. Kyle formed the decoration committee, also arranged the program. WMS served lunch. and The Zurich W.l. Presents Gift The Town Hall; Zurich, was the setting for the opening of the fall term with president Mrs. Gus Roche in charge. The report of the District Elimville was valuable points in the report. The guest speaker, Earl Camp­ bell, Reeve of Ilay Township, addressed the meeting. A high­ light of the affair was the pre­ sentation of a gift to Mrs. David Ducharme, a valued member of the institute, who with her hus­ band celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, Saturday. The address was read by Mrs. Newell Geiger and the presenta­ tion by Mrs. Roche. Mrs. Ches­ ter Smith was in charge of the program which consisted of pia­ no solos by Miss Marlene Wag­ ner, a vocal duet by Misses Don­ na Oesch and Erla Day with Mrs. Milton Oesch accompanying at the piano, and dance numbers by Dianne and Mary Ellen Thiel. Annual held at presented. Many were suggested Visit To Seaforth For Hensall W.l. The monthly meeting of sail Women's institute place ifr the Legion Hall, of last week with Mrs. George Armstrong in the chair in the absence of the president Miss Phyllis Case. The motto, prepar­ ed by Mrs. It. H. Middleton, was read by Mrs. W. O. Goodwin. Dur­ ing the business session'the se­ cretary Miss Gladys Luker re­ ported that the donation of $50 had been given to the School Fair Board for the purpose of supplementing the prizes. With regards to exhibits shown at Exeter Fair, Hensall W.L won first. The secretary read a chart and of a Hen- took Wed. showing marks obtained, acknowledged the receipt cheque for $5.00. In this connec­ tion a hearty word of thanks is due Mrs. Middleton for her work and effort in securing articles, taking them to Exeter, and re­ turning them to their owners. The London scheduled for October and 25 was discussed. A letter was read by tlio sec­ retary from Seaforth W.l. invit­ ing Hensall ladies to a social meeting Friday evening, October 19, at 8:3o pan. The invitation was accepted. All institute mem­ bers are requested to meet at Legion rooms, Friday night, Oct. 19, at 7:30 or 7:45. Miss Greta Lammie will look portation. Mrs. C, attend to securing here for this event. Miss Ellen Love, speaker, gave a most enlighten­ ing talk on her work of teach­ ing music in rural schools, and discussed the life of stephen Fos­ ter. Mrs. Hahn rendered a. solo solo, liam lake. Area Convention 23. 24, after trans­ Forrest will special num- ARUM. guest vocal piano Wil- Ker s- and Carol Brown a Hostesses were Mrs. Brown, and Mrs, A. Luncheon was served. The next meeting is Education and Grandmothers’ meeting. Mrs. W. B, Cross will present the motto, and Mr. J. G. Gardiner, inspector of Public Schools will he guest speaker. Special fea­ ture will be an “Art Contest”, prizes will be awarded. H. J, CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. Page 5 OIL CHANGE AND ANTI-FREEZE DEALER Flush cooling system—check connections— install Genuine Ford Permanent Type Anti- Freeze for all-winter protection. Inspect fuel system—check and service car­ buretor, fuel pump and all fuel lines and connections—for greater economy. Inspect ignition system’—test and adjust distributor—clean sparkplugs—examine high- tension wiring—for easy starting. Lubrication—drain crankcase and add winter grade oil—service transmission and dif­ ferential and lubricate all chassis points. Miss Loretta Bell of London spent Thankrgiving at her home. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Orr and Jimmy spent Thanksgiving with their son Don in Hamilton. Mrs. Violet Schwalm and Ray spent Thanksgiving in Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. William Wayne and daughter, Shirley Ann. SEE YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER OR YOUR MERCURY-LINCOLN-METEOR j Hensall Bride-Elect Honored At Shower Mrs. Harry Smith and Mrs. Inez McEwan were hostesses for a Friday presentation for Miss Elaine Carlile, bride-elect of this month. Pink and- white stream­ ers, and other decoration form­ ed the house decorations. Elaine was the recipient of many beau­ tiful gifts. Miss Wilma Kyle read the address, and Mrs. Smith and Miss Eleanor Vennor, and Miss Dorothy McNaughton made the presentation. A recreational per­ iod was in charge of Miss Doro­ thy McNaughton, Mrs. ’George Hess, and Mrs. R. Mock provid­ ed music in costume. Refresh- i ments were served. There were ' present for the was arranged by Harry Smith, Miss Wilma Kyle, Miss' Eleanor Venner, Miss D. McNaughton, Mrs. Dave Sang- ster The affair was much enjoy­ ed. Mrs. Gordon Schwalm receiv­ ed word that the photo she sub- mit te d of her three-year-old daughter, Barbara. had won third prize out of 6 4 contest­ ants in a contest sponsored by the Goodwill Photo Studio, Crys­ tal Beach. Mrs. Churchill and daughter, Toronto, were Thanksgiving guests with Mr, and Mrs. E. R. .Shaddick. ! I jsixty I which affair Mrs. i ' NEEDS MORE THAN Here’s 5-WAY Protection 36 King Street JKest Toronto 1 Telephone: EMpire 4-4321 SIXTH SERIES CANADA SAVINGS BONDS NOWAVAIUBU^ CASHABLE AT ANY TIME AT FULL FACE1 VALUE PLUS EARNED INTEREST. Always Worth 100 Cents On The Dollar W.A. Have Exexter Guests* The W.A. of St. Paul’s Angli­ can Church met for their Octo­ ber meeting in the church school room Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. W. R. Middleton presiding. Special guests for the meeting were the W.A. of Trivitt ‘Mem­ orial Church, Exeter. Mrs. M. McKinnon of Clinton, guest speaker, addressed the meeting, presenting a very challenging and informative message. Tea was served. Test electrical system — inspect and adjust voltage regulator—check battery and leads check starter, generator. Before the full force of winter’s fury strikes, make sure that your car gets ’ complete winterizing protection . , . not just an oil change and anti-freeze. Let your Ford-Monarch Dealer or your Mer- cury-Lincoln-Meteor Dealer give your car the protection it needs now with Complete 5-Way Winterizing Service—a thorough, step-by-step check-up and changeover service that will keep your car in top shape through the toughest weather. Drive in for this quick, eco­ nomical Complete Winterizing by expert servicemen, trained in the latest factory- approved methods . . . using modern, factory-approved equipment . . . and making any necessary replacements with Genuine Ford Parts that are made right... to fit right . . . and last longer. Get Complete 5-Way Winterizing and be fully protected for cold weather driving. Mail or telephone your order today! You can’t lose savings that you invest in Canada Savings Bonds, because Canada itself guarantees that you can always cash them for what you have paid for them, plus interest. The principal value never fluctuates—regardless of market conditions and the interest return is 3.21%—much better than 2.75% on former issues. Denominations: $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000. Wood, Gundy & Company Limited At the trap shoot held at Ridgetown Thanksgiving Day were Lloyd Venner, W. R. Coo­ per and John Anderson, all of Kippen. Mr. William Hyde has re-| turned home after spending a > week visiting in St. Marys. | In conjunction with the School Fair held recently, a concert will be held in the town hall on Friday and will include recita­ tions, vocal solos, duets, piano numbers, choruses, public speak­ ing, climaxed with a spelling match. Mrs. Ratliwell of Windsor was a recent visitor with her sister, Mrs. R. Cameron. monflRcu M' OVER 1100 DEALERS COAST TO COAST Larry Snider Motors - Exeter Ford and Monarch Sales and Service Cook Motor Sales - Hensall Meteor and Mercury Sales and Service By Roe Farms Service Dept.