HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-10-18, Page 3Week F Parts (ON KITCHENS, BATHROOMS ANO FINEST WOODWORK gorgeous color* Including "Stay-White” white Beautiful, Scrubbable KEM-GLO trade mark reg. The Miracle lustre Enamel h amI Inada's most ecoftoftiicci/ 1 ^// finish!jgfmiracle wall paint 9 The modern ONE GALION DOES A iarge room THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1951 Men’s League Down > a fey !■ Im •h'X-;I G 12 "docoralor rtyfed” color*. I I Iniht on gsnVino t. KEM-TONE — mod* with oil, ’ mixes with water. Shop At Traquair’s Fall Clean-up Specials [Draw Schedule Of October 22 Monday 7-9 Six and Maroons; Spare and Tradesmen; Keglers and Pinppppers. Monday 9-11 Strikes; Apple Jacks Whizz Bangs and Spares and Dukes; and Short Circuits. Wednesday Rural Rollers and Willards Butchers and (1-2); Chuckers (3-4). Week Of October 7-9 29 Monday 7-9 Pinpoppers and ■s and Dukes; Tradesmen. Monday Short Circuits Big Six; Keg- Maroons and ! 1 The Alleys — With D. T. S. - WOSSA Record I " ■ .. I (The Exeter girls’ intermediate 111 GARDEN RAKE ........1.45 CANVAS GLOVES .....45 LEAF BROOM ..............89 LADIES GLOVES .......35 POTATO FORK ........ 1.45 FLY SPRAY ..........Qt..85 COAL SHOVEL ........ 1.35 SPRAYER ......................30 Dinky Toys THE FAVORITE COLLECTING HOBBY Dinky Toys appeal to every boy. These superb little models are unsurpassed for detail accuracy and finish. 10c to $2.00 PRICED TO FIT EVERY BUDGET <1 Meccano THE WORLD’S GREATEST TOY 9-11 and Whizz Bangs; Apple Jacks- and Rollers; Spares and Spare Wednesday 7-9 and Willards and Chuckers (3-4). November 5 Monday 7-9 Keglers and Maroons; poppers and Spares; Big Six and Spare Parts. Monday 9-11 Tradesmen and Dukes; Whizz Bangs and Chuckers; Rural Roll­ ers and Willards,. Wednesday 7-9 Apple Jacks and Strikes (1- 2); Butchers and Short Circuits (3-4). Week Of November 12 Monday 7-9 Spare Parts and Maroons; Keglers and Big Six; Pinpoppers and Dukes. Monday 9-11 Rural Rollers and Chuckers; Tradesmen and Spares; Whizz Bangs and Willards. Wednesday 7-9 Apple Jacks and Butchers (1- 2); Short Circuits and Strikes (3-4). Week Of November. 19 Monday 7-9 Tradesmen and Keglers; Dukes and Maroons; Spare Parts and Pinpoppers. Monday 9-11 Big Six and Spares; Rural Rollers and Strikes; Butchers and Whizz Bangs. Wednesday 7-9 Willards and Apple Jacks (1- 2); Short Circuits and Chuckers (3-4). Week Of November 26 Monday 7-9 Pinpoppers and Maroons ; Dukes and Spare Parts; Trades­ men and Big Six. Monday 9-11 Rural Rollers and Short Cir­ cuits; Spares and Keglers; Apple Jacks and Whizz Bangs. Wednesday 7-9 and Chuckers (1-2); and Willards (3-4). December 3 Monday 7-9 Big Six and Dukes; Keglers and Spare Parts; Pinpoppers and Tradesmen. Monday 9-11 Short Circuits and Willards; Whizz Bangs and Rural Rollers; Maroons and Spares. Wednesday 7-9 Strikes and Butchers (5-6); Apple Jacks and Chuckers (3-4). Week Of December 10 Monday 7-9 Keglers and Pinpoppers; Big Six and Maroons; Spare Parts and Tradesmen. Monday 9-11 Scares and Dukes; Apple Jacks and Short Circuits; Whizz Ba.ngs and Strikes. Wednesday 7-9 Chuckers and Willards (5-6); Butchers and Rural Rollers 4). Strikes Butchers Week Of Strikes Butchers Week Of Buy Now — And Lay Away For Christmas ■i ftVCLARY Rural Parts. (1-2); Pin­ (3- Montreal’s 480-acre park Mount Royal is the largest 3 tural park within a city limit North America. on na- , in Mj U * MCCLARY ELECTRIC RANGI Dependable Features Budget Terms Available CENTRALIA Mr. J, A. Gates motored from Huntington Indiana and .spent the week-end with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gates. Flying Officer Jack Andrew left on Tuesday of this week for his new posting in Toronto. Mrs. G. Burton and Wellington Skinner attended W.M.S. Sectional meeting Thames Road on Tuesday of week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greb Wayne spent the week-end St. Catherines and Niagara Falls. Mrs. Love is seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable, a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. H. Birmingham day visitors Mr. and and family with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hod­ gins on Sunday. •Mr. and Mrs. George Bayn- ham, Miss Mary Jo Baynham and Mrs, George Braithwaite of Exe­ ter spent Sunday in London. Mr Mr. were Glen Sunday. Members of the Centralia WMS were guests of the Credi- Mrs. the at last and in We hope for Schroeder of were Sun-, Mich with Mrs. E., Knight. Mrs. Frank Marten of Shedden visited and Mrs. Lome Hicks, and Mrs, Andrew Hicks guests with Mr. and Mrs. Walden in Lucknow oh Men*s League The Spare Parts, Whizz Bangs and Tradesmen all captured se­ ven points in the first games of the men’s bowling league Mon­ day night. The Spare Parts, led by Frank Sagriff with a 713 (263) night, blanked the Keglers. “ ’ ' was best for the latter. 619 (268). Irvine Armstrong, a spare for the Whizz-Bangs, sparked them to their shutout ovei’ the Rural Rollers with a 67 8 (272) triple. H. Penliale was tops for the Rollers with 607 (255). The Tradesmen had no diffi­ culty with the depleted' Pinpop­ pers. Ted Pooley lea. the winners with 597 (204) and Bob : . cott topped the five-man losers with 531* (207). The Strikes took five from the Butchers. A, Ford led the way with 607 (209). Best for the Butchers was Bill bers with 715 (271). The Dukes took the starting Big Six 5-2. Peckham scoring South- points Cham- slow- Ralpli Sweitzer topped the winners with 5 93 (210) and Ken Hockey con­ tinued to lead tlie Big Six with 691 (267). The Maroons squeezed a 4-3 win over the Spares. John Chri­ stie trundled 59 8 (248) for winners and Jim Fairbairn 690 (285) for the Spares. Ladies* League The second session for ladies bowling league on Wednes­ day and Thursday nights of last week showed the Happy Gals tied with tion and Gals Cracker jacks. D. Hall bowled a high 598 triple and a 207 single for the winners and for the los­ ing team, J. Dawson scored 5 37 in three games and a high single of 214. A close Busy Bees found the with four and a 219 E. Bonnallie for the Maids and for the losing team, G. Webster earned games The points over the Trailers’ in their match with H. Shapton bowling a triple of 576 and a 236 single. For the losers, D Pfaff snagged a 614 triple and her highest single game For the five points, a high 478 losing Pin points aided by a 469 triple by R. Allard. D. Brady bowled 69 5 and 282 for the Hot Dogs who won the match with five points against the Frisky Sisters’ score of two. For the Sisters, Lil Hunter-Duvar bowled 617 and 287. The Alley Cats ended their games with a 5-2 lead over the Jolly Jills. For the Cats, F. Sharp bowled a 5 40 triple and a 201 single and on the losing team, G. Bierling bowled and 188. Standing as of Tuesday: Happy Gals Hot Dogs .. Hi-Lights .. Merry Maids Frisky Sisters Crackerjacks Yarn Spinners Busy Bees ... Alley Cats ... Trailers ......... Pinheads ...... Jolly Jills .... the had the the Hot Dogs in top posi- with a total of 12 points a seven point win for the in their match with the contest between the ajid the Merry Maids Merry Maids ahead points. A 611 triple single were scored by 511 points in with a 202 single. Hi-Lights netted three four was 206. Yarn Spinners with P. Robinson bowled in three games. The Heads gained two basketball throw team of Pat Hopper, Julia Dunlop and Mar­jorie Taylor set a new record at I the W.O.S.S.A. Field Meet held in London on Saturday. The new I time was 31.4 seconds. • Local winners at the meet | were John Haberer who won the 220-yard dash for senioi' boys with a time of 23.2 seconds. He was second in the 100-yard dash. Jules Desjardins placed third in the junior boys’ 100-yard dash. Irwin Ducharme was sec­ ond in the intermediate half mile. Jean Taylor captured sec­ ond in the senior girls' softball throw and Mary Mcknight placed fourth in the intermediate girls’ softball throw. Six boys and eleven girls made the trip to the U.W.O. athletic grounds, accompanied by the physical training instructors, Miss Loretta Seigneur and Mr. 'Glenn Mickle. SHIPKA Mr. Herb Harleton has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, London for the past four weeks. We are glad to re­ port he is slowly improving. Mrs. Jack Pickering and babe returned home from London Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Keys and Miss Pearl Keys attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Siplady at Clin­ ton, Thursday, She was 90 years of age. Mrs. C. Keys at Varna is a daughter. Mrs. V. Sharpe visited the week-end in/ Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs................' from tives Austin Sturdy Goderich visited with rela- Sunday last. i 1 ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Enos Herdman, Mr. and Mrs. Philip the week-end with Owen Sound. Mrs. L. Hodgert Seaforth visited on Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. William Murch of Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man Jaques and family of Zion visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. Several from this community went to London to get a glimpse of the royal visitors, Princess Elizabeth and Duke of Edin­ burgh, on Sunday evening. The community welcomes two new families recently come from Holland four weeks ago, having moved into the house south of Elimville owned by Mrs. Squire Herdman. There will be no Sunday School on October 21 and Octo­ ber 28 because of Thames Road and Elimville anniversaries on these dates respectively. Mr. Harry Murch of Owen Sound called on Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Penhale attended the funeral of the former’s aunt in St. Thomas on Friday afternoon. Murch spent relatives in and Roy of Sunday with Cooper. Noah Webster began writing the dictionary in 1S07 and fin­ ished in 1828. Another special of first quality fall shades of beige, blush and ton WMS on Thursday afternoon of last week. Presented To Princess Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hodgson were week-end visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Smale in Windsor and attended the ceremony of wel­ come for the Princess and the Duke on Monday. Rev. Smale, as president of the council of Pro­ testant Churches in Windsor with Mrs. Smale had the honor of being presented to their Roy­ al Highnesses. Corporal W. Stewart who lias been receiving treatment in Westminster Hospital, London, for several weeks was able to re­ turn home last week. The WA Bazaar and afternoon tea planned for October 25, has been postponed until a later date owing to the hydro change- over in this vicinity on that day. Watch your paper for announcements. The annual Thank services will be held church on Sunday (October 21) with Rev. W. Kiteley a former pastor, as guest speaker. Special music will be provided by the choir. You are reminded of the Lon­ don Conference Young People’s Union Convention 20, 21, Church. Some villagers had the privi­ lege of seeing Princess Elizabeth and the Duke in London on Sun­ day evening. Shouts of glee could be heard from youngsters, perched on their fathers’ shoul­ ders, as they caught a glimse of the Royal Couple. Mr. and Mrs. E. Faulder of Crediton were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Clara Abbott. further Offering in the October 19, in James Street United Exeter. Ki ARRANGE FOR. YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW! PHOTOGRAPHER Only 32 Days Left Because of the great demand for portraits as the ideal Christmas gift, we have found it ne­ cessary jn past years to stop taking sittings around December 1 in order to have all orders finished by December 25, That means there are only approximately 32 d$jjns remaining to have that Christmas sitting made and solve all your Christmas gift problems at the same time. Portraits are available for as low as $14.15 per dozen—that’s only $1,18 each. And for the value you’ll have to agree, that makes a worth­ while yet inexpensive Christmas gift. Call 343-W for Appointment ■«eM«ea Welcome London Conference Young People Have an Enjoyable Time in Exeter! Gleaming Floors ■ ■ ALL THE TIME! WITH THE WONDERFUL GENERAL ELECTRIC Floor Polishers You Just Guide It Does the Work! The does and into G-E Floor Polisher with counter-rotating brushes a speedy, gleaming job on hardwood, linoleum tile floors . . . right up to the baseboard, deep corners, and close to furniture. • Snap-on Brushes and Buffing Pads $69.50 R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter Greetings Young People Exeter is Proud And Happy To Be Your Hosts At Your Twenty-seventh Annual Convention Sheer Full-Fashioned Nylon Hosiery \ special purchase of sheer 5I-gauge. 15-denier, first quality nylon hosiery with flattering dark .seams in shades of sweet spice and noontide. Special per pair $1.65 45-gauge nylon hosiery in noontide. Special per pair ....................................... $1.35 Rayon Gabardine Fine quality rayon gabardine, beautiful finish, ideal for the warmer fall dress and for men’s sport shirts. Seven lovely shades —wine, dark green, navy, grey, paddy & green, red, eopen blue. Forty-four inches wide ................. •..... $1.50 per yard Men-Ready for Winter Take a look at our new FALL JACKETS. They’re warm, smart and comfortable. From $17.95 up. While you're in you’ll want to see new STATION* WAGON COATS, light, good-looking and very cozy. Grocery Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Lux Knitting Book (FREE) When you buy 2 pkgs. New Lux .... 830 Aylmer Pitted Red Cherries, 15-oz. 230 Aylmer Cho. Garden Peas, 20-oz. 2/350 Old York Cereal For constipation ................................ 340 Pineapple Marmalade, 24-oz. jar .... 370 : Aymler Fancy Pumpkin, 20-oz. ...... 150 Southcott Bros. PHONE 16 - We Deliver Exeter