HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-10-04, Page 11fl< 11 Weeks Till Christmas Don’t forget pur helpful Lay-Away Plan Only $5 a week will give you a $55 WATCH for Christmas We offer CERTINA ELCO LORR IE The World’s Finest Watches Jack Smith Jeweller . Phone 510-W Exeter M fl Interchangeable or Reinovab'e Zippcrinner Quilt-d Linu.l Gabardine Topcoats $29.75 to $39.00 We have a real SPECIAL for you this week in a shipment of covert cloth Topcoats in brown, blues and greys. This coat makes a dressy, all-season coat! $29.75 Boys* Pants Sizes 8 to 18. Tweeds, Coverts and Wools We want to clear these out. Any Pair $3.89 O»r Usual Low Prices Prevail On Work Clothes Dungarees ................. .$2.98 O’alls .......................... .$3.69 $mocks, 36 to 46 .... $3.69 Penman’s Combination, 36 to 44 .......................... $2.98 Men’s Wool Cardigan $3.98 Geo. Wright “Where Low Overhead and Low Prices Go Hand to Hand” M THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1951 celebrated a “Friend- the lodge Parkhill, Exeter O.E.S, Marks 13th Anniversary Exeter Chapter No. 222, Order of the Eastern Star, its 13 th birthday with ship bright” held in rooms. Guests from Clinton, Appin and Londoxx chap­ ters were present. P.G.M, Mrs. Esther Wilkes, of London, and W.M. Callum, of Appin, corps of friendship duced the opening ceremonies. Mrs. Wilkes presented a deco­ rated birthday cake to the Exe- ter chapter. Past matrons and patrons of the local chapter were presented with certificates. Gordon Mc- with their officers, con- and closing WOODHAM •Mr. and Mrs. M. Louch Frank of Hamilton spent week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mills of London visited during the week­ end with Mills. Mr. and ----- — -----. Mrs. Jack Uyles and family of London visited on Friday with Mrs. M. Copeland and Mrs. G. Copeland. Mrs. D. C. Stephens spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chisholm of Exeter. Miss Marian Mills of London and Mr. William Mills visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy. •Mr. and Mrs. Mac Patterson of St. Marys and Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Chisholm and family of Exeter spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stephens. Miss Marian Mills graduated nurse of Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, spent a few days with friends and relatives in Detroit and also with her father, 'Mr. William Mills before joining the staff at Victoria Hospital. and the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mrs. A. Pringle and fl We Have in Stock: Dry White Pine 1x5 and 1x6 Matched Also 1x4-5-6-8-10 and 12 inches Dressed 4 sides A. J. Clatworthy PHONE 12 GRANTON fl Size each each cwt. Call Collect; DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR Dead Stock HORSES CATTLE HOGS 2.50 2.50 .50 per According to and Condition Seaforth 15 Exeter 235 INTERNATIONAL Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Demonstration October 9-10-11-12 OXFORD COUNTY Farm of John R. Hargreaves & Sons WOODSTOCK Two Miles South of No. 2 Highway THE WORLD’S LARGEST PLOWING MATCH - AND EXHIBIT OF FARM EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES For full particulars apply to J. A. Carroll, Secretary-Manager Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario fl Supplement Lucan And District News ,fl Nancy Traquair Announcements Honored At Tea Rats, when faced with a diffL cult problem will bite their nails. fl C.G.LT. Organize, Enjoy Farm Hike The C.G.I.T. held their meeting of the year in the __ day School room of the United Church on Wednesday, Septem­ ber 19. After a sing-song con­ ducted by the assistant leader, Miss Gowlett, the meeting was opened by repeating the C.G.I.T. purpose. The worship service was conducted by the leader, Mrs. Charles Corbett. During the business period a hike was planned for the fol­ lowing Monday. A nominating committee of Elva • Young and Eva Kenny was Instructed to prepare a slate of officers to be voted on at the next meeting. After a period of games, con- the first Sun- After a period of games, ducted by Miss Gowlett, meeting closed with Taps. The infant son of Mr. Mrs. Corman of Hagersville, was born in St. Joseph’s Hospi­ tal, London, Sunday, September 23, is still dangerously ill but there are some signs of improve­ ment. Mrs. Corman is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hodgins, at present. and who United Church W.M.S. Mrs T. S. Hill, president for the September meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society held in the United Church. Mrs. John Blair was convener for the meeting and Mrs. John McLean gave an interesting ac­ count of the school for leaders held at Alma College. Plans for a Mother and Daugh­ ter banquet for the Explorer group were left in the hands of the committee, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. T. S. I Wes Revington, Mrs. nidg, Gertrude White. Those taking part in _ ship period were Mrs William Aylestock, Mrs. N. Wasnidge, Mrs. G. Young, Mrs. T. S. Hill, Mrs. W. Revington, and Mrs. Clarence Lewis A feature of the meeting was the presentation of life member­ ship certificates to Mrs. L. Der­ ham and Mrs. M. Raycraft. At the conclusion of the meet­ ing the Explorer group directed by -Mrs. Murray Hodgins gave a demonstration of motion songs and Marlene Revington present­ ed the Explorer treasurer chest cotaining $5 to Mrs. T. S. Hill to be forwarded to the Presby- terial Mission Band secretary. Mrs. Blair’s group served dainty refreshments. Miss Anne Liddell is suffering from “strep” throat, she soon recovers. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. T. B. Thompson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mcllhar- gey, of Detroit called at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Clarence Lewis recently. The Lewis farm w,as originally owned by tjle Mc- Ihargey family. Mc- Mrs. Was- the wor- We hope Tuke and of London New Zealander Addresses Birr W.l. When Birc Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. W. W. Garrett, Mr. A. W. Essex, of New Zealand gave a very inter­ esting talk, Mr. Essex, who is at present visiting friends and re­ latives in the district has been Canadian Passenger Agent for the CPR in New Zealand for the ast 25 years., Now he is traffic managex* for Canadian Pacific Airlines. Mr. Essex’s comparisons and contrasts between New Zealand and Canada proved very inter­ esting. He quoted some prices of food stuffs in New Zealand. Beef choicest pound, pound, pound, loaf, These prices may lead one to think that cost of living in New Zealand is much lower than in Canada” ,he said, “But it is not because we pay much more fox* imported manufactured goods, cars, machinery, agriculture im­ plements, etc. And because of government restrictions these im­ ported goods are difficult to pro­ cure. For instance if I wanted a new car, I would expect to have to wait two or perhaps three years from the time I place my oredr." Plans were made for the Birr W.l. booth at Ilderton Fair and discussions followed concerning banquets for which the branch has been asked to cater in the near future. Mrs. Clarence Lewis displayed the second volume of the Tweed- smuir Book for Birr W. I. Volume one contains a fairly complete account of the pioneer life of this district—the earliest families, schools and churches, the history of villages, Denfield, Elginfield, ~ • as well as Line Road sion West interesting The second volume gives brief current events clipped from the newspapers. Jackie provided G. Zirk ing and acted an and Mrs. Guy Ryan at- Mrs. Mr. tended Ryan’s May, to Mr. W. J. Merriefield, at Westminster Chapel, where Miss May’s father is a patient. Sandy Jameson of Ttha- Alta., called on last week. and Mrs. Morris the marriage of niece, Miss Betty Ann Lucan Murdy Mrs. C. Mr. basca, friends Mr. spent the week-end with Mudry. M»s. Maude Beckett of Lon­ don spent a few days with relatives and friends. Mrs. T. C. McFarlane shower for Miss Shirley leigli last week. A very' time was had by all present, on Sunday. Lucan had a Carb- happy WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Bert and family visited at J ville on Sunday with : Mrs. Jas Finlayson and . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klhare and Catherine spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pickles Byron. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen and Donald visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl and also atended Zion anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster, St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques, Zion, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire. •Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkin­ son and Glenn visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, London and Mr. and Mrs. S. Blight, Thorndale. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mar­ shall and family, London visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parkinson. Mrs. Moeller and Mrs. Huebner, Detroit, are spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. William Mor­ ley Sr. and also attending the Ryan-Cobleigh wedding in the United Church, LUcan, Wednes­ day, Mr. and Mrs. Melleville Gun­ ning and Muriel were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques, Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire, Mi*, and Mrs. F. Squire and Graf­ ton attended Saintsbury anniver­ sary service on Sunday and spent the day with Mr, attd Mrs, J. Dickins. Miss Elva Morley returned home oh Saturday after holiday­ ing for a few weeks with Mrs. Huebher and Mrs. Moeller^ at their cottage on the St, Clair shore Duffield Egmond- Mr. and Jessie. forty seven thirty nine cuts, liver, butter, bread, milk eight cents cents cents cents cents a quart. a a a a Birr and Southgate toll-road—The Proof and Sixteenth Conces- to Carlisle and other data. and Doreen Garrett musical selections, Mrs. led in community sing- Mrs. Allen McNair dir­ amusing spelling match. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Harper (of the Ross House) were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caroll of London, Mr. Edward Houl- gate of London, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. AHaster of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Don White and Mr. L. Vincent of London, Mr. and Gailenee of Hamilton and and Mrs. G. McAtter of Thomas. Mrs. A. C. Calder and Philip, who were holidaying in the West, have returned home. Mr", and Mrs. John Blair visit­ ed with Mrs. Blair’s brother, Mr. Norman Mitchell, at Centralia on Sunday, September 30. At the September meeting of the United Church W.M.S., two of its members, Mrs. M. Ray­ craft and Mrs. L. Derham, were made life members. Miss Agnes Fox of Strathroy visited friends and old neighbors in town on Monday, October 1. She reports her sister, Roberta, is still confined to hex* bed. Miss Holly Martin spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Tom Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodgins of Owen and and the Mrs. Mr. St. son, __ Sound visited with Mr. Mrs. Frank Lewis and Mr. Mrs. Wes Hodgins during week-end. KIRKTON Mrs. M. Gregory spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. B'. Leonard at Byron. Mr. . Marys, called on friends in the village Kirkton Fair day. Robinson was judge of cattle. Mr. Ronald Timms, teacher at Kirkton Public School spent week-end with his arents Woodstock. Word has been received of death of Mrs. Mary Kelk, wife of Mr. William Kelk, former citizens of the village. Mrs. Kelk passed away in pital, Windsor, years. Mr. and ed the United ton and were choir. Besides leaves Maurice of London and Winnifred at home. Sympathy of the community is extended to the family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cliris- tianie and little daughter, Susan were guests at tlieix- neices' ding at London, Saturday. Mrs. Amanda Shier and Wes Switzer of Woodham Sunday guests with Mr. and Fred Roger. Hon. Jas. and Mrs. Gardiner, of Ottawa, were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Allen. Mrs. Carl Mills 6f Auburn spent Monday with her grand­ mother, Mrs. R. Humphreys. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Allen were Ward Allen and Mr. and Lavene of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Norman aid who have resided iti lage the past four years have sold their house and property and have moved to St, Marys where Mr. Port guests Doupe. J. H. Robinson ???,st. Mr. the at the Metropolitan Hos- at the age of 65 Mrs. Kelk attend- Church at Kirk­ members of the her husband she wed- Mrs. were Mrs. Mr, Mrs. M, McDon- the vil* they have bought a house and Mrs. Alvin Doupe of Credit were week-end with Mr. and- Mrs. Everett Birth. Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for .single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse. En­gagements 50c. Mrs. J. A. Traquair assisted by her daughter, Mrs. John Christie, opened her home to many guests for a tea held in honor of her daughter-in-law, Mrs, Donald Traquair, formerly Nancy Wright. The tea table was laid with a white cloth embroidered in blue and centred with a bowl of blue and white delphiniums and red roses. Ivory and blue tapers added to the table decorations. During the afternoon, Mrs, D. Farrow, Mrs. Geoge Westcott, Mrs. T. A. May and -Mrs. L. F. Howey poured tea assisted by Mrs. Jinx Rowcliffe, Mrs. Charl­ es Snell, Mrs. Roland Williams and Mrs. Floyd Weeks. ■ i ■W BIRTHS BIRD—LAC David and of Exeter are very announce the birth daughter, Lynn Joanne, Saturday, September 29 at the Hooper Nursing Home, a sis­ ter fox- David. BOWER—To Mr. and Mrs, Sam­ uel Bower of Exeter, the birth of a son, Marvin James, on September 29, at Miss Ballan- tyne’s Nursing Home; a birth­ day present for Joyce. CORMAN—To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cormaxx (nee Donna Hodgins), a son, Glen Roland, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, on September 23, 1951. FORREST — At Clinton Public Hospital Friday, September 28, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forrest of Hensail, a daughter. KNIGHT—Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight, Woodham, wish to announce the birth of a daugh­ ter on Tuesday, September September 25, at Victoria Hos­ pital, London, WALPER—To Mr. and Mrs. Ed K. Walper of Orillia (nee Mar­ garet Melville), a daughter on October 1 at Soldiers’ Mem­ orial Hospital. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Toohey announced the engagement of their daughter, Mary Cecelia, to Gerald Doyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doyle of Ailsa Craig. The marriage will take place at 9 a.nx, on Saturday, October 20, in St. Patrick’s Church, Lucan, c Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker, Dorchester, announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, Rita Marguerite, to James Francis Heenan, son of Mrs. Heenan, Lucan, and the late Patrick Hee­ nan. The marriage will take place at 9:30 on Saturday, Octo­ ber 20, in St. Patrick’s Church, London. c Mrs. Bird happy to of their on Mr. W. J. Whiteford of Grand Bend wishes to announce the engagement of his daughter, Leia Anne Priscilla, to Wilber Denise Albert Devine, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert Devine of Grand Bend. The wedding take place October 20. IN MEMORIAM will 4c MOUNT CARMEL Mr. and -Mrs. Arthur Rompre and daughter Loiraine of High­ land Park, Michigan, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Jim Ziler. About 473,000 square miles of Canada’s 700,000 square miles of forest lands capable of produc­ ing continuous crops, are classi­ fied as economically, financially and geographically accessible for forest operations. POP'S Taxi Service Phones: Exeter 357 and 545-r-3 fl » WOLFE—In loving memory of j Oscar Wolfe, who passed away October 7, 1949. He bade no one a last farewell, He said goodbye to none; The heavenly gates were open wide, A loving voice said: “Come.” Someday we hope to meet him, Someday—we know not when, To clasp his hand in land, Never to part again. —Always remembered sisters and brothers. a better by his 4* GARAGES I Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wed­ nesday afternoon, and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the week:— SNELL BROS. LTD Garage ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 1951 Ford Sedan, overdrive, ra­ dio, etc., just broken in. Hudson Hornet Sedan, ful- equipped. Ford Sedan. Meteor Coach Mercury Mercury Hudson Plymouth Sedan 1951 ly 1949 1949 1947 1946 1940 1937 And Older Cars Coach 114 Coach Sedan 6 1949 Ford J-Ton Truck, above average Bob Cook MOTOR SALES HENSALL, ONT. Open Evenings This Weelc*s Specials Include Salts Bulb and Peppers .... ...... Bowls and Planters Cups Artificial Flowers and Saucers Round Lace Doilies Chair Arms and Backs Lace Dresser Scarves from 25$ and up from 19$ to .............. 19$ Organdie Dresser Sets .......... Babies’ Dresses and Rompers 40$ 89$ 69$ a spray to 39$ each 35$ and. Up .......... $1.98 ' .......... $2.29 $1.98 and up and up up fl Your Last Chance TO WIN A RCA Victor Radio Or $50 Merchandise Credit In Snelgrove’s MOFFAT Feature Range Contest No Obligation! No Cost! We Will Help You Fill Out Your Entry Blank Little Miss Judy Snelgrove Will Make The Everybody Welcome! PHONE 18-W Be Sure Your Name Is Entered! ■ ?