HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-10-04, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, J951 s- 1-51 'KING OF PAIN” LINIMENT when rheumatic pain gets you down, here’s the quick way to get relief, Rub in soothing Minard's Liniment. Is it good? Just try k, you’ll see ! RHEUMATIC PAIN? J INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Model HA-12, $00000 Iv x\ 1 4 ' 11 Prize Winners At Kirkton Fair REFRIGERATORS New. •.and YEARS AHEAD • Huge 8.2 cu. ft. inside ... space­ saving outside) • Full-width freezer holds 35 lbs.I II Space for 25 quart bottles! —• Sparkling Chromium shelves! • Full-width Crisper holds 16 qfs.1 Easy to see why the III storage story is a best­ seller everywhere! You get amazing interior spaciousness in a compact cabinet, dozens of* convenience features of the future, plus the lasting beauty of Shadowline styling! See the complete line 7 Models! /k _ _ — — _IS... $322.75 up INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 7cu. ft. FREEZER Holds 245 lbs. Imagine the care-free luxury of freezing foods right in your own kitchen! Store everything you need for weeks of good eating... everything in just a 27H x 44 V4 in. space! Think of saving valuable time and footsteps, of getting exciting IH features: smooth table top for added work­ ing space, over-all freezing so you can freeze foods on 5 surfaces, Dri-Wall cabinet that does away with excessive moisture! Preserve sca- sonal foods, pocket dollar savings ... now! □ Prlcedonly $408.75 101 F. W. Huxtable —Continued from Page One ham; crocheted centrepiece, Mrs. Jack Kemp, ’Mrs. T. Constable; tatted centrepiece, Mrs. Jaques; buffet set, Mrs. Constable, Mrs. Jaques; table cloth, luncheon set, place mats, Mrs, Constable; pair . tea towels, Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. Paton, Kirkton; kitchen curtains, Mrs, Jaques; kitchen tablecloth, Mrs. Constable, Mrs. Jack Kemp; housedress, Mrs. Clayton Colqu- houn, Science Hill, Mrs. Jaques; apron, Mrs. Colquhoun, Mrs. Kemp; tea apron, Mrs. Colqu­ houn, Monty Dobson; ladies py­ jamas, Mrs. Seigner, Mrs. Con­ stable; night dress, Mrs. Con­ stable, Mrs, Marjorie Moon Kirk­ ton; ladies gloves, R. N. Spence, St. Marys; infants jacket, Mrs. Moon, Mrs. Constable; childs cotton dress, Mrs. Moon, Mrs, Jaques; infants dress, Mrs. Seig­ ner, Mrs. Colquhoun; boys swea­ ter, Mrs. Constable, Mrs, Moon; pyjamas, Mrs. Constable; men’s hand knit gloves, Mrs, Constable, Mrs. Seigner; men’s hand knit socks, Mrs. Constable, Mrs. Col­ quhoun; girl’s sport shirt and needlepoint, Mrs, Constable; shell craft, Mrs. Gordon Colqu­ houn, Mitchell, Mrs. George Mit­ chell, Dublin; cross stitch, Mrs. Jack Kemp, Mitchell, -Mrs. Moon; crochet ' '* ~ “ special Marys; George child’s special Colquohoun. Judges, Mrs. W. J. Routly, Ida H. Taylor. Art, Mrs. Hugh Duncan, Kirkton, won first for landscape painting, any subject in oil, water color scene, water color any subject. Pastel, any subject, Hazel Sparl- ing, Exeter; Marion Creery, Woodham; pencil drawing, Ha­ zel Sparling. Judges, Mrs. W. J. Routley, Ida H. A. Taylor. Donestic Science ■Maple syrup, Heber Shute, Kirkton; Sam Giles, Science Hill; Mrs. Clarence Routly, Kirk­ ton; Maple Sugar, Mrs. Clayton Colquhoun, Science Hill; R. E. Doupe, Kirkton. White Bread, Elizabeth Taylor, Science Hill; R. E. Doupe, Kirkton; Sam Giles. Brown Bread, R. E. Doupe, Sam Giles. Buns, R. E. Doupe, Sam Giles, Ward Hern. Woodham. Tea Biscuits, R. E. Doupe, Sam Gil­ es, Mrs. Marion Jaques, Wood­ ham. Angel Cake, Mrs. Harold Hern, Granton; Mrs. Iva'n Brock, Woodham. Dark Cake, Mrs. Ivan Brock, Mrs. Marion Jaques, Mrs. Wallace Selves, Science ■ Hill. Jelly Roll, Mrs. Elmer Selves, Science Hill; Mrs. Clayton Col- Constable; St. work, Mrs, quilt, John Berry, special childs dress, Mrs. Seigner, Mitchell, special dress, Mrs Jack Kemp; shell work, Mrs. Gordon X tl with BARRETT 'X *>.■ Insulation Saves up to 30% on fuel bills Gives extra fire-safety In Blankets, Batts and Granulated Form Besides Rock Wool Insulation your Barrett Dealer has a complete line of roofing and weatherproof­ ing materials. ............. .....■■■ ... .................. .......... THE BARRETT COMPANY, Halifax • Sa inf-John LIMITED Montreal • Toronto • Winnipeg • Vancouver *2?o^*cT Trade Mark Take your building problems to your Barrett Dealer Your Barrett Dealer in Exeter Huron Lumber Co. Ltd. Your Barrett Dealer in Dashwood Dashwood Planing iquhouu, Mrs. George Mitchell, (Dublin. Bran Muffins, Mrs. Har­ old Hern, Mrs. Elmer Selves, Mrs. Wallace Selves. Apple Pie, Mrs. Harold Hern, Mrs. Wallach Selves, Mrs. Tostell. Lemon Pie, Mrs. Ivan Brock, Mrs. Harold Hern, Mrs, Marion Jaques. Pump­ kin. Pie, Mrs. Wallace Selves, Mrs. George Mitchell, Mrs. Ivan Brock. Doughnuts, Mrs. Clayton Colquhoun, Tarts, Sam Giles, Mrs. Clayton Colquhoun, Mrs. Elmer Selves. Oatmeal Cookies, Mrs. Clayton Colquhoun, T. A. Wiseman, R. E. Doupe. Meat Loaf, Mrs. Wallace Selves, Mrs. Clayton Colquhoun, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Relishes, Sam Giles, R. E. Doupe. Jelly, R. E. Doupe, T. A Wiseman, Mrs. Clayton Colqu­ houn. Sour Pickles, R. E. Doupe, T. A. Wiseman. Sweet pickles, T. A Wiseman, R. E. Doupe, Sam Giles. Catsup, Mrs. Jvdn Brock. Rhubarb, Rae Stephen, S t. Marys; Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, Cher­ ries, ' Tostell, houn, Brock, Berry. Pears, R. E. Doupe, Clayton Colquhoun. Plums, Clayton Colquhoun, Mrs. . _ Mitchell, Rae Stephen. Peaches, Mrs. Elmer Selves, R. E. Doupe, Mrs. Clayton Colquhoun. Straw­ berries, Mrs. • Tostell. Apples, Mrs. Clayton Colquhoun. Grapes, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Corn, R. E. Doupe, Mrs. Ivan Brock, Mrs. Clayton Colquhoun. Peas, Stephen, Mrs. Clayton houn. Tomatoes, Mrs. : Jaques, Rae Stephen, ; Doupe, Canned Chicken, Clayton Colquhoun. Noon Lunch, Mrs. Clayton Colquhoun, R. E. Doupe, Mrs. Wallace Selves. Jel­ lied Chicken, R. E. Doupe, Mrs. Clayton Colquhoun. Pie and Cake Competition, Apple Pie, Mrs. Tostell, Mrs. Harold Hern, T. A. Wiseman. Layer Cake, Mrs. Ivan Brock, Mrs. Clayton Colqu­ houn, Mrs. Geo, Mitchell. Dairy Exhibit, Dairy Butter, Fred McClymont, two firsts. Judges, Ethel M. Crago, Ella E. Urquhart. Flowers Cut flowers; snap dragons, Mrs. Ella Hunkin, Exeter, Mrs. Har­ old Hern, 'Granton; straight pe­ tal asters, -Mrs. Hunkin, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe, Kirkton; cruves petalled asters-, Mrs. Hunkin, M<s. Harold Hern; basket of as­ ters, -Mrs. Hunkin, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe; cosmos, Mr. R. E. Doupe, Kirkton, Mrs. Clayton Colqu­ houn, Science Hill; dahlias, Sid­ ney Adamson, Mrs. Hunkin; miniature dahlias, Mrs. Hunkin, Sidney Adamson; bouquet dalias, Sidney Adamson, Mrs. Hunkin; gladiolus, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe, Mrs. Hunkin; spikes six Gladiol­ us, Mrs. Hunkin, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe; basket gladiolus, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe, second: balsams, Mrs. Harold Hern; stocks, Mrs. i Harold Hern, Mrs. Clarence Rou­ tly; grummondi phlox, Mrs. Ella Hunkin, Mrs. Harold Hern; per­ ennial phlox, Mrs. I-Iunkin; petu­ nias, R. E. Doupe, Sidney Adam­ son; double petunias, Mrs. Wil­ fred Doupe; tally-ho petunias. Dr. C. A. Campbell, Kirkton; salpiglossis, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe; salvia, Mrs. Hunkin, Mrs. Wil­ fred Doupe; dining table centre, i T. A. Wiseman, Kirkton, Wilfred Doupe; scabiosa,‘Harold Hern, Mrs. Hunkin; i rican marigold. Mrs. Harold Hern, Mrs. Hunkin; "French (marigold, Mrs. Hunkin, Mrs. Pat- j on, Kirkton; dwarf marigold, I Mrs. I-Iarold Hern, Mrs. Hunkin; ; verbenias, Mrs. Clarence Routly, I Kirkton, Mrs. Harold Hern; pan- | sies, Sidney Adamson, Dr. C. A. j Campbell; Zinnias, large, Mrs. j Hunkin, Dr. Campbell; zinnias, I small. Mrs. Harold Hern, Mrs. Hunkin; best display of annuals, Mrs. Harold Hern, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe; best display of peren­ nials, Mrs. Harold Hern, Mrs. Hunkin; bride’s bouquet, Mrs.i Hunkin, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe; i basket of cut flowers, Mrs. Har- ! old Hern, Mrs. Mrs. Hunkin, Doupe; rose, Mrs. Hazel Sparling, L. play, Mrs. Hunkin, Dr. Campbell; special by Kirkton Horticultural Society, three varieties chrysan­ themum, Mrs. Harold Hern, Gran­ ton. House Plants, amaryllis, Mrs. Clarence Routly, fibrous begonia, Dr. Campbell, Mrs. Routly; tub­ erous begonia, M r s. Harold Hern, Mrs. Routly; collection of house plants, Mrs. Routley; As­ paragus, Mrs. Routly two firsts; any other begonia, Mrs. Ivan Brock, Woodham, Mrs. Routly; ferns, Mrs. Routly; any other begonia, Mrs. Ivan Brock; spe­ cial for African Violet, Mrs. Geo. Seigner, Mitchell. Girl’s Garden Club, Georgina Hall, Kirkton; second, Marilyn Marshall, third, Sheila Watson, fourth, Donna Stone, fifth, Jean Shute, sixth, Muriel Routly, se­ venth, Pauline Simpson, eighth, Muriel Selves. Pupils Work Writing: Grade 2, Joyce Dic­ key, Marion Thompson, Billy Dunnell; Grade 3, David Baker; Grade 4 Phyllis O’Brien, Bar­ bara Dunnell, Alice Beimer, Da­ vid Hern; Grade 5 and 6, Ruth Hooiper, Kathleen Mossey; Grade 7 and 8, Alma Hern, Shirley Mills, Helena Beimer, Marion Creery, Autumn Scene Marion Hazel Donna Grade Mrs, Geo. Mitchell, Mrs. Clayton 1 Raspberries, Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, , Mrs. Colqu- Ivan John Mrs. Mrs. Geo. Rae Colqu- Marion R. E. , Mrs. Hunkin; spray, Mrs. Wilfred rs. Harold Hern, Exeter; rose dis- 7 Stanley Grade—7 Marlon Carolyn colours, Laura Gowan, Francis, Ruth Hooper; and 8, water colours, Cfeery, Donna Gilfillan, Hern, Eleanor Hern. Sewing . Apron, Rosemary Dobson, Ma­ rion Creery, Janet Colquhoun, Hazel Sparling; tea towels, Mar­ ion Creery, Rosemary Dobson, Margaret O’Brien, Ruth Hooper; dolls dress, Janet Colquhoun; bird house, Fred Delbridge, Har­ old Ford, Edward Hern; lawn ornament, Harold Foster, Grant Skinner; corner bracket, Harold Foster, R o n n y Hern; school lunch, Muriel Selves, Hazel Spar­ ling; date loaf, Betty Selves, Muriel Selves, Janet Colquhoun, Rosemary Dobson. Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, candy. Fred Miller, Earl Miller, Harry Towle, j Linda Dykeman; muffins, Gre- eta Stephen (fourth); Grades 5, 6,7,8, drop cookies, Donna Gil­ fillan, Rosemary Dobson, Aileen Selves, Doreen Brock; tea bis- l cults, Donna Gilfillan, Alma ;Hern, Doreen Brock. Potted Plant, Grant Gilfillan. Margaret Allan, Kay Allan; table bouquet, Janet Colquhoun, Burns Stephens, Rosemary Dobson, Da­ vid Roger; gladioli, Doris Brock, Mary Ann Tostell, Janet Colqu­ houn, David Roger; figurines, Ross Robinson; life history, harmful insects, Hazel Sparling, Rosemary Dobson; snapshots, Hazel Sparling, Mary Ann Tos­ tell; wild seeds, Rosemary Dob­ son, Early potatoes, Billy Marshall, Fred Miller, Clare Hooper; late potatoes, Patsy Marshall, Billy Marshall, Tommy Hern; parsnips, Lyle Paton, Patsy Marshall, Dor- een Brock; cucumbers ripe, Linda Dykeman, Lyle Paton, Rosemary Dobson; green cucum­ bers, David Roger, Edward Hern, Betty -Selves; blood beets, Patsy Marshall, Ronald Marshall, Billy Marshall; sweet corn, Clare Hooper, Ruth Hooper, Janet Col­ quhoun; pop corn, Clare Hooper, Patsy Marshall; large pumpkin, Clare Hooper, Ruth Hooper, Mary Dickey; watermelon, Margaret Brock, Ronnie Hern, Clifton Rea; citron, Eva Greenstreet, Wayne Hern, Ruth Hooper; oni­ ons, Ruth Hooper, Graham Thompson, Clare Hooper; toma­ toes, Ruth Hooper, Patsy Mar­ shall, Grant Gilfillan; northern spy apples, Robert McClymont, David Roger, Helen Hern; col­ lection of vegetables, Hazel Spar­ ling, Lyle Paton, Patsy Marshall; collection of fruit, Muriel Swit­ zer, Verna McClymont; school exhibit, Plugtown. Fare 9 d)uro “Water drudgery. Lindenfield’s Limited EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LTD See the film "Water on Tap" when shown in your locality. on Tap” LONDON - HAMILTON - ST. CATHARINES - TORONTO SUDBURY - WINNIPEG - VANCOUVER Buy the BEST . . . Buy a DURO IN THE KITCHEN Fresh running water at the turn of the tap , „ . with a DURO PUMP ... get rid of Kitchen IN THE Protect family , . . add to the comforts of daily living . . . modernize your home with a DURO. BATHROOM the health of your IN THE BARN Saves labor and time watering stock with a DURO PUMP . . . greater PROFITS. Phone or visit us today for DURO Pumps and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures. Write for illustrated folder, on Test Feeding Live Hog Demonstration FEED FED Lot 3-2 Pigs Mixed Chop & Hog Tonic Lot 4-2 Pigs Purina Chows TIME ON TEST FEEDING 96 days 96 days WEIGHT WHEN TEST BEGUN 82 lbs.72 lbs. WEIGHT NOW 200 lbs.328 lbs. Gain 118 lbs.256 lbs. Why did Lot No. 4 make TWICE the gain that Lot No. 3 did? See these test pens for yourself at our mill. Hazel Sparling, pencil sketch, Marion Creery, Mary Skinner; Joan Creery; Sparling, Gilfillan, 1 and 2, crayon Francis, Ann Creery, Joyce Dic.‘ key, Helen Horn;Grade 3 and 4 crayon.Dunnell, Beth Doupe, Rosemary Smith Alice Beimer Barbara Grade 5 and 6, water V A good start is half the battle with pigs — and the good start begins long before the pigs farrowed. Help your build up her litter, herself, by balancing chop with protein - rich, mineral-rich, vitamin-rich are sow and her WE CAN HELP YOUR PIGS Easy Way To Worm Pigs No chasing, no catch­ ing, no holding, no dosing. Feed ’em . . . a aHOGS' ofthemmivki Cann’s Mill Ltd THE STORE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD SIGN JwwvwM^ •J