HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-10-04, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1951
Hensail And District News
Rev. A. E. Holley, JJ.A., B.D.
(Supply Minister)
Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist
11:00 a.m.—“Thanksgiving,”
Anthem : “We Give Thee
12:15 p.m.—The Church School,
7:00 p.m.—“Is God Love,”
Anthem: “A Thanksgiving
You are most cordially invited
to worship.
W.A. in the church Thursday at
3 o’clock.
Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor
Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M.,
Musical Director
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School.
11:00 a.m.—World-Wide Com
munion. Reception of new
Anthem; By Choir.
7:00 p.m.—“The Mastery of An
Solo: Shirley Anderson.
Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A.
Organist: Mrs. E. Nixon, A.T.C.M.
10:00 a.m.—Church School.
11:00 a.m.—Public Worship.
“Abundant Possessions.”
4:00 p.m.—Mission Band.
Sat., Oct. 6, 2:30 p.m.—Presby-
terial Mission Band Rally in
Caven Church.
Tues,, Oct. 9, 7:15 p.m,—Open
ing meeting of the C.G.I.T. at
the manse.
Tues., Oct. 9, 8:00 p.m.—The
Caven Congregation Circle at
the home of Mrs. G. J. Dow.
— Anglican —
Rector: Rev. C. L. Langford,
B.A., M.A.
Organist: Robert Cameron
10:15 a.m.—Sunday School.
11:30 a.m.—Holy Communion.
Pentecostal Assemblies
of Canada
Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor
Wed,, 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible
Mr. E. Cudmore in charge.
Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S.
Speaker; Mr. S. Triebner.
Sun., 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School.
Rally Day. Supt. Mr, E. Cud-
11:00 a.m.—Communion Sunday
and Missionary Sunday.
7:30 p.m.—Times of Repressing
from the Land.
With Evangelists
Rev. Pauline Hitguewood,
Oct. 7 to 21
Nightly 8:00 p.m.
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. 3. Henry Getz, Minister
Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist
10:00 a.m.—World Communion
11:15 a.m.—Church School.
7:30 p.m.—Thanksgiving Serv
Youth Night—Tuesday, Oct. 9.
Prayer Service—Wed., Oct. 10.
Young Adults—Friday, Oct. 12.
“Come, ye thankful people, come;
Raise the song of Harvest Home.”
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. J. V. Dahms, Minister
World-Wide Communion
Sunday, October 7
10:00 a.m.—Worship.
Sermon: “The Greatest Bless
11:00 a.m.—Church School.
7:30 p.m.—Sermon: “Unable to
Save Himself.”
Wed., Oct. 10, 4:15 p.m.—Mis
sion Band.
- Anglican - Episcopal -
Grand Bend, Ontario
Rev. J. E. G. Houghton, Rector
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School.
11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer.
Holy Communion first Sunday
of each month.
Sunday Services,
11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
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available for you by your SHELL
Publ ic School Meet
—Contiued From Page Three
Junior Girls
50 yd. dash, Judith Snelgrove,
Grace McKenzie, Ann Lynne;
timid walking race; Bonny Hog
arth, Marilyn Dellow, Angela
Webster; standing broad jump,
Ann Lynne, Sharon Kestle, Diane
Ryckman; softball throw, Judith
Snelgrove, Anita Menard, Diane
Ryckman; three-legged race, Dor
is Scott and Veronica Francois,
Diane Ryckman and Sharon Kes
tle, Carol Hogarth and Carol
Menard; kick the slipper, Sha
ron Kestle, Diane Ryckman, Ann
Relay Winners
Senior Giris: champs, (Grade
8), Loreen Verner, Phyllis Cann,
Barbara Allison, Iris Tomlinson.
Grade 7, Carmen McKerral, Ei
leen Kendrick, Eleanor Jones,
Helen Jones.
Boys (Int.) Relay. Champs
(Grade 6) Douglas Wein, Bob
Ford, David Ford, Cyril Blom-
Inaert. Grade 5, Jim Tomlinson,
Jim Russell, Jim Sword, Jim
Junior Girls. Grade 6, Helen
Jones, Pat Cann, Jeanette Tay
lor, Nancy Boyle. Grade 5, Mar
garet Francois, Martene Mc
Bride, Carol Menard, Donna
Senior Boys. Champs, Grade 8,
Ted Smith, Jack Jensen, Pete
Cowen, Kelvin Delbridge. Grade
7, Bill Pollen, Ted McDonald,
Frank Cooper, Jack Triebner.
Menno Steckle, R.R. No. 2, Zurich, Ont.
I. H* Rid Jell & Son, R.R. No. 1, Centralia, Ont.
C. J. Switzer, R.R. No. 1, St. Marys, Ont.
Mrs. Charles Stephenson is en
joying delicious Columbia rasp
berries which she is picking
every day from her own garden,
one of the branches bore thirty
ripe berries.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young,
of Rochester, N.Y., were week
end guests with Mrs. Anna Walker.
Cpl. Fred Beer, RCAF station
ed in Winnipeg for the past four
months, flew from Montreal last
Sunday for Goose Bay to take
part in artic operations this win
ter, Cpl. Beer was on operations
Sweetbriar two years ago in the
Yukon.Miss Elaine Beer wiio is tak
ing a Junior Secretarial Course
at Westervelt Business College
London, spent the week-end with
lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mrs. C, Devlin of London visit
ed this week with Mrs, Edna
Mrs, G. Hudson is visiting with
her son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Casey Hudson and fam
ily at Goderich.
Mrs. Matthew England who has
been recuperating from a frac
tured hip at the home of her
daughter in Crediton since July,
has returned to her home. Miss
Donna Sheare of Belgrave is
staying with her.
Keith McLean has the founda
tion laid for his new home on
Richmond North.
Week-end visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. S, Roobol were Mr. and
Mrs. Tony Gelderland and Mr.
J. Verbrugge from Ridgetown,
Hundreds attended the Zurich
Lion Club’s monster bingo in
the Arena Monday night and
Albert C. Rock, Dublin, veteran
of the first World War walked
away with the $5 00 Jackpot.
Other winners were: $100, Den
nis Denominy, Drysdale; $75.00,
Miss Mary Mae Fisher, Zurich;
$5'01.00 was shared by Mrs. Frank
Dixon, 'Clinton, and two others.
Proceeds will be used to pur
chase equipment for the boys and
Tri-School Meet
—Contiued From Page Three
son and Margaret Tasko, K.
Klopp, Marion Lamport and
Elizabeth Hunter, Jeanne Lav
ender, Jeanne Soldan and Mau
reen Evans.
Junior champion: Ruth Sol-
Intermediate Girls
Relay: Marion Wildfong, Pat
Tuckey, Mary McKnight, Elaine
Hern; softball distance: Mary
McKnight, Melba King, Jean
nette Schenk; standing broad:
Margaret Willard, Joyce Witmer,
Pat Hopper; high jump: Elaine
Hern, Barbara Brintnell, La-
belle Hill; softball speed: Melba
King and Labelle Hill, Julia
Dunlop and Pat Hopper, Bar
bara Brintnell and Maureen
Stewart; basketball speed: Bev
Ravelie, Eunice Frederick and
Jeannette Schenk, Pat Hopper,
Julia Dunlop and Marjorie Tay
lor, Labelle Hill, Melba King
and Wilma McCoy.
Intermediate champion: Melba
Senior Girls
Relay: Dorothy Pooley, Jean
McAllister, Jean Taylor, Lois
Henderson ; softball distance :
Jean Taylor, Lorna Taylor, Clau
dette Blowes; standing broad:
Dorothy Pooley, Jean McAllister,
Jean Taylor; high jump, Doro
thy Pooley, Margaret Bray, Jean
McAllister; softball speed: Al-
marie Davis and Arlene Skinner,
Shirley Chapman and Lois Hen
derson, Margaret Bray and Clau
dette Blowes; basketball speed:
Shirley Chapman, Jean McAllis
ter and Lois Henderson, Lorna
Taylor, Jean Taylor and Doro
thy Pooley.
Senior champion: Dorothy
Junior Boys
One-hundred-yard dash: Jule
Desjardine, Irvin Ford, Jim Dal
ton; 220 yards: Jule Desjardine,
Irvin Ford, Jim Dalton, Jack
Bell; broad jump; Jule Desjar
dine, Jim Dalton, John Lyne;
hop, step and jump, Jule Desjar
dine; high jump, John Lyne, Ir
vin Ford, Jim Dalton; shot-put:
Irvin Ford, Larry Scollard.
Junior champion: Jule Des
Intermediate Boys
One-hundred-yard dash: Don
O’Brien, John Hicks, Jim Stur
gis; 220-yard dash: Don O'Brien,
Jim Sturgis, Jim Haley; 440
yards: Irvin Ducharme, Ron
Passmore, William Yungblut;
half mile: Irvin Ducharme, Ron
Passmore, Bob Chaff e; broad
jump: Don O’Brien,. Joseph
Green, Don McCurdy; hop, step
and jump: Don O’Brien, Joseph
Green, Jim Sturgis; high jump:
John Hicks, Gerrard Corriveau,
Don McCurdy; pole vault: Garry
Middleton, Bev Lindenfield, Ron
Passmore; shot-put: Keith Hey
wood, Don McCurdy, William
Intermediate champion: Don
Senior Boys
One-hundred-yard dash: John
Haberer, Bob Wade; 220: John
Haberer, Bob Wade; 440: Paul
Durand; half mile: Neil Taylor,
Louis Masse; mile: Neil Taylor,
Louis Masse; broad jump, John
Haberer, Paul Durand, Kenneth
Moir; hop, step and jump: John
Haberer, Ken Moir, Paul Dur
and; high jump, Ken Moir, Glen
Schroeder, Paul Durand; shot-
put: Bob Wade, Neil Taylor,
Paul Durand; pole vault: Don
Atkins, Glen Schroeder, Paul
Senior champion: John Hab
•girls band. Winners of $15 were
Mrs. R. J. Paterson, Hensail, and I from Kippen, Thos. Butt.
A reception for Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Ormston, (Nee Mar
garet McNaughton) was held at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Lorne
NcNaughton, Cromarty, with
sixty-five relatives and neigh
bours in attendance. Many lovely
gifts were received by the guests
of honor. Progressive euchre and
dancing were enjoyed,
Little Barbara Duncan, 3,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Duncan, London, and grand
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lome
McNaughton, Cromarty, was ad
mitted to Victoria Hospital, Lon
don, stricken with polio. The
latest report stated she was com
ing along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Orr and
Jimmy attended the funeral of
the late George Walter Gilbert,
uncle of Mrs, Orr, held at Ar-
kona, Tuesday afternoon. Mr.
Gilbert passed away Saturday,
September 29, in his 81st year.
Dinner Marks Two Years
For Legion Auxiliary
Hensall Legion Auxiliary com
memorated its second anniver
sary on Tuesday night in the Le
gion Hall when a large assembly
of members enjoyed turkey din
ner with all the trimmings. The
tables showed beautiful decora
tions including the Auxiliary
colors of blue and gold. Presi
dent, Mrs. E. Dick took the chair
for the meeting.
At the November meeting
nomination will take place with
Mrs. Fred Beer in charge. Miss
Emily Hoyle of Stratford will
conduct the election at the De
cember meeting. It was disclosed
that a wreath will be secured for
Remembrance Day. Mrs. L. Sang-
ster had donated a quilt to the
group for which tickets are be
ing sold and the draw will be
made in November.
In an initiation ceremony, two
new members were received into
membership, Mrs. J. Clark and
Mrs. L. Baynham; Mrs. J. Drys
dale, secretary-treasurer .present
ed the financial statement. Mrs.
A. Joynt reported on the boxes
sent to the sick.
Mrs. Dick and Mrs. J. Drys
dale conducted a draw for spe
cial mystery prize donated by
one of the members. Mrs. Edna
Corbett was the lucky winner.
Mr. and Mrs. A. White of De
troit called on her mother, Mrs.
Witzel on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wildfong
of London spent the week-end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Garnet Wildfong.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eagleson
and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Beck
er spent a few days at Manitulin
Island last week, coining home
by North Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Tieman were
Sunday visitors with their daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. K. Streets in
Miss Martha Messner of Lon
don spent a few days with her
parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Fred Mes
sner last week.
Dr. and Mrs. Broughton of
Toronto were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keller
Mrs. Addison Tieman who
spent the past week in Detroit
returned home on Sunday.
Mrs. Oscar Wahl, of Elmira,
and Mrs. Telbaum of Kitchener
spent a few days with Mrs. Alle-
mang last week.
Mrs. Millman of Detroit and
Mrs. Wambough of Arkona were
visitors with Mrs. Mary Schroe
der a few days last week.
Grant Wildfong of London
spent the week-end with his par
Miss Gertrude Biesenthal spent
a week vacationing with friends
in Kitchener.
■Mr. and Mrs. Albert Becker
and Linda of New Dundee called
on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker
on Sunday.
Mrs. Erwin Greb of Preston
spent the week-end with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. I
and Mrs. Lorne Becker.
Silver Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher
were pleasantly surprised on Fri
day when their family gathered
to honor them on their twenty
fifth wedding anniversary.
The celebration was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Rowe and a banquet dinner
was served. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher
were presented with a trilight
lamp. Mrs. Bob Blair read the
address and Mr. Glenn Fisher
made the presentation.
Close to 3,0 persons attended
among whom were Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Davis of Kincardine, Mr. W.
A. Fisher of Montreal, and Mr.
and Mrs. Amos Warwick, Gary
and Terry Lee of Port Huron.
The latter stayed with the Fish
ers over the week-end.
Missionary Speakes
A returned missionary from
Japan, Mrs. Sybil Courtice, of
Clinton addressed the Evening
Auxiliary of James Street United
Church at their Thanksgiving
meeting Monday night.
Mrs. Courtice told the ladies
of her experiences in Japan dur
ing the war and while She was
imprisoned i n a n internment
camp.The meeting was held at the.
home of Mrs. Carfrey Cann and
Mrs. Vera Fraser’s group was in
Rev. w. C. Parrott conducted
Anniversary Services in Zion
Church on Sunday. Service, in
the United Church here, on Sun
day morning was conducted by
Rev. Wanless.
Due to Shipka Anniversary be
ing held next Sunday, service in
the United Church, Sunday
morning is being withdrawn.
Mrs. J. H, Duncan of Sault
Ste Marie and Miss. I. C, Apple
ton of Lansing, Michigan, spent
a few days last v/eek at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Faist, of
St. Thomas, visited on Sunday
with Mrs. M. Faist, who return
ed to St. Thomas with them, ac
companied by Gregory, who has
spent the past few weeks with
his grandmother.
Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Hill and
Mrs, William Smith spent the
week-end in Pigeon, Michigan,
Mr, and Mrs. Edward Schenk,
who have spent some time with
Mr, and Mrs. H. Schenk have
moved to London.
Mr. Henry Schenk of T,hed-
ford spent several days last week
with his brothers and sisters
■Miss Clara Gaiser left on Sat
urday for Colorada, where she
will visit relatives. i
Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Judd
and daughter, Judith of Detroit
spent the week-end with Mrs, D.
Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Weather
head, Marilyn and David and
Miss Glenna Weatherhead, all
of Hamilton visited over the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Mattice and Sharon.
Mrs. John Morlock’s many
friends are pleased to learn she
is up and around following her
recent illness,
Mrs. (Rev.) Parrott is a pati
ent in Victoria Hospital, London,
having undergone an operation
for appendicitis on Monday.
Mr. George Stevenson has
been confined to his room for
the past week through illness.
We wish all our sick speedy re
storations to health.
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