HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-10-04, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1951 |iiiiliiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiro I Thanksgiving WEEK-END SPECIALS These (Little) Giants Are Winners Tool FOR SALE PUMPKIN SPICE CAKE and DELICIOUS PUMPKIN PIES Order Early •— Phone 588 BARGAINS! Ladies Home Journal, Regular 53.00 per year. 2B years 55.00 Specials on Holiday and Country Gentleman New or renewal orders on magazines promptly serviced, HARRY T. BUSTON Phone 308-r-5 Exeter 23ctfn all Ersman’s Bakery OntarioExeter Coach, a buy Why have MOTH DAMAGE? 5- year written guarantee with Berlou against moth damage on rugs, chesterfields and clothing. Free estimates. — Dinney Furniture, phone 20-W FOR SALE—Chesterfield suite, in perfect condition, reason­ able. Phone 253-J. 4* ■- ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 1950 1949 1949 1941 1937 1937 1936 1944 1944 1942 1938 Used CARS Ford Sedan, a good om Monarch Coach Ford Sedan .. Dodge Sedan Dodge Sedan, very good Plymouth Coach. new motor Ford FOR SALE—S t e e 1 constructed truck platform 11J’ long and GV wide. Also water storage tank, wide plate vert). vage, 500-gal. capacity, 10’ by 3’ across, of heavy (could be used for cul- Phone 4 23, Exeter Sal- Exeter. 27:4c Ford Ford TRUCKS 3-Ton, 158” w.b., low mileage .. Pickup, solid as a church and TRACTORS John Deere ..................................... Ford, stepup transmission ...... Ford, like new .........,.................. Fordson. a buy ......................♦..... Drag Ploughs? We have ’em! CORN PICKERS Pickers! Buy the best: Buy WoodsCorn Bros. Dearborn. Larry Snider Motors Phone 64-W or 624 1,950. 675. 675. 795. 750. 150. Exeter, Ontario « 1 DAY ONLY MON., OCT. 15 MATINEE, 4:30 EVENING, 8:30 ♦Ki tnf&son,! v! 4 t 4 1 a 1 4 I f 4 4 IN THE HIT SHOW ■ ■ :'w 1951 1 featuring SMILEY BURNETTE * PAT BUTTRAM -K JOHNNY BOND -k CARL COTNER -k CASS COUNTY BOYS and the JEMEZ INDIANS from their NEW MEXICO RESERVATION WITH ALL THE........... \ MELODY RANCH STARS and MANY OTHERS! W-.. ' z .'W <v z........ALL SEATS RESERVED both shows Mall Orders Now — Enclose Self- Addressed Stamped Envelope For Return of Tickets Out of town checks must Include Exchange, Box Office Opehs Monday, Oct, S, at |0 a.nu HHiiiiiiiiHuiiiiiiiirtin m m J ADULTS $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 Tax Included CHILDREN Helf of Adult Price (With Coupon) MAT, & EVE. LONDON ARENA FOR SALE—Large size Cole­ man space heater, used few months, like new, stove board, 2 gallon galvinized filling can, 50 gallon steel drum (sound) with tap and filling pipe, stand and blocks, about 30 gallons of oil First $110 takes it. Ed A. Noakes, Hensall. Phone 123-J, evenings or Sat­ urday afternoons. 4c SAINTSBURY The harvest thanksgiving ser­ vice -was held in St. Church on Sunday, 30. The church was decorated with fruit and flowers and vege­ tables. Huron charge ning theme Thanksgiving and Service. The choir was under the leader­ ship of Mrs. G. Maines of Dor­ chester, assisted by a male trio from Granton. Messrs. Clare and Mel Westman and W, Parkinson. Their numbers and greatly children sang hymn at the Those visiting the day are as follows. Mr. and Mrs. H. Latta, Carol and Kenneth of Arva and Rev. Mr. Reimers with Mr. and Mrs. E. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. O. Dale of Lon­ don with Mr. and Mrs. E. Green­ lee. Mrs. L. Hodgins, Mr. Meek of Exeter with Turner. Mr. and Lucan and Exeter Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick’s September Rev. A. Reimers of College, London, was in of both morning and eve- service, taking as his were in fine tone appreciated. The a thanksgiving evening service, in the parish for Mr. and Mrs. Janies L.Mrs. Mrs. R. with Mr. Barker Dickins and Mrs. of of J. Elston and family with Mrs. F. Davis. ‘ ~ Fletcher of Woodham and Mr. and Mrs. M. Gardiner and Marilyn of Crom­ arty with Mrs. W. J. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. L. Squires, Mr. and Mrs. R. Squires and Grafton of Whalen and Mr. N. Ogden of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. C.^Ings of London man with Carroll. Mr. and family. Aylmer, Mrs. Mr. Clare Westman and Mr. Parkinson with Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kooy, and Mr. and Mrs. Featon of Detroit, and Mrs. W. J. Dickins with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Rowena of Lucan and Mr. Weinestrum with Mr. and ’ R. Greenlee. Mr. and Mrs. M. Abbott Edyth of Lucan with Mr. Mrs. Clarence Davis. Miss Carol Latta spent the week at the home and Mrs. D. Maguire.Mr. A. c. and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mel West- Mrs. Harry Noels and G. Maines, and FOR SALE—Steel culvert 14’ long by 4’ deep, suitable for driveway. Phone 173-r-13, Vic­ tor Jeffery, Exeter. 4* FOR SALE FOR SALE—Small wood, or coal range with oven, no reservoir, in good condition. Apply Mah- Ion Ryckman, Main Street. • 27:4* FOR SALE—Frost & Wood corn hinder, $25.00; International Farmall tractor on rubber, $400.00. Both in good condi­ tion. Also child’s steel crib. Apply Carl Payne, phone Hen­ sall 685-T-23. 27:4c FOR SALE—Medium size oil heater, in good condition. — Phone 202 Exeter. 27:4c FOR SALE—1951 Ford Victoria Hardtop Sportsman, green and black, low mileage, immacu­ late condition. — RCAF, PMQ 16 6, Centralia, A. Forkheim. 4c FOR SALE—Renfrew all-enamel cook stove, cream with black trim, steel top and reservoir. Phone 5 36-r-3 Exeter- 27:4c FOR SALE—1940 Chev Coach, good condition, cash or can be financed. Call 4 42-R or write Box “H”, Exeter. 27:4* FOR SALE — Modern nine-piece walnut two-tone dining-room suite. Mrs. A. Brown, Box 221, Lucan, phone 169-W Lucan. FOR SALE-—8 cu, ft. Universal refrigerator, double doors, new motor and freezing unit, cheap for cash. Phone 3 03-J. 4c FOR SALE—Chesterfield suite, in perfect condition, reason­ able. Phone 253-J Exeter. 4* FOR SALE—Red wool coat with detachable hood, size 14, in good condition, price $15.00: Phone Dashwood 34-r-19. 4* FOR SALE—McIntosh apples $2 per bus. Bring your own con­ tainers. Karl O’Neil, Clande­ boye, Lot 15, Com 2, McGilli­ vray, phone Lucan 42-21. 4c FOR SALE—Pedler steel on hand. Get your roofing now. Have good supply of steel. — Scott’s Elevator, Lucan, phone 63. 4c FOR SALE — Youth’s all-wool glencheck suit, double-breast­ ed, long rolled lapel, sand shade, size 14 years, good con­ dition. Phone Dashwood 3 4-r- 24. 4'.llc FOR SALE — 4-foot hardwood, $16 cord delivered. Softwood, $14. —Scott's Elevator, phone Erwin Scott, 63 Lucan. 27:4c FOR SALE—Hearing aid, used one month, reasonable. Apply Times-Advocate. 4c SPRAYED APPLES for sale— Spy, King, Snow, Greening, Russet, etc. Phone Clinton 613-24, Fred McClymont, one mile south of Varna. 4:11:18:25:1* STRAYED STRAYED—-Onto west half Lot 13, N. Boundary Biddulph on or about September 1, 1951, one heifer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Owner con­ tact John Whelihan, R.R, No. 3, Lucan, Ont. 27:4:11* REAL ESTATE 4-BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE — Well located in Exeter, on a nicely treed lot, This fine home has new heating equip­ ment and is in good repair. Moderate price, Quick posses- session. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. TWO MODERN HOUSES — We are offering two modern houses. Both have been built for utility and comfort and have every convenience. Must be sold as owners are leaving town. C. V- Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. HENSALL — One and a half storey frame house, new fur­ nace, partial bath, garage. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par­ sons, Salesman, Exeter. FOR SALE—New house, full basement with furnace and water heater, living room, kit­ chen, two bedrooms and bath on first floor. Upper floor un­ finished, with stairs in. R. E. Balkwill. 9tfc CENTRALIA — Well built two- storey brick house, Suitable for use as single residence or two apartments. Water pres­ sure. Nice lot with fruit trees. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. TWO-APT. HOUSE for sale— Main St. new roof, heavy wir­ ing, large lot, full occupancy starting Oct. 1. Phone 44 6-J. FOR SALE—In Dashwood, 1J- storey insul brick home, re­ modelled, built - in cupboards, forced air furnace, new, base­ ment throughout. Barn 24’x 30’ containing garage, cement block foundation. Phone 104 Dashwood. 20:27:4* HENSALL — Two-storey brick house. Town water. Hot air furnace. All in good repair. Barn and extra lots. Must be sold to close estate.—C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Ex­ eter. HOUSE FOR SALE — 7-room, solid brick house in Crediton, built-in cupboards, new furn­ ace, 4-piece bath, decorated throughout, steel roof barn. Phone Exeter 486-W. 27:4c FOR SALE—Modern bungalow, 2 bedrooms, Hiving room and kitchen, 3-piece bath, all con­ veniences, oil heat. Utility room. Good location. —Phone 512-J, 31 Anne Street. 4c WORK WANTED WANTED — Work on farm, shares or hire by reliable mar­ ried Canadian farmer. Exper­ ienced in dairy, beef or mixed farming. References. Available Oct. 1. Box “C" Exeter. 26:4* WORK WANTED—Young Dutch woman would like housework or office cleaning. Write Box V, Times-Advocate. 4* FEMALE HELP WANTED OFFICE HELP with bookkeeping experience - Apply - EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE HELP WANTED—Woman want­ ed, 2 or 3 days a week, for cleaning. Also waitress for work evenings. —Call at Rether’s Coffee Shop. 4c WANTED—Girl or woman to mind children while mother works. Live in. Apply Box L, Times-Advocate. 4* AUCTION SALE Modern Valuable Household Furniture in the VILLAGE OF CREDITON (Main Street) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 1:30 p.m. Under instructions received from Mrs, Lydia Mclsaac we will sell by public auction: Chesterfield suite; diningroom table, 6 ’ ’ ’ " 2 arm library heater; lamp; pictures; spring beds; dressers; 3 wash stands; kitchen chairs; boards; sealers; quilts; for chesterfield; split wood; den tools; coal oil lamps; kinds nice kitchen utensils. Many other articles. Owner moving to London. Terms: will der. WM. chairs; buffet; chairs; parlour table; Victrola; Quebec 2 small tables; rocker; table; electric 2 wooden beds; and mattress; 2 iron 2 chests of drawers; 2 extension table; 2 cup­ sink; verandah swing; braided mats; pillows, lamp shades; slip cover "............... gar- all MISCELLANEOUS Cash. Every article be sold to the highest bid- No rserve. II. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, Crediton, phone 7-7W MRS. LYDIA McISAAC, PROP,, E. SMITH, CLERK 4:11c C. Abbott and . U. Mrs. and and of Arva of CROMARTY I Mrs. Mathew Thompson receiv- J ed word of the death of her sis- i ter Mrs, Ed Asmus of Calgary on Tuesday of last w’eek. Asmus was formerly - Edna ler, daughter of Mr. and George Miller of Cromarty, was born in Cromatry and lived here until 1909 when she moved with her parents to the west. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Beckler and •, Harry and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan i Beckler, Zurich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott Sunday. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Howard Wright is a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. We hope for a speedy recovery, Mrs. A. Robertson and John visited with her granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Walz, St. Marys on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller have returned home from their honey­ moon, They have taken up resi­ dence on the farm formerly owned by the late Sandy McKel- lar. Rally Day service was held in the church on Sunday morning with the minister, Rev. R. Duh- canson in charge. A junior choir led in the singing of the hymns, and also sang a very fine anthem A splendid discourse was given by Mr. Duncanson. A baptismal service was also included in, tlie service, when the twin daugh­ ters of Mr. and Mrs. Scott and little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kurslake were presented for baptism. Mrs. Mil- Mrs. She Donald GUITAR Hall in 7 to 10. Guitars MODERN HAWAIIAN taught at the Scout Exeter on Tuesdays, New class forming, loaned free of charge. Henry Pulsifer, instructor. 6ctfD SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 527-J. 30tfc CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING—Gor­ don Colquhoun, phone 61-r-9, Kirkton. 27:4:11* YOUR AVON Products repre­ sentative in Exeter is Mrs. L. H. Harris. You may place your order or arrange for a demon­ stration by phoning 655. 4tfc TENDERS WANTED CONCESSION PRIVILEGES Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 a.m. Wednesday, October 10, for the concession privileges at the Ex­ eter Race Meet, held on Wed­ nesday, October 17. George W. Lawson, Sec.Treas., EXETER TURF CLUB 4c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of ELVINA OGDEN, deceased. persons having claims the estate of Elvina Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm, Farm Stock and Tractor Machinery Harold Jackson has received instructions to sell by jniblic auction at LOT 15, CON. 1, HAY TWP. 1 *4 miles south of Hensall„ on No. 4 Highway WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 at 1 p.m. E.S.T. CATTLE: Eight Holstein cows years old, bred to Hereford FOR SALE—Choice apples from sprayed orchard, Northern Spies, Red Spies, Kings, Delic­ ious, Snows, ■ Russets, Court­ lands. Apply Victor Jeffery. Phone 173-T-13 Exeter. 4* SENSATIONAL WARFARIN — Rat Killer—Price 89<p per lb. can. Cann’s Mill Ltd. 4c FOR SALE—Ten weiner pigs, feeding good; also parts for Model A Ford and V-8. Apply A. Wright, Centralia, phone 537-12. 4c FOR SALE — Refrigerator, in good condition, newly enam­ eled, new equipment at change over to 60-eycle, guaranteed. Phone 143 Exeter. 4c FOR SALE — Practically new Coleman oil circulating heater, Largest size 57,000 B.T.U, Practically half price, $64.00. See E. L. Hatter, Hatter's Ladies’ and Children’s Wear. 4 c FOR SALE—Dining room suite, consisting of extension table, 6 chairs and buffet, all in A-l shape, $60.00 cash. Phone 10- J Crediton. 4c FOR SALE—Singer sewing ma­ chine, drop-head, $24. C.C.M. ladies' bicycle $24. W. tin, Exeter South. Mar- 4* FOR SALE—5-ton size dump beet wagon and corn binder. II. Peterson, Dashwood. 4c FOR SALE—Three-piece child’s snowsuit, red with white trim, size 3; brown fur-fabric coat, size 6; child’s rocking horse. Phone 286-W. 4* FOR SALE—Small doll buggy, doll go-cart, both good as new; 2 electric irons, black fitted coat in good condition. Apply Mrs. Don Harris, Carl­ ing Street, second house from Gidley. 4* FOR SALE or exchange on fat cattle-—one choice Hereford bull, 19 months old. Apply John Caldwell, phone 13-r-ll Exeter. 4* APPLES—Spies, Talman Sweets. Pick your own, ladder sup­ plied, priced to sell, as we have ho labor. Phone 21-r-lO Kirkton, James W. Gardiner. 4:11* Large living bath and down. Stairs in for Good basement hot air furnace. Imme- possession. •—C. V. Pic- Realtor, Main St., Ex- SMALL HOME room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen second floor, with diate kard, eter. I FOR SALE—The residence of the late J. A. Stewart, corner John and Andrew Streets. To inspect contact Douglas Stew­ art, phone 218 Exeter. 4* FOR RENT FOR RENT—Apartment, 2 bed­ rooms, kitchen, living room, private bath; 20-minute drive from Centralia.. Phone 210 Zurich. 4:11* FOR RENT—3-room apartment, with private bathroom and private entrance, heated. Phone 178-r-ll. 4 c FOR RENT—Apartment, ground floor, centrally located, 3-piece i bath, private entrance, newly ; decorated. Ph. 143 Exeter. 4c | ROOMS or ROOM AND BOARD' with young couple, preferably i two girls. Phone 418-M. 4c.......... I WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO BUY—A few tons mangolds and turnips. Also used gasoline washing mach­ ine. Phone Granton 5-r-7. 4* WANTED WANTED -—* Folding baby car­ riage, silver grey preferred, in good condition. Phoile 379- W Exeter. 4* WANTED — Roomers. Aftply at Times-Advocate. 4 * LIVESTOCK WANTED DEAD HORSES, Cows and Hogs removed promptly. Cash at farm. Phone Exeter 2 87-W. William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. 20:27:4:11c HORSES WANTED — Will buy any kind of a horse. Will sell or exchange. —Frank Taylor, Exeter, ring 138. 20tfc AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any sifce, any age. —-G. J. DOWj phone 83 Exetef. l*tfc All against Ogden, late of the Town of Ex­ eter, in the County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on or about the 24th day of June, 1951, are required to file parti­ culars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 13th day of Oc­ tober next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Exeter, Ont. Solicitors for the Executors. 27:4:11c In the estate of FRANCIS PATRICK CONLIN, late of the Township of Biddulph in the County of Middlesex, Farmer, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Francis Patrick Conlin, late of the Town­ ship of Biddulph, Farmer, de­ ceased, who died on or about the 19 th day of September, 1951, are required to file their claims with the undersigned ex­ ecutors on or before the 20th day of October, 1951, which date the executors will distribute the estate having re­ gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated this 1st day of October, 1951. MRS. BERNICE REGAN, 144 Central Ave., London, Ontario. JOSEPH FRANCIS CONLIN, No. 1, Clandeboye, Ontario. (Executors) AUCTION SALES after 4:11: by 3 bull, due Jan. 1, 1952; 1 Jersey cow. POULTRY: 300 Red Sussex pullets; 250 White Leghorn and Red Sussex pullets. All laying good. MACHINERY: 19 4 9 W.D. 9 McCormick Deering tractor, fully equipped; 1950 1-H McCormick Deering tractor, 2-row scuffler and fully equipped; 1950 Mc­ Cormick Deering 4-furrow plow; 1948 ----- ‘ ~ baler Dodge D.P. solid rack with 2-ft. tension, 2,200 miles; Chalmers No. 60-5 combine, flax rolls, auxiliary motor, large size scour clean, Tunis pick-up, fully equipped; swather; picker, 1-row, 194 9 John Deere 15-disc power drill, fully equipped; 7-ft. Mc­ Cormick Deering tractor mower; 1950 Allis Chalmers power side rake; 1950 48-ft. John Deere E hay and grain elevator; McCor­ mick Deering bale loader; 1950 John Deere manure spreader; McCormick Deering tractor dou­ ble disc, 16-plate; John Deere 6- tt. 1-way disc; McCormick Deer­ ing stiff tooth cultivator: 5- section diamond harrows; 10-ft. Bissell Culta packer; 1951 Bob- a-long power lawn mower; 194 9 DeLaval milking machine, 2 sin­ gle units, milk cans; rubber- tired wagon; 16-ft. hay rack and grain grain horse small mill; tank; 3-ton jacks: scales; plow; chains; set carpenter tools; full set farm tools; and poultry shelters. HAY AND mixed grain; cut alfalfa; hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Hot Point 4-burner electric stove; Wingham Clipper white enamel cookstove, 17 cubic feet Univers­ al refrigerator (new); chester­ field suite; dining room suite— table, china cabinet, 12 chairs; 3 bedroom suites: chesterfield bed: rugs; walnut finish flat top office desk, (like new); small machine; tides too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE: Parcel No. 1 —-100-acre farm (more or less) 1U miles south of Hensall, on No. 4 Highway. Good brick house, hot water heating system with oil burner, modern bath I room; large bank barn, driving McCormick Deering hay with motor; 1950 3-ton truck, booster brakes, axle, hoist No. 10, 3-ft. stock ex- 1950 Allis 19 50 Case 12-ft. 1950 New fully Idea corn equipped; box; 50-ft. corn crib; Litz grinder; grain roller; 3- power motor (new); 2 motors (new); fanning 1,0 00 5-incli tile; water rubber tired wheelbarrow;- hydromatic jack; other power oil pump; set farm ; root pulper; walking stoneboat; ropes, pulleys, electric brooder equipment; 6 rain GRAIN: 2,000 bus. 250 bales second 2,500 bales mixed with swivel chair occasional chairs; tables; lamps; washing mirrors; and other ar- Eleventh Annual Sale of Registered HEREFORDS The undersigned will sell public auction for STUTT BROS. 2 miles northeast of Forest % mile east of Highway 21 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 at 1:00 p.m. sharp Twenty-eight head—9 bull around one year old; 15 bred heifers; 4 open heifers, Herd fully accredited, blood tested. Heifers calfhood vaccinated. Nine bulls by M.B, Real Em­ blem II; 13 heifers by M.B. Real Emblem II; 5 heifers by Ellis Domino 18th C.F, Fifteen heifers are bred to Ringwood Crusty, a half-brother to the 1950 Denver Champion. Lunch available at farm. Sale held under cover. Catalogue on request, W. S. O’NEIL, E. M. LESTER ’ AND LING, WHITE, AUCTS. 4:11c S Bulls shed, pressure system through­ out; garage, hen house for 500 hens; brooder house for 1,000 chicks; clay loam, well drained; good water supply, 12 acres of bush; 18 acres of permanent pasture. Parcel No. 2-—25 acres part Lot 17, Con. 1, Hay Twp., half mile south of Hensall on No. 4 Highway, all workable land with good well. Terms: Chattels Cash; Real Estate will be offered day of sale if not previously sold. Terms lo ' ' “ “ “ 30 per cent down and balance in days. Subject to reserve bid. Estate of the late OLIVER ROWCLIFFE Executors: Lloyd McLean, H. C. Rivers, Hensail E. P. CHESNEY, CLERK HAROLD JACKSON, AUCT. 27:40