HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-09-27, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1951 The Russians Didn’t Invent Ad Results! FOR SALE BARGAINS! Ladies Home Journal, Regular $5.00 per year. 25 years $5.00 Specials on Holiday and Country Gentleman New or renewal orders on magazines promptly serviced. < HARRY T. BUSTON | Phone SOS-r-5 Exeter - 23ctfn iI TYPEWRITER RIBBONS—For | I sale at the Times-Advocate. 7* I —• 1 ‘ '■ -....- ;~ FOR SALE PERSONAL all “VAN DOOS” WELCOME MECHANIZED LIFT — Men of the “Van Doos”, one of Canada’s renowned regiments now serving in Korea, are brought in from patrol on tanks of the Lord Strathcona Horse Regiment. Here they disembark and board waiting truck from the 54th Transport Company, JLC.A.S.C. —Central Press Canadian EDGEWOOD I Mr. 1 1 end with Mr. and * ring. I Mrs. Derwin KIRKTON Mr. dnd Mrs. Henry Elliott of St. Marys and Miss Mina Muir of Toronto spent Tuesday with their sister, Mrs. M. Gregory. Mrs. Mary Gallop, and Mrs. ___ __ _ Les Barnes are visiting Mrs. Eve J hostess to the September meet- Leonard at Buffalo, Eva is quite ■ jng for Granton Women’s In- »stitute, Tuesday afternoon. I Miss Bernice Westman of Lon- visiteu j - snpnt Sundav with her par- and Mrs. Don Johnson and boys of Galt spent the week- Mrs. Hasel Per- Beatson was ill at time of writing. Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Burgin and family of London ' this week with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tufts and daughter Anne of * London spent the week end with Mrs. T. Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Paul of St. Marys were Sunday guests with Mrs. R. Humphreys. Miss Proctor of Sarnia is holi­ daying with her sister, Mrs. C. Campbell. Mr. Truman Roadhouse Hamilton, Mr. Bill Roadhouse Windsor and Mr. Ellis Road­ house of Mt. Pleasant called on I, N. Marshall this past week. They were former Kirkton boys. Mrs. Grace Pym and son, of London, spent the wTeek-end Mrs. Roy Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bragg, Walter Langtree and son man all of Kitchener visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Switzer week. Rally Day Service A combined Church service and Rally day service was held in Aberdeen Hall Sunday morn­ ing, owing to the fact, the Unit­ ed Church is being redecorated. Mr. Clarence Switzer S. S. Super­ intendent took charge of the service assisted by Rev. H. An­ derson. A jr. choir with some 15 girls led the singing. Miss Nor­ ma Tufts gave the story and a musical number by four little girls followed by a very interest­ ing talk by Rev. H. Anderson, story to tell to the Nations. A. of of with WANTED TO RENTCLASSIFIED RATES 25 word§ or Iess “ 35^ Moro than 25 words lie per word. Subsequent Insertions 25c More than 135. words lc per word, Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classifieds calling for a box number 10c extra. Bookkeeping charges will be added to all accounts not paid within one month. Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. i WANTED TO RENT—By Octo­ ber 1, furnished or unfurn­ ished house or apartment. — Phone Exeter 255-R. Urgent. 27c AUCTION SALESSKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 ; to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New “get acquainted” size only 60<?. All druggists. 15:27c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects to be held at LOT 28, CON. 6, HAY TWP. 1 mile south of Hillsgroen store on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 at .1:00 p.m. D.S.T. HORSES: Middle-aged bay mare (1700); 2 sets work har­ ness and collars. CATTLE: All cattle have two tests clear; 2 black cows calves at foot; roan cow calf at foot; Hereford cow early November; 2 black ■I Why have MOTH DAMAGE? 5- year written guarantee with1 Berlou against moth damage on rugs, chesterfields and clothing. Free estimates. — Dinney Furniture, phone 20-W FOR SALE —10-inch Wilkinson corn blower with pipes. Phone 54-r-4 Kirkton. 20:27* FOR SALE—Young sow due Oct. 18, sow just bred; heavy duty 2-burner electric stove, automatic oven control; new Princess Pat cook stove; breakfast suite; folding couch; blacksmith anvil, 175 pounds. Nelson Dezell, R.R. 1, Hensall on Fred Dawson’s farm. 20:27* FOR SALE — Modern nine-piece walnut two-tone dining-room suite. Mrs. A. Brown, Box 221, Lucan. Phone 169-W Lucan. 20:27c FOR SALE — Boosey Hawkes trombone, gold lacquered, like new, in case. Cost $160. Sell for §120. Box 159, Lucan, phone S8-W. 20:27c FOR SALE—About 175 pullets, Rhode Island Reds X Sussex 44 months old, all healthy birds, $2.00 each. —C. N. Green, Crediton, phone 11. 27* FOR SALE—Sunshine baby bug­ gy, silver -grey, like new. Used one year, $2S.00. Phone 226. 27* FOR SALE—Coleman oil heat­ er, large size, used 5 months. Apply L. H. Turnbull, phone 47-r-2 Grand Bend. 27;4c FOR SALE—Two-furrow Oliver tractor plow. Apply Kelly Rob­ inson, Ailsa Craig, phone 609- r-41. 27c FOR SALE—One rubber tired wagon; 1 forage blower; 1 Allis Chalmer combine with or without motor. All used. But in A-l condition. Exeter Farm Equipment, phone 50S Exeter. FALL CLEARANCE—New Case machinery: 1 16-row fertilizer drill; 1 1-row corn picker; 1 VAC demonstrator tractor. — Exeter Farm Equipment, tele­ phone 50S Exeter. FOR SALE—Small wood or coal range with, oven, no reservoir, in good condition. Apply Mah- lon Ryckman, Main Street. 27:4* FOR SALE —- 4-foot hardwood, SIG cord delivered. Softwood, $14. —Scott’s Elevator, phone Erwin Scott, 63 Lucan. 27c FOR SALE—Large size Quebec heater complete with new grates in new condition. Ap­ ply Joseph Carey, Mount Car­ mel, phone Parkhill 6 05-r-33. 27* FOR SALE—Western feeder cat­ tle. Apply Clarence Down, R. No. 1, Hensall, phone 177-r-2 Exeter. 27* FOR SALE—’49 Chev Coach, excellent condition; ’47 Chev Sedan, excellent condition; ’35 Chev Coach; ’29 Chev Coach; 1 used car radio. Apply Brod­ erick Bros., phone 277. 27* FOR SALE — Used combination electric, wood and coal stove; several used refrigerators. — Crocker Refrigeration, phone 59 Exeter. 30c FOR SALE—S t e e 1 constructed truck platform 11^’ long and •6i’ wide. Also water storage tank, 500-gal. capacity, 10’ wide by 3’ across, of heavy plate (could be used for cul­ vert). Phone 4 23, Exeter Sal­ vage, Exeter. 27c FOR SALE--Findlay oil heater, used 4 months, heats 5 rooms, $85.00. Phone 120-r-13 Exeter 27c FOR SALE—Cream enameled 4- hole range, with reservoir, in A-l condition. Also boy’s bi­ cycle, cheap. Phone 541-r-3. 27c FOR SALE—Frost & Wood corn binder, $25.00; International Farmall tractor on rubber, $400.00. Both in good condi­ tion. Also child’s steel crib. Apply Carl Payne, phone Hen­ sall 685-r-23. 27:4c FOR SALE—Medium size oil heater, in good condition. — Phone 202 Exeter. 27c FOR SALE—1951 Ford Victoria Hardtop Sportsman, green and blacky low mileage, immacu­ late condition. —RCAF, PMQ 166, Centralia, A, Horkheim. • 27* FOR SALE—Renfrew all-enamel cook stove, cream with black trim, steel top and reservoir. Phone 536-r-3 Exeter- 27:4c FOR SALE—1940 Chev Coach, good condition, cash or can be financed. Call 442-R or write Box “H”, Exeter. 27:4* FOR RENT FOR RENT—Unfurnished two- room apartment. Separate en­ trance. Phone 400-W. 27* ROOMS TO RENT—Two light housekeeping rooms for rent, girls preferred. Apply Mrs. Frank Gunning, Exeter, phone 406-W. 27c APARTMENT FOR RENT — A small apartment, modern, pos­ session immediately. Freshly decorated, Apply Beaupre’s North Ward Store, phone 301. 3 } I Clearing CATTLE SALE pf Farm, Farm Stock and Tractor Machinery Harold Jackson has received instructions to sell by public auction at LOT 15, CON. 1, HAY TWP. 1% miles south of Hensall, on No. 4 Highway WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 at 12 p.m. D.S.T. CATTLE: Eight Holstein cows years old, bred to Hereford bull, due Jan. 1, 1952; 1 Jersey cow. POULTRY: 300 Red Sussex pullets; 250 White Leghorn and. Red Sussex pullets. All laying good. MACHINERY: 1949 W.D. 9 McCormick Deering tractor, fully equipped; 195 0 1-H McCormick Deering tractor, 2-row scuffler and fully equipped; 1950 Mc­ Cormick Deering 4-furrow plow; 1948 ----- - - - - baler with motor; Dodge truck OFFICE HELP WANTED WANTED — Private room with use of telephone. Phone Ex­ eter 580. 27* WANTED—Cattle to feed for winter. Donald Parsons, R.R. 1, Hensall, phone Hensall 692- r-33. 27* SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER requires position in Exeter or vicinity; -*10 months’ exper­ ience. References if required. Apply Box T, Times-Advocate. 27* WANTED — Work on farm, shares or hire by reliable mar­ ried Canadian farmer. Exper­ ienced in dairy, beef or mixed farming. References. Available Oct. 1, Box “C” Exeter. 26:4* LIVESTOCK WANTED DEAD HORSES, Cows and Hogs removed promptly. Cash at farm. Phone Exeter 2 87-W. William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. 20:27.‘4:llc HORSES WANTED — Will buy any kind of a horse. Will sell or exchange. —Frank Taylor, Exeter, ring 138. 20tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J- Dow, phone 83 Exeter. l*tfc HELP WANTED URGENTLY NEEDED — One waitress and one second cook, wages by hour or week. Ap­ ply Monetta Menard or phone . 88-R Exeter. 27* CORN PICKERS—Male or fe­ male. Apply G. J. Dow, Ex­ eter, phone 83. 27c FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED — Middle-aged woman to take care of elderly couple in farm home on main high­ way; city conveniences. Apply Box 12, Hensall, Ont. 27* McCormick Deering hay 1950 3-ton , booster brakes, D.P. axle, hoist No. 10, 3-ft. solid rack with 2-ft. stock ex­ tension, 2,200 miles; 1950 Allis Chalmers No. 60-5 combine, flax rolls, auxiliary motor, large size scour clean, Innis pick-up, fully equipped; swather; 1950 New Idea corn picker, 1-row, 1949 John Deere 15-disc power drill, fully equipped; 7-it. Mc­ Cormick Deering tractor mower; 1950 Allis Chalmers power side rake; 1950 48-ft. John Deere E hay and grain elevator; McCor­ mick Deering bale loader; 1950 John Deere manure spreader; McCormick Deering tractor dou­ ble disc, 16-plate; John Deere 6- ft. 1-way disc; McCormick Deer­ ing stiff tooth cultivator; 5- section diamond harrows; 10-ft. Bissell Culta packer; 1951 Bob- a-long power lawn mower; 1949 DeLaval milking machine, 2 sin­ gle units, milk cans; rubber- tired wagon; 16-ft. hay rack and grain grain horse small mill; tank; 3-ton T.B. and with due white-faced heifers due time of sale; roan cow 3 two-year-old Hereford Hereford Durham and Herefords 1 year old; baby beef ready for market; spring calf. PIGS: 8 York chunks 75 lbs.; York sow, bred. POULTRY: 100 hybrid Red Rock pullets, ready to rain shelters and feeders; er stove. MACHINERY: Massey hinder; Deering mower; rake; Massey Harris drop-head hayloader; Massey Harris man­ ure spreader;- Massey Harris 13- rnn drill with fertilator; 3-drum steel roller; Massey Harris bean scuffler and puller; spring-tooth cultivator; 14-plate Massey Har­ ris outhrow disc; 14-plate Bissel inthrow disc; (new); rack; wagon rack; rack ; scales; pump; with milk pails; 200 cedar rails; quantity of circular wood; forks, shovels, chains, olher articles. HOUSEHOLD elude Quebec tables; bedroom furniture; and other household effects. TERMS: Cash. PROP.: BRUCE WALKER CLERK: E. P. CHESNEY AUCT.: HAROLD JACKSON 20:27c fresh 2 months; heifers (fat); 2 years old; 1300 lbs.; 10 steer steerFOR RENT—House at Grand • Bend with 3 bedrooms and bathroom, hot and cold water. Phone 159 Dashwood. 27c 27c 1950 Case 12-ft. Mon spent Sunday with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Harold West­ man and family. Wedding bells will be ringing in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore and Leslie called on Mr.’Arnold Lewis Friday evening^ Miss Marie Howe Sammy Hughes and Mr. Tommy Pye, of Woodstock, spent Sun­ day afternoon with Miss Alla Moore.Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mardlin entertained about 35 relatives and friends Friday evening, the occasion being the 30th wedding anniversary of Mr. Mardlin’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mard­ lin. Congratulations and best wishes for many more years to­ gether were extended. Games were played and lunch was serv­ ed featuring a three-storey wed­ ding cake. Mr. and Mrs. Mard­ lin received many lovely gifts. i Mrs. Nor- with this and Mrs, and Mr, received many lovely gifts. BRINSLEY held on Rally Day service will be in Brinsley United Church Sunday next, September 30, at 3:45 p.m. On Sunday next, September 30. the Rev. W. Vollisk will be preaching at Tara Ontario, in ex­ change with the Rev. Harvey L. Parker who will be guest speak­ er at Thanksgiving Services at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Brinsley. Services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Rev. Parker being a former Rector on the charge. Miss Bonnie Watson spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gower of Sarnia visited recently with the formers parents. Mr. and Mrs Fletcher Gower Mr. and Mrs. Newton Wasnid- „ of Lucan and Vera of Toron- of Detroit called on friends here > to, dined with Mr. and Mrs. Earl on Wednesday. (Morley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wolfe i Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins, and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wolfe i William Drives, spent Monday attended the wedding of the ■ afternoon with Miss Hazel Lewis, former’s son George in Toronto » Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevetheck last Saturday. I and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Edighoffer of Zurich is!Mr. and Mrs. George Neil of spending a few weeks with her Lieury. sister. Mrs. L. Mclsaac owing to ' We are sorry to report that ill health. sMr. Wilbert Sholdice is confined Mrs. J. Bolton of Hensall and .to his bed. His many friends Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clemas'hope for a speedy recovery, and family of London were Sun- • --------------------- day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. T. ’Harry Hoffman. -.Lions At Zone Meeting Miss Della Marks spent the; President E. R. Hopper week-end at her home in Lis- ■ executive members of towel. . Exeter Lions Club attendedMr. and Mrs. Sam Oestricher6 • -■ and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreich- er spent Sunday afternoon in I Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. William Willert j Recuperating After Operation Mrs. E. Kleinstiver. Mrs. R. < rO. Isaac, Mrs. Bertha Hayter and granddaughter. Mary Anne Hay­ ter and Robt. Hayter spent the week end with friends in Wind­ sor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Miller of Alberta are visiting with relatives here and in Zurich. I Mr. and Mrs. Ken McCrae and i Fair Bonnie Heather spent the week-i Lome Johnston should have been end in Meaford. ; credited, to Louis E. Johnston. i A DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Klumpp spent the wek-end in Detroit. Mrs. A. V. Tieman is visiting in Detroit. Mr. Charles Schroeder of Exe­ ter and daughter. Mrs. Goodman jge and the a jzone meeting at Strathroy Fri­ day evening last. i ’ ; Mrs. Clarence Fairbairn is re- (cuperating. from an appendic- !ttomy at Victoria Hospital in Lon- j don, 5 ___________________ 8 10ur Slip Is Showing The art exhibit at tl^e Exeter that was attributed to STRAYED STRAYED—Onto west half Lot 13, N- Boundary Biddulph on or about September 1, 1951, one heifer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Owner con­ tact John Whelihan, R.R. No. 3, Lucan, Ont. 27:4:11* lay; 3 brood- I-Iarris sulky LOST LOST—3 keys on ring Monday afternoon, somewhere on Main St. or stores. Finder please leave at Times-Advocate. 27c LOST—On John Street, fawn coloured Persian kitten, half grown. Anyone knowing any­ thing about this kitten, notify C. Godbolt, phone 202 Exeter. 1 hand scuffler set farm sleighs and flat New Idea rubber-tired with 16-foot rolling flat, wagon walking plow; fanning Viking box with stock 1,000-lb. mill; foot spray cream separator grass seeder; cedar posts; fully equipped; REAL ESTATE grain bags and 4-BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE — Well located in Exeter, on a nicely treed lot. This fine home has new heating equip­ ment and is in good repair. Moderate price. Quick posses- session. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St,, Exeter. TWO MODERN HOUSES — We are offering two modern houses. Both have been built for utility and comfort and have every convenience. Must be sold as owners are leaving town. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. HENSALL 11-storey frame house in good location, has furnace, garage, wide lot. Also 11- storey frame house, new fur­ nace, partial bath, garage. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par­ sons, Salesman, Exeter. FOR SALE—New house, full basement with furnace and water heater, living room, kit­ chen, two bedrooms on first floor. Upper finished, with stairs Balkwill. and bath floor un­ in. R. E. 9tfc i with bookkeeping experience - Apply - EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE EFFECTS: In­ heater, kitchen CENTRALIA — Well built two- storey brick house. Suitable for use as single residence or two apartments. Water pres­ sure. Nice lot with fruit trees. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. TWO-APT. HOUSE for sale— Main St. new roof, heavy wir­ ing, large lot, full occupancy starting Oct, 1. Phone 446-J. FOR SALE—In Dashwood, ’13>- storey insul brick modelled, built-in forced air furnace, ment throughout. 30’ containing garage, cement block foundation. Phone 104 Dashwood. 20:27:4* home, re­ cupboards, new, base­ Barn 24’x MALE HELP WANTED CARPENTERS WANTED — Car­ penters wanted immediately; steady work throughout win­ ter. Apply to R. Timms Con­ struction & Engineering Ltd., R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton. 20:27c AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction in LUCAN — on — TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 at 1:30 o’clock the following Durant coupe, rubber tire bug­ gy, cookestove, nearly new; heat­ er, cookstove, drop-leaf table, kitchen chairs, chairs, 3 rocking chairs, bed­ room suite, bedsteads, sideboard, chest of drawers, lounge, sewing machine, clock, washing mach­ ine and wringer, feather bed, pil­ lows, mattresses, quilts, 2 wool blankets, iron kettle, dishes, sealers. Congo! eum rug, good wheel-barrow and other articles. TERMS — CASH The estate of the late SID HODGINS FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer MRS. LORNE HODGINS, Clerk extention table, parlor table, 6 6 dining-room MISCELLANEOUS GUITARMODERN HAWAIIAN taught at the Scout Hall in Exeter on Tuesdays, New class forming. 7 to 10. Guitars loaned free of charge. Henry Pulsifer, instructor. ~6ctfn New Royal K They're All Happy About the... EXTRA—Hundred acre farm cjn No. 4 Highway. Ideal location, choice buildings with conven- iences in house and barns. Silo, implement sheds, hen­ houses. Early possession. — Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons Salesman, Exeter. HENSALL — Two-storey brick house. Town water. Hot air furnace. All in good repair. Barn and extra lots. Must be sold to close estate.—-C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Ex­ eter. SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 5 2 7-J. 30tfc NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can be made. Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood. Jul5:S27c CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING—Gor­ don Colquhoun, phone 61-r-9( Kirkton. 27:4:11* NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the last few weeks, we’ve sold a number of Royal Portables an our customers have been en­ thusiastically happy about them. We can’t blame these people because we know that the Royal is the best portable on the market today. We know you’ll be happy, tod', with a new Royal. Let us show you “The World’s Finest Port­ able’’. Take it home overnight and see if you aren’t enthusiastic about it too. HOUSE FOR SALE — 7-room, solid brick house in Crediton, built-in cupboards, new furn­ ace, 4-pieee bath, decorated throughout, steel roof barn. Phone Exeter 486-W, 27:4c * In the estate of ELVINA OGDEN, deceased. persons having claims estate of Elvina FOR* SALE—Modern bungalow, 2 bedrooms, living room and kitchen, 3-pieco bath, all con­ veniences, oil heat. Utility room. Good location. —Phone 512-J, 31 Anne Street. 27* Large living bath and Stairs in for Good basement hot air furnace. Imme- possession. — C. V, Pic- Realtor, Main St., Ex­ SMALL HOME room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen down, second floor, with diate kard, eter. All against the Ogden, late of the Town of Ex­ eter, in the County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on or about the 24 th day of June, 1951, are required to file parti­ culars of same with Bell & Laughton. Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 13th day of Oc­ tober next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Exeter, Ont, Solicitors for the Executors. 27:4:11c AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate Property and Furniture W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer has re­ ceived instructions to sell by public auction in the VILLAGE OF SEBRINGVILLE on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 commencing at 1:30 p.m. the following: REAL ESTATE: White frame 5-room cottage, size 24’ x 40’, with front porch and iron rail­ ing; 3-piece bath, hard and soft water pressure systems, oil fur­ nace. garage and cement drive, large lawn planted with trees and surrounded by perennial flower border. This is a ' attractive home and will be fered subject to reserve Immediate possession. Terms of Real Estate; 10 cent day of sale; balance in 30 days or upon delivery of deed. FURNITURE: Dining room table and six leather-covered i chairs; buffet and china cabinet; J 3-piece chesterfield suite; wal- jnut oval table; occasional chairs; I bedroom suite, with springs and jmattress; studio couch; rockers; 2 book shelves; mirrors; stools; 2-burner electric stove, new; electric washing machine; elec­ tric refrigerator; Electrolux vac­ uum cleaner; power lawn mow­ er, new; hand lawn mower; I white kitchen table with porce- , lain top; electric clock; copper I boiler, etc, “No Reserve—-Terms Cash. i LAWRENCE H. HOFFMEYER ESTATE ? BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST CORP., Executor W- E. NAIRN, Auctioneer * 27c very j of- ' bid. per box; 50-ft. corn crib; Litz grinder; grain roller; 3- power motor (new); 2 motors (new); fanning 1,000 5-inch tile; water rubber tired wheelbarrow; hydromatic jack; other jacks; power oil pump; set farm scales; root pulper; walking plow; stoneboat; ropes, pulleys, chains; set carpenter tools; full set farm tools; electric brooder and poultry shelters. HAY AND mixed grain cut alfalfa; hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Hot Point 4-burner electrio stove; Wingham Clipper white enamel cookstove, 17 cubic feet Univers­ al refrigerator (new): chester­ field dsuite; dining room suite— table, china cabinet, 12 chairs; 3 bedroom suites; chesterfield bed; rugs; walnut finish flat top office desk, (like new); small machine; tides too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE: Parcel No. 1 —100-acre farm (more or less) 1 % miles south of Hensail, on No. 4 Highway. Good brick house, hot water heating system with oil burner, modern bath room; large bank barn, driving shed, pressure system through­ out; garage, hen house for 500 hens; brooder house for 1,000 chicks; clay loam, well drained; good water supply, 12 acres of bush; 18 a'cres of permanent pasture. Parcel No. 2—25 acres part Lot 17, Con. 1, Hay Twp., half mile south of Hensail on No. 4 Highway, all workable land with good well. Terms: Chattels Cash; Real Estate will be offered day of sale if not previously sold. Terms 10 per cent down and balance in 3 0 days. Subject to reserve bid. Estate of the late OLIVER ROWCLIFFE Executors: Lloyd McLean, H. C. Rivers, Hensall E. P. CHESNEY, CLERK HAROLD JACKSON, AUCT. 27:4c equipment; 6 rain GRAIN: 2,000 bus. 250 bales second 2,500 bales mixed. with swivel chair occasional chairs; tables; lamps; washing mirrors; and other ar- AUCTION SALE Car, Implements, Livestock and Some Furniture The estate of the late E. H. HARRIS LOT 17, CON. 10, McGillivray twp. (half mile south of Brinsley) on MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 1:30 p.m. Aged mare, of aged five May, cow, Durham cow, freshened in white faced 2 spring calves, HORSES: horse. CATTLE: years old, ’ bred again dry, bred again 4 months old. CAR: 1931 Ford Sedan, and runs like new. IMPLEMENTS: M.H, loader; Me. mower; M.H. er; disc harrow rows; riding plough, rubber man rake; low 140 ft., new; gravel box, bunch; set of light sleighs; bug­ gy; cutter; new galvanized water tank; set of scales; quantity of lumber; Grimm syrup evaporat­ or and equipment; other small articles. Terms of Sale: Cash, J. H. MRS, MRS. looks h a y bind­ set of dray har- plough; walking tired wagon; one wagon; hay rope, set of sleighs; cultivator; clover McLEAN, AUCT. E. H. HARRIS, E. WOODBURN, Executors 27c