HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-09-20, Page 13THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1951 Pa?® 11 How4<Skinnf? Girls Get Lovely Curves Guin 5 to JO lbs. (New pep yuxbft ugly hollovva, They thank -Qatrcx* it nutX flosh on bodies skinny because Wood M you up, too. Improves appetite, digestion so rood nourishes you better. Won’t tear getting roo” at? J>a!n teuro you wish. Introductory 21, ^H^duolnted size only 60^ Try OstrexTonlo todw. At%^nSSXuLC13, l0VC1Z “ew P R— .J . , .—— Jt. ... — Service with Courtesy Exeter Cab Supertest Station PHONE 465 DAY OR NIGHT w B. F. Goodrich TIRES ■■■■■BRSKRn a .9 with B. F. Goodrich Silver- towns you get * LONGER MILEAGE . EXTRA BLOWOUT PROTECTION * SMOOTHER RIDING COME IN AND SEE US ,TODAY Exeter Motor Sales Phone 200 Exeter Rabbits on some western farms are leading frustrated lives these days. The succulent bark of their favorite fruit trees has been wrapped in aluminum foil, so now they can't get at it. This was a new one on us. We had heard of dozens of uses for the foil we roll at Kingston, Ont., but never for frustrating rabbits. However, it just goes to illustrate why more people are using more aluminum and why we, as the most efficient producer of this modern metal, must go on ex­ panding. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). * highest cash prices for Dead Stock HORSES CATTLE HOGS each each cwt. Lucan And District News W.l. Enjoys Song In Lucan Arena The September meeting of Women’s Institute was held in the Arena auditoroum on Thurs­ day afternoon, September 13 th. Mrs. Dave Park gave a paper on "Canadian Emblems" while Mrs. Warner McRoberts took the motto—"What the British Em­ pire Means to me". A sing-song using the new song-books was lead by Mrs. T, Hodgins. For the WI Conventioii to be held in London in October, Mrs. T. Hodgins and Miss Lina Ab­ bott were appointed as delegates. Owing to the downpour of rain the attendance was those present enjoyed*the ing and the social half when lunch was served. Two Cattle Thefts the small but meet- hour Rally Day The Rally Day Service Church School of the Church will be observed o’clock on Sunday, 23. The children theof United at 11 September will assemble at 10:30 in the school room for practice and marking of records. The mony gates” Every family service. A splendid offering will be received for the furthering of Church School work thorughout the world. Near Clandeboye Week-end investigation of theft of three steers in the Clan- deboye district left provincial police with hard-to-indentify tire tracks as their only clue. Two 900-pound steers valued at $800 each were taken, from Wilmer Scott’s grass farm on the first concession of McGilli­ vray Township some time Thurs­ day night. Police did not dis­ close the theft until district sales barns had been checked in the search for the missing cattle. While on the hunt, Provincial Constable John Haines was in­ former of a previously unreport­ ed theft of a steer from the grass farm of John Park earlier in the week. It was taken from lot one, Biddulph, not tar from Scott’s farm. Value of this ani­ mal also to $300. Police ing from other leads. Personal Items Mrs. Richard. Dickens ot‘ ter spent Thursday evening Mrs. Aaron Davis. Mrs. Fred Simpson is spend­ ing the week-en4 with her daughter, Mrs. Wes Bevington. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ankers and daughter Linda of Trenton spent a week with Mrs. Anker's par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hod­ gins. Mr. and Mrs, R. Jarve, Windsor, are visiting with and Mrs. Don Bevington. About thirty members Masonic Lodge attended cial church service at the Church 16. Mr. and of Sarnia days with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ] sajti a car driven by Robert Pat- Exe- with of Mr. the spe- of a United on Sunday, September was estimated at close found tire marks lead- each field, but have no Blame Fog For Fog was blamed for two crashes on No. 4 Highway on Friday, September 14, in which I property damage was heavy and j one man was injured. I James H. Collins, 20, of 84 j Erie Street, St. Thomas, was ad- I mitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital ......................... ' possible was re- he was ! Mrs. William Butler are spending a few with leg injuries and fractures. His condition ported good. Police said a passenger in a car driven by Robert G. McDougall, 20, also of St. Thomas. The vehicle crashed into a bridge one mile south of Birr at 2:45 a.m. A police and two sign posts were snapped off. Damage to the car was estimated at $1,- 200. The driver and a second passenger were uninjured. I In the second accident, police yearly promotion of "going will also meber of is cere- through the be observed, every church urged to attend this Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. William Down­ ing sent Sunday in Harrietsvlle with Mrs. Downings sister, Mrs. C. E. Jackson, who is very ill. Miss Lina Abbott has returned home from her vacation, having spent eight days in. Chicago with her brother Bert, two days in Midland, Michigan, with her cou­ sin Mr. Warren Abbott and a day in Lansing with her aunt, Mrs. A. G. Abbott. Mrs, John Cassey has return­ ed home from holidaying with her son, Mr. Detroit. Mrs. Eldon daughter, visiting with week. Mrs. C. J. Harold Hunter, in Hodgson had her Mrs. Cunningham, her one day this Ir.vin of Hickson spent Wednesdty with her moth­ er, Mrs. Earl Mathers. Mrs, William Downing enjoy­ ed a visit from Mrs. Clara bott of Centrala, one day week. Mrs. Eldon Hodgson has turned from a two week trip to Cambridge, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. C. Guffon, with Jim and Donnie, visited at Mr. Jack Goble’s at Avon on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mathers vsited with the former’s brother, 'Mr. Earl Mathers of Alice St. Mr. Mathers is station agent at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Laverty and family of Leamington spent a few days with Mrs. parents, Mr. Brownlee. Mr. and Mrs. John Blair cele­ brated their 41st wedding an­ niversary on Friday evening, September 14. The Jr. Ab- last re- Laverty’s and Mrs. William Congregation of the Anglican Church 'was taken by theMrs. I. Underwood during absence of Miss Lina Abbott. The September meeting of the Lucan Home and School will be held in the Lucan Public School at 8:30 on Thursday, September 20. Everyone welcome. •Mrs. G. spent a few Mrs. Walter Mr. spent with Don A held Tuesday, September 11, Glover of Toronto days last week with Gibson. Mrs. John Sunday in Blair’s nephew, and last Mr. : Blair. most in the United Church on Blair London Mr. pleasant evening was Tuesday, September 11, when a number of the friends ana neigh­ bours of Miss Doris Young hon­ oured her with a shower. Among the gifts were a beautiful table and lamp. Mr. Robert Murray of Saska­ toon is visiting his brother, Mr. J. R. Murray after an absence of 25 years. Dr. Joe and Mrs. Orme, of Toronto are visiting Mrs. T. D. Orme. The glican ember nearly Harrison and teachers were dis- appoined at the small attendance after such a long vacation. It is a special effort to see their child- hoped that all parents will make ren are present next Sunday. Many Lucanites complain their tomatoes are again blighted this year. They are also finding the occasional bad potato. Mrs. Robert Coleman spent a day last week in Exeter with her sister. Mrs. Coates who had been in St. X-rays found than she expected. Sunday School <?f the An- Church re.-opened on Sept- 10, hfter being closed for three months. Both Mr. Joseph’s Hospital for and observation. She her sister much better 6.50 2.50 .50 per According to Size and Condition Seaforth 15 Exeter 255 Call Collect DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Stanley-AhoH St. Paul’s United Church, nia, was the setting for the riage of Mrs. Ada Abell of est to Bevington J. Stanley of Strathroy. The Rev. J. F. Ander­ son formerly of Eorest and now Of St, Paul’s Church, Sarnia, Of­ ficiated. Attending the couple wore Miss Joy Stahley and James Stanley of Strathroy. Following a wedding dinner at the home of Mrs. Duncan Fer­ guson, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Stan­ ley left by motor for Calgary and i the west coast. They will reside at Strathroy, Sar­ in a r- For- Institute Conducts Floral Contest Mrs. Karl O’Neil was hostess for the September evening meet­ ing of the W.l. Mrs, M. Thomp­ son, president, presided and opened the was read by Roll call guessing the son on your right. Many ing answers were given. For the new project, "Being Well Dressed & Well Groomed”, Mrs, Rupert Williams was ap­ pointed leader with Mrs. Murray Lewis "Life Is Short but There Is Al­ ways Time for Courtesy' given by Mrs. Rea Neil. Current events, prepared by Mrs. A. Hod­ gins, were read by Mrs. R. Wil­ liams. A splendid paper on Citizen­ ship was given by Mrs. George Simpson. A demonstration on arranging flowers was given by Mary and Gwenneth Tomes, with Janet Scott giving comments on the project. Margaret Henry, leader of the Garden Club, thanked the mem­ bers of the W.l. for assistance given the girls, who are Mary Tomes, Gwenneth Tomes, Doro­ thy Ann Lewis, Jackie Williams, Janet Scott, Elaine Hodgins. On behalf of the Institute, Mrs. Thompson presented each girl with a vase. Winners in the flower contest were: Junior girls, best dining room, Mary Tomes and Marlene Thompson; Sr. W.I., best dining room centre, Mrs. Alex McIn­ tosh; best dining room flowers, Mrs. J. H. Paton. A vote of thanks was given to Mrs. J. Dixon of Ailsa Crai; and Mrs. M. Culbert who acted as judges. Jackie Williams, on the girls, presented Henry with a gift. Mrs. Murray Lewis won the contest. Langford. Mrs. Harry McNaughton of London on September 5 enter­ tained with a kitchen shower in honour of Mrs. Bruce Chown (Kay Philpott). There has been great activity on Main last two are being Messrs. Carl O'Neil and George Hodgins left on Sunday, September on a business motor to Maple Creek, Sask. i j I and Alice Streets the i weeks as both roads j resurfaced. ; Wes Bevington, Don I I 16, ' | I i terson, 19, R.C.A.F. of Centralia, struck the Soft shoulder where the road is under repair and rolled over, coming to rest against a tree on the west side of the road. Driver and two pas­ sengers were uninjured age to the vehicle was at $350. Provincial Constable investigated both accidents. meeting. Scripture Mrs. W. Scott. was answered by weight of the per- amus- as assistant. The motto, .g of Lucan, Tom Flynn of Mrs. J. H. Personal Items The Clandeboye Dirt Diggers won first prizes on their exhibit at Western Fair on Tuesday. They expect to attend Strathroy Fair. We wish them continued success. We are pleased to report Ron­ ald Morgan returned home on Friday from St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, where he had spent some time following the accident when his arm was brok­ en.Pictures from Film Board were shown on Tuesday evening at Clandeboye School. Mrs. Fred Simpson spent last week visiting friends and attend­ ing Western Fair. > Mr, and Mrs. London called on Paton on Sunday. Mr, ^ilt Banting home after visiting Toronto. Nita ! spending aunt and Pyke. . Mr. T. corn silo Mr. __ ___ Clare and William Allwright were guests at the supper of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan, Thorn­ dale, on Sunday. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Riehl and family of Stratford. The oc­ casion was Mr. and Mrs. Paton’s thirty-seventh wedding annivers­ ary.Mr. and Mrs. H. Pyke and Priscilla spent last .week-end at Niagara Falls. Harvest thanksgiving will be held on Sunday, Septem­ ber 30, at St. James’ Church, with Canon Paterson of Toronto as guest speaker.Mrs. E. Collins left on Sunday to visit her daughter, Mrs. G. McDonald, of London, Miss Verna Cunningham spent week-end with her mother, Mrs. A. Cunningham. We are pleased to report Stan­ ley Tomes was winner of $100 bursary at Medway High School. has returned friends near London with Snooks of some time [ uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ridden has filled the for Mr. Ward Hodgins, and Mrs.J.H. Paton, services Church, Smibert-Mclntyrfc , Autumn-toned flowers, candles and fern set Carlisle United Church. Saturday, for the wed­ ding of Ivah May, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Duncan McIntyre, of Clandeboye, and Richard Nel­ son Smibert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Smibert, of Ildorton, Trousseau Tea On Saturday, September 15, a trousseau tea was held at the home of Mrs. Alex Young in honour of her daughter, Doris. Ross Hod­ gifts Hat- Mrs. Charlie Corbett, Mrs. McRoberts and Miss Joan gins displayed the linens, and personal articles. Mrs. old Hodgins and Mrs. Harold Coursey poured tea while Miss Patsy Watson, Miss Elaine Rev- ington and Mrs. Poole did the serving. A very pleasant evening was sepnt by all present. General Wiring Radio Repair Appliance Repair Ph. 1S7-W Ppp Jolly but dam- estimated u Del Scott Charles J, Naugle In St. Joseph’s Hospital Friday, September 14, Charles Naugle, second eldest son of the late Thomas and Jane Nangle, formerly of Concession 9, Bid­ dulph Township, and dear bro­ ther of Mrs. J. J. O’Hara of De­ troit, Mich., in his seventy-sixth year. The body rested at the C. Haskett & Son funeral Lucan, till Monday, 17, 8:45 a.m., when St. Patrick’s Church quiem high mass was terment was in St. Cemetery. home, September taken to where re- sung. In­ Patrick’s EKeter Radio &, Electric behalf of Margaret Cora McIntyre was her maid of honour. Junior was Miss Blanche ", was THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA William organist and the was Miss Margaret Need- Rev, W. 0. Mather officiated for the ceremony. Mrs. Smibert was soloist ham, Miss sister’s bridesmaid McIntyre, sister of the bride and Darlene Barnes was flower girl. Willard Smibert was his bro­ ther’s groomsman and the ushers were John McIntyre, brother of the bride and Thomas Needham. A home reception followed the ceremony. On their return from a honeymoon at Niagara Falls and eastern centres, the couple will reside on the groom’s farm near Ilderton. Compote At Fair Among the list of names for the Junior Farmer judging com­ petition at the Western Fair ap­ pear, Stuart O’Neil, R.R. 4, Denfield, William Tliirlwall, R.R. 1, Denfield. Fred Lewis, R.R. 2, Denfield, Allan Gledhill, R.R. 2, Denfield, John Farncomb, R.R. 4, Denfield, Robert McNair, RJFl. 1, Clandeboye, Robert Hern, R.R. 1, Granton, Donald McComb, R.R. 2, Lucan. The September meeting of Anglican W.A. was held at home of Mrs. Jack Murdy Wednesday, September 5. In absence of both the president and vice-president, Mrs. McFar­ lane took the meeting. Giving you the kind of telephone service you want is our job. You want it to be fast and dependable — and to keep on getting better. But at the same time, we believe there’s more to good service than just technical efficiency and steady improvement. We think you like telephone people to be friendly, pleasant and easy to get along with. You want to deal with someone who takes a real interest in your problems and who is willing to give you a little extra attention. That’s the kind of service we want you to have. It makes your telephone mean more to you, makes our job mean more to us. The New EXTRA FEATURE Included WjeateAsi G.tt£aA£o/i fieMnpap&i. Everyone's Enjoying Every Page of PICTURE MAGAZINE Included in All Saturday Editions of Men — Women — Boys — Girls — All are finding a new thrill in reading the excitingly fresh WEEKEND Picture Magazine, a new and regular Saturday feature included with all editions of The London Free Press. Here’s rotogravure and color printing at its best - - - sharp, clear and perfect in every detail - - - compare it, that’s the proof. The enlarged full-color comic section, with such new favorites as Captain and the Kids,” “Fun Detective,” “Hopalong Cassidy” and “Grin and Bear It,” plus your old friends, is winning more and more Free Press readers, too. Why not join them for the best in features - - - the first In news? ORDER DAILY DELIVERY Contact Your Carrier Boy See Your Local Newsdealer or Write The London Free Press Call