HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-09-06, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 0, 1951 ■ Auction Sale OF USED CARS TRUCKS AND PARTS Sate Wil! Be Held on Saturday, Sept, 8, 2 P-m. AttheFarmof Ted Wilson, R.R. 4,Komoka Concession S, London Township One Mile North of Arva, 3 Miles West 1OO USED VEHICLES From I960 Model? Down All Cars to Be Sold As Is All Vehicles Will Be Sold to Highest Bidder Come Early and Look Them Over - Make Your Offer Transportation to the Sale May Be Arranged by Calling Wilson Motors, London Phone 2-1835 or 2-3436 DASHWOOD Mr. Art Willert, who has been tonfined to Victoria London for several I turned to his home 1 we are pleased to ; much improved. Mr. Taylor of Elk Lake, a former teacher here, renewed ac­ quaintances here a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Taylor and daughter have returned to i their home in Sarnia after spending their vacation here. Dashwood girls’ ball team chartered one of E. Guenther’s busses and took in Toronto Ex­ hibition last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Mclsaac and family returned to their home in Detroit after spending two w’eeks holidays’ with his mother, Mrs. L. Mclsaac, Miss Gail Spear returned home with ■ them. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smythe of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Stein- hagen. Mr. and Mrs. Norman and family of Bowmanville week-end visitors with her ther. Mrs. E. Kleinstiver. { Week-end visitors with Bertha Hayter were Mr. I Mrs. Joseph Bruce of Windsor, J Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder of I Brantford and Mr. and Beavis and daughter, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Keith of London spent the holiday with his and Mrs. Garnet Willis Mclsaac Detroit spent the his grandmother, Isaac. Mr. and Mrs. and family of London spent their vacation with relatives here. Russell Hopcroft is attending Toronto Exhibition this week. Miss Margaret Becker, who at­ tended Normal School at Lon­ don, has secured a school at Blake.School reopened on Tuesday with Mr. Reid as principal and Miss Marks and Miss Stonehill as assistants. Mr. and Mrs. Amil Becker and family and Miss Becker Sr. spent the holiday week-end friends in Kitchener. Hospital in weeks, re­ last week, say he is FOUND FOR RENT NOTICES Scott were mo- Mrs. and FOUND-™White freckled-faced Si- year-old Poll Hereford steer. At the farm of Joe Varley. Owner may have same by pay­ ing for ad. 6c FOR RENT — Winterized cot­ tages. Apply Glenn Brenner. 6* WANTED i FOR RENT—Large pleasant room-board optional. Phone 15. 6? NOTICE—Will the lady who was seen picking up the grease gun on the St. Marys road half-mile west of George Al­ ien’s corner on Tuesday please return to Freeman Horne, Winchelsea. 6* chairs; 6 Odd cooking 3 Odd heating APARTMENT WANTED — Mar­ ried couple with no children wish a furnished apartment in Exeter by October. Telephone Crediton 4S7r-2. 6c FOR RENT — Business office suitable for doctor or dentist; also three-room furnished apartment with bath. For fur­ ther information write Box F, Exeter Times-Advocate. 6c STRAYED i WOODHAM of Skinner. Grant Mills of and Mr. Toronto and Mrs. Bryce on Sunday with Mrs. Jim Barbara, George A. Gardiner & Sons, Auctioneers King- Street, London with Ford 1/220. TRUCKS with a JOHN DEERE Wagon 1949 These sold. 1.995. S95. You'll put new speed and efficiency in all your farm hauling jobs with a modern, fast­ trailing John Deere Farm Wagon. Ford Ford Chev Ford Ford Plymouth Club C oupe Coach .................. Special Cars Ford Coach 7-7 1949 Meteor Sedan ■ cars to :v reduced $10 a day until Thursday's price ........................................ Sedan ............................. Sedan ............................. Sedan ........................... Club Coupe, a beauty Chib Coupe .................. Wildfong week-end parents, Mr. Wildfong. and family of week-end with Mrs. L. Mc- FOR SALE FOR RENT—Three-room apart­ ment on ground floor, furn­ ished. First house north of roller rink on Carling St. 6* STRAYED—From 19th Con. of Stephen Twp., a two-year-old heifer, dark red with horns. Please communicate with Wil­ fred Desjardine, R.R. 2, Dash­ wood. 6:13* CARS 1951 Ford Sedan, radio, overdrive. Every­ thing except the kitchen sink, only 4.000 miles. Save over $400 at ............. .................... 1950 1949 1949 1949 1949 1941 1936 2.450. 1.895. 1.595. 1.595. 1.595. 1.495. 650. 125. 1950 1945 1947 1940 194b 1945 1944 1941 193 b Ford Fortl Ford Ford 3-Ton. low mileage1 3-Ton Stake ......... 12-Ton .................... Dump ...................... TRACTORS o < o. 595. Ford Ford. John Ford Fordson step-up transmission Deere ....................... . 995. 695. 695. 650. 250. Special Tractor Allis Chalmers B. To be reduced $101944 day until sold. Thursday's price Phone 64-W or 624 570. Motors Exeter, Ontario Mrs. L. Jolliffe and family Mount Elgin spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills. Mrs. Oscar Pfaff, Gwen and Jimmy of Crediton spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine. Mr. Walter Brine and Thelma of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Char- t lie Brine and David, Mr. Lloyd I Brine, Misses Myrtle and Pearl j Brine of Rannoch, Mr. and Mrs. I Phil Brine and Nancy and Mrs. I Shaw of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Al Munro of Woodstock visited Jon Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. j Oscar Brine. I Sandra Webb of London spent a few days with her cousins, ; Janice, Joanne, Douglas and ; Dennis Webb. j . Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lawrence and Norman of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. George Hopkin of Mit­ chell spent the week-end with Mr. Herb Hopkin and Miss Ada Hopkin. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carroll and Jeffery of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hawkins and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hawkins of Motherwell visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vyles and family of London visited on Mon­ day with Mrs. M. Copeland. Mrs. Fred Doupe and Grace. Mrs. Ira McCurdy, Bessie, Ross and Reg spent Thursday at Turnbull’s Grove. Mr. Bob Ladbrook Robert Thomson of spent Monday with Mr. William Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. of Munro, visited Mrs. R. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. John Deere Wagons are precision-built to handle heavy loads at modern speeds. Wheel bearings are the latest type Timken tapered toller design . , . auto-steering permits short, easy turns ..»low-down construction permits easy loading, guards against tipping. The all­ welded tubular-steel frame maintains original alignment and rigidity. Choose from the John Deere “Big 3”— the No. 953 Standard, No. 943 Economy, or No. 963 Heavy-Duty—and you’re assured of years of light-running, Snug-trailing, depend­ able hauling. See us soon for complete infor­ mation. W. G. Simmons & Sons EXETER GODERICH OUAUTV KARM ^tOUIPMt NT^ TkeTuwtemwfe Qua&Za.fwiMv StuUptnMCC tables; 2 metal porch chaisette; day-bed; rug; chairs; dishes; fruit and ; garden tools; lamps; bicycle; hand washing machine; plate; 2-burner coal-oil Coleman iron; stove FOR SALE—Nearly new cabin trailer, sleeps four, fully in­ sulated, finished in cedar ply­ wood, new studio couch, built- in cupboards, new Coleman gasoline stove, hydro, table­ bed combination, inlaid lino­ leum, new tires, sink. —Jack Finkbeiner, Whalen Corners, phone 29-r-20 Granton or 15- r-20 Kirkton. 30:6* FOR RENT — Furnished apart­ ment. Bailey’s, phone 276. 6c TWO FURNISHED rooms for rent. Phone 22-M. 6c MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED WANTED — Office help with bookkeeping experience. Apply at Times-Advocate. 30;6* utensils; tables; stove; electric stove; pipes; electric washing machine; dresser radio stand; and other articles. REAL ESTATE: At the same time and place there will be of­ fered for sale the fine 2-storey brick house with all modern conveniences, bath upstairs and downstairs, all oil heated, large barn. This is a fine home and will be sold Friday, September 14. TERMS: Chattels, cash. Terms of real estate to be arranged, MRS, (FLORENCE WILLIAMS) MURRAY, PROPRIETRESS FRED DAWSON, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. BARGAINS’ Ladies Home Journal, 2J years $5.00 Specials on Holiday and Country Gentleman New or renewal orders on magazines promptly serviced. HARRY T. RUSTON Phone 30S-r-5 Exeter 23ctfn all FOR SALE—Quebec heater, box type, excellent condition. Phone 6S-W. 6c Why have MOTH DAMAGE? 5- vear written guarantee with Berlou against moth damage on rugs, chesterfields and clothing. Free estimates. — Dinney Furniture, phone 20-W FOR SALE—-Heistein heifer due in a couple of weeks. Apply Chas. Jeffery, phone 14-173. G* BICYCLES for sale. Apply Glenn Brenner, Grand Bend. 6* FOR SALE—One purebred reg­ istered Hereford bull from ac­ credited herd. 11 months old. Art Finlayson. R.R. 3. Kippen, phone Seaforth 651-r-3. 6* MODERN HAWAIIAN taught at the Scout Exeter on Tuesdays, New class forming. loaned free of charge, Henry Pulsifer, instructor, ~6ctfn GUITAR Hall in 7 to 10. Guitars WANTED—Girl to operate candy bar in theatre. Apply Saturday afternoon or evening. 6 c FLOOR SANDING and finishing. Wallace Bowden, Woodham, phone 112 Kirkton, 30:6* WANTED—A caretaker for Thames Road United Church, duties to commence immedi­ ately. All applications must be in by Sept. 20 to Mrs. William Cann, Hensail. State salary wanted. 6:13c SERVICE for your present car or a new Dodge automobile or truck. Both are obtainable simply by calling Hensail 31, SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 527-J. 30tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow. phone S3 Exeter. l*tfc PAINTING and paperhanging, kitchen cupboards and cab­ inets. Tom Walker, Exeter, phone 553. tfc NOTICE •— Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can be made, Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood. Jul5:S27c TWO-, THREE- and four-week-1 old, non-sexed. pullets, cock-1 erels. Special prices on five-1 to six-week-old. while they last. Barred Rock, Red X Rock. Pullets, $47.95. non­ sexed. $38.95, cockerels, $3S.- '95. Assorted Heavy Breed. $1 per hundred less. Also day-old chicks. Tweddle Chick Hatch­ eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario 6:13c SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Equipped to clean up septic tanks, cess­ pools, etc.; have modern power pump and tank. Schools and public buildings a special­ ty. Irvin Coxon, phone 75-r-4 Milverton. Jull2:S6* REAL ESTATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of GEORGE- WITHERSPOON of Exeter, Ontario, deceased Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full parti­ culars of such claims to the undersigned Executor on or be­ fore the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1951, after which date the estate’s assets will be distribut­ ed, having regard to claims that have then been received. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, London, Ontario, Executor. By BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors, Exeter, Ontario. 6;13;20* In the Estate of LAURA WEEKES, deceased. having estate of the County persons the late FOR SALE—DeLavel cream sep­ arator, second size $45. Only’ used six months. Phone 615-1 r-5 Ailsa Craig,___________6* j FOR SALE — Single day-bed, good mattress $10. Phone 615- r-5 Ailsa Craig. 6* FOR SALE—19 40 Ford in very good condition. Phone 159-R. 6* HOUSE AND PROPERTY — In thriving town of Exeter, two- storey brick house, all con­ veniences, three apartments fully occupied, property sists of 42 extra building good location; whole or to suit purchaser, apiary consisting of 4 yards and full now in operation. part to suit purchaser. Reason for selling—-because of age, not able to carry on. Address correspondence to William F. Abbott, Exeter. 6:13* con- lots; part beeAlso 3 00 hives, equipment, Whole oi' FOR SALE—8 milk cows. All T.B. tested. —William Beiber, 3 6-r-22 Dashwood. 30:6* •—■ Any own bas- yourself. year. M. PEACHES FOR SALE quantity—bring your kets and pick them Prices same as last Sullivan. Forrest. Concession 2, Biddulph Twp. 6* I I 4-BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE — Well located in Exeter, on a nicely treed lot. This fine home has new heating equip­ ment and is in good repair. Moderate price. Quick posses- session. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. USED TRACTOR SPECIAL — 1951 Case V.A. in new con­ dition, equipped with new live hydraulic system and new Horn manure loader. Also used Case S and Case DC4 at big savings. —Phone 5 08 Exeter, Exeter Far Equipment. 6c FOR SALE—Storey and a half brick house, three bedrooms, conveniences, furnace, best of location, immediate possession. See J. W. Hern, Exeter. 6ctfn i FOR SALE OR RENT—Cottage, available any time. Apply to John Caldwell, Exeter North, phone 13-r-ll Exeter. 6* FOR SALE—One good, used trumpet. Arnold Lindenfield, phone 181 Exeter. 6* FOR SALE—Weaner pigs. Allan Westcott, 176-r-3 2 Exeter. 6c FOR SALE—Child’s winter out­ fit—coat, hat and leggings. Green with grey fur, size 3 or 4 years. Price $10. Phone 466. 6* FOR SALE—'33 Chrysler Sedan and Model A Ford. —S. Deel- stra, Highway 4, Centralia. 6* FOR SALE—Sunshine baby bug­ gy, silver grey, like new, used one year. Phone 266. 6* THREE SMALLER HOUSES — Each of these is a comfortable up-to-date home with modern conveniences. All are in best of repair. May be bought with bulk of purchase price in monthly payments if desired. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, Ont. TWO MODERN HOUSES — We are offering two modern houses. Both have been built for utility and comfort and have every convenience. Must be sold as owners are leaving town. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. FOR SALE—One 1950 James: motorcycle, 1,500 miles. Also) 7 weaner pigs. —-Chamber & j Darling, phone 9. 6*1 FOR SALE—50 New Hamp X Rock pullets, 50 Rock and Leghorn pullets, starting to lay. Thomas K. Paton, R.R. 3, Lucan. 6* HENSALL 15-storey frame house in good location, has furnace, garage, wide lot. Also 1A- storey frame house, new fur­ nace, partial bath, garage. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par­ sons. Salesman, Exeter. FOR SALE—-New house, full basement with furnace and ■water heater, living room, kit­ chen, two bedrooms and bath on first floor. Upper floor un­ finished, with stairs in. R. E. Balkwill. 9 tfc auction sale Real Estate and Chattels in the s VILLAGE OF CREDITON William H. Smith, auctioneers has received instruction from MRS. DAN OESTREICHER to sell by public auction on Crediton Main Street on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 at 1:30 p.m. sharp the following: REAL ESTATE: brick land, piece of A 1^-storey house, hydro, half-acre eight rooms with three- bath. Barn suitable for garage, plenty of water, freshly shingled and painted, new storm windows. Open for inspection. Sold subject to a reasonable re­ serve bid. Owner moving to Han­ over. Terms: 10 percent, balance in 30 days. CHATTELS: Dining room suite, six chairs, buffet, with mirror, bureau, single bed, full dinner set of dishes, dresser, two rockers, two bed springs and mattress, fernery, nine kitchen chairs, three clocks, hall rack,, i coal oil stove, heater, tin box, quantity of mats, pictures, mirror carpet sweeper, Coleman oil stove heater, three-piece settee, 1 Victrola, organ, three upholst­ ered rockers, two tables, steel ladders, Spartan radio, fern stand, corner table, side board, dining room table, parlor rug, kitchen range, stove, 3 tons of half-ton Alberta, gallons stove oil and barrel, door, curtain stretcher, 1e I a i m s Iof Laura j Town of ! of Huron, 1 chestnut coal, or about 20 , 19 48, screen All against Weekes, Exeter, in the Widow, who died on the 26th day of August ___ are required to file- particulars bench, iron, kettle, wooden wash- of same with Bell and Laughton, hng machine, quantity of lum- Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by her, grindstone, lawnmower, gar- the 22nd day of September next | den tools, cedar shingles, bags, after which date the estate will [ 500 bricks, wheelbarrow, two be distributed having regard only -ladders, step ladder, cement to those claims of which notice I lawn roller, five-gallon coal oil has been received. can, logging chains, cross-cut BELL & LAUGHTON, saw, split wood, cedar wood, Solictors for the Administratrix, I onion crates. All kinds kitchen Exeter. Ontario | utensils, vases and antiques. 6:13:20c “ Notice to Creditors and Others in the Estate of JAMES GEORGE STUART STANBURY, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of James George Stuart Stanbury, late of the City of St. Catharines, in the County of Lincoln, Retired County Court Judge, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of May, 1951, are hereby notified- to send full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of September, 1951, after which date the Estate will be distribut­ ed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall have notice. Dated at Toronto, Ontario, this 17th day of August, A.D. 1951. JEAN E. STANBURY KENNETH C. E. STANBURY RICHARD J. H. STANBURY Executors BY: AYLESWORTH, GARDEN, THOMPSON & STANBURY, 67 Yonge St., Toronto 1, Ont., Their Solicitors Herein. 23:30:6c Many other ’items. Terms; Cash, Every article will the highest bidder. Are you going to sale? It is on Saturday, Septem­ ber sold to reserve. be No attend this 15. WM. H. SMITH, AUCT. Phone Crediton 77-W E. SMITH, CLERK MRS. DAN OESTREICHER, PROPRIETRESS 6:13c AUCTION SALE COMMUNITY .STOCK YARDS, ZURICH on WEI). EVENING, SEPT. 12 at 8:00 p.m. sharp Number of mixed pigs, cows and calves, 2 part Holstein and Polled Angus cows carrying third calf due in December, 2 good farrow cows, also feeder cattle. WES MERNER, MANAGER ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE Modern House and Household Furniture The undersigned lias received instructions to sell by public auction, on ANDREW STREET, EXETER on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 at 1:30 p.m. the following: Living room suite; chair; table; bookcase; walnut dining room suite; bedroom suite; Jen­ ny Lind bed; refrigerator; elec­ tric stove; washing machine; 3 kitchen tables; 4 kitchen chairs; steel kitchen cabinet; 2 metal LONGER MILEAGE SMOOTHER RIDING EXTRA BLOWOUT PROTECTION See us to-day ZZTOS’ the week- Mrs. Ray Camp Borden spent end with Mills. Miss M. Copeland,and Br. and Mrs. Stanley Moun­ tain, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Ste­ phenson Of Appin. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ross of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson and family and Mr, and Mrs, Robert Ross visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Rhode of Thames Road, Mr, and Copeland Mr. Glenn Miss Jean Copeland I CENTRALIA — Well built two- storey brick house. Suitable for use as single residence or two apartments. Water pres­ sure. Nice lot with fruit trees. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, STORE BUILDING—Located in Exeter’s business section. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. TWO-APT. HOUSE for sale— Main St. hew roof, heavy wir­ ing, large lot, full occupancy starting Oct. 1. Phone 446-J. Phone 200 Exeter B.F. Goodrich . THS LQNGRUH