HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-09-06, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 6, 1951 How“Skinny”GirlsFul,arton' Kirkton w.i. Gain & 10 lbs, New Pep "rhouwidB who never could gain weight hetorc. now hftvo shapely, intractlvo hgijxcs. No wore bony limbs, ugly hollows, 'they thank Osttcx. it out» neeh on bodies skinny because blood lacks iron. Peps you up, too. improves appetite, digestion sq food nourishes you better. Don't, tear getting too tat. Stop when you gain figure you wish, introductory w "Ret-acaualnted'* size only Try qstrcxToxdflt Tablets for new pounds, lovely curves, now pep, today, At all drugsIsta. ...................... Join For Outing On August 2b. members the Kirkton. Fnllarton boarded a bus for Stratford and while there visited the Ballantyne Factory where they the different pro- machines through from WI’s INSURANCE automobiee Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Co. “World’s Greatest Automobile Mutual" FIRE Mill Owner’s Mutual Fire Tnsurance Co. Union Insurance Society oi Canton Ltd. CASUALTY Massie and Renwick Ltd. Liability — Plate Glass hospitalization -> i ■ ■ Knitting fwere shown . cesses and. which th© yarns go till it emer­ ges as beautiful garments. After a bounteous pot luck lunch in the park they visited ,the Kroehler Factory Factory, then on to the Beacon Herald office where they saw huge rolls of paper become our morning newspaper. Next stop was the CNR shops where they saw many of the 1.200 or more employees at work on huge engines, etc. Mr. ; Warren ' William After dinner at Stratford Cafe'Robert. ... ... ... -- to a close a ; they returned to St. Marys. 11 the' theatre bringing ; very enjoyable day. ’ = Personal Items ■ J Mr. and Mrs. F. j ’ and their daughter, 1 * *"* * - DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weido and daughter Shirley Louise and Danny, Detroit. Mich., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred jSehluut on Saturday. Mabel Lauzon Funeral services fox* , bel Louzon who assed »her home in Detroit, * on husrday were held Harry Hoffman funeral home in Dashwood on Sunday, The Rev. - IL Higeuell conducted the ser­ vice. In attendance from Detroit Michigan were, Mrs. Dora Brook- i es, Mr. Harold Reece, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dodge Jr., Mrs. j Evelyn Dodge, Mr. Fred Tead, Mr, Gagnon, Mr. Valentine, Mr. Lashorn and Chapman. Sarnia were: Mrs. Mrs. Ma- away at Michigan, from the Jr Allan Klein, and and and Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. and li Ernest C. Harvey Insurance Agency Phone 47 Exeter C. Betty. John Howard of Hamilton .. ed with Mr. and Mrs. Ira I'shall this pastjyeek. 1 I i Marshall Mrs. visit- Mar- Judge: “Lizz, you’re charged with running around in the nude.” Lizz: “It's des way, Jedge, when my Henry comes home drunk and wants to beat me, I pulls off my nightgown and. runs out in the dark so he can’t see me.” I Armitage, treasurer; sports com- [mittee, north group. ; Mrs. Sarah Davis was made honorary president, being the ■ oldest relative. A fine solo was j sung by Allan Elston. Several j unclaimed articles are in the keeping of Herman Powe of Exe­ ter. j l. j,,,..• ; ,..... 1..".;:... r- Creditor) Bride-EJ ect Honored With Shower A very delightful evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein when Arliss and Mrs. 'Wein entertained fox' a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Dorothy Finkbeiner, bi'ide elect. Guests included “The Seekers Sunday School Class” and intimate friends of the bride to-be. Music was played as Dorothy entered the room. She was seat­ ed at a table laden with gifts and adorned with pink and white streamers, balloons filled with confetti, and a large fan which hung from the ceiling. Readings and. contests were enjoyed, but the high light of the eveniu reviewing the “Brides which was compiled by Dorothy in hei’ very manner expressed her tion and thanks for a lightful evening, lunch was served by Mrs, and Arliss assisted by Maleeda. Schenk. Armitage Picnic The 29th annual re-union of the Armitage family was held at Springbank Park on Labour Day. One hundred and nine per­ sons signed the register. The weather and surroundings were ideal and a fine spirit of com­ radeship pervaded the gather­ ing, A good programme of sports was enjoyed by all. Winners were as follows: Candy scramble, under, Elaine Powe; .and under, Richard Elaine Powe. Hodgins, Fi'ancis Armitage, Mary Mathers; age, Don Armitage, men, Kay peanut Turner grandfather’s Powe; side; Bilyea marie pins i three races Armitage, six to ten, Bob and five Hydro Interruption 11 to 1$, Bud Armlt- Hodgins; men, Wilson Bud Armitage; wo- Elston; grandmothers’ scramble, Mrs. Mrs. Labannah contests, Relays, Allan musical squares, l; walking the Davis; putting in bottle, Alice Walker’s g was Book” the girls, pleasing apprecia- most de- A very James Hodgins; Herman Elston’s Wilfred rope, Al- the clothes Weather Permitting The Hydro Wil! Be Off On Sun. Afternoon, Sept. 9 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. D.S.T. THE AREAS AFFECTED ARE: Centralia, Crediton Villages, Surrounding Rural Aren and the Centralia R.C.A.F. ;Mrs. Ed ( From : Pfaff and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pfaff. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Slanns, London, • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Babensee, ^Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Hart­ man Heuser, Many from were Kate dainty Wein Miss i Plug-* her Miss Betty Fletcher of town is holidaying with grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fletcher. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Routly left Wednesday for a six weeks' holiday in the western provinces ; going as far as Vancouver and jStopping off at various places on Seaforth. relatives and friends Grand Bend and Zurich there. ■ Remember! It's Your Money It’s your money that’s wasted when you neglect regular lubrication of your car, causing excessive wear, uneconomical fuel consumption. Make a habit of getting our . , . . Town Topics . Mr. Neil Jones, of Ottawa, is 1 holidaying with his parents Mr. • and Mrs? J. H. Jones. ' Miss Helen Herdman visited ■ for several days with Mr. and ; Mrs. Henry Delbridge recently, i Visitors on Sunday with Mr. i and Mrs. Jos Davis were Mr. and 5 Mrs. Clifton Davis and Allen, of I London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ; don Davis, Leonard and Shirley, | of Toronto. ’ Mr. Marvin Vincent, a former ; employee of the Exeter Times- Advocate, now with the Windsor Daily Star, renewed old acquain­ tances in town. Tuesday and call­ ed at the office. With his family ! he is holidaying at Ipperwash. on as of of as side: line-up for ladies, Mrs. Ber­ nice Davis; pick out youx* man by his nose, Etta Powe; jelly bean guess, Harvey Godbolt and Mrs. Elmer Hodgins tied: long­ est married couple, -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins. Factory-Specified Lubrication Service The right lubricant ... in the right quantity ... at the right time every point. at Drive in today and every thirty days The youngest baby was Joan Barker,, three weeks. Coming from the farthest distance were Will Hodgins and his grand­ daughter, Alethea, from Viking, Alta. They received a box of chocolates.H.E.P.C of Ontario Curts week Miss their return trip. Mrs. Gregory returned to her home on Sunday after spending a few weeks at Gravenhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harmer, of Fullarton, spent Sunday with 1 Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robinson. Kirkton School opened on Tuesday with Mr. Ron Timms as < teacher for another term Billie1 I Gregory, Harold Switzer* Brian Christie are the new ! ginners. ! Dr. G. H. Jose entertained Kirkton Base Ball team Friday 'night, also the bat boy Harold >■ Burg. The umpires. Ray Mills and Ross Marshall, official score keeper, I. N. Marshall. John Roundel! manager of the junior . team and Reo Anderson at Pine ‘Acres Inn, St. Marys, after they were entertained local K theatre. and be- GREENWAY < Schools re-opened again ; Tuesday with Mrs. Hodgins ‘ teacher in the school north j Greenway, Mrs. Love West i Greenway and Miss Tompkins teacher in Corbett school. Miss Lillian Tiens of Windsor ; sent the week-end with her j mother, Mrs. W. T. Ulens. Mr. and Mrs. Elton tspent a couple of days last in Detroit. Mrs. A. Pollock and Ruby Pollock returned to Hamil­ ton on Sunday after spending the summer at their home here. ! Mr. and Mrs. Willard Forbes I and family visited on Sunday ■with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Brown and family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Eagleson (nee Leona O’Neil) who were married on, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dettloff and Richard of Detroit spent the week-end with Mrs: Albert Pol­ lock. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Otto Wersba on the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Melissa Gardiner is visit-™ ing with Mr. Gardiner and don. Mrs. Milton A business meeting was held to elect officers for 1952. A “Minute of Silence” was observ­ ed for the three who had depart­ ed during the year, Labannah Hodgins and his brother Sid, and Harry Ferguson. Officers for the coming year are: Allan Elston, president; Wil­ son Armitage, vice-president; Kay Elston, secretary; Percy ■——........................—■ Broiler Producers WANTED Bruce Lon- the Tfitr CV Copyright, 1&51 weur triet'dty . t a wOn* _ custom^ iCeride TO the to tnewo’* * ec-r“ Che-" . „ _ Chevrolet and Oldsmobile PHONE 100 Pollock and ’ Carman "Woodburn visited j week with relatives in Detroit. j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eagleson Shad the misfortune to have their jbarn burned last Friday morning in the electric storm. Miss Eleanor McLinchey of Detroit spent the -week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLinchey. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock and Peter of London spent the week-end with relatives here. Mrs. last • Portable Arc Welding • Acetylene Welding • Steel Fabrication [ • Machine Work I j • Grinding [ M arshall M urray hi Machine Shop | --- ----------------------El! U Lakeview Poulry Farm and Hatchery Ltd. has ob­ tained a definite market for 6,000 to 10,000 Broilers monthly, and is now looking foi' Broiler Producers ■ to raise these birds under contract. Any interested person having 800 sq. ft. or more of floor space, please contact us for full details. Chicks can be raised at the hatchery for 3 to 4 ' weeks so that no heat is required. A feed program can also’be arranged. Please Contact s: * SHELDON D. WEIN, MGR. Lakeview Poultry Farm and Hatchery Ltd. Phone 78, Exeter | -------—---------------------------------------------—B ytiap&aMw i to know that UPERTESt lubricants transform your ride into a smooth glide! It’s a pleasure to settle back in. your car and feel as free as if you were riding the wings of the wind. That’s the kind of free-wheeling lubrication you get from "SUPERTEST" motor oil! You get extra mileage, too, from this top-grade Super-Duty Motor Oil because your car’s moving parts simply float On a cushion of oil. . Otto*0 305 GoAbwn »SUPER^1 cat byfetisiness.Uke , _ have mV appreciate - bfce, t0?’clal- ex^'X-tase they »se Rak Grease > W'e believe that product perfection arid skilled service have consistently maintained the mutual confidence which exists between "SUPERTEST customers and dealers. at Lamport Reunion At Poplar Hill Ninety members registered the nineteenth Lamport reunion held at Poplar Hill on Labour Day. Mr. Albert King of CTedi- ton was the oldest man present while Mrs. Jonah Sims of Exeter was the oldest lady. Dale Lam­ port was the youngest member. Lome Willis, RCAF, of Sex­ smith, Alta., had come the great­ est distance. Mrs. William McKenzie had charge of the program, presided over by Ed Sims of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin King, Exeter, and Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Edwards of Exeter were in charge of the sports which re­ sulted as follows: Girls, six and under, Betty Amos, Marlene King; girls six to eight, Grace McKenzie, Betty Amos; boys six to eight, Ross Amos, Glen Lam­ port; girls eight to 10, Grace McKenzie, Beth Sims; boys eight to 10, Ross Amos, Glen Lam­ port; girls 10 to 13, Marion Lamport, Wilma, McNair; young ladies, Melba King, Marion Lam­ port; young men, Bob McNair, Robert Ovens; bear hug, Bill McKenzie and Mrs. Bill Lam­ port; married women’s race, Mrs. Earl Neil; married men’s race, Russel King; kicking the slipper, Marion Lamport; feed­ ing the monkey, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neil; bunny race, Bill Mc­ Kenzie and Mrs. William Lam­ port; guessing the weight of the person wearing the slipper, Le­ ola Willis. The secretary read a message from distant members unable to attend, after which a minute’s silence was observed in honour of departed members of the past year. It was decided to hold the next reunion at Riverview Park, Exeter, on Labour Day, 19 5 2, with the following officers in charge: President, Ed Sims, Ex­ eter; vice-president, Otto Clark, London; treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Woodall, Crediton; secretary, Ailsa Craig, Mr. Mr. pro­ Mrs. McDonald sports committee, H. Ovens, "Lucan. Mel King, Exeter; gram committee, Mr. and James Mawhinney, Dashwood; table committee, Mrs. Russ Hed­ den Sadie Lawson. A bountiful supper concluded the enjoyable event. Mrs. Wes Lamport, Mrs. When the judge decreed that you would have to pay back in alimony, how did you feel?” asked Black of a friend. “Chagrined.” “And how -did your ex-wife feel?” “She grinned.” * i SPANISH 3 Colours-RED, GREEN and BLACK Besides Roll Roofing your Barrett Dealer has a com­ plete line of roofing, insulation and weatherproofing materials* THE BARRETT COMPANY, LIMITED Halifax ’ Saint John • Montreal • Toronto * Winnipeg • Vancouver Take your building problems to your Barrett Dealer ROOFINGS No exposed nails Complete double coverage Fire-Resistant Mineral Surface *Reg'd Trade Mark 1