HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-08-16, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, 1951 Legion Funeral Rites For Herbert Brpom Herbert Broom, died Thursday in Hospital, London. A member of. the Exeter branch Canadian' Legion, he was given a Legion | funeral from the Dinney funeral, home in Exeter on Saturday at ? 1 p.m. The Rev. William Mair J Thames Road United Church and' Chaplain of the Legion, official- ed. i The late Mr. Broom was a native of Devonshire, England, and came here five years ago from Toronto where for many years he worked as a toolmaker. Although retired from business, he kept a machine shop at the home eter. In with First . Surviving are his widow, three sons, Herbert, Exeter, Fred and Ernest, Toronto; and one daugh­ ter, Mrs. A. Fieldhouse. Mono road. Pallbearers and flower-bearers were all Legion members and interment was made at Exeter Cemetery. Huron dale W.l. ■Sarnia Band Featured It* __(In Dashwood Meet The Dashwood Band will hold a monster Band Tattoo on Wed­ nesday, August 22. The Sarnia Brass Band will be one of the main features. Band. Band ! will participate. Mr.' ient in Victoria don, where he operation. Mrs. Petzold visiting with brother-n-law, R. Guenther. Miss Susan in St Joseph’s Hospital, London, where she recently underwent an operation. Mrs. Sellery who has been out West for some time is visiting | with her sister, Mrs. W. Wolfe. | Mr. i ■’ "" | Nancy and Lynda took a motor trip to Kingston and the Thou-! sand Islands last week. Mr, and Mrs. Wilford Mclsaac and family of Detroit are spend- ’ ing theii* vacation with his mother. Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac. Harold Hately Windsor spent Mrs. Mclssac. of Windsor is i BXetjTo Entertain Westminster c Members of the Hurondale W.l. gathered for their August meeting in the Hurondale school and planned a picnic to be held August 29 when they will be host to the Crediton and Elim- ville groups at Riverview Park in Exeter. The ladies also made plans for their exhibit in the Fall Fair. Chairman for the meeting was Mrs. James Kirkland and a mot­ to and a reading were given by Mrs. Harry Strang and Mrs. Earl Mitchell, respectively. Mrs. Alvin Moir presided for the business session and a very enjoyable program followed, con­ sisting of a piano number by Marilyn Strang, a musical num­ ber by Marilyn and Kathryn Hicks, accompanied by Garnet Hicks with his guitar; a musi­ cal selection by Maurice Love, Wayne Tuckey, Andy and Bill Dousall which was accompanied by Mrs. Dougall. Mr. Harry Sherwood of Ex­ eter was unable to be there to , give an address as was originally Yuk ... i Planned. Mother <-ame home from shop-: ...ping one day to find Grandpa'T Tonics intently peering into the windowj _ v . .... of the Bendix'. He turned to her-j with a troubled air and said, “I can’t figure out what’s the mat- ; ter with this thing. It don’t seem ; to be working right.” j' “Don’t, be silly, Grandpa.” said Mother. “Your glasses and Mr. and Mrs. Preston Margison the television set are in the liv- ' of Plaster Rock. N.B.. called on ing-room.” I Mrs. Ed Johns last week. St. Marys Thedford, Sarnia and other district Brass Pipe bands i i of his son outside of Ex- World War I, he served No. 2 Field Ambulance. Division, R.C.A.M.C. J. M. Southcoit, publisher of The Times-Advocate, is attend­ ing the annual C.W.N.A. conven- ; tion at Winnipeg this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Margison, FOR SALE FOR RENT Arthur Willert is a pat- Hospital, Lon- underwent an of Florida is her sister and Mr. and Mrs. E. Kraft is a patient I FOR SALE — 3 - piece bedroom suite with good springs, library table, small table, table lamp, studio couch, settee and chair to match, heavy duty 2-burner electric range, ice box. A. J, Penhale, John St. E., phone 294-R. 16c 3 APARTMENTS to rent—Carl­ ing Street, house next to roller rink. 16* NOTICE TO CREDITORS I FOR SALE—Number of young pigs. Phone 84-r-3 Zurich. — Carl Gin gerich, 9:16:23c Why have MOTH DAMAGE? 5- year written guarantee with Berlou against moth damage on rugs, chesterfields and clothing, Free estimates. — Ilinney Furniture, phone 20-W and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman,-for SALE—Have an unlimited quantity of barn fertilizer, $5 per spreader load. —G. J. Dow. 5tfc Bobby and Barry of London and j Mrs, L SEE US TODAY! INSIST ON Aidltfb-hup trial Mr. and Mrs. and daughter of a few days with Neil Mclsaac spending his vacation here. Mr, and Mrs. Percy Kleinstiver and son of Chicago are visiting his mother, Mrs. E. Kleinstiver. Mr. and Mrs. Louis C Wolfe and Mr. Sheldon Wolfe, Mr. and ■' , Gerald Wolfe and Carolyn of Clifford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher. Mr. David Schroeder is spend­ ing a few wreeks with his daugh­ ter in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haist and son Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. A. Amy of Exeter left Mon­ day morning on a motor trip out Wrest where they will visit their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dutertre at Wakaw, Sask. Mrs. Martha Baker who has been in Windsor for some time has H el­ and will SUNSHINE RANGETTE, deluxe model with utility drawer, used just one year, looks in new condition. Phone 523-W evenings. 2Gtfn FOR SALE—3-piece chesterfield suite. Apply Rev. H. J. Ma­ honey, phone 217. 16* i FOR SALE—Child’s “president” car. Suitable for child 7 years or under. Apply C. A. Cann, ! phone 565. 16c FOR SALE—194 8 Ford Coach, good condition, 34,000 miles. Price $1,250.00. Apply Cpl. Foster, P.M.Q, 35 6 or phone 360 Local 38. 16c FOR SALE—Refrigerator, “Kel- vinator” in good condition. Phone 404-J evenings 6 to 8 p.m. or Saturday. R. T. Mc­ Donald, Waterloo St., Exeter. FOR SALE—G young York pigs, Apply George Dunn, phone 177-r-43 Exeter. 16c FOR SALE—11 weaner pigs, 6 weeks old, 7 pigs, 8 weeks old, all feeding well. —Amos White, 537-r-12 Exeter. 16c In the estate of JOHN MORLEY, deceased. persons having claimsAH against the estate of John Mor­ ley, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on oi' about the 20th day of May, 19 51, are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of Ex­ eter, Ontario, by the 30th day of August next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for Executor, 9:16:23c In the estate of ALBERT DEVINE, late of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Albert De­ vine of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of August, 1951, are required to file particulars of the same with Herbert K. Eilber, Crediton, Ont., on or before the 31st day of August, 1951, after which date the executors will distribute the estate having re­ gard only to those claims of whifth notice has been received. Dated this 9th day of August, 19 51. NORMAN DEVINE, 291 Roxborough Ave., Hamilton, Ont. MRS. LUELLA MacGREGOR, No. 4, Parkhill, Ont. (Executors) 16:23c H WANTED WANTED TO RENT THE EXETER SALVAGE CO. want all kinds of^ new and used feathers and ‘feather ticks. Top price. Also all kinds of scrap metal. Phone 423, Exeter, collect). We pick up. 5-14tfc WANTED TO RENT— 4- or 5- roomed apartment or house, unfurnished, by couple with one child. Willing to decorate if necessary. Phone 479-W Ex- eter. 9:16c Horses An Unlimited Number, Any Age, Any Size FRANK TAYLOR Exeter Phone 138 FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED TO RENT—House in Exeter by reliable couple with one child. Phone 316 Local 79. 16;23c MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE for your present car or a new Dodge automobile or truck. Both are obtainable simply by calling Hensall 31. AVON PRODUCTS needs sales­ lady to service customers in Exeter. Highest commission. For further particulars write M. E. Stock, Mgr., 78 Duchess Ave., Kitchener, Ont. 9:16:23* SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, ,527-J. 30tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any 'feize, any age. —G. J. Dow. phone 83 Exeter. l*tfe- TENDERS WANTED DEMOLITION OF SCHOOL The Exeter Public School Board will receive tenders for the demolition of the old public school ui> to September 15. Ten­ der forms and details may be secured from the secretary­ treasurer, W. H. Hodgson, Ex­ eter, Ontario. 16:23c PAINTING and paperhanging, kitchen, cupboards and cab­ inets. Tom Walker, Exeter, phone 553. tfe NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can be made. Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood. Jul5:S27c FOR MUSIC TEACHER For S.S. No. 10, Tuckersmith. Duties to commence beginning of September. Applications to be sent to James Drummond, R.R. 2, Kippen, Secretary-Treasurer. lG:23c SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Equipped to clean up septic tanks, cess­ pools, etc.; have modern power pump and tank. Schools and public buildings a special­ ty. Irvin Coxon, phone 75-r-4- Milverton. Jull2:S6* Better ■ ■ ■ AIR CONDITIONINGWarm ai« Gravity Furnaces Are your fuel bills getting out of hand? An old- fashioned or Wt-rn-out furnace often fails to provide all the heat you -houlci get for your heating dollar. For lowest cost heating luxury. Jet us show you the complete line of dependable Anthes-Imperial grav­ ity warm air furnaces. Or. for the carefree luxury of automatic heating, there's an Anthes-Imperial winter air conditioning unit to suit your requirements. Come in today and let ns help you select the Anthes-Imperial heating equipment suited to your needs. Lindenfield’s Limited Phone 181 BY FAR THE GREATEST PULLING The Goodyear Super Sure-Grip O-P-E-N C-E-N-T-E-R tread bites deeper, gives greater trac­ tion and out-wears all others. Why? . . . the lugs have been made bigger, broader, thicker and deeper! And longer, too. TIRE ON EARTH.. good/Vear SUPER SURE-GRIP TRACTOR TIRE For your farm ;:; any part of it . . . Goodyear Super Sure-Grips will do deeper plowing and haul heavier implements in wet, slick, slippery soil where other tires bog down. Permits you to plow, plant and harvest faster . * « save returned to her home here, daughter, Mrs. Bill Smith daughter Joan of Windsor spend their holidays here. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hender­ son and Mrs. S. Henderson of Galt and Mrs. Normyle of mazoo, Mich., are visiting brothers, Mr, and Mrs. E, ger and Mr. and Mrs. W. ger. Kala- their Nadi- Nad i- FOR SALE—Eight weaner pigs. Ready. Apply W. H. Pfile, Hensail, phone 6S5-r-3. 16c FOR SALE—1936 Dodge, best offer accepted. Call 4 07-J Ex­ eter. 16c AUCTION SALES Faster ■ ■ Mr. and Mrs. A. Koessel and family, of Lansing, Mich spent the week-end with Mrs. Kuntz and Mr. and Mrs. C’layton Pfile. Additional Dashwood news may! I he found on page nine. I ------------ ------------------------------------ I ’Mrs. J. Airth Dies FOR SALE—193 6 Chev Stan­ dard Coach, in good mechani­ cal condition. Good tires. —- Phone Exeter 2 58. 16c Unexpectedly In West! '• Mrs. James Airtli. the former ; on i iu Al- • , Lyla Spencer, died suddenly ; Tuesday morning at Debolt, . the Peace River district of ' berta. ■ Mrs. Airth. whose husband ' farmed on the Thames Road for > many years, left a month ago to ; visit her son, James, in Debolt. | Her husband predeceased her . in 19 511. j Besides her son, she is sur- ' vived by two sisters, Mrs. Albert j Dexter, of Morris, New York; Dr. Mayd Middleton, Ada, Okla- ' . homa; and three brothers, Al- j . bert Spencer of Hensail. Charles ' I Spencer of Omemee, and James ' ! Spencer of Winnipeg. The body j ! is being forwarded to Exeter for ; (burial. Funeral arrangements | j are incomplete. i =------~ = SITUATIONS WANTED PRACTICAL NURSE open for engagements, 8-hour duty. Ap­ ply Box F, Times-Advocate. ‘ 16c ■ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY j ACCOMMODATION WANTED — Three adults want apartment or house in Exeter or vicinity by September 1. Apply John M, Thompson, RCAF Centralia FOR SALE—194c 2-ton Ford truck, good tires, and good wood hoist, and racks. Apply Clare Masse, phone 57-r-24 Dashwood. 16:23* Honey We are \ repared to supply you with ch«d e quality White Honey AT PER LB. EWART PYM Simcoe Street, Exeter Clearing AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture Estate of the late HARRY ROWE, Andrew Street, Exeter ' FRIDAY, I oII Gerrard I piece ' lamp; ■ rack; • table; i table: ' clock; dishes: AUGUST 24 o'clock sharp Heitzman piano; chesterfield suite; parlor rug; mag a 3 rockers; mats: 3- floor zine small I I i 3-piece dining room suite; j buffet; G chairs: cabinet; REAL ESTATE CREDITON FRAME house, large living room, elien. bath, water hard 20x30 floor, building. W. tor, Exeter. room, den and dining hardwood floors, kit- 4 bedrooms, 3 - p i e c e full basement, cistern, pressure system, good water. Well built barn concrete foundation and Extra lot suitable for C. Pearce, Real- 7tfc LARGE BRICK HOUSE—B acre of land. Small barn. House has good roof and floors. Hydro and water on tap. Price $3,500. —C. V. Pickard, Main St.. Exeter. complete set of china | mirror: kitchen cabinet; : saucers, forks, knives;' dishes of all kinds, pots, pans, j .pails, crocks, sealers; electric! stove: kitchen table: 2 kitchen' : chairs; Singer sewing machine: , (table; rocker: writing desk: vac-• ; uum cleaner; verandah studio' .couch; rocker and chairs; small; (table: garden tools; verandah; Aug: carpenter tools; electric ; washing machine, nearly new: J i wash tubs; step ladders; 2 bed j ■ springs, mattresses, dressers,; (commode chair, bed mattress, j (bedroom carpet; pictures; small i 'bed. springs, mattress, dresser, I pillows; curtains; bureau; ver­ andah table; chairs; wheelbar­ row: carpet sweeper; lamps; jardineres; laundry stove; buck-1 saw, axe, shovel; lumber; many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash. FRANK TAYLOR. AUCT. FRED DAWSON, CLERK E Service For You! Having employed an extra licenced mechanic with 15 years’ experience, we are able to serve the public more quickly and more satisfactorily. With the installation - i' sj t rial tune-up equipment of very high i.Jihrr v,c can do more accurate tune-up jobs on y.»ur car. We r been proud of our service, to the public iii the past and villi this extra help ami new equip- a.t-ni we: hope to jjvr even better service. We are carrying a nice selection of used cars in­ cluding a Custom, and Regent 4-door for immediate delivery as well as a 3-t.on special truck. iU PH. 2(H)Fred Dobbs EXETER r .18 VISIT THB precious hours when time is short. COME IN AND SEE US FOR DETAILS FRED W. HUXTABLE PHONE: 153-W A COMPLETE LINE OF GOODYEAR TIRES, TUBES, LIFEGUARDS AND BATTERIES B49 HENSALL l£-storey frame house in good location, has furnace, garage, wide lot. Also 1|- storey frame house, new fur­ nace, partial bath, garage. "Vf. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par­ sons. Salesman, Exeter. FOR SALE—5-rOom house (in- sul brick) in Centralia, hydro, 3 large lots, barn, garden, fruit trees, small fruits. Own- eroccupied. Price $3,500. — Frank M. Stojaspal, Centralia P.O. 9:16* FOR SALE—New house, full basement with furnace and water heater, living room, kit­ chen, two bedrooms and bath on first floor. Upper floor un­ finished, with stairs in. R. E. Balkwill. 9tfc COMFORTABLE HOMES for sale—We are offering the fol­ lowing homes for quick pos­ session. All are well located in Exeter. Several may ’be bought on very liberal terms. 1 — 4-bedroom house; 3 3-bedroom houses; 2 bedroom houses. We will pleased to show them. —C. Pickard, Realtor Exeter. 3- be V. Main Street, CENTRALIA — Well built (two- st.orey brick house. , Suitable for use as single residence or two apartments. Water pres­ sure. Nice lot With fruit trees. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, STORE BUILDING—Located in Exeter's business section. —C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. TWO-APT. HOUSE for sale— Main St. new roof, heavy wir ing, large lot starting Oct. , full occupancy 1, Phone 446-J. Clearing AUCTION SALE of 100-Acre Farm, Livestock, Implements, Feed, Furniture Duncan A. Brown will sell for the executor of the estate of the LATE J. HUBERT NEIL, 2 miles west of Iona on Highway No. 3, on TUESDAY, AUGUST 21 at 1:00 p.m, D.S.T. HORSES: 2 team horses. CATTLE: Herd of 14 cows, some due this fall, others later; 2 heifers, 8 months; 3 heifers, 1 year; 1 steer, 1£ years; Dur­ ham bull. All cattle have passed clean T.B. tests. HOGS: 3 York sows, bred. POULTRY: 50 Rock hens, IMPLEMENTS: Int. fertilizer disc drill, binder, manure spread­ er, mower, disc, side rake, rake, 2 cultivators, wagon and rack wagon, hay loader, 2 riding ploughs, roller, land cultivator, 8 milk cans, Universal double unit milking machine, 2 sets of harness, brooder other piei FEED: sleighs, 2 large pots, house and numerous :>es of equipment. ____ _ 8 acres standing corn, quantity oats, 2 5 tons baled hay, timothy seed. AUTOMOBILE: Terraplane. FURNITURE, a quantity of good clean household furniture. FARM: 100 acres with 1|- storey frame house, and garage; hydro, barn 70x38, hog pen 4 Ox 24, implement shed 50x24, hen house, abundance of water, with high quality soil and excellent location. Sold subject to reserve bid. Terms made know sale day. Cash. > to settle Terms of Chattels: < Everything is to go the estate. DUNCAN A. BROWN MRS. HUBERT NEIL AUCT. EXEC, ICc Prizes include £ LON DON A I Each Advance Sale Ticket admits one adult or two children and holders are eligible to participate in prize awards. One canwill be awarded Monday, Sept 10th; all other prizes Satur­ day, Sept. 15 th. 1951 Meteor 1951 Chevrolet Dodge Philco Television Set Kefvinator Refrigerator.. Thor Washer Girls Bicycle Boys Bicycle Special non-admission coupon attached to each strip of tickets niust reach Western Fair Association by 9:30 P.M. Sept. 10th, to be eligible for that night's car award. j L51 9• >7>>7 J