HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-08-16, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16, 1951 Hospital Statement fit The following is a letter sent Pital with a half basement is ap- j ,, "... ...., 'J' ' ’ ' '' Iby the South Huron HospitalAs- s proximately $300,000.00. This soeiation to its suseribers out- * does not include furnishings and D-jXJL.i Honnrorl lining the position of the As-1 equipment estimated at $30,000.- 1 lynvrtSM sociation at the present time. -00- AU contracts, of course, eon- n , t nr. Itain escaltator clauses in “ *“*------- ■------- To Subsribers and Prospective of higher costs durin; Subscribers of the South Huron tion. Hospital Association. Dear Subscriber: . . _ ,_., , ’going forward pj -Considerable time lias passed | time until further financial since our campaign tor funds arranged, w’as first commenced and no jA* doubt you are wondering what [ ferences progress has been made in I - —achieving our purpose of build-1 ing a hospital. I Our drive for funds we thinkj we can count as a success. We* met with a very generous re­ sponse on the whole but, of course, there are still others who have not yet contributed and whom we believe will yet do so. We must compliment many or­ ganizations for their fine work on behalf of this worthy object. The following is a short sum­ mary of the funds with which we have to work: Cash on hand, $65,000.(10. Monies subscribed but not yet paid, $35,000.00. Our financing depends, of course, on additional grants from the Province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada, County of Huron amounting to over $99,000.00 in all, Early in* the campaign wre in­ structed an architect, Mr. Charles Dolphin, who has had consider­ able experience in building low- cost Red Cross Hospitals, to draw plans for the hospital and to assist us in choosing a site which would be suitable. We should point out that in order to erect a hospital and to obtain the grants, without w’hich we cannot build a hospital or maintain it, it is necessary to have all plans approved by the Department of Health. The regu­ lations in force are rather rigid and involve a great deal more expense than the layman can understand and our architect spent a great deal of time writh the Department in an attempt to get approval of the elimination | of costly items in the construc­ tion. In this attempt he was only {partially successful. We had planned that we could build our hospital for approximately $225,- 000.00. However, our plans were not finally approved until the i late fall of 1950. Your commit-1 tee had decided, with the advice ! of the architect, on building the further _______ ________ hospital in Riverview Park. This have obtained will be given, site met with the disapproval of | a large number of citizens and 1 the park became unavailable to ’ us. This makes modefication of! our plans necessary as basement1 construction, etc., depends slope of land, light, etc. \ our committee then had opportunity of purchasing the and the Hensall District News event By Hensall Friends .g construe- . .,I A very enjoyable evening was Your committee in view’ of < spent at the home of Mr. and ' this does not feel justified in | Mrs. Stewart McQueen, when a ! going forward at ^ the^ jiresent, number of neighbors and friends j Ill the meantime further eon-' daughter, ; are planned with the ’ this week. An interesting Department and our architect j of the evening was a with a view to finding a means “Dressing the .......... of reducing cost. winner being There seem to be a number of j Queen, alternatives before us at the! M * wnnhni moment which should be given iJ- - your consideration. Some of these > Kinsmen ^and Mrs* are: (at Should abandoned? In cannot hope to our generation. i b > Should the hospital be indefinitely post­ poned, hoping that lower will tion ville took (cl Should the additional fin­ ancing be provided by private subscription or by assumption by* The eraft Oj> the silversmith is the municipalities of a share of x . L ,the financing? centuries old but silver plating, (dt Should the hospital be : as done in Canada today, origin- altered in character to provide, ated only in the early 1800’s. s o m e accommodation w h i c h ,____________________________ would be of some benefit to the community but would lose many AIr- and Mrs. Gibson Cole, of of the aspects of a hospital? (London andMiss Barbara Gal- This would mean our plans specifications would he of would lose a t h e r e d in honor of their Jean, bride-elect of feature ; was a contest, Bride”, with the Miss Jean Me- the hospital 1 this event we ever trv u&’&in. in the building of makeeventually within our means took four years, nine years.) costs construc- (Dunn- Ingersoll Mrs. H. Parker, Thomas Brintnell, Mrs. D. ..J __ ___ McLellan sang two humorous numbers ; dressed in suitable ’costume, Miss "'n 1 Maja Roobal accompanied at the ; piano. A search for the gifts by the ; bride was featured. Piano solos i by Miss Donna Rigby and Miss ! Maja Roobal were much enjoyed. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts, j Refreshments were served at the 'close. tai? 1 uvhuoh uuu oaruara uui- and ' braith of Detroit visited on Sun- no j day with Mr. and Mrs. W. Oes-! treieher. Mr. and Mrs. Oestreicher and not i Mrs. D. Maclsaac were in Guelph value, and we grants. Many people subscribed have _______ ___s. . intention of doing so. Others say ' Li Kitchener they called on Rev. they will increase their subscrip- i and Mrs. W. M, Sippell. tion. If those who have not sub- * scribed measured up have, this district could easily! build a $500,000.00 hospital. All; the people should have a finan-j cial interest in the building. i The Trustees are your ser- j vants. In order to make decisions * they need to know your opinion i and what you will contribute to : the cause. | Your careful thought on these; suggestions is respectfully re-1 quested. It is hoped to have a j large public meeting in Septern-1 ber at which the benefit of your advice and suggestions will be1 sought and at which time any, information which we, w’ho have hui.----- — ----------- ------------<-*indicated their j and Kitchener on Monday. While Yours respectfully, SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION on !I an ■ the i Carling property on Huron Street ‘ as a 1 _ _ : : . ______ . received a great deal of atten­ tion from your committee. In ad­ dition we had an inspection of » it by our architect and by a; contractor. Our hope was that this building on this property might be converted into a hos­ pital with additional wings being constructed. Unfortunately, the advice ot both the architect and the contractor was that rhe cost of conversion plus the cost of the property would be as much or more than obtaining the same space by original construction and in the end we would have an old, rather than a new build­ ing. We then decided to call for tenders for construction accord­ ing to the original plans know­ ing that these could be adjusted to a new site if the price of con­ struction w’ere reasonable. However, the tenders received for the construction were not as low as ,/ Whereas materials when the __...._________ the Korean war caused an up-,___ ward spiral in labour and mat- day. erial costs and the lowest tender; for the construction of the hos- Joint < Mrs. CREDITON Church Meeting . Ross Krueger was Rev. W. C Parrott is this week to those | in charge of Boys’ Camp near Goderich Service in the United Church on Sunday morning next is being withdrawn Sunday School is at the regular hour 10:30 a.m. Return From The Coast The Misses Eunice King, Mar­ garet Ratz, Norma Fahrner, Cre- diton and Blanche Zapke of Brucefield returned recently from a motor trip to Vancouver. Touring through the United States and Canada they visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duterte (nee Eunice Haist) at Dinsmore, Sask, stopping at the Calgary Stam­ pede, Banff and Lake Louise and ellowstone Park. After holidaying for a week at trav- and Miss Port Mrs. B.C. Hensall Legion Bingo Gives $500 In Prizes $5 OP1.00 in prizes w’as given away Monday night at the Mon­ ster Bingo held in Hensall Com­ munity Arena, sponsored by the Hensall Branch Canadian Legion and Ladies Auxiliary. Jack Tud­ or wTas master of cerememonies, and members of the Legion sisted with the bingo during evening. The ladies Auxiliary charge of booth, and the bingo . was attended by hundreds. Following are the prize win­ ners: Mrs. Ezra Kipfer of Hen­ sall yvas the winnei’ of $150,00; Jack Henderson, Hensall, and George E. 'Walker, London Road south, highway 4, tied for the $75.00. Each receiving $38.00. Winner of the $50.00 prize wras J. Sieman, Windsor; there were the three special prizes offered. . The winners for the regular jrounds which gave $15.00 each ‘round are: Mrs. Frank Dixon, I Clinton; Miss Mona Caldwell, Kippen; Mr. Anderson, Chicago; Mrs. Roy Smale, Hensall; (tied) each received $8.00: Tom May, Exeter; Mrs. Bill Harvey, Exe­ ter; R, J. Paterson, Hensall, (tied); Mrs. Annis, Mitchell, Mrs. William Smale, Hensall, (tied); Mrs. Elliot, Staffa, Mrs. Keating, Exeter, were tied; J. Donahue, London; Byron Kyle, of Hensall, and Mrs. Edwards, Exeter, (tied); Archie Rowcliffe, Hensall; Mrs. McFalls, Exeter; Mrs. Hukman, Stratford; Nita Smith, Hensall; Mrs. Rader, Zu­ rich; Mrs. Ebeaner, Windsor; Hilton Laing, Exeter, (tied); J. Steip, Clinton. The next monster bingo in the arena -will be held Monday night, August 27. Miss Patsy Mitchell nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the w’eek-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan­ ley Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Alger Brown of Oxford, Mich., spent the week­ end with Mrs. Edna Corbett and Edward. Mrs. Louise Coleman of Lon­ don visited over the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Camp­ bell. Miss Bernice Jinks, nurse-in- training at Victoria Hospital spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jinks. Mrs. Jack Traquair and Ruth are spending a few days at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Elder and family of Hamilton spent the week-end with their here, Mr. John Passmore John Elder. Mr. and Mrs. William Billie and Carl returned home from a pleasant holiday with re­ latives at Tavistock. While on vacaton, Mrs. Brown was guest soloist at Trinity Lutheran Church in Tavistock. Misses Isabel! Alexander of Toronto and Jean Alexander of the and * l <r father’s and Mr. Brown, London are holidaying at home of their parents, Mr. Mrs. William Mrs. Edna week-end at daughter and Mrs. Ed. Schroeder. Alexander. Corbett spent the home of son-in-law, Mr, the her and. 4 * 1 1 • i ; the Ocean, Vancouver, they ! elled by boat to Victoria Seattle. While in Vancouver King visited relatives at Moody and with Mr. and Melvin Lamport of Albernie They returned by bus stopping at Winnipeg. Chicago and ! troit where Miss Ratz and Fahrner spent a couple of and _____ - host- pronosed site. This propertv ess f°r the meeting on Thursday ■ ■ ’ evening of the Ladies Aid and W.S. of the Evangelical U.B. , Church. Quiet music by Mrs. E. 1 at the home of Mr. ; Fahrner opened the meeting, f Mrs. A. Wein was in charge of < the devotional period. An inter- | esting paper was given by Mrs.I Evans and Mrs, spoke on Reading Mrs. L. Hey and Mrs. ' Smith favouredj duet. i President Mrs. (sided for 6SS. Special on Mrs. day previous 8'dh birthday. Mrs. Wein, who i has been a life-long member of j the Women’s Organizations of the church, still enjoys the work. Included in the refreshments : served was a beautiful decorated 1 birthday cake. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. L. Hirtzel, Mrs. B. Longmate and daughter, Irene of Detroit and Mrs. Annie Haist. of Camlachie. visited with rela fives and friends here (Rev. i Dahms Course Books. William with a vocal I we had anticipated, the price of building was slowly dropping campaign commenced, caused an up- New Fall Made-to-Measure in Gabardine, Plain Shades $49.00 Extra Pants Free Two Weeks Delivery George Wright A New Fresh Fall Ship­ ment of Tails, Shorts and Regulars, Ready for You to Wear ,$39.00 and Up With Two Pairs of Pants several G. ■ De- Miss days Mrs. Kippen Shoot Hedley Prouse, Goderich, the most targets over the end to take home top honors in the gun shoot held at Kippen Gun Club which drew sharp­ shooters from St. Thomas, Lon­ don, St. Marys, Goderich and Centralia Others placing in the i shoot were: John Anderson, of the host club, and Hank Green, Centralia. A Labor Day shoot is | being planned at I Club of the Clay Target Cham- ! pionship of Huron County. This I affair will be open to all Ontario. I t Personal Items j Rev. P. A. Ferguson, Mrs. Fer- i guson and family of Montreal i visited this week with Mrs. Arn- ' old and Miss T. McDonald. ) Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams ! and family of London visited re- 1 cently with Mr. and Mrs. Jack ! Corbett. j Mrs. Keene and Miss Kay Bell At broke week- Thousands have acclaimed it ‘r > i Y 4 4r + r * r i 1 y < the Kippen ' Herbert F. Haist. , M any interesting experieces : were encountered along the way ■ through the Prairies, and the j spent the week-end with relatives • Rock Mountains. i in Buffalo. E. Wenzel pre- i items of busin- was conferred who, on the honor Wein, had marked her Mrs. on Tues of Luck Mr. am , Miss Sarah Gibson ! now is visiting with Mrs. William Oestreicher. ; Mr. and Mrs. N. E. French of Windsor were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oestreicher. Mr. and : of Detroit ; week with Mrs. M. Karl Haumeller a few days last Mary Eilber. is visiting with Mrs. spent Mrs. Faist friends in Detroit this week. Miss Joyce Chambers spent last week with relatives triends in Windsor. Rev. and Mrs. L. Turner daughter Grace Marie of Market. wTio are on were in attendance at the morn­ ing service in the United Church on Sunday and were greeted by their Mr. and Mrs. < Mary Green t and son ville visited on Sunday and Mrs. Emmery Fahrner and 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sims. Mrs. G. Wein and Miss Meleeta Wein are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding in London. Miss Rosalie Mack of the staff of the local Bank of Montreal, jwho underwent an operation for ' appendicitis in St. Joseph's Host i pital on Tuesday of last week is i we are glad to report, progress­ ing favourably. i, Miss Pearl Gaiser of Tole do • • is vacationing at the home of' , Mi*, and Mrs. Freeman Morlock. ■ Mr. Walter Smith, Wilma . and Wally of Toronto spent' last week with Mr. and Mrs, Nel- j ’son Sinclair, * Mr. and Mrs. H, Dale, Don- - aid and Ted i Mrs. F. jRapleyi ; ginia visited ;with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark, j ( Mr, and Mrs. George Cole and j I New vacation K. of many Roy warmly friends. Pearson of Cains- with Mr. Duo Therm YES SEE THE NEW DUO-THERM FUEL OIL HEATER AT (DEALER’S NAME) /7O THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME HEATER EVER MADE! HEATS YOUR HOME WITH Two striking new Duo-Therm designs inspired by famous '‘period” furniture! The Hepplewhite Models, with a rich walnut finish; the Chippendales, in modern blonde. Either of these beautiful new Period designs will modernize your liv­ ing room—keep you warm without without dirt! LOOK AT THESE EXCLUSIVE FEATURES! ★ FAMOUS DUAL CHAMBER BURNER—gets more heat from every drop »f oil! ★ PATENTED POWER-AIR BLOWER-distributes heat evenly —saves up to 25% in fuel bills! ★ SIMPLE HEAT CONTROL—you tend the fire by turning a dial! NINETEEN OTHER important features to give you more comfort—more economy! BEAVERS HARDWARE of Brampton and Stewart (Norma ’ Specer, West Vir-, over the week-end DRYSDALE HARDWARE New inside and out—that’s the new 1951 Mercury. Luxuri­ ously restyled from massive new grille to swept-back rear fenders ... a longer, lower-looking Mercury with new interior richness; new exciting colours; new body and engine features;new vah/e.’Thousands have seenit... acclaimed it! Come in today and drive it yourself! ARRANGE TODAY FOR A DEMONSTRATION DRIVE Bob Cook Motor Sales, Hensall, Ont — Your Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor Dealer — ALL MODELS IN STOCK. Over 20 Used Cars And Trucks, Various Makes And Models, Prices Reduced To Make Storage Room Phone 178 Hensall, Ontario THEY'RE BACK AGAIN Your Favorite Oil Space Heaters NEW STYLES, NO TAX, NO INCREASE IN PRICES For a limited time only we are* offering FREE an Automatic Thermostat with each Duo Therm Heater. Terms Arranged Down Payments As Low As $25.00 Exeter Hensall ♦- i > ♦ r A c i j C 5 r t ♦ r FREE OFFER! NO wires needed NO electricity NO installation extras" BUY YOUR Puo-Therm HOME HEATER $74.95 up Prices From Phone Phone Enjoy AUTOMATIC hea-t at no extra cost • You just set it - and forget it! MANY BEAUTIFUL DUO-THERM MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM ............. -—-—LOW DOWN PAYMENTS—EASY TERMS 1 T y X 4 A 5 4 i 4 1 4 > +- > V I 1 >1 » i