HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-08-09, Page 12Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 9, 1951 i Betty Rpwcliffe Wins Sewing Machine In a draw far an electric sew­ ing machine conducted by the Exeter B Club Miss Betty R>w.’;iffe. of Hensall, was the winner. The draw was made by Miss Marlon Bissett, president of the Lalies Bowling Club, at the bowling irnqment Wednesday evening. i j Hensall Women Win $500 Over $500 was won by three Hensall residents at the monster bingo held at Seaforth commun­ ity centre Wednesday night. Two bingoed for the jackpot of $1,- 000. Mrs. Harry Horton of Hen­ sall won $500, the other $500 went to Stratford. Mrs. Stewart Bell of Hensall won $20, and Mrs. L. Clark $10. brings Th ree Sunday Services For the Month of August in the Aldon Theatre Grand Bend Mrs. J. W. Penrose W.M.S, Worker The funeral servi.e for late Mrs. Charlotte P e :i r o whose husband was the for Rev. James W. I’enrose. held in the Main Street Church at 11 a.m. August 1. conducted by Rev. H. J. Mahoney. The remains were taken to Hamilton for interment in the White Chapel Memorial Cemetery. Rev. Waldemar Wil­ liams officiated at the graveside. Mrs. Penrose, whose maiden name was Charlotte Ledran, was born in Hull, Yorkshire, Eng. Since coming to Canada she and her husband have laboured on several charges in Huron county. Twelve years ago they retired from the Elimville charge. Mr, Penrose passed away in Feb­ ruary, 1942. Deceased was a member of Main Street United Church and for several years was day in Sarnia, president of the W.M.S. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCraken Surviving are three sons, of Mount Bridges Thomas of Hamilton, George of . wtll Mr aud Mrs. Lloyd Taylor. Montreal, John of Traverse City, H t visit-nr* ..........Mich., all of whom were present1 p nplhrid»e were !ox: t^re\fU^er1al,.,?1\<?n^e Pindred and at home. A son,, >porouto and Mr. and Mrs. Walter, died fiom an accident^ Freeman of Stratford, just a year ago. ,, , __ _T .; Honorary bearers at the fun- ^Tl‘- an<1 eral were Messrs. Joshua Johns, and ^r* an^ Mrs. Grant ‘ C. E. Tuckey, F. A. May and spent nTtlie^ week-end jn (Gibbs Yelland. . ”.........’ J were Messrs. B. W. F. Beavers, ' Ted Pooley, Gerald Skinner, W. C. Pearce, Leonard McKnight and Frank Wildfong. >r the ? a s e . former was United Wednesday, Items of Social and personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Times-Advmate is always pleased to publish these items. We ' and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Tel. 31-W Visitors from Exeter who at-1 tended the Mary Hastlng’s pic-, . , „............. nie at Grand Bend on Wednesday * end visiting in Detroit. Monday last were: Mrs. E. S. Steiner, I they took in Mrs. Charles Stephen, Mrs. Ed. Johns, Mrs. T Collingwood, Mrs. J. McDonald, Mrs. Lome John­ ston, Bobby and David Johnston, Shirley Coleman, Connie Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kestle, Mrs. H. A. Woods, Mrs. Lawrence Heit- zel, Mrs Jessie Kestle and Betty Anne Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bissett visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Luther in Sarnia on Sunday, Miss Marilyn Bissett returned with them after a week’s holi- Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Russell, (Bob and .Jim, spent the week- i i i AUGUST 12 — CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH from Landon with instrumental and vocal talent AUGUST ID — LONDON’S YOUTH FOR CHRIST under Barry Moore will provide a sparkling program AUGUST 26 — will be announced later Services Start 8:30 - Community Singing No Admission — Welcome Everyone spent Sunday with Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. Barbara of Kes­ Jones Ford _|.... ........... ... _ Ottawa The pallbearers 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Ford. Civic holiday visitors with ^Mrs. A. E. Delbridge were Mrs. Leslie Perkins of Owen Sound, : Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hamilton of i London and Mr. don Brooks. Brenda from Windsor. . Stewart Legary and Ju- have left for Pilot Mound after spending her Mr. and Mrs. Gor- Barbara Ann and f Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions s__________________________ FRIDAY & SATURDAY August 10 and 11 ‘Up Front’ A David Wayne ★ Toni Ewell Willie and Joe are on screen! the MONDAY & TUESDAY August 13 and 14 Active In Church Following a lengthy illness a highly esteemed resident of Exe­ ter passed away in the Riverside Nursing Home, Mitchell, Friday last in the person of Mrs. Han­ nah S. Stewart, beloved wife of the late Jacob A. Stewart, in her eighty-fifth year. Mrs. Stewart was born Dayton, Ohio, and for the past sixty years had been a resident of Exeter, where her husband for many years was a prominent merchant. He predeceased her in July last year. She was a member of Caven Presbyterian Church and an act­ ive worker in the women’s organizations. Surviving are two sons, Doug­ las, at home and Wilfred G., of Detroit, and one daughter, Mrs. Kathleen Fuke, who for many months gave her mother excel­ lent care. There are three grand­ children, Stewart Fuke of Win­ nipeg, Jerry Stewart of Detroit, Mrs. Joan Cherry of Wainsville, N.C., and two great grand­children; ’ also two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Wylie and Miss Winnifred Bennett, of Toronto. A private funeral service was conducted from the R. C. Dinney funeral home Tuesday afternoon, with Rev. Donald Sinclair offi­ ciating. The pallbearers were Messrs. M. F. Gladman of Ham­ ilton, Fred Heaman of London, A. Sherry of Hensall, and E. C. Harvey, T. O. and J. M. South- cott. Interment was in the ~ ter cemetery. ‘When Your Smiling’ ★ Jerome Courtland ★ Lola Albright Hot stars! Fast-action mance! Frankie Lane in high­ speed entertainment! TO- WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY August 15 and 16 ‘Cause For Alarm’ > Loretta Young ★ Barry Sullivan This girl is in trouble! ■ Mrs. dith Man. with law, and their Mr. E. I Mr. ami Mrs. Gordon Brooks i and two girls of Windsor, visit- 'ed for the week-end w<tth his | grandmother. Mrs. Fred Del- bridge. J IR. E. Pooley Tops Beaver Oats Growers Beaver oats' crop entered, in the Exeter Field Crop competi­ tion were judged by Ed Hansuld, of Tavistock. Of the crops in- ; were an- R. E. Poo- ; points: Harold 91: Clark Fish- ; Harry Harry Charles Archie Ethering- 86^; Lome Pass- ! Recognized Recognition of the heroism of William Koele, a young Dutch immigrant who saved the lives of two fliers in May, was given Thursday by liis own country. The Netherlands ambassador to Canada honored Koele in a letter which was presented to him at a ceremony at R.C.A.F. Station Centralia. Written in Dutch, the letter was read in English by Dr. D. L. Bartelink, Netherlands vice- consul, of London, for the bene­ fit of air force officials. The Dutch ambassador said: “I feel the urge to express my ad­ miration for your brave behavi­ our and to offer you my sincere congratulations on the success­ ful rescue (pf the fliers) and your own recovery. (Mr. Koele’s hands were burned severly in the rescue). The young Dutchman, a vete­ ran of the Dutch army, who has been in Canada ed his life to RCAF aircraft trapped and pilot after he had assisted ano­ ther flier to gain safety. RCAF officials said Mr. Koele probably would be given a high commendation by the air force when all documents pertaining to the crash have Ottawa Investigation been completed iOf‘the I speeded the following ’pounced as winners: 1 ; ley, Exeter. 9 3 | Hern, Granton, j er, Exeter, ; Hay P.O., Hensall, 88’ Centralia, 87 ton, Hensall, more, Exeter, 86. The contest was sponsored by the Exeter Agricultural Society. Mon.,Wed.,Fri. and Sat. Eve. - Skates Supplied e Skating from 8:00 to 11:00 ‘Adults 350, Children 250 REFRESHMENT BOOTH Anyone wishing to order shoe­ skate outfits please phone 459- r-12 Exeter, or see Mr. Earl Neil personally. a night hull game. Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Pickard, Marguerite and Trudy: Mr. A. Pickard, of Regina and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Gladman and family, of Hamilton, are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott and Mrs. Thomas, and Miss Stella Southcott are holidaying at their new summer home at Grand Bend. Mrs. H. A. Riley, Alberta, and Mrs. Phil Lewis of Vancou­ ver, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Traquair and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Weekes. ■Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Armstrong have moved into their new house on Edward Street. Provincial Constable and Mrs. Elmer Zim­ merman are living in the Wil­ liam Street home vacated by the Armstrongs. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Middleton and Gary visited in Midland and Wasaga Beach with Mr. Mrs. Charles Taman over week-end. Misses Kathleen Hay and Mary Westlake visited in Port Huron over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. John Christie have returned from a trip to the west. Messrs. Hugh Wilson visited in on Monday. Mr. Jim Wilson of spent the wek-end with ents, Mr. and Mrs. C, L. Wilsom Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McBride, of Springfield, Ohio, have re­ turned home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kestle, Andrew Street. Mr. Garfield Slieere, from Brantford is visiting at the home of Mr. Frank Sheere. Mrs. Laura Kay, of London, visited with her sister, Miss Olive Prior, and Mrs. Ed Johns and other friends few days. Mr. and Mrs, and Mr. and Mrs. the week-end around and Manitoulin Is- and the Beaver, Strang, Prout, Minister Prop oses Pinery Plan Ontario Minister of Lands and Forests, Hon. II. R. Scott, pro­ poses a three-way development for the Lake Huron pinery area -—a provincial park, reforesta­ tion area, and a summer cottagq sub-division. Mr. Scott made his suggestion ! recently to a Western Ontario delegation who were interested in seeing the pinery area pre­ served for public recreation area. The next step is to get a price on the property from The Cana­ da Land Company. A special trip ; to England may be involved. Scott’s proposal may sof- attitude of Bosanquet which opposed the pin- because of loss of tax It is hoped that the cottage sub-division only a year, risk­ enter a burning' and cut free a injured student- ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND • ji FRIDAY & SATURDAY August 10 and 11 ‘Sugarfoot’ (Technicolour) See Randolph Scott streaks across the screen swirl of gun smoke and ! Mr. i ten the township !ery park revenue, summer would offset their loss. Mr. Scott told the delegation he was quite in favour of the proposal but he felt he had to justify acquisition and mainten­ ance of such a large area. Provision for policing, sanita­ tion, bath houses, and other services cessary, he pointed Mr, Scott did what percentages might be used for the three pro­ poses, He did say the whole five mile beach area should be avail­ able to the public. Lots would be sold only to the high-water mark No government action will be taken until a tained. Attending Chamber of been digested at of the crash has and the report, 'probably will be released next week” earlyJack Anderson and London he a as in glory . . . COMIC STRIPS & SHORTS two weeks sister and brother-in- and Mrs. L. Hogarth family. Lindenfield, Mr. and ' Mrs. Arnold Lindenfield and Sue Anne spent the week-end in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man Floody. Mrs. E. Lindenfield and Nancy Cudmore returned with them after a two weeks at' holiday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gillespie of Hamilton spent Monday and Tuesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Al joe Sanders and family and visiting other friends in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mucken- bill of Pottsville Penna, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Etlier- ington over the week-end. Misses Margaret, Isabel and Alice Taylor are holidaying at Sauble Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Ryck- man, Ronnie and Douglas and Mr. Charles Kerslake spent a week at Sauble Beach, Tober­ mory and several other places in the Bruce Peninsula. Mrs. Bill Langbois of Toronto visited during the last week Mrs. G. F. Roulston. Mrs. Helen Hobles of visited over last week-end Mrs. T. O. Southcott. Misses Susan and Janice tie, of London, spent a few recently with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kestle. Mrs. Bessie Taylor, Nelson Street, spent Monday in London the guest of Mrs. Alex Reeder. Mrs. Frances Clarke of Lon­ don visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Pfaff. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kestle of Stratford are holidaying in town this week. Mr, and Mrs. L. V. Hogarth and family, Mr. I. M. Hewitt and Mrs. Stewart Legary and Judith had a pleasant holiday in North Bay and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. E. Edwards of Detroit spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanders i Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cann, Susy and Sylvia of Clinton visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. Clifford Blanchard Mrs. Jean Cutting Marvin Love returned home in Guelph after two weeks vacation with her sisters, Miss Pearl Cann and Mrs. Cliff Blan­ chard. They also visited Mrs. Cann’s brother Gordon, of Exe­ ter, and father | Cann of Bayfield. R. E. Balkwill spent last week Head. and -Mrs. Kenneth Hewitt, I Arlene and Merna of Pine Grove, Ont., have returned -home after visiting with the latters’s sister j and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoggarth. Mrs. L. Battersby and Lola, of Hamilton, returned home after spending the past week with the former’s sister, Mrs. Jessie Rad­ er and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall and Ste- i phen of Toronto spent the week- ! end with Mrs. L. C- Hicks, i field. ■ Miss Shirley Moir and j girl friends are spending i vacation at Grand Bend i week. I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pryde j are on a vacation trip to Van­ couver, B.C. Mrs. R. E. Balkwill visited last week with Mrs. J. R. Marty at Ancaster. Mrs. Marty returned to Exeter with her and is spend­ ing this week here. Mrs. William Chiltin ' is also will. Miss mother, fore returning Sarnia, Helen toured the Laurentians and East­ ern Canada, Mi*, and Mrs. ,gan and Randy, Mr. R. Saugstad. visiting with Mrs. N, Hannigan, Mrs, Charles Acheson and Sally are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. Sills, Shilo, Manitoba. Mr. 8 ihg a > with Galt with Kee-t days Exe- Boy Falls Under Rake Master Marvin Cutting, Guelph while visiting his grand­ father, Mr. Sylvanus Cann on his farm at Bayfield narrowly es­ caped serious injury while driv­ ing the horses raking hay. They drove into a bee’s nest causing the horses to run and throwing the lad forward under hte rake. Luckily, he was only badly scrat­ ched about the head and body. He was brought to Dr. Dunlop’s office at Exeter for treatment. of and Mrs. London his par- staff houses would .be ne- out. not suggest of the land Koele pilots offic- won’t SUNDAY MIDNITE, MONDAY & TUESDAY August 12, 13 and 14 in town for a The Auditor General of Cana­ da may be removed from office only on joint resolution of the Senate and House of Commons. Monster Bingo Sponsored by the Hensall Branch Canadian Legion No. 468 B.E.S.L. and Ladies Auxiliary Hensall Community Arena Monday, August 13 $500.00 IN PRIZES 3 Specials: $150 - $75 - $50 15 Rounds $15 each Doors Open 8:00 Bingo at 9:00 Sharp Everybody Welcome — Booth in Hall Admission: $1 - Ejxtra Card .25 - Special Rounds .25 Watch For The >■ '8 Thursday, August 23 Mr. and to son, their Sylvanus Mr. Clare, Lions’ Mr. and son, fishing at Fair- three their this of Wetaskiwan visiting with Sask. Mrs. Balk Helen Mrs. visited her Sweet, be- position in Sweet Murial to her and Some friends Normail Hanni- of Toronto, and of London, are Jim McWilliams is enjoy- trip to the west. shall spent North Bay land. Mrs.I. Cecil Murray William Mar- price had beeu ob­ G. Warren of Van­ couver is visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Stewart. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Wein on Sat­ urday were Mr. Jack Cole, Van­ couver, Mrs. Lila Cole, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Baillie, Mit­ chell, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cole of Russeldale. On Sunday . the Weins enter­ tained Misses Pearl, Marie and Susan Kraft of Dashwood. Mrs. E. A. Moffatt and daugh­ ter Patricia who have been visit­ ing Mr. and pen in London. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sanders and children of Wheaty and Mr) and Mrs. J. L. Kydd returned Thursday from a pleasant motor trip to Sioux Lookout. Mrs. Jes­ sie Sanders accompanied them, and is remaining for a time to visit her son Mr. Donald Sanders and Mrs. Sanders and other relatives. Mr. William Gerrie and daugh­ ter, Dorothy, of Toronto, spending a few days with and Mrs. Warren Sanders family. Mr. Eugene Beaver, who the meeting were Commerce . Repre­ sentatives from London, Strat­ ford, Zurich, and from the Lon­ don District Trades and Labour Council. C. E. Janes, M.L.A. for Lambton East and W. G. Web­ ster, former London M.L.A. were also on hand. RCAF Recognition Soon—Officials No official RCAF recognition of the efforts of Wilhelm to save the lives of two has been released yet but ials at Centralia predict it be long. Fit. Lt. Huchala, station ad­ jutant, said the issue ‘‘has been raised in writing and submitted to training command." The con­ tent of the letter describing Koele’s heroism is regarded as classified information and will not be released until approval given from headquarters. Til Get By' is (Technicolour) June Haver William Lundigan Gloria DeHaven Dennis Day ★ ★ ★ ★ A top-flight musical comedy! NEWSREEL & SHORTS at the home of her parents, and Mrs. J. L. Kydd and Mr. Mrs. D. A. Moffatt of Kip- have returned to their home are Mr. and has been associated with Lakeview Hatcheries Limited, has accepted a, position with Jones, Mac- Naughton Seed Co. Mr. Chester Rowe, of R.R. 1, Exeter, underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, cently. He is doing as well can be expected. re- as Peter Kraft, 95, Oldest in District Mr. Peter Kraft, 95, believed to be the oldest man in the dist­ rict, died Thursday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Rader of Dashwood. He had been ill for two weeks. Mr. Kraft was born in Stephen Township and farmed there until he moved to Dashwood 42 years ago. He was a member of the Zion Lutheran Church. His wife, the former Catherine Stade, died two years ago. He is survived by three daugh­ ters, Mrs. Fred Rader, Dash­ wood, Mrs. Victor Heywood, Ex­ eter, Mrs. Dora Stadelbauer, of London; one son, Edmund, Dash­ wood; five sisters, Mrs. John Schaeffer, Parkhill; Mrs. Mar­ garet Hamacher, Mrs. Amanda Shoemaker, Mrs. John Deitrich, and Mrs. Susan Merner, all of Dashwood. The body is resting at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home, Dashwood, where service will take place on Saturday, August 11, at 2 p.m. followed by a pub­ lic service at the Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. L. F. Higenell will of­ ficiate. Interment will be in Lutheran Bonthron Line Ceme­ tery. Staffs Man Injured In Collision An accident causing one man to be injured and damages to his car to the extent off $1,000 occurred on Tuesday at the in­ tersection 1 % miles west of Staffa. Bert Riley of Cromarty travelling out of the intersection collided with Montgomery Davis of Staffa, the injured man, tra­ velling on the main road towards Staffa. The Riley car hit the Davis vehicle broadside causing it to roll over in the ditch. Stratford Provincial Police in­ vestigated. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY August 15 and 16 Three Secrets’k (Adult Entertainment) ★ ★ ★ Hiding Eleanor Parker Patricia Neal Ruth Roman the pasts girls don’t want their men to know, story of three girls whose hid the same mis-step sealed their reputations. SHORT SUBJECTS Teen Town Weiner Roast Friday, August 17 9:00 p.m. PORT BLAKE /* (Beach West of Dashwood Road) Admission 500 i Britain To Buy New Wheat Crop Britain has agreed to purchase more than $200,000,000 worth of Canadian wheat in the new crop year beginning August 1. Trade Minister Howe this week announced that Britain has de­ finitely committed herself to 113,000,000 bushels—18,00 0,000 in the form of flour—and she is going to consider boosting this to 122,300,000 bushels on September 30. Price to be paid for the 113,- 000,000 bushels will be that pre­ vailing under the 42-nation in­ ternational wheat agreement. The ceiling for K $1.90 On spend Canadian wheat and may spend even more if she decides to take the additional 9,300,000 bushels. If she takes the 9,300,000 bushels, it will be outside the terms of the national wheat pact and that means that the price will be the fluctuating world price, which some times runs 40 cents and 50 cents a bushel higher than the international wheat pact price. Officials here were moderate­ ly satisfied With the deal. Still hanging fire, however, is the question of a six-cent-a-bushel carrying charge, which Canada has leveled on all her wheat sales and which has been sharply opposed by Britain. ■ is - $1 o. 1 bushel that about $214,700,000 The pasts that ■ .80 (U.’S.) a bushel northern or about in Canadian funds, basis Britain will for four-vear inter Brucefield Receives New Fire Truck Brucefield fire department received delivery of its new truck. Representatives of Townships of Tuckersmith Stanley and of the _ fire department have been nego­ tiating for the new truck for the past several months. The new truck has a capacity of three lines of hose and is equipped with fog nozzles and a 4 00-gallon ta,nk. The pumper has a 200-pound pressure maximum. Ross Scott is chief of the Bruce­ field fire brigade. has fire the and Brucefield Appointed Chief Operator Miss Willa Hunter, of Strath- roy, has been appointed Chief Operator at the local office of the Bell Telephone Co. She suc­ ceeds Mrs. Harold Holtzman, who has been transferred to the Bell office at Sarnia. Miss Hunter was formerly chief operator at Seaforth. Arthur Rev. minister Church, the boards of Walton Memorial and Palermo United Churches to become their minister. He will assume his hew duties late in September. Rev. Page has been at Westside United Church for the past teti years. ■'S Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dancing Every Night BOBBY DOWNS and his ORCHESTRA Sunday Evening Concert Sponsored by Grand Bend Lions Club August 12, 9 p.m. by BOBBY DOWNS and his ORCHESTRA also Page Accepts Call Arthur Page, a former of James (Street United has accepted a call from i ■- Dog Raffle For A Cocker Spaniel All Proceeds to« Grand Bend Lions Club for Community Welfare Bring your Nickels - Dimes - and DOLLARS! % V) -■