HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-08-09, Page 11Mr.
H. Paton.
And W.M.& Meet
McGown of
the holiday
Warner Mc-
and Mrs. Russel Kyle and
son of St. 'Catharines are
and Mrs. Ivan Hearn,
out for a drive on Sunday,
Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor
What a thrill, Bony limbs fill out; ugly hollows
flu up; nook no longer Scrawny; body loses halfstarved, sickly “bean-polo” look. Thousands of
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tome, Ostrox. Its tonics, Stimulants, lnvigorators,
iron, vitamin Bt, calcium, enrich blood, improve appetito and digestion so food gives you mors
strength and nourishment; put floeh on bare bones,
won t fear getting too fat. Stop when you've gained
tho 5,10,15 or 20 lbs, you need for normal weight,
f-osts little, Now “got acquainted” Olio only 00c, famous Ostrex TOnto Tablets for new vigor and added pounds, thia very day, At all druggists
MONEY? . „ . Listen to CAN
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so KEEP LISTENING’’! And send
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Mailbag, too!
—980 - CFPL's Croft McClellan
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Lucan And District News
New Feed Mill
George Weber, who bought the grain elevator from the Hay
I brothers at Granton, is making
j extensive improvements. The ele-
Clandeboye W.l. Preparation Made i Two In Hospital
to enjoy the picnic,
sports events were
Girls’ race, 9-12
by Helen Hardy;
13 years and over,
and Dorothy Anne
For Booster Night (Car Hits Post
The business men of Lucan
have lined up a splendid pro
gramme for Booster Night, Aug.
10 at the Arena.
This will be the best program
ever arranged in Lucan. Leon
Paul will be ’■master of ceremon
ies. There will also be. a dance
sponsored by the Jr.
with the Coulthard
and of course Bingo,
chance, lucky draws and a
mystery prize. It will be
night in the old town.
games of
a big
vator is being remodelled for a
feed mill and grain store. It will
he welcomed in the community
as the former grain store was
destroyed by fire last fall.
Two men were taken to Vic
toria Hospital Tuesday night,
July 31, when their car clipped
25, - '
Lucan W.L Enjoy Tour
Of London Singer Store
In spite of weather reports
and lowering skies the weather
man dealt most kindly with the
Lucan W.l. on their outing Tues
day, July 31, to the Singer Sew
ing Machines, London, store.
Twenty-five members had a
most delightful afternoon. At
tendants met them at the rear
of the store to park their cars
and usher them into the store.
First they made a tour of the
ground floor where many new
time-saving devices were exhibit
ed. Two of the most interesting,
were dome - fasteners w li i c li
clipped on and a curtain pleater.
.On the second floor they
hem-stitching, button-hole
ing, covering of buttons
buckles and how to alter
terns to fit. The most interesting
exhibition of all was the making
of a dress form. Next came re
freshments, gingerale and cook
ies. Owing to the lateness of the
hour the demonstration on the
attachments had to be omitted
but the ladies were cordially in
vited to- come back in smaller
groups at any time for a demon
Mrs. Scott, the president, ex
tended the appreciation of the
Institute for a very pleasant
afternoon. All arrived home in
time for the ball game where
Lucan, defeated London.
Personal Items
Dr. and Mrs. Watson and
and Mrs.- Harvey Hodgins spent
the holiday in Bruce Peninsula.
Mrs. Carl Johnston of St.
Catharines and her granddaugh
ters, Lynn, are spending a few
days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbert Revington.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Reving
ton, Gary, Elaine and Helen Mc
Falls spent a few days last week
in Hamburg N.Y. where they at
tended the races.
Mr. and Mrs.
Georgetown spent
with Mr. and Mrs.
Roberts and other Lucan friends.
Thirty-three members of the
Revington family had a picnic at
Ipperwash on Sunday, August 5.
Mrs. Roy Neil of California is
having a six-week visit with
friends in .Exeter, Whalen, Lucan
and Detroit.
Mrs. Aaron iDavis is visiting
with the Rev. and Mrs. M. Elson
near Exeter.
Mrs. Albert Hazelwood
Miss Irene Cunningham of
don are visiting with their
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Milke
ningham, Princess 'Street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Garrett and
family of Granton and Mrs. A.
A. Garrett of Lucan spent a
week at Ipperwash.
called at the Perth Presbytery
Camp, “Bimini”, where six little
girls from Lucan are enjoying a
week of camp life. They found
everybody having a wonderful
Meadd Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett
of Lucan were hosts at the Cor
bett homestead at Brinsley for a
reunion of djescendants of the
late Mr. and Mrs. George Meadd,
pioneer settlers of the seventh
concession of McGillivray Town
ship, honoring Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Harmon of Rochester,
N.Y. (the former Mises Beulah
Meikle, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Meikle.
At the noon hour, guests num
bering 84 enjoyed a picnic lunch.
Relatives were present from Gor-
rie, Guelph, Toronto, London,
Paris, Kitchener, Thedford, Syl
van, Arlcona, Parkhill and Mount
Hold Picnic
The August meeting and
nic of the Clandeboye W.l.
held at the home of Mrs. Alex
Macintosh. Mrs. Murray Thomp
son presided and there were 15
members and 40 visitors pres
A vote of thanks was given
to Mrs. Macintosh and everyone
went outside
Results of
as follows:
years, won
girls' race,
Janet Scott
Lewis; women’s race, Mrs. Karl
O’Neil and Mrs. Macintosh; lad
ies’ walking race, Mrs. A. Ros
ser; wheelbarrow race, Janet
and Jimmy Scott; vegetable con
test, Mrs. Wilmer Scott.
Lunch and ice-cream
served by hostess and her
Personal Items
Philip, Donald, Elizabeth and
Helen Luscombe* of London are
spending a week with their
aunt, Mrs. H. Pyke.
Last Monday night a group of
young people gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Simpson and held a chivaree.
The Sunday School teachers of
St. James’ Church met at home
of Mrs. E. Tomes on Monday
evening. They_ made plans to
hold the S.S. picnic August 21
on the public school grounds.
Mr. Melvin Bradley of Lucan
is redecorating the interior of
St. James’ Church.
Mrs. L. A. Kilmer is vacation
ing at Tobermory with Mr. and
Mrs. Smith, formerly of Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dickins of
London called on Mr. and Mrs.
J. H.
would be pleased to
friends call and have a
while in Parkhill.
Miss N. Atkinson of
spending some time
sister, Mrs. Ed Flynn.
Mrs. H.' Pyke was
surprised on her birthday when
her family, Mr. and Mrs. G. R.
Colley, Mrs. P. F. Lusbombe,
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Daynes and
family and Mrs. Mossie Furnace
of London called and
pleasant evening.
Miss Ann McKenzie,
Chatham spent last
with Mrs. Aimer Hendrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Downing
and daughters, Karen and Joan,
of Chatham spent a week with
Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Hendrie. On
Wednesday they visited Galt and
on Sunday, Wiarton and Owen
Mrs. Clarence McFadden of
Chatham and Mrs. Russel of Tor
onto spent Thursday evening
With Mrs. H. Bieber.
Mr. and Mrs. John Whitmore
and family are spending two
weeks at Port Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Roberts of
Hamilton spent Sunday with
Mrs. E. Tomes and family, tak
ing Mrs. T. Tomes home. She
had spent two weeks with the
Miss Jane Hirst returned home
after spending a month with Mr.
and Mrs. Ernie Lewis and Doro
thy Ann.
We are pleased to report
Gilbert Carter is improving
her recent illness.* Miss Joan Simpson,
Mary and G w e n n e t h
spent Wednesday after-
New Bake Shop
There is much activity
old Kate Smith Store of late. The
new owner, Mr. Ken Blandford,
is making many changes, even in
its name, which has been chang
ed from “Shamrock Grill” to
“Snack Bar”, It is Mr. Bland
ford’s intention to open a Home
bakery Dept,, in the near future.
Furtneys of St. Marys will
charge of the baking.
in the
Paton on Saturday eve-
and Mrs. J.
and '’William
on Mr. and I
of Parkhill <
have recently
H. Paton,
l Allwright
Mrs. W. L.
on Sunday,
opened the
; have
London is
with her
spent a
R.N., of
report that
Bieber and
north near
4 highway
struck by
noon with Mrs. Gordon Maines
of Dorchester.
We are sorry to
Mr. and Mrs. Henry
family while driving
their home on No.
Tuesday night were
another car. There was consider
able damage, and Mrs. Bieber is
suffering from an injured knee.
St. James Guild And W.A.
Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham was
hostess for the July meeting of
the W.A. and Guild of St. James
Church. Mrs. Ed Flynn, presi
dent, held the chair on ibehalf
of the W.A.
Miss Verna Cunningham read
a poem and Mrs. E. Flynn gave
a paper. Mrs. Karl O’Neil gave
a descriptive talk on her recent
trip to Greenfield Village. The
Bible contest was won by Mrs.
Karl O’Neil.
The Guild members decided to
clean the church and nominated
a committee ' of Mrs. Eunice
Lewis, Mrs. Fred Simpson and
Mrs. Ed Flynn.
Refreshments. ___
the hostess and committee, Mrs.
A. Cunningham, Mrs. Fred Simp
son and Mrs. J.
Blake-Attrill Picnic
The members of the Blake and
Attrill families met at Spring
bank Park, London, on Saturday
for the annual picnic. There
were 115 present.Mr - - • - ■
tance, __Blake and family and Mr,
The members of the W.M.S.
ahd W.A. of the United Church
were entertained for their Aug
ust meeting by Mrs. Arnold
Blake on Thursday evening.
President Mrs. T. Gollius presid-
were served by
and Mrs. Chester Blake,
, came the “longest dis-
Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Arnold Blake and family
this district attended the
Pei'sonal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Gould of Detroit
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. W. Amos.
Mrs. Paul and son Randy are
on a ten day holiday in Quebec
visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dickens of
London called on Lucan friends
on Saturday, August 4.
Alice Street is going to miss
Mrs. McIntosh’s sunny smile for
the next month. She left on Sun-,
day for Kintore where
spend the holiday with
thers and sisters.
Mrs. John Park Sr.
been in the hospital for treat
ments was able to be
home last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. Will
hill visited with
sey on Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs.
family are holidaying
Beattie Cottage jn
Miss Marlene Revington spent
a few days last week in London
with her aunt. While there she
competed in the Play Ground
Sports, winning two seconds and
a third as a jumper.
■Mrs. George Wright of Wing
ham and Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Wright of Rochester spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
spent Sunday, August
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson at Thedford.
Mrs. G. Gannett has returned
home from a visit with Miss Bal-
lagh of Glenannan.
Mrs. Sidney Andrew of Lon
don spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Blair.
Mr. Sid Hodgins is still very
ill in Victoria Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Mu Ilins of
London spent a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins of
Princess St.
Mrs. Alex McIntosh was host
ess to Clandeboye for the branch
annual August picnic meeting
with Mrs Murray Thompson pre
siding and welcoming forty visit
ors Prize winners in the races
and contests included Helen
Hardy, Jane Scott, Dorothy Anne
Lewis, Mrs. A. Rosser, Mrs. K.
and Mrs. W. Scott.
Mr. W. J. O’Rourke of the
Bank of Montreal is on holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Travers of Wash
ington, Mrs. Wildern of St. Cath
arines, spent the week-end with
Mrs. Orne, Mrs. Wildern remain
ing for a further visit.
Mr and Mrs. Jack Houston, of
Kitchener, spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. F. Morgen
Elaine Revington and Helen
McFalls are on holidays. They
spent one week in Buffalo and
are now spending the second
week at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Morgenworth
who have been spending the
summer in Aylmer and Joyce
Who has been in Kitchener with
her sister, Mrs. Houshon, were
all home for the week-end.
guard post on a curve on
4 Highway at Western road
was thrown 84 feet across
highway. The driver of the
Dale Smith, 28, of RCAF
and Murray Gillespie,
of Leaside, were treated for
lacerations and released.
A third man, Ken Wiltshire,
27, of Toronto, was unhurt. The
three were driving to London
from Centralia when the car
went out of control. Provincial
Constables Doug Murrell and
Harold -Cheslett, assisted by Leo
Kelly, London Township con
stable, investigated.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walls en
tertained a number of friends
and relatives at their Clearview
farm home in honour of Klemins
Malrizajlo, whose marriage to
Miss Karolina Rudnicks, London,
will take place in St. Mary’s
Church, London, on Saturday,
August 4. Mr. Malrizajlo, a Pol
ish wan veteran, who came to
Canada under the immigration
plan four years ago, has made
his home with the Walls family.
His fiance is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Rudnicks, Ailsa
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown
lee spent the holidays with their
daughter, Mrs. Pat Laverty at
Holidays For
Anglican Pastor
Holy Trinity Church will he
closed for the next two Sundays,
whilQ Mr. Harrison is on vaca
tion. The congregation have re
ceived an invitation to worship
in the United Church, The last
two weeks in August the United
Church will be closed when its
members will worship with the
Anglicans. Everyone appreciates
the kindly, congenial spirit which
exists between Lucan’s two
I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cantelon
spent the week-end with theirI son,
bion, ................................_
in honour of Miss Thelma Wil
kinson, who was married Satur
day, July 28, in Holy Trinity
Mrs. Blake and Mrs. J. B.
Armitage visited with, the Zigs-
worths last Sunday and all drove;
to call on Mrs. Hallern.
end with their
Dr. Bruce Cantelon and
Cantelon at West Lome.
miscellaneous shower was.
at home home of Mrs. Al-
Con. 4, Biddulph, last week
who lias
Mrs. Irene Cour-
Cliff Culbert and
at the
the Bruce
of Park-
G. Gan-
5, with
Garden Clubs Meet
Riverview and Clandeboye
Garden Clubs held a joint meet
ing at the Lucan . Arena.
and her
thod and
ing of vegetables.
King, home economist
assistant, Miss Agnes
demonstrated canning
by the cold pack me-
also spoke on the judg-
Holidays in Hospital
Mr. Will Hodgins, 7 8, of Vik
ing, who with his grand-daugli7
ter is on a six week visit is now
in Victoria Hospital. While visit
ing his sister, Mrs. Garfield
Needham, he went back to the
river with his nephew and neigh
bour to watch them rescue a cow
which had fallen into the river,
Thinking he could lend a hand
caught hold of the rope. His
foot slipped and he fell on his
back, aggravating an old injury
which necessitates his remaining
in the hospital and spoiling all
his plans for a happy holiday.
ed and opened the meeting.
Plans were made to prepare a
bale to be sent later,
Mrs. M. McNaughton presided
for the W.A. meeting during
which the ladies made plans to
ask friends fofr pacel post gifts
to he used at the Bazaar in
Wed In Lucan Church
At Holy Trinity Church in Lu
can, the marriage of Thelma
Marguarite Wilkins, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wilkinson of
Lucan to Raynor Robert Asford,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred As
ford of Lucan was solemnized by
the Rev. L. C. Harrison, Mrs. C.
W. Hawkshaw played the wed
ding music.
Given in marriage by her fa
ther the bride wore a powder
blue lace dress over taffeta
a matching headress and
carried Better times roses.
As her sister’s attendant,
Robert Howell, wore yellow
over taffeta with matching head
dress and carried red roses.
Fred Smith was the best man.
A reception followed at the home
of the bride’s parents, where
Mrs. Wilkinson received in a
navy crepe dress with a corsage
of swett peas. The bridegroom’s
mother was in a light brown taf
feta dress with -a
blending sweet peas.
Wore a pastel blue
matching accessories
sage of roses for the
trip to Niagara Falls and the
United States. On 'their return
Mr. and Mrs. Alford will reside
in Lucan.
to drive into spotless auPERTiEsr Stations for
friendly service and fine products on pleasant premises
corsage of
The bride
dress with
and a cor-
apply NOW for your
To avoid delay in receiving your pension, apply now!
All'men and women who will be 70 or over on January 1,
1952, and who are-not at present receiving old age pensions,
should apply now for pensions payable by the Govern
ment of Canada under the Old Age Security Act, 1951.
.Issued by the authority of Hon. Paul Marfin,
Minister of National Health and Welfare,
. fares
station ^c00tn, I’m PEOl“'
On Monday, July 30, 1951, at
the Lucan Rectory the marriage
was solemnized of Rena 'Francis
Hovey, daughter of Mrs. L. C.
Harrison, Lucan and Frank Wil
liam Bell, son of Mrs. Frank
Bell, Toronto. The Rev.
Harrison officiated.
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more and more
more and more
for service at the
We believe that
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It’s an added pleasure to discover that
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mands the respect of motorists.
pit rO°‘?
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If you are 70 this year
If you are already receiving an old age
pension, do not apply.
Your name and address will be taken from
present old age pension lists, and you will
receive your pension at the end of January
1952, without further action on your part.
If you are not receiving an old age pension,
you should apply now. Do not delay.
How to apply. An application form is wait
ing for you at your nearest post office. If you
can’t come yourself, send someone for it. Fill it
in at home and mail it as soon as possible.