HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-07-12, Page 6FiNge &THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 1?, m 1 How- Ailsa Craig, tilt birth of St. Joseph* on Monday and Mrs. of In the General Hos-1 Catharines. Sunday. - .nd Mrs. i «nee Pearl Ken- ; Announcements Birth. lieath and Maruage Notices are inserted tree of charge. Card of Thanks (0c. In Memoriam Notice ”-0c for single verse, live extra for each additional verse. En­gagements 50c. BIRTHS CHARLTON—Mr. a»d Mrs. Chariton arc happy t< nounce the birth of a son at St Joseph’s Hospital. London, July 7. 1951. HALL-LAC and Mrs. Phillip Hall of Exeter are happy to announce the birth of their, son, Dwight John, at the Hoo-, per nursing home, July 5, j 1953; a brother for Geraldine, j HEDDEN— pit al, St. July 8, 1951. to Mr. Lloyd Hedden Dings U a son. HODGSON—Mr. ard Hodgson, wish to announce their daughter at Hospital. London. July 9, 19(1. CARDS OF THANKS Mr. Ted Stanlake, of Grand Bend, wishes to express his ap­ preciation to those who visited him and those who sent cards, letters, flowers and treats while confined tc his heme through illness. 12 * Calder McKaig, Scott and Mrs. visited with at the home John Young Sunday. NIFTY THRIFTIES! FOR SALE SITUATIONS WANTED LOST FOR SAIjEJ—Have an. unlimited quantity of barn fertilizer, $5 per spreader load. -wG. J. Dow. 5 tfc FOR SALE—20 acres of tim­ othy and alfalfa hay. Apply Freeman Horne, Winchelsea, phone 14-r-ll Kirkton. 12c Why have MOTH DAMAGE? 5- year written, guarantee with Berlou against moth damage on rugs, chesterfields and clothing. Free estimates. — Dinney Furniture, phone 20-W Sctfn BARGAINS’ ; "Life” 70 issues $7,27 ; "Times” 78 issues $6.87 1 New or renewal orders on all I magazines promptly serviced. I HARRY T. BUSTON 'Phone 308-r-5 Exeter !___________________Jnl4;Ag2c |i i FATAL CRASH — This is the twisted propeller and thrown from the Harvard in which F/O W. B, Pullin was killed Friday when four planes tangled while formation fly­ ing ovt r Dashwood. Parts of the plane were scattered over a large area. -—London Free Press engine Mrs. O. R. Francis called on friends i: on Sunday evening. Harold Pethick, Miss Olive Speare Mr. N. Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Squire and family wish to thank their relatives and many friends for the sympathy shown their recent sad KIRKTON kindness and them during bereavement. For floral tributes and cards, Special thanks to Rev. Harold Snell, the Hop<per-Hockey fun­ eral service, also casket bearers and flower bearers. 12c Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern wish to thank their friends and neighbors who remembered Mrs. Hern while at home and in St. Joseph’s Hospital. All were much appreciated. 12* Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bonnallie and Sheila wish to thank their friends for the treats, toys and Sheila was ill. many cards, visits while 12c the late Mrs,The family of George Montieth wish to express their thanks for the kindness and sympathy shown during their bereavement; also the floral tri­ butes. Special thanks to Rev. Mair, Rev. Anthony and the Hopper-Hockey Funeral Home, c Mr. and Mrs. William Pyibus of town wish to acknowledge with sincere thanks the kindness of friends and neighbours who remembered Mr. Pybus with cards, treats, beautiful flowers, visits and their prayers while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home, also to those who looked after garden and fruit during our sente. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sw’itzer of Stratford spent the past week with Mr, and Mrs. Reubin Swit­ zer. On their return they will re­ side in their lovely new home which has just been completed. Mrs. Nelson Roach is a pat­ patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. A number of boys left for Bimini Camp. They are: Stanley Francis, Lloyd Fletcher, Harold Burgin, Murray Shier, BillyJMar- shall, David Roger Greenstreet. Master David and tie, are holidaying grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Par­ rott, at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blatchford, of Detroit, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobson. Little Miss Janie -McNaughton spent the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter McNichol at London. Reo and Mrs. Carman Hazel­ wood and family are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hazel- wpod. Mr. Arthur Fletcher, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with his father, Mr. Harry Fletcher his sister, Mrs. Thos. Foley Doris. and Bruce Brjen Chris- with their and and Hydro officials have announc- IN MEMORIAM INGRA?..- In loving memory ci dad. Alexander Ingram, who entered into rest July 11. 1943. "■You toiled s<. hard for those w:;; loved. Th*’; lett us tc reir-emher.” -—Ever .‘ mt ered iy the fam­ ily. 12(' LAMPORT —In kvii a dear husoand R. J. passed ; July 12, Gone from us that smiling Those pleasant, cheerful The heart that won so friends In happy bygone days. In our hearts his memory lingers. Thoughts of him are ever near; Loved, remembered, longed for always, Bringing many a silent tear. —Ever remembered by his wife and family. 12* ng memory of I and father. • Ezra Lamport, away one year 1950. MASON—In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, George Mason, who passed away ten years ago. The LOST—On July 4 in Lucan a man’s brown coat containing two account books, woolen rug and important papers. Reward. Wilbert Revington, phone 56 Lucan. 12* ACCURATE, fast typing and bookkeeping done at home.— Phone 270-J Exeter. 12:19<? CLASSIFIED RATES FOR RENT FOR RENT-—Modern, 3-bedroom cottage with ibath at Du­ charme’s Beach near Grand Bend. Call Andrew Hamilton, 283-J, Exeter, for reservations. 5:12c REAL ESTATE FOR RENT—7 rooms, 3-piece bath, Sanders St., Exeter, hot air furnace, keys with W. G. Cochrane, barrister. Exeter. Submit of­ fers to Public Trustee, Os- goode Hall, Toronto. Refer­ ences required. 12c FOR RENT—Unfurnished three- room apartment with large bath. Prefer tenant where ■part time board can be ar­ ranged. Albert Mitchell, Exeter south. 12* WANTED THE EXETER SALVAGE CO. want all kinds of new and used feathers and feather ticks. Top price. Also all kinds of scrap metal. Phone 423, Exeter, collect. We pick up. 14:21:28:5:12:19c** WANTED TO BUY—Good used colony house; also used .22 rifle. Phone Granton 5-r-7. 5:12* WANTED — Large drop-leat table. Will buy outright or trade-in smaller table. Phone 406-J. 12* WANTED—F e e d grain. Archie ■Etherington, phone 171-r-ll Exeter. 12* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Two houses, one frame and one brick, fine lots, nice localities. Apply William Sweitzer, Box 273, Exeter, Ont.. 5c CREDITON FRAME house, large living room, den and dining rooip, hardwood floors, kit­ chen, 4 bedroo.ms, 3-piece bath, full basement, cistern, water pressure system, good hard water. Well built barn 20x30 concrete foundation and floor. Extra lot suitable for building. W. Q. Pearce, Real­ tor, Exeter. 7tfG NEW BRICK HOME—This new home is nicely located in Exe­ ter. it has been built for util­ ity and comfort and is equipped with all modern con­ veniences. If you are consider­ ing buying or building, let us show you this well built, up- to-date home. Quick posses­ sion. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St.., Exeter. GREY TWP. — 2-storey brick store with dwelling above. Groceries, meats, bakery with almost new oven. $13,000 com­ plete, because of ill health. William Pearce Realtor, Exe­ ter. tfc 50 ACRES pasture north oi Dashwood, few acres crop, some bush, good fences, lots of water. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. FOR SALE—Two-storey (brick house, insulated, full base­ ment. Living room, dining room, rnodern kitchen, 'bath down, three bedrooms, bath up. Sun porch, extra closets, good garage. Centrally located on William St. Phone 379-M. 12,19* ANOTHER NEW Exeter Home— This house is roomy and nice­ ly laid out. You will particu­ larly like the large, well light­ ed, living room. It has every convenience including air con­ ditioned oil burning furnace. Terms if desired. —C. V. Pic­ kard, Main St., Exeter. COMFORTABLE Small Home on nice lot. Modern kitchen and bathroom, 2 bedrooms, all on i one floor, C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. 1 LARGE BRICK HOUSE—| acre of land. Small barn. House has good roof and floors. Hydro and water on tap. Price $3,500. —C. V. Pickard, Md’in St., Exeter. FEMALE HELP WANTED A LADY with a car and approx­ imately 4 hours or more per day can earn an excellent in­ come as agent for Avon Pro­ ducts in Grand Bend and sur­ rounding neighbourhood. For appointment write M. E. Stock, Mgr., 78 Duchess Ave., Kitchener, Ont. 28:5:12e HELP WANTED —-One dining rooifr girl, one kitchen girl. Apply Mrs. Eva Gill, Lakeview House, phone 151 Grand Bend 12c I IL | L i FOR SALE—Once used 75 lb. Jute Potato Sacks; No. 1 50- s, lb. Saxoline Onion Sacks; n Green Cabbage Bags, Grain j Sacks, etc. Servicing the trade i, for over a quarter of a cent- d ury. Get our prices first! t LONDON BAG COMPANY, 466 South Street, LONDON, On- s tario, J block east of Victoria 5. Hospital, phone 4-7654. 28:5:12:19c >. WEDDING CAKE BOXES—Good y quality. Per dozen, $1.00. — f Exeter Times-Advocate. 2tf* fl NEW AND USED farm machin­ ery—Grain binders, threshing mills, Ford and Ferguson a plows, rear-end scrapes and t scoops. 1 used Massey-Harris , 2-row tractor power lift culti­ vator, $75.00. Wire write or a phone Richmond Farm Machin­ ery, Dougal Road, R.R. 1, Windsor, phone 23521. 5:12:19* - FOR SALE—Fully equipped t cabin trailer. Apply Bill Bin­ ning, County Garage, Mitchell. - 12c FOR SALE—A used rangette, Tudhope, in perfect condition; r also a small coal and wood , cook stove with new grate and back, in good condition. 5:12c j CHERRIES—!S w e e t and sour cherries are now ready. Bring 3 containers and pick your own.5 Ladders supplied. W. Goven- [ lock, second farm north of 5 Forest on Highway 21. 12c FAWCETT Oil Burner Rangette L like new, Monarch metal ice box, 2-burner hotplate. Phone 558-W. 12c GARDEN FRESH Raspberries— A-l quality, limited supply. We would appreciate your or­ der. R. H. Dick, Queen St., Hensall, Ont. > 12c j FOR SALE—Building lot, 52’ x 179’, nice locality, good gar­ den soil: several peach, pear and nut trees ready *)o set out; .22 rifle. —J. W. Powell, phone 233 Exeter. 12c - SUNSHINE RANGETTE, deluxe model with utility drawer, [ used just one year, looks in new condition. Phone 523-W1 evenings. 12c ! FOR SALE — Small apartment­ size piano. Douglas Gill, Grand Bend. 12* 1 FOR SALE—Ice-box, in good condition. Also Sunshine baby buggy, silver-grey, like new. Phone 226. 12* FOR SALE-—A pure-bred York­ shire hog, 4 months old. Apply William Rohde, phone Exeter | 173-31. 12nc j FOR SALE—Two used tricycles, j pedal car, Sunshine walker. | - Reasonable. Phone 4 06-J. 12* j FOR SALE—Cream lined, Eng­ lish "Marmet” baby carriage equipped with sun canopy, in good condition. First reason­ able offer accepted. Apply Box 10, Lucan. 12c FOR SALE—Heavy ’duty electric - range, 4 elements, 5-speed ( heat control, automatic oven, in excellent condition, reason­ able. Phone 547-W. 12c TYPEWRITER RIBBONS—For - sale at the Times-Advocate.7* I Use the Classifieds! WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT—Two bed- room house or suite by Sep­ tember 1 for couple with two daughters. Reply to Times- Advocate. 12* WAITRESS WANTED — Good wages for reliable girl. Call at Rether’s Coffee Shop. 12c CROMARTY Robert Bruce and Mrs. •Bruce of Onaway. Mich., are visiting with Mrs. D. Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruce. Mr. William Wright. Detroit, attended the funeral of his sis­ ter, Mrs. Robert Dalton, and visited for a few d,ays with his brother, Howard, and Mrs. Wright. Mr. William Patrick, Wyom­ ing. called on friends and rela­ tives here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Thomas William Houghton Miss Mary Currie of Mr. and Mrs. near Woodstock on Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton, Mrs. Jessie Hamilton apd Mrs. A. Robertson attended the fun­ eral of Mrs. George Monteith on Tuesday last. Mr. Allan McPhail and his sisters, Mrs. Kelland, Mrs. Har­ per and Mrs. Earl Cole. Fullar- ton, visited with Mrs! D. Mc­ Kellar and Mr. and Mrs. John McLean on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Binning, Marie, Norman and Lenore, of Listowel, were Sunday guests the home of Mr. and Mrs. McKellar. Mr. and , Woodstock, ; the village i Mrs. and Miss Olive Speare visite with their aunt, Mrs. Shute, a | Kirkton on Sunday. I • Miss Sarah McKellar had a her guests during the week Mr: j R, Williams and children, Df troit, Mr. M. McKellar, Seafortl • and Mr. Neil 'McKellar, Torontt r Mr. and Mrs. Frank Routl j and Muriel and Billy Crago, o Kirkton, visited with Mr. an Mrs. A* McLachlan on Sunday. Mrs. James Reidie, Erin, Mrs Barr and Miss Jennie Barr, Sim coe, and are and The Chappel family reunior was held at Lions Park on Sun­ day. W.M.S. And L.A. The Women’s Missionary So­ ciety and Ladies’ Aid met Iasi Thursday at the home of Mrs Tom Scott with Mrs. Tom Laing presiding. The chapter from th« Study Book was read by Mrs Tom Scott and Mrs. Lloyd .Sors- read a very fine papei was prepared by Miss Currie. Mrs. Grace Scott the Glad Tidings prayer, The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Ladies’ Aid meeting was presided over by Mrs. Houghton. An account of the paint used and work done at the manse was presented. Our treasurer report­ ed enough money in the treas­ ury still HELP WANTED HELP WANTED — Accountant for local wholesale firm, pleas­ ant surroundings, good wages, good hours, knowledge of type­ writing and shorthand helpful but not essential. Hospitaliza­ tion benefits. Apply in own handwriting stating age, ex­ perience and qualifications, Box C, Exeter Times-Advocate. 12c WOODHAM and Mrs. William and Mr. and Small of St. Thomas Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Webb. and Mrs. Ross Mills and of Toronto visited during ' Rev. of Ilderton, j Henry ed on Norris Mr. family the week-end at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. A. Mills. Mrs. M. Statia and Lome of Troy. Michigan visit'ed on_ Thurs­ day with Mr. Curdy. Rev. T. G. ler and Keith Boys’ Camp at Bimini this last week. Mrs. Elizabeth Chappell, Mr. Stickle of Marlette, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brine and David of Rannoch, Mr. Walter Brine and Thelma of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brine and Nancy of St. Marys, Mr. and Lloyd Brine of Rannock visited during the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine. Mrs. Chap- jpel is Mr. Oscar Brine’s aunt, j Nancy Brine of St. Marys spent a few days with Marilyn ' Brine and Marilyn returned > home with Nancy to spend a few days. ' Mrs. (Rev.) William Pike of i Ilderton was guest speaker at ! the Sunday School on Sunday, j Sacrament was observed at (the Church service on Sunday j morning. I Lois Jolliffe. of Mount Elgin, I is visiting wtih her uncle and ■ aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills. Pike, Mrs, visit- and Mrs, Ira Mc- Wanless, Ray Mil- Mills attended the and Mr. George Colema: son of Moose Jaw, Sask, guests at the home of Mi Mrs. T. Laing. MISCELLANEOUS SPRAY PAINTING — Barns, houses, roofs, etc. —Gordon Eagleson, phone 40-r-2, Dash­ wood. 21:28:5:12:19:26c SERVICE for your present car or a new Dodge automobile or truck. Both are obtainable simply by calling Hensail 31. dahl which Mary read to meet , the payment have a balance on hand, SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 527-J. 3 Otte I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow. phone 83 Exeter. l*tfe PAINTING and paperhanging, kitchen cupboards and cab­ inets. Tom Walker, Exeter, phone 553. tfc NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can fee made. Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood. 1 Jul5:S27c ■SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Equipped to clean up septic tanks, cess­ pools, etc.; have modern power pump and tank. Schools and public buildings a special­ ty. Irvin Coxon, phone 75-r-4 Milverton. Jull2:A30* DASHWOOD The largest crowd of the son is expected for the Fi night base ball game when the powerful Mitchell team will play the league nine. Game p.m. Week-end L. Mclsaab Mrs. the ab-1 ed that the sub-office of Hydro 12* | frequency standardization underi the Exeter office will be opened I at Grand Bend as of Wednesday, 'July 11 and will remain open until July 25, for the convenien­ ce of customers of the surround­ ing area, giving 24 hour service. This sub-office will be located at the junction of highways 21 and 81 opposite the Brenner Ho­ tel. Telephone number is 42. Ad­ joining the office will he a clock .... .. ----- . and fan trailer, open from July (a Picnip lunch. The afternoon brother, 12 ' " ‘..... ’ ..... ' ’ ’ Any who | frand 1 f erred< < waT'dOn The Greens many , j Forty-two members took part I in the regular jitney on Tuesday night when Russ Snell and Wes. • Watson tied for first place. (Hockey came third, closely slowed by Mrs. Biggart. | Winners of the other (games were, Allan Fraser, Smith, Mrs. Hodgson, Mrs. Wat­ son and Stan Frayne. Because of one or two delays in the game, play did not fin­ ish until quite late. The com- {mittee will make sure that this idoes not happen in the future. The draws for the second round of both men’s and mixed j doubles competition are now | posted in the club house. It has (been i c'hes ’sible • night Holds R eunion Annual Dobbs reunion held Sunday. July 8. at farm of Fred Dobbs in Biddulph ; Township with 4 5 sitting sea- leading Dashwo will start at 6: visitors with Mrs, were Mrs. Theresa Kober, Mrs. Wertz TENDERS WANTED July 23. the worlddearest father could hold. cheeriest smile, gold-, those who knew know How much we lost ten years ago. Always a smile instead of a frown. t Always a hand when one down. Always so true, thoughtful kind—- What a wonderful memory left behind. —Dearly remembered by daugh­ ter, son-in-law Delbert, Mona and Billy. 7 2c- The ■ a heart of him all will was and he ■F NOTICE MR. NORMAN' HOCKEY wishes to announce that his Barber Shop will be Closed MONDAY AND TUESDAY ,Tilly 16 and 17 and MONDAY AND TUESDAY July 23 and 24. Cooperation of our custom­ ers would be appreciated. to 20. •calls after the close of Bend office should be t< ♦’oi Exeter. the re- Ken fol- was Joyce, the . and daughter, all of Detroit. " ; Miss Lena Steinhager, of Cleve- down * land spent a few days with hei and Mrs, Charles• Mr.‘was spent in games and sports. ! Steinhagen. It.was decided to have another i Miss Doris Allemand, of picnic next year at Stratford; troit, spent the week-end near the first of July with the • Mr. and Mrs. A. Allemand. I following committee in charge: Mr. and Mrs. Bache, of President. Newton Clarke: secre-1 troit, visited with relatives ' tary-treasurer, George Dobbs; I last week. . sports committe, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gordon Hewitt and fam De- De­ Ferg McCann, Mr. and Mrs. Tom i ily, of Collingwood, visited with t Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald I Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman Atkinson and Amy Fisher. The hast week. ■ family attended from Glencairn, | Mr. and Mrs. H. Dark of Wind- London, Langton, Lucan, Hen-jsor, were Sunday visitors with sail, Elimville, Winchelsea, Exe-jher parents, Mr. and ; ter and Stratford. Steinhagen. : Mr. and Mrs. Robt. j and son Bobbie of Port I are spending their vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.| Hopcroft. j Mr. and Mrs. T. i man spent Sunday in Port Elgin. Mrs. J. Raschike, visiting with Mr. | Tieman. 5. Mary Becker is visiting her daughter in Kitchener. two Bill suggested that these be started as soon as and not left until the mat- HENSALL Mis. J. D. Stewart returned heihe this week after spending a two week-', vacation with rela­ tives in London. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hedden j and baby daughter of St. Cath­ arines are spending a week with (the former’s mother, Mrs. U. M. I Hedden. ; Members of the Mission Band and Baby Band were entertained j by the Women's Missionary So-1 . eiety of Chiselhurst T n i t e d j ! Church at their July meeting (Tuesday. President Mrs. ( Brintnell was in the chair. ( The program was furnished ' visitors with June Ross — ...... I charge and included piano solos will in | SOMETHING NEW — No longer ■ . -----, . ..1 the Canadian sailor have struggle of pulling a snug-’ *--- ..... . over or doffing style white have e( lene Ross, solos by Carol Ann I fitting jumper •Rogers, Elaine Ross and Fay when donning JRoss, readings by Mary Lou Me- garment. New WUIlc- U)x>- Lellart, June Munn. Dorothy Par-J forms to be issued next month ’ ’ - ' (to the men of the R.C.N, and "blues” they will get later in­ clude. among other features a zipper front that will enable the head ' the tmi- ker. Luncheon was served. The following pupils of S.S. 1 Tuekersmith have been promoted from Grade 8 to Grade 9: Maja ............. .......... .Roobol (Hon.), Gerald Bel 11 jumper to be taken off or put (Hon.), James Bell (Hon,i, Ken-'on x’-- — — ■" - - noth Parker, Wallace Maxwell. <with the ease of a jacket. —Central Press Canadian Mr.Mrs. C. Hopcroft Colborne, Harry Hoff- with friends of Detroit, is and Mrs. A.. the eve- Del­ co it- GREENWAY The Harmony Class of United Church will hold their meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. A large number from here at­ tended the decoration services at Salem Cemetery on Sunday ning. Mrs. Thomas Kenyon of mont, Man., is visiting her sin, Mrs. Dean Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lempke Of Pontiac, Mich., visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Curts and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tweddle and daughters of West Corners visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Woodburn. Miss EleanoF Detroit spent the her parents, Mr, McLinchey. Mr. and Mrs. of Hanover With Mr. phey and Frances. •Mr, Claude Dettloff, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dettloff and Rich­ ard of Detroit visited last Week with Mrs. Albert Pollock and Mrs. Levina Kennedy. Mr. and Mfs. W. Noyes and 'McLiiicliey of week-end with and Mrs. Fred ■Cl eve Brophey visited last week and Mrs. Lloyd Bro- grandson and Mr. and Mrs. WTil- son of London visited on Sunday 'with Brown Brown. We are Mr. Henry out of the ing with Mr. Young of Lucan. Mrs. A. Pollock and Miss Ruby Pollock of Hamilton are spending the summer at hqme here. Miss Frances Brophey is ing this week with Mr. and Cleve Brophey of Hanover. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Pollock and son of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Mil* ton Pollock and Carl. Mr. and and Mr. Mrs. Russell and Mrs, Dean to report thatglad Belling is able to he hospital and is visit- and Mrs. Eldon their Visit- Mrs. 25 words 25 words or less - 350 More than 25 words IgC per word. ’ Subsequent Insertions 25c More than 1c per word. Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classifieds calling for a number 10c extra.- Bookkeeping changes will added to all accounts not paid within one month. Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction, eale copy should be in Tuesday At the latest. box be TOWNSHIP OF HAY DRAINAGE WORK Separate tenders will be re­ ceived by the undersigned until 6:00 p.m. July 31, 1951, for'"the repair of the ZURICH DRAIN SOUTH and SCHWALM DRAIN 4080 and 4200 Cubic Yards re­ spectively. Tenders to call for complete job including catch basins ac­ cording to the Engineer’s Re­ port. Specifications may be seen at the township office or at S. W. Archibald’s office, 456 Well­ ington St., London. Certified cheque for 10 % of tender to accompany tender. No tender necessarily accept­ ed. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk, Hay Township, Zurich, Ont. 12:19c NOTICES HENSALL UNION CEMETERY All parties in arrears for care of lots are asked to kindly remit at once. Any donations will ibe greatly appreciated by the Board ■ and of real assistance in this work. R. J. PATERSON, Treasurer. 12:19:26c THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1950 is hereby given, pur- this Act, that the ap* of Mary Gertrude Ed* Notice stiant to plication wards, residing in I he Township of Stephen, in (ho County of Huron, to change the names of her infant children, Shirley Eliza­ beth Weaver and Margaret. Lyn­ da Weaver, to Shirley Elizabeth Edwards and Margaret Lynda Edwards, respectively, will he heard by His Honour Judge Thomas Moore Costello, in his Chambers at the Court House in the Town of Goderich, on Fri­ day, the 3rd day of August, A.D. 1951, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon. Dated at Exeter this 3rd day ~ July, A.D. 1951. C. V. LAUGHTON, LL.B,, Barrister, etc., Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant* 5;12:19c of If