HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-07-05, Page 6& Beige 6 Ip THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 5, 1951 Banquet Marks Anniversary A most enjoyable banquet was served at Pine Crest Inn, St. Marys, on. Thursday, June 28th, to mark the 75 th anniversary of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Thirty-three guests were present, these being the directors and the company, their officials of recent joyed, very much *■’Hensail Legion Plans Announcements ! Monster Bingo For Fall Birth. Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse, En­gagements 50 c. employees of wives and ex­ years. All en- the chicken dinner and the birthday cake after which a pleasant hour was spent in impromptu speeches and ’ - ■■ well- the •• friendly chatting, with wishes for continuation success of the company. of Third Annual Picnic The third annual Neil picnic was held at Springbank on Sat­ urday when 83 relatives and friends registered. * In the afternoon a full line of sports was enjoyed by young and old, conducted by Alex Lat­ ta, Neil McGuire and Mrs. Pear] Neil. All sat down heavily laden table of after which London presided for the election which are as follows: presidents, Miss S. C. Mr. Richard Neil; Gordon Wilson; vice­ Murray Neil; secre- G. F. - to a very goodies Neil McGuire of Read These Dollar Bringers President Mrs. E. Dick presid­ ed for the July meeting of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary held in the Legion Hall Tuesday even­ ing. A lengthy discussion was held regarding monster bingos, and a motion passed that these monster bingos be held in the Hensail Arena early in the fall, members of the Legion to help i share the responsibility. Com­ mittee appointed for this project ! were the president, Mrs. Dick; Mrs. Fred Beer; Mrs. A. Clark; Mrs. J. Drysdale. Mrs. J. Drysdale, secretary- terasurer presented the financial statement. Mrs. James gangster iwas given a round of applause I for selling 32 books Of tickets on the recent draw. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. Fred I Beer, ticket draw by Mrs. Bryan Kyle. j Hunter’s Thursday, Mr. and bell; a BIRTHS CAMPBELL—At Mrs. nursing home on June 21, 1951, to Mrs. Gerald Camp daughter, Joan Isabelle. CARTER—In Clinton, on Friday June 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Whit­ ney Carter, (nee Ruth Hed­ den) a daughter. DIETRICH — At Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home on Wednesday, July 4, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Pius Dietrich; a daughter, Alexine Ann Marie. JOHNS—To Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johns, at Miss Ballantyne’s Nursing Home, on 19 51; a daughter, Elaine. HEYWOOD—Mr. and Heywood wish to the birth of a son on June 26, General Hospital, brother for Pat- June 23, Marjorie Mrs. Earl announce FOR SALE FOR SALE—Have an unlimited quantity of barn fertilizer, $5 per spreader load, —G, J. Dow. 5 tfc IJAGAglNES—New and renewal subscriptions for any magazine are received at The Times- Advocate, tf FOR SALE -— Allis - Chalmers Model 60 combine, A-l condi­ tion; S-foot John Deere binder cut 50 acres; Oliver beet lifter 2 row; John Deere 6-foot tiller like new. R. Faber, Kip­ pen, phone 694-r-ll Hensail. 14:21:28:5c of officers Honourary Neil and president, president, tary, Mrs. G. F. Penwarden; treasurer, Mrs. Tom Kooy; sports committee, Mrs. Gordon Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wil­ son, Will Essery, Tom Kooy. It was decided to hold picnic at Springbank on third Saturday in June year. Sports results: Boys and girls 5 and under all got a ball; girls 8 and under, Nancy Latta, Bren­ da Powell; boys 8 and under, Kenneth Zurbrigg, Jimmie Hot- son: girls 12 and under, Bar-1 tbara Powell, Nancy Latta; boys J 12 and under, Billie Hotson, Kenneth Burdett; girls 16 and under, Barbara Powell, Alexia Davis; boys 16 and under, Ron­ ald Hedden.* George Burdett; young ladies', Alexia Davis; young men, George' Burdett; married ladies. Jean Pool; mar­ ried men, Leonard Pool; fat ladies, Mary Kooy: fat men, Jack Hedden; kicking the slip­ per. Shirley Hosie; boot scram­ ble, Dorothy Burdette and Ron­ ald Hedden; toothpick race, Brenda Powell and Jimmie Hot- eon: jelly bean contest, Alexia Davis; balloon blowing contest, Verda Wilson; spot prize on grounds, Thelma Neil: oldest lady, Miss S. C. Neil, London; oldest man, Richard Neil, Clan­ deboye: person who came the ? the the next 1951, in the Wingham; a rieia Ann. NESBITT—T o Frank Nesbitt (nee Ina Har­ ris) of Blyth, on June 27, 19 51, at Clinton Hospital; a daughter, Monica Grace. STURDEVANT — Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sturdevant, Grand Bend, are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, don, on June 28, 1951. DEATHS MONTEITH—In Usborne ’ ship, on Sunday, July 1, 1951 Annie Allison, beloved wife the her Mr. and Mrs Lon- Town- of in i late George Monteith, ninety-third year. ENGAGEMENTS Mary M. Smith of Lucan to announce the engage- of her daughter, Joyce to Jack Pearce, son of Mrs. wishes ment Marie. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pearce, Lon­ don the wedding to in the Lucan United July 21 at 3 o’clock. The engagement is of Emily Eugenia Moore, only daughter of Mrs. F. M. Moore of London and the late F. M. Moore, to Mr. Bert Keates of Lucan, only son of Mrs. A. E. Keates of Montreal and the late A. E. Keates. marriage to take place in First St. Andrew’s Church. London, on July 14. c take place Church on c announced tenders wanted NEW EAVETROUGHING Tenders will be received by the undersigned until July $ for new eavetroughing where neces­ sary of Dashwood Public School. ARTHUR J. AMY, Sec. S.T.S.A., Exeter, Ont. 23:5 c NOTICESCLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or les? » 35f! More than 25 words ljc per word. A ’ Subsequent Insertions 25c More than 25 words lc per word. Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 7Oc per inch Classifieds calling for a, box number 10c extra. Bookkeeping charges will be added*to all accounts not paid within one month. Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. CENTRALIA OLD BOYS ASS*N The Centralia Old Boys Asso­ ciation have on hand a sum of money to dispose of and a meet­ ing will be held Friday, July 6, at the Centralia School, 8:30 p.m. All interested are requested to attend. L. B, HODGSON, PRES. JOHN POLLARD, SEC. GORDON WILSON, TREAS. 5c THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT, 1950 is hereby given, pur- this Act, that the ap- of Mary Gertrude Ed- PAINTING Tenders will be received by the undersigned until July 9 for the painting of the exterior of the Dashwood*Public School. ARTHUR J. AMY, Sec. S.T.S.A., Exeter, Ont, 28:5cNotice suant to plication - -wards, residing in the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, to change the names of her infant children, Shirley Eliza­ beth Weaver and Margaret Lym da Weaver, to Shirley Elizabeth Edwards and Margaret Lynda Edwards, respectively, will be heard by His Honour Judge Thomas Moore Costello, in his Chambers at the Court House in the Town of Goderich, on Fri­ day, the 3rd day of August, A.D. 1951, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, Dated at Exeter this 3rd day July, A.D. 1951. C. V. LAUGHTON, LL.B., Barrister, etc., Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant. 5:12:19c STRAYED Why have MOTH DAMAGE? 5- year written guarantee with Berlou against moth damage on rugs, chesterfflBds and clothing. Free estimates. — Dinney Furniture, phone 20-W Sctfn McAllister Reunion At Bayfield The first annual McAllister j clan picnic was held at Jowett’s Grove, Bayfield, on Saturday, I June 30. The weather was fine | and 61 sat down to a well laden ; supper table. An address and presentation was given by Ross Forbes, Ot­ tawa, in honour of Dr. Arthur McAllister, Georgetown, who is | the only remaining McAllister of the family of the late Mr, and Mrs. John McAllister of the Parr j Line and Hensall. { Members of the clan attended ' from Detroit, Applegate, Ayr, i Michigan, Huston, Texas, Ot­ tawa, Hamilton, Georgetown, London, Galt, Exeter and Hen­ sall. The prize for the oldest member attending was won by Mrs. Ellen McAllister, Hensall; youngest present, Colleen Bayn- jbam, Hensall. ; Sports were enjoyed in the i afternoon and a committee was- i appointed for the second annual ! reunion to be held the same j date. Congratulations’ were ex- ! tended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank i Brooks, the former Maude Mc- * Allister, who were celebrating their wedding anniversary. Personal Items A recreational period of bin- go was held concluded by Mrs. R. Mock, and Mrs. B. Kyle, and the winners were: Mrs. R. Mock, Mrs. J. Sangster, Mrs. F. J. Ap­ pleby, Mrs. Roy Smale, Mrs. Ber­ tha Moir, Mrs. E. Dick, Mrs. J. Drysdale, Mrs. A. Simmons. Lunch committee for the August meeting are Mrs. H. Bonthron, Mrs. F. Bonthron, Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs. K. Buchanan, Mrs. T, Butt. Luncheon was served. Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and <Mrs. Lawrence Bayn- ham were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McAllister, Georgetown, Miss Helen Allister, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur McAllister, Miss Jean McAllister, and Miss Helen Moir, i Dr. John Goddard, : dard and family are at their cottage on i Water Highway at Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Ross ! • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Richard ' ' Wilkinson of Lucan wish to an-| ........... ____ __ ___ __Enounce the engagement of their* farthest, Miss Vera Bovle. Moose (daughter, Thelma Marguerite, to. Jaw; youngest child. Marian Ro- Raynor Robert Alfred, son of berts. Chiselhurst._____________! Mr. and Mrs, Fred Alfred, also The picnic was brought to al°^ Lucan, the wedding to takeine picnic was orougnr to a i/uvau, me m close hoping everyone and more I Place *n Lucan July 28 at 2:00 ! would attend next year. Mem-! o’clock. c j hers were present from Moose I . nnc . Ktv-C IJaw. Sask., Kinlough, Chisel- LAKUi Ur iriAINKO ; hurst, Windsor, Exeter, Centralia. Crediton. Hamilton. Clandeboye and Craig. Lucan, j The family of the late William Agincourt, i j, stanlake wish to thank their and Ailsa • many friends and neighbours for Georgetown, and Georgetown, , Toronto, London. Mrs. God­ holidaying the Blue Snowden’s BARGAINS! “Life” 70 issues $7.27 "Times” 78 issues $6.87 New or renewal orders onfall magazines promptly serviced. HARRY T. BUSTON Phone 308-r-5 -Exeter Jnl4:Ag2c 75 lb. 1 50- Sacks; Grain FOR SALE—Once used Jute Potato Sacks; No. lb, Saxoline Onion Green Cabbage Bags, Sacks, etc. Servicing the trade for over a quarter of a cent­ ury. Get our prices first! LONDON BAG COMPANY, 4 66 South Street, LONDON, On­ tario, J block east of Victoria Hospital, phone 4-7654. 28:5:12:19c WEDDING CAKE BOXES—Good quality. Per dozen, $1.00. — Exeter Times-Advocate. 2tf* FOR SALE — Massey-Harris cy­ linder hay-loader with drop head, in good condition. Earl Shapton, phone Exeter 460-r- 21. 5c NEW AND USED farm machin­ ery—Grain binders, threshing mills, Ford and Ferguson plows, rear-end scrapes and scoops. 1 used Massey-Harris 2-row tractor power lift culti­ vator, $75.00. Wire write or phone Richmond Farm Machin­ ery, Dougal® Road, R.R. 1, Windsor, phone 23521.5:12:1'^ FOR SALE—Fully equipped cabin trailer. Apply Bud Houze, Service Station, Mit­ chell, Ont. 5* FOR -SALE — Registered Short­ horn bull, serviceable age, red in colour; 2-wheeled stock trailer; 8$ acres timothy and alfalfa hay. Apply Fred Daw­ son, 456-r-6 Exeter, Ont. 5* Huron County Crop Report Hog and cattle prices have de­ clined slightly over last week’s record prices. However, the greater number of barn fed steers have now been marketed. AU cattle in the county continue tc look extremely well, with ex­ cellent pasture conditions provid­ ing ideal feed for all types of livestock. All crops are making extreme­ ly good growth, with little or no damage reported following the recent storm. Haying operations are under way all across the county with the main hay crop now ready for cutting. There appears to be a scarcity of farm labour in the county, with the result that there is a considerable demand for farm help to assist in harvesting the heavy hay crop. Butcher to customer: “Per­ haps you’d be interested in our new service—low rentals on soup cuts." Madison, Wis., CapitalThe . , _ _ _ Times printed these two head­ lines side by side: "55 Roosters Stolen at Town of Oregon Farm" "Socialists Club to Hold Chicken Supper.” K j their kindness and loving sym- 1 pathy extended to them during j their recent sad bereavement. ■ Special thanks to the Brothers jof the I.O.O.F. No. 67 for their (kind service, and to Rev. C. L. .Langford; also for the lovely) j f 1 o r a 1 tributes and sympathy 1 cards received. 5* j Mr. Andrew Campbell wishes s to express his sincere thanks for ; the cards, letters and treats re­ ceived while a patient in St. Jo-1 Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Listo- |seph’s Hospital. London, and «Wel, and Mr. and Miss Arnuson, | since returning home. 5c i of High Bluff, Manitoba, visited The family of the late E. W. with Minnie Reid last Rader wish to express their ap- j v''ee*- preciation for the many acts of j Mrs. I kindness and expressions of sym- visited . over the week-end ! pathy and condolence, extended (day with her aunt, Mrs. by friends and neighbours which j Walker, proved so comforting duringMr. John Soldan who their recent bereavement. Special' rushed by ambulance to St. thanks to Rev. Higenell, Rev. 'phs Hospital, London, Sunday Luft and the choir, and Dr. D. j evening to undergo an emergency Ferguson. .s 5* j operation is doing as well as can Mr. and Mrs. William Moodie I he ^expected (wish to thank all their friends J * in and around Exeter who visit-1 ed and sent cards and treats and flowers to Mr. Moodie while In Victoria Hospital and also since returning home. We also wish Ito- thank the neighbours who! were so kind 4o Mrs. Moodie while he was away. 5* j Mrs. Jacob A. Ratz and family4’) wish to thank their many • friends, neighbours, and rela­ tives, for their kind expression j j of sympathy during their recent i j sad bereavement. 5c Love and Mrs. Winston Workman attended the Love-Green nuptials at St. George’s United Church Chapel, Toronto, Saturday June 30, at 4 p.m. and reception held at Strathgowan badminton club. They were also guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl McEwan, Toronto, and and FOR SALE—Four Collie pups. 6 weeks old. Apply T. Simpson, one mile west of Whalen. Phone Kirl^ton 35-r-9.5* FOR SALE—Boys’ and girls’ juvenile bicycles. $49X10. —W. Martin, Exeter South. 5c j i with Rev. Keith Love, i daughter, at Burlington. Reta Charles, London, holi- Anna was Jose- FOR SALE—A used rangette, Tudhope, in perfect condition; also a small coal and wood cook stove with new grate and back, in good condition. 5:12c FOR SALE—Gerrard Heintzman piano, in good condition, $125. —.Rev. K. M. Wood, Grand Bend. 5* FOR SALE—One girls’ balloon tired bicycle as good as new. Apply Exeter Cab, Supertest Station. 5* I FOR SALE—Two bull calves. Also wish to buy good baled hay. —G. J. Dow 5c Please Return Exeter Library There are many books that have been out for a long time. They should be returned to the Library at once. Binds of Canada by ! Taverner "H.C.L.” is one that is urgently needed. The Library tries to please the readers—-but the readers also have an ob­ ligation to return all bor­ rowed books promptly. Check over the books you have at once and re­ tunn those overdue. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell, and daughter, of Wallaceburg, spent the week-end with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. WR. Bell. Miss Minnie Reid spent the week-end in Owen Sound and Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr and Jimmy visited over the week-end holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ;liam Bellairs, of Strathroy, and j also took in the horse races in ! Strathroy on Dominion Day. j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden and family of Dresden, Mr. and I Mrs. Alex Shorthouse, and Gwen Mr. and Mrs. George Godbolt jOf St. Catherines, spent the week- ” ’ sincere' - — - - have God- those don­ s’* and wish to express their thanks to all those who been so kind during Mrs. bolt's illness, especially who donated or offered to ate blood. Mrs. Placid Desjardine family wish to express their sin­ cere thanks for the kindness and sympathy extended during their bereavement, with special thanks for the .floral tributes, to those who loaned cars, <to Rev. Ken­ neth Woods, Mr. Harry Hoffman and the pallbearers. 5c Mr. William Nadiger of Dash­ wood wishes to thank all his friends and neighbours who have kindly helped in so many ways when he was a patient in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital; also all those who visited him, sent cards and flowers. All was much appreciat­ ed by him and his family. 5c ■ Consult: To seek another's approval of a course already de­ cided on. 1 end with Mrs. C. Hedden. Mrs. Howe of Regina, and Mrs. Kennard and Mrs. McKenzie of Brucefield spent Tuesday with Miss Minnie Reid. John Chambers Horton A native of Tuckersmith, John Chambers Horton died in Osha- wa on June 7 in his 71st year. He was employed by the Lon­ don Life Insurance Company and in Vancouver and Calgary. He leaves, besides his wife, one daughter, Mrs. G. W. Irwin, Toronto and one son, Philip L. Horton, Oshawa, He was prede­ ceased by a son, Fit, Lt. Ian Mc­ Lane Nova Horton who was killed Scotia in 1944. Wine marinating serves off a 5 double purpose in the prepara- j tion of meats. It tenderizes ; tough, stringy cuts and adds a inew flavour to otherwise taste- i less cuts. FOR SALE—White baby pram, large size, and a set of baby scales, both in good condition. Call 253-W. 5c FOR SALE—Westinghouse 7 ft. refrigerator, 14 months old, like new, 60-cycle. Cheap. Leonard 6 ft. refrigerator, left hand door, new 60 cycle unit, 8 years old. Cheap. Hotpoint Washer with drain pump, reconditioned, and a hew 60-cycle motor. 2 years old. Half price. Snelgrove Electric, phone 18W, Exeter. 5c Hot Weather Coming ELECTRIC REFIGERATOR FOR SALE ( Medium Size—Less Than i Price LIKE NEW—NEW ENAMELLED inside and out motor with guarantee stalled by Comstock Company New Compressor Just Suitable for town Grand Bend home Apply DICK HOWARD 4 21 William Street or Phone 143 WHO COULD DO IT? FOR RENT FOR RENT — Summer resort store, choice location, excellent possibilities, reasonable rent, at Grand Bend. Write or wire Mark Bowie & Co., Hearst, Ontario. 21tfc FOR RENT—Turnip planter at $1.00 per acre. This is an ac­ curate type of planter which has been very successful in cutting thinfiing-time to a fraction and producing a bet­ ter quality shipping turnip with very few culls, Can be transported in car or trailer. Apply Harold Dignan, 3 miles west’ of Hensall or phone 91- r-18, Zurich. 21:28:5* FOR RENT—Summer cottages, ‘2 bedrooms, running water, all conveniences, by week or month. Apply Box 273, Wil­ liam Sweitzer, Exeter. 5 c FOR RENT—Modern, 3-bedroom cottage with (bath at Du­ charme’s Beach near Grand Bend. Call Andrew Hamilton, 283-J, Exeter, for reservations. 5:12c WANTED THE .EXETER SALVAGE CO. want all kinds of new and used feathers and feather ticks. Top price. Also all kinds of scrap metal. Phone 423, Exeter, collect. We pick up. 14:21:28:5c** WANTED—A tenant for 3- or 4- roomed apartment; also berry pickers on shares or per .box. Apply W. F. Abbott, after 9:30 p.m. Phone 418-R. 5* WANTED TO BUY—Good used colony house; also used .22 rifle. Phone Granton 5-r-7. 5:12* MISCELLANEOUS SPRAY PAINTING — Barns, houses, roofs, etc. —Gordon Eagleson, phone 40-r-2, Dash­ wood, 21:28:5:12:19:26c SERVICE for your present car or a ne^ Dodge automobile or truck. Both are obtainable simply by calling Hensall 31. SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 527-J. 30tfc I1AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow. phone 83 Exeter. l*tfc PAINTING and paperhanging, kitchen cupboards and cab­ inets. Tom Walker, Exeter, phone 553. tfc NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can be made. Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood. Jul5:S27c ’lost LOST—Please, that honest per­ son who picked up a change purse Saturday evening be­ tween Jack Elliott’s and the road towards the dam, ‘return to Jack Elliott. Reward. 5c LOST—Grown male Siamese cat; -blue eyes, cream body shading to brown on feet, tail, nose and ears. Answers to name Benny, collar tag bears name Buckeridge, Birming­ ham, Mich. Reward. Notify Mrs. J. O. Buckeridge, Route 1,^Dashwood. 5* LOST — One Hereford yearling, strayed from Lot 2, Conces­ sion 3, McGillivary. Please ■ notify Joe Conlin, phone Exe­ ter 275-r-31. 5c STRAYED—From the north half of Lot 9, Concession, 7, Township of Hay, a yearling Holstein steer. Finder please contact Gerald Godbolt, phone 178-r-14 Exeter. 5c Of NOTICE TO CREDITORS ,'e FEMALE HELP WANTED OFFICE HELP WANTED—Clerk for general office work. Know­ ledge of typing and bookkeep­ ing is essential. Apply to C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. 21 tfc A LADY with a car and approx­ imately 4 hours or more per day can come as ducts in rounding appointment write M. E. Stock, Mgr., 78 Duchess Ave., Kitchener, Ont. 28:5:12c earn an excellent in­ agent for Avon Pro­ Grand Bend and sur- neighbourhood. For REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Two houses, one frame and one brick, fine lots, nice localities. Ajpply William Sweitzer, Box 273, Exeter, Ont. 5c FOR SALE—150 acre farm near Lucan $17,000. Apply Box 4D’, ' Times-Advocate. 5* CREDITON FRAME house, large living room, clien. bath, water hard 20x30 floor. building. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Exeter. 7tfc, room, den and dining hardwood floors, kit- 4 bedrooms, 3 - p i e c e full basement, cistern, pressure system, good water. Well built barn concrete foundation and Extra lot suitable for NEW BRICK HOME—This new home is nicely located in Exe­ ter. It has been built for util­ ity and comfort and Ts equipped with all modern con­ veniences. If you are consider­ ing buying or building, let us show you this well built, up- to-date home. Quick posses­ sion. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. GREY TWP. — 2-storey brick store with dwelling above. Groceries, meats, bakery with almost new oven. $13,000 com­ plete, because of ill health. William Pearce Realtor, Exe­ ter. tfc HOUSE FOR SALE—Seven-room solid brick with built-in 'cup­ boards, 4-piece modern bath, o practically new furnace, in­ sulation, storm windows, and 2-storey barn with steel roof. §7,500. —F. C. Brown, phone 84 Crediton. 28c 50 ACRES pasture north of Dashwood, few acres crop, some bush, good fences, lots of water. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Earl Parsons, 'Salesman, Exeter. • FOR SALE—Two-storey ib r i c k insulated, flill base­ Living room, dining njodern kitchen, bath three bedrooms, bath house, merit, room, down, up. Sun porch, extra closets, good garage. Centrally located on William St. Phone 379-M. 28 just in­ Electric Installed or PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN’! Gain 5 to 15 lbs, New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted4’ size only 60$. AU druggists. 5:19:9:23c Red and gold were the bathing trunks That I bought for my young son, Then on Friday night he had a dipWhen his paper route he’d done. Cool and refreshed he went the show, His trunks he hung on v bike, He didn’t dream while, there sat But what they’d be alright But someone it seems had an­ other plan— And I can’t think much of him Who would take the trunks of a ten-year-old, From a lad who likes to swim. —Mi’s. Marjorie Tomlinson FOR SALE—Grand Bend: two winterized houses in restrict­ ed subdivision. Terms. Contact Herman Gill, Real Estate Broker. Phone Bend, Ontario. 151, Grand 28:5c to his he ANOTHER NEW Exeter Home— This house is roomy and nice­ ly laid out. You will particu­ larly like the large, well light­ ed, living room. It has every convenience including air con­ ditioned oil burning furnace. Terms if desired. —C. V. Pic­ kard, Main St., Exeter. COMFORTABLE Small Home on nice lot. Modern kitchen and bathroom one floor. C> V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. 2 bedrooms, all on LARGE BRICK HOUSE—| acre of land. Small barn, House has good roof and floors. Hydro and water on tap. Price $3,500. — C. V. Pickard, Main St,, Exeter, In the Estate of ELI KING, lflfte of the Township of Sterphcn in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Eli King, late of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the first day of ~ ’ are required to of the same with executors on or day of July, 1951, after which date the executors will distribute the estate having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated this 27th day of June, 1951. MELVIN KING, No. 1, Exeter, Ont. HERBERT K. EILBER, Crediton, Ont. (Executors) 28:5c February 1951, file particulars the undersigned before the 14th AUCTION SALES Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, HousehoW Effects and Antiques On the premises, Main St., in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by publie auction on SATURDAY, JULY 7 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Property located in the Village of Zurich, being Vol. S., Lot No. 117; there is on the property a large two- storey white brick dwelling In. best of condition, equipped with furnace, town water, built-in cupboards; has a beautiful lawn and shade trees, situated in a very fine location. This is a very desirable property. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day and balance in 30 days. Will be sold subject to a re­ served bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: A Westinghouse electric yadio; Mc­ Clary kitchen range, for wood or coal, like new; Quebec heat­ er; electric 2-element hotplate, like new; dining room extension table 6 dining room chairs; 6 kitchen chairs; a'beautiful green upholstered chesterfield chair, like new; baking table; cellar table; dining room furniture; sewing machine; 2 oak -centre tables; fern stands; chest of drawers; bureau, sideboard; 3- piece solid oak bedroom 2-piece bedroom suite; mode; dresser: hall tree; rack; new leather suitcase; trunks; . electric washing machine; vanied tubs; clothes cupboard; mantle clock; beautiful hand painted pictures and frames; various congoleum and other rugs in new condition; large assortment of beautiful new quilts, comforters, mats, blankets and linens; also .glass­ ware, jardineres, silverware; beautiful antique dishes; full line of kitchen utensils, sealers, crocks; copper boiler, pails, new step ladder, small scales, garden tools; a quantity of paints, var­ ious colours; 1% tons of nut coal; and numerous article's. Everything is in first condition! TERMS: CARL HENRY Executors for the Estate of the Late Lydia Ehlers R. F. STADE, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. • 28:5c fern stands; chest bureau, sideboard; suite; com- paper largo couch; floor lamps; gal- large cedar lined chest- other clat.0 Cash, OE'STREICHER, GACKSTETTER • ZURICH COMMUNITY AUCTION Situated % mile south of Village on WEDNESDAY, JULY 11 - at 8:00 p.m, Bigs, 150, various ages; cuttle, calves and other cellaneous articles. Any you wish to dispose of them to this sale. TERMS: Cash. WES MER.NBR, MANAGER ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. st 5c also mis­ items bring