HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-06-28, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 28, 1051 Decoration Day in the Goshen I Cemetery will be held on Sun- ■ day afternoon when the Rev. T. Faisf of Stratford will be guest 'spent speaker. P ASHWOOD Mr. Sam Witzel of Toronto the week-end with his [mother Mrs. Witzel. ■! Announcements Willert Reunion will be held at Canatara Park, Sarnia (drive to Border Bridge and turn right) Sat. July 7 Bring your picnic basket for day; table cloths, plates, < and spoons provided. Lunch at 13 O’clock Noon Join us and help make our sixth reunion a success. Appreciate your greetings if unable to at­ tend. ’ the cups President: William Willert [Dashwood, Ontario. Secretary: Otto Willert Dashwood, Ontario. Rebekah Picnic PRIDE OF HURON to be held at SEAFORTH LIONS PARK Wednesday, July 4 at 6:00 pan. A cordial ed to all ilies, also families. invitation is extend- Rebekahs and fam- all Oddfellows and Please bring your picnic lunch and cutlery. Anyone requiring transporta­ tion phone 293-J or 1-W. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and Janet Scott of Bownanville spent the week-end with their daugh­ ter, Mr and Mrs. Lorn Kleinsti- ver. Mr. W. Filkins of Howell, Mieh., spent the week-end with Mrs. Filkins and Mrs. William Nadiger. ■Mr. and Mrs. Carl Destreicher and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weber I spent Sunday with friends in »Clifford. : Mr. and*’Mrs. Brown of Lon­ don were week-end visitors with her parents, J liam Wein. i Mr. and and Joyce !{week-end visitors j here. ! Mrs. Clara Rinker of Thed- Iford spent a few days with rela­ tives here. ! Ronnie Merner and Charles ■Bartcliffe of Clinton are spend­ ing a week’s vacations with rela-’ lives in Detroit. ■ The many friends of Mr. Henry Hoffman will be pleased to know he returned home from St. Joseph Hospital on Saturday where he has been confined for the past six weeks. Theodore Willert i Mr. and Mrs. William Willert, Mrs. E. Kleinstiver, Mrs. B. Hay- ter and Mrs. R. Isaac attended the funeral of the late Mr. Theo­ dore Willert at Caro [Wednesday, June 20. Mr. Willert was born bush and left here in has lived in Caro ever since. He will be remembered by a goodly number of friends in this vicini­ ty and was the last one of the Willert family. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Chesna and her mother, Mrs. Fred Willert of Birmingham Michigan, are visit­ ing relatives here. I Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Elgin Merner of Kitchener were with relatives Mich, on at Black- 1S95 and IRENE SWEET. N.G. HONOR DICK, SEC. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY June 29 and 30 Placid D. Desjardine Placid Despardine, SI, well knovrn Stephen Township farmer died very suddenly from a heart attack at his hbme, concession 16, where he had lived for 30 years. Surviving besides his wife are ‘four sons, Lester, Fullarton; ; Chester, Sarnia; Maurice at [home; Willis, Grand Bend; two ! daughters, Mrs. Earl Little, Bos- janquet Township, Miss Otto Wer- j zsa, and a sister Mrs. Olen Trpe- imner, Grand Bend. The funeral will be from the Hoffman Funeral Home on Wed­ nesday afternoon at 2 p.m. with interment in Grand Bend Ceme- j tery. i i‘The Black Rose’ANNUAL Birth. Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse. En­gagements 50c, f BIRTHS BAKKER--Mr. and Mrs. John Bakker, of Denfield, are happy to announce the arrival of a son, Warner Sirp at the Hoop­ er Nursing Home, June 24. BECKER—Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Becker, of Roblin, Manitoba, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Constance Christine, on Friday, June 15‘, at Roblin Hospital; a sister for Reggie. KELLER—Mr. and Mrs. Jej?ry Keller (nee June Wright) wish to announce the birth of a son, at Chatham Hospital, June 22, 1951. HOPKINSON — At General and Marine Hospital, Wiarton, Fri­ day, June 22, to Dr. Mervyn I and Mrs. Hopkinson (Dr. Norma Cook) of Lions Head, a daughter; a granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Hensall. THOMPSON—Mr. and Mrs. aid Thompson (nee Bierling) wish to the birth of their (Diana Lynn) on June 21 at St. Marys Memorial Hospital. TINNEY—To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tinney at Miss Ballantyne’s Home on June 1'8, Read These Dollar Bringers FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED I TENDERS WANTED | FOR SALE—Have an unlimited ; quantity of barn fertilizer, $6 per spreader load. —G. J. Dow. 5tfc MAGAZINES—-New and renewal subscriptions for any magazine are received at The Times- Advocate. tf FOR SALE — Allis - Chalmers Model 60 combine, A-l condi­ tion; 8-foot John Deere binder cut 50 acres; Oliver beet lifter 2 row; John Deere 6-foot tiller like new. R. Faber, Kip­ pen, phone 694-r-ll Hensall. 14:21:28:5^ FOR SALE—2 red Scotch Short­ horn bulls, 11 months old, registered and accredited. Ap­ ply Fred Brown, R.R. 2, Credi­ ton. 21:28* Cook, Ron- Viola announce daughter Nursing 1951, a daughter (Joan Chris­ tine). WILLIAMSON—LAC and Mrs. Roy Williamson, of Exeter, are proud to announce the ar­ rival of a baby boy, Terrance Roy, at the Hooper Nursing Home, June 23. Mother and baby doing well. DEATHS FRAYNE—-In Exeter, on Friday, June 22, 1951, Elizabeth Jane Johnson, beloved wife of the late Peter Frayne, ninety-fifth year. OGDEN—In St. Mary’s London, on Saturday, 19 51, Elvina Johns, in her FOR SALE~—’47 Cliev Coach in excellent condition, ’4 0 Chev Sedan, ’30 Model A. Apply Broderick Bros., phone 277. 28* FOR SALE- Apply East. -Cabin trailer, $365. Len Wein, Crediton 28* THE EXETER SALVAGE CO. want all kinds of new and used feathers and feather ticks. Top price. Also all Hinds of scrap metal. Phone 423, Exeter, collect. We pick up. 14:21:28:5c** FOR SALE—Ope bull calf. Also wish to buy good baled hay- G. J. Dow. 28c FOR SALE—.Black saddle horse, quiet and well broken, guar­ anteed. Apply Harold Parker, R.R. 1, Hensall, Ont. 28c1, x Tyronne Power ★ Cecile Aubry ★ Orsen Wells SHORT SUBJECTS & COMIC STRIPS Decoration Service! Dashwood E.U.B Cemetery ^SUNDAY July 1 MIDNIGHT SHOW MONDAY & TUESDAY July 2 and 3 ‘Three Guys Named Mike’ Sunday, July 1 2:30 pan. Speaker: The Rev. F. M. Faist, of Stratford. Music by the Dash­ wood Band and Calvary Church Choir. Hospital, June 24, beloved wife of ^Nathaniel Ogden, her eighty-sixth year. RATZ—In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Wednesday, June 27, 1951, Jacob beloved husband Mary Gaiser, in third year. ROWE—In Exeter, June 23, 1951, Henry T. Rowe in his eighty-first year. STANLAKE—At his late resi­ dence, Stephen Township, on Saturday, June 23, 1951, Wil­ liam James Stanlake, in his seventy-first year. SUTTON—In Detroit, Mich., on Friday, June 22, 19 51, Fanny Sutton, formerly of Exeter, in her eighty-fifth year. TOWL—In Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, June 22, 1951, Nelson W- Towl, in his seventy-third year. in Albert Ratz, of Martha his seventy- on Saturday ENGAGEMENTS Jane Wyman Van Johnson H. Keel B. Sullivan ★ ★ ★ ★ NEWSREEL & SHORTS Wed., Fri. and Sat. Eve. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY July 4 and 5 ‘My Blue Heaven (Technicolour) ★ Betty Grable ★ Dan Dailey SHORTS & COMICS - Skates Supplied - Skating from 8:00 to 11:00 Adults 35 C, Children 25 c REFRESHMENT BOOTH Anyone wishing to order shoe­ skate outfits please phone r-12 Exeter, or see Mr. Earl personally. No skating Monday until 2. I i 459- Neil July V •» WILMER MARTIN SPEEDWAY ATTRACTIONS Present Stock Car Clinton STOCK CAR RACING Twilight Show Commencing 6:30 P.M. THRILLS SPILLS Admission Adults $1 - Children 5(ty Why have MOTH DAMAGE? 5- year written guarantee with Berlou against moth damage on rugs, chesterfields and clothing. Free estimates. — Dinney Furniture, phone 20-W Sctfn FOR SALE — New Case 7-ft. power mower; new King-Wyse bale elevator; used Massey 6- ft. mower. —-Exeter Farm Equipment, phone 508, Exeter 28c FOR SALE—Wheat, about 2500 lbs. Also lady’s bicycle, like new. Ed Hughes, 'S.B. Concession, Stephen. USED ELECTRIC 4 th 28c FOR SALE—Strawberries. Pick your own. —William Walters, Winchelsea, telephone Kirkton 14-r-16. ]4:21:28c Refrigerator KODAK CAMERA — Reasonable price. 6.3 lens, 100/second shutter, flash attachment and case. Apply, John Bowie, Exe­ ter Times-Advocate. 28* A-I Shape $125.00 “SANDY” ELLIOT FOR SALE—A 1936 Chevrolet Coach in very good condition, original paint. Apply William Rohde, phone Exeter 173-31. 28 Phone 64-W Exeter Hay FOR SALE—One 2-horse gaso­ line engine, never used. Phone 225-J, John Strange 21* FOR SALE—Two Doberman pups, purebred, six weeks old. Apply Lyman Gratton, Grand Bend, phone 4 2-r-18. 21:18* FOR SALE—Massey Harris drop • head hay loader; sulkie rake; hay fork; stock trailer; set 2,000-1'b. scales; 12-plate disc; butchering kettle. Otto Brown, Centralia 28c BARGAINS! “Life” 70 issues $7.27 “Times” 78 issues $6.S7 New or renewal orders on all magazines promptly serviced. HARRY T, BUSTON Phone 3 0S-r-5 Exeter Jnl4:Ag2c FOR SALE—Once used 75 lb. Jute Potato Sacks; No. 1 50- Sacks; Grain lb. Saxoline Onion Green Cabbage Bags, Sacks, etc. Servicing the trade for over a quarter of a cent­ ury. Get our prices first! LONDON BAG COMPANY, 466 South Street, LONDON, On­ tario, 1 block east of Victoria Hospital, phone 4-7654. 2S:5:12:19c Off Field Clover, Alfalfa, Permanent Pasture Mixture 50 tons LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH Phone 457-r-2 NOTICES RE: COLLECTION OF TAXES I will be in the Bray Hatch­ ery, Main Street, for the purpose of collecting taxes. Please do not come on Monday or Thursday afternoons. ERIC CARSCADDEN . 14:21:28c LOST LOST—C h i 1 d ’ s tricycle, Sun­ shine, red. Phone 4 3 8-W. 28c STRAYED i Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hender­ son, Inwood, Ont., announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Lyla Patricia, to Jack Orville Simpson, son of Mrs. Simpson, of Mooresville, Ont., and the late Joseph E. Simpson, the wedding to. take place at the Brooke-Enfiiskillen Baptist Church July 14. 28c CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank all those who remembered me with cards, treats, flowers and visits while I was a patient in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, with special thanks to the Beaver family for kindness father at FOR SALE—Field of mixed hay. Phone 685-r-ll Hensall. 28* FOR SALE—One young iron grey team. Apply to .Times- Advocate. ’ v 28* STRAYED—Onto Lot A, Con...7 Usborne, white and roan year­ ling heifer. Owner may claim by ^proper identification and paying expenses. Norman Jaques, R.R. 1, Centralia. 28* ScotchFOR SALE—Red roan Shorthorn 'bull. Apply Alvin Rader, Zurich, R. 3. ” i and care shown my home. 28* I —Harold Gower J and Mrs. Cunningham 1Walter wish to thank all kind friends who remembered them on their golden wedding anniversary, with , cards and flowers -and those who visited during the day. 28* I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my neighbours and > friends, to the W.A. and AV.M.S. and also to the Eastern Star for kindly remembering me with while I 28* Quance express visits he patient in St. and since re- 28* all those who remembering cards, flowers and treats was ill. —Mrs. Maurice . Clark Fisher wishes to his thanks for the cards, treats, flowers and personal received while a Joseph's Hospital turning home. I wish to thank sent flowers, cards and treats, while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital; also to the neighbours for their kindness during my ill­ ness. 28* —Herman Kerhick Janet Ann Blair wishes to thank all her friends fdr their cards and treats and visits while she was a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. 28* The family of the late Mrs. Frances A. MacDonald wish to express their sincere thanks for the many kindnesses shown dur­ ing their recent bereavement, the floral tributes and special thanks to Rev. J. V. Dahms. 28* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dougall wish to thank the many friends Who remembered Mrs, Dougall with cards, treats, flowers and Who called while in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning (home. All was much appreciated. 280. 2S* 1936 FORD Coach. In good con­ dition. Cheap for cash. Apply Joe Davis, Exeter North. 28* SUMMER SALE of Guaranteed Used Pianos. Such well-known makes as Heintzman, Nord- heimer, Mason -Reich, etc. Priced as low as $99. Phone or write TODAY for complete list.—Heintzman & Company, 242 Dundas Street, London— 4-4525. 28c FOR SALE—Wean er pigs. Ches­ ter Dunn, >phone 458-r-4 Exe­ ter. 28c FOR SALE—13 little .pigs. Ap-J - * — T-rT-fV.--- -- I I ply: William Sharrow, Grand Bend, or phone 4 2-r-13. 28c ■ FOR SALE—Sidewalk bicycle, boys’ and girls’ models, stan­ dard size. $23.95. W. Martin, Exeter South. 28* WEDDING CAKE BOXES—Good quality. Per dozen, $1.00. — Exeter Times-Advocate. 2tf* ! CARDS OF THANKS i Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allison wish to thank their many friends | and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown them in I their recent sad bereavement and i for the beautiful floral tributes, also for the kindness extended to Mr. Rowe during his illness. 28c I wish to thank all those who i remembered me with visits, cards, flowers and treats while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. Spe­ cial thanks to Rev. Getz and the Dashwood Baseball Club. * 28* —Henry Hoffman The family of the late Mrs. Peter Frayne wish to express their thanks for the kindnesses shown them during their' recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to those who loaned cars and to Rev. H. J. Snell. 28C Mills (Store at Woodham would like to convey their sincerp thanks to all who helped at the time of their recent fire, includ­ ing St. Marys Fite Department and ladies who looked after the stock. 28c SITUATIONS WANTED TYPIST—-Experienced typist de­ sires part-time office work during July. —Phone 4 45-W Exeter. 28* FEMALE HELP WANTED OFFICE HELP WANTED—Clerk for general office work. Know­ ledge of typing and bookkeep­ ing is essential. Apply to C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. 21tfc A LADY with a car and approx­ imately 4 hours or more per day can come as ducts in rounding appointment write M. E. Stock, Mgr., 78 Duchess Ave., Kitchener, Ont. 28:5:12c earn an excellent in­ agent for Avon Pro­ Grand Bend and sur- neighbourhood. For WANTED—2 waitresses, 1 full time, 1 part time. Experience if possible. Phone Rether’s Coffee (Shop. 28c MISCELLANEOUS TRANSPORTATION — To Winni­ peg, room for 2. Leaving July 21. Phone 108-W Lucan. 28* SPRAY PAINTING — Barns, houses, roofs, etc. —Gordon Eagleson, phone 40-r-2, Dash­ wood. 21:28:5:12:19:26c SERVICE for your present car or a new Dodge automobile or truck. Both are obtainable simply by calling Hensail 31. SEWING MACHINES bon g h t, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 527-J. 3 Otte I AM IN THE -MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. l*tfc PAlHTING and paperhanging, kitchen cupboards and cab­ inets. Tom Walker, Exeter, “ phond 553. tfO FURNACES INSTALLED, eaves- troughing, metal painting. — Lloyd Jjohiison, R.R. 3, Den- field, phone. 612-r-32 Ailsa Craig. 7:14:21:28c I WANTED—125 pullets, white Leghorn or hybrids preferred, or ‘would consider mixed chick­ ens, 3 months old. —James Glavin, phone 335-r-2 Exeter. 28c FOR RENT PASTURE FOR RENT—Lot 12, Concession3, running water, accommodate 15 head. Floyd Weeks, phone 27. 21:28c FOR RENT — Summer resort store, choice location, excel­ lent possibilities, reasonable rent, at Grand Bend. Write or wire Mark Bowie & Co., Hearst, Ontario. 21tfc FOR RENT — Summer resort store, choice location, excellent possibilities,' reasonable rent, at Grand Bend. Write or wire Mark Bowie & Co., Hearst, Ontario. 21tfc FOR RENT—Turnip planter at $1.00 per acre. This is an ac­ curate type of planter which has been very successful in cutting thinning-time to a fraction and producing a bet­ ter quality shipping turnip with very few ■ culls. Can be transported in car or trailer. Apply Harold Dignan, 3 miles west of Hensall or phone 91- r-18, Zurich. 21:28:5* FOR RENT—Room and garage in° good home; location cen­ tral, Phone 194-M. 28c FOR RENT—Furnished, 3-room apartment, separate entrance. Mrs. Carr, Huron St. W., phone 110. 28c FOR RENT—Garage on Sanders and William Street. H. Blatch- ford. 28* FOR RENT — Furnished apart­ ment, immediate possession. Phone 276, Bailey’s. 28c FOR RENT—Two apartments, 3 or 4 rooms as desired, with bathroom, also laundry room. Apply W. F. Abbott, phone 418-R after 9 p.m. 28c REAL ESTATE CREDITON FRAME house, large living room, den and dining room, hardwood floors, kit­ chen. 4 bedrooms, 3 - p i e c e bath, full basement, cistern, water pressure system, ,good hard water. Well built "barn 20x30 concrete foundation and floor. Extra lot suitable for building. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Exeter. 7tfc NEW BRICK HOME—This new home is nicely located in Exe­ ter. It has been built for util­ ity and comfort and is equipped with all modern con­ veniences. If you are consider­ ing buying or building, let us show you this well built, up- to-date home. Quick posses­ sion. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. ■ GREY TWP. — 2-storey brick store with dwelling above. Groceries, meats, bakery with almost new oven. $13,000 com­ plete, because of ill health, William Pearce Realtor, Exe­ ter. tfc HOUSE FOR SALE—Seven-room solid brick with built-in 'cup­ boards, 4-piece modern bath, practically new furnace, in­ sulation, storm windows, and 2-storey >barn with steel roof. $7,500. —F. C. Brown, phone 84 Crediton. 28 c 50 ACRES pasture nortp of Dashwood, few acres crop, some bush, good fences, lots . of water, W. C. Pearce Real­ tor, Earl Parsons, ‘Salesman, Exeter. FOR SALE—Two-storey lb r i c k house, insulated, full base­ ment. Living room, dining room, modern kitchen, bath down, three bedrooms, bath up. Sun porch, extra closets, good garage. Centrally located on William :St. Phone 3 79-M. 28 FOR SALE—Grand Bend; two winterized houses in restrict­ ed subdivision. Terms. Contact' Herman Gill, Real Estate Broker. Phone 151, Grand Bend, Ontario. 28:5c ANOTHER NEW Exeter Home— This house is roomy and nice­ ly laid out. You will particu­ larly like the large, well light­ ed, living room. It has every convenience including air con­ ditioned oil burning furnace. Terms it desired. -y-C. V. Pic­ kard, Main St., Exeter. COMFORTABLE Small Home on nice lot. Modern kitchen and bathroom, 2 bedruoms, all on one floor. C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. CONCESSION PRIVILEGES Tenders will ibe received by the undersigned for the cession Privileges at the Meet held on Wednesday, 11, 1951, Tenders to be in p,m. Wednesday, July 4. GEO. W. LAWSON, ■Con- Race July by 6 23c Sec.-Treas., Exeter Turf Club NEW EAVETROUGHING Tenders will be received by the undersigned until July 9 for new eavetroughing where neces­ sary of Dashwood Public School. ARTHUR J. AMY, .. Sec. S.T.S.A., Exeter, Ont. 28; 5c PAINTING Tenders will ibe received by the undersigned until July 9 for the painting of the exterior of the Dashwood Public School. ARTHUR J. AMY, , Sec. S.T.S.A., Exeter, Ont. 28:5c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ELIZABETH JANE PARSONS, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Jane Parsons, late of the Village of Hensall in the County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on or about the 4th day of February, 19 51, are required to file particulars ,of same with Elmer D. Bell, K.C., Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 30th day of June next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard claims of which received. ELMER D. Solicitor for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario. 14:21:28c only notice BELL, to those has been K.C., In the Estate of ELI KING, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, / Farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Eli King, late of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the first day of are required to of'the same with executors on or day of July, 1951, after which date the executors will distribute the estate having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated this 27th day of Juno, 1951. MELVIN KING, No. 1, Exeter, Ont. HERBERT K. EILBER, Crediton, Ont. (Executors) 28:5c February 1951, file particulars the undersigned before the 14 th AUCTION SALES Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Household. Effects and Antiques On the premises, Main St., in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JULY 7 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Property located in the Village of Zurich, being Vol. S., Lot No. 117; there is on the property a large two- storey white brick dwelling in best of condition, equipped with furnace, town water, built-in cupboards; has a beautiful lawn and shade trees, situated in a. very fine location. This is a very desirable property. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day and balance in 30 days. Will be sold subject to a re­ served bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: A Westinghouse electric radio; Mc­ Clary kitchen range, for wood or coal, like new; Quebec heat­ er; electric '2-element hotplate, like new: dining room extension table 6 dining room chairs; 6 kitchen chairs; a beautiful green upholstered chesterfield ch air, like new; baking table; cellar dining room furniture; 2 oak centre fern stands; chest of bureau, sideboard; 3- table, sewing machine; tables, drawers; bureau, sideboard; piece solid oak bedroom suite: 2-piece bedroom suite; com­ mode; dresser: hall tree; paper rack; new leather suitcase; large trunks, ’ . 1. electric washing machine; LARGE BRICK HOUSE- of land, small barn. ___„ has good roof and floors. Hydro and water on tap. Price $3,600. —C. V, Pickard. Main St., Exeter. i acre House couch; floor lamps; ’ ' . gal- vanied tubs; large cedar lined clothes cupboard; mantle clock: beautiful hand ipainted pictures and frames; various congoieum and other rugs in new condition: large assortment of beautiful new quilts, comforters, mats, blankets and linens; also glass­ ware, jai’dineres, silverware; beautiful antique dishes; full line of kitchen utensils, sealers, crocks; copper boiler, pails, new step ladder, small scales, garden tools; a quantity of paints, var­ ious colours; 1% tons of <' nut coal; and numerous articles. Everything is in first condition! TERMS: Cash. CARL OESTREICHER, HENRY GA.CKSTETTER, Executors for the Estate of the Late Lydia. Ehlers R. tn. STADE. CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. 2 8:5 c chest- other class