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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-06-21, Page 12
Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 21, 1951 COMING EVENTS m ............ f i GARDEN PARTY --- July 18 25 ' your date for Kirkton’s annual i Garden Party. It’s going to be the district’s big attraction again’ this year. 31tfei Reception and Dance Town Topics ! FOR MR. AND MRS. EMERSON PENHALE Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Times-Advoeate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Tel. 31-W THEATRE Phone 12J1 Previews Its Coming Attractions Friday, June 22 Music by Canadian Ramblers FRIDAY & SATURDAY Jun© 22 and 23 'He’s A Cockeyed Wonder’ Ar Mickey Rooney Ar Terry Moore Mickey the way you love him —in a youthful rags-to-riches comedy. MONDAY & TUESDAY June 25 and 20 - Skates Supplied - Skating from 8:00 to 11:00 Adults 350, Children 250 refreshment booth - Anyone wishing to order shoe skate outfits please phone 459- r-12 Exeter, or see Mr. Earl Neil personally. No skating Monday until July 2. How long can slie remain — 'A Lady Without Passport* Ar Hedy Lamarr Ar John Hodiak THE PALERMO BROTHERS from Italy, and th© PRESIDENT OF ITALIAN YOUTH FOR CHRIST WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY June 27 and 28 (Technlcolour) Ar Doris Day ★ Gene Nelson Warner Brothers’ bright lights musical that’s gay as the Great White Way. MATINEES Saturdays and Holidays at 2:30 p.ui. Tuesday June 26 Clinton High School This Will Be the Crowning Rally These men are versatile musi cians and speakers and are scheduled for appearances in the largest cities on the North American continent. Provision will be made for overflow crowd. Doors open 7:15 —program starts 8 p.m. Come early to get a good seat. CLINTON AREA- YOUTH FOR CHRIST WILMER MARTIN SPEEDWAY ATTRACTIONS Present Stock Car Clinton jy Twilight Show Commencing 6:30 P.M. Every Wednesday Beginning THRILLS SPILLS Admission: Adults $1.00 - Children .50 Sponsored by Clinton Lions Club • » A SPONSORED BY CLINTON LIONS CLUB Clinton Lions Arena PRIZES $700 Jackpot (Consolation prize of $25 if Jackpot not won in 40 numbers) Four Special Games: $50, $75, $150 as well as the $700 Jackpot 16 regular games for $10 each; 1 free game for $15 Admission: earcls; $1 for 16 regular games; 25$ for extra 25$ for each of four special games ME' Doors open at 8 :30 o’clock Games start at 9 DST REFRESHMENT BOOTH 91 Miss Eileen Hodgins is having I two weeks of holidays. Last week | she visited in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gardiner of Clearwater, Man., are visiting relatives in Exeter and vicinity. Mrs. Ilene Galsei' and Mrs. Irene Sitter and Mrs. Lilly Mar shall of Detroit, Mich., visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Westcott. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. children returned to in Wheatley after with their parents for a week. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Willard and daughter Miss Betty Ann of Mount Hope spent the week-end in town and attended the Marsh- Kydd wedding. Mrs. William Smith, Exeter north spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs, Hohner in Bruce- field. Miss Nancy Wright will leave on Friday for her home in An dover, New Brunswick where" she will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Haycock, of Cen treline, Michigan, visited over the week-end with their- daugh ter, Mrs. C. H. McDonald. The children and grand child ren of Mr. Frank Taylor gather ed at his home to honor him on Father’s Day last Sunday. Taylor's birthday was also brated. Both received lovely from the family. Susan Doerr and Mastei- old Doupe had their tonsils re moved at the Hooper Home this last week. Flying Officer Ivan Duvar, of Greenwood, companied by F/Os Bob McFad den and Dick Beattie, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Hunter-Duvar’s parents in Exe ter. Mr. Harry Minett and Mrs. <E. L. Box of Seaforth called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. McKay of Toronto spent several days with Mrs. MacKay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Amy, after returning from a very pleasant holiday trip through California and Mex ico. Mrs. Charles Box has recently come to make her home with her -brother, Thomas Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. James Squire and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ander son and daughter, Shirley, took in Kirkton Sunday School anni versary and spent the rest of the day with Mr. and Mrs. La verne Stone of KirktoiT. Monetta Menard’s, Exeter, was the meeting^ place of the Scott Memorial Hospital Aid, of Sea forth, for their last meeting this season. Among the winners attending the Clinton Lion’s .Bingo were: Mrs. Norry and Douglas 'Rivers, of Exeter, Mrs. Harry Walker, Dashwood, Mrs. Ken Scott, Bruce- field, and Mac Wilson of Bruce- field. Sanders and their home holidaying Mrs. cele- gifts Har- Nursing Hunter- N.S., ac- Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Barr, Judy and Paul of Sarnia visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. George Hack ney, of Riverhurst, Sask., are visiting at the home of the form er’s sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Turn bull who 1ms been in ill health for some time. It is thirty-four years since they last met. The rite of baptism was ob served in the James Street Unit ed Church Sunday morning when William Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph B, Creecli, was bap tized, ening robe wo' father, the late Byron Hicks. Miss Margaret Brown left by plane on Friday last for Regina, going on to and Mrs. L. family, Mrs. daughter of Mrs. F. Knight, formerly of Exe ter, and is a niece of Miss Brown and Mrs, Charles Harris. With The Sick ■Mr. Thomas 88th year, is a patient in Vic toria Hospital, his advanced is far from satisfactory. Mr. El liott, who has been a resident of Exeter for many years wll be re membered by all former Exeter- ites. Mr. William Pybus is ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, having undergone an operation Friday last. Mrs. Pybus has been with him most of the time. Mr. William Moodie, who re cently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, is improv ing nicely and expected home in a few days. Mr. Amos turned home pital where operation. Peter, two-year-old son of Sgt. and Mrs. Alex Grant, underwent a serious operation in the Child ren’s War Memorial Hospital, London, Monday and is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Herman Kernick is re cuperating from an operation re cently performed in Victoria Hospital. Orland Taylor, who has been in Victoria Hospital for several weeks following an auto acci dent, is able now to be out of bed for short periods. ■Mr. Oliver Rowcliffe, lug from a heart condition, taken to Victoria Hospital treatment. Mr. Harry T. Rowe, who ■been quite ill from a heart dition. has shown some improve ment. Mr. Alfred Hicks doctor’s care at his borne. Mr. Clark Fisher__ ________ to his home in Usborne follow ing an operation in Victoria Hospital. Mrs. Ed Westcott spent sev eral days in London the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ron. Stephan. Mrs. Jack Elliott, Mrs. Verne Smith and Miss Fanny Hatter were in London Tuesday attend ing the funeral of Thomas Sanders, was the former daughter of the Ford, of Exeter. She is survived by her husband and one sou, George. Children and grandchilden numbering 18 were together with their parents, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, William Hunter on Sunday. It was the first time since before the war that the family had all been together at one time. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Perkins were also there for the week-end. the late Mrs. Mrs. Sanders Pearl Ford, late George The child wore the christ- n by its grand Byron Hicks. Leroy to visit 0. Hamilton Hamilton is the late Mr, Mr. and the and Elliot, now in liis London. Owing to age his condition Darling has re- from Victoria Hos- lie underwent an suffer- was for has con- is under the home in Us- has returned Thames Road Anniversary Attended By Many Visitors The annual Sunday School an niversary was held on Sunday with a large crowd in attend dance. The children of the Sun day School filled the choir and were in charge of the music for the morning service. Rev. A. Hinton of Kippen was guest speaker at the morning service. The adult choir were^an charge of the music at the evening ser vice. Miss Jean Exeter was guest W. J. Rogers of guest speaker. Among those attending church from other communities and spending the day with friends were; Mr. and Mrs. Chas Harris, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harris; Mr, and Mrs. William Harper and family of Cromarty, Mrs. Lloyd with Mr. Ballantyne. Mr. and Mrs. of Exeter, Mr. McDonald of soloist. Rev. Hensall was J. Hackney and and Mrs. Lloyd William Parsons and Mrs. Lloyd Parsons and family, of Eden, with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pass- more; Mr. and Mrs. Theron Creery and family of Kirkton with Mr. and Mrs Jas Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. William Rowcliffe and Gary of Hurondale, Mr. and Mrs. - - Miss with land. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ballantyne with Mrs. G. Wiseman, Mr. Ed gar Montieth; Mr. and 'Mrs. Al bert Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd of Woodham, Miss Feme Rodd of London, Mr. and Jas Earl of Zion with Mr. Mrs. Percy Passmore and and Mrs. Lome Passmore. Mr. ahd Mrs. William Morley, of Whalen, Mr. Sam Skinner, of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym, of Thedford, Mr. and MrA Emery Gaiser of Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wanner of Sar nia, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunter and family With Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Mr. and Mrs, Allan Jaques and Ray of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Wil son Morley of Exeter, Gunning and Miss Alice more with Mr. and Mrs. Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. William son and Clarence of Woodham, ton and Joyce, of London, Mrs. Henry Rhode, of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. Mr. and Mrs. Warrett Brock of Zion, Mr. ahd Mrs. Chas. -Miller Alex Munn of Hensall and June Borland of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bor- Mrs. and Mr. Mrs. A. Pass- Aimer Thom- Mr. Miller Sr., Mr. and Mrs. of Exe- Ehwin Watson and Lily, ter, with Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Carter and family of Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson and Pat-1 rica of Cromarty, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and family of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fer guson and Bonnie of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McBeth and sons of Kippen, Mr. Hugh Hendrick and Gwennethj of Grand Bend with Mrs. Alfred Hunkin. Dr. and Mrs. Mertin Johns and family, of Hamilton, with Mr. ' ------ ■“* ‘ Mrs. _____ ._ Lloyd, F/0 Blake Lloyd, Grant and Shielali Lloyd, of Schom berg spent Sunday with Rev. Mrs. Mair. Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Morgan Johnny with Mr. and Mrs. Hodgert. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner and M’ary of London with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner. Personal Items Quite a number of the ladies of the comunity had a bee clean ing the church on Tuesday after noon of last week. A number from this com munity went on a bus trip to London on Thursday of last week. This bus trip -was sponsor ed by the Hurondale Women's institute. •Misses Margaret Cann, Nona Pym, Ruth Dawson, Helen Mor gan of London spent the week end at their homes here. Miss Una Calder of Thames- ford spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert. Miss Dorothy Thomson Of London spent the week-end with, Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. Church and Sunday School Services will be withdrawn on Sunday, June 24, owing to Elim- villo Anniversary. Don’t forget the Sunday School picnic at Seaforth Park on Sat urday afternoon, June 23. Bring a basket lunch. Mrs. Gordon Stone and in fant son returned home from Mrs. Hooper’s Nursing Home, Exeter on Friday. We are sorry Mrs. G. Monteith her bod. Thames Road will meet at the Ju he Coward on at 8 p.m. sharp. and Mrs. Mr. and and Mrs. William Elford, A. Ferguson, Mrs. E. iG. and and Mac to report that is confined to Mission Circle home of Miss Friday evening Elimville Sunday School Anniversary Sunday, June 24 Rev. Wanless at 11:00 a.m. Rev. Scott of Bly th at 7:30 pan. Special Music by the Choir By the Ladies Guild of St. Johns Anglican Church by the Lake GRAND BEND Fri.z Evening, June 29 at 8:15 p.m. Grand Bend Hall Admission: Adults 500, Children under 12 250 Three-Act Comedy ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY June 22 and 23 A DOUBLE BILL ‘Rusty’s Birthday’ and ★ Gene Autfy in ‘Mule Train’ COMIC STRIPS & SHORTS / MONDAY & TUESDAY ' June 25 and 26 Let’s Dance’ - starring - Betty Hutton Fred Astaire Ronald Young Ruth Warwick ★ ★ ★ ★ NEWSREEL & COMICS WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY June 27 and 28 A DOUBLE BILL ‘Strange Bargain’ and 'Mysterious Desperado' SHORTS & COMICS 1.0,0,F. CANADIAN LEGION | This is the final test of a gen- j tieman: His respect for those who can be of no possible ser- Intermediate O.B.A, . . . ........ W ..... ....-r-TI- - 1 Decoration Service 1 EXETER CEMETERY i Sunday, June 24 2:30 p.m. • Exeter Band in Attendance Public Cordially Invited Arnold C. Cann, Noble Grand Fred Darling, President, Canadian Legion vice to him. Preliminary Showing 'Miss Dominion Day' Beauty Contest Tuesday, June 26 Between Shows Lyric Theatre EXETER I 'Kid Brother' will be presented by Huron Presbytery, Y.P.U. Elimville United Church Tuesday, June 26 8:30 p.m. Admission: 500 and 350 - ■-----------------------------------------------------B BASEBALL Friday,June 22 CLINTON COLTS vs. EXETER ADMISSION 350 EXETER KINSMEN CLUB MONDAY, JULY 2 Celebration Exeter Community Park ★ PARADE ★ BANDS Exeter Band; RCAF Squadron; School Children Floats (prizes $100); Decorated Bicycle and Tricycles; Costumes (Best dressed Confederation 'Father, .$20.00); Clowns. ■ AFTERNOON SHOW Parade at 1 O’clock From South End of Towh O’ War Pig Contest ★ Tug Ar Greased ~k Pie Eating Contest ★ Acrobatics ★ Aerobatics A- Beauty Contest Ball Game — Dashwood vs. Exeter —- 6:30 p.m. Crowning “Miss Dominion Day” — 10:30 p.m. EVENING SHOW ★ Lee Paul Master of Ceremonies Ar Jean Somerville Blonde Acrobatic Dancer * Ven'trillo Wonderful Act for Kids Ar Clair Rouse “The One-Man Band” ★ Roy and Doris Newest and Best Tricks * Cliff Oldroyo Tight-Wire Walker • A Jan Say on the Piano Draw for Kin Car 11:00 p.m. Admission: Afternoon, Adults 500; Evening, Adults 500; Children 250 Free admission, treats and draw for public school children in the afternoon BEND Dancing Nightly Saturday June 23 to Labor Day BOBBY DOWNS and his ORCHESTRA ■• REMEMBER! DANCING EVERY NIGHT Lakeview Casino 0RA',“