HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-06-21, Page 11THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 21, 1951 Lucan And District News cood/Vear marathon 23"(size 6.0046 4-ply) Less Trade-in Allowance Other Sizes at equally low prices It’S o brand paw Guaranteed Goodyear Marathon, with a thicker, wider tread to give you even greater mileage! And now you can have your choice of tread designs—the smooth-running rib’ tread or the famous Goodyear diamond traction tread! Only Marathon gives you this choice in the low-price field! See us today for this Good­ year mileage bargain! Poole-Coursey Jean Ann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Coursey, Lucan, was united in marriage, with Leonard Poole son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poole, London by the Rev. L. C. Harrison at Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, Mrs. 'Jack Elson accompanied by Mrs. C. Hawkshaw, was soloist. Given in marriage by her fa­ ther, the bride wore a gown of white brocaded nylon over or­ gandy, A Juliet cap held her fingertip veil and she carried Garnet roses and baby's breath. Miss Doris Young, bridesmaid wore blue-nylon over taffeta, and the flower girl, Janet Zurbrlgg, niece of the bride, wore pink, nylon over taffeta. They carried nosegays of Briarcliffe roses. Best man was Harold Williams Stratford, and ushers were Ro-i bert Murray and John Poole. After the reception at Club Monetta, Exeter, the happy cou­ ple left for Montreal and Ottawa, On their return they will live London. in LOOK FOR THIS "HIGH SIGN" OF QUALITY * South End Service - RUSS & CHUCK SNELL Phone 328-W Night 328-J AUTHORIZED George E. Dobbs George E. Dobbs, 66,. died the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fergus McCann, 59 Bay St. Strat­ ford on Thursday, June 14, He had been in ill health for about a year. Born in Usborne Town­ ship he was a son of the late Freeman and Amelia Dobbs. He worked aa a section man for the C.N.R. for 37 years. He was ai member of the Anglican Church. His wife, the former Clara Dempsey died some years ago. Surviving are two brothers Fred of Exeter, Albert of Stratford;, four sisters, Mrs. Wes Atkinson, of Lucan, Mrs. Lorne Shouldice, of London and Mrs. Newton Clarke and Mrs. Charles Fisher of Usborne. The funeral was held from the Haskett funeral home on 1 Saturday June 16, at 2 p.m. In- rterment in St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye. at Senior W,l. The June meeting of the Sr. W.L met in the auditorium of the Arena on Thursday, June 14, at .8 p.m. wth Mrs. Scott, the president presiding. The roll call was answered by “Hints ou cut­ ting and arranging flowers,” Some very interesting and use­ ful hints were given. Through a misunderstanding not one—but two papers were given on the theme, “Let us nev­ er lose an opportunity to see the beauty around us”. Mrs. Murray Hodgins read her own paper while Miss Lina Abbott read the paper prepared by Mrs. Frank Hardy who is on a trip out west. Six other ladies read short hints on the care of flowers. It was decided the Lucan Branch would assist in the pro­ ject of a scholarship for some lucky jr. It was also decided the branch “step out” again. This time a trip to Detroit, Greenfield Vil­ lage and Edison Museum on 26. While lunch was being pared with Mrs. Warner Roberts as convener, Mrs. June pre- Mc- Scott conducted a flower contest which was won by Mrs, gins, glass Murray Hod- Her prize was a lovely salad or pickle' dish. During Mr. Crocker’s illness his class wrote letters to Scot­ land. All this week a certain oc­ casional Teacher’s telephone and door-bell has been ringing by happy excited boys and girls to report they have just received a letter from their Scottish friend. Now they are busy ning a return letter. pen­ plan- THE 1951 Portable Typewriters Last Tuesday Mr. Tom Cour­ sey driver for the Hickory Dairy London had a serious accident which landed him in the hospi­ tal when he ran after his horse which started across a busy in­ tersection, Though he is now at home on his far^n on the Cour­ sey Road he may be fof work for some time. “THE WORLD’S NO. 1” 4 Exeter Times-Advocate --------------------------------------------—H • Portable Arc Welding • Acetylene Welding • Steel Fabrication • Machine Work • Grinding Marshall & Murray Machine Shop PHONE 179-J EXETER 1 ......................-.........—M each each cwt* HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR 8.00 8.00 2.00 per According to Size and Condition Call Seaforth IS Collect Exeter 235 DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED HORSES CATTLE HOGS All Wool shipped to JACKSONS is Graded in Seaforth and Full settlement made by them. H. M. JACKSON SEAFORTH Phones; ©ays 684-W; Nights 3-J llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter of Detroit spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Casey. About 40 members and friends of Lucan’s A.'Y.P.A. gathered at Austin Hodgins’ farm on Friday night for a weiner roast. Eric Hodgins and Douglas Stone had charge of the games and sports. The young people derful evening. Mr. and -Mrs. left Monday, June _ . tended visit to Winnipeg and points west. Mrs. A, A. Garrett and Scott Garett attended the ton-Scott wedding at United Church on May 26, 1951. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett attended Decoration Services at Birr Anglican Church on Sunday, June 17. Archdeacon Clarence Foreman was the speaker. Mrs. A. A. Garrett has re­ turned home after a delightful five day visit in London with her cousin, Miss Athinson and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cummins of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Jock Graham of Chatham spent Father’s Day with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett. ' Mrs. Joseph and family from St. Thomas are visiting mother, Mrs. Chown on Alice St. Mrs. A. A. Garrett and Mr. Scott Garrett attended Decora­ tion Services at Woodland Ceme­ tery on Sunday calling at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery on the way home. Miss Jeannine St. Louise Of the Bell Telephone * Co. Aylmer, Quebec, returned home oft Satur­ day after nearly a week visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Renard, of Alice St. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown­ lee are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Pat Laverty in Leamington. Mr. George McRoberts and Mrs. Congran of Lucknow spent Friday last with Mr. and Mrs. Warner McRoberts. Mrs. Archie Tom, of Toronto,, is spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Alice Stanley. The Anniversary Programme and dance at the Arena on F.ri; day June 15, was poorly attend­ ed, probably due to the large at­ tendance at the ball game and the lateness of the hour when it ended. Mrs. Ormi and Murray have returned home after a delightful motor-trip to Washington. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Colbert, of Seaforth, spent Wednesday, June 13, with Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Brownlee, Little Dana Culbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel CUlbert is seriously ill in Victoria Hospital. Master sergeant Owen Stanley and family of Wichita Texas left Sunday night for Toronto after a week’s visit with Mr. and Mr3. Roy Stanley. While here they had their two children, Reggie and Roy baptized in Holy Trinity Church on Sunday, June 17, by the Rev. L. Harrison. Mrs. Ed McLean of Detroit is •spending a F. McLean quaintances report a won- Frank. Hardy 11, for an ex­ Mr. Cot- Wesley ■her few days with Mrs. and renewing ac- in the village. News large crowd was on Ball A Friday, June 15 to see Lucan and Mitchell play to a three all tie. On Thursday night, June 14, , Lucan Jr. played their first game of the. season with Exeter and went down to defeat ?n a very close game. hand CLANDEBOYE Women’s Institute Motto, “What is so rare as a day in June”, was given by Mrs. Clarence Hardy meeting " Institute ningham 13. President Mrs. M. Thompson presided. Scripture was read by Mrs. A. McIntosh, Girls’ scholar­ ship was decided to date. ■Mrs, A. report of in Lucan gave the delegate’s report. Current events by Mrs. Alvin Cunningham. The contest was won by Mrs. Wilmer Scott. A vote of thanks was extended to the hostess. Lunch was served and committee. Personal Items Rev. E. M. Cook boye United Church the early service at June 24 for ■ ___ ______ There will be .at that service a Sacrament of Rev. L. C. James’ Anglican start the early morning service at 9:45 a.m. on June 24 for the summer months, Miss Verna Cunningham of St. Thomas spent week-end with her mother, Mrs. Alvin Cunningham. Mrs. Mervin Carter, teachei' of Hurondale School, with pupils went on trip to Fairfield Village on Friday, June 15. Other teach­ ers and pupils of Usborne area made the trip, also seeing the zoo and museum. Mr. and Mrs. Rea Neil spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilton in Strathroy. Mr. W. L. Pa'ton of Parkhill spent a few days the past week with his brother, James Paton, and family. Mr. Charles Edginton is doing some alterations to his kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Karl O’Neil called at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Sunday evening to visit Mrs. Mollard, also Mr. Bell­ ing. at the June of Clandeboye Women’s when Mrs. Arthur Cun- was hostess on June discussed and it was take it up at a later Blake gjaye finaiicial District Annual 'held and Mrs. C. Hardy by hostess McNaughton-Revington In Lucan United Church, June 13, Alma Norene Revington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Wesley Revington, Lucan became the bride of Harry Mer­ ritt McNaughton, son of Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm McNaughton, Clandeboye. Given in marriage by her fa­ ther, the bride wore a gown of Swiss embroidered organdy, and a fingertip veil of tulle, held by a cap of matching organdy. She carried madonna lilies. ■Miss Andry Revington, maid of honor wore a Swiss embroidered gown in orchid headdress and daisies. The ceremony by Rev. Stanley ed by Rev. • E. McNaughton, groom, was best man Revington, brother of and William Waldom ers. The reception was Knotty Pine Inn, after couple left for Muskoka, with matching carried yellow was performed Johnston assist- M. Cook. Leon brother Personal Items Womerfs Association Plan Strawberry Supper The June meeting of Lucan United Women’s Association was held in the church on Wednes­ day evening with Mrs. Sheldon Revington presiding for the busi­ ness session. Plans were made for a ham and strawberry supper to be held in the Arena June 22 with a committ’ee of Mrs. Ivan Stan­ ley, Mrs. Earl Young, Mrs. J. Dobie and Mrs. Clarence Lewis to complete arrangements. Programme for the evening was under direction of Mrs. Clarence Lewis’ group with Mrs. George Paul reading a poem and Mrs. Harold Whyte taking the scripture lesson. Mrs. Myron Cul- bert and Mrs. F. Chown contri­ buted a duet. Mrs, Clarence Lewis gave a talk on “The Pathway to Peace’’. “In these days when the world is in a state of mad tur­ moil, .when upheaval in the far­ thest corner of the earth seems to reverberate around the world, when no nation' seems to be sure of itself, we wonder peace can ever come said the speaker. The social ments. meeting closed half hour and if world, about,"' with a refresh- Anniversary Services Anniversary services were held in Lucan United Church on Sun­ day with Rev. Harry- Mahoney of Exeter in charge. Special music was rendered by the choir under the direction Vahey with Howard Kew organist. Mrs. Don Revington and Mrs. Bert Thompson took solo parts in anthems. of Percy as I held which A Girl's B|CYCLE of the! and Fred the bride, were ush- of ^Clande^’*5 Mrs. Herman Young spent "'"' last three weeks with his sister Mrs. Alex Fraser of Sarnia and her sister, Mrs. Ed Byon of Courtwright. While on her visit she took a trip to St. Clair, Pt. Huron, Lexington and Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller of Chawin Alta, spent last Wednes­ day with Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman. Mrs. Clarke Taylor and family a few days with Coursey will start 9:45 a.m. summer months. Lord's Supper. Harrison of St, ■Church will Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hills of London and Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ fred Logan and Myrna of Thorn­ dale spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morgan, of Hamilton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ceafur Atkinson on Monday evening. Mrs. T. Collins, Mrs. Wilmer Scott and Miss A. Northgrave of W.M.S. of Clandeboye United Church attended the W.M.S. con­ vention at Lieury United Church. Mrs. Allan Rush of London was the guest speaker. are spending her brother, and other friends. The Shamrock operating under ment of Ken Blandford. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Reilly and Mrs. A. E. Reilly spent the week­ end with the latter’s daughter, ■Mrs. Erie D, Haist and family at Fonthill. Married April 17, and Miss Cora erly of Lucan. Those from a distance attend­ ing the McNaughton and Reving­ ton wedding were; Mr. Ed Mc­ Lean of Detroit, Mrs. Gertie Gil­ bert and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wil­ son of Riverside, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McNaughton, West Lome, Mr. and Mrs. William Walker of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Lobsinger of Sarnia and Mrs. Carl John­ ston of St. Catharines. Mr. in Mr. Tom Grill the is now manage- Yuma, Arizona, W. K. Hayman Simpson—form- A $30 Misprint At the last meeting Home and School it was to have a booth at the Field Day celebration. Those in charge were more than*delight ed to net in the neighbourhood of —not $5 as stated in last week's paper. of the decided District In just a few weeks time you can own one of these brand new bikes ... a smart table radio for your own room ... or one of 120 other valuable prizes just for saving Kist Bottle Tops. Here’s how to do it. Whenever you get a Kist Bottle Top, lift the cork lining and look for the letter K-I-S- or T printed on the inside metal surface. Then go to your nearest Kist dealer’s store . . . the man who sells delicious ice-cold Kist . . . and ask for your copy of Kist Con­ test Rules. They’ll tell you how you can win your new bike or one of the 120 valuable prizes. Start saving lucky Kist .Bottle Tops right away. Enter BOTTlB TOPKI3T co"Tts' Mrs. and and Donald Maguire Greenlee Mrs. R. Mrs. E. Mr. and Birr Women‘s Institute Plan Fortieth Anniversary “Trips” was the predominant topic at the meeting when Mrs. Ernest Hodgins entertained Birr Women’s Institute at the home of Marcus Shoebottom. Guest speaker for the after­ noon was Mrs. D. A. Carmichael who gave a very interesting ac­ count of her trip to Florida early this year. She illustrated the story by pictures she had taken with her camera. The roll call, “a trip I would like to take this summer”, led into the discussion of ways to celebrate the fortieth annivers­ ary of the branch with the re­ sult that the members voted to charter a bus and visit Green­ field Village, Michigan, on June 25. Highlights of tire District An­ nual recently held at Harriets- ville, were given, by *Mrs. Clar­ ence Lewis. School closed in Church today for Next Sunday in begin a Jr. Congrega- Sunday Anglican summer, place will _ _ _ tion. It, is hoped parents and children will give their loyal support to this new service. Collection Plates, Alms Basin Presented At Saintsbury Church Baskets o-f pink and white peonies made a beautiful setting in St. Patrick’s Church, Sunday for the dedication of a brass alms basin and brass collection plates as a memorial to the late Thomas and Alice Dickins form­ erly of this church. Canon James was in charge of the service and the Rev. Har­ old Dickins of Rochester, New York gave the address dwelling on the theme of remembrance and the gift of memory. Mrs. Jack Djckius chose as her solo, “The Church by the Side of the Road” and the charge of Mrs. C. W. HaWkshaw Of LUcah. ' Two sons and „ Of the late Mr, and Mrs. Dickins were in attendance. Rev. H. Dick­ ins made the presentation of the gifts on behalf of the DicltinS family and Cannon James receiv­ ed them oh behalf of the congre­ gation of St. Patrick’s Church, Those from a distance attend­ ing the service were, Rev. and Mrs. Harold Dickens from Ro­ chester, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mc- Falls from St. Thomas, Mr, -and Mrs. Harry Nolles, Aylmer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knapp, St, Thomas, Mrs. Coates and Mrs. Richard Dickens, Exeter, Mr, and music was in five daughters Mrs. Bob Coleman, Mrs. Aaron Davis and Mrs. William Dickens of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Dickens of Alisa Craig, Mr. Mrs. Phin Dickens, Mr. and Alf Dickens and Mr. and Harold Dickens of London Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. H. Latta Carol of Arva spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott and boys of Niagara Falls spent the week-end at the home of Mi and Mrs. R. Greenlee and attend ed the Scott reunion accompani ed by Mr. ‘ “ and Larry Greenlee. Mr, and and Lee attended the Mason re­ union at Springbank Park. 47 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lewis and Ruth of Toronto were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinsoh. Several of the ladles of this community attended the tea in Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall-on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis and family, Mrs. W, J. Davis and Ivan were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ell Carroll at Bothwell. and Mrs. MODERN MECHANIZED HELP FOR ACTIVE DUTY ON THE FARM FRONT In the campaign for food, mechanical equipment is playing an increasingly important part. Machines enable fewer men on the farms to maintain and increase production. As a result of the continuous research and experi­ mentation by the agricultural implement industry, farmers today can get tractors, combines, and power machines that offer greater advantages in the saving of time and labor. In times of manpower shortage, modern equipment is especially essential in getting farm work done at the right time to produce best results. For more than one hundred years, Massey-Harris has been a leader in developing machines that through service and efficiency contribute to the progress of Canadian agriculture. Your local Massey-Harris dealer will be glad to give you particulars of the latest models. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED Established 1847