HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-06-21, Page 6Faye 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 21, 1951 To her Question was iho the firm girl he had ever lihwdb he replied: “Ap a matter <T' tact, yes/’ GREENWAY 1 Keep, m mmd the strawberry and ham supper at the Unittxt Church on Fridav evening. ! B a p t i s m a 1 and Communion be held in the Unit-1 on Sunday at 2:45 j Pause And Profit Read These Ads! Evening Service One garage will be open In Exeter on Sundays, Wed­ nesday afternoons and dur­ing the evenings through­ out the week. Open this Bunday, Wed­ nesday afternoon, and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the week:’-- Service will ed Church p.m. Clean up Salon Cemetery. of MeGillvary. Monday June 25. ; All who are interested and can • help are kindly asker to come. Hodge and spent the aunt. Mrs. day will ho held at 19th eonsetion Monday June FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE MALE HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Have an unlimited quantity of barn fertilizer, $5 per spreader load. —~G. J. Dow. 5tfc ED’S IMPERIAL Service Station High Prices For Good Used Cars? Mr- and Mrs. Joe ’ daughters of Detroit week-end with their Albert Pollock. We arc sorry that Belling is , ph’s Hospital, speedy recovery. Mrs Jack Murray. Brian and Karen of St Thomas returned home on Sunday after spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. W. T. Vlcns. Miss Marilyn Mousseau, of Kippen. spent the week-end with her cousin Miss Marion Wood­ burnMiss Muriel Fallis of Sarnia spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hrophey and Fran­ ces. Miss Lillian Ulens of Windsor spent the week-end with her 51 r. Henry a patient hl St. Jose- We wish him a BRINSLEY MAGAZINES - New and renewal subscriptions for any magazine are received at The Times- Advocate. tf Why have MOTH DAMAGE? 5- year written guarantee with Berlou against moth damage on rugs, chesterfields and clothing. Free estimates. Dinney Furniture, phone 20-W Sctfn FOR SALE Allis - Chalmers Model GO combine, A-l condi­ tion: 8-fooj. John lieere binder cut 50 acres: Oliver beet lifter 3 row: John Deere 6-foot tiller like new. R. Faber. Kip­ pen. phono 694-r-ll Hensall. 14:21* i FOR SALE—Strawberries. Pick your Owp. -- -William Walters, Winchelsea, telephone Kirkton 14-r-lG. 14:21:28c FOR SALE’™-Kodak camera, 6.3 lens, complete with ease and flash attachment. Apply John Bowie, Exeter Times-Advocate. II j USED ELECTIIK Refrigerator A-l Shape $125.00 “SANDY" ItLLIOT Phone (M-W FOR RENT Exeter HELP WANTED- -A man or boy to help with haying; one used to horses. Phone 63-r-14 Cre­ diton. 21c SPRAY PAINTING — B a r b g , houses, roofs, etc. —Gordon Eagleson, phone 40-r-2, Dash­ wood. 21:28:5:12:19:26c EXPERIENCED truck driver, steady, reliable, local man pre­ ferred. Permanent job if satis­ factory. Apply to E. A. Elliott, Supertest Whse. 14:21* SERVICE for your present car or a new Dodge automobile or truck, Both are obtainable simply by calling Hensall 31, Car Salesman SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 527-J. 3 Otic I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Do.w. phone 83 Exeter. l*tfc Excellent opportunity for conscientious worker. Car selling experience not essential hut advantageous. M eLa u gli lin-B u iok condition; 34 choice 5-800 lbs. 1, Crum- Dublin. 21e FOR SALE buck-rake in also hay stock caiv C. arty. PASTURE FOR RENT—Lot 12. Concessions, running water, accommodate 15 head. Floyd Weeks, phone 27. 21:28c ; ELIMVILLE i Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns 1 spent the week-end in Detroit. I Mr. and Mrs. William Routly. i Anna and Grace attended the an- j niversary services at Kirkton on 'Sunday and visited with ;Mrs. Frank Routly. ' Mr. and Mrs. John visited on Sunday with ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. I is of Exeter. : Mr. and Mrs Alvin Pym Aldeen visited on Sunday 'Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym 'attended the anniversary • vices at Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephens »and Betty Ann spent Sunday jwith Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Robin­ son of Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holmes, j " ' *and Dale, motored to ; Lions Head and spent the week­ end with friends. ■ Mr. Mr. and Ridley the lat- Wil- i J. A-l • tedder: ,,Jves, weight Walker. R.R. phone 12-r-13 HASKETT MOTORS PAINTING and paperhanging, kitchen cupboards and cab­ inets. Tom Walker, Exeter, phone 553. tfc FOR SALE—A 1936 Chevrolet Coach in very good condition, original paint. Apply William Rohde, phone Exeter 173-31. 21* FOR RENT — S u m m e r resort store, choice location, excel­ lent possibilities, reasonable rent, at Grand Bend. Write or wire Mark Bowie Hearst. Ontario. Pontiac, Buick, (J.M.C. Dealer i i!j Co., 2 life Luean Ontario FURNACES INSTALLED, eaveg- troughing, metal painting. -— Lloyd Johnson, R.R. 3, Den- field, phone 612-r-32 Ailsa. Craig. 7:14:21:28c NOTICE TO CREDITORSFOR RENT Three-room lower apartment, private entrance, bath shared, no children. J. W. Powell, phone 233 Exeter. 21c LOST FOR SALE—Singer sewing ma­ chine in new condition $49 00 W. Martin, Exeter South. 21e and with and ser- In the Estate of ELIZABETH JANE PARSONS, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Jane Parsons, late of the Village of Hensall in the County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on or about the 4th day of February, 1951, are required t.o file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, K.C., Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 30th day of June next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, K.C., Solicitor for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario. 14:21:28c LOST—Brown plastic purse, on Saturday evening in containing a sum of Finder please leave at Advocate office. Exeter, money. Tiines- 21c Owing to decoration services at Crediton on June 24. service at United Church will be ,1:45 p.m followed by School us Rev. Parrott speaker at Crediton. St. Marys' Anglican and Brin- slev United Sunday Schools will b^bby hold a................................. — School Friday o'clock sports Mr.* and Mrs. Roy Toronto are returning spending some time fives and friends in !* bourhomi- Mr. and Mrs Ahno Sarnia visited recently and Mrs. Fred Fenton Hilton Banting Mrs. Kennedy of St. spending some time daughter. Mrs Wesley 5Ir. Alvin Amos of visited recently with his sister. Miss Mary B Amos. J Look these over before you buy. Note the interior, fenders, tiros and finish of these ears and running condition of our cars. We are sure yon can't do better anywhere. Drop us a and we will demonstrate. *5P METEOR COACH 7 200 miles, only ........ *50 CHEV COACH 1 1.000 miles, only ..... 41 DODGE COACH one owner, only ........ ‘41 FORD COACH overhauled, only . . DODGE COACH .*39 line $1,865 $1,890 ... $675 . $550 Sunday next. Brinsley Su is guest picnic on the grounds of Section No. 6 Brinsley on evening June 29. at 6 sharp. B a s e b a 11 and followed by lunch. Allison of home after with rela­ the neigh- Morgan of ■ with Mr. and Mr. ents. - nor. FOR SALE—China cabinet Also" want to buy drop-leaf table Crocker, phono 59 2leJ ................. .... .... * FOR SALE-—Dump rake, also used Thor washing machine in good condition. Clarence Har­ dy. phone 84-r-21 Lucan 21c FOR RENT »- S u m m e r resort j store, choice location, excellent possibilities, reasonable rent.* at Grand Bend. Write or wire Mark Bowie -a: Co » Hearst. ’ Ontario.. JltfCji FOUND Elgin Skinner of Toronto, the week-end with his par-, Mr. and. Mrs Everett Skin- FOR SALE—Used bricks. Apply on Snell's Garage er Dashwood, phone lumber and job back of H. Petersen. 31-r-15. 21* FOUND - Left at Fink’s Meat Market, three plastic contain­ ers with red top. Owner may have same by proving property nud paying for ad. 21* FUR RENT -Turnip planter nt $*,PC per acre. This is an ac­ curate type of planter which has been very successful in« c u t1 i a g thinning-time to a fraction and producing a bet- j* ter quality shipping turnip with very few culls. Can be transported in ear or trailer. Apply Harold Dignan. 3 miles * west of Hensall or phone 91- r-18. Zurich: 21:28:5* FOR SALE—Leonard refrigera­ tor and. rangetie. new condi­ tion. cheap. Phone 12S-r-lS or House 259. Centralia Airport. 21* REAL ESTATE DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neeb Pontiac Michigan, psent week-end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. David on an extended trip where they will visit Miss Nancy Tieman *a weeks vacation with of the are west CREDITON FRAME house, large living room, chen. bath, water hard 20x30 floor. building. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Exeter. o 7tfc room, den and dining hardwood floors, kit- 4 bedrooms, 3 - p i e c e full basement, cistern, pressure system, good water. Well built barn concrete foundation and Extra lot suitable for - FOR SALE—-Sunshine baby car- J riage, new condition. Apply ? House 2$P. P.M.Q's R C.A.F. » Station or phone Cpl. Schiller. ? Local 18. 21:2S*-.l-------------------------------------------1 WANTED TO RENT—Garage m ’ FOR SALE—Bridesmaid's dress. | central district. C. E. Shaw at pink georgette, taffeta slip, alls Bank of Montreal. 21* new. size 16. Phone Myers, j 129. Zurich._____________21c . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE on 1 fat cattle, two choice Hereford I bulls. 16 months old. Apply: ; John Caldwell, phone Exeter | 13-r-ll. 21* j Weber out his sister, is pending friends on Marys Is with her Watson. London, Killarnev Island. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walper of Ingersall spent the week-end Miss Ida Hardy spent Friday'with relatives. with Mrs Walter Morley. Mrs. Minnie Morgan has been a Msiting with Mr. and Mrs. Got* j don Banting of Lucan has re- ImnuxHate delivery on nowha™ed to the home of her daugh- IMdgv ears and half-ton trucks*Mrs. Me.vjn AdisonI Mr and Mrs Clarence Highest trade allowance possible'and Mrs. F J. Neil spent on ’-Id or '47 ears. We art' out1 day with Mr and Mrs. of this model. ‘Sutherland of Mount Bryc.ges Those who dined with Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Gordon Rock and fam illy. Mr. and Mrs Ernest Amos of London, visited over the week-end with their father. ' I. Ames who * sted birthday on Sunday ’34 PLYMOUTH SEDAN .. $175 WANTED TO RENT FORD'Jl new tires, COACH refinished ........ $135 COACHES <21 ......... $65 *29 FORD your pick *38 CHRYSLER 5-PASS. COUPE good motor .................... $250 I 5 Neil Sun- Orvel Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKeurie and family of Richwood were week-end visiters with Mr. sed Mrs. Gordon Eaglesen. Rush Anne Rader had the mis­ fortune to fall front a teeter at si I on Tuesday fracturing her a Mr. stiver are attending of Mrs mother week. WANTED and Rader is confined Hospital as the re- one day lastweek a Nadger who hits to St Joseph Hos- WARD FRITZ ' Dodge - DeSoto Salo <8^ US TODAY! at A* £ Fen 5 PRINCE Andrew Hmks g'nter ALE- tead Lay CENTRALIA Mr a are vistt Jtaws-lmpmal feD" ItigL wur inmaov tsnl yot. Latmg Wax \ Aar Cm-* oL'aAT. ”■ raaJ Air Frsnot wnrfbcr ais* asit. Cemte an fef show how ooonontteru jet jo-ar Lvsw enm esrnW he. Lindenfield’s Limited f *l.e v: Ct'sfThlm Id trs.- ■SesA..... ... •ervcLs* is *0 funeral s rand­s' this Mrs. Lome Klein- :he Kleins fiver's in Fcwmanvil i FOR SALE—Holstein bull calf; all-steel Deering dump rake; lvx'2 turkey er chicken shel­ ter. Lloyd Reynolds. R.R. 1. Hensall. 21c FOR SALE*——Nails. 2J- inch. $14 -J per lev Louis Le.hner. phone forth. and 4- Ibs. — 49. Sea- 21* FOR SALE—Cabin trailer, ap - ; prex 1 t-f: . new tires, fully ; Business For Yourself forth. 21* * THE EXETER SALVAGE CO. want all kinds of new and used feathers and feather ticks. Top price. Also all kinds of scrap metal. Phone 423, Exeter, collect. We pick up. 14;21:2S:5c** NEW BRICK HOME—This new home is nicely located in Exe­ ter. It has been built for util­ ity and comfort and is equipped with all modern con- ' veniences. If you are consider­ ing buying or building, let us show you this well built,, up- to-date home. Quick posses­ sion. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. OPPORTUNITIES RIGHT NOW You Can Get Into FOR SALE—Two bedroom cot­ tage, complete bath, furance and hardwood floors. R. E. Balkwill, Sctfn In the Estate of JOHN TRIEBNER, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full parti­ culars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 3 0th day of June, A.D. 1951,. after which date the estate's as­ sets will be distributed, having regard' only to claims that have then been received. W. G. COCHRANE, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 7:14;21e AUCTION SALES FRAME HOUSE on particularly fine lot in one of Exeter’s best residential sections. This house requires renovating and for that reason is being offered at a low price. —C. V. Pickard, 5Iain St.. Exeter. Community AUCTION SALE Community Auction Sales will be held on the premises of Mr. J. Wesley Merner. situated a quarter mile south of Zurich, who has converted his barns into a very suitable sales arena, with ample room for cattle, calves, pigs, horses and ail livestock; also other miscellaneous articles. The first sale to he held on WEDNESDAY EVE. JUNE 27 beginning at 8:00 p.m. Anyone wishing to dispose of their above mentioned items kindly contact the Manager of Sale. J. WESLEY MERNER. MGR. * ALVIN WALPER. AUCT. 21c Our client—a leading automobilered Scotch Short- < o m p a n y — h a s "a DEALER :< 11 months eld. __1LLW 'L _ _and aecrjedited^ Ap- a wide-awake business man. a very small investment j required . . . Ideal tie-up for ’Garage Operator. Used Car Deal­ er. Auto Parts wholesaler or re- j tai’er. or any progressive man. .jit’s Canada’s lowest priced, most j economically operated 6-passeng- <er FOR SALE—-Wheat. 2.5fv lbs.: •' also lady s bicycle, like new. ' Ed Hughes. Ccm 4. South-; Fcunaary. Stephen. 21* : FOR SALE- hern bull registered ply Fred F: ?wn. R.R. 2. Credi- <Only ten. 21;28* FRANCHISE OPEN in this area '21:I International team excellent condition, .tylor. R.R. 3. Ele­ ne Kirktcm 39-r-S. FOR SALE— he a C-;n-stuffier in - .as: week.Apply H. T. ■ holiday-ter. cr ph- is parents ear. Strong profits. APPLY: ELTON ADV. M. PLANT AGENCY ■ FDR SALE—!«’ little pigs, 6 weeks eld Apply w Dt-ng Tmetmem jr.cne Exeter 45S-r- FDR SALE—Two-hmrafer heavy duty rangette. Call 3SS-J Exe­ ter. * 31* GREY TWP. — 2-storey brick store with dwelling above. Groceries, meats, bakery with almost new oven. $13,000 com­ plete, because of ill health. William Pearce Realtor, Exe­ ter. tfc FOR SALE — Comfortable bedroom cottage. In new dition. This house has bright rooms, good floors three-piece bath. Quick session if desired. C. V. kard. Realtor, Main St.., Exeter 2 4 tfctartlet Bldg., Windsor. Ontario. 1 __________ ____________________ __________J FEMALE HELP WANTED ? . HELP WANTED—-Part time for Saturdays. Phone 52, Mayfair ■i Bakery. 21c i t two- con- nice and pos- Pic- HOUSES WANTED—W e have clients in the market for med­ ium sized Exeter. If selling let over with phone 165 TENDERS WANTED houses located in you would consider us talk the matter you. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. HELP WANTED —■ Reliable girl ; HOUSE FOR SALE^-Seven-room er vonan io mind two small > children during the day. Phone | 4J9-M Exeter, after 5:30 p.m. j 21e : --- ----- ■ -........- ...............i. ..................... ■ '.... N.y',., j FDR SALE—13 acres ei mixed J i tie field. Will sell part ' tie. Lrt ?, Ccmresei’u 4. ph T: wrship.< EPE BALE—Heifer, part Jersey, ‘rest er.ed April 1'5. with or Lyman -Srattm E Grand Send.«•}*•* * solid brick with'otTiuilt-in cup­ boards. 4-piece modern bath, practically new furnace, in­ sulation, storm windows, and 2-storey barn with stool roof. $7,500. —~F. C. Brotvn, phono 84 Crediton. 14:21c 5P ACRES pasture north of Dashwood, few acres crop, some bush, good fences, lots of water. W. 0. Pearce, Real­ tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. FOR SALE—Two lots facing No. 4 Highway, Exeter North. Ap­ ply to John Caldwell, phono 13-r-ll Exeter, Ont. ill The yptgramm!?.. "A Titmp ia TtsCy’ wns pressateS is the fbpm gf a skit by Megiames Aites SJtFaTs. E. 'C. SkiPtst &h<3 sS. Espf* bars Ws Terse- was is she ckO the bpriness.. At the bRise c.f the meeting &. ^eliribas atrjNh servea by Mbs. C4 Mts.. W. S&w atd Mrs 2 ’MjAIkstet The W M S sttersfim the Eaby- Eetbd Eahd st the cdy HELP WANTED—Csp.abfe girl ' rr wf.raa.ri wanfed for general 1 nt.nsswms. Miss E A. Hod- a-srt. Wellington St., phone' 2*4. Die 1—-— -------------------------------- DUMP READY FOR USE HELP WANTED—St-merre want-, rateTayors nt the ed iz> fee? hnnse frr fev^day;Twmhipg t>f nnd nhuv or teiAAay pera-M ess of Jnuy. 1 chard please take notice that to Fridays, s to a - the Municipal Dump situated at pm. Apply; Mrs. Marshall, Township of Us- Hm=.? 129, Cehtra^a Airport .^ome. «n the. farm of William _________________________Elliott, li miles north of Kirk- is now ready for use. W. J, ROUTLY. Rond Superintendent, Township of Ushorne. 14:21c NOTICES COAL Exeter District High School Board invites tenders for fuel for the school building on Gidley Street, Exeter. The Livingston stokers require approximately 150 tons of I1* x H oil treated stoker coal. Tenders should quote price per ton delivered at the school as required, and should be ad­ dressed to the Secretary, E. I), Howey, Exeter. Ontario, bv June 25, 1951. Lowest, or any tender not ne­ cessarily accepted. 7:14:21-0 DHA1N EXCAVATION Scaled tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen fcr the excavation of the Eaglescn Drain. Tenders to be in the hands of (ho Clerk on or before tlm 30th day of June, 1951 Work to commence after the luirvost is off and be -completed by November. Plan may be in- Rpoctod at the office of the Clock. Lowest or any tender net. nocosmtrily accepted. A deposit of cheque for $200,00 must ac­ company tender, F. W, MORLOCK, Clock 14.Y1C Ties and ten weeks old. 'Aptly tr> Charles S Eedand. ! phene Znririi. .22* .CAFETERIA HELP WANTED—<...: Exeter Eishrict High Sthool i Bt.ard invites aypIitstiM fr-otn. pErstns Interested in emxJey- j mens fin the eafeteria. '__________________ Str Yh-rihaeing suynlies and* th Ow Bray Hatch- jnepimrins menus should state for the purpose; •ghe-y experfense and salary. •'*• NC^ecting taxes. Please do not Letters c? should J m Monday or Thursday1 he BdSressed to the afteI''ntx‘tsSu ! E ID Howey Enefer. CsntarioJ ERIC CARSCADDEN I ■ly Jute 2'.. 1952. '7-24:21’ ! 34:21 :.28c| I Pit. •I TENDERS FOR COAL HURON COUNTY HOME Sealed tenders, marked ”TeE- ders tor Coal”, will be received by the undersigned until 12*C0 noon, June 37, 1951. for 125 tons of Cavalier stoker Coal de­ livered in the bin at the Huron County Homo. Sh.o Nut. Fea and Slack. Analysis of content should accompany each tender. A. IL ERSKINE. Clerk, County of Huron. Court House. Goderich, Ontario. sac