HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-06-14, Page 9THE TJME3-APVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE H, 1951 Supertest Station PHONE 465 PAY OR NIGHT ■---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------ Il the from their Lewis will in McGilli- the) and was thq The «ueot new Westinghouse "TRUE- TEMP" Refrigerator is bigger and belter Ihon ever — offers you more of everything you want in modern relrig- erollon. Sold on 5-YEAR PROTEC­ TION PLAN! 1. COLDER COLD: For Froien Foods, Ice Cubes 2. MEAT-KEEPING COLD: For Poultry, Meats, Fish 3. DAIRY COLD: For Milk, Cream, Beverages 4. CONSTANT COLD: For Gen-, eral pood Storage ' 5. MOIST COLD: For Fruits and Vegetables CONTROLLED BY EXCLUSIVE ,wi/rw 11— — . ■ Service with Courtesy Exeter Cab Father's Day Greeting Cards And Gifts • GRUEN WATCHES • BULOVA WATCHES • SIGNET and STONE RINGS S. B. Taylor Exeter ■----------------- 1 11W ! Crediton Scene Of ! Lewis-Andrews Rites A quiet ceremony at Crediton United Church parsonage united Donelda C. Andrew in marriage, with William Douglas Lewis, Ailsa Craig oji Saturday, t The bride wore a lovely gown of white slipper satin with a net yoke and an over-skirt gathered to form a bustle with petal trimming. The fitted bodice was closed down the back by tiny satin buttons. A coronet of lace outlined with seed pearls held a finger-tip veil. She carried red roses and white carnations and wore a sapphire necklace, a gift of the groom, Sister of the bride and brides­ maid, Isabelle Andrews wore a pale blue satin fashioned in a simi­ lar style to that worn by bride. She carried a pink yellow nosegay. Groomsman Leslie Morley, cousin of groom. Following the weddiifg, guests were received at the home of the bride at Auburn where a lovely chicken dinner was serv­ ed to 25 guests. Among the guests were the bride’s grandmother, and Grand­ father Andrews, and Grand­ in othex* Hamilton. When they return trip, Mr. and -Mrs. live on Concession 12 vray Township, Our greatest trouble today is that our neighbours are always buying something we can’t af­ ford. post scripts By MRS. R. D. JERMYN Public School Summi ng Up The Year’s Work As the end of the school term approaches, teachers are taking knowledge and imported to the past year. Final held in all results will daily efforts stock pf the skills they have stxxdents in the the the determine if he attempting the work tests, are bein grade and added to Johnny to capable of •pf a new grade, If the sum total says he had better spent some more time on the reading, spelling and arith­ metic programme he’s been try­ ing to learn this year, it would be a big mistake to have him at­ tempt the more difficult pro­ gramme of the next grade. . i The wise parent will realize that Johnny didn’t fail this year —he just didn’t master all the facts necessary to take the step into the next grade, How much better to have him keep pace with his ability than flounder in problems beyond his grasp. If we call to mind the old story of ‘‘The Hare and the Tortoise”) we’ll remember hat the tortoise did reach his goal eventually— and with more breath to spare than the hare. Speaking- Contest. A new feature in extra curri­ cular activities — the Public Speaking Contest will be held tlii? Friday evening in the audi­ torium of the school. Those par­ ticipating are Beverly MacLean, Kathleen A r m strong, Floyd Blanchard, Peter Cowan, Janice Neil, Keith Lyne, Miclieal Far- the be of is Ford-Bryon Rites In Granton Church At Granton June 9, Miss United’ Church, Lois Catherine Bryon, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs, H. Bryon, Granton, became the bride of Mr. Lome Ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Ford, Rev. Raymer officiated. in marriage by her the bride wore a gown with row, Rena Murray, Donald *v“b »ru < lor, Ruth Jones, Nancy Cudmorepress trimmed Jacqueline MacDonald and Bev- ' erley Sturgis. Ball Game Janice Neil reports on a re­ cent outing to Miss Hay’s school in a composition entitled, “Take Me Out To A Ballgame” A ball team consisting of Grade seven and eight pupils decided to go out to Miss Hay’s school No. 5 game, son’s biked, They arrived at 4:00 o’clock ' and the ball game soon got I under way. With Jim Crocker I pitching ‘for Exetei’ and Ken , Fisher pitching for Usborne both teams were equal in power, Us­ borne was ahead until the fifth inning when Bev Sturgis hit a double sending Dot Allan and Bob Robertson home. The bail­ game ended with a score of nine to 16 in favoui’ of Exeter. J Kindei’garteii Entertains On June 27, the morning and afternoon class of the kindergar­ ten are planning a joint class in the afternoon to which the mothers are invited^ A short pro­ gramme, some of it impromptu, J will be given—in fact we can’t I lie sure with five and six year ; olds just how much of the pro- , gramme will be improptu. Never" theless, t-he children are looking ■ forward to entertaining their , mothers on this day. i . s.s. Usborne for a return ball- Mr. Blowes drove Ander- car and some of the hoys i Given father, of white satin trimmed French lace, with a full train and long veil caught in a head- 1 with lily-of-the- valiey, Slfe carried' a heart- shaped bouquet of red roses. Matron of honour, Mrs. Jack Kinsman of Hensall wore a yellow taffeta gown and Leone Bryon Miss maids, alike nylon I trim. I yellow roses : white sw'eet-peas. i Groomsman was Ford, cousin of “the ushers were William Thompson of Granton and Roy Ford, -bro­ ther of the groom, of Exeter. Mrs. Raymer played the music and Miss Marion Nixon sang. Receiving the guests at the re­ ception parlors, a dress corsage ing, the navy blue sheer dress and a cor­ sage of red roses. For the wedding trip to Michi­ gan and Northern Ontario, the bride chose a navy suit with white accessories and wore an orchid. W’hen they return, the couple will reside in Ottawa, , sister of the bride, and Jean Armstrong, brides- wore gowns fashione-d in pale green and orchid over, taffeta They carried and in the of ___ __ „ of yellow roses. Assist­ groom’s mother wore a Beavers Hardware Phone 86 MARATHON 23 20 (size 6.0046 4-ply) Less Trade-in Allowance . Other sizes at. equally low prices. fit’s a brand new Guaranteed Goodyear Marathon, with a thicker, wider tread to give you eyen greater mileage! And now you can have your choice of tread designs— the smooth-running rib tread or the famous Goodyear diamond traction tread! Only Marathon gives you this choice in the low-price field! See us today for this Goodyear mileage bargain! ICON TOR THIS "HIGH SIGN" OF QUALITY FRED W. HUXTABLE Phone 153-W Exeter AUTHORIZED GOOD/VeAR dealer of Huron celebrated from Vic- and Hur- D.D.P. Rebekahs Celebrate Fourth Birthday The fourth birthday Rebekah Lodge was on June 6, with guests toria Lodge, London onia Lodge of Clinton. Mrs. Isabel Brush of Dorchester accompanied the London Lodge, and D.D.P. Mrs. Mabel Nicker­ son and P.D.D.P. -Mrs. M. Nadiger, of Clinton were present and all brought greetings to the Exeter Lodge. In a officers Huron pressive dedication ceremony under the direction Captain Irene Brown. Creech was soloist. An lodge Lodge of Brussels on Tuesday, June 12, was accepted. July 4 was set as the date for Pride of Huron picnics and plans’ will be completed meeting on June At the .close of social hour was lunch served by in charge. setting of flowers, thirty and members of Pride oQ Lodge presented an im- of Degree Mrs.Jean theinvitation to to visit Morning local Star at the regular 20. the meeting a enjoyed and the committee Ba nnon-Meidinger Married At Zurich Veronica Meidinger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Meidinger, Zurich, and Emmett Bannon, son of Frank Bannon, Mitchell were married in St. Peter’s Zurich, on the morning 9. Given in marriage father, the bride wore a white slipper satin inset with French lace and seed pearls. Her long veil was caught to a head­ dress studed with seed pearls and she carried a prayer book topped with roses. Miss Alba pink taffeta was bridal atten­ dant and Kenneth Bannon was best man for his brother. Delmar Meidinger and Clare Bannon ush­ ered and Mrs. Morris Durand played the organ. Following a reception at the bride’s home and a dinner at Brenner House,' Grand Bend, the couple left for Niagara Falls, Buffalo and New York. The bride chose a tan suit with white ac­ cessories and she wore a corsage of American Beauty roses. The couple will live in cihen er. Church, of June by her gown of American Beauty Bedard wearing Shower Held For Kit- was Hor- Edith Hunter A miscellanious shower held at the home of Mrs. A. ton on Monday, for Miss Edith Hunter when 22 friends assembl­ ed to wish her well on hex’ com­ ing marriage. A large decorated basket fill­ ed with gayly wrapped presented to the bride Miss Helen Broderick Horton. Performing a mock Mrs. Wes. Ryclrman was groom, Mrs. Harold Preszcator Was bride Norma Wilson, minister, Father Of the bride was Helen Brode­ rick and Mrs. Reg. McDonald played Miss friends Served gifts was to be by and Mrs. wedding Reg. mother of the bride. Hunter thanked and a lovely lunch by- Mrs. Horton. her was- Since the end of the Second World War jobs have been found in Canada for 80,000 disabled and physically handicapped per­ sons. Main Street W.A. Gives $100 To Church! A donation of $100 was made by the Ladies of the Main St. W.A. to the local church fund at the June meeting which was held in the home of Mrs. Wib. Mar­ tin. During the evening, plans were made to serve a banquet to about 100 men who will be in town for the Federation of Agri­ culture Picnic June 13. The worship period included a scripture reading by Mrs. G. -Mc- Knight and a poem read by Mrs. E. Russell. Mrs. Ferguson took charge of the business and in­ vited the ladies to hold the Sep­ tember meeting at her cottage at KingsmCre. Your Golden Opportunity To Save $ $ $ $ ! WE HAVE TO MOVE BY JULY! BARGAINS AT LESS THAN COST Main Street 1929-31 MODE I. New and Used Trucks TIRES Sunoco Gas We’ve leased our south store to Hatter’s Ladies’ and Children’s Wear Goodrich * Goodyear Tires We have .1 'large stock of tires, all sizes, made bt-fort the increased synthetic was added so come in and get your requirements while they last. D.-TON TO 3-TON SPECIALS Having enjoyed many nice sales this last month, we now offer the trade-ins at attractive prices. 4-DOOR SEDAN ST. 2-DOOR COACH George Wright Page 9 ■ i * ■ 1941be 193 8 1938 193 8 J 937 1937 1936 1936 193(5 Phone 200 FRED DOBBS Exetei 1,939 1938 by at Sunday be held with eyelet baskets of mauve and Mr. Gordon groom, and the United Church bride’s mother wore beige crepe and a George Wright’s Clearance Sale! THAMES ROAD Mr. Gordon Stone is all smiles' Its a boy. Miss Helen Passmore of ihe Bell Telephone Staff, Exeter is on holidays for two weeks. Misses Elsie Bray and Marga­ ret Cann of London spent- the week-end at theii' homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore, David and Dennis, -Mr. and Mrs. Lome Passmore and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore and Alice attended Zion Anniversary on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mclntrye and family of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. i Ballantyne. > Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde and Douglas visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rhode of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jones and Larry of Exeter visited on Sun­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore. Several from this community attended the supper .at Roys United Church on Tuesday evenr injf of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller at­ tended Zion Anniversary on Sun­ day and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs.. Warren Brock. Quite a number from this community attended the Wood­ ham Community Operetta “An Old Kentucky Garden” held on Friday evening at the Exeter Dis­ trict High School. Several of the younj: from this the Huron-Perth Field Day held at Mitchell on Saturday. Church services were in charge of the Thames Road Mission Circle on Sunday. Those assist­ ing in the services were Miss Ann Elford, president, and Miss Mabel Selves, vice-president. The. other members of the Mission Circle were in the choir. A new communion table and sign board church ! I Engage Teachers At Crediton Teachers in Crediton Public School have been re-engaged for the coming year: Principal Mrs. S. Smith, Miss J. Finlayson and Miss Norma Fahrner. Mrs. Freeman Morlock is re­ engaged to teach in Fairfield school and Miss Irene Fink- beiner engaged to teach at Blackbush. Our deepest sympathy is, ex­ tended to the family of the late Orland Gaiser, who passed away in Exeter on Sunday. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Gerald Zwicker is a patient in Loiidon Hospital having un­ dergone an operation on Wishes are expressed speedy restoration. Mr. Harold Gower is to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he underwent an opera-, tion. We extend best wishes to Harold. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark re­ ceived word of the death of Mr. Harry Raply, formerly of Mar­ ietta, Ohio. Since the death eight months ago of Mrs. Raply, the former Emnia Lewis, Mr. Raply has Mrs. Spencer, he passed away Mrs. W. C. few days last mother in Wingham. Mr. and Mi’s. Arnold Robert­ son and daughter, Anne, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Beaver. During the months of June, July and August, die Crediton Library will open nings only. Hours 9 o'clock. Suffered Stroke While visiting in Windsor, Mrs. Donald, — with her daughter, Mrs. Hugo Schenk, suffered a stroke and is now confined to Windsor Hos­ pital. Mr. and Mrs. Schenk were in Windsor on Sunday and re­ port a ment. friends eovery. 5 L.........„g people community attended 300 pairs odds and ends ladies’ shoes at 75$ pr. Odd sizes in children’s, men’s and boys’ tennis shoes ................................. 98$ pr. Odd sizes in Misses’ and Boys’ Oxfords $1.00 pr. Sanforized Coveralls ............ $3.95 T-Shirts .......‘............................................................. 69$ Dress Shirts, white ............................................. $2.95 Men's Jeans, zipper, sanforized ..................... $3.69 Boys’ Jeans, 6 to 18. sanforized ................... $2.95 MANY OTHER BARGAINS Exeter Monday, for a confined London, lived- with (Dr.) F. West his daughter, K. Stewart, of Virginia, where on Sunday. Parrott spent a week with hex' Tuesday are from eve- to7 sonwith her Frances Mac- who makes her home possible slight improve- Mrs. MacDonald's many Wish her a rapid re­ SHIPKA . Sandy McEachren of Lan- Mich., called on friends on Sunday. were dedicated to the from the Mission Circle. The Thames Road School Anniversary will on Sunday, June 17. The morn­ ing service will be conducted Rev. A. Hinton, of Kippen 11 a.m. The evening service will conducted by Rev. W. J. Rogers of Hensall at 8:00 p.m. -Misses Betty Mair, Betty Alli­ son, Helen Passmore and June Borland were guests at the Sut­ cliffe-Wright wedding on Satur-» day at Crediton United Church. We are sorry to report, that Mr. William Moodie was admitt­ ed to Victoria Hospital, London, one day last week. His many' friends wish him a speedy recov­ ery. W.A. and W.M.S. Mrs. Edwin Miller was hostess for the W.A. and W.M.S. baby band meeting which was held in the church basement on Wednes­ day afternoon of last week. Mrs. Archie Morgan presided at the piano. Mrs. William Elford was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Jas. Kirkland read the Scripture Les­ son. Vocal solos by Helen Ballan­ tyne and Marilyn Gardiner. Mrs. Wiseman gave a reading entitl­ ed “John Black”. Piano solos by Mrs. Reg. Hodgert. Mrs. Elf ord had the study book. * "A prize was given for the youngest boy present, it going to Dennis Passmore, and the young­ est grandmother present, Mrs* Archie Morgan. The meeting was closed with prayer. A 10 cent tea was then serv- Mr sing, Wav- 1 A I'1 Ce,U lea WaS Ulen SCTV-MeSSlS. Roy and Donald Hay » a ancial time was snentward of Fenwick spent the week- a social time as a. ..pent end with Mr. and -Mrs. Milton-4aiJ’ Stewart Sweitzer. Congratulations Mrs. James Clarke of a baby girl last Mi*, and Mrs. Harry Sheppard and Dave .attended the Sheppard re-uiiiort on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Thomson of Lieuty. to Mr. and on the arrival week. Slips That Pass In The Type Imagine the red faces in the Morinville (Alta.) pver this one: "A welLknown ■—will exchange here next week,” Journal office couple, — and marriage cows DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN OLDS 4-DOOR SEDAN CHEV STANDARD COACH DODGE COACHES (2) PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDANS (2) FORD 5-PASSENGER COUPE CHEV 4-DOOR SEDAN PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN FORD CHEV FORD DODGE 4-DOOR (2) FORD COACH COACHES 2) Genuine Chryco Parts