HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-06-14, Page 4X Page /THE TIMES-APVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 14, 1951 Attends Conference Dr. W. II. Johns of Edmonton, Alberta, visited his parents, Ken­ neth and family, after attending the National (Conference of Cana­ dian Universities, the Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the Canadian Classical Conven­ tion meetings at McGill Univer­ sities, Montreal. Dr. Johns has been chairman of the committee on grants in aid of Research of the Humanities Research Council. DASHWOQD We are pleased to report Mr. Henry Hoffman, who # BIDINO COMFOM • modern styling • safer driving • QUIET (I m U' !i' Larger air volume soaks up road bumps, impacts and vibrations to give you a softer, smoother ride. k Exeter Motor Sales Phone 200 Exeter ■ a «■ ■’ that has undergone two operations in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is gradually improving. Mrs. A. V. Tieman entertained a number of friends on Saturday afternoon in honour of Miss Mrytle Gaiser, whose marriage takes place in the near future. Mr. William Nadiger is con­ fined to St. Joseph’s Hospital. Mr. W. Filkins and daughter of Howell, Mich., is visiting her mother, Mrs. William Nadiger. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ness and Mrs. Douglas of Stratford spent the week-end with Mrs. Ness. Mrs. A. White and daughter, Frances, of Detroit visited with Mrs. Witzel a few days last week. Miss Mary Snell and Ray Snell of London spent the week-end at their home here, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keller­ man and John and Mrs. William Wein spent the week-end in De­ troit. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gaiser of Detroit spent the week-end with Chester Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Fred TenEyck and Ronnie of Kitchener spent the week-end with relatives. Mrs. T. H. Hoffman enter­ tained for Mis?* Myrtle Gaiser, bride-elect, on Saturday evening. Miss Martha Beckei’ spent few days in Toronto. A large 1 ELIMVILLE crowd attended Hensall And District News I Hugh Aikenhead Funeral service for Mr. Hugh Aikenhead, well known Bruce­ field resident, was held from Brucefield United Church Tues-i day 12th, conducted by Rev. E. R, Stanway. interment in Bairds cemetery. Mr. Aikenhead died in Clinton hospital Sunday 10th, and on Friday last celebrated his 81st/ birthday with his family at their home in Brucefield. Until moving to Brucefield eight years ago, he farmed all his life in Stanley Township. He was a member of Brucefield United Church and an elder. Surviving besides his wife are three daughters, don, and Mrs five Mack T. B. John I a Margaret Lon- Zapfe, Brucefield, Aidwinkle, Varna; Frank, Hensall two sisters, Mrs. Mrs. A. Y. brothers Toronto Baird, Brucefield, and Mrs. Caskey, Portage La Prairie Presents Play Huron Presbytery of the Unit­ ed Church of Canada presented a three-act Comedy “Kid Broth­ er*’ to a full house in the town hall Monday evening sponsored by the Wohelo Class of the Unit­ ed Church, Rev. W. J. Rogers was chairman. The play was well received by an appreciative audience, packed with plenty of action, thrills and spills, keeping the audience in peals of laughter from the start to finish. Roles were exceptions ally well portrayed, This play has been presented in Woodham and Blyth, Between scenes, Mrs. H. McEwan and Mr. R. Broderick rendered duets, with bliss Gladys Luker accom­ panist, and a composed of J. Harrison, Rannie, R, Mock cliffe contributed (unaccompanied). Taking part in Harkey Sparling, been with Mrs. i ■ i At The Old Price male quartettei S. G. Jim Row­ selections and two cast were .Runner-up In Shoot At the Annual Provincial Cham­ pionship Shoot at Hamilton over the week-end John Ander­ son of Hensall was runner up in Class A. Division with a score of 97-100. His scores for the 200 bird event were 97 and 94 for a to­ tal of 191-200. > Hamilton was ,94 for a total of 193 out of 200 [Anderson had i cutive | j Lodge At targets Roy Cole of high with 99 and a run of 91 conse- before missing.the Woodham operetta in the Exeter District High School, sponsored by Elimville Women’s Associa­ tion on Friday evening. -> Wedding bells were ringing s t . .the community on Saturday, for • f^ev. • the Ford-Bryan wedding and the I \ Dobbs-Cunnington wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Harold visited on Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Norman Jaques of^Zionand j ' a^hem '“6 Worship attended Zion Sunday school an-! the Lord’* in Wliich the bass solo .... ........................ |was taken by S. G. Rannie and Horace J^el-; H. W. Horton. Miss Greta Lam- provided piano accompani- Russell hnent. Next Sunday morning, June 17, Rev. Rogers’ theme will be j “The Geometry of Life”. Huron I Lodge 224 A.F. & A.M. will at- I tend the service, j - ------- ----------- To Attend Service the morning service in the Douglas May, Jack Hern, Lome Johns, Boyce, Wilma Walters, Routley, Aldene Pym, Coward, Hazel Sparling. Lucille Anna Muriel jui Hensall United Church on June'p’Q ( j ROgers spoke on ' gated. I must go on my way tomorrow and the Mrs. T. C. , “I Love (.today! and . day followin, i Coates presented a solo ai4|Him Best of All”. The choir of- i “O Worship niversary service. Mr. and Mrs, bridge, Bruce and Fred, of Win- ; niie chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. King and children of Crediton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper. , Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques of Zion. Mr. Roy Ford of Summerside, Prince Edward Island, visited over the week-end with his par­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford, and attended the Ford-Brvon wedding in Granton Saturday. Summer Nightwear — Be Cool in Cotton — GOWNS N’ PYJAMAS KNIT GOWNS ............. ....... $2.95. $3.95 $2.50. $2.95. $4.95 JERSEY HALTERS Wear them with short- or -Lacks and keep cool . . . Only ...................... $1.25 T-SHIRTS A new shipment of T-Shirts ha- just arrived. Be sure to set these. Real values priced a- low as ....................... $1.49. $1.75. ,$2.25. $2.95 TUDOR’S Phone 70 - LADIES’ WEAR, DRY GOODS - Hensall Attention Poultry Raisers Sell your ing free system to lection. p< i.Hry in crates that you art sure vf be- fr<un disease. We have installed a new wash and disinfect crates for your pro­ RIVERSIDE POULTRY CO HOWARD FERGUSON, MANAGER — Phone Collect — 680-r-2 Hensall or Kintore 39-r-12 WHAT ON EARTH IS ALL THE TUG6IN6 AND HAULING It ra^AW SHUCKS/ RANGE FEEDING IS GETTING TOO BIG A CHORE. EVERYTIME I WANT I V®^6J?AIN GROUND ANO MIXED 1 HAVE TO 00 THIS. VE 60T TO PAY FOR] IT^A^ ^ELLj^ ■< . * «- ** V* X F T Horses Strike Car A team of horses attached a roller owned by Andrew Dou- gall were working on the grass farm a half mile away f;’om the Dougall farm, Monday, The horses ran away and while crossing the highway ran into the rear of a London car north bound. Passenger in the car was treated at office of Dr. F. J. Mil­ ner, Exeter, for shock and bruises . Gibbons of Exeter investi- to CENTRALIA Sirs. John Essery has visiting for the past week her granddaughter, Mr. and Fred Hall, in Toronto. Mrs. R. Riddell of Brantford is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Edith ..Flynn.' Mr. Arthur Brooks was taken to the hospital in London on Sunday for treatment. We wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Evelyn Wright of London and Mr, C. Wright of Thames- foi’d spent the week-end with theii* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wright. <3* Mrs. Lome Hick's, Miss C. Le Sage and Donna Bowden at­ tended the Women Teachers’ Annual Meeting and Dinnei* in Goderich on Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. Gordon Swann and Miss Fern Braithwaite of Alvinston Were Sunday visitors with Donna Bowden. A number from the village at­ tended Huron Friday The gotten with two league games played and two wins to their credit. You are reminded of the ser­ vices in the church on Sunday morning. Sunday School is at 10 a.m., followed by the church ser­ vice at 11 a.m. the operetta in the South District High evening, Centralia ball away to a School on team have good start SOME WESTINGHOUSE WASHERS TW.Q WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS THREE ASTRAL REFRIGERATORS We also handle Servel Refrigerators. This is yopr opportunity to buy at the old price and save m-oney. McClary Electric Stove — old model, for summer kitchen, cheap. Coal and USED Wood Range (Used) — WASHING MACHINE in good condition. USED 25-CYCLE ELECTRIC CLOCKS AT REDUCED PRICES GAS STOVE PASSMORE ELECTRIC ONTARIOHENSALL .ci ■> mj xv vice at W.M.S. The United afternoon last Mrs. W. attendance. KIPPEN Meet W.M.S. Church Own Ticket the Bingo held in Draws At Legion Hall last Saturday ning, Mrs. Garfield Broderick was the winner of the prize. She was asked to draw the Winning ticket and, by strange coincidence, drew own number. These bingoes dude at the end of June. the eve- door ct her con- rot KIUIOH CMAMMS of St. Andrew’s met on Tuesday at the home of Caldwell with a good The ‘ ‘ meeting was Work”. The president, Workman, opened Scripture readings Mrs. olair Mrs. Miss two numbers on her guitar. ’ Mrs. Allan Johnson reported for the visiting committee and she and Mrs. Alice McMurtrie agreed to continue visiting for June. Mrs. E. Jarrott agreed to be responsible for the flowers for June. Mrs. personally thanked the for kindness during her illness. Mrs. Edgar McBride her home for the July which is the Baby Band It was decided to also invite the MiSS10n/Band. a"mnlv Oni-n- mittee showed sent away this Mrs. Emerson Anderson gave the study. A social half hour was spent and lunch was served by Circle No. 2 hostess. Personal Items Mrs. Dickert visiting her son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert. I Mrs. William Horney of Exe- I ter is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Gail Ann Gackstet- ’ ter, who has spent several weeks t in Exeter, returned home last t week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Parsons spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden, at Den- field. Miss J. Wilhelm and friend of Stratford were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mrs. Will Ferguson of Thames Road spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fer­ guson. Mrs. J. Schilbe of Exeter visited recently with Mrs. J. McClymont. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ghckstetter were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ferguson, Mary Janes and Grant, of St. Thonias, Mr. and Mrs. I. Foster and fam­ ily of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Herdman of Centralia, and Mr. E. Gackstetter of Zurich. theme of the “Worship and Mrs. Winston the meeting. were given by Margaret Sin- Edgar McBride, led in prayer. Hinton, Miss and Mrs. Workman Ann Sinclair favoured with ju it ar. iOGDBNS’ church Hinton ladies recent Miss Velma Ferguson, nurse­ in-training at Victoria Hospital, London, is spending a 12 day va­ cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson. . On Sunday, June 17, Rev. Fer­ guson will conduct anniversary services at Langside and the fol­ lowing Sunday, June 24, the Rev. Ferguson will conduct the ser­ vice in Carmel Presbyterian Church, which will be his last service before taking up resi­ dence The terian nual school-room Thursday, June 14, at 3 p.m. Mr. D. Lane will be the guest speakpr, Mr. and Mrs. William Bell are visiting with members family at Windsor and burg. Mr. Ross Corbett has from a week’s holidays don. I ---------- The town hall was filled Fri­ day evening for a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ferguson, (bridal couple). During the course of the evening they were pre-* sented with a purse of money i the address read by Gordon Moir, j presentation by Harold CudmoreB * Canadian Ramblers furnished the j music I Dick, J Mr. ' Cairo, 'last week with Mr. George Hess. , The United Church choir are| , sponsoring a Strawberry Supper' (Tuesday, June 26. There will be a booth on the church grounds. ! Proceeds will he used to aid the Gown Fund. The following com- t mittee is in charge of arrange- 'ments: Mrs. Coates, Mrs. H. McEwan, Mrs. R. Broderick, Dlrs. • Roobol, Jim Rowcliffe, Jack Har- » rison. R. Mock and Bill Mickle. • Seaforth Lions Park has been II chosen as the spot for the picnic j . .. . . a u i . ‘of the Evening Auxiliary of the’ |\| Joy U All LiHC United Church; the date is Mon-< for the dance, with Earl floor manager. and Mrs. Wylie Kirk, Michigan, were and guests Mrs. in Montreal. W.M.S. of Carmel Presby- Church will hold their an- Birthday of Party in the church on the of their Wallace- returned in Lon- (Holds A nnual Picnic s The “N Joy U All” line met (Monday afternoon, June 4, for I their annual picnic at Turnbull’s I Grove. The weather was not too J co-operative, but about sixty per­ sons were present. The afternoon was spent in races, contests, and a ball game after which a boun­ tiful lunch was partaken. ! The resuts of the reces were as follows; Candy scramble for i young children, Rober Shapton; | girls under eight, Ilene Cooper, Dianne Willard; boys under (five, Ross Cooper, Bob Shapton; __ ____ ____ _ .boys under 15, Ray Triebner, recent visitors With rela- i Tom Triebner; young women’s ■ race, Melba King, Jean Neil; ’young men, Bruce Shhpton, Ger- (ald Dearing; married mfen’s race, I Winston Shapton, Russel King; bunny race, Ray Triebner, Vel Schroeder; marriage race, Mrs. Jean Neil and Melvin King, Mrs. Doug Triebner and "Winston Shapton; wheelbarrow race, Ray McCarter and ‘Briice Shapton, Gerald Cooper and Irvine Ford; women lacing men’s shoes, Earl Neil and Mrs. Hubert Cooper, Jean Neil and Reg Schroeder; kicking slipper through hoop, day, June 1S. Mr. and Mrs. Casey Hudson and family of Goderich visited .■ recently with the former’s moth- _ ■ er. Mrs. Annie Hudson. — . Mr. and Mrs. James Morris ’ i and family of Goderich, visited , over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Chipchase. Mrs. A. L. Case spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reid in Lon­ don. Mrs. Norman Stanlake and family of Exeter visited recently with the former’s mother, Mrs. Hannah Workman. Mr. and Mrs. John MacGregor]1 were tives at Tiverton. Miss Margerite McDonald of ■ London spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Emma McDon­ ald. Mrs. A. Crerar and Allan visit­ ed with relatives at Listowel re­ cently. i Rev. P. A. Ferguson conduct­ ed the Sacrament Service in Car- ■mel Presbyterian Church on Sun- ;day morning. Mrs. C. Kennedy and Mrs. P. A. Ferguson sang a duet entitled “Dear To The ■* Heart of The Sheppard”. HERE, I'LL GIVE YOU A NEW A WRINKLE.SEE THESE.THEY'RE ROE RANGE. CONCENTRATE J PELLETS, t----------—---------- f WHAT GOODWILL V THEY DO, DOC? c offered meeting, meeting. The Supply Com- their gifts to be month. x assisted by the of Clifford is and daughter-what you noen is electricity!” Mrs. Earl Shapton; carrying soap . on a knife contest, Wilfred Shap- ton’s side; passing life savers on (toothpicks, Earl Neils side; guess­ ing the weight of the person | wearing a certain shoe, Wilfred (Shapton; walking the rope, Ray Triebner, Gerald Cooper. The couple present married the ^shortest time were Mr. and Mrs. • Winston Shapton. The couple i married the longest time were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jory.| Next year the middle mile and (a quarter will be in charge with Mr. Hubert Cooper president, and I Mrs. Art Ford treasurer. A Farm improvement Loan may be your best means of getting it. Thousands of Canadian farmers have obtained the necessary credit for this and many other important farm and home improvements through B of M Farm improvement Loans. Drop in and talk over your needs with your nearest B of M manager. Bank of Montreal WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 . so. 1OI By Roe Farms Service Dept. THESE PELLETS 5AVE YOU TIMEWORK, MONEY AND EQUIPMENT. FOR INSTANCE, WITH ROE RANGE PELLETS YOU DON'T NEED H0PPER5, . YOU JUST THROW THE FEED ON THE. I— GROUND. j— ----------------------------J ^7) • J’ a f , >'z ^AY, THAT SHUT BAD, , DOC. WHAT ELSE S\CAN THEY DO f ('A V* <* $ w SZl S3 WELL, YOU PONT NEED TO 6RIND OR MIXMDUR GRAIN. ALL YOU DO FOR FAST, STURDY GROWTH 15 FEED YOUR GRAIN WHOLE AND BALANCE IT WITH ROE RANGE CONCENTRATE PELLETS. FOR BIRDS 6TO 8 WEEKS OLD FEED I PART PELLET5 TO 2 PARTS GRAIN, GRADUALLY INCREASING 6RAIN UNTIL I PART ~ PELLETS TO 4 PARTS GRAIN . <ARE USED FOR BIRDS 3 TO 4 MONTHS OLD. BUT REMEMBER- WHEN I SAY 2 PART5 I MEAN J ^BY WEIGHT NOT MEASURE^ A • / J ROE RANGE CONCENTRATE PELLETS TIME,MONEY aW LABOR, Mi EQUIPMENT AND WASTE N£W£$T6fiOWTH fitCm/tM CONCCNTRATCO PEUETFORM ■ . ............. .... Vfe»l> RANGE A3 iCONCPflLETSi C. Tindall, Mooresville H. Kellerman, Dashwood Lome Hay, Hensall Milton Dietz, Zurich