The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-06-14, Page 2TOR TIMES*ADVQCATO, EXETER, -ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 14, W1 <fje Exeter <imes;=&libocate Times Established 1873 Auuilgaiuated November 1OSH Advocate Established 1881 Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ontario. w , An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests^of the Village of Exeter and District Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Member of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the CWNA Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation Paid-in-Advance Circulation as of March 31, 1950 — 2,329 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Canada, in advance, $3.50 a year United States, in advance, 83.00 Single Opies 6 Cents Each J. Melvin Southcott * Publishers Robert Southcott THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 14, 1951 & THE OLD BROKEN BUCKET? Music Appreciation Music is enjoying' great popularity in this district. From public school training to the activities of adult groups, interest in the world of song is showing encouraging im­ provement. For examples, just take a look at the last few issues of The Times-Advocate. Public school concerts in Vsborne. Stephen. Hay and Exeter have been draw­ ing large audiences. The high school’s glee club provided the music for the evening service at Main Street church on their an­ niversary and were accorded many com­ pliments for their fine work. The Woodham operetta, “An Old Ken­ tucky Garden”, was received by a large audience at the high school Friday night. Perhaps most energetic of all is the Huronia Male Chorus, composed of men from the district, who besides presenting their annual concert have rendered pro­ grams at churches in Exeter and the neigh­ bourhood. This revival of musical interest lias far-reaching results. It develops local tal­ ent, provides healthful recreation for those who take part, and stirs community interest and spirit. To those who are responsible for this awakening- interest we offer our congratu­ lations and encouragement. They are succeeding in their attempts to show that music has a real value in life, and that right in our own community we are able to produce worth-while and profit­ able entertainment. * * * * Push The Ball What’s happened to the Ausable-Val­ ley Conservation Authority? Fired with enthusiasm at its annual meeting- in April, the authority outlined an active plan which would get the conserva-^ tion ball rolling. The ball, it would seem, is still sitting at the top of the hill, waiting for'a push. Committees were organized to promote public relations, farm ponds, reforestration, recreation, and flood control measures. Almost two and a half months have gone by since those committees were set up bat there, has been no authority meeting to c« nsider and enact their recommenda­ tions. The April meeting- was an encouraging- one ’.‘eeause up to that time the Ausable group was lagging behind other authorities in the province. Those of the Don and Thames and (jirier rivers, by taking advantage of the co-operation offered by the province, were showing effective leadership in conserva­ tion iy. their districts. We know of no reason why - the Au­ sable authority cannot be as active as its sister bodies in the province. We know it can do a wonderful and necessary service by developing recreation­ al ground in the pinery and at Rock Glen. We know that on its shoulders rests the "esponsibility of conserving the land in this district, and that that responsibility be­ comes greater and greater each year. We know that if it set out to imple­ ment measures of conservation it would re­ ceive support from the farming community around. We know it could secure cooperation from such groups as the South Huron Con­ servation Club. The thing we don’t know is the ques­ tion we asked at the beginning: “What’s happened to the xVusable Valley Conserva­ tion Authority?”. «- -X- X- * ‘ Assorted Sizes ! From “The Lion” Boys come in assorted sizes, weights and colours. They are found everywhere. Mothers love them, little girls hate them, older sisters and brothers tolerate them, adults ignore them and Heaven protects them. A boy is Truth with dirt on its face, Wisdom, with bubble gum in its hair, and Hope with a frog in its pocket. A boy has the ^appetite of a horse, the digestive system of a sword swallower, the energy of a pocketsize atom bomb, the curiosity of a cat, the lungs of a dictator, the, imagination of a Paul Bunyan, the shy­ ness of a violet, the audacity of a steel trap, the. enthusiasm of a firecracker, and, when he makes something, has five thumbs on each hand, Nobody else is so early to rise or so late to supper. Nobody else can cram into one pocket a rusty knife, a half-eaten apple, three feet of string, an empty Bull Durham sack, two gumdrops, six pennies, a slingshot, a chunk of unknown substance and a genuine supersonic code ring with a secret compartment, A boy is a magical creature. You can lock him out of your workshop; but you can’t lock him out of your heart. You can get him out of your study; but you can't get him out of your mind. Might as vrell give up: he is your captor, your jailer, your boss and your master. Just a pint- sized bundle of noise. But when vou come home at night with only the shattered pieces of your hopes and dreams, he can mend them with two magic words—“Hi, Dad!”* * ’ * * Pioneer Memorials By R. J. DEACHMAN In the early days of Canadian history the five eastern provinces of Canada- Newfoundland was not in the family then —were one solid forest. Oh, yest, there must have been breaks here and there, for at times, even in those days, storms tum­ bled the trees or fires swept bare a small portion of this immense area. I was born in the County of Huron. Even when I arrived on the scene it was &ti land of magnificent forests. On the old farm back home we had elm, maple (sugar maple), basswood, a few hemlock, beech, birch, cherry and an odd butternut or two (they sought the shaded areas). A creek ran ’through the farm. We called it a river for creeks looked large to us, especially when they were just a bit too deep to wade across. On the other side of the creek there had been a great forest of cedar—mon­ strous trees. I never saw them in their full glory. They were burned before I arrived on the scene but the stumps and partly burned trunks gave evidence of their size. When I recall these trees of the early days I wonder why we have forgotten the men who did the clearing. Surely ’ they were worth remembering, worth honouring. They made a great contribution to our national life, There is only one way to pay tribute to them. In every county in Ontario, per­ haps in every township there should be at least one forest memorial to the pioneers. The cost need not be great. The finest farming land need not be selected for the purpose. Broken land with a stream run­ ning through it would do very well. So too would hilly land. In course of time there would come the harvest. The land which produced these mighty forests could do it again. The crop would be harvested. It would simply be a case of removing the fully matured trees leaving the younger ones to develop later. This would be a permanent forest, the harvest would be a continuous one. The income from these forests might be used to develop other for­ ests. Tn time the Jand best suited for grow­ ing trees would be contributing building­ materials am- earning a revenue for the county. These are primary uses of wood. Some day we may have a wood standard of living in which wood provides new pro­ ducts for the use of man. Even from the agricultural standpoint there is a value in this policy. The object would be to use all land for the purpose for which jt is best fitted.*The good land would still be farmed. Pasture land would be used for that purpose. The broken land would go back into forests. Then on the gate of each Forest Memorial would be a plaque signifying that this is a Memorial Forest, a memorial to the pioneers who, in the early days of our history, cleared the land, built their’ homes and made the Can­ adian people a nation of home lovers. These scattered forest areas in every county would add to the comfort and enjoy­ ment of life. Even now in some counties the springs are drying up. The forest areas would be of increasing value from year to year. This idea is almost equally applicable to the West. There the wide open prairie land can be reforested. The object is the same—to make the people of each province, richer and happier because of better sur­ roundings. “If. modern technology replaced-out‘- dated methods now in use, if all forest waste were process, if forests were no longer mined blit grown, the world* would witness a startling industrial . phenomenon.” - From “The Coming Age of Wood,” by Egon Glesinger. As the- "TIMES” Go By • 50 YEARS AGO Mr. John Schroeder, west of Crediton had about $30 worth of pork stolen out of his gran­ ary last week. Miss Eva Penhale left Monday evening for Seattle, Washington where she will spend some time. , Miss Gertie Hicks left on Tuesday for Niagara where she will be the guest of Miss Hattie White for a few days. A very handsome up-to-date delivery wagon arrived here from Orillia last week for the R. Pickard Co’s store. Invitations are ..out announc- cing the marriage of Miss Nettie Penhale, daughter of Mr. Wil­ liam Penhale, Stephen, which is to take place at Medicine Hat Alberta on June 25. Mr. F. W. Farncombe of Lon­ don was in town Tuesday and surveyed the land preparatory to laying the granolithic walk on the west side of Main Street ex­ tending from Dr. Rollins office to. the Metropolitan Hotel. 15 YEARS AGO Mr. Charles Johns had a bone in his leg fractured while assist­ ing in loading logs on Wednes­ day of last week. Rev. J. W. Penrose was ap­ pointed to the Elimville charge by the final draft of the London Conference Settlement Commit- tee* •* * - Mrs. Fred Huxtable won the first prize of $300 in cash in the Exeter community campaign spon­ sored by thirteen Exeter mer­ chants. Hon Mr. Hipel, speaker of the Provincial Legislature and Mrs. Hipel were in town recently and were guests at the Central Ho­ tel. * 10 YEARS AGO The Exeter Lions Club enjoy­ ed 'a meeting at Addison Tie­ man’s Hotel in Dashwood, Mon­ day evening. The motor cavalcade which toured Huron County Wednes­ day of last week sponsored by the Victory Loan officers and bearing torch and scroll reached Exeter at 7 o’clock in the even­ ing. R. E. Pooley, zone com­ mander of the Canadian Legion accompanied the cavalcade and presented the scroll for the sig­ natures of the different officials. Rev. Harry Jennings who1 for three years was an Anglican Missionary at Norman, N.W.T. and for the past year has been stationed at Fort Smith return­ ed to Exeter Saturday evening to visit his mother, Mrs. Harry Jenning Sr. Paul Hess, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess, Zurich, won the Angus McMurchy Gold medal, passing with first class honors in fourth yeai’ law at Toronto University. Southcott Bros, were awarded the $5.00 prize for the best de­ corated window in the Victory ■ Loan -Drive. ... Neighboring News ... Young Farmer Finds Peanut-Shaped Egg Master John Broadfoot, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot, of Brucefield came upon an oddity when gathering eggs the other morning. He found one shaped like a peanut and not much big­ ger, measuring only 21A inches long and 1% inches in diameter at one end, tapering to % inches at the other. (Huron Expositor) Hollanders Arrive Among the families immigrat­ ing from Holland recently are: Ralph Sunday, wife and . two children of Holland, who are placed with Mr. Valle Becker, Dashwood. A brother Bert Sun­ day is working for Stanley Saud- er, blind line. The Harnond fam­ ily with four children mo.ved in­ to Mrs. James Carnie’s house, Bronson line, Mrs. Harnond tak­ ing work at the Clinton Public Hospital, while their daughter is employed with Mr. Asa Steckle. Road Nearly Finished The Stonehouse Paving Com­ pany has almost completed the surfacing of Highway No. 81 from Moray to Grand Bend. Sur­ facing at the week-end had .been completed from Moray to the new curve at Corbett and from Greenway to .Grand Bend. With the new safety curves, wide shoulders and all the small hills and valleys smoothed out the drive from here to the Bend can be taken safely, comfortably and smoothly. It will be such a smooth drive this summer that the chances are many Will try to make it a speedway. (Parkhill Gazette) Vetcrnairian Resigns Effective, July 1, Dr. J. Don­ ald Moyan will leave his post as veterinarian attached to Huron County Health Unit with head­ quarters in Clinton, and will practise his profession in De­ troit, Mich. Dr. Moyan came to Huron County two years ago from his home city of Ottaw'a. Immediate efforts will be made to replace him. Frank Sills, Seaforth, chair­ man of the unit, presided for the monthly meeting held at the’ Unit Thursday afternoon last, when Dr. Moynan’s resignation was accepted with regret. Other members present were J. D. Beecroft, East Wawanosh; Everett Finnigan, West Wawa­ nosh; Earl Campbell, Hay) Township; and W. A. Galbraith, Wingham. (Clinton News-Record) The Voice Of Temperance Bombay, India, has had one year of prohibition. As every­ where else it was bitterly oppos­ ed. Mr. B. G. Kher, Chief minis­ ter of the state makes this state­ ment. “Not only has prohibition done no harm, financial, materi­ al or moral, but such experience as we have had with it convinces us that it has rendered a great service to the bulk of the people The gratitude of persons whose lives were formerly ruined by alcohol, and particularly of their wives and children, is a reward which we are not prepared to ex­ change for the approval of the ill-formed enemies of prohibi­ tion,” There speakeS a statesman who puts the well-being of his people -—which was being undermind-, ed by alcohol—before everything else. That’s why we are eager to retain the Canada Temperance Act in Huron. It serves the best interests of our people—not to provide liquor outlets. —Advt. Slips That Pass In The Type More than a few eyebrows must have 'been raised over a. recent typo error in the West­ mount (Que.) Examiner’s col­ umns. A meeting of the Women’s Missionary Auxiliary was an­ nounced for Wednesday at 8:00 p.in. in the ladies’ parlor. The item went on to say that the speaker would be the minister Of the church, “who will give an Easter massage. All ladies of the* congregation are invited to this meeting”. Saturday Evening Here, There And Elsewhere By Rev. James * That Alberta Snowfall Some parts of Alberta have been visited with a snowfall of fifteen inches. A good deal of eye rubbing would be indulged, in were this part of Ontario to experience such a snowfall. It must be remembered that the western province lias long been known as “Sunny Albert a". Strange things are taking place and Ontario people do well to be prepared for the unexpected. That caterpillar pest, for in­ stance, may come our way. Grass­ hoppers are not strangers to this region. Frost with unlooked for destructiveness is in its wake. So far this has been a region fav­ oured by bounteous nature, so we’ll live in hope. We seem to have more of natures abundance than we make proper use of, but a good many folk are waking up to our advantages, The room for inprovement is the largest room in the world. Two organizations are doing fine work in this regard though both of them are in their in­ fancy. We refer to the Farm Improvement and the Soil Im­ provement Associations. There is room and opportunity for both of these bodies. Rome was not built in a day but it was built by daily industry. While we sympa­ thize with our Alberta farmers in the untoward fall of snow, we are not unaware that the mis-c fortunes felt in this region may be due to local lacH of down right effort in the way of com­ munity building through self effort. Indifference on our part may deprive this region of more grain cattle and swine products than Albertans will lose by the apparent set back of the unseason^ able snow fall. For one thing, the snowfall- in Alberta will be compensated for by the supply of moisture often so greatly needed in that province once the seed is in the, ground. They Must Be Caught Fortunately this country is advantaged with, a population in which by far the greater propor­ tion ask for no greater privilege than, the opportunity of going about their lawful business. Un-, fortunately, however, there is a minority that rob and plunder and even murder those who toil, and carry-’ on the work of the land. This minority simply must be taken care of, In undeveloped countries those who break through the standards the 'Community regards as in the interest of all, the vigilance com­ mittee with rope and rifle see that the unruly are put where they do no harm. As society ad­ vances this rough and ready jus­ tice gives place to law and order i and this way of doing is enforc- ’ ed by men specially appointed for this important duty. Our Cana- I dian west is an illustration of this very thing. For some time our west was threatened with being dominated by rowdies and lewd fellows of the baser sort. Then came the mounties, and the judge and magistrate were both respected and feared with the result that’ our west is as orderly as any portion of the dominion. But our eastern citizens are beset at times by organized criminals who stop at nothing that s’tands in the way of carrying out their evil purposes. For this reason we simply must have policemen, magistrates and judges and jur­ ies. Upon the efficiency of those Anthony, M.A. men depends our safety to a de-» gree few of us realize. While we sleep the officer guards. As we go about our work his watchful eyes see that no interferapce with us is tolerated. But now, we are sorry to say, robberies are all too frequent and only too often the robber escapes the pen­ alty that fits tfie offence. This should not be. Offenders against society simply must be caught and fittingly taken care of. More over as society develops that skill of the thief increases. His boast is that there is no device brought forward by so­ ciety that he cannot break through. He is a student of men’s protective agencies and he sets himself to outwit those who would escape his misconduct. Hence the need of lawmakers and! law administrators and officers Who keep ahead of him and who capture him before he takes what is not his and spills blood in -so doing. There is every need of the clos­ est co-operation between the police of the whole province and of the whole continent. When a crime is committed1 in any corner of the province or of the ’domin­ ion the police should be alerted so that every officer is put on the alert for the offender. Further, when the offender is apprehend­ ed crown council and magistrate and judge should be at their keenest to support the officers. While seeing too it that the ac­ cused party is given a trial ac­ cording to law. Crime always is more than a local ^matter. It is an offence against the whole society. Every criminal must be made to feet that there is no rest for the soles of his thieving or murderous feet that there is no rest for him anywhere till he has done all that in him lies to atone for his misdeeds. The day is surely com­ ing when the police of the pro­ vince and of the Dominion and every municipality will work to­ gether persistently till every law­ breaker is given his reward. Each officer should be well paid for his heavy duties and every officer should be made to feel that he is to hand in his badge and uniform, the minute he dis­ graces either. When he retires from his hard work he should be given a pension that will see him through in comfort. It requires the real thing in manhood to prove the‘right sort of constable. Talked Ourselves Into Inflation Many of us believe that we pay too much for our goods with money that has not its old value on blie market. We talk a good deal about this troublesome situ­ ation but spend little time try­ ing to find out .how we get our­ selves into the mess. There are a number of causes for our un­ lucky position. Let us think of one "of these causes. Have we talked ourselves into trouble? When the business world' was settling itself after the second world war and when business men were catching their breath after the depression of the thirties was getting somewhat under control, someone shouted loudly enough for all to hear, that- there was going to be a period of extraordinarily high prices. The result was that the dealers in .one realm or another started raising prices. At this point buyers said the prices were soon going to rise higher still and again the deal- —Please turn to page ten "Hey, Pop — Is The Big One The Large Economy Size?"