HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-06-07, Page 8a THE TIMES-ADVOCATE. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 7, 1951 Feminine Facts n Fancies A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate GIFTS Strathaven Rest Home “A Home for the Aged” Bed Patients and C'onvaiescehts PHONE 184 MRS, E. A. HODGERT, EXETER and Mrs. and John Pentecostal W.M.C Cash donations were pledged tii aid the Pentecostal Bible School, the Missionary rest home and two baby workers on Mani- toulin Island, during the May meeting of the Pentecostal WMC which was held in the Church. The President Mrs. K. McLaren ' opened the meeting Kinsman-Secord Married At Mesa In Burns Presbyterian Chnr.h Mesa, the Rev. K. McKenzie of­ ficiated at the wedding of Elaine Grace, daughter cr’ Mr D. M. Secord. Glenme. Gordon Kinsman, smi of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinsman. Kippen. Stanley Betts played the wed­ ding music and Georgie Betts was soloist. Entering the church with her father the bride was lovely gown­ ed in duchess while satin fash­ ioned with nylon yoke edged in frills of Chantilly lace. Her full, gathered skirt swept to a train and clusters of Jily-of-the-valley donations for the New Pente­ held in place her fingertip veil, costal Bible College which has Mrs. John Livingston as mat-!been recently purchased at Peter- ron of honor for her sister wore * white frosted blue taffeta, a bridal ttendnts. Mrs. Russell F Mary Secord yellow mauve marquisette ov Robert Kins brother as best man Livingston. Russel Ferguson Lloyd Ferguson were ushers Following a reception at home of the bride’s parents, couple left for a trip to Northern Ontario, the bride travelling in a suit of sunset rose with navy accessories and a corsge of white orchids. Mr. will reside i at Cromarty ■ Home....... . ..fewA' By BERNICE LECKIE Economist at S.H.D.H.S. Feminine Fancies Action, by Mrs. i I with the reading of a poem on “Prayer” from The Missionary followed by a prayer led C. BlanchaT-d. A letter from Mrs. gomery, district Secretary brought some special appeals for for Mont- : borough. This is to be a resident School. It was decided at the recent. Pentecostal Conference, that WMC would he responsible for the silverware for the school as well as a canning machine to can enough fruit for the bible school and Missionary Rest Home. There was a generous shower of pillow-cases at the meeting for the Hope Chest and it was decided that there should be a of face-clothes for the Bible School at the June meet-( ing. Mrs. L. Wynn brought the afternoon message with the and Mrs. Kinsman theme ‘‘Seven Morning Glories of n the groom’s farm God”. Mrs. McLaren closed the meeting with a prayer. are in bed, wake up so difficulty magazines I Bedard-Charrette Rites 'Held At St. Joseph I At St. Peter’s Roman Catholic , Church, Sr. Joseph, on Saturday ■ at nine a.m.. Marion Jean Char- ’rette. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ! Norman Charrette of Dashwood. jOnt., was united in marriage with ilsadore Charles Bedard of Brant- i ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bedard of Forest, Ont. Rev.I Father Bourdeau performed the ceremony. The bride wore a dress of white slipper satin with a nylon yoke edged with lace and lily point sleeves. The gathered skirt was caught up to show a lace petticoat extending into a cathe­ dral train. A beaded lieadress held her fingertip • veil and she car­ ried a bouquet of Calius lilies. Sister of the bride, Mrs. Pat Corriveau was matron of honor, wearing a dress of pale pink sheer with a nylon yoke, and carrying pink and white carna­ tions. A flowered headdress held |her shoulder length veil. .As i bridesmaid, Miss Nettie Bedard, sister of the groom wore^a dress of similar style in pale green I and carried pink and white car- I nations. Groomsman was Mr. Jer­ ome Bedard brother of the groom I and j rett I Wilfred ! riveau. i Bedard ' Nelson { Following the wedding, I ception was 'held at the home of the bride where the mothers of the bride and groom received the guests wearing navy blue dresses with corsages of red ‘roses. The bride chose for her travell­ ing costume, a wine suit with white accessories and she wore a corsage of red roses. When they return from a wedding trip to Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Bedard will live in Brantford. Framed Oil Paintings At Reasonable Prices J family. It has a type of Bread base and for this r< I think that you will find that it will keep very well for longer than the ordinary butter cake— if you can keep the family from eating it before then that is! Cream: % cup butter (or a mix­ ture of butter and shorten­ ing) cup brown sugar Add: lty cups sifted flour Blend together I crumbly j greased |oven (al ’tan. In the meantime second mixture: i iz 1 1 Short ■eason. “Now the children and they should not you should have no whatever. There are here and don’t hesitate to turn on the radio.”—and out walks Mrs. Brown to join her husband in the car. Today, many of our young teen agers are baby sitting and earning a nice little hit of spend­ ing money doing it. You, the parents find it convenient to leave Junior in the rare of the little girl who always comes over, and who knows him well. I think that such business be­ tween our young people and par­ ents is wonderful, and certainly both are benefitting, but I just wondering if you are fai each other. Many of the baby sitters very young—in fact, still in pub­ lic school themselves. Certainly they are wise little people and fully capable of looking after tiny tots, (in fact it is good for them—-it helps them learn about children) but would they know what to do in an emergency? Something Could Happen We all hope nothing will hap­ pen, but sometimes it does and it is no one’s fault. It is up to you though, to leave your sitter with the facts she will need to know. If you are getting a new sit­ ter (one that has never been at your place before), don’t have her come just a few minutes be­ fore you go out, hut hate her come early so you can explain the things she will, need to know. Now for the information she should have: Routine Care (to be filled out by the parents) Where we will be ....................... Phone ....................... ................ Return by ................................. Special instructions about baby Meals: give no food except.... .......at............o’clock Sleep: ................................. ..... (clothes, blankets, window, heat) ZURICH, PHONE 133 Manufacturers of picture frames, wholesale and retail! Oil paintings and frames restored ed shortening. Combine 1 well-beaten i milk and tsp. vanilla. Make a well in | □rK/mia and nrIH lirnnds? miv 'li/rhilv. From the "BLUE BOOK" of Famous Trains and under- of Canada see it from over ■emaining iis Bryan, and >wne reen fr marquisette and the s, Mis: Fergm were and rei* taffeta, sman attended his and John and L oil Miss d in osted the the shower am to are 9 the above ingredients so that they form a mixture and spread in a pan. Bake lout 3<n>F.) in a slow until a light prepare the This superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup o FISHER-MADE Health Supports For Women Our M iss H. Westcott has been specially trained and instructed in this work MATERNITY GENERAL SUPPORT POST OPERATION e Your Drugs At SACRO ILLIAC PTOSIS BRASSIERES Play: .......................................... (where toys, books, clothes, etc.) Other Instructions: 1. Keep outside doors locked (from the outside only) and don’t open to strangers. If this requires a key, it will be provided. 2. Keep the phone line open for important calls. I ex­ pect the following deliver- . ies and calls while I’m gone, here’s what you should do: ........................................ 3. Jot down here any informa­ tion or messages you have for us when we get back:.. ROBERTSON’S Model* HA-83, UA-87, HA-84, UA-95 cups brown sugar cup cocoanut cup walnuts beaten e; tbsp, tsp. tsp. tsp. gs flour soda salt vanilla 4 4 V2 "Mix these ingredients together and spread over the crumb base after the latter is fairly cool. Bake at the same temperature for about half an liohr or until a tooth pick comes out clean. DO YOU KNOW THAT As a substitute for 1 teaspoon baking powder, 14 teaspoon of soda plus % tsp. cream of tar­ tar may be used. ushers were Mr. Joe Char­ brother of the bride, Mr. Bedard and Mr. Pat Cor- The soloist, Miss was accompanied Charrette. JAM UPSIDE-DOWN SHORTCAKES Elaine by Mr. the re­ Combine 1 tbs. soft butter, % c. thick jam, 1 tbs. lemon juice and, if desired, J 3 c. broken nut­ meats and divide between 6 greased individual baking dishes. Mix and sift twice, then sift into* a bowl, c. once-sifted.pastry flour (or 1J3' c. once-sifted hard-wheat flour), 3 tsps. Magic Bak­ ing Powder, tsp. salt, Jg tsp. grated nutmeg and pX c. fine granulated sugar. Cut in finely 5 tbs. chilled shortening. Combine 1 well-beaten egg, I-2 c. j . _ _ dry ingredients and add liquids; mix lightly. Two-thirds fill prepared dishes with batter. Bake in a moderately hot oven, 375°, about 20 minutes. Turn out and serve hot with sauce or cream. Yield—6 servings. North Middlesex W.l. Considers Scholarship Fund At Annual MY WHOLE KITCHEN SPARKLES^ WITH COLOR NOW! Those Color-Keyed Door Handles Are a Wonderful Idea ,, , j They’re NEW...and YEARS AHEAD! INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 4. Also (medication needed, flashlight, etc.) Emergency Care: (Always keep this form at the telephone for quick reference) Our Name ................................... Baby’s ........................... ............... Address ....................... ................ Phone ..............................'............ If you want help (Take it easy, don’t worry) I. In case of Fire: 1. Get baby out'of the house 2. Call fire department at..... or neighbour at .......... Then call me ..................... For very small fire use extinguisher. In case baby is Choking .... Ask the operator to send.... North Middlesex W.l. will con­ sider sponsoring a scholarship fund for outstanding work in girls’ club, it was decided at the district annual held at Lucan on Friday. , The project is subject to the approval of the individual ■branches. If each approves a fund of $2,000 will be set up. Mrs. L. S. Mitchell of the Prospect Hill branch was elected district president. Others on the executive are Mrs. Stanley Mollard, Parkhill, second vice-president; Mrs. Ern­ est Hobbs, Denfield, secretary­ treasurer; Mrs. N. M. Grieve, Denfield, F.W.I.O. alternate; Mrs. Ken Hobbs, Denfield, trus­ tees and ratepayers convention alternate; Mrs. Frank Hardy, Federation of Agriculture repre­ sentative; Mrs. David Henry, Clandeboye. alternate; Mrs. Fred' Crouch and Mrs. Oscar Metters, both of Granton. Conveners of standing com­ mittees in this district are’: Agri­ culture and Canadian industries, Mrs. Grant Hughes, Ailsa Craig; community activities and public relation. Mrs. James Payne, Ailsa Craig; home economics and health, Mrs. James Stewart, Den­ field; resolutions, Miss Elizabeth Hotson, Ailsa Craig. District directors are: Clande­ boye, Mrs. Wilmer Scott; Edge­ wood Juniors, Miss Shirley Dic­ kenson; Granton, Mrs. Andrew Knox; Lucan W.I., Mrs. C. How­ ard; Lucan Juniors, Miss Marie McGillivray, Mrs. James Mrs. A. W. Thompson ren­ dered a solo in the afternoon, Mrs. C. Hardy at the piano. *"* A display of mats, hooked, braided, crocheted and knit, by Lucan W.L, drew great atten­ tion. Mrs. Ken Hobbs reported on the trustees and ratepayers con­ vention. Mrs. Allan Hill and Mrs. Ar­ nold Blake had charge of regis­ tration and reported 190 names on roll. Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (North of Bell Telephone) Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave . Open Wednesday Afternoon Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop. PHONE 71 EXETER IT. 1. Wonderful idea is right! Color in the refrigerator handle 9f>arks your kitchen with new, glowing beauty! Plastic squares in choice of ten smart, easily interchange­ able shades! See the handle with the new decorating twist...now! It’s another exciting result of femirteering! Functional features galore, designed ‘with a woman's love of beauty and efficiency in mind. Striking eye appeal, plus new utility, gteater convenience in the refrigerator that’s years SEE THEM AT OUR STORE! PHONE 153-W LOOK AT ALL THESE EEATURES ahead, today! See it J 7 MODELS 7 SIZES 7 PRICES Starting of «■ a " E" VE”TT7D JutxOkXli X *7 Tighf.Warf Unit— quiet, economical, warranted 5 years1' Pantry-Dor adds nearly 8 ft. of front-row storage! Egg-O-Mat holds 1(5 eggs, releases two at a time! III. In ^ase baby is hurt it looks bad 1. Call Dr.......................... at ................................. 2. Call Mrs.......... .............. at ................................. Then, call me ............... For minor injury, use first aid supplies in ..... IV. In. case baby gets sick 1. Call me ............. For other help Police ............ ................ Baby’s Father at Work. our i ! i Lewis; Dixon. Mrs. leader Club, I for the best poster entered in a competition. Otlfer awards went to Miss L. E. Abbott, Lucan, sec­ ond; Miss Shirley Hardwick, Edgewood Juniors, third; and Mrs. Harmon Morton, Ailsa Craig, fourth. Members of the Clandeboye W.l. were hosts for the annual which was held in Lucan Mem­ orial Centre. A basket of flowers in Insti­ tute colours zwas given by Mrs. Paton in memory of the late Mrs. J. Dignan, former member of Lucan years as the late who had so many V’s Beauty Shoppe All Lines of Beauty Culture Machine, Machineless, Cold & Radio Waves Open Wednesday Afternoon Closed Saturday Afternoon for Half Holiday Tel. 112 - Cnr. Huron & Main ELAINE JOHNSTON, PROP. LI Do you think this looks like lot of bother? I don’t think you will find it too much trouble, anti many of the blanks can be filled out once and used many times, But do leave a bit of in­ formation for the little girl you hire, you Will both feel So much more at ease, knowing that all necessary requirements are there, ready if they are needed. DRTMM UAKF i I Helen Hardy, Lucan, of the Clandeboye Girls’ was awarded first prize Tomlinson’s Hairdressing - Featuring - All Lines of Beauty Culture • - Specializing In - THE NEW “FLUID WAVE” With Exclusive Magic Fhix The Greatest Permanent Wave Advancement in Years 51^ A[Aji You’ll appreciate stand the beauty better when you Canadian National’s famous Continental Limited. Every day between Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver this famous train speeds across the continent. On it you’ll travel in style in W.I., who served many District secretary; also Mrs. George Edwards, served the Institute in ___ _ ways. Mrs. Beecher Hanson and Mrs. Carmen Dann, both of Granton, sang a duet. Rev. E. M. Cook, minister of Lucan United Church, took the devotional exercises. The address of welcome to the dinner sponsored by Clandeboye W.L was given by past president Mrs. Wilmer Scott and. Mrs. Dan Lewis of McGillivray replied. On tonnage Canada leads the world in nickel production, is cond in aluminum and* third zine, se- in >|e ik * * I High cost of railroading; needs $36,000,000 annually iu Here is the recipe for a cake replace worn-out’locomotives and that really goes over well in our rolling stock on the C.P.R. It to Is It Just A CORSET You Are Talking About Or Is It A Spirella That’s important because Spirella, as you know, more than just a a means Corset. A Spirella is the means by which the women for whom it has been designed will be beautifully, health­ fully and comfortably sup­ ported. Mrs. V. Armstrong Ann Street Phone 125 colorful, up-to-the-minute equipment — inviting bedrooms, standard and tourist sleeping cars, lounge cars and the latest air-conditioned coaches. Take the ’’Continental’* scenic route across Canada... , it daily service East and West between Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Minaki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver. For reservations and information regarding your business and pleasure travel needs, see, tvrite or phone your local Canadian National Passenger Agent, CANADIAN NATIONAL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES