HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-06-07, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JUNK 7, WS1 Fourth AViunei* Mrs. George Hess was a lucky winner on<? the Fab Contest at CKNX AVingham Thursday last. This is the fourth person in Hensail to win on this contest. Rochester Hearing Aids Fitted and Sold at Middleton’s Drug Store Hensail Phone 20 ■■■■■■■■■■■■ Mrs. 0. Twitehell returned1 home Monday after spending a few days with her daughter and J son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Davidson of Port Colborne. Mrs. Robert McLean, Kippen, won the door prize at the Ringo Saturday night in the Legion Hall, sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary, Joyce Munn drew the winning ticket. The W.M.S. of the United Church are packing a bale Fri­ day evening, June 8, in the schoolroom of the church for European relief, your contribu­ tions will be appreciated, as the need is great. OPENING OFFICIALS .... Group of officials at opening ceremonies at the sixtv-fourth Hen­ sall Stock Show reading from left to right: Arthur Nicholson; Ken Lampman. Area Man­ ager, Exeter R.O.A.; Hydro Chairman Robert II. Saunders; George Armstrong, President Hensail Stock Show; John Passmore, Superintendent, Hensail Hydro; Thomas Prvde, M.P.P., Huron County. GENEROUS TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE when you equip with GOODYEAR TIRES ® We*ll give you a generous allowance for the unused mileage jn your present worn, un­ safe tires. Remember, 90% of tire trouble occurs in the last 10% of tire life. Drive in today and get new, safe, big-mileage Goodyears. Don’t de* Jay, take full advantage of our trade-in plan today. Pag# S ................... ........ ........._ We are again contracting acreage for The Canada Malting Company SEED SUPPLIED — CONTACT US Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Phone 103 HENSALL, ONT. Nights 133 —" .... — ■ Hensall And District News UXTABLE PHONE: 153-W A COMPLETE LINE OF GOODYEAR TIRES, TUBES, LIFEGUARDS & BATTERIES 89 — ....................... .............. ...............................— K F ANKLE At The Old Price i ® SOME WESTINGHOUSE WASHERS ? • TWO WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS • THREE ASTRAL REFRIGERATORS McClary Electric Stove — old model, for summer kitchen, cheap. Coal and Wood Range (Used) — in good condition. I We also handle Servel Refrigerators. This is your opportunity to buy at the old price and save money. PASSMORE ELECTRIC HENSALL * ONTARIO ■-------------------------------------------- ------- -----,-------------■ ■■ CARS Ford Coach, very good ........................... Mercury Coach, has everything except u token sink ..................................................... Hudson Coach, new tires ...................... Meteor Sedan ............................................. Chrysler Sedan ........................................... Hillman Sedan ........................................... Chev Sedan .................................................. Dodge Sedan ................................................ Dodge Sedan, best, one in captivity .. Chev Coupe, hydraulic brake ............... Chev Coach, very good .......................... Harley Motorcycle .................................... Indian Motorcycle .................................... Model T Coupe, like new ...................... Special Car Monarch Coach, a steal. To be reduced $10 a day until sold. Thursday's price ...... TRUCKS 1949 vFord Pickup ................................................ 1949 Dodge 1-Tbn .................................„............ 1947 Dodge 3-Ton ............ ,......................... 1946 Ford 1946 Ford ☆1950 ☆1949 the 1 ☆1948 A*19'49 ☆1947 ☆1949 ■fr 1946 A*1941 ☆1937 ☆1934 ☆1933 ☆1931 ☆1946 ☆1924 ☆1949 2,095. Mark Diamond . Anniversary Mr, and Mrs, J. R. McDonald, highly esteemed residents, who resident a mile and a half south of Hensall, Highway 4, Saturday, June 2, observed their diamond wedding anniversary. Members of their family and friends cele­ brated the event with them. Mr. McDonald, who on May 17 ob­ served his ninety-fifth birthday, has been confined to his room for the past four years. Mrs. McDonald, the former Dorcas Horney, is enjoying fairly good health. They have lived on the same farm for the past 40 years. Up until declining years they were active members of Hensall Unit­ ed Church. Their marriage was solemnized by the late. Rev. Cook of Hensall, at the home of the bride’s parents in Usborne. Their family consist of two daughters, Mrs. C. Davis, Toronto; Mrs. Russell Love, Kincardine; and one son, Lloyd, at home. Attending the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Davis, Shirley and Leonard, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Love and family, Kincardine; Dr, and Mrs. Donald Davis and son, of Ox­ bridge; Miss Mary Horney, Lon­ don; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stat­ ham, London; Miss Lois Statham of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts, Lansing, Mich:; Mr. and Mrs. Burkhart, Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. Albert Spencer and Miss Spencer, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald were the recipients of many lovely gifts, flowers, cards and con­ gratulatory messages. Huronia Male Chorus Sings At Hensall Anniversary SOX ☆ ☆ "ft ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 'A 2- Ton ....................... .......... 3- Ton .................................. Special Trucks Pickup. Thursday's priceFord Ford Pickup. Thursday’s price 1,480. 1.350. 1,195. 750. 690. 590. 1940 1936 These trucks to be reduced $10 a. day until TRACTORS 104S 1946 1945 teed Ford ................................... ............................ Ford, stepup transmission ...................... Ford, motor overhauled and guaran- Special Tractors Ford, stepup. Thursday’s price ............ Ford, good but you have to crank 1947 1944 Thursday’s price ................................................. These tractors to be reduced $10 a day until ✓ Get a Corn, Bean and Sugar Beet Planter NOW! USED PLOWS AND CULTIVATORS For All Makes USED MOWER, 4-ROW SCUFFLER For International H 370. 145. sold. 925. 795. 795. 745. 600. sold. Larry Snider Motors PHONE 64-W EXETER Hen sail Legion Hears Hydro Speaker Members of the Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion held a social evening in the Legion Hall Tuesday evening, May 29, and had as their special speaker, Grant Webber of the Frequency Standardization office in Sea­ forth, who spoke of the change- over to 60 cycle power in this section of Ontario. He also showed a coloured film “C” Day, which depicted the proceedure of planning and getting materials and execution of converting frequency sesitive appliances etc., to the new pulse beat of 60 cycle. The benefits to hydro consumers was pointed out in this 20 minute colored film. Special guests present were members of the Legion Branch of Exeter. Past president, Jack Tudor moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Webber. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pope, Preston, were in town Sunday, renewing old aquaintances who were pleased to meet again. Group 4 of the Ladies Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church met in the Sunday school room of the church Tuesday afternoon and quilted, two quilts, they have six more to complete. Mrs. C. M. Hedden and Herb spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden and family at Dresden. Mr.“ Casey Hudson, George, Donna and Dianne, Goderich, spent Sunday with Mrs. G. Hud­ son. Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Campbell, Toronto, are spending a few days in the village. Successful anniversary services were observed in the United Church Sunday, June 3. Large congregations filled the auditor­ ium and gallery for both ser­ vices. Lovely baskets of tulips and other flowers made an at­ tractive setting. Guest speaker for the day was Rev. F. C. Miller, B.A., of Pres­ ton, who delivered two very challenging and inspiring mes­ sages. At the morning service the theme was “The Great Alter­ native’’. In the evening, he based his thoughts from the theme “The Universality of Jesus*’. For the morfiing service the choir of forty voices under direc­ tion of S. G. Rannie, with Miss Greta Lammie at the organ con­ sole, sang “Be Not Far From Me,* O God’’ and “In My Father’s House Are Many Mansions”. Soloists were Mrs. R. Mock, S. Rannie and J. Rowcliffe. A pleasing duet, “How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings”, was sung by Mrs. H. McEwan and Mrs. R. Broderick. At the evening service the Huronia Male Chorus of Exeter, under direction of Mrs. H. L. Sturgis, with Mrs. F. C. Pen­ warden, accompanist, provided the music. Their choir numbers were “Bless This House”, “Deal* Land Of Hope”, “Softly And Tenderly”. The male quartette, composed of Harold and Gerald Skinner, W. G. Cochrane and Norman Walper, offered “The Old Rugged Cross”. An octette, composed of IL Skinner, C. Pfile, Ron Elford, Irvin Pfile, C. Cann, E. Desjardine, F. Wild- fong and Allen Buswell, sang “Wonderful”. A solo, “How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings”, was rendered by Harry Hern. All the numbers were beauti­ fully rendered and well received. One of the nice features of this chorus was that they gave their services gratis. Rev» P. A. Ferguson of Carmel Presbyterian assisted with the services. Their evening service was withdrawn in favour of this anniversary. The male chorus concluded the service with the rendition of the Vesper. The offering for the day was most gratifying. Re­ freshments were served to mem­ bers of the male chorus. 100% Spun Nylon Washes and wears as only Nylon will. Buy 2 or 3 pairs at this prior— Only $1.00 Pair Comfy Soft Cotton A treat for your £e<-t 1 590 Pair Buy now while colour selection is complete . TUDOR’S Phone 70 - LADIES’ WEAR, DRY GOODS - Hensall. SATURDAY JUNE IS FORCE DAY Next Saturday, Canada’s Air Force will be on< parade—for you, your family and your friends. There, for you to see, will be special. ground! air displays and exhibits showing new RCAF equipment training facilities. and and District Guides Attend Camp One hundred and seventy-five Girl Guides and their guiders from 1-Iuron-Perth attended the Girl Guides’ picnic held at Kee- waydin, 18 miles north of Gode­ rich on Saturday, June 2. Guides from St. Marys, Stratford, Lis- towel, Ingersoll, Brussels, Blyth, Goderich, Exeter and Hensall at­ tended. St. Marys won the Divisional Shield for efficiency in guiding and sports and for the most competitive group. Sports and contests were run off many contests such as fire lighting, ball throwing, compass and signalling contests. In the three-legged race Jean Lavender and Margaret Reid of Hensall was in second place, and Jean Lavender was third in the 100-yard dash. The affair concluded with a camp fire and taps, song, and program. July 17 the Guides will go to camp at Keewkydin. Lands Big Muskic Don Ross, Brucefield, 17, caught a fish in the Rapids at the Bayfield River weighing 23 pounds, and 34 inches in length. The fish was a muskie, ail over­ sized pike, very rare in these parts, and he caught it with min­ nows. Kathy McCloy of Toronto is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hess for this week. I YOUR AND SEE AIR FORCE IN ACTION . . . meet the men who keep up its great tradition . . the RCAF at work. Saturday, June the 9 th, is the day when Royal Canadian Air Force Stations across the country will say '•'‘Welcome” to hundreds of thousands of Canadians. You’ll get a real thrill when you see your Air Force in action on Saturday afternoon. ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE RCAF Station in this area. RCAF STATION CLINTON SHOW STARTS AT 1:30 p.m. BY WALLY BISHOPX