HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-06-07, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 7, 1951 DASHWOOD Mrs. Lydia Rinker of Dash­ wood has returned from* Florida where she visited with her sis­ ter, Mrs. A. B. Jones, of Russell Point, for three months. She was accompanied home by Mrs. A. B. Jones. ZION Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques of Exeter visited on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern. A number of ladies from the community attended the1' W.M.S. Convention, at Wesley last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern, Hensail District News Love-Forrest i i. I ?; Mr. E. -£. Hartleib from Wind- Frances and Keith and Mr. Ten- sor and Mr. and Mrs. E. Hutch­ inson from Blair spent the week­ end with Mfs. Lydia Rinker. nyson Johns spent Saturday in St. Williams and Long Point. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen of Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. . spent Sunday in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Dun Ashton cia sarell of London called on Mr. and Mrs. Russ Hern on Sun­ day evening. Mr and Mrs. Edgar Rodd of Wwdham visited with Mr Sunady Reunion Held Ephraim Hern Lloyd Ashton and Miss Patri- Melville Hern of the and even­ >om- set- the re- the I Bayfield proved an ideal ting Monday, June 4, for fiftieth annual Love-Forrest union. Some 13ft members of clan were present from London Toronto, Grand Bend, Thedford Kincardine. Hillsgreen. Line. Kippen. Winthrop Hensail and Exeter. Chit ken min: for dinner line of « E. Webb > enjoyed. Robert 1elected Turnbull, Grand Bend treasurer. Parr . and •"This is PAT MURRAY, We'd like to welcome you to Words and Music each afternoon during the week from 3.05 to 4.00. Our aim rs to bring you the world's Finest Music during these daily periods of Words and Music. Join us?" 980—CFPL's Pat Murray. 9 At Three Appendix Cases Three appendix cases in three days were reported at Hensall, Public School; J. F. Blackwell,: principal, was operated on in Clinton Hospital, Tuesday last. | Billy Brown, pine, son of Mr J .and Mrs. William Brown, Grade I 3, was next; he was operated on Thursday afternoon at Clinton, Hospital. Margaret Smith, ten, I twin daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. Alfred Smith, pupils of Grade 4, was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, Thursday afternoon and operated on. Dr. J. 0. Goddard attended Mr. Blackwell and Billy Brown: Dr Gibson of London at­ tended Margaret Smith. All three patients are progressing nicely. The choir of the Vnited Church are planning f»r a straw­ berry festival to be held on the church lawns sometime in June. Committees appointed are Mrs. T. C. C Mrs. R Jim Ron Mock. HtCTUCM I HAIRS All Appliances Repaired and SoldCarmel Ladies’ Aid Miss Minnie Reid was hostess at hex* home Wednesday evening. May 30, for the Ladies Aid ojp Carmel Presbyterian Church, for their May meeting. President, Mrs. W. R. Bell occupied the chair and Mrs. Harry Hoy con­ ducted. the devotional exercises. Mrs. Al Kerslake reported to the meeting that $130.00 had been realized from the booth at the Spring Fair, and $30.00 cleared from the cake sale. Mrs. Kerslake was convener of both, projects. Treasurer* Mrs. C. Tolland re­ ported a bank balance of $197.- . Oft. A motion was made to for- [ward a donation to Kintail Camp. I This active society recently pur- I chased twenty-five new hymn I books for the church. • Group I will sponsor a home I made cake sale in the Legion I Hall Saturday, June 30.| The president extended an in- jvitation to the members toI at her home, Wednesday, 27. for their June meeting. Luncheon was served. Exeter Radio & Electric Prop.: Don Jolly Coates, Mrs. H. McEwan, Broderick, Mrs. Roobol, Roweliffe. Jack Harrison Bill, Mickle. Notice Hensall School Board ; notice that all children ■ ning school » Phone 187-W Secretary-Treasurer, HEX SALL SCHOOL BOARD trim- •erved . full Mrs. •. was with all the was the main menu nd supper. <. directed Mrs. W. L The sympathy mnnity extended to the family <if the late Mrs William Brooks. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon with interment in Zion cemetery. » Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock visited mi Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield uf Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowrliffe uf Hensail. Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mr. and ; Mr. and Staffs. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern, and . Frances and Keith visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vare’xy.-k and. Stanley of Lon-1 umfdred bv don. ' - 1 - '— * Mrs. Angus Karl were Mrs. Archie Jeffery and Mrs. Spemer Jeffery of port; and . A by tove. Love, Thedfc president: and A TRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Sher /eany 3. Principal ancJ interest uncon­ ditionally guaranteed 4. 5. 6. Authorized investment for Trust Funds No fluctuation in Principal Amounts of $100.00 and up may be invested THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Head Office 372 Bay St., Toronto TRADE I YOUR OLD TIRES WILL GIVE YOU was >rgus Ex e- rd. F secretary- Lunch committee ap­ pointed were Mrs. Lome Luker Hensall; Mrs. A. E. Keys. ter; Mrs. W. Love, Grand Bend: Mrs. Ross Love, Shipka. Sports: Mrs. Elgin Webb, Grand Bend: 5 Ross Love, Hillsgreen; Carlisle Taylor. Grand Bend: Mrs. A. Keys, Exeter. Grand Bend was the place chosen for the 1951 reunion. In the hall game captained Clarence Love, Hillsgreen, ; ./ Gulin Love, Grand Bend. Clarence Love’s side were declared the winners ’ score of 4-2. Prize winner: Races. 5 and under Grand Bend: 9 and ian Gill. Norma 1 ■Bend; young boys’ Gill, Grand Bend; ladies' race, Mrs. Grand Bend; youn Margaret Campbell, gle men’s race, i Hensall: young ’race. Bob McKinley Senior married s Fergus Turnbull, ‘ladies’ kick-the-slipper, Mrs, Percy Campbell, Exeter; men’s I kick-the-slipper, Gordon Blan­ chard, Winthrop; hoop race, Margaret Campbell’s side; tooth ' pick race, Helen Love's side were declared winners (in connection »with this race Mrs. Hugh Love ■ of Hensall won a special prize); . automobile race, Margaret Camp- ; bell’s side won; throwing the | ball, Ron Turnbull, Grand Bend. | Honours went to Mrs. Mary i Turnbull of Grand Bend for the ; oldest member of the clan 1 ent. with a meet June were as Jr gives; begin-I in September must i have reached their sixth birth-’ day on or before December 31,! 1951. Parents of these children are kindly asked to register them with the Principal before June Chiselhurst Scene Of Hackett-Boyce Nuptials j The marriage of Shirley Phyl- and pis Boyce, daughter of Mr. and -- - Mrs. Robert Boyce of Cromarty, to Mr. Albert Earle Hackett of Linwood son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hackett, took place in Chiselhurst Vnited Church on I Saturday at ode p.m. The Rev. I Rogers of Hensall performed the ,ceremony in a setting of pink ! and. bronze tulips' and white li- J lacs with music by Miss Agnes Bray of Kirk ton. Given in marriage by her fath­ er the bride was radiant in a dress of white slipper satin -with lily point sleeves and a sweet­ heart neckline. Her veil ' was edged with embroidery and held by a lace cornet studded with rhinestones. She carried an arm bouquet of white calli lilies. Maid of honor and sister of the bride was Lucille Boyce wearing a dress of pink taffeta and a matching headress and carrying a boquet of pink talisman roses. The groomsman was Mr. Doug­ las McKay of Linwood and ush­ ers were Harvey Sparling Keith McLogan. The reception was held Monette Menard’s in Exeter where mothers of the bride and groom greeted the guests in gowns of navy blue and wearing corsages of pink roses. On their return from Niagara Falls, the newly married couple will reside in Mount Forest. For her travelling costume the bride chose a blue gabardine suit with white and black accessories and wore a corsage of pink carna­ tions. Guests at the wedding came from Linwood, Drayton, Detroit, Toronto, Stratford, Mitchell, Exe-i ter, Hensall, Kirkton and Pres- ’ton. . Mar- Grand Keith follows: hn Gill, under ■ove, race, young married Doudas Gill, girls’ Exeter; Kenneth married r, Zurich men’s race. Grand Bend; race, ; s in­ Moir, men’s pres- Lon- has the for 1 i KEEP COOL Hensail Personals Mrs. Letitia Sangster of don spent the past week at the home of her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Len Noakes. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCloy, Toronto,, Mr. D. A.# McCloy, Stratford, were week-end visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess. Mrs. R. H. Middleton kindly offered her lawn to Hensall Women’s Institute their picnic which takes place Wednesday night, June 13, at 6:30 o’clock. The following •hostesses will be in charge of arrangements. Mrs. A. Kerslake, Mrs. W, Brown, Mrs. Edna Jones, Mrs. F. Beer, Mrs. G. Hess, Mrs. A. Shirray and Mrs. L. Chapman. All members are urged to ?be present. Please bring cups and silverware,' foodstuffs suitable for a pass-around lunch are de­ sired. The usual roll call will be featured sing, say or pay. Mrs. W. H. Reid of Port-Row­ an is a guest this week with Mrs. Bertha Bell. Komi Goodrich MW,4 0® KwbfMUf J&4A More and more motorists trading in their old tires new B.F. Goodrich Silvertowns. We’ll give you more for your - and B. F. Goodrich you more for your hells Tues- are for old tires — Tires give money. "BEST in the LONG RUN” EXETER EXETER MOTOR SALES ONTARIO BFGoodrieh FIRST IN RUBBER CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick, St. Thomas, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, John Wallace and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott Sr. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ducan Colquhoun. Miss Marguerite Duncanson. i Fort 'Erie, enjoyed the week-end I with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. ; Ducanson at the manse. Mr. Robert Coleman returned home from Victoria Hospital, London on Friday. We hope his health may be much improved. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Don Scott and twin daughters visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Beiker, Zurich on Sunday. We ’again hear wedding ringing in our midst. Rev. It. Duncanson spent day in Toronto, Mrs. Duncanson also visited with friends. Mrs. Duncan McKellar and Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth McKellar visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Scott,, Russeldale, on Sunday. Mrs. John Elgie, Mr. Ross Elgie and Miss Mary Elgie and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Patterson, of Thorndale, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Duncanson at the manse on Sunday. z Quite a number of Cromarty congregations attended anniver­ sary services at Roy’s Church on Sunday. Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mr. Frank Stagg assisted with the singing. Ml’. Hugh Helen Walker, week-end with Oita Walker and family. Sunday School and Church ser­vices wilf be held at the usual hour on Sunday. MD Thos. Dick­ son, Listowel, will give an ad­ dress. Mr. and Mrs. F. Irwin and two sons of Putnam with Mr. and Mrs. otto Walker on Sunday. Currie and Miss London, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Hensall Personals Master year-old. William appendix General Hospital last week. Margaret Smith daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Smith who had been confined to her room with chicken-pox underwent an appen­ dix operation in Victoria Hospi­ tal, London, last week. Mr. and Mrs, Lie Oesch and family of St. Catherines moved to the village this week to take up residence in the residence they purchased from the estate, of the late P. Munn. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton and family of Port Dover spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Neeb of Tavistock are spending a few days with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown. Miss Alma Bill who has spent the past several months in St. Thomas has returned to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bell. Mrs. Emalie Parker and Mr. and Mrs. John McMurtrie were guests at the Hacket-Boyce wed­ ding in the Chiselhurst United Church on Saturday. Mr. Don Bell and Miss Marg­ aret Bell of Toronto spent the Week-end with tbeir parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bell. Billie son of Brown, operation Brown, nine- Mr. and Mrs. underwent an in Clinton with BARRETT Insulation Besides iRock Wool Insulation your Barrett Dealer has a complete line of roofing and weatherproof­ ing materials. Keeps summer heat out Keeps winter heat in Gives extra fire-safety In Blankets, Batts and Granulated Form THE BARRETT COMPANY, Halifax • Saint John • Montreal • Toronto • Winnipeg • Vancouver LIMITED * *Reg'd Trade Mark Take your building problems to your Barrett Dealer Your Barrett Dealer in Exeter Huron Lumber Co. Ltd Your Barrett Dealer in Dashwood Dashwood Planing Mill EXTERIOR VISOR Here’s a really stylish accessory that adds to year-’round driving enjoyment. Let your nearby Ford-Monarch Dealer or Mercury-Lincoln-Meteor Dealer demonstrate how this Exterior Visor protects your eyes from sun glare ; ; helps keep snow, sleet and "bug splatter" off the windshield. It’s a Genuine Ford Accessory ; s . it’s guaranteed., s t it’s quality-built, low-priced, and available in your choice of colors* MONARCH DEALERS FROM*”^ COAST 70 COAST^ MERCURY- UNCOLN-METEOR DEALERS