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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-05-24, Page 8
Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 24, 1951 Elimville Groups To Pack Balef Hold Show Decisions to pack a »ale for Korea and to sponsor the Wood ham operetta. “In An Old Ken tucky Garden”, in Exeter on June 8 were made at the joint meeting of Elimville W-M.S. and W.A. last week. Ruth Skinner presided for the W.M.S. program. There were 25 ladies present. Mrs. Alvin Cooper read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Harold Kerslake gave a reading.Mrs. Freeman Horne gave a very interesting account of the preshyterial held in James Street United Church, Exeter, and Mrs. William Johns gave a temper ance piece. Ruth Skinner read a missionary article. President Mrs. H. Delbridge took the chair for the business Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (North of Bell Telephone) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave - Open Wednesday Afternoon - S.H.D.H.S. Feminine Facts ’n Fancies A. Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop. PHONE 71 EXETER H ■ session. Flower slips changed during roll call. W.M.S. will hold a Sunday eve ning church service in the near future, clothing for the bale to Korea will be collected at the next meeting. Dora Delbridge presided for the W.A. program and gave a reading, as did Mrs. H. Ford and Mrs. H. Bell. President Mrs. Gil bert Johns handled*the business and the meeting decided to hold the operetta in the high school auditorium on June S. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Franklin and lunch was served. By BERNICE LECKIE Home Economist at Skinner ’ Fuss Music Exams , Louise Hockey, Jane Farrow and David Levy, pupils of Miss ‘Nancy Wright, successfully ; passed their examinations at the 1 Western Conservatory of Music Perfect tea is so easy to make with "SALADA" TEA BAGS Red Varieties of Rhubarb Are Best for Freezing Use the tender early growths for nest quality, ('lit stalks into inch length and freeze “as is”. FROZEN RHUBARB of good quality is delicious. It is cheap now. Enjoy it iv-xi winter when it is very expensive to buy. We are open Tuesday nights until 10 p.m. Closed all day Wednesday. trinkr LIVE BETTER - CHEAPER - THE LOCKER WAY EXETER FROZEN FOODS Main St.Phone 70 FISHER-MADE Health Supports For Women Our Miss H. Westcott ba.s been specially trained ami instrjeted in this work MATERNITY SAC RO ILLIAC GENERAL SCPPOR’I ©PTOSIS BRASSIERES -s t c'.i'Iv Ma«R- for Your Better ( Your Drugs At ROBERTSON’S Nothing finer than Frigidaire's famous Cold-Wall principle! NOW IMPROVED IN THE i EASY TERMS W. C. T, U. Speaker Upholds C, T.A. Delegates Score Smoking Habit Tomlinson’s Hairdressing a Featuring - All Lines of Beauty Culture - Specializing In - THE NEW “FLUID WAVE” With Exclusive Magic Phix The Greatest Permanent Wave Advancement in Years fishing time ever so many while since the turned so warm, are a lot of being prepared these days! good in a fail* trial. Would you ing new fish a like a few tempt- recipes? Just drop B i Spring time is I and I have seen [ out this past weather has Surely there fish dinners many homes However, fishing is enjoyed as a sport and the actual food is not very popular and is eaten only on occasionally or not at all. ?Yet, restaurants that specialize i in sea food are jammed to the ’doors every night, treason for this popularity- I ways in which it is cooked iserved. The most delicious and I quently ordered fish dishes are ! baked, boiled, or broiled, while fish served at home is usually ■ fried. Any food that is fried will cause an oily odor to per- | meare the house, and fish is no Exception. Over-cooking will al- I so cause a “fishy” smell, and i inferior flavour. Unlike meat, fish is tender to ; start with and requires only a : minimum of cooking to bring• jout the best flavour. This proh- j lem can be solved by using a good cook-book and keeping one i eye on the clock for fish should be cooked at the last minute and served piping hot. Too often a homemaker just KNOWS that the family isn’t going to like the fish and it adversly affects her planning of the whole could make Crisp salads, and tepting a menu of fish. Out of The Water Of course, the best time to cook and eat fish is just when they come out of the water, but some may have to be stored for a while too. Home storage of fish requires facilities for freez- be kept any you are lucky pole, and wish your fish for card to: The Department of Fisheries Ottawa, Ontario They will be happy to you free ■ ■ i There is a -the and fre- DAI RE DE LUXE Refrigerator Model DM-90 Abo‘ SEE IT NOW! R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 > ExeterI their latest cooking of charge. TARTAR you are tired of fish and have Sauce, why send ideas lemon with never not V’s Beauty Shoppe All Lines of Beauty Culture Machine, Machineless, Cold & Radio Waves Open Wednesday Afternoon Closed Saturday Afternoon for Half Holiday Tel. 112 - Cnr. Huron & Main ELAINE JOHNSTON, PROP. submitted the Dress reports for Hensail and Goderich. For the musical portion of the program, Rev. Ian Hind, pastor of the Convention Church, ren- “Lord, J. Ma- United The Christian Womens Tem perance Union of Huron County convened for their annual Con vention in the Baptist Church, Goderich, Friday, May 18, at 2 p.m. and had as their guest speaker, Rev. Dr. W.A. Beecroft of Wingham, who addressed the meeting basing his thoughts from the theme, “Canada Tem perance Act”. , Beecroft in his address of conditions as he knew in the days before prohibi- ’ i, great many taverns sometimes scattered about dered a pleasing solo, abide with me.” Rev. M. honey, of Main Street Church, Exeter, contributed sev eral piano accordian selections, much appreciated by the audi ence.Use The Want AdsMr. told i them tion, when a were t___A a small area. This has not been repeated in rural communities. Under the Canada Temperance Act, no licensed outlets for the sale of liquor are permitted. Where liquor is given to minors the offense is made punishable by a law contributin delinquency, public places charge sometimes made against the answered by the arrests for drunk , coming a public j Beecroft said. j .Mrs. C. Pennington of Gode- I rich occupied the chair assisted 'by Mrs. Doherty of Goderich and j Mrs. E. Geiger of Hensall. The i minutes of the 1950 Conven- I tion held in Exeter were read by Miss A. Consitt of Hensall, re- ! cording-secretary. The devotion (period wras in charge of Mrs. H. I Powe, and Airs. C. Down, of Exe- ; ter. Mrs. Johnston of Goderich i officiated at a very impressive memorial service for two depart ed members, Mrs. John Passmore of Hensall, and Mrs. Ada Wal ters, Goderich. | Splendid reports from the j superintendants of the various i departments were submitted. The ■report of the flower department ' submitted by Mrs. C- Down of j Exeter disclosed 344 visits had been made to the sick, 30 lw- quets sent, thirty scripture texts and fifty In the Narcotics C. Pearce Mrs. C. Down disclosed that Dr. Myers, of Chicago, who has made a study of the use of cigarettes among girls and boys, says, smoking causes ulcers. They are the bane of school col leges. In fifty years no student addict to tobacco has received a scholarship. A juvenile judge said in Montreal that 9 0 per cent of culprits use cigarettes. Mrs. William Peters of Gode rich, in her treasurers report stated that the organization had a very successful financial year. Mrs.' R. Geiger of Hensall pre sented the report for Christian Stewardship, Temperance in Sun day Schools, Mrs. Raithby, Gode rich; Soldiers and Sailors, Mrs. W. Peters, Goderich. Miss A. Consitt, and Mrs. J. R. Cantelon ' f*—■ Don't trust If your Tartar some and try it. 1 1 1 1 1 Mix together This sauce is . eious with fillets or'scallops. Elies On Your Ear? Are you looking for a novel pair of ear-rings? If you are the kind that likes to be different, you might enjoy making your self a pair from the flies used for catching fish. You can get them cheaply in any of the hard ware stores. (They will probably laugh at you—at least they did me) but choose a pair that are the same and have a few bright feathers on them. Be sure and have the the actual hook snipped you may have your ears wheather you want it Then glue them to a pair of ear lugs with a bit of airplane glue. They are really “cute” and es pecially appropriat e for time of year. DO YOU KNOW THAT? A sturdy pair of shears handy kitchen gadget. Use for scoring the fat edge steaks of chops before broiling so the edges will not curl up. Nip the rind of bacon in several places to prevent curling. Trim pastry neatly around a pie. Cut up herbs such as parsley. Marsh mallows, dates and soft candies are easily cut. Dip the shears in hot water first though—less sticky that way. And to core a grapefruit easily, cut down each membrane, then slin out the tire centre. tried make meal, though she it a special treat, popular vegetables desserts belong on cup mayonaise tbsp, chopped pickle tbsp, chopped olives tsp. onion juice tbsp, chopped parsley all the ingredients and chill. Serve particularly g to juvenile The drinking in well cold, deli- ends of off, or peireed or not. this is a them of ing if it is to length of time. If with your fishing to keep some of future eating, freeze fish quickly on the same day that it is taken from the water, and keep it hard frozen. Even when kept on ice, fish remains in prime condition only for a few hours, and after a few days is not safe to eat. Extreme care should be taken to keep fish cold at all times. When you buy frozen fish, do not allow it to thaw until you are ready to use it. It should never be thawed and refrozen. When stored in the refrigera tor, fish should always be tight ly covered and well wrapped; The odour will contaminate oth er foods if it is allowed to cape into the refrigerator. (By the way, hands will cleaned of “fishy” odours washing them in hot water and salt, and washing off the salt be fore using soap and' water.) With Refrigeration If you are not the fisherman type, you will find that modern refrigeration and quick transpor tation assure a wide variety of really fresh fish in many locali ties. An unfortunate experience may have influenced a person against fish, and it can only be said that, “he doesn't know' what he is missing.”- Packaged quick frozen fillets can be purchased and there is no bone or waste—they are ready to cook and the price is less than that of most meats. Canned fish is plentiful too, expensive kinds such salmon, mackerel and excellent in many food recipes. Because of its mild flavour, a tart sauce or lemon garnish is generally served with fish. Pick le sauce, sauce, oi* from the excellent for fish. Fish is a “best, days of high meat be prepared quickly good source which many families would en- , _ . ___ __joy if homemakers would give it j ents, Mr. and Mrs. William May. en- es- be by and less as pink cod are tartar sauce, creole lemon juice squeezed garnish slices are all buy” in these prices. It can and is a of body protein C.T.A. can be right to make driving, or be- nuisance. Dr, Is this pig pen taller than it is wide ... or ore all three sides the same length? Ml 'fZ/Zz-.I .Off’ cards sent. report of Drugs and submitted by Mrs. W. of Exeter, and read by Optical illusions prove you can’t always trust your eyes. When it conies to paint, your eyes can fool you badly. Any paint looks good when you first apply it. But how ■will it look in five years . . . yes, even one year? C-I-L PAINTS have beauty you can see, quality you can trust. You can depend on them for the high hiding qualities, the enduring resistance to wear and weather, which make your paint dollars go farther. SPPVD-4 CIL PaintS d W.C.T.U. Elections Following officers will form the 1951-52 slate: Advisory Presidents, Mrs. E. Miners, Exeter; Mrs. G. John ston, Goderich; Mrs. C. W. Downs, Exeter; Miss Jean Mur ray. Hen sail. President, Mrs. C. Pennington, Goderich; vice-president, Mrs. E. Geiger, Hensall; Corresponding secretary, Mrs. P. J. Cantelon, Goderich; Recording-secretary, Miss A. Consitt, Hensall; Trea surer, Mrs. William Peters, Gode rich. Depts, Evangelistic and Christ ian Stewardship, Mrs. (Rev.) Stephenson, Goderich; Anti-Nar cotics, and drugs, Mrs. W. C. Pearce, Exeter; Flower Mission, Mrs. C. W. Down, Exeter; Medal Contest, Mrs. J. Press secretary, Hedden, Hensall; Sailors. Mrs. C. Pennington, Mrs. W. Peters, Goderich; Temperance in Sunday Schools, Mrs. Raithby, Goderich; Rev. Williams, of i Goderich was in charge of the dedication of the officers. Mrs. Donaldson was at the organ con sol. Supper was served by the ladies of the Convention Church. Mrs. JPAenerer you paint, it pays to see your C-l-JL, Paint Dealer first. 1 — 1 Jl TRUST YOUR C-I-L 1PAINT DEALER i I Amy, Exeter; Mrs. Maude Soldiers and Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Laughton, I of Toronto, visited with Mr. and , Mrs. C. V. Laughton and family >over the week-end. | Mr. and Mrs. Gordon May, of i Hamilton, and Mrs. John Walton ! of Alossomin, Sask., spent last I week-end with the former’s Par- •’KING OF PAIN” HOT, TIRED FEET? Soothe them quickly and effectively. Get fast-drying Minard’s Liniment—rub it on. Feel the coolness—get relief, quick! HERE’S YOUR CHAHCE TO WIN! $1000e00 *n p^zes Last Monthly "Wonder” Contest a Be sure you address your envelope—Limerick Contest as i •i « * Wonder Bread man 4 8 « cash prize . cash prize « cash prize > cash prize . 4 « contest follows: * I Ask your S x • a Last $1000 monthly with cash prizes 1 st cash prize .... 2nd cash prize . « • . 3rd 4th 5th 6th Ten prizes of 6-513 ITS EASY! ITS FUN! Just write the last line to rhyme with “kind”* Wonder Bread and Pastry, you’ll find Is a treat of the very best kind; For a snack or at dinner Wonder Product’s a winner— . $600.00 . 200.00 . 100.00 . 50.00 . 20.00 . 10.00 « 2.00 Win your share of these wonderful cash prizes! Here’s all you have to do! Complete the limerick below and send it with a wrapper from any Wonder Bakeries product, to any of the following addresses:-—Limerick Contest, Wonder Bakeries Ltd., 2 Carlton St., London, Qnt.; Wonder Bakeries Ltd., 70 Pattison St., Chatham, Ont.; Wonder Bakeries Ltd., 337 Salter Ave., Windsor, Ont.; Wonder Bakeries Ltd., 18 Princess Ave., St. Thomas, Ont.; or Wonder Bakeries Ltd., 129 Davis St., Sarnia, Ont. Send in as many entries as you wish—be sure to include a Wonder Bakeries product wrapper with each entry. Entries for current contest must be post-marked not later than Friday Midnight, June 15th, 1'951,.when contest closes. Decision of the judges is final. All entries become the property of Wonder Bakeries Limited. Employees of Wonder Bakeries and their advertising agency are not eligible. Contest open to Ontario residents only. t