HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-05-24, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 24, 1951 ZION Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim visited on Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Joe Follivk of Exe­ ter. Quite a number from the com­ munity attended the anniversary service at Woodham on Sunday. M r. and M r s. Wellington Brock and Tom visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Row­ cliff e of near Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Dykeman of Galt visited foi’ a few days last week with ter-in-law, Dykeman. Mi’, and FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED WANTED TO RENT Hern with I r ■J their son and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Judson __ __ Mrs. Allan Westcott and children of near Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hern on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern and family, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Parkinson. Mrs. Ross Hern and Frances visited on Thursday with Mrs. Fred Gunning at St. Marys Mem­ orial Hospital, been a patient few weeks. Mr. George Earl returned to his home in Exeter after spend­ ing several months with family. Mrs. Gunning has there for the past his HENSALL Margaret Sangster and Miss Alice Pfaff have returned from vacation at of of•Miss Hensail Exeter spending a week’s Eureka Springs in the Osark Mountains in Arkansas. Mrs. J. Dallas who has been in Victoria Hospital with a frac­ tured hip and shoulder has left the hospital and is now at Mrs. Hodgert’s Nursing Home, Exeter. At the bingo held in the Legion Hall Saturday night, Mrs. T. Butts of Kippen won the door prize and Wilbert. Parker of Chiselhurst was the lucky winner of the jackpot. Mrs. Alda Simmons has. re­ turned from spending the winter in California. She was accom­ panied home by her sister. FOR SALE—23-ft. cabin trailer, fully equipped, including wash­ ing machine, located in Exeter. Appl^’ D. L. Hammond. Cen­ tralia, next to railroad station. 17c i FOR SALE—Buck rake in A-l condition, mounted on an 800 wt. standard Ford army truck with new engine and four new 700-17 tires. Harold Clarke, Winchelsea, telephone 37-r-21 Kirkton. 24:31e WANTED—ROOM and BOARD for one or* two young men who desire permanent accom­ modation. Apply The Times- Advocate. 24* WANTED — House, unfurnished, in Exeter. Provincial Constable 'Gibbons, phone Central Hotel 151, Exeter, 24* By tractor, h.p., with plough, cultivators, scufflers, etc., in good condition. Apply to C, Maxwell, C.N.R, Section Fore­ man, Hensall. 17:24:31c jI; FOR SALE-—Clipper seed beans. I These beans did not have rust; last year, yielded 28 bus. per acre. Elmore McBride, phone 206-R Exeter. 17:24* ELMIRA FERTILIZER — We have lots of fertilizer for the crops left to plant. At our warehouse day and night ser­ vice. We deliver. Phone Exeter 526-W, Dashwood 36-r-2. — Nelson Stanlake. 24* ROOM OR ROOM AND BOARD for young men, June to Sep­ tember. Apply Box 369, Sea­ forth, Ontario. 17:24:31* WANTED—Boy’s sidewalk bi­ cycle in good condition. Tele­ phone 406-j Exeter. 24c AUCTION SALES FOR SALE—Boxed plants ready now. Bailey's Greenhouse, Exe­ ter, phone 276. 24c FEMALE HELP WANTED FOR SALE—'34 Pontiac Coach, good running condition, good tires. Best offer accepted. M. J. Leger, Crediton East. 17ctfn FOR SALE—A barn on Andrew Street, Exeter, 3O’x32’. Phone 286-M Exeter. 17ctfn FOR SALE—Bull calf; suitable for veal. Apply to Jim Row- cliffe, phone 685-r-43 Hensall. 24* WAITRESS WANTED — Good pay for reliable girl or woman. Kether’s Restaurant. 17:24c FOR SALE—Three new chicken shelters, cheap. Apply Gordon Prance, Winchelsea. 24* FOR SALE—Have an unlimited . quantity of barn fertilizer, $5 i per spreader load. —G. J. Dow. 5tfc I WANTED—Girl or woman to help with housekeeping. Good all conveniences. Steady Phone Weber. 24c pay, employment if desired. 4 20-W or 403-W, Jack WEDDING CAKE BOXES—Good quality. Per dozen, $1.00. — Exeter Times-Advocate. 2tf* FOR SALE—'47 Chev Coach, low mileage, one owner, ex­ cellent condition; ’39 Ply­ mouth Coach; '37 Chev Coach; '29 Plymouth Sedan. Apply: Broderick Bros., phone 277. 24* Why have MOTH DAMAGE? 5- vear written guarantee with Berlou against moth damage on rugs, chesterfields and clothing. Free estimates. — Dinney Furniture, phone 20-W Sctfn i FOR SALE—One used electric stove; one kitchen range with power oil burner; one used 6- hurner restaurant electric stove; used washing machine; several used refrigerators. — Crocker Refrigeration, phone 59 Exeter. 24c TEACHER WANTED — Home Economics teacher wanted for Hay Township School Area. A part-time teacher wanted to teach Home Economics for 4 periods per week or 4a hours approx, in the Zurich Public School. Duties to commence Sept. 1, 1951. Applicants to contact the Secretary for fur­ ther particulars. State salary expected. —H. W. Broken- shire, Sec.-Treas., Hay Town­ ship School Area. 24c FOR SALE—Y o u n g Shorthorn bull, choicest breeding, and outstanding individuality. Wil­ liam Oestricher, Crediton 12-J 12ctfn )FOR SALE—One 7 Hup. Sea King outboard motor; one 14- ft. plywood boat, 5 4” beam, like new, natural finish. —At Huron Lumber Co., Exeter, phone 48._______________24c FOR SALE—One settee up­ holstered in wine, solid walnut frame; Renfrew cream separa­ tor: battery radio, Northern Electric. All to be sold reason­ ably. Apply Times-Advocate. 24* FOR SALE—Walnut 6-piece din­ ette suite, 4 leather up­ holstered chairs, jack knife leaf table, spacious buffet­ china cabinet. Phone Crediton 81, Mrs. C. W. Parkinson. 24c FOR SALE—’38 Chev Coach, in good condition. Roy Gibson, Crediton East. 24* FOR SALE—1950 model Gen­ eral Electric 9£ cubic foot electric refrigerator, 6 months old. Apply House No. 189, married quarters. RCAF Cen­ tralia. 24* FOR. SALE—’4 8 Hampden house trailer fully equipped, rangette! and oil heater, sleeps four. . Excellent condition. —W. H. i Thornton, Main St., phone 26-5 R Exeter. 24c i MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE for your present car or a new Dodge automobile or truck. Both are obtainable simply by calling Hensall 31. SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 527-J. 30tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of, horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow. phone 83 Exeter. l*tfc Used Furniture PAINTING and paperhanging, kitchen cupboards and cab­ inets. Tom Walker, Exeter, phone 553. tfc ’39 FORD COACH—R e b u i 1 t motor, new tires, body badly damaged, 8150.00. 24 Wood­ ward, Grand Bend. 24* 3-PieCe Chesterfield Suite Sofa Bed I M a k e arrangements now f o r 1 SPRAYING your grain for | weeds. Telephone 266, L. V. Hogarth. 24c TENDERS WANTED used cash LOWEST POSSIBLE DOWN PAYMENT! We purchase most of our cars outright. When paying we select only the best, this not being the case when trading on a new car. Inside, and out, our cars are the best for finish, upholstering, low mileage and all around con­ dition and price on the market. Seeing our stock will you! ’50 DODGE Special De dan, air conditioned, nickel plat­ ed rims, low mileage, extra clean, never had a dent on it, ONLY ......................... $2,100.00 New price over $2,600.00 ’50 METEOR Custom Coach, air •conditioned unit, metallic blue finish. Only 7,000 miles. Ab­ solutely like new.‘Compare con­ dition and price. ONLY $1,895.00 ’50 Passenger and car cushions, $1,975.00 ’4.9 CHEVROLET Coach, only gone 17,0 00 miles, 5 tires like new, upholstering and floor cov­ erings not soiled or shows signs of wear. Try and compare this car anywhere for condition and price. Heater included. $1,750.00 Used Electric Pop Cooler in good condition Vi-Ton Panel FOR SALE—Ladies' and gents' standard bicycles, $49.95. W. Martin, Exeter South. 24c Two Kitchen Sets • table and 4 chairs) <»-Piece Lined Oak Dinette Suite used car convince Lux Se- CHEVROLET De Lux 6- Sedanette, equipment like new. air foam clock, etc. Total price or nearest offer. ’51 NEW DODGE at the old price. ’46 DODGE Sedan, be proud to drive car . Anyone would this beautiful with not too many miles on it. Good tires. .....„ $l,185.0n or nearest offer ’47 DODGE Special Coach, black, 5 new low pressure tires, spot lights, heater, back up light. Clean upholstering; finish like new. Try and find one like this car for $1,250. or nearest offer. ’4G CHEV tion. What ’41 FORD bolstering, overhauled ’41 good upholstering, one owner FOR SALE—Horse drawn Cock- shutt mower. 6-ft. cut. 3 years old, 3 good knives. —David Henry, Clandeboye.24* ■ Rangette Heavy-Duty Rangette Single Bed Outfit Complete Two Steel Beds,. Size AT REASONABLE PRICES AUCTION SALE Of Furniture on HURON ST., THURSDAY, One block east at 1:30 Dining room suite; a n t i q electric nearly chairs; 2 bedroom suites mattresses bed, s modes; rugs; table; hotplates; mantel fireplace; day­ bed; cellar table; chair; wash board; garden hose; work table; wardrobe; desk. TERMS: Cash. JOSEPH PETRIE PROP. FRED DAWSON, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. EXETER may 31 of Main St. p.m. auction sale Of Real Estate direction of the administrator of the estate of the late JOHN MARRIOTT the following real estate will be offered for sale by public auction SALE POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE AT SHIPKA 6 miles west of Crediton REAL ESTATE; Part of Lot No. 10, Concession 17, Township of Stephen, containing 6J acres including frame dwelling, small barn. TERMS: Cash. For further particulars apply W. G. COCHRANE, Exeter, Solicitor for the Administrator WM. H. SMITH, AUCT., Crediton, Phone 7-7W 17:24c radio; 2 u e chairs; small table; stove; Webber piano, new; kitchen table; 6 furniture all nearly new; bed springs; dressers; walnut p r i n g s , mattress; com- ; stands; cedar chest; white enamelle d drop-leaf small stand; tricycle; 2 Important AUCTION SALE known as the Carling Estate ON THE PREMISES Corner of William and Huron Streets, Town of Exeter The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 commencing at 12 p.m. sharp Gerhard Heintzman piano and bench, like new; oak upholstered davenport; large oak dining­ room extension table with 6 g chairs; oak china cab­ walnut library table; tap­ chesterfield; cherry dining table; 7 light oak dining­ chairs; arm chairs; oak of drawers; hall racks; assortment of walnut chairs and rockers. All in new condition; some antique. Walnut bookcase; combination bookcase and bench; Singer sewing ma­ chine; oak serving table; 6 an­ tique chairs; 5 tavern type arm chairs; various oak plant stands; cherry .table with 2 small draw­ ers; walnut bench; chiffonier; various medicine cabinets; Rog­ ers electric radio; numerous wic­ ker chairs, suitable for cottages; large antique mirror; gilt edge mirror; glass cabinet; end tables; large assortment of other dining-room and kitchen furni­ ture, various styles; walnut bedroom suite; plete dark with chest chen chen washing machine; stool; antique rug 9 Wilton 10 ft.; ytiie jjuik wiuon rug, -± x 71£ ft.; 2 matching Wilton up­ stair ’ hall rugs; scatter rugs, various sizes; rug 10 x 3 ft.; bathroom rugs. Numerous curtains consisting of Swiss and marquisette; 6 pr. of silk velour drapes; blankets, spreads, comforters. All in new condition. Large assortment of chinaware, jardinieres; jardiniere; G brass candle holders: trie heaters; 1 set of fire irons; fernery; brass spirit lamp with kettle; antique bijiss tea pictures and picture Primo camera with case; glass; 1 Big Ben clock; walnut fra m e Seth clock; Seth Thomas mantel clock with chimes; mission style wall clock. set of garden and carpenter tools consisting of hammers, saws, trowels, tree pruners, grass shears, spades, wire stretchers, lawn rakes, hoes, axes, grind­ stone, hatchets, rubber garden hose, bird houses, garden spray­ er, large quantity of paints, wheelbarrow, step-ladders, pails, chicken wire on frames, crocks, jugs, one-horse roller, extension ladder, 40-gal. spray outfit, 7 new park benches, lawn chairs, large quantity of frosted glass never been used, trap nests and coops, screen doors, 2 lawn mowers, grain bags, cellar tables, and many articles too numerous to mention. This is an with everything condition. All to reserve. Sale to time. TERMS: Cash. HARRY V. BEVERLY V. ELLIOTT, Executors MILFORD MERNER, EARL BIRR, Clerks ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. matchin, inet; estry room room chest large complete 2 com- light oak bedrom suites; oak dresser; slipper 'bench arms; commode; antique of drawers; bird cage; kit­ cabinet; refrigerator; kit­ table-; white enamel table; bathroom electric lamps; beautiful oil lamps; rose Wilton ft. x 21 ft.; English rug, red and blue, 13 x pale pink Wilton rug, 4 to AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Chattels By direction of the public trustee the following Real Estate and Chattels will be offered for by public auction, on the premises of Annie Z. Dann, GRANTON, ONTARIO on WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 1:30 o’clock the following: REAL ESTATE (Subject to a Reserve Bid): Lots 8, 9 and 10, on Queen Street, Granton, On­ tario, County of Middlesex. CHATTELS: Chesterfield and 2 chairs; oak library table; hall seat and rack; 2 easy chairs; wicker stand; 2 floor lamps; day couch; stand; 2 chairs; 2 rock­ ers; small Coleman oil heater; electric cabinet stove; kitchen cabinet; 3 walnut chairs, hand- carved; platform rocker; 2 arm­ chairs; settee; rocker; oak bed; dresser; ed cupboard; 5 chairs; rocker; oak table; oak bed; ‘ _ dishes; linens; pictures; etc. TERMS: Cash. For further particulars apply MR. WILLIAM H. SMITH, Auctioneer, Phone 7-7W, Crediton, Ont. MR. A. RACINE, Esq., K.C., Public Trustee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto 2, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS sale at On- platform rocker settee; rocker; stand; hall tree; paint­ washstand; table; round drop-leaf table; In the Estate of MARY ELIZABETH PARSONS, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Eliza­ beth Parsons, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 4th day of February 1951, are required to file parti­ culars of same with Elmer D. Bell, K.C., Solicitor of Exeter, Ontario, by the 2nd of June next, aftei' which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, K.C., Solicitor for the Executors., Exeter, Ontario 17:24:31c to All In the Estate of SAMUEL ROSS, deceased. persons having claims against the estate of Samuel Ross, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentle­ man, deceased, who died on or about the 2nd day 1951, are required to culars of same with Bell, K.C., Solicitor, of April, file parti- Elmer D. of Exeter, Ontario, by the 26th day of May, next, after which date the estate will be distributed, having re­ gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, K.C. Solicitor for the Executor1:, Exeter, Ontario 10:17:24c AUCTION SALE of Furniture The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction in ELIMVILLE SATURDAY, JUNE 2 at 2:00 p.m. Buffet: extension table; dark bed and dresser: white spool bed and dresser; 2 sets springs; drop-leaf kitchen table; 5 kit- I chen chairs; cane-bottom rocker; upholstered rocker; centre table; i living room table; chest of drawers; New Williams sewing machine; large oval table; med­ ium size Quebec heater; Treas­ ure range: Tudhope electric rangette; commode; meat grind­ er; lamps; odd dishes; number of fruit jars; pictures; barber’s clippers and brushes; clock; step ladder; ironing board; garden tools; coal scuttle; broad axe; scythe; wardrobe; and otliei’ ar­ ticles. TERMS: Cash. MRS. WESLEY HORNE, PROP. | FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. FRED DAWSON, CLERK glassware, vases, 8 beautiful 1 large solid brass valuable silverware; 2 elec- FOR EXETER SIDEWALKS The Municipal Council of the Corporation of Exeter calls for tenders for the construction of new and the repair of all con­ crete sidewalks in the town. New sidewalks to be 4 feet wide and 4 inches thick. Tender to be price per running foot. Municipality to supply cement, gravel, fill and expansion joints. Tenders on repair work to be rate per hour for labour and equipment. Municipality to sup­ ply material as above. All tenders to be in office of Clerk not later than 5 p.m. June 15, 1951. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work to commence not than kettles; frames; reading­ antique Thomas In the Estate of JOHN ALEXANDER HODGERT, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of John Alex­ ander Hodgert, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Drover, who died on or about the 7th day of June 1950, are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, K.C., Solicitor of Exeter, Ont., by the 9th day of June next, after which date the estate will ■be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, K.C., Solicitor for the Administratrix, Exeter, Ontario. 24:31:7c Hensall Ladies To Operate Fair Booth Mrs. John Soldan was hostess at her home Monday night, May 21, for the Arnold Circle Eve­ ning Auxiliary of Carmel Pres­ byterian Church. There was a splendid attendance. President Mrs. C. Forrest took the chair and Mrs. Glenn Bell was in charge of the devotional period. Taking part were Miss Hannah , Murray, Mrs. R. Faber and Mrs. 1 Alex McGregor. Mrs. J. E. McEwan presented an inspiring and concise report of the thirty-seventh annual meet­ ing of the Hamilton and London Synodical Society of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Sarnia, which she attended as a gate. Mrs. P. A. Ferguson in a capable manner discussed different and various funds be­ longing to the W.M.S., the Sup­ ply, Expense, and Allocation. Wednesday, June 21, was the date set for the annual picnic to be held on the lawns at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mac­ Gregor. Plans were discussed for the booth which this organization in conjunction with the Ladies’ Aid are operating at the Spring Show Friday, May 25. Mrs. A. Kers- lake is convener. Mrs. C. Forrest ( was program convener for the« meeting. Luncheon was served by the ; $3,500 - COTTAGE, with large hostess, assisted by Mrs. Bertha i Moir, Mrs. L. Toberio, Mrs. J. ' E. McEwan, Mrs. C. Kennedy.* * * Mr. and Mrs. A, Skidmore and little daughter, Sharon, Toronto, > are guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rannie. Mrs. Skidmore is the former Jessie Paisley. Mr, and Mrs, Ray Lammie, Bobby and Jean, Centralia, Miss Amy Lammie, London, visited over the week-end with Mrs, Agnes Lammie and Greta, Mr, and Mrs. Don Rigby and Donna of Blenheim were week­ end guests with Mr, and Mrs. Stewart McQueen and Jean, and with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Traquair and Ruth Ann. Mrs. P. A. Ferguson is teach­ ing at S.S. 10, Tuckersmith, re­ lieving for Mr. Arthur Finlayson who is ill. Mr. aand Mrs. J. Irvin visited with relatives at Acton recently. Mr. and Mrs, Blacker and family of Clinton were recent visitors with Mrs. J. Forrest, Dinney Furniture Phone 20-W FOR RENT Sedan in fair eondi- offers? Coach, original up- newly painted, motor .................... $650.00 DODGE Coach, refinished, perfect tires ....... $750.00 excellent and original *30 DODGE Coach, body, upholstering finish. 3 FORD A Coaches, 1 ’33 Chev Sedan, 1 '31 Chev: 5 cars for 1 price .......................... $200.00 ’40 DODGE %-Ton Express, new motor ........... $565.00 SPECIAL! A New 1051 Dodge Sedan will, be offered to the first buyer on Saturday. Ward Fritz Motors DODGE and DeSOTO Zurich Ohtario OPEN EVENINGS ** Exeter later FOR RENT—3-room downstairs apartment with hot and cold water; immediate possession. Phone 175-r-3 Exeter. 24*1 I STORE FOR RENT—Small store I on Main Street. —John Ward, Exeter. 24* FOR RENT—G a r age. Sanders and William Street, H. Blatch- ford. 24* dele- very the FOR RENT—House in Dash­ wood, modern kitchen, electric stove, garage, available at once. Dashwood. reasonable, Phone 83 24:31:7* FOR RENT—25 acres of good grass with lots of water; also some No. 1 seed beans. Apply Albert Wydoogke, R.R, No. 8, Parkhill, Ont., (formerly Clif­ ford Neil farm). 24* j REAL ESTATE ■ FOR SALE—Two bedroom cOt- I j - - - ■ ...tage, complete bath, furance and hardwood- floors. R. E. Balkwill. 8ctfn ! I I lake frontage north of Grand Bend Golf Course. (Furniture extra). Telephone London Met. 3786 or after 7 p.m. F619J. 17:24:31* FRAME HOUSE on particularly fine lot in one of Exeter’s best residential sections. This house requires renovating and for that reason is being offered at a low price, — C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. GREY TWP. — 2-storey brick store with dwelling above. Groceries, meats, bakery with almost new oven. $13,000 com­ plete, because of ill health. William Pearce Realtor, Exe­ ter. • tfc Comfortable two- con- nlce and pos- Pic- July 1. C. V. PICKARD, Municipal Clerk, Main St.. Exeter, unt. 10:17:24c NOTICES AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Household Effects undersigned has-received DOG OWNERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Under By-law No. 13, 1936, of the Town of Exeter, every owner of a dog who neglects to obtain a tag before April 15 of each year shall be liable to a fine $10.00. Further, under this by-law dog shall be allowed to run large during the months of May, June, July and August in each year. The penalty under this section of the by-law may $50.00. Police have been instructed enforce this by-law. C. V. PICKARD Municipal Clerk 10:17:24c extra large sale in first class be sold without start sharp on i FOR SALE bedroom cottage, In new dition. This house has bright rooms, good floors three-piece bath. Quick session if desired. C. V. kard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter 24tfC df no at be to TOWNSHIP OF HAY TRANSIENT TRADER’S LICENSE That all Transient Traders and others, whose names have not been entered on the Assess­ ment Roll in respe.ct of income or business assessment for the then current year, and who offer goods, wares and merchandise for sale by auction, conducted by themselves or by a licensed auctioneer or otherwise, offer them for sale manner, shall pay to the Treasurer of of Hay before he operate or sell any said Township of Hay: The amount of license fee such privilege shall be the sum of One Hundred Dollars for year. All rules and regulations con­ tained in Chapter 233, and amendments to Transient deemed as part or who in any other a license fee the Township or they_ goods in the can for each CARDING, The instructions to sell by public auction on GIDLEY STREET, EXETER WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 at 1:00 p.m. Estate of the late MRS. MARY PARSONS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: i living rom chairs; 3 settee; radio and table; tables; rug 12x13^ pictures; 1927, referring shall be by-law. EARL H, W. BROKENSH'IRE, R.S.O,, thereto Traders of this CAMPBELL, REEVE CLERK 17:24c AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects at the residence of J. A. POLLARD Huron Street West, Exeter, on SATURDAY, MAY 26 1:30 p.m. The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction the following: Four upholstered chairs; hall tree; extension tables; oak table; 6 dining chairs; 6 chairs: studio couch; phone with several dozen and cabinet; General radio; 2 cupboards; 9x9; ‘ enamel wood; wall dressers; springs; 9x12 and two 7^x9); stove; t i — *-------------VJUCVIIkS, IlCtll buffet; 2 small tables; 2 library kitchen grama- records Electric rocking chairs; glass 2 * ■ - fern stand; annex, 2 alarm clocks; brackets and pictures,' iron bedstead; 4 linoleum rugs rugs, 9x12 and curtains; white burns coal or several 2 pair of (two 1 broodei’ garden hand cultivator; large 'pressure cooker, practically new; high chair; bedroom suite; chest of drawers; settee; quan­ tity of good dishes and bedding; Irish cobbler potatoes; several Si- gal. oil cans; chicken feeders; 5-gal, water fountain; and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash. FRED DAWSON, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. 3 rockers; 3 small ft.; mir­ rors; pictures; odd rockers; couch; day bed; antique Oswell Hambline chair; 2 bedroom suites; blankets; quilts; sheets; pillows; small rugs; 2 toilet sets; dining room suite; three sets of dishes; 6 cain-bottom chairs; sewing machine; kitchen range; plate; chairs; fruit and empty Gems tubs; 2 lawn mowers den tools; wood. REAL Ti S. Gidley, large lot, frame barn 30x25. Nice place to Jive. TERMS: Chattels, cash Estate; 10 per cent on day sale. Balance in 30 days. FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. FRED DAWSON, CLERK M. FRANCIS & J. W. HERN EXECUTORS in the Estate of HENRY STRANG, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full parti­ culars of such claims to the undersigned Executor on or be­ fore the 14th day of June, A.D. 1951, after which date the es­ tate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. THE CANADA TRUST CO., London, Ontario, Executor, by *“w. G. COCHRANE, Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario. 24:31:7'C b. sewing machine; kitchen 2 clocks; 2-burner hot- kitchen cupboard; table; cooking utensils; canned 2 galv. saws; gar- quantity of coal and STATE: Part lot 507 2-storey frame house, The Culbert-Garnet-Keys Annual Real of In the Estate of JOHN R. DUNCAN, late of the Township of Ushers&, in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full parti­ culars of such claims to undersigned on or before 14 th day of June, after which date assets will be distributed, having rcR‘Q»rd only to clEtiins tlisit h&vo then been received. W. G. COCHRANE, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitm* for the Executors. 24:33:7c the the A.D. 1951, the estate’s Will be held June 1 at the LION’S ARENA, CLINTON, at 1 o’clock Do not miss this sale of ■ CHOICELY BRED SCOTCH SHORTHORNS 34 females and 6 bulls In the Estate of WILLIAM JONAH SIMS, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired, Deceased. Creditors and others ha,ving (J aims against the above estate are required to send full parti- culars of such claims to the undersigned on or before 14th day of June, after which date the __ assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. W. G. COCHRANE, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. 24:31:70 the A.D. 1951, estate’s