HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-05-17, Page 13SUPPLEMENT THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1951
Crediton W.A.
Prepares Bales
At the W.A. and W.M.S. meet
ing in the United Church on
Thursday, Mrs, W. Mack, W.M.S.
president, announced that suf
ficient donations had been re
ceived for three complete layet
tes, and several bales of clothing
all for overseas relief.
Plans were made to entertain
members of the Baby Band and
Mothers at the June meeting,
Mrs. G-. Zwicker was in charge
of W.A. meeting and extended a
warm welcome to a faithful
member, Mrs. F. W. Clark, who,
due to ill health had been un
able to attend meetings for the
past two years.
Mrs. R. Hill was in charge of
devotions and Rev. Parrott show
ed films on Japan,
Hostesses in charge were: Mrs.
Garnet Hill, Mrs. E. Beaver, Mrs.
A. King and Mrs. N. King.
Sunday Services
United Church
Mr. Murray Plunkett of Grand
Bend was guest soloist in the
United Church Sunday morning,
when the choir, under the direc
tion of Mrs. C. Pratt provided
special music. A very fine
Mothers’ Day address was given
by Rev. Parrott to an exception
ally large congregation.
Five babies received the rite
of B a p ti s m. Shirley Louise,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Pfaff; Jean Leita, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Jennison;
Dale Maurice, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Lamport; Ruth
Ann Isabelle, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Russel King; and Ron
ald Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Kenny.
A special program in the
Church school was presided over
by Miss Rosalie Mack, when the
special Order of Worship was
followed and numbers given by
members of the different classes.
Evangelical Church
In the Evangelical U.B. Church
inthe morning Rev. Dahms chose
as the subject of his address,
“The Christian Home” and spe
cial music was rendered by a
Ladies Choir.Four children were, baptized:
Judith Ann, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Desmond Wood; Gwennetlv
Idele, daughter’ of Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Finkbeiner; Gregory Thom
as, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Fretts; and Murray Frederick,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
A men’s choir provided music
for the evening service. Large
congregations were present.
A program in keeping with
Mothers’ Day was given in the
Church School session by the
various classes and was presided
over by Gordon Ratz.
Personal Items
We are sorry to report that
Mrs. Allan Finkbeiner is ill at
her home and under the doctor’s
care. We extend wishes for a
speedy recovery,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett and
Mr. Fred Eilber of Detroit and
Mrs. Ray Lavigne is spending
this week with Mr. and Mrs.
King.Miss Barbara Brown of Lon
don Normal School, accompanied
Miss Joyce Chambers to the
home of her parents and spent
tiie week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. George Steven
son spent a pleasant week-end
with friends in Welland and
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Finkbein
er visited with relatives in Park
hill on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wood-
all and Judith of Windsor visit
ed recently with Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. Woodall.
Mr. and Mrs. Leary of Royal
Oak spent the week-end with
the latter’s mother, Mrs. Samuel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green
and Miss Harriet Bowen spent
Thursday of last week in Strat
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Renney
and son Maurice of Detroit spent
the week-end with Mrs. John
Miss Ella Link of Exeter visit
ed on Sunday at the home of
Mr. H. K. Eilber.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parkin
son and family spent Sunday at
Mr. and Mrs. L. Burns of Nia
gara spent the week-end with
Rev. and Mrs. J. V. Rahms.
Hensail Man Tops
Huron Cattle Sale
John MacGregor, Hensail, got
the toj) price for Hereford cat
tle at the second annual sale
held at Clinton arena Tuesday
afternoon. i
He received $825 for the best
animal and sold six head of cat
tle for a total of $^,840.
Top buyer was F. M.- Samis of
Goderich who bought three ani
mals for $2,690.
Total sales for the day
amounted to about $17,500.
Other' top animals selling were
owned by: George Kennedy,
Lucknow, and purchased by F.
M. Samis, Goderich, for $700;
Robert E. Thompson, Clinton,
and sold to Frank Little, R.R. 1,
Bly th, $690; H. C. Wright and
Son, Cromarty, sold to Mr. Samis
$625; Frank Pentland, Goderich,
to John Wain, Bayfield, $600.
Mr, Kennedy sold six animals for
$2,710. .
Mr. MacGregor's animals were
sold to: R. Corson Hornal, Muir-
hick, $700; Alvin Fleming, R.R.
4, Rodney, $665; LaVern H.
Rodd, R.R. 1, Woodham, $600
and $550; James H. Mairs,
Eberts, $500.
Dutch Group
Enjoys Social
The Dutch Women’s and Men’s
Club, composed of new settlers
in the district, held their annual
social meeting at Farquhar Hall
last week.
Music singing and recitations
formed most of the program. Mr.
II. Reimers opened the meeting
with prayer.
C. Guetter played the piano,
K. Cupido the violin and P.
Guetter the guitar,
The annual report was given
by the secretary, Mrs. Dykstra.
A story of the first Dutch set-i
tiers in the U.S. was read.
Recitations were given by Mrs.
Seisma, Mrs. Van Wierdon, and
Mrs. C. Flikweert.
Mr. P. Guetter read an ad
dress with congratulations from
the young people.
Comical acts ■were given by
Mr. K, Cupio and Mrs. C. Flik
weert. English and Dutch songs
were sung.
The gathering was closed by
Mr. T. Guetter with a prayer of
Those who attended expressed
their appreciation to Canadians
for their co-operation and the
use of the hall.
Attend Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Reid, Lon
don; Mr, and Mrs. Roy Lamont,
Mr. and-Mrs. McKinley, Zurich; apd t . -Mr- i D7s^ale’ jmember^“of ""the
Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacArthur, ‘Glory of Mother” Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen, ( The Sacrament of Baptism was
Mr. Sydney MacArthur were administered to the following in
guests at the Walter-Mealey wed-.fants; Margaret Irene and Donna
ding last Saturday at St. George’s ; Marie, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Anglican Church, Coder ch, when peter Sanders; Dorothy Patricia,
Janet Martha May Mealey, R.N., (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldrid
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred-: Moffatt; Patricia Dianne, daugli-
erick Stanley Mealey, Renforth, 'ter o‘f Mr< and Mrs< Kenneth
New Brunswick, became the Bridges; Helen Elizabeth, daugh-
bnde of Richard Daniel Walter, der of Mr - -- —
‘•Saltford Heights”, Goderich ’ Campbel auugiuer
and M1S’ Mr. and Mrs. Reinhard Heck-
. man; and Dianne Laudie, daugh-The bride, who is a graduate. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross oke>
of St. John s General Hospital, St. | a weR attended Preparatory
Johns, N.B., is a niece of Mrs. gerviee Sunday evening the fol-
Janet Peck, ot Toronto, formerly ’i0Wing were of Hensail, ° •* Sf: * *
Mr. Bill Lemon, son of Mr. jgtpr'^Mr
and Mrs. Howard Lemon, Varna,
who has completed his first year Alarjorie*" Taylor"
at Kingston University where he : joknston - ’
is majoring in Mining Engineer
Church Services
—Continued from page ope
music consisted of an anthem by
the choir, “Dear Little Mother",
I a number by the junior
choir, “The
and Mrs. Thomas
Lina Anne, daughter
received into full
communion of the church: Mr.
William Webster, Donald Web-
Ab and Mrs, William El-
Miss_ Julia Dunlop, Miss
. ‘ , Miss Patricia
Thomas Easton, Gil
bert Dow (jr,), Max Learn anding, visited his parents before Robert Kirk. The Sacrament ofleaving foi' Kirkland Lake
spend the summer months.
Mrs. A. Robertson and John
visited with her daughter, Mrs.
R. Chittick in St. Marys on Sun
Mr. Herman Speare, Toronto,
called on some of his old ac
quaintances on . Saturday.
Mrs. D. M. Fisher, Guelph,
has been visiting with her bro
thers, Messrs Bert and Russel
Mrs. Duncanson has returned
from a two weeks visit with her
daughter in Fort. Erie. Marguer
ite, returned with her and spent
the week-end with her parents,
at, the manse.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghton,
Frank and Lenard Gordon of
Wingham and Mr. Gordon Hough
ton and Miss Shirley Gale, Lon
don, spent Mothers’ Day with
Mrs. William Houghton.
Mothers' Day visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen were
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Christie
and family, Mr. and Mrs. An
thony Allen and baby, of Strat
ford, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ross and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Ross and children of London
and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen
We are pleased to report that
Mr. Robert Coleman is making
satisfactory progress after hav
ing undergone a serious opera
tion in Victoria Hospital, Lon
don last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Denton Taylor,
Kenneth and Sherril of Burling
ton called on Mr. and Mrs. T.
L. Scott on Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Thomas Laing received
Mothers’ Day greetings from her
daughter, Mrs. Howard Eves),
Moosejaw, by long distance tele
phone on ’Sunday morning.
Miss Helen Walker, London,
and Lorena Buchanan spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Miss Agnes Hislop, who is em
ployed in secretarial work in the
Presbyterian Church offices in
Toronto, enjoyed the week-end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.
L. Scott. Miss Hislop sails for
India on August 10, as a mis
sionary of the Presbyterian
Church. Her home is at Meath
Park, Alberta.
A large congregation attended
the service on Sunday morning
when the Mothers’ Day program
was followed. An appreciative
number was sung by the junior
choir girls. A baptismal service
was held when Mr. and Mrs. T.
L. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. John
Templeman presented their babies
for baptism.
Mrs. Annie Haist has returned
to the home of Mrs. N. Faist
after spending some time in De
Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson
and daughter, Anne of London
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. E. Beaver.
Mr. Norman L. Kelly, M.A.Sc.,
wife and baby, Heather Lee of
Toronto, are visiting Mr. -and
Mrs. John Butler for two weeks,
while Mr. Kelly is on research
work for the Provincial Govern
ment in London and Windsor.
Mrs. Kelly, (Yvonne) is elder
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. But
Edgewood Girls Club
At the home of their Leader,
Mrs. Delmar Hartwick of West
Missouri Township, members of
the Edgewood Middlesex Milk
wise Maids saw demonstrations
of the preparations of Spanish
Cream and cornstarch pudding,
conducted by Mrs. Hartwick and
Miss Margaret McGuffin. Mrs.
Wesley Hudson assistant leader
invited members to her home
for the next meeting, May 15.
W.M.S. Pack Bale
Plans were' made by W.M.S.
of the United Church to pack a
bale for Korea this month. Mrs.
W. Nichol and Mrs. D. Morley
led in a Discussion on the part
of the World Church relief
plays in feeding and clothing of
destitute countries. Meeting was
at the home of Mrs. Earl Middle
ton, president.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Harold ... West
man spent Sunday evening in
London with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
mie Zilinski.
•Little Barbara Ann Zuball has
been taking treatment on her
arm in St. Joesph Hospital once
a week,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Armitage
spent Friday afternoon in Lon
don visiting Mr. Charlie Fergu
son who is in the Hospital,
Mr. Allan Westman has had a
bee putting his seeding in this
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zuball
Sr. and family of No. two con
cession of Biddulph spent Sun
day with their son, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Zuball jr. and Barbara
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore, Joy
ce and Marion and Mr. and Mrs.
Treva Foster visited on Sunday
with Mr. Moore’s niece in Chat
ham, Mrs. Clarence McFadden
and family.
The sujjjectc Rev. G. C. Ray
mer spoke on Sunday morning
last in United Church was, “Bar
bas the Giver of Encourage
ment.” A basket of flowers was
nlaced at the church altar by
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ruddel
in memory of their little son
Kenneth who passed away one
year ago.
Quite a few of the neighbours
have finished their seeding.
Mrs. Roy Moore, Olla and
Evelyn attended the demonstra
tion of Stanley Products held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Henry
Bieber on Friday night.
The W.M.S. was held at the
home of Mrs. Earl Middleton on
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Kenneth Garrett jr. of
London is home helping his
father put the seeding in,
Mr. and Mrs. William Hock
and sons of London Township
snent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.'
Jas. Larson.
Mrs. George Jamison returned
home for the second time from
St. Joseph Hospital and is con-
valeeing nt the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Austin Hobbs. We
hope she gets along now.
Rill Jacob of near Prospect
Hill spent a couple of days at
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ferris
who sold their farm have moved
to the now home near Rannock
on the Highway.
the Lord’s
pensed this
I Pentecostal
I A special
‘was held at the Exeter Pente-
jCOstal Tabernacle May 13, The
.ladies of the assembly presided
over the entire meeting which
proved to be a great success.
! Mrs. Stewart Treibner led the
Supper will be dis-
coming Sunday.
Mrs. Newton Hayter gave
home on Monday evening for a
Stanley brush demonstration. A
number of neighbours and
friends were present.
- - . _ _ L . - . . f X'A CiDllCL lCtl LRU_ Mr. Stewart McLinchey is stay- SOng service accompanied by Mrs.
R. Durant at the piano. Mrs. T.
Jolly read the scripture taken
from I Kings, Chapter 4. Flow
ers were then presented to Mrs.
H. T. Kendrick and gifts were
(given _to the youngest mother,
Durant, the youngest
Mrs, Gordon
the mother with the
Mothers’ Day service
ing foi; a few weeks with Mr.
Newton Hayter.
Miss Elinor McLincliey of De
troit spent the week-end
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. J. Gibbs of Parkhill visit- j Mrs. R.
e<L_on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. tbaby’s m other,
Glen Hayter.
Mr. and Mrs, Ted Jones and
son Randy of Exeter spent Sun
day evening at the home of
father Mr. Newton Hayter.
Stephen Students
—Continued from Page One
Robert Reed.
Crediton Seniors—Chorus
You Know”; double trio, Mary
Veronica Gunn, Shirley Kuhn,
Beverly Neil, Lilian Dundas, Ter
ry Wade, Lome Dundas; mixed
quartette, Shirley Kuhn, Beverly
Neil, Terry Wade, Gerald Gaiser.
Teacher, Mrs. Sidney Smith.
Special Boys Chorus—Six boys i
with changed voices, sang “Blow i
The Man Down”—Ronald Snell, |
Earl Miller, Earl Weiburg, Lome ;
Dundas, Gerald Gaiser, Robert
Massed Choirs— Grades, one
two, three and four sang, “Bun
ny Rabbitt”, and
Baby”. Grades five to
two part choruses,
Bird Hill”, “All The
Here Again” and “My Old Cana
dian Home ”
ITriebner,(largest family present, Mrs. Cliff
I Blanchard, and the oldest motli-
(er, Mrs. T. Jolly, Mrs. Cecil Kip-
|fer sang a
’Prayers”. All
sang a song,
Miss Winn
message on Hannah’s prayer tak
en from I Samuel, Chapter II.A - - - - - - -
solo, “My Mother
the mothers then
“Home And Moth-
brought a stirring
wonderful time of fellow-
was enjoy by all present.
“The Seed
• eight sang
Birds Are
Usborne Pupils
—Continued from page one
No. 5 — Choruses, “One Sum
mer Morning Early”, “At Pier
rot’s Door”; duet, “Birds Fare-
1 V U D LRRH , I
well”, Alexia Lostell,
Sillery; special girls’
“Child and The Star”,
Kernick, Marilyn Hicks,
Ann Lostell. Teacher,
No. 6 -
trio, “W
“Sleep , mauuu
Teacher, Harvey Sparling.
No. 7 — “Land of "Glad To
morrows”, “Winter Goodbye”;
double duet, “Time To Sing”,
Alma Hern, Marlene Towle, Doris
and Doreen Brock; Senior Girls
Chorus, “Hot Cross Buns”, Marie
Johns, Greta Stephens, Margaret
Brock, Ruth Ann Dykeman, Lin
da Dykeman, Teacher, Miss Don
na Bowden.
No. 10 — Choruses, “Bird’s
Valentine”, “Hoop Song”; duet,
“Likely Row”, Annie Bregman,
Marion Alexander; special chorus
“Robin Song”, Anne Alexander,
Jean Anderson, John Bregman.
Teacher, Mrs. William Mair.
No. 12 — Choruses, “Let Us
Go A-Maying”, “Lantern”; duet,
“To the Moon”, Angela O'Brien,
Margaret O’Brien; solo “Pretty
Tulip”, Graham Thompson.
Teacher, Miss Florence Kirk.
Massed Choirs — Grades 1 to
4 and 5 to 8 sang unison and
two-part songs.
Do You
The Dutch
; solo
Week-end guests -with Mrs.
Truman Tufts were Mr. L. Fun
nel!, Danny and Janice of Wood-
stock, Miss Norma Tufts, Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Tufts’ and daugh
ter of London.
Mr, and Mrs. Parrott of Mit
chell, were Sunday guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Christie.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gorvett,
of Granton spent Sunday with
Mrs. Gorvett who is 9 5 years
old and enjoys very good health.
Mrs. M. Gregory spent the
past week with her daughter,
Mrs. B. Lenoard at Bryan.
Mrs. Anna Denham of Strat
ford spent the week-end with
her son Ronald Denham.
Mothers’ Day Service
Mother’ Day service was ob
served at the church Sunday
School morning hour. The set
program was used. Little Miss
Marlene Stone sang a solo and
Marilyn Marshall gave the story.
At the evening service Rev. Wil
liam Pike gave a very fine ser
mon. a baptismal service was ob
served when the daughters of
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Amos, and
and Mrs. Ronald Denham,
the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robinson were baptised,
was a very lovely -service.
Miss Lillian Bailey R.N. of the
General Hospital staff spent the
past week-end with her friend
Mrs. Arnold Wiseman.
Miss Elsie Barry of St. Marys
spent the week-end with her
friend Mrs. Doris Foley.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Christian! and
daughter formerly of London
have leased the apartment over
Lome Marshall’s store, recently
occupied by Mr. Al Coates.
Mr. and Mrs. John Moon and
son spent the past week with
friends at Simcoe.
Mrs. Annie Fairies who snent
the winter with her daughter
has returned
Mrs. Aaron
ed home after
sister, Mrs. Coates of Exeter.
to her home in
Davis has return-
her visit with her
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
ton and family and Miss
Cranston, of London, ____
Mother's Day with Mrs. Crans