HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-05-17, Page 9ft ■ ft THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSpAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1951 ■ Sunday and Evening Service One garage will he open in Exeter on Sundays, Wed­ nesday afternoons and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the week. Opep this Sunday, Wedr nesday afternoon, and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the week:—- FORD Garage ■ ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finkbein- er, Billy and Bobby of Shipka, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis. Mrs. Delmar Skinner and family, Mrs. Ed. Johns of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Margison of don. Mr. and Mrs. Harold visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and family of Centralia. Mr. Elgin Skinner, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skin­ ner. •Mr. and Mrs. Henry Price of Detroit visited over the week­ end with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Thomas Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coultis of Get Highest Prices Lon- Bell di Miss Leckie Speaks To Caven Circle The May meeting Congregational Circle at the home of Mrs. Tuesday evening, Mrs. smith presided and opened the meeting with a poem, “The Two Mothers”. “All Things Bright and beautiful was sung follow-* ed by the devotional exercises taken by 'Miss Brown. Roll Call was answered by each member’ giving their mother’s first name. The guest speaker for the evening was Miss B. Leckie who chose as her subject, “Hint for Bazaars”. Miss Leckie displayed many useful articles and ex­ plained the making of them. Her i talk was greatly enjoyed and j many hints were taken home the members. Lunch was served by Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. E. Pollen. RIVERSIDE POULTRY CO. HOWARD FERGUSON, MANAGER — Phone Collect — 680-r-2 Hensall or Kintore 39-r-12 iums RED AND SALMON PINK 4 for .00 ExeterPhone 276 Frost Wire Fencing B Strong’ and long-lasting. Frost Wire Fencing is the best yon can buy for your farm. It’s economical and practical. Fix up your fences now with Frost Wire Fencing. CHICKEN WIRE HOG FENCE FARM GATES STEEL POSTS BARBED WIRE Exeter District Co-Operative Phone 287-W Exeter M a Public $chool Only Six Weeks Until Vacation COMPANY * FOR Linoleum Laying SEE hike Mon- we had and returned enjoyable F. R. Hughes, Manager, 284 Dundas St., London HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Ontario Branches at London, Brantford and Windsor Applications Received Through Your Local Agent or Solicitor Zion Farm On Friday afternoon about 50 ( Page 9 Caven By MPS. P. D. JERMYN Pupils Reforest is will HYDRO summer already cottages It's time summer by i E. J ! sent best hap- McGuffin, and Mar- by the Exeter, hymns, a short post scripts of near spring others spot on their be spared to of conservation was j with I GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES of was held G. Mason A. Whll- The calendar tells us it’s so, •but it seems impossible that there are only six more weeks of school before the vacation. Children are talking about summer and picnics by the lake, to teach safety rules in games and sports, and it seems such a short while hack we were cautioning the children not to play on icy pavements. A word of apology and a re- j quest for understanding are in (order at this time-—apology to {any townspeople who have had ’their lovely lawns marred by -thoughtless children, and under­ standing of any children who may have been tempted to bring teacher a bouquet of flowers from someone else’s garden. Mrs. Jamieson graciously thanked a 'little boy last week for a branch of a tulip tree, only to have sev­ eral voices chorus—“But, Mrs. {Jamieson, there’s no tulip tree in [his yard”. The children have been cautioned in this regard, Local W.M.S. Ladies Conference Officers Resolutions asking for more effective enforcement of anti­ gambling law's and the Dominion Lord’s Day Act commending the : work of Alcoholics Anonymous and the United Nations Organiza­tion were passed at the London ' Conference Branch meeting of ; the United Church W.M.S. in ' Chatham last week, ( The whole tone of the con- I l’erence was one of desperate urgency in our attitude toward j missions among peoples of the | Orient. Some of the speakers I asking for greater eforts in the east were Miss Russell and Rev. i N. McKenzie, M.A., both of I China and Rev. Elda Daniels | B.A., B.D. of Korea. Rev. Anne Graham, M.Sc., of j London, appealed for more mis- pupils of the South Huron Dist- sionaries. frict High School, with their Mrs. G. F. Penwarden, Exeter, (teacher, Mr. A. Dixon, c 4-^,1 ..........______________ _______-Z .--------- we are hoping to purchase a re­ cord player with the proceeds, an innovation which will he very useful in all the grades for rhythmic training and music ap­ preciation more details will be an­ nounced later as to time and tplace. Mrs. Wein has also been active on our staff this week. Mrs. Porter has been ill and [Mrs, Wein kindly agreed to • supply. I Several jobs are in the process (of completion this week—in fact, one day we were completely hemmed in by them. The con­ struction company were spraying star on the walk around the west Sand south doors, and the painters twere given final touches to the woodwork around the front door. (Needless to say, constant super­ vision was necessary to keep toes i out of the tar and fingers out !of the paint. i The clothing drive ends this (week and considerable clothing, especially baby clothes, has been , . —- . .collected. The Grade 8 committeeand we sincerely hope they heed has done a fine job of Electing the warnings. the parcels from the various Musical Festival classrooms and sorting them into Mr. Wein is busy at present jboxes' practicing for the school’s an-i Devil’s Elbow Hike nual Musical Festival. This year i ,,,, ___,t Mr, Blowes’ class planned a hike for last Friday hut due to the inclement weather it was postponed until Monday after- inoon. Rhena Murray sent .report on the trip. • The boys and girls of Blowes’ room went on a hike to Devil’s Elbow on day afternoon. We met at Vic­ toria Park with our bikes and _......came by left from there. We left aroundwas elected recording secretary, ! bus to the farm of Wellington 1-30 and arrived there about 2 and Mrs. J. McLean of Lucan Press secretary. SAINTSBURY Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dickins and family have moved into the Culbert residence on the fourth concession; a hearty welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Dick­ ins and family. Mrs. James Switzer of Jack- son Michigan, Mr. W. McCool and Mr. and Billy of ' attended Richard last week. The McCools’ return­ ed home on Wednesday, Mrs. J. Stilzer spent the reinaider of the week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Atkinson and renewed acquaintances in this community. Mrs. Fred Davis celebrated her 80th birthday on Tuesday, May 15. Her many friends a shower of cards extending wishes for good health and piness. The anniversary services be held in St. Patrick’s Church, Saintsbury on Sunday, May 20, with a special speaker and music. All of the friends are reminded to try and attend. Mr. and Mrs. Squires of Gran­ ton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickens. I 3 1% INTEREST An Attractive Short-Term Legal Investment Principal and Interest Fully Guaranteed CROWN TRUST o’clock. -We wandered through the woods and gathered some flowers and ferns that w.e plant­ ed around the school later. We ate a lunch which brought with us home after a very afternoon. —Rhena Murray. Mrs. John McCool and Traverse City Michigan, the funeral of the late Dickins on Tuesday of I--------------------------------------------- I Guelph spent a few days with I Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis be­ fore returning to his new posi- I tion at Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B.ell and family of Exeter visited on Sun- | day with Mrs. Thomas Bell. • J • Works like a Christmas Club. Spreads out pay­ ments. No red tape. This plan is the easy way to buy your heat and enjoy free­ dom from “alt-at-once” fuel bills. COME IN OR PHONE TODAY THE SOONER YOU START, THE SMALLER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS WILL BE. i I Brock and in less than three (hours planted 6,000 forest trees on the banks of the creek that ’ (runs through the farm. This is I ;a very worthwhile project. It is’ (hoped that next ■will find some farm that could help in the work and reforestation. Mothers’ Day Services A Mothers’ Day service held in this church Sunday, a large crowd in attendance, A male choir under the leadership of Harry Hern provided special music. In Zion Church on Sunday eve­ ning a large crowd enjoyed an evening of song. Led Huronia Male Choir of the congregation sang Rev. G. Wanless gave address on the origin of a num­ ber of our favourite hymns and during the service and also after the benediction the visiting choir entertained with solos, quartettes and anthems. After the service the ladies of the church served lunch to the choir in the school house. It was a very pleasant and worthwhile evening. Personal Items Mr. Lome Statia of Troy, Mich., visited over the week-end with Mr. Keith Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hern visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westcott Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Mrs. William McGuffin garet of Devizes visited on Sun- Iday with Mr. and Mrs. John Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Spence and family of Metropolitan visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kellar | and family of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan I Jaques. I Miss Audrey Parkinson near (Woodham spent the week-end at i the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- (ville Hern. ! Mr, and Mrs. Ephraim Hern j {visited on Monday evening with | Mr. and Mrs. Orville Roger of {near Kirkton. Wallace Bowden WOODHAM Phone Kirkton 112 EXETER MOTOR SALES ER ONTARIO FREQUENCY STANDARDIZATION Look always for the BLUE Color Fbluc coal’ is the Ohly coal colored BLUE with harmless dye—a positive protection for you—an assurance that you’re get­ ting “the world’s finest anthracite/’- 3 BIG ADVANTAGES 1 Convenient S-P-R-E-A-D out pay- ■ ments . . . easy terms to suit you. 2 No worries! • plenty of tin Coal is delivered in ___v of time ... you’re all paid up jeforc next, winter. 3 With this 'blue coal’ plan, household » budgets run more smoothly all year ’round. PHONE 299 R. E. EXETER, ONT. DON’T GAMBLE! zblue coal's' COLOR GUARANTEES YOU GET THE BEST Granton W.L Elects Officers At the W.I. meeting held at the home of Mrs. William Cook the following members were elected for the Granton Branch, Mrs. George Wilson, district president, conducting the elec­ tion; President is Mrs. Beecher Han­ son; honorary president, Mrs. A. Knox; past president, Mrs. Geo. Wilson; first vice-president, Mrs. D. McNaughton; second vice- president, Mrs. N. Riddell; third vice-president, Mrs. K. Gunning; secretary-treasurer Dann; district director W. Rodd, Mrs. D. . Norman McNaughton, Mrs. Dann; honorary directors, Mrs. H. Stan­ ley, Mrs. J. Dykes, Mrs. A. Chit­ tick; pianists, Mrs. Ross Clath- worthy, Mrs. D. Beatson shine Committee, Mrs. Mrs. Gunning, Mrs. G. Mrs. M. Wells; press reporters, Mrs. Hanson and Mrs. F. Cronch; Tweodsmuir history Mrs. A the from was Plans were made for a sale of perennials at the next meeting. AREA OFFICE FOR EXETER and DISTRICT IS NOW OPEN Mrs. Carman Mrs. Spence, Mrs. Sum Dann Smith, convener, G. Wilson. $5 donation was Cancer Fund. A the new W.I. song book accompanied by Mrs. Cook. voted to sing-song School Bldg., Victoria St., EXETER, Ont. P.O. Box 227 Phone 601 All enquiries regarding 25-60 cycle change-over should be directed to the above HYDRO AREA OFFICE. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF < FREQUENCY STANDARDIZATION DIVISION