HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-05-17, Page 5■f THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1951 ■ Gl Taxi Service Phones: Exeter 357 and 545-r-3 *2 11-51 Huron Lumber Co. Ltd Birr Women's Institute Instead of the regular May meeting, Birr Women’s Institute 'made arrangements for a tour of iLondon Free Press and CFPL. j Mr. Art Cartier, public rela­ tions official for the Free Press I met the group and gave them an j introductory talk about the func- itions of various departments, the rep o r t e r s and correspondents who gather the news, the editors who prepare the news to foe printed, the linotype operators, press operators and mailing jclerks. It was interesting to i watch the afternoon paper being [printed, folded and conveyed to the mailing room, all done by machinery. Later at afternoon tea served at the Brass Rail, members dis- cussel plans for the district an­ nual to be held in Harrietsville June 5. Lucan District News Mothers* Day Marked In Lucan Churches Inspiring Mothers’ Buy ser­ vices were held in Lucan United Church with Alex Young, Sunday School superintendent, in charge. A mothers’ choir, directed by Mrs. F, Chown, provided the music and a special message on “The Christian Family” en by Rev. E. M. Cook. Four babies were They were children of Mrs. Charles Grose, Mr. Doug Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ilearu and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abey. In the Anglican Church, Harrison s e r m o n church was beautifully decorated with flowers. Many mothers must have brought their Mothers’ Day flowers to the house of God. was giv- baptized. Mr. and and Mrs. E Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stoner Hof Arkona and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Corbett of Pt. Edward spent Tuesday with : old Corbett. His many very sorry to j of Mr. Ben I who is suffering ? in the eye, /! Miss Lillius Powell and Mrs. i Cliff Shipley visited with Mrs. i Clarence Lewis on Sunday after- fnoon. Miss Powell, Mrs. Lewis ;and Mrs. Nixon were old school ■friends and many school events were rehearsed. Miss j leaving Lucan this Japan to resume her I missionary-nurse. She [by way of San Francisco and , I Hawaii. Mr. and Mrs. Har- Lucan friends are hear of the illness Abbott of London . I_.g from shingles Mr. preached a splendid o n “Mothers”. T h e Juniors Entertain Scottish Visitors Junior Farmers and Junior Institutes throughout Ontario are playing hosts to four Junior Fanner delegates from Scotland. They are David Hamilton, Arthur Young, Rosemary Stewart and Anne Christie. On Thursday evening, they were entertained in Lucan by the Junior Institute and Boys’ Trac­ tor Club. On Friday afternoon, they went to Medway High School where they were greeted by the students and staff Friday evening Middlesex County Jun­ iors sponsored a social evening and dance in Uderton Hall. It is interesting to note some of their impressions of Canada. i OUHkrr,. Lucan United W.A The May meeting of Lucan Women’s Association was held in the church with Mrs. Sheridan Revington presiding for the busi­ ness session. Arrangements were made for the annual blossom tea to be held May 18 in the church base­ ment. Mrs. Edgar McFalls’ group was in charge of the programme which consisted of a reading by Mrs. Bert Thompson and in­ strumental duets by Joyce and Rosalie Morgenroth. Two interesting and entertain­ ing contests were conducted by Mrs. Murray Hodgins. Prizes I were won by Mrs. John Park and i Mrs. George Taylor. A vote of i appreciation was extended to Mr. I Myron Culbert, who varnished j the chairs in the basement (97 in all). ! Mrs. John Park and Mrs. Mur- 1 ray Hodgins were appointed ai committee to undertake buying; .............. ’ " the“The young people's meetings! m Scotland begin sharp at £ o’clock and are over in an hour. A dance is always over by 11 i o’clock-—but perhaps we .....1-! harder than young folks in ada and therefore we need sleep!” Said the girls: “My, lovely lunches--we think people of Canada live like royal-‘hide them till Sunday, some ty: plenty to eat, lots of clothes, ichildren just couldn’t wait, and and what beautiful cars!” Misplayed their work of art as The Scotch visitors are touring ssoon as they got home. all of Southern Ontario and go-1 It is lovely to remember "7 as Sudbury, North mother on Mothers’ Day but may Marie in;of us remember her the other »364 days also and do our part [to lighten her load. I —— . , of necessary equipment for 8 .church kitchen. work’^a,<c Gards For Mother Can- | Had you gone into most school more irooms during tile week you I would have found children most' what‘happily engaged making a card; the Tor mother. Though warned to i them till Sunday, Arbor Day Excitement Friday, May 4, was Arbor Day and was an especially exciting one for the Birr Public School. During the ball game 12-year-old Helen Brumwell injure d h e r hand and required treatment at St. Joseph’s Hospital, while 7- year-old Barbara Bilyea on re­ turning from a hike was bitten by a snake. Her 10-year-old brother ventured too near the fire and his shoelaces took fire, lost the the Powell is week for duties as is going I He received small burns and M Truck For Sale 1V2 TON MERCURY WITH PLATFORM AND RACKS Apply Canac/a Packers - Exeter Phone 256 GOOD TIRES — RUNS WELL Ontario JASPER You'll find fun and relaxation among the delightful surroundings at Jasper in the heart of Alpine Canada. Golf, swimming, canoeing, fishing, hiking and traibridingl Park Lodge in the Canadian Rockies part of flames pump. his blue jeans before were put out at and Mrs. Bert and Ralph, were Nixon, Sunday Mr. Bruce visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ ence Lewis. Mrs. Maud Beckett of London has spent the past week with her cousin, Mrs. I. Underwood. Mr. Ogdon Ogdon spent with Mrs. J. B. Mr. and Mrs. ily have moved les’ home to above their store. Mr. and Mrs. Morgenroth spent Saturday with -Mr. Morgenroth’s uncle in Tavistock. Miss J. L. Ogdon spent a week ago Sunday with Mrs. J. B. Armitage. Mrs. William McComb enter­ tained two of the Scotch visitors, Arthur Young and David Hamil­ ton, last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Mc­ Roberts spent last Sunday with | Mr. and Mrs. Theron Creary of Winchelsea. All her friends are glad to see Mrs. Hedden back in the store again after her recent ill­ ness. ing as far t Bay and Sault Ste. Northern Ontario. It is hard for us that we have toured half of one province and yet we have covered an area ' as large as all of Scot- they said. to believe only one- of Canada almost land,” and Miss Jean Sunday, May 6, Armitage. Culbert and fam- from Mrs. Fair- their apartment Her pleased church of cheerfulness and should 'be a lesson to all who know her. many friends were to see Mrs. Ashworth on Sunday. Her resignation so i in life Main Street received its spring house-cleaning this past week. With the removal of the winter’s accumulation of dirt and papers the street looked able again. Upon Mr. Young, he wait till I get my Mrs. McIntosh of Alice Street has been confined to her bed this past week with the flu. most present­ congratulating replied, ‘‘Just waxing done”. Giving you the kind of telephone service you want is our job. You want it to bo fast and dependable — and to keep on getting better. But at the same time, we believe there’s more to good service than just technical efficiency and steady improvement. AVe think you like telephone people to be friendly, pleasant and easy to get along with. You want to deal with someone who takes a real interest in your problems and who is willing to give you a little extra attention. That’s the kind of service we want you to have. It makes your telephone mean more to you, makes our job mean more to us. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA There's freedom from care, from hay fever, and there's lots to do at Mlnaki. Golf, »wim- mtng, motor boating, fishing —everything for a happy holidayl MINAKI Lodge In the Lake of the Woods , Country Take your choice, pick the vacation that’s sure to please! either of these two great Canadian National summer resorts you’re bound to enjoy yourself . . . meals to tempt, delightful accommodations, attractive surroundings. They’re easy to reach, The Continental Limited takes you to both of them. Jasper Park Lodge (650 guests) $12 a day and up .. . Minakt Lodge (185 guests) $8 a day and up — both including cost of meals. CANADIAN NATIONAL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING All TEN PROVINCES Information and reservations may be obtained from any Canadian National agent, or our Hotel Department, Chateau Laurier, Ottawa. Special Services At Clandeboye Clandeboye United Church ob­ served Mothers' Day when Rev. E. M. Cook held baptismal ser­ vices for Hazel Merle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson, and Douglas Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiteford. Mrs. Kermit Thompson, church pian­ ist, with choir of all mothers, provided special music. Rev. Stanley Johnston of Thamesford, former minister, will conduct anniversary service at 7:30 in Clandeboye United Church on Sunday, May 20. Mr. Howard Kew of Lucan will con­ duct the music. Special offering is requested. Whitsunday and Mothers’ Day were observed by Rev. L. C. Harrison at St. James’ Church on Sunday and Holy Communion was administered to 3 2 members. Appropriate music iby the choir. Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson entertained to dinner on Sunday latter’s parents and family, and Mrs. David Logan, Mr. Mrs. Donald Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lougheed of Forest, and Miss Hazel Logan of London. Mrs. Carpenter of Ilderton spent Sunday with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiteford. We are sorry to report the ill­ ness of Mrs. Gilbert Carter. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Fred Simpson is spending some time ter, and daughters, have left Scotia to exercises of Harvey Revington. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Simpson spent Sunday with the latter’s mother, Mrs. McVey and brother, Walker, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams of Sarnia visited recently with the former’s brother, Rupert, and ■family. Mrs. Jim • Hall is recovering from a bad attack of influenza. Mrs. Mervin Carter has pur­ chased a new Oliver packer. Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Paton tertained on Sunday Mr. Mrs. Harvey Riehl, Veneta Robert, of Stratford, and and Mrs. Wilfred Logan Myrna of Thorndale. MrA. Peterson of London spent Monday with Mrs. II. Murless. Cpl. Jack Howard, formely of R.C.A.F, Station, Centralia, has been posted to Fort Nelson, B.C. He and Mrs. Howard and family will visit at the latter’s home in Vulcan, Alberta, on their way to British Columbia. Miss Mary Carter of London spent the week-end With her par­ ents,- Mr, and M,rs. Mervin Car­ ter. Mrs. Mrs. at home of her daugh- Wes Revington. Mr. Wes Revington and Audrey and Noreen, on a trip to Nova attend the graduation YOUR CAR NEEDS For Top Performance Brake adjustment. FORD-MONARCH-DEALER Chassis lubricated completely. DEALER Oil bath air cleaner cleaned and refilled. Tires inspected and rotated if necessary. Front wheel bearings cleaned and repacked. Cooling system drained—all connections tightened. All wheels removed and brake linings inspected. Oil filter cartridge replaced, if needed. Engine, transmission and dif­ ferential drained and refilled with factory recommended summer lubricants. MERCURY-LINCOLN-METEOR R Complete, scientific engine tune-up. Don’t take chances on annoying troubles that can spoil your driving pleasure —on costly repair bills that may cut into your vacation budget. Let your nearby Ford-Monarch Dealer or Mercury-Lincoln-Meteor Dealer put your car in tip-top shape for carefree, trouble-free miles in the warm-weather months ahead M' —rsrr.-y.7-------- when you’ll be doing plenty of extra driving, most every day. It pays to take your car to your Dealer for service because your Dealer knows your car best! You can be sure of satisfaction because expert servicemen do the work— using factory-approved equipment —factory-approved methods—and Genuine Ford Parts. OVER 1100 DEALERS COAST TO COAST r 111 eTeor.Lubbmbb ■ Snider Motors Ford and Monarch Sales and Service *