HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-05-17, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1951■* I” Hensail Bowlers '.V> Announcement W iring Exeter Radio & Electric What you needfor a tractor! his also late Wolfe Wolfe the program following sup- Murray George the week-end Wes Wolfe. Raschke and sons, Carl Bache of De- and Mrs. E. Bart­ spent A. V. of Hensall, son of St. Mrs. Harry HOUSE ANO FARM Phone 187-W Prop.: Don Jolly on Guaranteed Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount.... for a term of five years .... guaranteed both as to principal and interest.... Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date. or. at holder’s option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for: Executors • individuals • Administrators Committees • Corporations • Trustees Cemetery Boards • Hospital Boards THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Street, Toronto 1 ■-N Sale! Sale! Shortie Coats Every shortie $14.95. Coats $14.95. Don't coat in the store is marked down to that sold at $21.95 are yours now for miss this; there are only a few left. To Form Club Businessmen of the village at­ tended a meeting of the Bowling Club in the Council Chambers Monday night, May 14, to organ­ ize a new bowling club for the town, it is four years since Hen­ sall lyis had a bowling club. W. 0. Goodwin, former secretary, was chairman. The following officers were appointed: President, A. L. Case; secretary-treasurer, R. E. Shad­ dick; grounds committee, Dr. Doxsee, William Brown, John Henderson. The ladies will be given the privilege of bowling free this year, but can join up as mem­ bers next year. The site for the bowling is on main street, and the cottage that Jack Drysdale of Hensall won in a draw in Toronto, sponsored by the Halliday Firm, and which centers the bowling green, will be turned into a club house. It will be a few weeks before the grounds will be ready use. Evening Auxiliary To Pack Bale The monthly meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held in the United Church Monday, May 14, with a large attendance. President Mrs. J. F. Blackwell was in the chair. It was disclosed that the Women’s Missionary Society are packing a hale of clothing for shipment overseas, all types of clothing for adults, children and infants may be left at the church. The ladies would prefer to have articles by the first Thursday in June. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the Robin Hood Flour Mills Cooking School, which is to 'be held at a later date, and will be an evening demonstra­ tion. This gathering will be open to the ladies of the village and district, and the following were named for the purpose of look­ ing after tables, and other ar­ rangements—Mrs. H. Faber, Mrs. P. Passmore, Mrs. S. Rannie. It was decided to hold the annual picnic on the church lawns nesday, June 20; Mrs. J. dale and Mrs. R. Drysdale named sports committee. Mrs. W. Richardson gave a very effective devotional talk en­ titled “The Lord’s Prayer P. Passmore read the passage. The study chapter, Higher Education in Ailsa Craig Church Marks Anniversary On Sunday, May 20, at Trinity Anglican Church, special ser­ vices will be held to coinmemor- ate the 81st Anniversary. The Rev. Professor R. K. Harrison, who came fro England in 1949 to join the staff of Huron Col­ lege, London, will preach at 11 a.m. The preacher at 7:30 p.m. will be the Rev. Canon Quintin Warner of London who is well known in the community through the two-week Mission he con­ ducted in Ailsa Craig last Octo­ ber. Special music will be includ­ ed in the services. The Rector will also be present morning and evening. Juniors Meet At Brinsley The Anglican Junior Auxili­ ary met at the home of Marjorie and Shirley Lightfoot, Brinsley, last Saturday. The program con­ sisted of a worship service, music and handwork. Mrs. Harvey Hod­ gins is taking charge of the craft work for the older girls. The hostess served a very nice lunch at the close of the meet­ ing. On Wednesday, May 23, a supper meeting will he held at St. Mary's Brinsley after school, with • per. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ness of Stratford and his mother, Mrs. Ness, spent the week-end in Windsor. Mr. Sam Witzel of Toronto spent the week-end with mother, Mrs. J. Witzel. He attended the funeral of the J. Ti’iebnei’ on Saturday. Visitors with Miss Levada Hartlieb for the week-end were Miss Kate Hedden Mrs. Dundas and Thomas, Mr. and Hartlieb of London. Mrs. George Merner is visiting in Detroit. Mrs. Jack Mr. and Mrs. troit and Mr. lift and family of Clinton Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tiernan. Mr. and Mrs. and son and Mr, of Toronto spent with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Glenn Haugh of Kitchener spent the week-end at his home. Mr. Henry Hoffman was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital by ambul­ ance on Tuesday where lie will undergo an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Kraft and family of London spent the week­ end with Mrs. Matilda Kraft. Wed- Drys- were Mrs. scripture Mr. B. M. Iloss. B.A.Se., Registered I’rofessional Engineer^ Ontario Land Surveyor, announces the opening of his practice as a Consulting Engineer and Land Surveyor in Goderich. Land Surveying including Subdivisions, Judges" Plans and private surveying. Farm Drainage Work under Municipal Drainage Act and the Ditches and Watercourses Acts. Township Engineering including bridges and cul­ verts. Municipal Engineering including sidewalks^ sewers and pavements. CENTRALIA Miss Ada Mitchell, R.N., of Delaware, Ohio, was a week-end visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitchell. Mr. family of London were visitors Mrs. C. Mrs. in the wish her a speedy recovery. Rev. G. Weir of Millbank call­ ed on friends in the village or. Wednesday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Skelton and Donald of Lucan day visitors .with Mr. A. Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. M. Harlton and Sunday motherwith the former’s Harlton. W. Stewart is a Hospital in London. We patient were and Sun- Mrs. and the church for their June meet­ ing. Mrs. Elmer Wilson read the scripture, A W. Skinner by all. The written by gramme leaflet was presented by Mrs. Hepburn, Mrs. E. Wilson and Mrs. Murray Elliott, Mrs. Burton, first vice-president, was in the chair for the business when reports were given by dif­ ferent secretaries. A very dainty lunch was serv­ ed by Mrs. A. McFalls, Mrs. M. Elliott and Mrs. Fred Howe. piano solo by Mrs. was greafHy enjoyed leader read a poem Kagawa. The pro- B. M. ROSS GODERICH P.O. Box 705Telephone 578 Phone 70 - LADIES’ WEAR, DRY GOODS - Hensall SOUTHERN STYLE AT Order from Pat and Take It Home Ready to Serve All modern equipment. We are now in a better position than ever to serve you! “Through Japan”, ■was ably dealt with by Mrs. A. Shirray; Miss M. Ellis and Mrs. Blackwell gave highlights of the Huron Presbyterial W.M.S. held at James Street United Church, Exeter, recently. A recreational period was directed by Mrs. W. Spencer and Mrs. H. McEwan. The hostesses, Mrs. R. Thurtell and Mrs. J. Harrison, and their assistants served dainty refresh­ ments. Thomas-Lemmon A pretty spring solemnized at the Paul’s Cathedral, Saturday at 2 p.m. when Rev. Brown united in marriage Donna Margaret Lemmon, of London, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lemmon of Hensall, and Wesley Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas of London. The bride chose for her wed­ ding a rust crepe dress with navy and white accessories and corsage or roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Betty Smale, of London, wore a pow­ der blue dress with white ac­ cessories and a rose corsage. The groom was attended by Mr. ry Roclofsen of London. Following the ceremony bridal party motored to home of the bride’s parents, where a reception was held with the immediate ing. Mr. and Mrs. up residence in Personal Items Mr. Howard spent Mothers' parents, Mr. Love. Miss Betty Mickle, who is at­ tending Western University, spent the week-end with hei’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hanson and family, Stratford, Schwalm, London, Mr. A. Pfaff and daughter were week-end visitors Violet Schwalm. Miss Eleanor Bernice Jinks, toria Hospital, end at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Mac London visited recently latter’s mother, Mrs. J. thron and brother and law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bon- thron. Mrs. Catharine Devlin of Lon­ don spent the week-end at home of Mrs. Edna Corbett Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Don Evans family of Waterloo were week­ end visitors with the latter’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Mac- Laren. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hudson of London visited recently with the former’s mother, Mrs. C. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Stan of London were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Len Noakes. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Sangster of London visited recently with the former's mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Mrs. Stewart Barbour of Tor­ onto was a week-end visitor with wedding was chapel of St. London, on Har- the the relatives attend- Thomas will take Toronto. Love of Toronto Day with his and Mrs. Milton Miss Mae and Mrs. of Zurich with Mrs. an d Miss Vic- Cook students at spent the week- Greb Bob Blair and Judy motored to Goderich and Wingham on Sunday after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. George Bayham visited with Mr. C. Carruthers in London on Sunday. Mr. and Mary Margaret and Loretta Hicks were Sunday with Mrs. John Essery. Visitors with Mr. and Norman Mitchell w ere Susie Andrew of London on urday and on Sunday Mr. Mrs. Harold Mitchell, Norman and Marietta, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hobbs and Mr. Albert Mitchell. Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Duffield of Lambeth were Sunday visitors with the former’s mother, Mrs. Duffield and accompanied her to visit friends in Exeter and Gran­ ton. Mrs. Lee of Ailsa Craig was a Sunday guest with her daughter and" son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hicks and attended the church service on Sunday morn­ ing when her grandson, Donald Bruce Hicks was baptised. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. William Essery Mrs. visit-I Portable Arc Welding Acetylene Welding Steel Fabrication Machine Work Grinding farm improvement loans have helped thousands of Canadian farmers to buy tractors and other farm implements to speed their work and grow bigger crops. Ask your nearest B of M manager about the many ways an F-l-L can help yon to modernize your farm and increase your profits. The cost is low. Ml Mrs. Mrs. Sat- and M arsha II & M urray Machine Shop PHONE 179-J EXETER Bank of Montreal Exeter Branch; C. E. SIIAW, Manager Crediton Branch: CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Suh-Agency); Open Mon., Wed. & Fri. Hensall Brench; JOHN IRVIN, Manager WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 RE-ROOF NOW Milton Light­ foot and family were in Mill­ bank on Sunday'Where they at­ tended church service and called on Rev. and Mrs. Weir. Anniversary services will be held in the Church on Sunday. May 27. There was a large attendance at the Mothers’ Day service in the church on Sunday morning. Baskets of spring flowers and blossoms made a very attractive background for the baptismal service when Donald Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hicks and Patricia Doreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith were baptized. Fine music was provided by a Men’s Choir with Mrs. K. Hod­ gins at the piano. The School superintendents, Skinner and Mr. Reg were the leaders. Donna read the story and the pastor det livered a very fine Mothers’ Day address. W.M.S. Mrs. George Hepburn leader of the Worship Service on Tuesday evening of last week when the members of the WMS gathered in the schoolroom on Sunday Mr. C. Hodgins Bowden Greer of with the W. Bon- sister-in- the and and with BARRETT ASPHALT Will last years Go on over old roof styles Ken­ Miss been * SHINGLES Besides Asphalt Shingles your Barrett Dealer has a com­ plete line of roofing, insulation and weatherproofing materials. Are fire-resistant many her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hoggartli and sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clark nedy, The many friends of Elizabeth Slavin, who has confined to Clinton Hospital for the past several weeks as the re­ sult of a fall in which she frac­ tured her hip, are pleased to hear she is able to be up each day and is gradually improving. Dr. William T. Joynt of Lon­ don spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Neeb of Tavistock visited recently with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown. Miss Winnie Gray spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gray, near Mitchell. Anniversary services will be held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday, May 20, when Rev. R. J, McMillan of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, will foe the guest minister, Spe­ cial music will be presented by the choir under the direction of Mrs, John L. Nicol, A.C.C.O, Mor­ ning service at 11 a.m, D.S.T. and evening service at 7:30 p.m, D.S.T. THE BARRETT COMPANY, LIMITED Halifax • Saint John • Montreal • Toronto • Winnipeg • Vancouver *Reg’d Trade Mark Take your building problems to your Barrett Dealer Huron Lumber Co. Ltd Your Barrett Dealer in Dashwood Your Barrett Dealer in Exeter