HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-05-10, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, MAY JO, 1951 Awarded Road Contract ’HenSall Driver Looby and Looby Construe-1 tion Company* Dublin, has been, k; n « J Crachawarded the contract to build,1 ’n*u Vioan culverts on No. 84 highway in ■ Appearing before Magistrate the vicinity of Zurich. The con- Ejx e. Holmes, Goderich, in court walk in the Village of Zurich, i sallT and a quantity of fill. Idrivi This Is The Longest Barg ain Counter In Town tract includes a portion^ of side- |jn seaforth, Douglas Moir. Hen- ._.. charged with careless • driving, as the result of an ac­ cident, April 2, in Egmondville. I His car crashed into the rear of a parked car owned by Lorenzo IBrosseau, Wolseley Barracks, >. London. Moir was found guilty ■ and fined $10 and costs. A Brucefield youth appeared in juvenile court charged with i careless driving and driving with­ out a permit, as the result of an accident in Egmondville, when FOR SALE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED POP’S Taxi Service TILE— In all sizes, available now. Get your order in early. Mrs. H. Peterson, Dashwood 31-r-15. 3:10:17* GRAVEL —- For roadways and cement work. At pit or de­ livered. — Mrs. H. Peterson, Dashwood, phone 31-r-15. 3:10:17* FOR SALE — Strawberry and Latham raspberry plants, $1 for 100 strawberry, and $4 for 100 raspberry plants. Wil­ liam Walters, R.R. 1, Wood­ ham, phone Kirkton 14-r-16. 3:10:17* SERVICE for youi' present car or a new Dodge automobile or truck. Both are obtainable Simply by calling Hensall 31, I Phones: Exeter 357 and 545-r-3 koad, broke off a hydro pole, (extensively damaging his father’s ear. Sentence was reserved until July. J, .... .... -:■■■ ~ FOR SALE—Man’s Sunshine bi­ cycle, balloon tires. Only year old. Hugh Parsons, telephone 69 2-r-33 Hensall. 3:10* «« ■ Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays, Wed­ nesday afternoons and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the week. Open this Sunday, Wed­ nesday afternoon, and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the week:— SUPERTEST Service Station For Wireworm Control Dow’s Linda ne C.I.L. Benesan Available at Jones, M acNaughton Seeds, Ltd. EXETER ------- ONTARIO “Headquarters for All Agricultural Chemicals” KIRKTON Wesley Neal has bought? Mr. ~the farm recently occupied by | Mr, ’ ------- Mr, , munity. ‘ Hon. J. G. Gardiner, Mrs. (Gardiner and daughter Beth of ’ Ottawa spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Allen. i Mr. and Mrs. Alf Paul of St. J Marys were Sunday guests with ' Mrs. R. Humphreys. Mr. Milton McCullough of the O.A C. Guelph and his little niece lYevonne Fisher of Exeter were i Sunday guests with Mrs. M. Gre- j gory. |H Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burgin __ | of London and family visited — ? this past week with Mr. and Mrs. ■ G. H. Burgin. 1 Seeding has been completed on most of "the farms in this dis- I trict- . Word has been received of the ’death of Dr. Thomas Waghorn ■i of Toronto. Dr. Waghorn was a former Kirkton boy and his wife 1 was Amanda Shier, daughter of [the late Nicholas Shier. For t many years the Dr. practised at Walton and Brockville and was J Senator Hardy’s private vetern- s ary. i Mrs. (Rev.l Pike took charge of i the services on the Kirkton cir­ cuit Sunday, in the absence of Rev. William Pike who is con­ fined to his bed with flu. Birthday Party ! Little Miss Helen Humphreys j celebrated her eighth birthday this past week and had as her guests Mary Ruth and Marian Newell, Alice and Nellie Beimer. Dorothy and Marlene Jaques and Jeanie McNaughton. Mrs. Hum­ phreys acted as hostess and serv­ ed a dainty lunch with cake and | ■ ice-cream. FOR SALE—-Soft wood, $4 per cord delivered. Furnace blocks $4.50 per cord delivered. Ap­ ply Walter Diebold, Dashwood. 3:10:17* John Lueast. We welcome and Mrs. Neal to our com- FOR SALE—International F-20 tractor in good running order with scufflers, $500.00. —Carl Payne. Hensall. 10 FOR SALE—16-ft. culvert, heavy plate. Phone 423, Exeter Sal­ eage Co. 10:17c K rW Weigh Your Own Poultry Get Highest Prices RIVERSIDE POULTRY CO HOWARD FERGUSON, MANAGER — Phone Collect — 680-r-2 Hensall Announcements Birth. Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse. En­ gagements 50c. BIRTHS and Mrs. on Sunday, St. Joseph’s a daughter, sister for Al­ an- on Mrs. to son; Joseph’s DIETRICH—To Mr. Leonard Dietrich May 6, 1951; at Hospital, London; Linda Diane; a Bobby. FINKBEINER—Mr. and lan Fink’beiner wish nounce the birth of a May 1, 1951, at St. Hospital, London. HACKNEY—Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man Hackney (nee Audrey Beswarwick) wish to announce the birth of their son, Norman James; at St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London; on May 5. WEBER—Jack and Joyce Weber of Exeter are very happy to announce the birth of their son; at the Hooper Nursing Home, on May 3. 1951; a wee brother for Randy. ZEITSMA—Mr. and Mrs. Ulbe Zeitsma, of St. Marys, are very proud to announce the arrival of their daughter, Alice; at the Hooper Nursing Home, on May 5, 1951. DEATHS Riverside Mitchell, 4, 1951, his 85 th Stephen Nurs- on Fri- John R. year. Township, 1951; Al- seventieth DUNCAN—In ing Home, day, May Duncan in KESTLE—In on Thursday, May 3, bert Kestle, in his year. TRIEBNER—Suddenly ter, on Wednesday, 1951, John Triebner in 70th year. Resting at the R. C. Dinney funeral home where the funeral will take place, Saturday at 2:30 p.m. under Auspices of Exeter Lodge No. 67, L.O.O.F. in Exe- April 9, his or We Salute Mother! Kintore 39-r-12 Men! I PHONE 81 Ito ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Batten, Exeter, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Laura Kathryn, to Emerson Grant Penhale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Penhale, Elimville. The marriage will take place the latter part of May. 10* CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late John !R. Duncan wish to express their ; sincere thanks to the friends neighbours for the sypmathy extended jcent bereavement; .floral tributes; and and and re- the kindness in their also for the bearers l Mair. 10* to to Rev. William I wish to thank the friends and neighbours for cards and [treats while a patient in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital. Very special thanks to those who helped with the seeding on Monday. -Norman Jaques Wuerth wishes relatives and kindly remem­ flowers, cards a patient in St. Look Your Best For Mother This Sunday We have smart spring tics, socks, shirts and other ap­ parel that mother will be proud to see you wear. Why Not Look Over Our Lovely New Stock? Mrs. Sylvester thank her friends, who so bered her with and visits while Joseph’s Hospital and since re­ turning home. 10c The family of the late Albert Kestle wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad be­ reavement, for the messages of sympathy; also thanks to Dr. Fletcher and Rev. Mr. Mrs, thank all those remembered her while a patient Hospital home. I wish to to all those membered me in any way, while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and at home. 10* —Ernie Rader I wish to thank all my kind friends, relatives and North Group of W.A. and W.M.S. of Greenway United Church for cards and gifts; also Mr, Mrs. Parry Thompson for ful dinner and flowers ninetieth birthday. —Mrs. John HELP WANTED — Practical nurse, permanent position. Ap­ ply Riverside Rest Home, Mit­ chell. 10:17* SITUATION WANTED — Trust­ worthy Protestant lady desires position as housekeeper to a retired gentleman, or com­ panion to elderly lady. Wages reasonable. Apply to Times- Advocate, Box T.10* WAITRESS WANTED — Good pay for reliable girl or woman. Kether’s Restaurant. 10c SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 527-J. 30tf<sFOR SALE—C o a 1 and wood range, excellent condition. Reasonable. Phone 487-J. 10* FOR SALE—K i t c h e n cabinet, enamel bakeboard, in good condition. Phone 460-r-2 Exe­ter. io* jFOR SALE—Purebred Yorkshire boar, ready for use. -—John Miners, phone Kirkton 32-r-24 10* ‘FOR SALE—Oil-burning space heater, $60.00. Phone 55S-W ■ Exeter. 10c jFOR SALE-—Finlay oil space heater, medium size, heats 2 or 3 rooms, very slightly used, wonderful condition. See Lawrence Rumpel, Simcoe St., across from Ernie Cooper. 10* FOR SALE-—Irish cobbler pota­ toes. Apply. Win. Ferguson, Thames Road. 10* jFOR SALE—’4 6 Chev Fleet­ master Sedan in excellent con-1 dition. One owner; low mile­ age. ’39 Plymouth Coach. ’40 Chev Coach. Apply Broderick Bros., phone 277. 10* FOR SALE — Sidewalk stroller with padded seat; also play­ pen in good condition. —Mrs. Pfaff, Ann St., phone 116. 10* FOR SALE — Good strawberry plants — Dunlop, Catskill, etc. Apply to Mrs. Emalie Carter, on highway third house south of South End Service, Exeter. 10:17* FOR SALE—-’31 Chev Special. Six wire wheels, sealed beam units. Also '3 9 Plymouth Coupe. See South End Service, Russ and Chuck Snell, Exeter. 10c FOR SALE—Cement foundation on Victoria and Marlborough St., S’ deep, sills and floor in fairly good order. Will sell lot and foundation. Also other lots if required. W. F. Abbott, phone 41S-R Exeter. 10c FOR SALE—Litter pigs. J,antes j Earl. 41-r-10 Kirkton. 10* [FOR SALE—2-wheeled trailer. 1 Phone 352-W. 10c FOR SALE—Weaner pigs. Allan Westcott, phone 17 6-r-32 Exe­ ter. ioc FOR SALE—Ice box, holds 50 lbs.; 120 base accordian, Hoh- ner. Apply: House No. 198 Airport, evenings only. 10:17* FOR SALE — Peterboro-made boat, 10 lz2 feet long, $35.00. Phone 74 Zurich. 10c FOR SALE—Ice box, holds 50 lbs., in good condition; also kitchen cabinet. —Call 311-J Exeter after 6:00. 10c FOR SALE—Maroon folding-type baby buggy, excellent condi­ tion. Price $12.00. Phone 406- J. 10c FOR SALE—’47 Chev, in good condition, 29,000 miles, new low-pressure tires. Allan West­ cott, phone 17 6-r-32 Exeter. 10* BARN FOR SALE—2S’x38’ with 16’ posts. Good condition. — Charles Dietrich, phone Credi­ ton 20-r-3. 10:17c FOR SALE—Three Mother Nat­ ure brooders; one electric brooder; 2 wooden pig troughs 8J’ and 12’ long. Also lot be­ hind Hensall town hall includ­ ing buildings. Edmund Geiger, Hensall. 10c FOR SALE—’34 Pontiac Coach, good running condition and rubber, $200.00. M. J. Leger, Crediton East. 2 6 tfc FOR SALE—-Have an unlimited quantity of barn fertilizer, $5 per spreader load. —G. J. Dow. 5tfc WEDDING CAKE BOXES—Good quality. Per dozen, $1.00. — Exeter Times-Advocate. 2tf* Why have MOTH DAMAGE? 5- year written guarantee with Berlou against moth damage on rugs, chesterfields and clothing. Free estimates. — Dinney Furniture, phone 20-W Sctfn FOR SALE—Y o u n g Shorthorn bull, choicest breeding, and outstanding individuality. Wil­ liam Oestricher, Crediton 12-J 12ctfn MALE HELP WANTED RELIABLE YOUNG man to learn plumbing trade. Apply W. A. Sturdevant, Grand Bend. Tele­ phone 51-r-7. 10c I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow. phone 83 Exeter. l*tfc WANTED—$750.00 on second mortgage on newT house for 3 years. Apply Box B, Times- Advocate. 10c OFFICE HELP — Bookkeeping and typing required. Office hours, good pay. —Buswells, Exeter. 10c PAINTING and paperhanging, kitchen cupboards and cab­ inets. Tom Walker, Exeter, phone 553. tfc ACCOMMODATION WANTED — Couple (daughter, aged 5) re­ quire unfurnished one- or two- bedroom accommodation. Ap­ ply Mr. Proctor, phone 540-r-4 Exeter. TENDERS WANTED YOl’R PIANO carefully tuned. Call 129-J Exeter. 10* TREES SPRAYED, barns sprayed and cleaned. Phone for ap­ pointments. Mrs. H. Peterson, R.R. 3, Dashwood, phone 31-r- 15. 10e Garden and lots PLOWED and CULTIVATED in vicinity of Dashwood and Exeter. Wood for sale. Custom chain saw work. Phone Dashwood 35-r-2. NOTICES BY-LAW NO. 5, 1951, of the TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN by-law to submit a question the property owners of that of the Village of Grand A to part Bend situate in the Township of Stephen, concerning the wish of the property owners into which county, Huron or Lambton, the Village of Grand Bend shall be incorporated. sjt * A Whereas the Village of Grand Bend is now situate partly in the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron and partly sit­ uate in the Township of Bosan- quet in the County of Lambton and Whereas the Provincial Secre­ tary of the Province of Ontario has directed that a poll of the property owners of the Village of Grand Bend be taken to ascer­ tain from the said property own­ ers into which county, Huron or I Lambton, the Village of Grand Bend shall be incorporated. Therefore be it enacted and it is hereby enacted that 1. A poll of the property own­ ers of that portion of the Village of Grand Bend situate in the Township of Stephen be taken on the question of whether they shall be incorporated in the County of Huron or the County of Lambton. 2. That F. W. Morlock, Clerk of the Township of Stephen, shall be the returning officer for conducting the said poll and Herbert Wainwright shall be his poll clerk. That the hours be from p.m. I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Building lot in nice neighbourhood, reasonable. — Apply to J. W. Powell, Vic­ toria Street. 22ctfn FOR SALE—Two bedroom cot­ tage, complete bath, furance and hardwood floors. R. E. Balkwill. Sctfn EXETER NORTH. 4-room house with partial basement, built-in cupboards, sink, town water, garage, barn. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 11: IS: 25:10c FOR EXETER SLDEXVaLKS The Municipal Council of the Corporation of Exeter calls for tenders for the construction of new and the repair of all con­ crete sidewalks in the town. New sidewalks to be 4 feet wide and 4 inches thick. Tender to be price per running foot. Municipality to supply cement, gravel, fill and expansion joints. Tenders on repair work to be rate per hour for labour and equipment. Municipality to sup­ ply material as above. All tenders to be in office of Clerk not later than 5 p.m. June 15, 1951. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work to commence not later than 6-ROOM, li-storey brick house. 3 bedrooms, 3-pce. bath, fur­ nace, hot and cold water, hydro. Barn, henhouse and more than one acre land. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 10c BRICK HOUSE — Very easy terms. Well located in Exeter. Six rooms, full basement and three-piece bath. Nice lot and garage. Low cash payment with easy terms on balance, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, UOR SALE—Modern new home in Exeter, centrally located, fully insulated, easily heated, coal or oil furnace, 2 bed­ rooms, large living room, din­ ing room, kitchen and bath, hardwood floor throughout, full basement with recreation room. One owner, private sale. Phone 416-W. ♦ 3:10c FOR SALE—In Centralia, 12- room brick house and two acres of land with barn. Mrs. Field, Centralia. 3:10* FRAME HOUSE on particularly fine lot in one of Exeter’s best residential sections. This house requires renovating and for that reason is being offered at a low price. —C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS I of voting 9:00 a.m. until Standard Time and poll will be held in the Hall in the Village 3. shall 6:00 the _ Town Hall in the Village of Grand Bend, on Wednesday, May 16, 1951. 4. That the voters eligible to vote at the said poll shall be property owners only or those qualified to vote on a law. This by-law shall force and effect on passing thereof. Read a third time and Passed in open council this 7th day of May, 19 51. ALONZO McCANN, F. W. MORLOCK, i money by- come into the final REEVE CLERK 3:10c NOTICE—H a t c h i n g to order only for late May and June chicks. Very limited number of started pullets; for delivery soon. Lakeview Poultry Farm and Hatchery Limited, Exeter. 3:10c NOTICE—Will the party who re­ moved wheel rings from 1940 Chev return same to save fur­ ther trouble as he was seen. —Broderick Bros. 10* DOG OWNERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Under By-law No. 13, 1936, of the Town of Exeter, every owner of a dog who neglects to obtain a tag before April 15 of each year shall be liable to a fine of $10.00. Further, under this by-law no dog shall be allowed to run at large during the months of May, June, July and August in each this be July 1. C. V. PICKARD, Municipal Clerk, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 10:17:24c FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT—Six room * cement block house. On 4th Con. of McGillivray, 5 mileu south of Airport. Apply to Mrs. Albert Morgan, R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig; Parkhill 602-r-15 10* FOR RENT—T h r e e furnished rooms to rent for light house­ keeping with private entrance. Silas Stanlake, next to roller rink. 10* FOR RENT—Modern 2-bedroom house, June 1 possession. Ap­ ply: Harvey Pollen, phone 100 or 212. 10* APARTMENT TO RENT—Three rooms, hot water, private en­ trance. Phone 8 Crediton. J 0c VACANCY—Three modern new rooms, self-contained, all con­ veniences. Available May 14. — Irving' Snider Apts., phone 519-W. 10c AUCTION SALES In the Estate of FELIX WILD, also known as FELIX WILDS, deceased. persons having claimsAll against the estate of Felix Wild, also known as Felix Wilds, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 11th day of April, 1949, are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, K.C., Solicitor of Exeter, Ontario, by the 19th day of May next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, K.C., Solicitor for Executrix, Exeter, Ontario. 3:J 0:17c AUCTION SALE on FRIDAY, MAY 25 at 4:00 p.m. in the HENSALL COMMUNITY PARK Of the old buildings and mat­ erial already wrecked of the former open air skating rink, said material to >be removed as. soon as possible. TERMS: Cash. HENSALL COMMUNITY PARK BOARD James A. Paterson, Sec.-Treas. 10:17c i i AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction in JAMES ST. CHURCH SHED, EXETER on FRIDAY, MAY 11 at 1:30 p.m. the following: Three dinette suite; suite; dishes; modes; washing machine; day-bed; elec­ tric fan; 2 library tables; studio couch ; roll-away bed; chairs; 2 kitchen cliairs; 2 tricycles; chesterfield suites; 2 suites; 1 dining room piano; radio; bedroom 3 'beds; lawn swing; rugs; lawn mower; com- dressers; 3 ice boxes; In the Estates of MARY ANN CARLING and IDA MARIA CARLING, deceased All persons having against the estate of Carling of the Town in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 2nd day of April, 19 4 8, and Ida Maria Carling, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 12th day of April, 1951, ‘ ' -T culars of same with the under­ signed by the 19tli day of May next after which date the estates will be distributed, having .regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. WILLIAM H. V; CARLING, % The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Windsor, Ont. ELMER D. BELL, K.C., Solicitor for the Executor, Exeter, Ont. 3:10:17c claim s Mary Ann of Exeter, are required to file parti- many tables and 2 settees; floor lamps; end tables; desk; radio tables; antiques; high chair; magazine stands; kitchen utensils; and other articles. TERMS: Cash. G. NICHOLS, PROP. FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. AUCTION SALE The undersigned has been au­ thorized to sell by public auction the following surplus machinery and stock on SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1:30 PM. at LOT 13, CON. 13, STEPHEN TP. 3 miles directly south of Dashwood the i 1940 ; pulper ! plow; 1 set 5 year. The penalty under section of the by-law may $50.00. Police have been instructed enforce this by-law. C. V. PICKARD Municipal Clerk 10:17:24c to following: Ford panel truck; ; 1 2-furrow Massey 1 4-foot Case com- section spring tooth ‘ ‘ " 1 No. 1 1 5- 1 1 air com- hot water tank; -ton beet wagon; 1 26-ft. semi­ cows; 2 yearling Parrott. * wishes to so kindly any way . Joseph’s Ted Harness who in in St. since returning 10* express ijj.y thanks, who visited and re- and and beauti- on my 10* Brown OWN A PROFITABLE, perman­ ent, and independant business! A nearby rural Watkins dealer­ ship can be yours if you are an ambitious man, between 25 and 55, and have a suitable travel outfit. For complete in­ formation write today to The J, R, Watkins Company, Dept. O-E-6, 360 St. Roch St., Mont­real, Que. 10:17:31c Crediton, May i COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND Notice is hereby given that a list of the voters entitled to vote in the forthcoming election in the Village of Grand Bend on May 16, 1951, has been posted up in the post office at Grand Bend and that a Court of Revi­ sion of held in Monday, May 14 a.m. Electors are urged to examine the said list and govern them­ selves accordingly, F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk of Stephen Township. 1951 3:10c the Voters* List will the Grand Bend Hall 1951, at 10 he on 30 In the Estate of SAMUEL ROSS, deceased. persons having claims the estate of Samuel All against Ross, late of the Town of Exeter in the County of Huron man, about 1951, culars Bell, Ontario, by the 26th day of May, next, after which date the estato will be distributed, having re­ gard only to those claims of v" ‘ . Gentle­ deceased, who died on or of April, file parti- Elmer D. of Exeter, the 2nd day are required to of same with K.C., Solicitor, hich notice has been received. ELMER D, BELL, K.C. Solicitor for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario 10:17:24o One root1 Harris bine; : harrows; 2 corn binders. 4 Massey Harris grain binder grain roller; foot mower; side delivery pressor tank 1 buck ralte; 1 dump rake. 1 corn sheller rake 1 11 farm trailer trailer; heifers and feeders other mention, This list of machinery has been all reconditioned and is in first class working condition. NO RESERVE: Everything will be sold. Terms: Cash. ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. MRS, II. PETERSON, PROP. I 2 fresh quantity chicken founts hog troughs; and articles too numerous to