HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-05-03, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1951 H. J. CORNISH & CO. LONDON, ONT294 DUNDAS ST CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FOR SALE All Appl iances Repaired and Sold at ■ HHTRKAl tEPAIRS Exeter Radio & Electric Phone 187-W Prop*: Don Jolly 'K For Mother she’ll never fayel Look Over Our Lovely Selection Cole*s Jewellery Phone 312-R Le ave Th is Page Where Mother Will See It! Let Her Check It For Her Favourite Mothers Day Gift We Have the Perfect Gift for Mothdr □ □ □ □ BLOUSES. SKIRTS SLIPS, GOWNS DRESSES SUITS This Is The Longest Bargain Counter In Town FOR SALE FEMALE HELP WANTED FOR RENT miscellaneous FOR SALE—Green rug 6’9 by 9, in good condition. Apply The Times-Advocate. 2 6; 3c FOR SALE—Strong, well-grown strawberry plants — Dunlop, Premier, Eacrett, Fairfax. Ap­ ply to Mrs. Emalie Carter, oil highway third house south of South End Service, Exeter. 12:26:3* FOR SALE—’34 Pontiac Coach, good running condition and rubber, $200.00. M. J. Leger, Crediton East. 26tfc FOR SALE—Have an unlimited quantity of barn fertilizer, $5 per spreader’ load. -—G, J. Dow. 5tfc FOR SALE-—C oh corn; also some good quality hay, alfalfa and timothy. Alvin Gingerich, phone 90-r-6 Zurich. 26:3c WEDDING CAKE BOXES—Good quality. Per dozen, $1.00. — Exeter Times-Advocate. 2tf* and $1 $4 FOR SALE_ —- Strawberry Latham raspberry plants, for 100 strawberry, and for 100 raspberry plants. Wil­ liam Walters, R.R. 1, Wood­ ham, phone Kirkton 14-r-16. 3:10:17* FOR SALE—Coleman e n a m e 1 Consul gas stove range, built- in oven. First class condition. Apply Times-Advocate or tele­ phone 692-r-2 Hensall. 26:3c WAITRESS for Exeter, $20 per week to start, every Monday and every other Sunday - off; 8-hour day. HELP NEEDED for Grand Bend —4 waitresses needed; 2 dish­ washing machine operators; 2 girls, school teacher or older girl preferred, one for cashier, one for governess for 3 child­ ren. Sleeping accommodation above shop. Spring-filled mat­ tress and running water in each room. Apply Monetta Menard, phone 8S-R Exeter. 3c HOUSE FOR RENT—Six room cement block house. On 4th Con. of McGillivray, 5’i miles south of Airport. Apply to Mrs. Albert Morgan, R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig; Parkhill 602-r-15. 26:3* SERVICE for your present car or a new Dodge automobile or truck. Both are obtainable simply by calling Hensall 31. FOR RENT—Three-room apart­ ment, partly furnished or can he unfurnished; hot and cold water. Apply Times-Advocate. 3* SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 527-J. BOtfip I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow* phone 83 Exeter. l*tfc MALE HELP WANTED SPECIAL—5X patching shingles $1.4 5 per bu.; cedar flooring, .11 per ft.; Duresbestos slate Johns-Manville shingles red, $12.50 per sq, Fred C. Kalb- fleisch & Son Ltd., Zurich and Goderich. 3 c SALE—Linoleum rug 9 x beige, with wine border, good condition. Full size mattress. Also large oak Apply. Mrs. John 3* FOR 12, in felt rocker. Prance, 370-J Exeter. TILE—In all sizes, available now. Get your order in early. Mrs. H. Peterson, Dashwood 31-r-15. 3:10:17* GRAVEL — For roadways and cement work. At pit or de­ livered. — Mrs. H. Peterson, Dashwood, phone 31-r-15. 3:10:17* IMMEDIATE DELIVERY — One Hot Point deluxe refrigerator. Apply John Tomlinson, Wood­ ham, phone Kirkton 53-r-ll. 3c BALED SHAVINGS just arrived. —Cann’s Mill, Exeter. 3c FOR SALE—Holstein cow six years old due May 1. —Phil Johns, Exeter. 3* FOR SALE—Racing pigeons. Reason overcrowded. As good as any—better than many. Winners 80 to 1000 mis. Tele­ phone 88-W or 19 Lucan, Box 159 or 133 Lucan. 3c FOR SALE—F o u r - r o w Inter­ national sugarbeet drill, in good condition. Beverly Mor­ gan, phone 171-r-41 Exeter. 3:10:17c FOR SALE—Frame shed, 17 x 21. Apply Andy Bierling, % Jones & May, Exeter. 3* i Why have MOTH DAMAGE? 5- year written guarantee with Berlou against moth damage on rugs, chesterfields and clothing. Free estimates. — Dinney Furniture, phone 20-W Sctfn FOR SALE—Enamelled rang e, coal or wood. Oil burning space heater. Both practically new. —R. D. Hunter, Exeter, phone lffO-W.3* FOR SALE—Y o u n g Shorthorn bull, choicest breeding, and outstanding individuality. Wil­ liam Oestricher, Crediton 12-J 12ctfn FOR SALE—H ayes aluminum house trailer, fully equipped, sleeps 4. Phone 540-r-4, Mrs. H. Stock, Centralia.26:3* FOR SALE — Marquisette criss­ cross curtains for double win­ dows, in good condition. Tele­ phone 6 8-W. 26; 3c. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE — On fat cattle, 2 choice year­ ling Hereford bulls; 1 Here­ ford heifer, due to freshen soon. Apply to John Caldwell, phone 13-r-ll Exeter,3* SHAVINGS—Car load of shav­ ings expected week of May 7. Get your supply off car. Lake­ view Hatchery Limited. 3c FOR SALE—Boy’s second hand bicycle in good condition. Tele­ phone 541-r-3 Exeter.3c FOR SALE—Six-piece dinette or breakfast nook suite, naturally coloured with red trim, like new. Also large dining room table. —Phone 7S-W, Charles Anderson, Crediton. 3c REAL ESTATE KERCHIEFS HOUSE COATS HOSIERY PURSES SEVEN-PASSENGER Chev, 193 9 model, .grey, selling for $225. Reason for selling is posted. Call in morning up till 1:45, oi’ in evening from 6 to 9. Apply C.pl. E. A. Classen, mar­ ried quarters, 261, RCAF Cen­ tralia. FOR SALE—Building lot in nice neighbourhood, reasonable. — Apply to J. W. Powell, Vic­ toria Street. '22ctfn sale—Six- three-room 1 small quarters. FOR SALE—34 York Tam pigs, 6 to 10 weeks; three good Durham heifers, one freshened a week. —Albert W. Shirray, Hensall, phone 683-r-ll. 3c TOURIST CAMP for room house, 3 winterized cabins, store with living Hydro and water throughout. Close to R.C.A.F. Station and Grand Bend. Year round busi­ ness. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. WANTED—Lady for light work in Officers’ Mess Lounge, age limit 30-40. Also Bar m a n . Starting salary $125 per mon. Apply Chief Administrative Of­ ficer, R.C.A.F. Centralia. 3* WANTED—Driver-salesman, good opportunity foi’ a progressive young man; steady employ­ ment, good pay. Tuckey Bever­ ages. Phone 515-W Exeter. 3c PAINTING and paperhanging, kitchen cupboards and cab­ inets, Tom Walker, Exeter, phone 553. tfc MISCELLANEOUS Garden and lots PLOWED and CULTIVATED in vicinity of Dashwood and Exeter. Wood for sale. Custom chain saw work, Phone Dashwood 35-r-2. _ 19:26:3:10* REQUIRE CLEANERS, kitchen help, hat men, stewards at Cen­ tralia and Grand Bend Air­ ports. Experience preferred but not necessary. Pay $115. per month plus travelling allow­ ance. Apply Chief Administra­ tive Officer, R.C.A.F. Station. Centralia. 3c NOTICES BY-LAW NO. 5, 1951, of the TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN by-law to submit a question the property owners of that the Village of Grand WANTED A WANTED — By ent; Ride to about middle fer’s licence; penses. —Phone Paul Webb, Parkhill 2 or London Metcalfe 6447. 19:26:3c university stud- Weyhurn, Sask., of May; chauf- will share ex- CHAINWAY Choose Mother’s Gift from Our Wide Selection I PIGS FOR SALE—Stockers and weaners. Apply to Charles S. Bedard, 78-r-15 Zurich. 3 FOR SALE—Range shelters on skids. Very best condition. — Grant Case, phone 174-r-22 Exeter. 3* FOR SALE—Used International Harvester milking machine; International cream separator, reasonable. Apply Albert Gai- ser, Dashwood. 3c FOR SALE—Man’s Sunshine bi­ cycle, balloon tires. Only year old. Hugh Parsons, telephone 692-r-33 Hensall. 3:10* FOR SALE-—’31 Model A Coach, in good condition. Apply Percy Campbell, R.R. 1, Exeter. 3* FOR SALE—Man’s navy serge suit, size 4 2. Spring overcoat tweed. All in good condition. Apply Times-Advocate. 3 FOR SALE—’39 Chrysler Royal Sedan, radio, overdrive, foui’ nearly new tires, above aver­ age condition. Apply Don Har­ ris, Carling St. 3*I Shur-Gain Growing Mash FOR SALE—1935 Chev stan­ dard 'Coach, in very good con­ dition. Phone 384-R. 3* combines High Low Quality Cost FOR SALE—T w o - p i e c e wine chesterfield suite in good con­ dition. Apply John Caldwell’s cottage, opposite Monetta Men­ ard’s, 3* t your pullets to rugged hens at lower cost “The SHUR-GAIN Way” CLAY FILL-—Free for removal. Phone 89-J, R. E, Balkwill & Son, 5* SHUR-GAIN Feeds are PRACTICAL FEEDS LOCAL MANUFACTURE plus CONTROLLED QUALITY equals PRACTICAL FEEDS FOR SALE—One each, Case rol­ ler packer, 8^-ft. spring-tooth cultivator and 2-furrow trac­ tor plow. Last Of this spring’s supply. —Exeter Farm Equip­ ment, phone 508 Exeter. 3c This Year Be PRACTICAL Feed SHUR-GAIN! 18% Shur-Gain Chick Starter 17% Shur-Gain Growing Mash 30% Shur-Gain Developing Concentrate $4*70 cwt. $4.05 $5.90 FOR SALE—Raymond sewing machine, without drop head, nearly new. Mrs. Edward Neil, Wellington St. (by station), Exeter. 3 * FOR SALE—1935 Ford in good condition. Apply Roy Hunter, 2 blocks east on John Street, Exeter. 3* FOR SALE—Two bedroom cot­ tage, complete bath, furance and hardwood floors. R. E. Balkwill. Sctfn EXETER NORTH. 4-room house with partial basement, built-in cupboards, sink, town • water, garage, barn. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 11:18:25c 6-ROOM, 1^-storey brick house, 3 bedrooms, 3-pce. bath, fur­ nace, hot and cold water, hydro. Barn, henhouse and more than one acre land. W. C. Pearce, Realtor BRICK HOUSE, hall, spacious living and dining rooms have hardwoood floors, den, kitchen on main bedrooms upstairs. heater, hot air furnace. Attic insulated. Attached garage. This is one of those houses well built from basement to roof, mostly in good condition. Suitable for a family desiring space for nice furniture. It could be duplexed. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. floor, four roomy and 3-piece bath Automatic water LOW-PRICE HOUSES—We are offering two low-price houses, well located in Exeter. Both have hydro and running water. Immediate possession. Why pay high rent? —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter, Ont. NEW HOME FOR SALE—Exe­ ter: Bright nicely decorated rooms. Fully insulated. Full basement with laundry facil­ ities. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. LARGE HOME—Exeter: Suitable for large family or keeping roomers. Modern conveniences. Building in good repair. Dou­ ble garage. Three extra lots. C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exe­ ter. CANN’S MILL LIMITED WHALENEXETER FOR SALE—Soft wood, $4 pet cord delivered. Furnace blocks $4.50 per cord delivered. Ap­ ply Walter Diebold, Dashwood, 3:10:17* FOR SALE'—‘Model’ll now home in Exeter, centrally located, fully insulated, easily heated, coal or oil furnace, 2 bed­ rooms, large living room, din­ ing room, kitchen and bath, hardwood floor throughout, full basement with recreation room. One owner, private sale. Phone 416-W. 3:10c FOR SALE—In Centralia, 12- rooth brick house and two acres of land with barn, Mrs. Field, Centralia, 3:10* A to part of Bend situate in the Township of Stephen, concerning the wish of the property owners into which county, Huron or Lambton, the Village of Grand Bend shall be incorporated.. * * Whereas the Bend is now the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron and partly sit­ uate in the Township of Bosan- quet in the County of Lambton and Whereas the Provincial Secre­ tary of the Province of Ontario has directed that a poll of the property owners of the Village of Grand Bend be taken to ascer­ tain from the said property own­ ers into which county, Huron or Lambton, the Village of Grand Bend shall be incorporated. Therefore be it enacted and it is hereby enacted that 1. A poll of the property own­ ers of that portion of the Village of Grand Bend situate in the Township of Stephen be taken on the question of whether they shall be incorporated in the County of Huron or the County of Lambton. 2. That F. W. Morloek, Clerk of the Township of Stephen, shall be the returning officer for conducting the said poll and Herbert Wainwright shall be his | poll 3. shall 6:00 _ the poll will be held in the Town Hall in the Village of Grand Bend, on Wednesday, May 16, 1951. 4. That the voters eligible to vote at the said poll shall be property owners only or those qualified to vote oh a money by­ law. This by-law shall force and effect on passing thereof. ALONZO McCANN, F. W. MORLOCK. * * Village of Grand situate partly in clerk. That the hours of voting be from 9:00 p.m. a.m. until Standard Time and come into the final REEVE CLERK 3:10c NOTICE—H etching to order only for late May and June chicks: Very limited number of started pullets; for delivery soon. Lakeview Poultry Farm and Hatchery Limited, Exeter. 3:10c WOULD THE PARTY who took the cooking utensils from the home of Bill Kessel in Cen­ tralia belonging to Mrs. Corrie O’Brien return same as party is known and avoid further trouble. Leave at home of Ray Snell, corner of James and Al­ bert Streets, Exeter. 3* NOTICE—Mrs. Alvin Wilier t, Dressmaking and Alterations, has moved to 15 Ann Street. Phone 351-W. 3c COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND Notice is hereby given that a list of the voters entitled to vote in the forthcoming election in the Village of Grand Bend on May 16, 1951, has been posted up in the post office at Grand Bend and that a Court of Revi­ sion of the Voters’ List will be held in the Grand Bend Hall on Monday, May 14, 1951, at 10:30 a.m. Electors are urged to examine the said list and govern them­ selves accordingly. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk of Stephen Township. Crediton, May 1, 1951 3:10c VILLAGE OF CREDITON Garbage Collection FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1951 No at May, VILLAGE OF CREDITON Dogs dog shall be allowed to run large during the months of June, July or August in ' each year I COOKS for work at and Grand Bend Experience preferred essential, Pay—$135. ‘ g al- per day in Apply Chief RCAF 3c REQUIRE Centralia Airports, but not per month plus travellin, lowance and .50 lieu of quarters. Administrative Officer, Station, Centralia. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of FELIX WILD, also known as FELIX WILDS, deceased, persons having claimsAll against the estate of Felix Wild, also known as Felix Wilds, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 11th day of April, 1949, are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, K.C., Solicitor of Exeter, Ontario, by the 19th day of May next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, K.C., Solicitor for Executrix, Exeter, Ontario. 3:10:17c In the Estates of MARY ANN CARLING and IDA MARIA CARLING, deceased All persons having against the estate of Carling of the Town claims Mary Ann of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 2nd day of April, 1948, and Ida Maria Carling, late .of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 12th day of April, 1951, are required to file parti­ culars of same with the under­ signed by the 19th day of May .next after which date the will be distributed, having only to those claims of notice has been received. WILLIAM H.’V. CARLING, % The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Windsor, Ont. ELMER D. BELL. K.C., I Solicitor for the Executor, Exeter, Ont. 3:10:17 i 1 estates regard which AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Home Furnishings in the < VILLAGE OF HENSALL on SATURDAY, MAY 5 ~at 1 p.m. Including a modern dining room suite: bedroom suite; ches­ terfield suite, like new; also rugs, blankets, electric washing machine, electric lamp, curtains, dishes, kitchen utensils. TERMS: Cash. PROP.: MRS. ELIZABETH CHESNEY AUCT.: HAROLD JACKSON CLERK; E. P. CHESNEY AUCTION SALE The undersigned has been au­ thorized to sell by public auction the following surplus machinery and stock on TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1:30 P.M. at 13, CON. 13, STEPHEN TP. 3 miles directly south of Dashwood the following: 1940 Ford panel truck; pulper; 1 2-furrow Massey plow; 1 4-foot Case com- LOT One root1 Harris bine; 1 set 5-section spring tooth harrows; 2 corn binders; 1 No. 4 Massey Harris grain binder; 1 grain roller; foot mower; side delivery pressor tank 1 buck rake; 1 farm trailer; trailer; 2 fresh cows; 2 yearling heifers; quantity chicken founts and feeders; hog troughs; and other articles too numerous to mention. This list of machinery has been all reconditioned and is in first class working condition. ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. MRS. H. PETERSON, DROP. 26:3c 1 dump rake; 1 5- 1 corn sheller; 1 rake; 1 air com- 1 hot water tank; 1 '-ton beet wagon; 1 26-ft. semi- HORSES WANTED—I am in the market horses up to want i Dow. ; for any of all kinds; 3 cents per bush horses, number of will pay lb. Also —G. J. l*tfe LIVING ACCOMMODATION for young couple in modern farm house, on highway between Crediton and Grand Bend. Wo­ man must be willing to .do housework. Good terms, Phone evening 164-r-14 Dashwood or apply to Times-Advocate. 3c 11 P" ■■ ■■ Brake Inspection P IJ P k With Every I I > Lb Lb Lubrication Job South End Service Phone 3S8 Exeter ■ R K Sunday and Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays, Wed­ nesday afternoons and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the 'week. Open this Sunday, Wed­ nesday afternoon, and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the week:—» SUNOCO Service Station H B For Wi reworm Control Dow’s Lindane CI.L. Benesan Available at: Jones, MacNaughton Seeds, Ltd. EXETER, ------ ONTARIO “Headquarters for All Agricultural Chemicals” forever/ Huron Lumber Co. Ltd.* Exeter Ontario t