HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-04-26, Page 9'■ THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 26, 1951 POP’S Huron County Womens Christ­ ian Temperance Union will be held in the Baptist Church, Gode­ rich, sometime in Muy. j Mrs. William Pollard and daughter of London visited, over the week-end with Mrs. George Gram and with Mr. and Mrs. J, B. McEwan. Taxi Service Phones: Exeter 357 and 545-r-3 HOUSE AND FARM Wiring Exeter Radio & Electric Phone 187AV Prop.: Don Jolly « -■ Malting Barley We are again contracting acreage The Canada Malting Company for SEED SUPPLIED — CONTACT US Hensall And District News Whitehorse Man Visits Friends Cpl. Jack Smith, of the RCAF, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith, of the Parr Line, and his grandmother, Mrs. Flora Consitt, of Hensall, hjs brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Hensall, and with his sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Cooper of Exeter. Jack some and some land, last. Whitehorse about May 6. two years last New Year’ that Jack left foi’ the Yukon and this is his first visit home. Mrs. Smith and family did not accom­ pany Jack here as he is taking a special course. Forty Years .Service Hensall and Hensall district friends extend hearty congratula­ tions to Miss Katie Scott, night operator of the Bell Telephone Staff, Hensall, on the grand re­ cord she has achieved. Fi period of forty years Miss has rendered faithful cient service to the wish her continued success. Perfect Score | At the Goderich flew from time in March Newfoundland. two weeks in arriving in Hensall Friday He expects to return to It is Day Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Phone 103 HENSALL, ONT. Nights 133 UNTIL Sani Flat Interior Gloss Brushes Moore’s House Paints Vtilac Enamel Dnlamel Semi-Gloss fl. io G.DO ,15-5.00 Gal, 7.25 8.35 0.75 SPECIAL 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL PAINTS APRIL 30 Paint Now Before Prices SPECIAL 25 Patterns Wallpapers Also 10% Discount on All Other Wallpaper BUY NOW AT LAST YEAR’S PRICES at 2 Rolls for Price of 1 Brown’s Hardware PHONE 113 HENSALL N a »■ I* Whitehorse to Ottawa He spent Newfound- and public health 'or a Scott effi- wlio and Gun Club weekly shoot, John Anderson, of Kippen, hit a perfect score of 25. This feature is particularly notable as it was shot on the 21 yard score sniper shot a second on the same handicap ed 23. A “Calcutta” held, with five Hedley House, top prize with (John Anderson i prize with 21. | William. Cooper 'lent scores.i'Tied For First ; At the Huron County Festival i of music held at Goderich Wed- ! nesday the double trio from Hensall Public School tied first (place with Blyth P.S. in the ; unison chorus Hensall P.S. plac- and in the 3. Hensall Rannie line, making a extemely difficult. 25 and perfect This birds scor- was alsoshoot men competing, Goderich, won a score of 22. gained second also made excel- ed , third with 79 chorus grades 1-2-and was third with 76. S. was music supervisor, solo 11 and under .Tean was third with SO marks, is a pupil of J. L. Nicol A.C.C.O. G. Girls vocal Henderson Jean 1 All Wool Shortie Coats The practical coat for men. All fully lined styled. Be sure to see Tudor’s, practical wo­ und smartly them now at Low as $18.95 TUDOR'S •Ladies’ Wear PHONE 70 Dry Goods HENSALL United W.M.S. Plan Quilting The meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church, held in the schoolroom of the church Thursday after­ noon, was presided over by Mrs. W. B. Cross. The society planned to make a quilt to be sent to a Quebec Indian reserve. It will be quilted at the May meeting. The topic, “Court of Opinion” considered these questions, (1) Is Japan’s desire for peace genu­ ine; (2) Is Japan like to adopt Communism; (3) Should Japan be permitted to increase trade with North America”; Is there a great future for Christian Church in Japan”. The following members assist­ ed Miss Consitt with the study, Mrs. Anna Walker, Mrs. A. Alex­ ander, Mrs. R. Paterson, Mrs. T. Coates. A voca-l duet was ren­ dered by Mrs. Coates and Mrs. P. Passmore. the (4) the Rochester Hearing Aids . Fitted and Sold at Middleton’s Drug Store Hensall Phone 20 SAVE LOW-PRICE BIG VALUE LONG-WEARING GOODYEAR The new low-price Marathon is an extra'- value tire with every feature you would expect in a guaranteed Goodyear a » • includ­ ing the famous center­ traction non-skid dia- mond tread. It’s a tire built to give you out­ standing mileage. As its name implies it runs . » . and Runs• ♦» and RUNS. ecmao In and! 6.00-16 OHLY Other sizes at equally low prices^ FRED W. HUXTABLE PHONE: 153-W Personal Items Dr. Medical Huron speaker the Chamber of Commerce to be held in the Council Chamber Monday, April 30. Mr. Earl Dick, of Cromarty, and his men have completed the foundation for the four-car gar­ age at the rear of the Fink Apartment Block. When the gar­ age is completed apartments will be built over it. The excavation for the $8,000 summer cottage at Grand Bend is completed. Employees of Mr. Fink left the first part of this week for Kin­ tail to install plumbing in the Presbyterian Camp there. At the bingo held in Legion Hall Saturday night, Mrs. Inez McEwan was the lucky winner of the door prize. No one has yet won the jack-pot. The Legion Ladies' Auxiliary sponsor these bingoes, and there prize and jack-pot day night. Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday with ter and son-in-law, J. L. Kathy, in Toronto, Miss Phyllis Dougall, who is attending Western University, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dougall. Miss Irma Kipfer of Toronto spent here. Mr, local busy man the past week handing out cigars. (It’s a hoy—-Michael Henry.) The many friends of Mrs. Alice Joynt will regret to learn she has been confined to her home with illness. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rennie and son of Seaforth visited on Sunday with Mr. and R. Dougall. Miss Bernice Jinks, training at Victoria London, spent the week-eml at hei' home. Miss Eleanor Cook, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, London, visited over the week­ end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mrs. Alice' Joynt, who has been ill for the past week or so, is recuperating at the home of her son Laird, in Toronto. Rev. R. H. Sanderson, of Lumsden, Sask., wintering here at the Presbyterian manse, will be guest minister at the United Church Sunday morning, April 29, at 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson, Toronto, are visiting with the former’s sister, Mrs. Flora Con­ sitt. Mr. Wilson, who is a retired police officer, is confined to his room with illness. Mrs. Catherine Devlin of Lon­ don spent a few days this week visiting with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Edna Corbett. Miss Betty iMickle of London spent a few days recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle. The Brethren of the I.O.O.F. Lodge and members of Amber Rebekah Lodge will attend Div­ ine Worship in Carmel Presby­ terian Church on Sunday even­ ing, May 13th with Rev. P. A. Ferguson in charge of the ser­ vice. Anniversary services will he held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday May 20th when Rev. R. J. MacMillan of Knox Presbyterian Church, Gode­ rich will be the guest speaker. Special music, will be presented by the choir under the leader­ ship of Mr. J. L. Nicol A.C.C.,0. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Horton, Jane and Bruce, Mrs. Peter Mc­ Naughton .and Robert spent the week-end at Newmarket visit­ ing with relatives there. Mrs. Emma MacDonald has re­ turned to her home here after spending the winter months in London. A demonstration of British Knit Articles was held at the home of Miss Jean McQueen on Monday evening and was well attended. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Aldis, Clinton, for will be guest R. M. Officer of Health County, at the April meeting of on is a door evesy Satur- George Hess their daugh- Mr. and Mrs. McCloy, and granddaughter the week-end at her home Harry Hoy,- well known resident, has been a very Mrs. W. nurse-in- Hospital, Hydro Line Being Erected Exeter linemen are erecting hydro poles at the rear of the business section this week, through to Highway No. 4 to give the required service to new buildings of the George E. Thompson Co., which is now under construction by the Camp­ bell Construction Co. of Ridge­ town and Blenheim. Legion Ladies Visit Stratford Members of the Hensall Lad­ ies Legion Auxiliary chartered a bus on Monday evening and at­ tended a meeting in the Legion Hall at Stratford which was at­ tended by 125 members from auxiliaries at Brussels, Blyth and Mitchell. Miss Dorothy Hoyle, Zone Secretary addressed the meeting and presented Mrs. Jes­ sie Betts, auxiliary for 23 years and president of the Stratford Auxiliary for 5 years with a merit medal, which is the high­ est award any members can re­ ceive. This was the first time any Auxiliary member had re­ ceived this award. Prizes were won during the evening as fol­ lows; mystery prize, Mrs. Gland­ ers. Stratford: lucky chair prize, Mrs. A. Clark, Hensall; saucer prize, Mrs. Philips of Blyth. Re­ freshments were served. Exchange Services With Clinton Rev. 0. H. Wilson and choir of 38 voices from Wesley-Willis United Church, Clinton, took charge of the morning service at the United Church. Rev. Wilson delivered a challenging message to the large congregation. The choir was under direction of M. R. Rennie, Mrs. Rennie at the organ console. Miss Doris Grier­ son presided gather with brief musical the service. For their anthems the choir rendered in fine voice, “Sing to the Lord a Glorious Song”. Solo­ ists were Mrs. J. Nediger, and I Miss V. Fraser; “What of the Night”, soloists Miss Nediger, and Mr. Irwin. A basket of love­ ly flowers on the communion* table were in memory of the late Mr. George Gram, placed there by members of the family. Rev. W. J. Rogers and choir of 35 voices took charge of the services at Wesley-Willis United i Church Sunday morning, April j 22, in an exchange of ministers; and tion the Lord”, soloist S. a male Messrs, Harrison, “.Just Outside the Door duet. sang Mrs. at the piano to- the organ for a period proceeding ! Spring Show Features Baby Contest, Draw Hensall Spring show will fea­ ture a baby contest and a free children's draw this year, The show will be held on Fri­ day, May 35. Entries have al­ ready been received from some of the horse and cattle entries. A school fair will be held in connection with the agricultural show and free tickets will be given to children, entitling them j to participate in a five dollar j draw. Ontario Hydro Chairman Ro­ bert Sanders will officially open the Hensall Spring Fair. ■« PELUNE: Cleaning Service • Rug Shampooing • I’pjholstery Cleaned t WaR Washing Work Rone on Premises by. Modern Machine Method FREE ESTIMATE JACK ELLIOTT SJSAFORTH ONTARIO Leave Your Name With The Times-Advocate 1 * fURn TURF See Our wide Selection of Modern Furnishing’s and Floorcoverings choirs. For their contribu-' the choir sang “Trust in!G. Rannie; 1 quartette composed of? S. Rannie, R. Mock. J. I J. Rowcliffe rendered a vocal i Journey”, was McEwan, and Miss Greta the organ con- Rannie directed “Pilgrim’s by Airs. H. R. Broderick. Lammie was at sole and S. G. the choir. The Cromarty posed of Mrs. Ross Houghton, Mrs. Bruce Arm­ strong, Wallace, Gordon burn, Cromarty, and Glen Young of Mitchell, and a group of time fiddlers from Cromarty compete at the Old-Time dlers’ Contest being held at ton this coming Friday April 27. Comedians coni- Ed Dick, Mrs. of Cromarty, Mrs. J. Seaforth; Don Scott, Houghton, Fred liar­ old- will Fid- Dut- evening, Kipp en East W.l. Makes Donations Mrs. hostess for the Kippen East W day afternoon, annual meeting William Alexander meetin; ■Id Wed being all ent P■ei ml dii election Bonthron Furniture PHONE 15 - J. Bonthron & Son , HENSALL “Where You Buy For Less”J For Mother On May 13 her famished pictwft $was g of nes- the an- fees. ■nt toi April T. he This ■11 Ci aym were offii was of j 'esc: ■s 1 r< I T >d •k Miss Gr ce Mrs. Tre- E. ■McLellan secretary, Mrs Stm and plac President meer; Vicec-presidents Whitehouse, Mrs. W. Mrs. R. M. Peel; William Caldwell, treasurer, Mrs. James McNaughton. It was disclosed at the meet­ ing that $10.00 -had been for­ warded to the Canadian Cancer Fund; $10. to the Red Cross; $10.00 to the War Memorial Children’s Hospital, London. Squares for the woolen throws were brought to the meeting and Mrs. Alex McGregor kindly offer­ ed to sew them together, to be forwarded to War Memorial Childrens Hospital. More Hensall News On Page 7 she holds close to of your picture on for your sittings today to be your portraits will be ready for her The gift the gift Arrange her heart Mother’s Day. sure day. NOTICE Studio Closed April 30, May 1 MEMBER PHOTOGRAPHER PHONE 343-W EXETER Wonder Bread manyour WONDER BAKERIES LIMITED cash prize . cash prize . cash prize . cash prize . Three $1000 monthly contests with cash prizes as follows 1st cash prize . 2nd cash prize . 3rd 4lh 5th 6th Ten prizes of « HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO WIN! $3000.°°*n Pr'zes 3 Monthly "Wonder” Contests Every month for 3 months, you have a chance to win one of these wonderful cash prizes. Here’s all you have to do! Complete the limerick below and send it with a wrapper from any Wonder Bakeries product, to any of the following addresses:— Limerick Contest, Wonder Bakeries Ltd., 2 Carlton St., London, Ont.; Wonder Bakeries Ltd., 70 Pattison St., Chatham, Ont.; Wonder Bakeries Ltd., 337 Salter Ave., Windsor, Ont.; Wonder Bakeries Ltd., 18 Princess Ave., St. Thomas, Ont.; or Wonder Bakeries Ltd., 129 Davis St., Sarnia, Ont. Send in as many entries as you wish—be sure to include a Wonder Bakeries product wrapper with each entry. Entries for current contest must be post-marked not later than Sunday Midnight, April 15th, 1951, when contest closes. Decision of the judges is final. All entries become the property of Wonder Bakeries Limited. Employees of Wonder Bakeries and their advertising agency are not eligible. Contest open to Ontario residents only. Be sure you address your envelope—Limerick Contest month $600.00 200.00 100.00 50.00 20.00 10.00 IT’S EASY! IT’S FUN! Just write the last line to complete this limerick. Said Jones, as lie took his third slice, This Wonder Bread’s certainly nice.” Said his wifie, "Quite true, And it’s nourishing, too