HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-04-26, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL M SHIPKA Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Baw- d©n and family of Windsor spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ratz, Mr. and ’Mrs. C. B. Sanders of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art w Finkbeiner. Mr. Georg Love has sold his general store to Mr. Angus of St. Marys," getting possession in May, Mr. Albert Keys, of Exeter, a former resident, is at present in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mi\ and. Mrs. Cliff Russell, Doug and Tommy attended the wedding of Cliff’s brother in Windsor on Saturday. •Mr. and Mrs, Archie Webb visited with Mr. and Mrs. Art Finkbeiner on Saturday. The regular meeting of the W.A. will be held on Thursday evening, May 3rd at the home of Mrs. Art Finkbeiner. Church PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev. JI. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. Thurs., 2:30 p.m.—W.M.C. Roll call. Confession, Speaker; Mrs. D. Peart. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.p.S. Speaker: Mr. S< Triebner, Sun., 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School, Last Sunday another great school. Come out next Sunday morning and make it better for your presence. Supt.: Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun., 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sun., 7:30 p.m.—The Power of the Spirit, Signs and Wonders. Evangelistic Message. ■".........,............ , , , -----—n Certified Seed Potatoes Get youi’ seed potatoes now and be ready for’ spring planting. $2.25 PER 75-LB. BAG Exeter District Co-Operative Phone 287-W Exeter CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Organist: Mrs, E2 Nixon, A.T.O.M. 11 a.m,—-Public Worship. 12:15 p.m,—Sunclay School. Wed., May 2, 8 pan.—Prayer Meeting in Caven Church. TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican —■ Rector: Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Organist: Robert Cameron Sunday, April 29— 10; 30 a.m.—Sunday School, 11:30 a.m.-—Holy Communion, W.A, Corporate Communion 7:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer All services Starndard Time ZION Evangelical United Brethren Orediton Rev* J. V. Dahms. Minister Sunday, April 29—Conference Sunday at Pembroke. Local services cancelled. Monday, April 30, 8 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. Thursday, May 3, 8:15 p.m.-— W.S.W.S. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren Dashwood Rev. J. Henry Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Conference Sunday, April 29— 10 a.m.—Morning Worship. Temperance Fed. speaker. 11:15 a.m.—Church School. Evening Service—Withdrawn. ST. JOHN-BY-THE-LAKE - Anglican - Episcopal Grand Bend, Ontario Rev. J. E. G, Houghton, Rector 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m. — Morning Prayer Holy Communion first Sunday of each month. A hearty welcome is extended to all. MAIN STREET UNITED KIRKTON Miss Sadie Anderson is a pa­ tient at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson and daughter, of Thamesford. were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Marshall, Little Miss Jean Doupe, of Science Hill spent part of this week with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Doupe. Mrs. William Ratcliffe, who has been a patient at Victoria Hospital, London, has returned, much improved. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin and sons George and Harold, visited with Mrs. Frank Prud- ham at Russelldale this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson and son Bev. of Sunshine spent ! Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs* Louis Fletcher. Some 14 members of the Kirk­ ton Parsonage Board met Mon­ day in the parsonage. They plan to do some re-decorating and re­ novate the bathroom. Mission Band The regular meeting of the Mission Band was held in the basement of the Kirkton United Church Wednesday afternoon. Rosemary Dobson opened the meeting with Call to Worship, (God loveth a cheerful giver). Roll Call was answered by 35 members. It was decided to send 10 packages of Crayolas for use in Vocation Schools this summer. Mrs, I. N. Marshall gave a talk on her trip to Florida. She had with her many articles, coconuts, cotton on pod, sea shells, snaps, and picturess. Muriel Switzer favoured with a piano instrumental. The meet­ ing closed with Prayer by Patsy Marshall. Page 7 Gleaned From Exeter District High School Home Economic; Students Tour Brescia Hall I some of their graduates have gone were explained to us, We were taken through the food lab< and through the girl’s dormitor­ ies. After oui* tour of the build­ ing we returned to the large sit­ tingroom where we were served a very dainty lunch. We spent a very lovely afternoon at Brescia and some of the girls are con­ sidering making Home Econo­ mics their lifetime career. By JOYCE HAUGH Saturday April 14, at 9:45 a.m. found an excited group of 23 girls under the supervision of the Home Economist Miss Leckie ready to embark on a new ex­ perience, We had been invited to attend "Open House” at Brescia Hall, Brescia Hall is the Home Economics department affiliated with the University of Western Ontario. Miss Leckie graduated from there as did our two pre­ vious Home Economists. Before attending, "Open Hou­ se” at Brescia, Miss Leckie ar­ ranged with the dietitian of Vic­ toria Hospital for ns to tour the classrooms and the main kitchen of the hospital in which are pre­ pared a total of about 9 000 meals each day. After a toUi* of the hospital we spent an hour and a half shopping and having our lunch. We met again at 1.30 to go to Brescia. Many Projects At Brescia we were greeted by the Mother who escorted us through ing room where we saw the projects completed students. These projects includ­ ed hand weaving, smocking, tie painting, costume designing and interior decorating. The different fields into which Evening Service One garage wRl be open in Exeter on Sunday^, Wed­ nesday afternoons and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the week, Open this Bunday, Wed­ nesday afternoon, and dur- ing the evenings through­ out the week:-— cordially Superior the sew- sojne Of by the USfD CMS PRICED & ‘Tftovef 1950 HILLMAN Minx 1950 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe-^Sedan 1949 PLYMOUTH Suburban 1948 CHEV Fleetline 1947 OLDS, Hydramatic 1939 FORD Coach 1935 DODGE Sedan I8-FOOT INBOARD MOTORBOAT Newton Motor Sales PHONE 216 EXETER WITH the soil-penetrating McCormick No. 10A disk, your Farmall Super-A Tractor with Touch-Control can make you 15 to 20 acres of deep, mellow seedbed in a 10-hour day. The Super-A has the wallop to power 40 to 80 acres in diversified crops—-completely, economically and with the greatest of ease. A complete line of matched, quick-change implements is what gives the Farmall Super-A its wide job range. Excess wheels, levers and pounds are engineered out. of these strong, modern implements. Changing from one implement to another takes only minutes, gains hours of profitable working time. And you command the Farmall Supef-A’s performance with effortless Farmall Touch-Control. With just a finger­ tip touch” on a tiny lever, you raise, lower and adjust all direct-connected implements. 2000 pounds of hydraulic power is always at youf command—to speed up your work arid farm without fatigue. Drop in for the complete story oh the Farmall Super-A. See this Farmall at work on your own farm Call us for a demdnsfration now. F. W. Huxtable PHONE 153-W EXETER Rev. Harry J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—"A Season for House Cleaning.” Anthem; "O Worship the King.” 12 noon—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—“The Second Mile.” Annual Church Parade of Odd­ fellow Lodges and Rebeccas. Anthem: "We Praise Thee O God.” Duet: "Come Unto Me”—Ger­ ald Skinner and Frank Wild- foifg. Quartette: Members of I.O.O.F. JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10 a.m,—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—"Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There Is Liberty.” Solo by Jean McDonald. Anthem toy choir. 7 p.m,-—"The Loans of Life.” Solo by Jeanette Taylor. Huron Presbyterial of W.M.S. will meet in James Street Church, on Friday, April 27, commencing at 9:30 a.m. The Board of Stewards will meet in the Sunday School room on Friday, May 11, S:30 p.m. CROMARTY Mrs. Nellie Balfour of Wind- soi* spent a few days with her mother, Mrs, D. Bruce, and her brothei’ and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bruce, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Robert­ son, Listowel, visited on Sunday with liis mother, Mrs. A. Robert­ son, and his brother, John. Miss Sarah McKellar and Mrs. Jessie Hamilton visited over the week-end in Seaforth with their brother, Malcolm, and Mrs. Mc­ Kellar. Mr. George Nichol, Toronto, visited during the week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright. Mrs. H. Moore, who lias spent several months with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. T. L. Scott, has gone to visit with her son at Lindsay. Mrs. M. Houghton visited friends in Hensail and Exeter on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott, Hough, David, John and Alec, spent the week-end with her ‘brother at Lindsay. - Miss Sarah McKellar held a very successful sale of Shorthorn cattle and farm implements on Wednesday. The annual meeting of Staffa Women’s Institute is being held on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. fT. Laing. First Confirmation Hensall District News At the May meetings of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary to be held in the Legion Hall Thurs­ day evening May 1, and at the Womens Institute meeting also to be held in the Legion Hall Wednesday May 9, Grant Web­ ber of the Frequency Standardi­ zation office in Seaforth will speak on the changeover to 60 cycle Power in this section of Ontario. Gordon Wren, Kippen, injured in a car crash 1% miles north of Kippen Monday April 2, and has been in Clinton hospital since with a serious concussion was taken to Victoria Hospital by Bonthron Ambulance Monday afternoon. At Victoria he will be X-rayed and possibly undergo surgery to relieve the pressure. Gordon only becomes conscious at brief intervals. Mr. Harold Dilling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling of Hen­ sall who has been teaching at Wyoming for the past three years was selected principal’s relief. Mr. Dilling was selected out of 142 applications. At the Hensall Stock Show Friday, May 25, at the Commun­ ity Park there will be a hog draw-for York Gilt valued at $100.00, donated by Elmer Web­ ster, Vafna. Mrs. E. Geiger who has been visiting at Whitby returned home Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Geig­ er will ldave for Whitby Wednes­ day of this week to visit With their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Geiger and family. Their son Ralph who re­ cently underwent a major opera­ tion in the general hospital at Oshawa expect to go to Toronto the end of this week for further x-rays in the interests of his health. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pater­ son motored to Toronto Sunday last to visit Rev. William Weir, at present a patient at Toronto General Hospital, recovering from a serious operation per­ formed two weeks ago, Mr. Weir who is stationed at Brampton was a former popular minister of Carmel Presbyterian ill Hensall. Mr, Weir’s many friends will be pleased to learn he is recovering nicely from his critical opera­ tion. Presentation Mr. Jack Tapp of Hensall who is leaving shortly to take up residence with his son Jim at Sarnia was presented with a gift from the employees of the Steele Brigg Co. in Hensall, Exchange Service On Sunday morning April 22, Rev. W. J. Rogers and Mr. Sam Rannie, choir leader of the Hen­ sall United Church, the choir and organist, Miss Greta Lammie A.T.C.M., exchanged service with Rev. Hugh Wilson. Mr. Milne Rannie choir leader of Wesley United Church, Clinton, the choir and organist, Mrs. Milne Ran­ nie. Rev. Rogers delivered an inspiring message at the service. The choir sang an anthem, "Trust in the Lord”. Mr. Sam Rannie soloist, a vocal duet "The Pilgram’s Journey was beautifully rendered. The evening service was with­ drawn at the Hensall United Church in order that a delega­ tion could attend service* in New St. James Presbyterian Church London, which has been newly decorated in a stone effect. Joint Farewell A joint farewell was given at the home of Mrs. F. Consitt, Tuesday evening April 24 for Mrs. E. Chesney and Mr. J. Tapp who are leaving shortly to make their respective home in Moose Jaw. Sask., and Sarnia, Ont. The evening was spent in con­ tests and cards after which each were presented with an appro­ priate gift. Miss Gladys Luker and Miss A. Consitt reading the presentations. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses. A good time was spent by all. At the duration of the evening Miss Jessie Bell presented Mrs, Ches­ ney with a beautiful bouquet of cut flowers. Ill in Hospital Mr. William Douglas, of Bruce- field is seriously ill in the gener­ al hospital, Stratford. The Hensall Chambei* of Com­ merce will meet in the Council Chamber of the town hall on Monday, April 30, at 8 o'clock. D.S.T, Dr. Aldis, of Clinton, will be the guest speaker. Lunch will be served. Every member is urg­ ed to be present. Daylight Saving will be ob­ served in Hensall, Sunday April 29 at midnight. Dwayne Tinney was awarded 82 marks in piano at the Huron County Music festival in Gode­ rich last week. Dwayne is a pu­ pil of -Miss Greta Lammie, JJr, and Mrs. Fitzgerald of London and three children, Peg­ gy, Joyce and Richard visited on Sunday with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Tinney on Queen Street, Held At St. John On Friday, April 20, the Right Reverend G, N. Luxton, Bishop of Huron was present in Grand Bend to confirm the first class of Confirmation candidates to be presented in the new Anglican Church of St. John's by-the-Iake. Assisting in the services were the Rector, the Reverend J. E. Houghton, and the L. Lewin, of Port Junior Choir of the the anthem, "Holy Us.” The following* candidates presented by the Rector; St. Paul’s Church Thedford, William Lionel MacDonald, Douglas Allan Rinker, and Mar­ garet Bertha Marie Jamieson; from St.. John’s by-the-lake, Grand Bend, Edna Jean Paul, Mrs. Kathleen Rivers, and Mrs. Elizabeth Cox. At the close of the service a reception was held in the Grand Bend Hall. The newly formed Guild and W.A. under the leadership of the president, Mrs. J. Witherspoon, were in charge of the arrangements. Tea was poured by Mrs. Eric Coultis, representing the Guild of St. Paul’s Chuch Thedford, and Mrs. Colin Scatcherd, representing St. John’s by-the-Iake, Grand Bend. Reverend F. Franks. The Church Spirit sang Hear were from NORTH END B-A Service Station Garment Storage Be safe! Store your winter garments early. Guard them against moth and warm weather damage. Store them in completely insured scientific storage vaults at Brady’s Sanitone Cleaners. Bring Them Direct to the Plant in Exeter or to One of Our District Agencies NOTHING TO PAY UNTIL GARMENTS ARE PICKED UP IN THE FALL DYERS & COLD STORAGE Phone 136 SANITONE Cleaners Exeter /!"■■" 1 ! L'.. . ' 1 ... Ladies* and Misses* Ready-to-Wear We have an exceptionally large stock of ready-to- wear dresses, coats, suits, blouses, skirts, sports­ wear, etc., for the spring and summer season at very moderate prices. Hundreds of girls’, ladies’ and misses’ dresses are now on our racks—to fit any type of figure. We feature, dresses for stouter women in half sizes. In figured and plain materials such as ny­ lons, pure silks, sheers, crepes, etc., in navy, black, and ajl pastel shades. Prices $8.95 to $23.95. We take care of alterations. Furnishings for the Home Curtains, curtain nets, draperies, floor coverings, Congowall, window blinds, Venetian blinds, drap­ ery track, curtain rods, swing cranes, rubber stair treads. Our prices are very reasonable. Plastic Curtains Complete stock of plastics and plastic curtains in stock. Ask to see our special plastic curtains at ......................................................................... $1.95 pair Chenille Bed Spreads Another shipment of these beautiful chenille bed spreads has arrived. Size 92”xl00”; pastel shades, also white in new designs. On sale at ....................... $9.85 each Nylon Hosiery The new shades are here for s u m m e r featuring Orient, Supersilk and Gotham Gold Stripe brands. Work Clothing We have a large stock of work pants, overalls, socks, shirts, etc., featur­ ing only well k n o w n brands. IK Superior Store Specials for April 26, 27, 28 ELLMARR PEANUT BUTTER Pure, wholesome; 16-oz. jars .. each 320 DOLE’S FRUIT COCKTAIL Fancy quality, 20-oz. tins ........ each 320 DEL MAIZ FANCY CREAM CORN A good brand; I5-oz. tins ...... each 150 HENLEY PRUNE PLUMS Choice quality, 15-oz. tins ...... 2 for 250 ENGLISH LAUNDRY SOAP (Phillip’s) A pure yellow soap, large bars 2 for 170 GUARDIOLA PINEAPPLE JUICE Cnsweenlened, 20-oz. tins ..... 2 for 250 Jones & May I i «