HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-04-26, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 26, 1951 Three Rebekah Lodges Meet To Hear Assembly Warden Pride of Huron Rebekah lodge | R«N.G. Mrs. Kay Cann was solo- was joined. by Edelweiss lodge, Seaforth and Amber lodge, Hen­ sall for the official visit of the assembly warden, Mrs. Carrie Cutler of Welland on April 18. It was also the official visit of the District Deputy President, Mrs. Mabie Nickerson of Clinton to the Exeter lodge. Over 100 Rebekahs attended a turkey banquet at Club Monet­ ta. Following the banquet, the meeting was held in the Legion Memorial hall. N. G. Mrs. Evelyn McBeth and the officers of Amber Lodge car­ ried out the opening ceremonies after which N.G. Miss Irene Sweet and the oficers of Pride of Huron lodge conducted the meet­ ing. The degree team of the Exe­ ter lodge with Mrs. Irene Brown as captain, conferred the Rebe­ kah degree on two candidates. 1st fox* the degree work. Assembly Warden, Mrs. Cut- lex’ commended the degree team for their work. She offered sug­ gestions for widening the scope of work of the lodge, mention­ ing especially the Odd Fellows Home at Barrie and asking each lodge to contribute to the hap­ piness of those who live there. At the conclusion of hex* message Mrs. Cutler was presented with a gift bj’ Warden Mrs. Gibson on behalf of the lodges represented. Others who spoke were Nickerson, Clinton, Miss Scott. Seaforth, O.G. of Rebekah Assembly and N.G. Mrs. Evelyn McBeth of Hensall. The meeting was closed by the officers of Edelweiss lodge, Seaforth. A social houi’ followed the meeting and refreshments were served. Gwen three Mrs. Jean Grand Bend W.l. Crediton W.l. Elects OfficersRaises $1,000 The Grand Bend Women’s In- Mrs. H. Schenk was in charge stitute^met^ in the town hall for ot- business portion of Crediton 15, ;Women>s institute meeting held ' in the Council Chambers. Secre- suceessful tary-treasurer Mrs. G. Zwicker raised for, gave the financial report and Children’s; Mrs. William Gaiser. District and other t Director, reported on the exeeu- tive meeting held in the Hensall Town Hall. Members were re- and minded of District Annual being Mrs. W. H, Love were appointed held in Elimville, May 29. Reports of standing commit­ tees were given and the nominat­ ing committee presented the slate of officers for 1951 and England conducted New officers retiring I Women’s Institute meetin: with Mrs. Edward Gill, the presi- L . _ ...... dent, in the chair. Reports showed a year with $1,001.67 hospitals (Exeter and Memorial in London i causes. Balance on $120.03. Mrs. Emerj- Desjardine hand is delegates to the conveners’ con­ ference to be held in Guelph in May. A solo was Mansel Mason ’ Webb at the reading from Verne Ridley, taken bj- Mrs. 1 “It’s loving : makes life worth living”, president, then took the chair, (Vice-president, Mrs. Ed Lamport, and Mrs. C. Chapman gave 7. i^rs' report of the nominating com­ mittee which resulted as follows, i Honorary old Walper; ward Gill; Herb Pfile, dine; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Chapman; assistant, Mrs. 1 ,uci Hamilton; branch directors, Mrs. (beiner -r, (Committee, Mrs. ----Ivener of Social J. Wade. Program was Mae'^Irs’ Wein when Mrs. Norman I Jacques of Kirkton presented a Tupperware plastic demonstra- 5 given by Mrs. with Mrs. Russell piano; scripture Matthew bj’ Mrs. The motto was Emerj' Desjardine, and giving that were president 19 52. Mrs. L. the election, installed bj’ Mrs. Schenk. Officers include: .Mrs. R. Motz; first dent, Mrs. L. Hodge; president, Mrs. Har­ president, Mrs. Ed- vice^presidents, Mrs. Mrs. Emerj' Desjar- =. C. Alex | Raymond Kading, Mrs. Max ( Turnbull, Mrs. Erie Finen; dist-l rict director, Mrs. Garnet Patter-! son; pianist, Mrs. Russell Webb, Mrs. Mansel Mason, Mrs. Max ‘ President, vice-presi- second , Mrs. Lloyd Lamport: assistant secretary­ treasurer, Mrs. P. Boulianne; (district director, Mrs. L. Eng­ land; alternate district director, |Mrs. G. Zwicker; auditors, Mrs. |S. King and Mrs, I. Finkbeiner; reporter, Mrs. J. Wade; pianist ^nd chorister, Mrs. E. M. Fahr- ;ner; assistant, Mrs. Ed Fink­ convener of Good Cheer M. Beaver; con- Committee, Mrs. Turnbull; auditors, Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Mansel Mason. Standing committee conveners are: Citizenship and Education, Mrs. Raymond Kading; Histori­ cal Research and Current Events, Mrs. Harold Walper: Community- Activities and Public Relations, Mrs. Lloyd Walper, Mrs. Henry' Devine, Mrs. W. H. Love; Agri­ culture and Canadian Industries. This Is The Longest Bargain Counter In Town FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE LOST FEMALE HELP WANTED ti 4? -r FOR SALE—-Green rug 6’9 by 9, in good condition. Apply The Times-Advocate. 26c FOR SALE—Strong, well-grown strawberry plants — Dunlop, Premier, Eacrett, Fairfax, Ap­ ply to Mrs. Emalie Carter, on highway third house south of South End Service, Exeter, 12:26:3* SEED POTATOES for sale—The new Canns and Netted Gem. Foundation A. Also Cobblers. —R. E. Pooley, phone 3 8 6-J Exeter. 26e REG. TB-TESTED Hereford bulls serviceable age. Two Elginfield and No. 4 highway, Benfield, Ont., 27-r-15. 26* nearing roads south of mile east of Ernie O’Neil, phone Granton COMPRESSED AIR sprayer galv. steel with .pump, short hose 3 gal. 2’ extension rod, brass nozzle, automatic shutoff, con­ tinuous spray—$5.00. Used 1 season. 45-gal oil drum with tap in end. Filling hole on side, $2. Apply evenings to E. C. Apple­ ton, Huron St. 2 6* FOR SALE—1950 Studebaker, A ton pick-up truck used verj' little. $1,400 cash. Applj’ Hill­ side Cabins, Grand Bend. Phone 43-r-15. 26* FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE — Black team of Pereher on mares, 7 and 8 years old, well mated and verj’ quiet. Frank Taylor, phone 138 Exeter. 2 6c FOR SALE—11 weaners feeding- at trough, really wonderful stuff if looking for pigs. —- Jonathan Hugill, Highway 8, between Clinton and Seaforth. Phone Seaforth 66 7-r-6. 26c FOR SALE—Baby’s steel crib w i t h spring - filled mattress, chesterfield suite, Servel elec­ tric frig, oil burner with elec­ tric fan for kitchen stove. Reason for selling, leaving town. Mrs. Loree, S.W. corner of East Huron and Edward Streets. 2 6c FOR SALE—19 39 Pontiac in ex­ cellent condition; reasonable. Phone 366-R. 2 6c FOR SALE—C oh co r n ; also some good quality hay, alfalfa and timothy. Alvin Gingerich, phone 90-r-6 Zurich. 26:3c presided over by tion. Miss Ruth Swartz favoured the meeting with a vocal solo. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. A. Wein, Mrs. C. Pratt, beiner and Mrs. Mrs. L. Wein, Mrs. E. : H. Gelinas. * « Village trustees have WINCHELSEA The euchre club of this com­ munity held a social evening in Elimville hall on Friday evening when the presentation of a ches­| terfield cushion and a collapsible chair was made to Mr. Charlie I . —___ ____ ....... Mrs. Carlyle Taylor; Home Econ-iDaylight Saving Time omies, Mrs. Raj' Patterson; [menee here at midnight Health, Mrs. W. F. B, McLaren; April 29. Hospitalization, Mrs. Don Hen­ drick. There is to be a penny sale held at the May meeting, lovely hand-made articles on displaj' at the lunch which was served by Mrs. Wilson, Harold Ridley. Mrs. Sam Hendrick, Walper and Mrs. Many were hour Fred , Mrs. Verne BUNDLES of old papers, 10<J each. Exeter Times - Advocate. 2tf* HOTPOINT REFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC STOVES WASHING MACHINES at the Old Price John Tomlinson Phone Kirkton WOODHAM and Misses Beatrice and Dora Delbridge. Mr. Ted Poolej' of Exeter gave a very interesting account of his and Mrs. Poolejr’s recent trip to England. Lunch was then served by the commit­ tee in charge. Mrs. Ivan Brock and Margaret accompanied Mrs. M. Dobbs and Mrs. Cliff Brock and boys of Elimville for a week-end with relatives at Glencairn. Mr. Harold Denham of laceburg spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. A number from this commun­ ity attended the public speaking contest at Thames Road church . .on Fridaj’ evening for the pupilsiGariieia. RRl. jot Usborne Township schools. Mr. William King and son The shield was awarded to Win- Bruce of Chicago spent the week- chelsea school and Miss Grace l'end with Mr. and Mrs. A. King. jRoutly and Master Bobby Woods j Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Robert-.were each awarded a silver cup. json and Anne of London visited I Misses Donna Gilfillan, Marion j over the week-end with Mr. andjcreery, Mary Skinner and Mas- plrs. Edwin Beaver. cter Edward Skinnei* were each I Mr. and Mrs. William Woodall presented with a book. and Judj' of Windsor visited: ^lr. Clarence Ford of Kitch- j during the week-end with Mr. ,ener spent the week-end with his ;and Mrs. Joseph Woodall. Mr. 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Elgin Woodall, Joseph and Kath-jFord.ryn of Royal Oak. Mich., spent1 Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elford of I Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. .’Elimville visited on Sunday with (Woodall. |Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake. Miss Clara Gaiser o’f Grand' .*^r’ and ^Jrs’ iBend spent the week-end with -happen spent Sunday with Mr. jher father, Mr. John Gaiser. We are s . I . ‘ (Albert Kestle does not improve ’in health and is now confined to ■his bed. declared to com- Sunday, Mrs. Reid of Wingham, who has been visiting at the United Church manse with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. W. Parrott, and Rev. Parrott, was taken ill last week and removed to Wingham Hos­ pital. Mrs. days with I ham. j Mr, andI London visited recentlj' with the jformer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parrott spent several her mother in Wing- Mrs. Douglas Hill of ■ M1 FOR SALE—’34 Pontiac Coach, good running condition and rubber, $200.00. M. J. Leger, Crediton East. 26tfc FOR SALE—1949 Chevrolet Coach, black, privately owned. Call Crediton 45-J. 26c FOR SALE—Have an unlimited quantity of barn fertilizer, $5 per spreader load. —G. J. Dow, 5tfc FOR SALE—Three-drum steel land roller-; % -ton pickup truck. Lloyd Reynolds, phone 177-r-4 Exeter. 26c LOST—T6x6.00 tire and wheel on Huron Street. Finder call Lang’s Garage, phone 72 Exe­ ter. 26c FOR SALE—One Massey Harris 13-hoe grain drill, in first class condition. —Horace Del- bridge, phone 14-13 Kirkton. 12:19:26* FOR SALE—3-piece chesterfield suite, oil burner and men’s bicycle. All in good condition. Tel. 159-R. 26* LOST — Man’s gabardine brown overcoat, nearly new, large size, has been exchanged 'by mistake in Church of God, Grand Bend, Saturday evening, April 14, Please notifj’ or call Rev. Glen Beach, phone 42-r-5 Grand Bend, 26c FEMALE HELP WANTED—Re­ quires knowledge of bookkeep­ ing, must be accurate in fig­ ures, Apply in person to Geo. T. Mickle nnd Sons Ltd.,, or call 103 Kensall. life WANTED—Reliable girl or wo­ man to mind two small child­ ren by the day. Phone Exeter 409-M. 29c Y WEDDING CAKE BOXES—Good quality. Per dozen, §1.00. — Exeter Times-Advocate. 2tf* FOR SALE—9-ft. Massey Harris stiff tooth cultivator with power lift. Apply Russell Mor­ ley, phone 176-r-12 Exeter. 26* WANTED FOR SALE—Two purebred dual purpose Shorthorn bulls. Wes­ ley Johns & Son, R. 1, Wood­ ham, phone Kirkton 44-r-10. 19:26* ’4 9 FORD CUSTOM radio, sunvisor, guaranteed. This new. Enquire at Walper. 4-door sedan, low mileage car is like McKnight & 26* WANTED—-$2500 first mortgage on 15 0 acres for three years time. Apply Box “R”, Times- Advocate. 26* WE ARE kitchen ferred, Also in waitress, phone 88-R. STILL looking for a woman, married pre­ hours 9:30 to 3:00, b' desperate need of a — Monetta Menard, 26c WANTED—Female waitress, re­ liable person. Apply Kether’s Coffee Shop. 26c 1 FOR SALE—T i m o t h y seed, clean, and priced right. Apply Blackwell Bros., Hensail, tele­ phone SS-r-8 Zurich (Parr Line). 26c ELECTRIC STOVE — 4-burner rangette, white enamel in first class condition. Enquire at McKnight & Walper. 26* DUTCH WOMAN wants house­ work, Please write Mrs, Dries^e, R.R. 1, Kirkton, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS > FOR SALE—1949 Ford Coach, beautifully kept, mechanically like new, undercoated, slip covers, special wheel caps, first owner. —Wm. Oestricher, 12-J Crediton. 19tfn FOR SALE—16 ft. culvert, heavy plate. Phone 423 Exeter. Exe­ ter Salvage Co. 26c WANTED—$7,000 on first mort­ gage, well secured. Good in­ terest. Required for expan­ sion. Box J. Times-Advocate, 26* MALE HELP WANTED WANTED—Cups and saucers of Bridal Rose Pattern Austrian china, Apply Box "H”, Times- Advocate. 26* SERVICE for your present car or a new Dodge automobile or truck. Both are obtainable simply by calling Hensall 31. SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 5 2 7-J. 30 tfe V > Y FOR SALE—Ten small chunks, eight weeks old. Harold Dig- nan, R.R. 2. Hensail, phone Zurich 91-r-lS. 26* FOR SALE—‘29 Model A Coupe, recently overhauled. A p ply: Bert Bissett, telephone 4S5-R Exeter. 2 6* FOR SALE—Coleman e n a m e 1 Consul gas stove range, built- in oven. First class condition. Apply Times-Advocate or tele­ phone 69 2-r-2 Hensail. 26:3c FOR SALE—Clothes reel and stand. Phone 53 0-W Exeter. 26c FOR SALE — Marquisette criss­ cross curtains for double win­ dows, in good condition. Tele­ phone 6S-W. 26c FOR SALE—Hay, 300 bales, second cutting. Harold Clarke, phone 37-r-21 Kirkton. 26* FOR SALE—’4 6 Cliev Sedan in excellent condition; *40 Chev Coach in good condition. Apply Broderick Bros., phone 277. 26* LAST CHANCE for molasses and beet pulp. Get your re­ quirements now. Cann’s Mills, Exeter, 26c FOR SALE—Coleman gas cook stove in excellent condition. — Fink’s Meat Market. 26* visit Wal- with and Mrs. George Kellett, Mr. and Mrs. Harold O’Briensorry to report Mr. of tjle gase Line spent Tuesdav Io none’ tt rtr fhi'ntmfvtra . . _ ___ ... *evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry ! Armstrong. A LOCAL WATKINS Dealership is open for a reliable man, be­ tween 25 and 55, owning car or light truck. No capital or experience required, Perman­ ent and profitable connection for right party. Write Dept. O-E-6, The J. R. Watkins Company, 350 St. Roche St., Montreal, Que. 26c WANTED — By ent; Ride to about middle fer’s licence; peases. —Phone Paul Webb, Parkhill 2 or London Metcalfe 6447. 19:26:3c university stud- Weyburn, Sask., of May; chauf- will share ex- WANTED—Roomers or boarders. Applj’ Times-Advocate. 19;26* ■ Mrs. Maynard Margison Bobby of London visited Mrs. Ed. Johns last week. and with BABY CHICKS KEEP ’EM ROLLING Keep those silver cart wheels rolling. Hundreds given away every day. Brand New 1951 sil­ ver dollars free with ers, feed, remedies raising eqipment. Come in and get NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES London, Ontario. chick ord- and chick yours. SILVER DOLLAR WEEK Neuhausel’ Sliver Dollar Week is in full swing—Saturday, April 2S, is the last day to get free silver dollars. Everybody is after them—Brand new silver dollars —Come in and place your order and get some. Free ones given away with feed ordrs too. Also remedies and chick raising equip­ ment. Come in and get yours. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, London, Ontario. FOR RENT FOR SALE—1949 Chevrolet Coach, black, privatelj' owned. Call Crediton 45-J. 26* Why have MOTH DAMAGE? 5- year written guarantee with Berlou against moth damage on rugs, chesterfields and clothing. Free estimates. — Dinney Furniture, phone 20-W Sctfn APT. FOR RENT—One bedroom, living room, full kitchen, bath. Heated and furnished. Apply Traquair Apts., phone 205-W. 26c I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow. phone 83 Exeter. l*tfe PAINTING and paperhanging, kitchen cupboards and cab­ inets. Tom Walker, Exeter, phone 553. tfe * Daylight Saving Daylight Saving Time will come into effect in Exeter — at — Midnight Sunday, April 29 and will remain in effect until MIDNIGHT, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1951 All Citizens Are Requested to Govern Themselves Accordingly & W. TUCKEY, MAYOR 'As Easy As Renting ■I am in the for any number of of all kinds; will pay 3 cents per lb. Also bush horses. —G. J. l*tfc HORSES WANTED- market horses up to want Dow. REAL ESTATE HOUSES FOR SALE — Owner transferred and offers his fine brick duplex in Exeter for 3 rooms and three piece up. 5 rooms and four bath down. Full base- and forced air heating, believe this to be a value at $8,500. For full sale, bath piece ment We good information "tall or write, Met. 99 26, Evenings, Met. 7713. W. J. Walkom, Realtor. 6 82 Dun­ das St., London. 26c RESORT PROPERTM for sale— Oakwood Park, nice cottage, well furnished, good location, hydro, running water, terms or cash. Herman M. Gill, Real Estate, Grand Bend, Ont. 2 6c i i FOR SALE—Service Station and booth near Exeter. Yearly lease, low rent. Sold 44,000 gals, in 19 50. Living quarters suitable for young couple. Low price, stock at invoice. Posses­ sion now. Phone Exeter 178-r- 23. 26* Garden and lots PLOWED and CULTIVATED in vicinity of Dashwood and Exeter. Wood for sale. Custom chain saw­ work. Phone Dashwood 35-1-2. 19:26:3:19* Y r > AUCTION SALES > FOR SALE—3-ton Dodge truck with hydraulic hoist, 7x12 rack two-speed axle; 8.25 tires. Also adjustable two - furrow tractor plow in read good con­ dition. Jim Miller, phone Kirk­ ton 22-1--9. 26* FOR RENT—Freshly decorated, heated, 3-room apartment, all modern conveniences, hot and cold water, garage, basement, garden, laundry, private en­ trance. W. C. F. Oestreicher, Crediton. 2 6tfc FOR SALE—Coal business for sale at once. Applj’ to Marshall McFalls, Lucan. 26c FOR SALE—Building lot in nice neighbourhood, reasonable. — Apply to J. W. Powell, Vic­ toria Street. 22ctfn FOR SALE—Cob corn, $40.00 per ton. This corn was well ripened in the field, cheapest feed you can buy. Norman Mitchell, Centralia. 26c HOUSE FOR RENT—Six room cement block house. On 4th Con. of McGillivray, 5 Vs miles south of Airport. Applj' to Mrs. Albert Morgan, R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig; Parkhill 602-r-15. 26:3* TOURIST CAMP for room house. 3 winterized cabins, store with living Hydro and water throughout. Close to R.C.A.F. Station and Grand Bend. Year round busi­ ness. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. sale—Six- three-room 1 small quarters. FOR SALE—G u r n e y electric. Save $90 on this practically new' table top range. Sink and taps. —9 54 Dufferin Ave.. London. Phone Fair. 9 467-W. 26* PASTURE LAND for rent, or sale —-North half Lot 27, and Lot 28, Con. S, Haj’ Township. Lots 11, 12, 13, Con. 7, Hay Township. Good fences and lots of water. —Fred Walden, Forest, phone Thedford 14 4-F. 26* FOR SALE—Two bedroom cot­ tage, complete bath, furance and hardwood floors. R. E. Balkwill. Sctfn FOR SALE—Enamelled range, coal or wood. Oil burning space heater. Both practically new. —R. D. Hunter, Exeter, phone 150-W. 26* iFOR SALE—Y o u n g Shorthorn bull, choicest breeding, and outstanding individuality. Wil­ liam Oestricher, Crediton 12-J 12ctfn FOR SALE—H ayes aluminum house trailer, fully equipped, sleeps 4. Phone 540-r-4, Mrs. H. Stock, Centralia. .26:3* A Safety Deposit Box7! Would it surprise you to hear someone say that? Have safety deposit boxes seemed to you rather out-of-the-way things, complicated to rent and not for everybody’s use? In fact, though, renting a safety deposit box is very simple. You just drop into your local branch of the Bank of Montreal and ask for Duke Hall, the ac­ countant. He’ll be very happy to make over a box to you. Sign your name, turn the key, and you have your strong box in And there’s safety deposit ter branch of cost you only less than two your bonds or important papers and jewellery in it. You’ll be giving them the finest protec­ tion money can buy, and getting yourself a solid -chunk of year- long peace of mind. (adv’t) own personal the bank’s Vaults, another thing. A box at the Exe- the B of M will $5 a year--that's cents a day. Store NOTICES EXETER NORTH. 4-room house with partial basement, built-in cupboards, sink, town water, garage, barn. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 11:18:25c i |____________________ _ !FOR SALE—Privately owned 1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-door Sedan, low mileage, radio, heater and seat covers. Car in good condition. Phone 194-M Exeter. 26c TOWNSHIP DUMP Notice to all residents of the Township of Stephen that per­ mission' is hereby given to dump all garbage at the Township Dump in the swale Concession. Anyone dumping private property roads will be prosecuted. By Order of the Council 12:19:26c on the 4th garbage on or township FOR SALE—’36 V-8 Ford Coach, new tires and brakes, $300.00. Robert Marriage, phone 3 40-J. 26c McGillivray twp. dump The Township of McGillivray has provided a dumping ground between West McGillivray and Lieury on the County road. Dump marked by signs. Anyone road town- found dumping refuse on sides or elsewhere in the ship will be prosecuted, A. D. STEEPER Road Superintendent 26c VILLAGE OF CREWTON Two Used Washers, both overhauled Two Rangettes Electric Range All in Good Shape R. E. .Phone 109 Exeter No dog shall be allowed to run at large during the months of May, June, July or August in each year VILLAGE OF CREDITON Daylight Saving Time will come into effect at midnight SUNDAY, APHID, 29, 1951 6-ROOM, lj-storey brick house. 3 bedrooms, 3-pce. bath, fur­ nace, hot and cold water, hydro. Barn, henhouse and more than one acre land. W. C. Pearce, Realtor,. BRICK HOUSE, hall, spacious living and dining rooms have hardwoood floors, den, kitchen on main bedrooms and upstairs. heater, hot air furnace. Attic insulated. Attached garage. This is one of those houses well built from basement to rOof, mostly in good condition. Suitable for a family desiring space for nice furniture, It could be duplexed. —-W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. floor, four roomy 3-piece bath Automatic water LOW-PRICE HOUSES—We are offering two low-price houses, well located in Exeter. Both have hydro and running water. Immediate possession. Why pay high rent? —O. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter, Ont. NEW HOME FOR SALE—Exe­ ter: Bright nicely decorated rooms. Fully insulated. Full basement with laundry facil- ! ities. C. v tx*^*-* Main St. V. Pickard, Realtor) Exeter. LARGE HOME—Exeter: Suitable for large family or keeping roomers. Modern conveniences. Building in good repair, ble garage. Three extra C. V, Pickard, Main St., ter, Lou- lOts. Exe- Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Household Effects in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 2S at 1:30 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Real estate property consists of seven lots, South Boundary, *Hay Township; 1^ acres of land; has frame house with summer kitchen and covered with asphalt frame supply, woodshed, shingles, a good sized barn; excellent water best of garden land, and in gocd location. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 3© days, when possession will toe­ given. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Con­ sisting of: Banner range in good condition; kitchen stove; coal oil heater; electric 2-burner hot­ plate, like new; square top din­ ing room extension table; 6 din­ ing room leather seat chairs; round solid oak dining room table, with 6 dining room chairs to match; kitchen table; 6 kit­ chen chairs; kitchen cabinet; 2 phonographs with records; large hall mirror with beautiful frame; 6 good oak rocking chairs; ham­ mock; library table; 3 oak cen­ tre tables; various fern stands; chest of drawers; bureau; glass cupboard; 2 wash stands; kit­ chen sink; antique folding bed; complete 3-piece bedroom suite; 2 steel beds springs and mat­ tress; 2 single beds, springs and mattress; 2 commodes; various dressers; electric lamps; coal oil lamps; washing machine; galv. tubs; toilet set; small mix­ rows; beautiful hand painted, pictures and frames; paper rack; 3 leather suitcases, like new; ironing board; odd dishes; some antiques; various jardineers; large assortment of sealers; glassware; silverware; kitchen utensils; blankets; quilts; pil­ lows; ladders; saws; onion scuf­ fle?; various garden tools; quan­ tity of cord wood and coal; and many articles too numerous io mention. TERMS: Cash. EMMA STATTON, EXECUTRIX of the estate of late Felix Wilds MILFORD MERNER, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. _______________________19:26ft AUCTION SALE' The undersigned has been au­ thorized to sell by public auction the following surplus machinery and stock on TUESDAY, MAY S, 1:30 P.M. at 13, CON. 13, STEPHEN TP. 3 miles directly south of Dashwood * the : 1940 . pulper i plow; 1 set 5 LOT Ir y > * I Y ♦ i 1 r r $ > « < > r i r k % > following: Ford panel truck; ; 1 2-furrow Massey 1 4-foot Case com- section spring tooth ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 No. 11 dump rake; 1 5- 1 corn sheller; 1 rake; 1 air com- 1 hot water tank; 1 ’-toil beet wagon; 1 26-ft. semi- 2 fresh cows; 2 yearling quantity chicken founts hog troughs; and One root Harris bine; : harrows; 2 corn hinders;" 1 4 Massey Harris grain binder grain roller; foot mower; side delivery pressor tank 1 buck rake; 1 farm trailer trailer; heifers. and feeders; hog troughs; L_ other articles too numerous to mention. This list of machinery has been all reconditioned and is in first class working condition. ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. MRS, H. PETERSON, PROP. 26:3c 1 < * > < ■*