HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-04-26, Page 3THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 26, 1951 Page 3 District Men Attend Tractor Service School Tractor owners will be inter­ ested to know that tractor ser­ vice mechanics from this dis­ trict recently attended one of the Oliver tractoi* general ser­ vice schools held throughout On­ tario this winter by Goodison In­ dustries Limited, Sarnia. The courses, were conducted by fac­ tory trained instructors and dealt with every phase of tractor re­ pairs and maintenance, Those who attended from here are Har­ ris West of Centralia and Ken Sholdie© of Centralia. HARPLEY Mrs. Ed (Hll, Mrs. William Love and Mrs. Coleh* Love at­ tended the funeral in St. Marys on Friday of their aunt, Mrs. William Ridley. Miss Anna McGregor and Mrs. Charlie McGregor of Mollard line called on Mrs. J. Ridley on their way to a quilting at Mrs. Tom Desjardine’s on Thui’sday after-noon. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Ridley and Mr. and Mrs. Langford Ridley of Parkfiill attended the Ridley funeral in St. Marys on Friday. Mrs, J ack Ridley helped at the quilting at Mrs. Tom Des jar­ bine’s on Tuesday after-noon. •Miss Anna Hodgins of Mol­ lard line spent Sunday with friends at Blythe. River Authority To Develop Beauty Spot Near Arkona M »> This Fun To with the Reo Runabout power lawnmower puts ease into cutting the grass. It’s sturdily built and has many advantages that will make you realize that RbX) is the best. — See It At Exeter District Co-Operative Phone 287-W Exeter B Business Directory Development of Rock Glen, a parklike area near Arkona with a 30-foot waterfall and ri pictur­ esque gorge strewn with, fossils and miniature rapids is finally becoming a reality. The spot has been long considered one of na­ tural beauty spots of Western Ontario but has been undevelop­ ed. The Ausable River Authority plans to buy it from private own­ ers and make it a public park. Local groups have begun im­ proving the spot and a Univer­ sity of Western Ontario profess­ or and park planning expert have pledged assistance. Potential Park The gorge is a geological curio known the work over and is po­ tentially a beautifull park, ac­ cording to Dr. Pleva, U.W.O. At present the gorge offers 'a hard and possibly dangerous climb to 'the bottom, Keen fishers and adventurous liolidayers and scientists make the climb and sometimes follow the half-mile gorge to the Ausable River, A scenic area at the head of the 30-foot waterfall is easily acces­ sible. The gorge is formed by Rock Glen (geek, a small creek empties into the Ausable It meanders quietly through and pastures until it is belt a mile from the river. Then it enters a small wooded area and suddenly plummets over a 30-foot rock precipice. From there to the river it crashes through a rockstrewn gorge in miniature falls and rapids. It drops 50 feet through the wood­ ed gorge in a half a mile. Many Visitors The Ausable Authority claims it is second in the shed only to Lake Huron es for attracting visitors. which River, fields about Report water- beach- I At its last full meeting the Authority formed a parks and recreation board with C. 12. Janes, ML A for East Lamb ton as chairman. The board will inves­ tigate possibilities of parks re- cocmmended throughout the watershed by the Authority’s 1949 report. It was suggested at a recent meeting that thority buy 10 acres Rock Glen as a start. The report calls, for acre park in the Ausable gorge" with Rock Glen as use area. iMany American learned about the Government tourist pamphlet have gone away disappointed at the lack of development, said C. V. Blatchford who lives by the gorge. "We would like to get started this summer,” Mr. Janes said. "I’ll do all in my power to get something done at Rock Glen." ikcinic Grounds Arkona Lions Club last year built picinic tables and benches in the small park at the head of the waterfall and sprayed poison ivy in the glen. This year they plan to lay out a ball diamond and hope sometime to put up swings and barbeque pits. They have asked Dr. Pleva to help plan a park there. He hopes to visit the glen within the next few weeks with G. A. Connor planning expert for the park area at Fanshawe. A small lake used for boating fishing and swimming was once formed on the Ausable River by a dam upstream from Rock Glen Creek. One end has been blasted from the dam to allow fish through. The Authority has re­ commended a dam be built in the area as a conservation mea­ sure. Mrs, Lome Hicks the week-end with a the Au- arpund a 340- an intensive tourists who spot from a CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Urban Ptile of Dashwood, Mr. Simon Grab, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love and Arlene of Exeter and Mrs. Damrow, Kinde, Mich., were dinner' guests with Mr, and Mrs. Ken Greb one evening last week. Mr. and visited over air. and Mrs. 0. Pollock in Rip­ ley. Mrs. <E. Knight returned to lier home recently after spending the winter with her daughter and son-in-law in Guelph. The Minstrel Show, that was to have been put on in Crediton on April 27, in support of the Film Committee, has been post­ poned for one week because of death in the family of one of the cast. ' A rural community service will be held in the church on Sunday morning. This service should be of special interest to all farmers and the pastoi’ in­ vites everyone to attend. The ser­ vice will be at 10:30 a.m. Stan­ dard Time. W.M.S. ladies are reminded of the Presbyterial meeting in the James Street Church, Exeter, Friday of this week. There will be choir practice the church on Friday evening this week in preparation of the Mothers’ Day service. The music for this service is to be provided by a fathers’ choir. on in of Income Tax - Bookkeeping Careful Attention Given to Your Tax Problems J. Norman Cowan Sarepta Hay P.O., Ont*Dashwood 40-r-13 "KING OF PAIN" 1-31 When rheumatic pain gets you down, here’s the quick way to get relief. /7/I, Rub in soothing Minard’s Liniment. Is it good ? Jest try it, you’ll see! RHEUMATIC PAIN? do3jobsinI DR. H. H.- COWEN • L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Bus. 36-W - Phone - Res. 36-J E. F. CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich 5)2-r-7 Public School DR. J. W. CORBETT ARTHUR FRASER post scripts L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building Phone 273 INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 By MRS. R. D. JERMYN Parents Wish They Were Back At School Exeter ELMER D. BELL, K.C. ' BARRISTER & SOLICITOR FRANK TAYLOR LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER, ONTARIO Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Exeter P.O. or Ring 138 W. G. COCHRANE, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR EXETER, ONTARIO At Hensail, Friday, 2 to 5 p.m. WM. H. SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special Training Assures You Tour Property’s True Value Sale Day of on Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed OTtEDITON P.O. or PHONE 43-3 ALVIN WALPER LICENCED AUCTIONEER for HURON AND LAMBTON For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times “Service that Satisfies’’ PHONE 57-r-2 DASHWOOD For JOHN W. ORCHARD OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Appointments Phone 355-J have that ser- USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Milton McCurdy R.R. 1 Kirkton Vice-President Wm. A. Hamilton Directors Harry Coates E. Clayton Colquhoun Science Hill Martin Feeney Angus Sinclair Agents Ballantyne Woodham Harris Houghton Solicitor W. G. Cochrane Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter Cromarty Centralia R.R. 1 R.R. R.R. 2 Dublin 1 Mitchell BRICK STONE COLONIAL SHAKESHamilton Scarlett’s sym- who loss arid Miss Scarlett, died suddenly last Gertrude in Miss with BARRETT INSULATED SIDINGS Rena Murray and Shirley Ander­ son. At this time, the staff student body extend our pathy to two staff members have recently suffered the of a parent—-Mrs. Porter, whose mother passed away in Easter holidays, whose father Friday. Mrs. is supplying absence. When the the . new sidewalks school left with the mixer their tools, a small sandpile left behind. This has been haven for many of the jun- and every recess a city takes I 1 Make your home look smart 2 Insulate against Heat and Cold 3 Protect it against All Weather workmen in who laid front of AVAILABLE IN BRICK, STONE, AND COLONIAL Besides Insulated Sidings your Barrett Dealer has a com­ plete line of roofing, insulation and weatherproofing materials. the and was the iors shape, complete with castles, bridges and streets. When the bell rings for classes, the city is demolished 'by the feet of giants, but a new crew comes back at noon hour 'and another city rises. Let’s hope a permanent sandbox may be provided for these youth­ ful architects and contractors. A beautiful basket of fresh flowers graces the entrance at the school sent "to Mr. Blowes and Staff from McKay-Cocker Construction Co.’’. They were to have been here for opening day but as the order did not reach town until the day after the of­ ficial opening, they came as a lovely anti-climax. We’re hoping to keep them as fresh as possible for the Home and School Club meeting this Friday night. Mr. J. P. Nethercott, head of the Voca­ tional Guidance Programme in London schools, is to be the guest speaker and any who heard him at our first meeting in the Town Hall will not want to miss the opportunity of hearing him again. Now that we have a meet­ ing place our very own, we want to see as many parents as poss­ ible out to support the Home and School Club. BARRETT COMPANY, Saint John • Montreal • Toronto • Winnipeg • Vancouver SHAKE DESIGNS ★Reg’d Trade Mark Parents and friends who visit­ ed the new public school last week will realize now that all the praise we’ve expressed in this column was more than justi­ fied. As the large crowd viewed the convenience and comforts of the new school, one remark was repeated again and again—"My, I wish I had had this when I went to school—I wouldn’t been so anxious to quit!”. Of course, it could be teachers didn’t provide the vices then that they do now. One morning last week, Donald Cann appeared at Mrs. Turvey’s -desk, humped over in a very uncom­ fortable position. Twisting and twitching from side to side, he said, "Mrs. Turvey, there’s a spot on my back itchy and I can’t scratch it—will you?” Mrs. Turvey did, and Donald, smiling comfortably, returned to his seat. ThejHome and School Associa­ tion is sponsoring another cloth­ ing drive the first two weeks in May. Grateful letters have been received expressing appreciation for clothing already received and emphasizing the need for further help. Spring cleaning time is here again and we feel sure there are several warm garments that mother is wondering where she can store away—and why. Johnny has outgrown that snow­ suit and .Susie wouldn’t be seen in a" boy’s outfit—so let Johnny and Susie bring them to school and feel they are helping in this worthwhile project. In ordei’ to relieve the staff of some responsibilities in hand­ ling the bundles, a committee has beeji appointed to help— Michael Farrow, Keith Lyne, Bev Sturgis, Donald Taylor, Nancy Cudmore, Janice Neil, THE Halifax LIMITED Take your building problems to your Barrett Dealer <T Your Barrett Dealer in Exeter Huron Lumber Co. Ltd Dashwood Planing Mill R.R. 1 Exeter Mitchell Cromarty Alvin L. E. Ross Thos. G.PERCY C. WRIGHT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Cromarty, Ontario Purebred, Farm, and Household Sales a Specialty For A Better Auction Sale Call The "Wright” Auctioneer Phone Hensail 690-r-22 Collect you WERE RIGHT ABOUT ROE VITAFOOD, DOG. IT SURE GOT MY BIRDS AWAY TO A FAST START. LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THESE , CHICKS- AND THEY'RE ONLY SEVEN WEEKS OLD .----------------------------------------- GOOD FOR YOU, BILL. NOW KEEP THEM GROWING BY CHOOSING YOUR GROWING MASH JUST AS CAREFULLY Your Barrett Dealer in Dashwood By Roe Farms Service Dept. I'VE BEEN WORRYING A LITTLE, DOC. I DON’T WANT TO UPSET MY CHICKS WITH A SUDDEN CHANGE IN FEED THERES NO FEAR OF THAT, BILL. JUST MIX YOUR PRESENT ROE VITAFOOD WITH ROE VITA6ROW THE FIRST WEEK, GRADUALLY REDUCING ' THE AMOUNT OF VITAFOOD, AND THE SWITCH WILL BE EASY. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD WATCH FOR,DOC? YES,SIR, AND IT'S JU5T AS IMPORTANT AS FEED. KEEP THE LITTER DRY. TO DO THIS, A LITTLE HEAT 15 NECE5SARY, AND ALSO KEEPTHE LITTER WELL STIRRED UP. WATCH UNDER THE BROODER WHERE THE CHICKS SIT AT NI6HT, AND IF IT 16 AT ALL DAMR 5TIR IN A LITTLE HYDRATED LIME. IF THE LITTER SETS MATTED, REMOVE IT. THIS 15 600D INSURANCE AGAINST COCCIDIOSIS WHAT ABOUT VENTILATION, DOC.? CHICKS NEED PLENTY OF FRESH AIR, BUT BE SURE TO AVOID DRAFTS. WATCH THE WEATHER SO THAT THE OPENIN65 ARE CLOSED MORE ON EXTREMELY WINDY OR COLD DAYS, AND ON BRIGHT SUNNY DAYS, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ALL THE SUNSHINE AND r-1 II" 1 *7 w AND 6^6 complete yp.sa C. Tindall, Mooresville H. Kellerman, Dashwood Lome Hay, Hensail Milton Dietz, Zurich