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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-03-29, Page 11
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 39, 1951 Page 11 Contracts Blind Woman Active In ’S. PHONE 87-W DASHWOOD, ONT. H ♦ Portable Arc Welding Acetylene Welding Steel Fabrication Machine Work Grinding Marshall & Murray Machine Shop PHONE 179-J EXETER ■ k b HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR Dead Stock each each CAVt. 4 4 4 b► b HORSES CATTLE HOGS Size Call Collect 12.50 12.50 2.75 per According to j and Condition Seaforth 15 Exeter 235 4 4 4 4 4 4 DARL1HG & COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED ( in 1949 Canadian hotels had a total of 163,916 rooms, an in crease of 35,000 since 1941. Hensail Work Mrs. Agnes L a m m i e , known Hensail resident, brated her eighty-third 'birthday- Born south of Exeter, she has (been a resident of Hensall for over 50 years. Totally blind for years, Mrs. Lammie does not let her handi cap interfere with hex* activities in any way. During the war she was busily engaged in knitting for the Red Cross and completed more than 50 pairs of socks, in addition to sweaters, etc. She has crocheted foux* (beautiful bed spreads in the past 25 years and is active about the home, prepar ing meals and doing light house work to help her daughter Greta- An active member of the United Church, she is ' a life membex* of the Women’s Mission ary Society. Members of her family—Miss Amy Lammie, Lon don, Postmaster Ray Lammie and Mrs. Lammie, Bobby and Jean, Centralia, and Miss Greta Lammie, of Hensail, celebrated with her. Induction, Drama Mark Hensail Easter Services well cele- Large congregation attended special Eastex’ services in ‘the United Church at Hensail. The Rev. W. J, Rogers was in the pulpit and delivered axx inspiring message. Holy Communion was administered. Eleven young people were ad mitted . into membership by pro fession of faith—Nita Smith, Marlene Petzke, Audrey Walsh, Ruth Soldan, Jean Soldan, Mar lene Richardson, Jerry Rannie, Ronald Passmore, Ronald Chut- ,er, Cecil Pepper; by lettei* of I transfer—-Mr. and Mrs. John 'Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thurtell, Mr. and Mrs. T. Coates, Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander, John Atkinson. S. G. Rannie, choir director, sang a solo. An Eastex’ drama, “Fox' He Had Great Possessions", was pre sented in the town hall Sunday evening under direction of the Rev. W. J, Rogers. Cast includ ed: Mrs. Lillian Hyde, Mrs. T. Coates, Mrs. J. Drysdale, Mrs. P. Passmore; J. F. Blackwell, R. ««« -- |Mock, E. Forrest, H. Horton, serves of about seven and a half I Jarvis Horton, Charles Mickle, trillion cubic feet of natural gas During scenes Mrs. R. Broderick SHIPKA The regular meeting of the W.A, will be on Thursday afternoon, Ajpril 5, at the home of Mrs. Chris Baumgarten, Mr. and Mrs, John Lamport of Toronto spent the Eastex* week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lamport. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pickering, Patricia and Linda, Mr, and Mrs. William Latta, all of London, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ratz and Joan spent Easter in London with Mr. and Mrs. Scott and family. Mr. Karl Guenther spent the week-end with relatives in Chat ham. Quiltings have been held re cently at Mrs. Russell Mellin's, Mrs, Herb Harlton, Love, Mrs. Mrs. Elmer Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold and family spent Good Friday at! the home of Mr. and Airs. Mil ton Ratz. All*, and Mrs. Roland Neil and Gerald, Air. and Mrs. Kenneth Baker spent Easter at the home of Air. and Mrs, Alajor Baker. Misses Elaine and Ruth Mc Nair of Ilderton are spending the Easter holidays with Air. and Airs. Harry Sheppard and Dan. Mrs. Ross; Matt Sweitzer and i Latest geological report from Ottawa shows Alberta has re with new wells being discovered regularly. * d,t Old Timer: " great western politician in day." Friend: “Yes? What did run for?" Old Timer: “The border." ** Aly father was a his he sang. The Rev. P. A. Ferguson, min ister of Carmel Presbyterian Church, occupied his pulpit Eas ter Sunday. The choir, under the direction of J. L. Nicol, A.C.C.O., rendered several anthems, Miss Jean Hen derson taking the special parts at the evening service. Business Directory DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Bus. 36-W - Phone - Res. 86-J E. F, CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich 92-r-7 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bel! Building Phone 273 ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. Phone 504Inn St., Exeter Exeter FRANK TAYLOR LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Exeter P.O. or Ring 138 ELMER D. BELL, K.C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER, ONTARIO W. G. COCHRANE, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR EXETER, ONTARIO At HensaU, Friday, 2 to 5 p.m. Exeter-Born Police Chief 'Conspicuous For Bravery' William Harry Down, former London chief of police, died yesterday morning at his home in London after a short illness. He was 82. Chief Down, born at Exeter, came to London and "joined the police force in 1897. He was ap pointed chief constable August 28, 1930, and held the post until his retirement October 1, 1940. He was the son of the late William Henry Down, England, and Harriet Stanley Township. For his first 10 the London police Chief Down patrolled of London as a 1907 rank of sergeant. Widely-Known Detective Two years later he was pointed to the detective depart ment and it was in this connec tion that he became best known to Londoners. He was named de tective sergeant in 1925 and four years later following the resigna tion of former Inspector Thomas Nickle, was appointed inspector of detectives. He succeeded the late Robert Birrell as chief constable, and himself was succeeded by the j present chief, A. E. Knight. The chief was conspicuous on several occasions for the bravery with which he went into action- One of his ploits was When he battle with Thorndale. Although during the ed in capturing the prisoner, who subsequently was sentenced to 12 years in penitentiary and 10 lashes. The fugitive was one of two men who had held up the London and Port Stanley Rail way ticket office in London. His companion received a 10-year term as well as a whipping. Was Mason A member of St. John’s Lodge, No. 20, A.F. and A.M., London, a native of Sherritt, of years with department the streets constable. In he was promoted to the ap- Chief Down received his 50-year veteran’s jewel just last year. He was also a member of the Lodge of Perfection, Scottish Rite, and was a former president of the Chiefs of Police Association, He was a member of Wesley United Church. An ardent sports fan, Chief Down was a member of the Highland Cold Club for many years. The chief and Mrs. Down, the former Annie Poore, daughtex* of the late Mr. and Mrs. -Charles Poore, of McGillivray Township, last December celebrated their sixtieth wedding • anniersary. Af ter their marriage they farmed for seven years in the Parkhill district before coming to Lon don. Surviving the chief with his widow are two daughter, Miss Maude Down, at home, and Elsie (Mrs. R. Bruce Miners) of Lon don, and a son, W. Harry Down Jr., collector of customs in Lon don, most noteworthy ex in the fall of 1927 engaged in running an armed bandit near wounded in the arm gunfight he succeed- M' Plant With Confidence ♦ Co-op Grass Seeds YOU CAN BUY THE FOLLOWING SEEDS YOUR CO-OPFROM French Alfalfa Domestic Alfalfa English Red Clover Domestic Red Clover • Timothy • Alsike • White and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover PERMANENT PASTURE MIXTURE? LE&umE-ma Increases Yield — improves quality builds up soil fertility Sewn with seed for wire worm control Community Club Meets Mr. and Mrs, Robert Somer ville, Mrs. Roy Sherritt and son, William, were program conven ers at the Metropolitan Com munity Club meeting, was chairman. Taking part in the were Robert Foster, Seed Oats and Barley Exeter District Co-Operative Phone 287-W Exeter J. Ross ■■ WML H. SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special Training Assures You Your Property’s True Value Sale Day Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed ©REDITON P.O. or PHON® 43-2 of on i ALVIN WALPER LICENCED AVOTIONEER for HURON AND LAMBTON For your sate, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times "Service that Satisfies" PHONE 57-r-2 DASHWOOD PERCY C WRIGHT MCENCKD AVOdMONEER Cromarty, Ontario Purebred, Farm, and Household Sales A Specialty For A Better Auction Sale Call The "Wright" Auctioneer Phone Hemmll 690*r-22 Collect For JOHN W. ORCHARD OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Appointments Phone 355-J USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Milton McCurdy R.R- 1 Kirkton Vice-Pfosident Cromarty Kippen Gun Club Hold Good Friday Shoot The Annual Good Friday shoot of the Kippen Gun Club was a decided success considering the disagreeable w e a t h er. Teams from Ridgetown, Goderich, Duart and two .teams picked from the Kippen' Club shot for the trophy donated by Blue Top Brewing Co. Ridgetown was high with 104, Goderich 98, Kippen 94, Kippen 86, Duart 85. The Club would like to thank merchants from Brucefield, Kippen and Hensail who donated the follow ing prizes, and winners. Those who donated prizes and winners are: Tom Lavender, Tom Sherritt; Bill Parke Coeksliutt Dealer, A. Greenway; D. E. Kyle, G. Kerch er, F. Rae, A. Greenway; E, Fink, plumbing, A. Greenway; Al School, Ray McLeod; Thomp son Milling Co., C. Prouse; Browns Hardware, Roy McLeod; N. Dlckert, Fred Kerr; T. Welsh and son, Gordon Johnston: Mid dletons Drugs, Gordon Johnston; T. C. Joynt and son, B. Ford; W. H. Dalrymple and son, F. Rae; Drysdale Hardware, O. Koehler; Fairbairn service sta tion, G. Kercher; Joe Flynn, N. Harburn; J. Reid Service Sta tion, N. Harburn; Tudor’s Dry Goods, A. Greenway; 'Spencers Planing Mill, C. KoehlertaR. J. Bontliron, C. Koehler; Hensall Dist. Co-op, Chester Lee; Stan Tudor, G. Scane; George Hess, N> Harburn; Jims Machine Shop, N. Harburn. Owing to bad darkness the club hold over till the annual 24tlx May shoot, prizes donated by Hyde Bros. Ltd., Bob Cook Mot or Sales, and George T. Mickle and Sons. weather and Was forced to program Norman Schell, Mrs. Lant Hardie, Shirley Hartwick, Audrey Harlton, Oxn- bra Copeland, George Carter, David Yougson, Leonard Thack er, and Sidney Adamson. Don Middleton, presinden of ■Middlesex Junior Farmers, gave a talk on folk school work. Sev eral numbers from the Metro politan School students conclud ed the program. The concluding meeting for the season will be held April 12, when Mr. and Mrs. David Youngi son and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harlton will be program conven ers. «'■ ■ Careful Attention Given to Your Tax Problems J. Norman Cowan SareptaDashwood 40-r-13 i Hay P.O., Ont brings you 43’look-ahead'features Ford's famous "Lifeguard” Body is built Of heavy gauge steel. . . built for the years ahead with extra strength and durability. Automatic Riat Can- tr«! coordinates Variable-Rate Rear Spring Suspension, ‘’Viscous Control" Shock Absorbers and Advanced "Hydra- Coil" Front Springs —for the mootbest tide you ever had! It's built for the years ahead I ONE LOOK and you’ll realize why Ford is years ahead in beauty, ^'fashion Car" styling! New "Bakt-on" body colours' New Luxury-Lounge interiors, “color-keyed" to harmonize with exterior colors IONE "TEST DRIVE" and you’ll learn the silent, thrifty power of Ford’s V-8 engine with Automatic Mileage Maker—the ease and dependability of its Key-Turn Starting— the smooth-riding comfort with Ford’s Automatic Ride Control. Compare Ford’s 43 "look-ahead" fea- tures and you’ll agree,.. you can pay MrqNh more, but you can’t buy better ..»• for the years ahead, Aviomatic Posture Con trol. Touch a lever . . . front seat automatically moves forward—tilts up for shorter drivers. Move it back and it adjusts to suit taller drivers. Automatic MiUaga Makar combines ignition, car- butetor and combustion —matches timing to fuel charges—com pletely self-regulating— more Mileage per gallon —bitter performance. W/ P*8 Brigitte . » . Wrier* proved* road-proved through millions of mites . *, brings you top economy and performance.Company Makes Onion Shipments Mr. Maurice Farquhar, mana ger of Steele Briggs Seed Co. stated this week that they are on their second car of onions for shipment to Quebec. They have shipped approximately 50 to 60 ton of onions by transport and rail to Western Ontario centres. They still have four cars to Ship, one to Northern Ontario, three to Maritimes. They employ 21 men and women, commenced work two weeks ago and expect to finish in about three more weeks. Mr, Farquhar said that the onions are in fair condition considering harvest conditions Exeter ust fall. ♦ iWm. A. Hamilton Directors Harry CoatesE, Clayton Colquhoun Science Hill Martin Feeney Angus Sinclair R-R- Agents Ballantyne Woodham Hartls Houghton Solicitor W. G. Cochrane Soci’Ptafy-Troastitoi* Arthur Fraser Thos. G. Alvin L, E. Rbss. » Centralia R.R. 1 R.R. 2 Dublin 1 Mitchell r.r. i Mitchell Cromarty Exeter tjfr FORD THEATRE.. .tadia liJtenlna ycxAI enjoy, every Friday nW. Mb