HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-03-29, Page 6Page 6 the; times-advocate, exeter, Ontario, Thursday morning, march 29,1951 Bargain Hunters Are Bagging Their Limit In These Columns NOTICES MALE HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT female help wanted FOR SALE At a recent meeting of the Directors of The Hay Township Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Company a motion was passed prohibiting the use of Electric Brooders in Barns insured in the Company. -Any violation of the rule voids the Insurance. H. K. EILBER, , Secretary, Crediton, Ont. 22:29:5 A LOCAL WATKINS Dealership is open for a reliable man, be­ tween 25 and 55, owning car or light truck. No capital or experience required. Perman­ ent and profitable connection for right party. Write Dept. O-E-6, The J. R. Watkins Com­ pany, .350 St. Roch, St., Mont­ real, Que. 8:15:22:29c SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 5 2 7-J. 3 Otte I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. l*tfc WANTED HELP WANTED — Unlicenced mechanic for farm equipment agency. Apply Box F, Exeter Times-Advocate. 29c PAINTING and paperjhanging, kitchen cupboards and cab­ inets. Tom Walker, Exeter, phone 553. tfc FOR RENT — Two unfurnished rooms, heated and bath, sep­ arate entrance, redecorated,— Phone 551-W 22,29c APARTMENT FOR RENT—’Avail­ able April 15. —John Ward, phone 348, 29* FEMALE HELP WANTED—Re­ quires knowledge of bookkeep­ ing, must be accurate in fig­ ures. Apply in person’ to Geo. T< Mickle and Sons Ltd,,, or call 103 HensalJ. |tfc FOR RARE—12 min shelters, built last year, On skids, slat bottoms. Best condition. Ap­ ply Grant Case, phone 174-r- 22 Exeter. - 22:29* GRAVEL —For roadways and cement work. At pit or de­ livered. -—Mrs. H. Peterson, Dashwood, phone 31-r-15. 29:5:12* FOR RENT—L o w e r furnished heated apartment. Three rooms and bath. Available April 1, Traquair Apts., phone 205-W. 29c FQR SALE A NEW DODGE car or truck can be yours immediately. Just call Hensall 31. 22tfc FOR SALE—Two brand new tires, size 4.50x21, $10 each. Call 682-r-4 Hensall. 29:5* WANTED TO RENT—Young air force officer and bride require self - contained apartment 0 r flat, convenient to RCAF Cen­ tralia. Occupancy by April 20. Reply Box P< Exeter Tirnes- Advocate. 29c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Building lot in nice neighbourhood, reasonable. — Apply to J. W. Powell, Vic­ toria Street, 22ctfn BRICKWORK, Plastering, Chim­ neys Repaired/Rebuilt by lazy ex-serviceman. Hourly or job. —John Webster, Exeter 423, evenings, or P.O. B.ox 325. 22:29:5:12* CENTRALIA Farmers Supply are starting to draw hogs. Phone 5 41-r-12 Exeter. 29* TO RENT—N e w 1 y decorated, heated, three - roomed apart­ ment, all modern conveniences, hot and cold water, garage, basement, garden, laundry, private entrance. W. C. F. Oestricher, Crediton. 22tfc Why have MOTH DAMAGE? 5- year written guarantee with Berlou against moth damage on rugs, chesterfields and clothing. Free estimates, — Dinney Furniture, phope 20-W Sctfn FOR SALE—Quantity of Red Clover Seed. —Roy Westcott, Usborne, phone 176-r-14 Exe­ ter. 29* WANTED—Roomers or boarders. Apply Times-Advoeate. 29* HORSES WANTED—I am in the market for any number of horses •up to ■want Dow’. for of all kinds; 3 cents per bush horses. will pay lb. Also —G. J. l*tfc TOURIST CAMP for room house, 3 winterized cabins, store Hydro Close Grand ness. Exeter. sale—Six- three-room 1 small quarters. STRAYED FOR SALE preferably in Reply giving Box S*tfn WANTED—Farm, Exeter region. ALL pertinent facts to “D”, Times-Advocate. AUCTION SALES Community AUCTION SALE Sale Postponed on account of had weather SATURDAY. MARCH 31 at the VILLAGE OF CREDITOR Under Cover Chesterfield beds; tapestry 1 round kitchen table; 1 1 rock­ springs; FOR SALE—25 acres of land with some bush on it and also running water, 4 miles west of Exeter. Apply The Times- Advocate. 29:5c FOR SALE ■— Seven-room, solid brick house in Crediton, mod­ ern bath, built-in cupboards, full basement, new furnace, 2- storey barn, chicken house, 4 miles from airport. Phone 84 Crediton. 29* THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL—Wal­ nut Mr. and Mrs. dresser­ chest and bed. Regular 179,50. Only 139.50. Bed and chest are slightly damaged, Griffin Thomas Furniture, Grand Bend. Open every evening till 9 p.m,____ 29c FOR SALE—Weaner pigs, Tele­ phone 176-r-32, Allan West- cott, _____________ 29* FOR SALE—10 weaner pigs. Apply Elmer Willis, phone 459-r-3 Exeter. 29c with living and water throughout, to R.C.A.F. Station and Bend. Year round busi- C. V. Pickard, Realtor, STRAYED — Onto property of Victor Jeffery, R.R. 3, Exeter, Collie dog, light brown dark muzzle. Owner can same by paying for advt. phone 173-r-13. FOR SALE—Astral refrigerator, and metal table for same, both in new condition, $125. Phone 523-W, evenings. Stfn with have Tele- FOR SALE—Two bedroom cot­ tage, complete bath, furance and hardwood floors. R. E. Balkwill. Sctfn FOR SALE—2 - apartment home in village with H2 acre lot; white brick with five rooms down and four up, with two complete bath rooms, full cel­ lar with hot air heating, frame barn, good garden with ber­ ries and fruit trees, early pos­ session. ---Wm. Pearce. 15 i rug; square extension table; ing chair; 1 1 small table; like new, 2x9 1 pr. plastic churn; battery radio; enamelled cook stove; stove, 3-burner, like new; ing board; 1 lamps; dishes and antiques; pot­ atoes and apples; 6,000 bricks; 1949 Mo Dodge 6-passenger club coupe, new tires, with radio; pigs and calves; 1931 Model A coach, recondition motor, good tires in A-l shape: 1938 model Plymouth sedan with new motor, new transmission, heater and good tires; IV2 h.p. inter­ national gas engine; rotary w'ater pump; rubber-tired wagon; Sing­ er sewing machine; ing home trailer; other items. Bring what you .Turn it in for cash. TERMS: Cash. WM. H. SMITH, AUCTIONEER 15:23c cupboard; 3 congoleum rugs, 12 ft.—9 ' curtains, I by 10 new; 1 1 white 1 gas v; iron- gas iron; coal oil FOR SALE—Two purebred dual purpose Shorthorn bulls. Wes­ ley E. Johns & Son, phone Kirkton 44-r-10. FOR SALE—A quantity of well coloured, good quality cooking and eating apples. $1.00 and $2.00 per bus. in your own containers at the farm, Stew­ art Middleton, Clinton, Ont., phone 90G-r-6. 15:22:29* FOR SALE—Cai’ of wood shav­ ings. Orders filled off car, — Cann’s Mill, Exeter. FRESH HOLSTEIN T.B. tested heifer with calf by side, $190. This heifer is small and thin but worth this money. Also 1 pair Holstein yearling steers, $300. —Sandy Elliot, phone 476-W- 29c FOR SALE—10 chunks, 10 wks. old. Kenneth Greb, Centralia, phone 542-r-2. oil burner stove reservoir around also G-piece light varn- FOR SALE—Small cook pipe; ished kitchenette set like new. Alvin Wiliert, 457-r-2 Exeter. 29c BARN FOR SALE—TO be re­ moved from property, cheap for cash. Apply Mrs. H. Peter­ son, Dashwood, Ontario. Tel. 31-r-15. 15:22:29c G-ROOM frame house, insulated, oak floors, 3 bedrooms, 3-pce. bath, furnace, built-in cup­ boards, hot and cold water, hydro. Garage. W. C, Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man. * EXETER NORTH. 4-room house with partial basement, built-in cupboards, sink, town water, garage, barn. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. ll:lS:25c I 1 I 1 sleeping roll- and many have to sell. We’ll sell it. FIFTY ACRES—No. 4 highway. Modern one-storey house, like new; good barn. Hydro throughout. Possession to suit purchaser. This is a very de­ sirable property. C- V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 6-ROOM, H-storey brick house. 3 bedrooms, 3-pce. bath, fur­ nace, hot and cold water, hydro. Barn, henhouse and more than one acre land. W. C. Pearce, Realtor HOUSE FOR SALE—A brick residence, centrally located, four bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, and living room, fur­ nace in basement, fully equipped bathroom, hot and cold water; also a double garage. Apply at The Times- Advocate. 29 c public FARM PROSPECT NO. 7 Extensive Clearing AUCTION SALE of Fully Accredited Holsteins, 60 Hogs, a Full Line of Power Machinery W. E. Nairn will sell by auction on ADJOINING HILL VILLAGE on HIGHWAY on TUESDAY, APRIL 3 at 11 o’clock sharp HORSES: Two work horses. REGISTERED HOLSTEINS — fully accredited herd con- of 5 fresh cows, 2 spring- 1 due in June, 3 bred hei- 10 open heifers up to BRICK HOUSE, hall, spacious living and dining rooms have hardwoood floors, den, kitchen on main bedrooms upstairs. heater, hot air furnace. Attic insulated. Attached garage. This is one of those houses ■well built from basement to roof, mostly in good condition. Suitable for a family desiring space for nice furniture. It could be duplexed. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. floor, four roomy and 3-piece bath Automatic water The sists ers, 'fers, breeding age, 3 young calves and herd sire. The herd is mostly vaccinated, and only 2 cows 5 years Sixty HAY Clinton 'bus. Ajax oats fit for seed; rbus. alfalfa ; 8 tons of cob corn; • 400 bales mixed alfalfa and ’timothy hay; 275 bales clover •hay; 500 bales straw; 8 ft. of i ensilage. * IMPLEMENTS: J. Deere trac- 'tor Model A, fully equippe'd 'power control; J. Deere Model ,M, new; 4-row beet or bean .cultivator to fit above tractor; J. Deere 3-furrow plow on rub- .ber; J. Deere 4-row beet and bean cultivator, power control;I J. Deere 1-row beet lifter ; Cock- shutt one-way disk , bath iMc.D. jlizer drill; ’manure spreader; Bissel !double disk; 9-ft. steel roller; Woods electric grinder; Riteway milker with piping for 16 cows, 2 single units. The above imple­ ments many used just one year. McD, electric cream separator; miljc cans pails, etc; 1948 Dodge 1 l^-ton truck, steel dump box and hoist; hoist for light truck; 2-Wheeled stock trailer; James­ way electric brooder and chicken equipment; a quantity of house­ hold furniture. Cash. Farm is Purebred cattle NOTICE TO CREDITORS of age. hogs; 175 pullets. & GRAIN: 400 oats fit for seed; over bus. 150 2 In the Estate of ARTHUR W. LEWIS, late of the Township of McGillivray in the County of Middlesex, Farmer, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Arthur W. Lewis of the Township of Mc­ Gillivray, County of Middlesex, Farmer, Deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of Jan­ uary, 1951, are required to file particulars of the same with the undersigned executors on or be­ fore the 16th day of April, 1951, after which date the executors will distribute the estate having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated this 27th day of March, 1951. ; Mc.D. oil mower; Case side rake; ■drop head hay loader; {Case 10-ft. power hinder; Mc.D. |7-ft. binder; Mc.D. 11-disc ferti- Cockshutt tractor spreader; Bissel 9-ft. ; 9-ft. steel roller; EARL LEWIS, Ailsa Craig. ■WILBERT LEWIS, Ailsa Craig. Executors. 29:5c TERMS: No reserve. at 3 p.m. , Sale will sharp. Large grounds. WM. BAIN, PROP. W. E. NAIRN, AUCT. : GORDON BELL on pedigrees start at 11:00 booth on sold, sold a.m. the 29c In the Estate of ANNIE WAG­ HORN, late of the Village of Crediton in the County of Huron, a Married Woman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Annie Wag­ horn, late of the Village of Crediton in the County of Huron, a Married Woman, Deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of December, 1950, intestate, are required to file particulars of the same with the under­ signed administrator on or be­ fore the 16th day of April, 1951, after which date the administra­ tor will distribute the estate having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated this 27th day of March, 1951. FREDERICK WAGHORN, Administrator, Crediton, Ont. 29:5c Equipment, accessories, and trim illustrated subject to change without notice, ♦Oldsmobile Hydra-Matte Drive optional at extra cost on all models. •t ■ 1 Above : Oldsmobile Super “88” De Luxe 4-Door Sedan, Oldsmobile also offers new Scries “98” models jar 1951, \ -J 4 flip’. ' im IB ; Bl 1 1 ‘ :. - / \ v-A: v Neto Gas-Saving “Rocket” Engine t Now it’s more than ever the high- compression leader—in popularity • • • in brilliant response . . . in fuel efficiency I Yes the new ( "Rocket” for ’51 gives you all its famous flash and dash plus brand new gasoline savings 1 General Motors, New ... new... all tlie way through I It’s Oldsmobile’s glamor­ ous new Super “88” . . . the smartest — the most exciting — the most advanced “88” ever! It’s new outside — with brand-new beauty from the smart free-flowing lines of its brilliant new Body by Fisher! It’s new inside — with interiors that are deep, luxurious and more spacious than ever before! It’s new under­ side, too — with a rugged new chassis* firm foundation for the new “Rocket” Ride! And it’s new in power, too! Yes, the eight-cylinder “Rocket” Engine is new! Famed for its flashing action tile new 135 horsepower “Rocket” is engineered for even greater gas savings in 1951! Of course there’s wonderful Hydra-Mafic Drive,* too —and even it is improved! . . . gives you still easier operation and “Instant Reverse”! ^omc in and see this all-time great Super “88” today! NEW SUPER "88” OLDSMOBILES . .NOW ON DISPLAY! CMStA SNELL BROS. LTD