HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-03-29, Page 5Page 5 WENT Al- EXETER CA 3 for third Handbagsand and Mrs. H. Jones and Floor Coveringshis CONGOLEUM Wallpapers Either in rugs or bv the yard. INLAID Grocery Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday 120 Weiler a total J. with a four- to win Designed by Duval for spring fashion parade. These include bengalines, plastic calf, morocco and calfskin materials. The colours are black, navy, brown, and grey .... $3.50 to $10.95 pilot Cen- It is only 18 miles across the English Channel from Dover, England to Calais, France, J. Love and family of 1. 633, 000 patients received jnedical eave for acute diseases in Canada’s hospitals in 1947 and average stay of all patients was 10.6 days. KIPPEN and Mrs. N. Deckert spent Sunday with relat- Bob Bullock and of Arkona, Mr. and Pawliwi and daughter, Mrs. John Zabot of and Mrs. Ed :#■ '•S though the famed Dionne quintuplets have all kinds of pets, the one that now gives themranging from kittens to horses.'r a deer they found near theirthe most pleasure is "Bambi” when he was a "tot” of two months old. The girls, through months of coaxing and patient train- :>> & - -5 J z THE QUINTS THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1951 $ H. J. CORNISH & CO CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS LONDON, ONT.294 DUNDAS ST. M 4 Foot Hardwood $16.00 PER CORD Delivered in. 3-Cord Loads Subject to Distance Malting Barley Contracts ☆ Pride of Chrysler skidding to $90 oil☆ TRUCKS ☆ EXETER ■ i0»OUt 1950 1949 1949 1947 1,350. 1,150. 1,050. 850. See Us Now for 1951 Barley Contracts (Barley paid large dividends in 1950) Now that spring is at hand, you’ll be moving around more in your car. Be sure that the tires are in A-l condition, We’ll be glad to check them and advise you on their condition. If you need new ones we handle Fisk and Goodyear tires, South End Service RUSS & CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 328 1942 : motor. $250 i 1935 on Thursday. Ford Pickup Pickup CARS Ford Sedan, custom radio, only 11,000 Larry Snider Motors ‘‘Your Ford & Monarch Dealer’’ PHONE 64-W v AND EVERYWHERE home at Callander, Ont.J Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. Hew Pep Thousands who never could gain weight before; now have Bhfipejy, .attractive figures. No jaoro tony I hubs, ugly hollows. They thank Ostrex. It t>uta flesh on bodies skinny because blood lacks iron. Pepa you up, top. Improves appetite, -digestion bo food nourishes you better. Don't fear getting too fat. Stop when you gain figure you wish. Introductory or •'get-aequalntcd” size only 60A Try Oatrex Tonla a ablets for new pounds, lovely curves, new pep, today. At all druggists. * r $ft; $■ AND EVERYWHERE THE QUINTS WENT ... — Al­ though the famed Dionne quintuplets have all kinds of pets, ranging from kittens to horses, the one that now gives them the most pleasure is "Bambi”, a deer they found near their home at Callander, Ont., when he was a "tot” of two months old. The girls, through months of coaxing and patient train- natural timidity family. At left: watching "Bam- Now that spring is French Journalists To Visit Centralia Twenty leading French aviation journalists will be in Canada next week to look at major RCAF training stations including Centralia, training centre for pilot trainees of the North At­ lantic Treaty Organization. They will arrive April 1 on the pre­ inaugural flight of Trans-Canada Airlines’ Paris-Montreal service. The aviation writers, members of l’Association des Journalistes Professionels de l’Aeronautique, will join officers of the French Government, the City of Paris and the Canadian Embassy in Paris for the flight, -which will mark the beginning of TCA’s scheduled Paris-Montreal service. After a short visit in Montreal the French aviation writers will take off as guests of the RCAF for a tour of air force centres; At Centralia they will meet French nationals in training un­ der’ the N.A.T.O. agreement ’ and will view the operation of an RCAF pilot training school. Ap­ proximately 60 N.A.T.O. trainees are stationed at tralia. Scott’s Elevator LUCAN PHONE 63 have managed to overcome the deer's of human beings, and he is now one of the Emily, Marie, Annette and Yvonne are seen bi” sniff at the tussle on Cecile’s hat. Right; the famous five are seen inviting the animal into their home. —Central Press Canadian Mildmay Ousts Lucan Irish Mildmay Monarchs advanced into the WOAA Intermediate "B" hockey finals when they trounced Lucan Irish 6-2 in the third game of their best-of-three series at Wingham Monday night. Mildmay took a 2-1 lead in the first period and after a score­ less second frame staged goal splurge in the handily. J. Kunkel and sparked the winners of six goals between them. Fred Revington notched both counters for Lucan. LUCAN — Goal, Freeman; de­ fence, Smith and Hindmarsh; centre, F. Revington; wings, N. Hardy, Srtetton. Subs—L. Rev­ ington, G. Revington, McRoberts, Elson, Robinson, J. Hardy, Wat­ son. 30 Young People Join Elimville Church During the past few weeks, classes have been held in the Elimville United Church, con­ ducted by Mrs. Jackson Woods and Mrs. Will Routly with the result that 30 young people, to­ gether with two transfers; joined the church on Sunday morning at a very impressive service in connection with the Easter mess­ age, before a large congregation at which communion was admin­ istered at the close. There was also a preparatory service held in the church on Thursday evening last. Both Ser­ vices being conducted by Rev. Rev. William Mair. "ihe Jones are mov­ ing from the neighbour­ hood.” "Moving! Why, people are just getting to know them.” "That’s why they’re going.” PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Fully Insured for Your Protection ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 1950 miles 1950 1947 1946 1941 1941 1940 1939 1934 1933 1931 I960 1950 1948 1046 1945 1'944 1944 Meteor Sedan .J Ford Coach ..... Hudson Sedan Ford Ford Ford F ord Chev Ford Chev James Motorcycle Coach Coach Coach Coach Sedan Coach Coupe 2,150. 1,950. 1,195. 895. 750. 690. 475. 395 150. 150. 125. . 265. Mr. Merle ives in Clifford. Mrs. Jennie Schilbe spent Sun­ day with her mother, Mrs. J. Mc- Clymont. Mr. Grant visited on Sunday With Mrs. Varna. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson of Chiselhurst and Mr, Robert Par­ sons of Hensail were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Mr. Archie Parsons is spend­ ing a few days this week in Toronto. Miss Isabelle Alexander and friend of Toronto are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Alexander. Mr. Don Bell of the O.A.C., Guelph, is holidaying at home here. Even Series Mildmay evened up their best of three W.O.A.A. Intermediate “B” hockey series in Lucan Fri­ day night when they defeated the Irish 7-5 in a fast clean game played before a record crowd off 1,500 fans, Lucan won the first game of the series 5-3 at Walkerton on Monday night and the third game will be played on neutral ice, yet to 'be decided. Glen Revington and Fred Rev- ington getting single markers. Receipts from the game were' donated by Lucan Hockey Club to the fund for artificial ice. e have a grand showing of beautifully designed prints that will put pep in your wardrobe for spring. You'll admire these new styles and materials ............ $12.95 to $22.95 Ford Ford Pickup ............................................ Dodge 3-Ton, 8.25x20 tires ................* Special Truck Dodge 2-Ton Chassis and Cab> rebuilt •, above average tires, skidding to on Thursday. TRACTORS Ferguson ...^......... *................... . Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford 1,250. 995. 795. 785. 750. 690. GREENWAY Easter Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hons- berger and family of Vineland visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winter­ burn and family of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. * daughter Mrs. Pete Mr. and London, with Mr. Bullock. Mr. Dawson Woodburn of Tor­ onto with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pollock and son of London with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock and Carl. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Gardner and daughter of London and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Gardner of Sarnia With Mrs. J. Gardner. Miss Viola Curts of 'London With Mrs. Charles Curts, Evelyn and Manuel. Mr, Byron Brown and Stephen with Mrs. John Brown and Elda. Fairfield Forum Enjoys Oyster Supper Fairfield Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mur­ ray Elliott this week. This being the closing meeting of the year, a bountiful oyster supper was en­ joyed by thirty-six members. The rooms were decorated by daffodils and a lovely Easter lily while the tables were made beautiful with bouquets of roses and carnations and laden with everything to be desired, making one realize that part of the hu­ man anatomy is sometimes too small. Card games were enjoyed aft­ er which was election of officers presided over by Herman Powe who first commended the retir­ ing officers over the good work done by them and- the flourish­ ing condition of the Forum all year. There were many good community spirit to the fore. Jack Hepburn was re-elected as president, Will Schroeder as secretary with Murray Elliot as his assistant. The social committee will be Earl I-Iaist, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Powe, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Rich­ ard and Mr, and Mrs. Ted Lam­ port. The first meeting in the fall will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hepburn. A very hearty vote of thanks conveyed the appreciation of the Forum to Mr. and Mrs. M. El­ liott for their gracious hospital­ ity. There's no smarter way to decorate those rooms than by wallpaper. Our new papers will meet with your ap­ proval. Either bv the yard or in squares. <MUGGS AND SKEETER' SMOOT Gold Medal Tea l^-lb. 51$ Wm. A. Rogers teaspoon (35$) both 690 Sherriff’s Gingerbread Mix 1 lb........................................................ 280 Smart’s Fancy Quality Tomato Juice 20 oz...................... 2/230 Aylmer Spaghetti 15 oz. ................................. Nabisco Shredded Wheat Price ......................2/290 Lynn Valley Whole Kernel Corn 20 oz 2/250 u. *. p.km BY WALLY BISHOP.